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Help & Tutorials => Vertex Tutorials => Topic started by: Miacis on August 15, 2010, 07:14:48 AM

Title: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Miacis on August 15, 2010, 07:14:48 AM
Hello everybody, this is yet another tutorial about vertex hacking. :)

I don't know about you, but I've always found Vertex hacking ... very complicated and not really user-friendly. Lots of steps, easy to miss something or don't click on the right thing ... At least until now.
Two new ways of vertex hacking have been made and released recently. The DD Vertex Box 2 a few days ago, and mk64n's method without patching in June, for which he released a video tutorial ( some days ago too.
So, right now, anyone can get into Vertex hacking, I guess. It's still more tedious than some other forms of hacking, but it's very bearable.

I'm going to make a written tutorial about MK64n's last method, and giving a few beginner tips on how to 3DS MAX for some simple manipulations. The goal of this tutorial is to reach even the most newbie of the beginners, and is very detailled, especially for someone who has already used other methods of vertexing.

If you desire a tutorial about DDVB 2, search in this section, there are a few for different 3D softwares.


You will need 3DS MAX 8 ! Not 2008, not 2009, not 2010, not 2011.
3DS MAX 9 apparently works too
(Thanks br3compactor for that info ! <3 )

1- Download AIS ( and install it.
Effect : Will transform your BRRES files into DAE files, usable by 3DS MAX.

2- Download COLLADA ( et install it as well.
Effect : Let's 3DS MAX import DAE files.

[Note : If the Installer can't detect 3DS MAX 8 on Windows 7 x64, try the 3.04 Installer (]

3- Open the PAC file you need to edit, with BrawlBox. Myself, I'll take Zelda and ... make her boots bigger, give her a bigger bust and put a comb on her head.
You can try and just follow the same steps as me if it's your very first time. :3
Click on ModelData[0] => 3DModels => FitZelda00 => Right-click and Preview.

Find the polygon you need to edit by checking/unchecking the polygons on the left side. Myself, i'll take polygon0.

4- Now, we need to get the Vertex Set of this polygon.. Go to FitZelda00.mdl0 => Polygons.Find your polygon, and look for its VertexSet in its Properties.

Close the Polygons folder, and look into the Vertices one, for a file whose ID is the number you've just noted down.

Right-click, and export this file in a new folder you have made just for this vertex hack, where we'll put all our stuff. :P Note down the MDL0 Offset too.

Now, let's export more stuff ... Exportz the FitZelda00.mdl0 file, the ModelData[0].brres file, and finally all the textures (TextureData[0] => Textures).
Textures are not necessary, but it's better to see them in 3DS MAX.  :3

5- Double-click on the .brres file and AIS should convert it and create a DAE. If not, try to drag-and-drop it in AIS.exe.

6- Start 3DS MAX 8. You should ease your life by enlarging as musch as possible the view you have on the bottom-right.
Click on MAXScript in the taskbar, and on New Script. Then copy MK64n's Script :
fn readBEshort fstream = (
short = readshort fstream #unsigned
short = bit.swapBytes short 1 2
return short
fn readBElong fstream = (
long = readlong fstream
long = bit.swapBytes long 1 4
long = bit.swapBytes long 2 3
return long
fn ReadBEfloat fstream = (
fpt=readfloat fstream
itger = bit.floatAsInt fpt
hih = bit.intashex itger
while hih.count < 8 do hih = "0" + hih
shn = (substring hih 7 2) + \
(substring hih 5 2) + \
(substring hih 3 2) + \
(substring hih 1 2)
bit.intAsFloat (bit.hexasint shn)
fn WriteBEFloat fnum = (
intgr = bit.floatAsInt fnum
honey = bit.intashex intgr
while honey.count < 8
do honey = "0" + honey
sign = (substring honey 7 2) + \
(substring honey 5 2) + \
(substring honey 3 2) + \
(substring honey 1 2)
xintgr=bit.intAsFloat (bit.hexasint sign)
return xintgr

rollout DDV "Brawl VertexHacker Tool" width:311 height:257
button btn1 "Import Verts" pos:[9,10] width:144 height:40
label lbl0 "-Mario_Kart64n, (Aug 11, 2010)" pos:[153,238] width:156 height:23
button btn2 "Export Verts" pos:[8,56] width:144 height:40
checkbox chk1 "Checkbox" pos:[165,59] width:14 height:13 enabled:false checked:false
label lbl1 "Save as 3DS File" pos:[182,58] width:119 height:15 enabled:false
checkbox chk2 "Checkbox" pos:[165,76] width:14 height:13 enabled:false checked:false
label lbl2 "Save As Seperate Files" pos:[182,75] width:119 height:15 enabled:false
checkbox chk3 "Checkbox" pos:[165,94] width:14 height:13 enabled:true checked:true
label lbl3 "Save Changes to MDL0" pos:[180,93] width:119 height:15
checkbox chk4 "Checkbox" pos:[165,112] width:14 height:13 enabled:true checked:true
label lbl4 "Read Offset from File" pos:[180,111] width:119 height:15
editText edt1 " MDL0 Offset:" pos:[162,129] width:130 height:16
groupBox grp1 "Export Options" pos:[157,7] width:143 height:147
radioButtons rdo1 "" pos:[165,21] width:147 height:32 labels:#("Vertices", "Texture Corrdinates") default:1 columns:1
button btn3 "Create" pos:[15,138] width:60 height:30
button btn4 "Patch" pos:[81,138] width:60 height:30
label lbl8 "Don't Use EditPoly" pos:[31,119] width:119 height:15 enabled:false
groupBox grp3 "Patching Options" pos:[7,101] width:143 height:76
checkbox chk8 "Checkbox" pos:[15,120] width:14 height:13 enabled:false checked:false
button btn5 "Fix AiS Import" pos:[165,205] width:128 height:25
groupBox grp2 "AiS Fixing Options" pos:[155,154] width:143 height:79
checkbox chk5 "Checkbox" pos:[166,173] width:14 height:13 enabled:true checked:false
label lbl5 "Selected Only" pos:[182,172] width:111 height:15 enabled:true
checkbox chk6 "Checkbox" pos:[167,189] width:14 height:13 checked:true
label lbl6 "Scale" pos:[183,188] width:44 height:15
checkbox chk7 "Checkbox" pos:[222,189] width:14 height:13 enabled:false checked:true
label lbl7 "Rotate" pos:[239,188] width:44 height:15
button btn6 "Import" pos:[14,198] width:60 height:30 enabled:false
button btn7 "Export" pos:[80,198] width:60 height:30 enabled:false
groupBox grp4 "VertexWeighting" pos:[6,180] width:143 height:72 enabled:false
label lbl9 "Dump to LogFile" pos:[38,232] width:105 height:15 enabled:false
checkbox chk9 "Checkbox" pos:[22,233] width:14 height:13 enabled:false checked:false

local typedOffset=""

on edt1 entered txt do(
if txt != "" do(
typedOffset=txt as float
if typedOffset==undefined do(
messageBox "Error: User Input \n Value Cannot be Identified \n as either a dec or hex number"
if typedOffset<=0 do(
local typedOffset

on btn1 pressed do(
fsource = GetOpenFileName \
caption:"Brawl Vert Import" types: \
"All files (*.*)|*.*|"
if fsource!=undefined do(
f= fopen fsource "rb"
fpath= getFilenamePath fsource
fname = getFilenameFile fsource


fSize=readBElong f
mdlOffset=readBElong f
dataOffset=readBElong f
strOffset=readBElong f
vertID=readBElong f
vUkn1=readBElong f --flag? is XYZ?
dataType=readBElong f
entryStride=readBEshort f
numVertices=readBEshort f
eMinX=readBEfloat f
eMinY=readBEfloat f
eMinZ=readBEfloat f
eMaxX=readBEfloat f
eMaxY=readBEfloat f
eMaxZ=readBEfloat f
pad=readBElong f
pad=readBElong f

if entryStride==12 then(
for x = 1 to numVertices do(
vX=readBEfloat f
vY=readBEfloat f
vZ=readBEfloat f
append vertArray[vX,vY,vZ]
append uvwArray[0,0,0]
for x = 1 to numVertices do(
vX=readBEfloat f
vY=readBEfloat f
append vertArray[vX,vY,vZ]
append uvwArray[0,0,0]

msh = mesh vertices:vertArray faces:faceArray   --build mesh
msh.numTVerts = vertArray.count
buildTVfaces msh
select msh

 messageBox "Done !"
fclose f

on btn2 pressed do(
if doUVs==1 do(
obj.pos = [0,0,0]
obj.rotation = quat 0 0 0 0
local mdlSize=""
local mdlOffset=""
local numEntrtices=""
if doOffset==true then(
fsource = GetOpenFileName \
caption:"Select UVSet to Replace" types: \
"All files (*.*)|*.*|"
if fsource!=undefined do(
f=fopen fsource "rb"
mdlSize=readBElong f-64
mdlOffset=(readBElong f*-1)+64
dataOffset=readBElong f
strOffset=readBElong f
vertID=readBElong f
vUkn1=readBElong f --flag? is XYZ?
dataType=readBElong f
entryStride=readBEshort f
numEntrtices=readBEshort f
fclose f


for g = 1 to obj.count do(
tmesh = snapshotAsMesh obj[g]
num_verts = tmesh.numverts
num_uvws = tmesh.numtverts
num_faces = tmesh.numfaces

mdlOffset= typedOffset+64

delete tmesh


fsource = GetOpenFileName \
caption:"Select the MDL0 to inject to" types: \
"MDL0(*mdl0)|*.mdl0|All files (*.*)|*.*|"
if fsource!=undefined do(
fext= getFilenameType fsource
fsize= getFileSize fsource
fpath= getFilenamePath fsource
fname= getFilenameFile fsource
fclose f

deleteFile (fpath+fname+"_backup"+fext)
copyFile fsource (fpath+fname+"_backup"+fext)
f=fopen (fpath+fname+"_backup"+fext) "rb"
s = fopen fsource "wb"

print "ffff"
print mdlOffset
for wr = 1 to mdlOffset do(
read=readbyte f
write=writebyte s read

fseek f -34 #seek_cur
lenCheck=readBEshort f
fseek f 32 #seek_cur

if numEntrtices==lenCheck then(

for g = 1 to obj.count do(
tmesh = snapshotAsMesh obj[g]
num_verts = tmesh.numverts
num_uvws = tmesh.numtverts
num_faces = tmesh.numfaces


for t = 1 to numEntrtices do(
tv=getVert tmesh t
nSwap=writeBEfloat tv[1]
write=writelong s (bit.floatasint nSwap)
nSwap=writeBEfloat tv[2]
write=writelong s (bit.floatasint nSwap)
nSwap=writeBEfloat tv[3]
write=writelong s (bit.floatasint nSwap)

-- for p = 1 to padding do(
-- write=writelong s 0
-- write=writelong s 0
-- )

delete tmesh

fseek f (mdlOffset+(numEntrtices*12)) #seek_set
for wr = 1 to (fsize-(mdlOffset+(numEntrtices*12))) do(
read=readbyte f #unsigned
write=writebyte s read
messageBox "DONE!"
fclose f
fclose s
deleteFile (fpath+fname+fext)
renameFile (fpath+fname+"_backup"+fext) (fpath+fname+fext)
messageBox "ERROR! Wrong Offset?"

if doUVs==2 do(
obj.pos = [0,0,0]
obj.rotation = quat 0 0 0 0

if doOffset==true then(
fsource = GetOpenFileName \
caption:"Select UVSet to Replace" types: \
"All files (*.*)|*.*|"
if fsource!=undefined do(
f=fopen fsource "rb"
mdlSize=readBElong f-64
mdlOffset=(readBElong f*-1)+64
dataOffset=readBElong f
strOffset=readBElong f
vertID=readBElong f
vUkn1=readBElong f --flag? is XYZ?
dataType=readBElong f
entryStride=readBEshort f
numEntrtices=readBEshort f
fclose f


for g = 1 to obj.count do(
tmesh = snapshotAsMesh obj[g]
num_verts = tmesh.numverts
num_uvws = tmesh.numtverts
num_faces = tmesh.numfaces


mdlOffset= typedOffset+64

delete tmesh


fsource = GetOpenFileName \
caption:"Select the MDL0 to inject to" types: \
"MDL0(*mdl0)|*.mdl0|All files (*.*)|*.*|"
if fsource!=undefined do(
fext= getFilenameType fsource
fsize= getFileSize fsource
fpath= getFilenamePath fsource
fname= getFilenameFile fsource
fclose f

deleteFile (fpath+fname+"_backup"+fext)
copyFile fsource (fpath+fname+"_backup"+fext)
f=fopen (fpath+fname+"_backup"+fext) "rb"
s = fopen fsource "wb"

print "ffff"
print mdlOffset
for wr = 1 to mdlOffset do(
read=readbyte f
write=writebyte s read

for g = 1 to obj.count do(
tmesh = snapshotAsMesh obj[g]
num_verts = tmesh.numverts
num_uvws = tmesh.numtverts
num_faces = tmesh.numfaces


if num_uvws!=0 then(
for t = 1 to numEntrtices do(
tv=getTVert tmesh t
nSwap=writeBEfloat tv[1]
write=writelong s (bit.floatasint nSwap)
nSwap=writeBEfloat tv[2]
write=writelong s (bit.floatasint nSwap)
for t = 1 to numEntrtices do(
tv=getVert tmesh t
nSwap=writeBEfloat tv[1]
write=writelong s (bit.floatasint nSwap)
nSwap=writeBEfloat tv[2]
write=writelong s (bit.floatasint nSwap)

-- for p = 1 to padding do(
-- write=writelong s 0
-- write=writelong s 0
-- )

delete tmesh

fseek f (mdlOffset+(numEntrtices*8)) #seek_set
for wr = 1 to (fsize-(mdlOffset+(numEntrtices*8))) do(
read=readbyte f #unsigned
write=writebyte s read

fclose f
fclose s

on btn3 pressed do(
fsource = GetOpenFileName \
caption:"Brawl Vert Import" types: \
"All files (*.*)|*.*|"
if fsource!=undefined do(
f= fopen fsource "rb"
fpath= getFilenamePath fsource
fname = getFilenameFile fsource


fSize=readBElong f
mdlOffset=readBElong f
dataOffset=readBElong f
strOffset=readBElong f
vertID=readBElong f
vUkn1=readBElong f --flag? is XYZ?
dataType=readBElong f
entryStride=readBEshort f
numVertices=readBEshort f
eMinX=readBEfloat f
eMinY=readBEfloat f
eMinZ=readBEfloat f
eMaxX=readBEfloat f
eMaxY=readBEfloat f
eMaxZ=readBEfloat f
pad=readBElong f
pad=readBElong f

for x = 1 to numVertices do(
vX=readBEfloat f
vY=readBEfloat f
vZ=readBEfloat f
append vertArray[vX,vY,vZ]
append uvwArray[0,0,0]

obj.pos = [0,0,0]
obj.rotation = quat 0 0 0 0
max modify mode
addModifier obj (edit_poly())
subobjectLevel = 1
-- modPanel.setCurrentObject obj.modifiers[#Edit_Poly]
for x = 1 to numVertices do(
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].SetSelection #Vertex #{}
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].Select #Vertex #{x}
vert=$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].GetVertex x
-- $.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].SetOperation #Transform


append diffArray[mX,mY,mZ]


deleteModifier obj 1

createFile (fpath+fname+"_patch.pta")
s = fopen (fpath+fname+"_patch.pta") "ab"
vcount=writelong s numVertices
 for x = 1 to numVertices do(
write=writefloat s (diffArray[x][1])
write=writefloat s (diffArray[x][2])
write=writefloat s (diffArray[x][3])
write=writelong s 0x0
 messageBox ("Patch Created !"  +"\n"+
"File Saved To:"  +"\n"+

fclose s
fclose f

on btn4 pressed do(
fsource = GetOpenFileName \
caption:"Brawl Vert Patcher" types: \
"Patch(*pta)|*.pta|All files (*.*)|*.*|"
if fsource!=undefined do(
f= fopen fsource "rb"
fpath= getFilenamePath fsource

vcount=readlong f #unsigned
for x = 1 to vcount do(
vX=readfloat f
vY=readfloat f
vZ=readfloat f
dmy=readshort f #unsigned
side=readshort f #unsigned
append vertArray[vX,vY,vZ,side]

obj.pos = [0,0,0]
obj.rotation = quat 0 0 0 0
max modify mode
addModifier obj (edit_poly())
subobjectLevel = 1
--modPanel.setCurrentObject obj.modifiers[#Edit_Poly]
for x = 1 to vcount do(
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].SetSelection #Vertex #{}
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].Select #Vertex #{x}
vert=$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].GetVertex x
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].SetOperation #Transform
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].MoveSelection  [mX,mY,mZ]
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].Commit ()
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].SetSelection #Vertex #{}
subobjectLevel = 0
--modPanel.setCurrentObject obj.modifiers[#Edit_Poly]

messageBox "Patched !"

fclose f

on btn5 pressed do(

st = timestamp() --get start time in milliseconds
undo off(
delete $helpers
if chk7.checked==true then(
delete $helpers
if geo.count!=0 do(
for x = 1 to geo.count do(

addModifier geo[x] (Normalmodifier ())
geo[x].modifiers[#Normal].flip = on
addModifier geo[x] (smooth ())
geo[x].modifiers[#Smooth].smoothingBits = 1
collapseStack geo[x]
if chk6.checked==true do(
--rotate geo[x] (quat -1 0 0 0)
geo[x].scale = [2.54,2.54,2.54]
-- aBox = Box length:0.2 width:0.2 height:0.2 name:"dummy"
aBox = Box()
aBox.rotation = quat 0.707107 0 0 0.707107 = (geo[x].name) as string
convertTo aBox TriMeshGeometry
-- convertTo geo[x] TriMeshGeometry
attach aBox geo[x]
-- update aBox geometry:true
delete aBox.verts[#{1..8}]
addModifier aBox (Morpher ())
append stuff aBox
addModifier stuff (Edit_Mesh ())
for x = 1 to geo.count do(
addModifier geo[x] (Normalmodifier ())
geo[x].modifiers[#Normal].flip = on
addModifier geo[x] (smooth ())
geo[x].modifiers[#Smooth].smoothingBits = 1
collapseStack geo[x]
if chk6.checked==true do(
--rotate geo[x] (quat -1 0 0 0)
geo[x].scale = [2.54,2.54,2.54]
delete $helpers
for x = 1 to geo.count do(
-- aBox = Box length:0.2 width:0.2 height:0.2 name:"dummy"
aBox = Box()
aBox.rotation = quat 0.707107 0 0 0.707107
convertTo aBox TriMeshGeometry
for x = 1 to geo.count do(
objA= dmy[x]
objB= geo[x]
append myBoxes objA
append myMeshes objB

for x = 1 to geo.count do(
myBoxes[x].name = myMeshes[x].name
attach myBoxes[x] myMeshes[x]

for x = 1 to geo.count do(
for i = 1 to 8 do(
delete geo[x].verts[#{1}]
addModifier geo[x] (Morpher ())
addModifier $Polygon* (Edit_Mesh ())
et = timestamp() --get end time in milliseconds
print ("Operation Completed In: "+(((et-st)/60)as string)+" Seconds") --print time to finish

createDialog DDV

Save it with a pretty name (vertex ?), in a folder that you access quickly. Then do MAXScript => Run Script and choose your file. A window will pop out.

7- Put this window aside, we'll get back to it later. :3

In 3DS MAX itself, do File => Import and choose COLLADA in the file types. Load the DAE, making sure that the next two options are checked.
[Note : it has been reported that the COLLADA plugin might have problems under Windows Seven ... try to run it as XP if nothing shows up here.]

Your character will look quite weird, so click on Fix AIS Import in the script's window, making sure that Scale is checked.

8- Select your polygon, then Right-click => Hide Unselected.

9- Now, let's start with the vertexing.  :3

Camera Controls : Use the Mouse wheel to zoom in and zoom out.
Hold the "Mouse-wheel button" and move your mouse around to translate the camera. Hold the Alt button + the "Mouse-wheel button" to rotate the camera around your object.
Select an item (polygon, vertex, group of vertexes, "element"  ...) and click on the little white cube in the bottom-right of the window, and the camera will now turn around that item.

Select your polygon, then click on the sort of blue rainbow on the top-right, and on Edit Mesh. Activate the button with the three red dots if it's not already done.

10- Modify the position of each vertices to make your hack !  :D

(The next three appendix are the detail of the three typical modifications that I'm going to make, and their goal is only to help you learn to use 3DS MAX better. Don't hesitate to skip them if you have mastered the sofware of course. Otherwise, I highly suggest you to take a look at those.)
A1 - Let's start with the basics : moving a vertex.
Click on a vertex, and you should get this king of marker : (
It is a Select marker.
To get a Move marker, right-click on the vertex, and choose Move : (

You get a three-dimensional marker that lets you move your vertex along each of the three axis, or each of the three planes at a time (your screen being bidimensionnal, it's impossible for you to make a 3D move in one step).
Drag-and-drop to modify your vertex's position. Just click on another vertex to move it the same way. You can also select multiple vertices at once with a selection frame, or by holding CTRL and clicking them one by one.

It's an elementary manipulation of 3DS MAX. Learn how to use it fast and easily. :grin:
(And here's a nice-looking Zelda. :P)

A2- Let's try something else now : resizing.

We're going to enlarge Zelda's boots. Select all the vertices of her boots, then right-click and Scale to get the Scale cursor.

Then, just like for the Move cursor, you can enlarge/reduce the boots following an axis, a plane, or as a whole (just point the center of the marker).

Tip : If you don't feel like selecting ALL of the vertices from the same element, unfold the Edit Meshon the top-right, and select Element to select element by element, then click again on Vertices to select and moify the vertices of these elements.

End Result :

A3- Now, let's try to give a little more "bust" to Zelda. It would take an eternity and a half to move each vertex one by one, and the Scale function would probably lead to a terrible result.
So we're going to use the Soft Selection. here's the basic concept : when you select a vertex and move it, this move will also be passed on to the neaby vertices, but to a lesser extent, in a radius that can be set.

To activate it, look into the right-hand menu :

Check the matching box, and lower the Falloff and Bubble. They respectively control the impact of the distortion on the sides of the " distortion bubble", and the radius of said bubble.
You can check on the model the radius of the bubble according to the color of the vertices, that ranges from Red (100% of the distortion) to Blue (0%).

So now, move the vertex in the middle of your distortion, and see how it looks.

11- Once you've finished all the tedious editing ... SAVE YOUR WORK !!!
File => Save to do this.

12- Now, you need to conform your model to the game's polygons. Right-click on your polygon (not a vertice, but your polygon) then Clone.
Choose Copy in the window that pops up and name it mod as an example.

Right now, the copy is overlapping your starting polygon. Move it aside (check that in the top-right, above the Edit Mesh, that you're indeed moving the mod).

Let's undo the modifications of your initial polygon0. For that, just click on it, then on the little bulb next to the Edit Mesh.

(Clicking on the bulb again will put back your modifications. :3 )
From now on, the light bulb near the "Edit Mesh" of the model that you've edited should be OFF all the time !!  You need to remove the edits on your base file before morphing it with the copy and vertex set. Always.

13- In the script's window, click on Import Verts and select the Vertex Set you had extracted in the beginning of this tutorial. It appears at the feet of the polygon0, but invisible.

14- Now, it's time to "patch" ! Click on the polygon0, and on Morpher (under Edit Mesh).
Right-click on -empty- then Pick From scene, and click on your mod.
Right-click on the second -empty-, and Pick from scene. The vertex set being invisible, just hit H on your keyboard to see all the elements of the scene. Choose the vertex set and then Pick.

Up the number near the mod box to 100. Your polygon0 should take the shape of your mod.
Now up the number near the vertex set to 100. Your polygon0 will start looking like a melted blob. Don't panic, it's normal !

15- DIn the script's window, uncheck Read Offset from file, and just under it write the MDL0 Offset you had noted in the beginning. :3

Make sure that the polygon0 is still selected, close all your BrawlBox windows and click on Export Verts in the script's window, then choose your FitZelda.mdl0.

DONE ! It will lay the polygon0 on its back but it doesn't matter. XD

16- Open your FitZelda00.pac, go to the mdl0 and right-click => Replace with the shiny mdl0 from your folder. Then Save As ... to get your modified PAC.

And if we preview it ...


Double patching :


17- 17- But if we look at her feet ... something's wrong, baby. Modifying the legs/feet or arms/hands will cause a distortion on the left side. You'll need to re-patch to correct this. Of course, there's no need to double-patch if you don't have any issue.  :kdance:

Just like in the beginning of the tutorial, you ned to extract the mdl0, brres and textures of your new PAC. (Create a sub-folder for the double-patching, you wion't get lost, that way.  :-\ ).
Convertyour new .BRRES into a DAE (which i'll just call "the new DAE" from now on).

18- Back into 3DS MAX, click on your melting blob and Hide Unselected.
Import the new DAE, push OK in all the windows saying there's an Import Name Conflict.

19- In the script's window, check Selected Only and click on Fix AIS Import.
Click on the polygon you're working on, hold CRTL and click on the melting blob. Do another Hide Unselected. There should be only the polygon03 (fron the warped new DAE) and the blob.

Move the polygon03 aside.

20- Click on the blob, go to Morpher, right-click on the mod box => Delete Channel, then right-click => Pick From Scene and click on the polygon03.
Up its value to 100. Leave the vertex set's box as it it : at 100.

21- Click on the blob again, again Export Verts (with the same MDL0 Offset). And select the mdl0 of your modified PAC (the one with the one-legged Zelda).


22- Open your modified FitZelda00.pac, replace its mdl0 with your shiny doube-patched mdl0 that is in your sub-folder. Just Save As ... to get your final modified PAC.

End result :

A wonderful big-breasted Zelda, with a comb and giant boots. Definitely a great piece of art.  :af:

Well, that's it. You can use it in your game if you want.
Have a good day. And I hope you enjoyed.  :)



Triple/Quadruple/Multiple patching :

If double patching still doesn't work, you may have to keep patching it again and again and see if there is any improvement.

BEWARE: NEVER TOUCH THE X BUTTON OR THE O BUTTON WHEN USING 3DSMAX (Thanks to br3compactor again for testing this himself. :P)

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: mariokart64n on August 15, 2010, 10:31:08 PM
I'm sure this will help alot of people, least now they can't complain about there being no written guide. lol



Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: ΔMΆTΣRASU on August 16, 2010, 04:00:26 AM
thanks this is what i did from this method ^^


Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Vuze on August 16, 2010, 06:35:23 AM
Just wondering. Let's assume I'd like to make a more complex vertex hack which requires remapping the model; is there any way to do so? If yes, would you mind linking me to a tutorial or sth?

Thanks in advance and great tutorial!

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Velen on August 16, 2010, 10:02:00 AM
[Note : it has been reported that the COLLADA plugin might have problems under Windows Seven ... try to run it as XP if nothing shows up here.]

*Is crying in addition to having an angry face.*

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: mariokart64n on August 16, 2010, 02:38:48 PM
but I'm using win7, so thats not true. and that tutorial up there is just based on the video posted in my signature.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on August 16, 2010, 05:04:36 PM
Why are all these guides for this popping up AFTER I fixed my problem...D:

Great guide anyway, it will help a friend of mine who wants vertexing help.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Protoman.EXE on August 16, 2010, 05:30:28 PM
Why do my textures not show up in the model? I have them exported and everything.
And will this work with OpenCollada? Its basically the same thing. And on my list i dont even have Edit mesh, only editable mesh! WTF!!!! HALP APPRECIATTED DANGAT. >_<

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: standardtoaster on August 17, 2010, 12:19:01 AM
You have to export your textures to the same place the dae is. After you import the dad, it should have the textures.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Protoman.EXE on August 17, 2010, 06:38:21 AM
You have to export your textures to the same place the dae is. After you import the dad, it should have the textures.
I had everything ini place, i had the Textures, the Brres, the MDL0, and AiS!
Wait, i use AiS 1.1 becuz 1.3(which is installed) when imported is invisible. Should i use 1.3?

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Miacis on August 17, 2010, 10:16:39 AM
Just wondering. Let's assume I'd like to make a more complex vertex hack which requires remapping the model; is there any way to do so? If yes, would you mind linking me to a tutorial or sth?

Thanks in advance and great tutorial!
(I have no idea what remapping means. Hey guys, can someone whisper it to me ? ^^')
I don't really know, in fact. :P
The only thing I can advise you to do is to check MK64's numerous videos in the stickied topic. Some info are outdated, but you should get a few more infos.  ;)

You have to export your textures to the same place the dae is. After you import the dad, it should have the textures.
I had everything ini place, i had the Textures, the Brres, the MDL0, and AiS!
Wait, i use AiS 1.1 becuz 1.3(which is installed) when imported is invisible. Should i use 1.3?
I think you've just answered your question. XD
Yes, try to install AIS, and then double-click on a .brres to automatically convert it.

If nothing happens, you'll need to have a look at the beginning of MK64n's video (that I link to in the very beginning) from 2:00 to 5:00 , where he explains it ... I think. (I didn't follow it, as I didn't have any problem, sorry. ^^')

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: mariokart64n on August 17, 2010, 03:30:37 PM
every model needs a texture map.. anyway we can't remap them, there indexed somehow. verts that share a common coordinate aren't printed in the texture coordinate list. rather these welded verts are listed in another index. because my work flow works around using ripped models and texture projection. I never had the use for remapping, although its apart of my scripts interface. very lowlevel, but you can import them as verts and move them around. only good if you wanted to increase the resolution on a certain part. sometimes your luck and some pieces arn't welded, so you can move them entirely. but anyway in a nutshell, no you cannot remap, but you can alter the texture map using basic vertex import export.

I was going to import them into the texture coordinate editor but it gets complicated cause max needs a model with faces, and the texture coordinate list is different then the vert count.. anyway not supported by me

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Velen on August 18, 2010, 04:02:06 PM
Okay, I have SP3 installed and I have Collada installed, but upon trying File -> Import in order to test if Collada is working, COLLADA does not show up as a selectable item.

I am running them on Windows 7...Dammit.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: JBG on August 25, 2010, 08:28:37 AM
I'm having issues with this. All goes well until I export the verts for the first patch. I export them, and then my morpher chanels for the blob reset to empty and 0.0.

Anyone have a solution?

EDIT: Nevermind, I was usng an old version of the script.

New question, could you put in more useful screenshots than just the little boxes in the double patch tutorial? I'm having trouble telling if what I'm doing is right because that's all you're showing.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Miacis on August 25, 2010, 10:56:21 AM
New question, could you put in more useful screenshots than just the little boxes in the double patch tutorial? I'm having trouble telling if what I'm doing is right because that's all you're showing.

Will do. In the mean time, I can give you a little description of what's on your screen for each step so that you don't get stuck the time for me to do this.

Just like in the beginning of the tutorial, you ned to extract the mdl0, brres and textures of your new PAC. (Create a sub-folder for the double-patching, you wion't get lost, that way.  :-\ ).
Convert your new .BRRES into a DAE (which i'll just call "the new DAE" from now on).

18- Back into 3DS MAX, click on your melting blob and Hide Unselected.
On your screen : The melted blob is selected and alone on the scene, lying on the "ground". The Morpher values should be the same as before, but the polygon0 box is blue.
Import the new DAE, push OK in all the windows saying there's an Import Name Conflict.
What's new on you scene : the whole model with a glitchy side is here, selected, but not fixed yet though.

19- In the script's window, check Selected Only and click on Fix AIS Import.
On your screen : The melted blob and the (fixed) whole glitchy model are on the scene.
Click on the polygon you're working on, hold CRTL and click on the melting blob. Do another Hide Unselected. There should be only the polygon03 (fron the glitched new DAE) and the blob.

Move the polygon03 aside.
On your scene :
The melted blob is still in the center, the glitched polygon is on the side.

20- Click on the blob, go to Morpher, right-click on the mod box => Delete Channel. (The blue box will become -empty-) then right-click => Pick From Scene and click on the polygon03.
Up its value to 100. Leave the vertex set's box as it it : at 100.
The glitched polygon03 is still on the side. The blob should have very slightly changed when you upped the new Morpher value to 100.

21- Click on the blob again, again Export Verts (with the same MDL0 Offset). And select the mdl0 of your modified PAC (the one with the one-legged Zelda).
The blob is still lying on the "ground"


PS : If you have any particular step that you think needs pictures here, just tell. I wouldn't want to make unnecessary pics, and to forget important ones. ^^'

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: JBG on August 25, 2010, 12:22:53 PM
Ok, so I'm still a little confused, maybe it's the general process. That helped me a little though.

Hopefully my last question (I know I'm sounding like a noob). With the polygon03, do you edit that at all to fix the warping?

BTW I'm doing this with Toon Link so this might be a little different.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Miacis on August 25, 2010, 01:53:58 PM
Hopefully my last question (I know I'm sounding like a noob). With the polygon03, do you edit that at all to fix the warping?
I don't understand your question.
The process is quite simple, as it's basically the same as the first morphing you did :

1st Morphing :
You take a clean model as a base (since you removed your edits with the little bulb), and morph it with your edited model and the "clean" vertex set.

2nd Morphing :
You take the same clean model than before (which is still there), and morph it with the weirded out model you got and with the "clean" vertex set again (actually, if you do everything in one go, first and second morphing, there's no need to change anything for this last one to be done).

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: JBG on August 25, 2010, 02:16:41 PM
Hopefully my last question (I know I'm sounding like a noob). With the polygon03, do you edit that at all to fix the warping?
I don't understand your question.
The process is quite simple, as it's basically the same as the first morphing you did :

1st Morphing :
You take a clean model as a base (since you removed your edits with the little bulb), and morph it with your edited model and the "clean" vertex set.

2nd Morphing :
You take the same clean model than before (which is still there), and morph it with the weirded out model you got and with the "clean" vertex set again (actually, if you do everything in one go, first and second morphing, there's no need to change anything for this last one to be done).

God I must be like stupid or something because this is confusing me for some reason.

For the second patch, you morph the cloud from the first patch with...the iimported .dae that looks weird, and the vertex set that you imported?

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: JBG on August 25, 2010, 03:29:43 PM
Well hey, it worked...sorta.

Is it possible that things need a triple patch? Because there's still some minor warping with what I've got, but maybe it'll be covered up by my other edits.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Miacis on August 25, 2010, 04:09:52 PM
God I must be like stupid or something because this is confusing me for some reason.

For the second patch, you morph the cloud from the first patch with...the iimported .dae that looks weird, and the vertex set that you imported?
It's the same unedited vertex set that you had used the first time you morphed your model.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: JBG on August 25, 2010, 06:49:28 PM
It has been brought to my attention that in order to fix my problems (with toon Link's hair and Zelda's skirt), you need to triple patch the polygon, but the method is different.

Would you know how to do this?

Otherwise things are going great and I have this down to an art. (I should, seeing as how I tried to patch toon zelda like seven times.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Miacis on August 26, 2010, 07:48:50 AM
It has been brought to my attention that in order to fix my problems (with toon Link's hair and Zelda's skirt), you need to triple patch the polygon, but the method is different.

Would you know how to do this?
Unfortunately, I don't know. If it's different from just redoing the steps of double-patching, then I have no idea what that method is.

But if it's something that is compatible with my method, I'd gladly know who gave you this piece of info, as I'm having trouble with T Link's hair too.

Otherwise things are going great and I have this down to an art. (I should, seeing as how I tried to patch toon zelda like seven times).
Good to know. ^^

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: JBG on August 26, 2010, 12:07:49 PM
It has been brought to my attention that in order to fix my problems (with toon Link's hair and Zelda's skirt), you need to triple patch the polygon, but the method is different.

Would you know how to do this?
Unfortunately, I don't know. If it's different from just redoing the steps of double-patching, then I have no idea what that method is.

But if it's something that is compatible with my method, I'd gladly know who gave you this piece of info, as I'm having trouble with T Link's hair too.

Otherwise things are going great and I have this down to an art. (I should, seeing as how I tried to patch toon zelda like seven times).
Good to know. ^^

Pik told me. I'm trying to make a super special surpise hack right now for TL (that's not toon Zelda, I'm giving that up till I learn how to triple patch) that needs to shrink his hair. All Pik told me was that he got lucky with Geno's hair when he shrank it :/

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Bush on August 31, 2010, 01:26:40 PM
Is there a reason that other versions of 3D Studio will not work? Or is it simply because you prefer or can not get it to work.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Segab on August 31, 2010, 06:39:44 PM
Is there a reason that other versions of 3D Studio will not work? Or is it simply because you prefer or can not get it to work.
it was made to work for 3ds max 8, so no, it doesn't work with anything else. It's not just a preference.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: hughie on September 01, 2010, 05:47:04 AM
Every time i patch, the model get bigger and worse, i've only gone to triple patching, and it looks like a huge mess of poles. Is this normal?

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Miacis on September 04, 2010, 04:47:28 PM
Every time i patch, the model get bigger and worse, i've only gone to triple patching, and it looks like a huge mess of poles. Is this normal?
If it's getting bigger, no it isn't normal. There are 3 possible steps that you may have missed :

1- You forgot to check "Scale" before doing "Fix AIS Import" any (or every) time you imports a DAE. Your model need to look bigger when clicking on the Fix button

2- When double/triple/--- patching and when "Fixing AIS Import", you forgot to click on "Selected Only". Only the complete model DAE that you've just imported need to be fixed and resized. If the other parts/copy/etc... change when clicking, then you've forgotten to check said box.

3- More common mistake : After you've edted the model, copied it, and are ready to morph, the light bulb near the "Edit Mesh" of the model that you've edited should be OFF all the time !!  You need to remove the edits on your base file before morphing it with the copy and vertex set. Always.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: hughie on September 04, 2010, 04:49:27 PM
Every time i patch, the model get bigger and worse, i've only gone to triple patching, and it looks like a huge mess of poles. Is this normal?
If it's getting bigger, no it isn't normal. There are 3 possible steps that you may have missed :

1- You forgot to check "Scale" before doing "Fix AIS Import" any (or every) time you imports a DAE. Your model need to look bigger when clicking on the Fix button

2- When double/triple/--- patching and when "Fixing AIS Import", you forgot to click on "Selected Only". Only the complete model DAE that you've just imported need to be fixed and resized. If the other parts/copy/etc... change when clicking, then you've forgotten to check said box.

3- More common mistake : The light bulb near the "Edit Mesh" of the model that you've edited should be OFF all the time !!  You need to remove the edits on your base file before morphing it with the copy and vertex set. Always.
Ok, lemme try again.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Shadic on September 28, 2010, 03:50:11 PM
Just a note. I was using Windows 7 x64, and I was having trouble installing Collada. For some reason, it couldn't detect where I had 3DS Max 8 Installed. I used the 3.04 installer ( instead of the 3.05 installer that's in the first post, and it worked for me. Maybe toss that in the first post if somebody is having issues?

And I did not have to run 3DS Max 8 in compatibility mode for it to work, either.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Miacis on October 01, 2010, 05:24:26 AM
You're my life savior. :3
I've just changed computer for one with Windows 7 x64 and was having the same problem.

I'll add this to the OP. Thank you very much. ;D
(Now, to solve AIS not installing even when following mk64n's steps ...)

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: lucas_irineu on October 01, 2010, 12:49:01 PM
I'm not sure if anyone else has the same problem, but... I've been following this tutorial and it works really well, but step 14 isn't really working. When I go to "Pick from scene" the 'mod' can't be clicked on, and if I press H its not in the list.
The weird thing is, I tried this on three different models. (Ness, ZSS, and Squirtle). ZSS worked, but not the other two. The other two are the only ones I really want to edit, though, so I have no idea what to do now. :/

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Naruto200Man on October 04, 2010, 09:58:31 AM
Can you tell me how to do this with blender, I can't get 3DS Max 8 to install on my computer. I keep getting the "installer service could not be accessed" error >_>

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Miacis on October 05, 2010, 01:57:10 PM
Can you tell me how to do this with blender, I can't get 3DS Max 8 to install on my computer. I keep getting the "installer service could not be accessed" error >_>
I'm afraid this method won't really work with Blender. This is a 3DS MAX (8) script we're using as a base to do this. Not a Blender one.

If you really can't use 3DS MAX 8, then you'll have to go with the DDVB2 method.  :-\

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Ricky (Br3) on October 06, 2010, 08:05:49 PM
it seems that after patching, the model simply becomes the "average" between my modifications and the original model.

^ This. After editing on 3DS, the final edited mdl0 is somewhere in-between.

What should I do?

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Miacis on October 07, 2010, 12:55:10 PM
it seems that after patching, the model simply becomes the "average" between my modifications and the original model.

^ This. After editing on 3DS, the final edited mdl0 is somewhere in-between.

What should I do?
Uh ... I don't remember having that problem ever again with my method. Only the DDVB did this to me.

There are a few possible answers to this, so just a question : what are you trying to edit ?

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Naruto200Man on October 07, 2010, 01:02:22 PM
Okay, not really relivant, but I'm defragging my comp rite now, so maybe that'll solve my 3Ds problem >_> seeing I haven't run it in what.....two years XP

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Ricky (Br3) on October 07, 2010, 02:21:04 PM
it seems that after patching, the model simply becomes the "average" between my modifications and the original model.

^ This. After editing on 3DS, the final edited mdl0 is somewhere in-between.

What should I do?
Uh ... I don't remember having that problem ever again with my method. Only the DDVB did this to me.

There are a few possible answers to this, so just a question : what are you trying to edit ?

I'm using LenSho's tutorial on DDBV2. I own a 3DSMax 9 cd and don't want to use 8.
So unless this method works on 3DSMax 9, I'll have to use his tut.
I'm modifying Link's ears.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Miacis on October 07, 2010, 02:56:40 PM
it seems that after patching, the model simply becomes the "average" between my modifications and the original model.

^ This. After editing on 3DS, the final edited mdl0 is somewhere in-between.

What should I do?
Uh ... I don't remember having that problem ever again with my method. Only the DDVB did this to me.

There are a few possible answers to this, so just a question : what are you trying to edit ?

I'm using LenSho's tutorial on DDBV2. I own a 3DSMax 9 cd and don't want to use 8.
So unless this method works on 3DSMax 9, I'll have to use his tut.
I'm modifying Link's ears.
Well, then I'm sorry but I can't really help you.  :-[ I don't use the DDVB2. It's kinda pointless with 3DS MAX anyway. You're using a difficult, not open-source software with what's generally the weaker method. >_>
The only point of 3DS MAX is generally to get the 8th and be able to use mk64n's script. (Or if you're especially skilled with 3DS and don't want to use another program.)

The only thing I can suggest is to ask LenSho, or better, directly to Akari_Un, because I have no idea where that annoyance comes from.  :-\

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: lucas_irineu on October 07, 2010, 03:38:02 PM
...Hey, do you think you could answer my question? Or at least let me know if I'm screwed and it can't be helped? x)

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Ricky (Br3) on October 07, 2010, 03:47:41 PM
I have 3DSMax 9 since 2008. I didn't get it to hack Brawl.

But yeah, I'll see what I can do...

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Miacis on October 07, 2010, 07:39:33 PM
...Hey, do you think you could answer my question? Or at least let me know if I'm screwed and it can't be helped? x)
Oh wow, I had completely skipped you. Sorry about that. o_o

Ugh ... I can see a hundred of reasons causing this problem.
Before we start trying out each one by one, could you try and just do it again with the "bad models", but by skipping step 10 completely ? then by skipping steps 9 and 10 completely ?

Those are the most annoying places where you could have a problem ...

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: lucas_irineu on October 07, 2010, 07:43:59 PM
...Hey, do you think you could answer my question? Or at least let me know if I'm screwed and it can't be helped? x)
Oh wow, I had completely skipped you. Sorry about that. o_o

Ugh ... I can see a hundred of reasons causing this problem.
Before we start trying out each one by one, could you try and just do it again with the "bad models", but by skipping step 10 completely ? then by skipping steps 9 and 10 completely ?

Those are the most annoying places where you could have a problem ...
Its okay. x]

Huh, I did some testing, and I just noticed something. If I save, and then open the file after closing 3DMax, it won't work, but if I edit it, and then export the model without saving it at all, it works fine. :/

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Miacis on October 08, 2010, 07:12:41 AM
I don't really think the saving is the real problem ...
Chances are you're repeating a little mistake right after saving, in selecting a polygon or something like that.
(But just in case, make sure you save as a .max file, not a .chr .)

Because there's no reason that you can't morph a copy that you've just made. It's like if you couldn't open with Word a text that you've just saved with said program.  :-\

Make sure you select the polygon you've edited (if you're like me and modify several polygons at once). Check its number on the top-right. Right-click, Clone, COPY (it's really important), rename the copy to "mod" in the llittle window.

Click on the "mod" (check in the top-right corner you're moving the right one) and move it to the side.

Click on the edited polygon (make sure you're selecting the polygon by checking the top-right, again), light-bulb to remove your edits, then morpher, right-click on the "-empty-", then click on the "mod" ...
If you follow exactly those steps, I don't see why it wouldn't work.

If it still doesn't, just save a .max file right before morphing and send it to me. I should be able to find something.  :)

PS : Oh, now that I think about it, when you want to morph, what is in the "H window" ?

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: lucas_irineu on October 08, 2010, 10:54:17 AM
Just the thing I imported, but not the "mod" one.

I've done all that before and it won't work. I will send you a file, just give me five minutes to upload it.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Miacis on October 08, 2010, 04:07:21 PM
Well, when looking at your two scenes, I saw something ... uncommon. At least with the non-patchy method, it is.

There's a lone vertex that appeared on your model. But I don't know where it is ... just check the properties of it, and it indicates that somewhere before your editing, there's a vertice that appeared.
If there's one more vertex, it wont be able to morph.

I really don't know how it could happen though, as even I don't know how to add vertices. (If you only used Edit Mesh and the vertices, then it shouldn't have happenned.)

So ... there's a workaround so that you don't lose your work. It's called FaceMorphing. You'll need to have a look at one of mk64n's videos to do that, though :

But it still won't solve the issue. Did you DL everything directly from my tutorial ? AIS, COLLADA, mk64n's script, etc ?

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Naruto200Man on October 08, 2010, 04:29:13 PM
I'm downloading 3DS max 10 right now with a keygen/crack, would this method work with 3DS max 10 if the program was installed anyway? or does this work with 3DS 8 only >_>

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Ricky (Br3) on October 08, 2010, 04:43:38 PM
3DS 8 Only

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: lucas_irineu on October 08, 2010, 05:29:00 PM
Well, when looking at your two scenes, I saw something ... uncommon. At least with the non-patchy method, it is.

There's a lone vertex that appeared on your model. But I don't know where it is ... just check the properties of it, and it indicates that somewhere before your editing, there's a vertice that appeared.
If there's one more vertex, it wont be able to morph.

I really don't know how it could happen though, as even I don't know how to add vertices. (If you only used Edit Mesh and the vertices, then it shouldn't have happenned.)

So ... there's a workaround so that you don't lose your work. It's called FaceMorphing. You'll need to have a look at one of mk64n's videos to do that, though :

But it still won't solve the issue. Did you DL everything directly from my tutorial ? AIS, COLLADA, mk64n's script, etc ?

Yeah, I'm pretty sure I got everything from this thread. :/

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Naruto200Man on October 08, 2010, 08:27:36 PM
Hey, can anyone tell me how to use the keygenerator for 3DS max 11?

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Miacis on October 08, 2010, 09:46:48 PM
I'm downloading 3DS max 10 right now with a keygen/crack, would this method work with 3DS max 10 if the program was installed anyway? or does this work with 3DS 8 only >_>
I don't wanna sound rude, but could you please try to at least read the first lines of the tutorial before asking questions ? It's not like I haven't said it a good hundred times ...

You will need 3DS MAX 8 ! Not 2008, not 2009, not 2010, not 2011.

Hey, can anyone tell me how to use the keygenerator for 3DS max 11?
I have no freaking idea, but this is not the place to talk about that (you need 3DS MAX 8 for this method), and most importantly, it's one of the things we shouldn't talk about directly on the boards.  :-\

@ lucas : Then I'm really out of ideas ... There must be something you're doing wrong. I can't possibly detail each and everything you shouldn't do when vertexing. It would take me a week or so to write everything down (everything I know, at least).
I'm really sorry, but I don't know. Either try to contact mk64n about it (tell him you don't know how you manage to make vertices appear all the time), or ... I dunno ... if you have something to record your screen, make it a video and let me analyze what's wrong ?  :-\
Sounds ridiculous, but besides that, I really can't help you.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: lucas_irineu on October 08, 2010, 10:33:17 PM
Oh well. Thanks for the help though man. At least now that I know that my issue can't be helped, I can give up.
Or keep trying, without saving, and hoping it will work. I will probably do this. :P

But yeah. Thanks a lot for trying to help me, even if it didn't work in the end. =]

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Ricky (Br3) on October 09, 2010, 07:53:51 AM


(Credit me on finding it out! ^^)

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Miacis on October 09, 2010, 10:42:05 AM
Completely functionnal without any bugs, working until the very last bit of the very last patching ?

How so ? Did you need to do something in particular ?

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Ricky (Br3) on October 09, 2010, 11:34:48 AM
Completely flawless. I'm actually playing with my shiny new model now.

When I was using DDVB I realized there was nothing in MK64n's method that wouldn't work on 3DSMax9. Mainly because the script is the most relevant part.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Miacis on October 09, 2010, 11:51:34 AM
Thanks alot then.
Do you think it might work with other programs too ? :P

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Ricky (Br3) on October 09, 2010, 12:01:43 PM
You should add it to the OP.  :)

About your question...

Since I don't use the others, I can't tell. But I think if people have another one they should test because it might work, and it would give the hacking community more options.

And thank you for writing such a comprehensive guide.  :kdance:

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Bush on October 10, 2010, 08:34:38 PM
 I was thinking abut using par of this fora mdl0 swap with trophies. It seams plausible, but it looks like i will have to replace each Polly gone with each vertex one at a time.. :srs:

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: 14fan on October 12, 2010, 06:19:24 PM
I would so get into vertexing if 3DS Max was free. Dang the world.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Naruto200Man on October 12, 2010, 07:27:44 PM
Yush I managed to make my first vertex edit! it turned out terrible though xD
I'm going to start over from scratch and just make peach have nicer melons <3 or try to lol

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Naruto200Man on October 13, 2010, 08:16:47 AM
bleh I'ma try to morph links sword into a big toothpick xD

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Ricky (Br3) on October 14, 2010, 03:57:00 PM
Please Help!!!


This thing disappeared! (the thing that helps you moving stuff through the axis)
Now I can't see clearly how I'm moving the vertice!
How can I make it appear again?

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Naruto200Man on October 14, 2010, 04:13:40 PM
Please Help!!!


This thing disappeared! (the thing that helps you moving stuff through the axis)
Now I can't see clearly how I'm moving the vertice!
How can I make it appear again?

Try saving, closing the program, then reopening the file again, that usually works for me....?

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Ricky (Br3) on October 14, 2010, 04:15:02 PM
Didn't work for me  :-\

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Naruto200Man on October 14, 2010, 04:32:21 PM
Hmm :s......dunno what to do then xD try customer support, they're ALWAYS soooo helpfull xD

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Ricky (Br3) on October 14, 2010, 07:26:54 PM
I believe someone with more knowledge of 3DSMax can tell me how pretty easily.

EDIT: Fixed it.


Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Ricky (Br3) on October 15, 2010, 11:00:06 AM
After you've edted the model, copied it, and are ready to morph, the light bulb near the "Edit Mesh" of the model that you've edited should be OFF all the time !!  You need to remove the edits on your base file before morphing it with the copy and vertex set. Always.

Please make this clear on the OP. People probably, just as myself, might have trouble because they thought you needed to click the bulb on the MOD, and not on the original.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Naruto200Man on October 15, 2010, 08:12:28 PM
Okay, I'm confused here, maybe someone in this topic could help me figure it out.

So scaling doesn't work as sterling silver in 3DS max as it does in Blender, I figured that out with my very simple size mod. So I try exporting a vert set as an obj file, then importing it back into 3DS max, and using that set of vertexes instead of the ones imported from the vertex.ddf file (yes I know you don't need to call it that, but I still do anyway <3) and two things happen.

1:  the object is flipped on it's back when I finish scaling things up with the morpher.
2: even if I use "rotate" to fix this it looks SERIOUSLY **ked up in brawlbox.

Maybe I should post a screenshot of what I do? and what it looks like in brawlbox?

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Shadic on October 24, 2010, 01:23:57 AM
I've run into a couple of issues with the 3DS Max script. First of all, there's some error with a Polygon in Hyrule Temple and I can't run the script more than once per session. That was annoying, but I could work around it.

Now, I'm having a super annoying problem. I'm trying to work with the "AshibaC01"
 mdl0 file from Skyworld. When I import the vertices from Poly0 (ASIBA_01_D__asiba_etc_01), I get this error:

And I can't import it into 3DS, making it so I can't actually edit the file. :(

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Ricky (Br3) on October 24, 2010, 06:37:34 AM
You're gonna run into a lot of troubles trying to vertex stage stuff. Not saying you shouldn't do it, but it's known to have issues.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Naruto200Man on October 26, 2010, 11:07:01 AM
I'm trying to make my double patch work, but whenever I drag-drop the edited model into AIS it does nothing... it just creates the textures and no DAE file....

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Ricky (Br3) on October 26, 2010, 01:50:16 PM
Export the ModelData BRRES with the new model then double click it and it should work

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Naruto200Man on October 26, 2010, 01:53:48 PM
Export the ModelData BRRES with the new model then double click it and it should work

KK thanks, lol I'm still new at this. So I think I'll just give peach reaaaally long/straight hair, an ashly texture, shape the broach to a skull, and make her arms and legs shorter. She could be like a 16 year old ashly or something X3

I was just using the textre bress >_> no wonder XP

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Shadic on October 27, 2010, 02:47:38 AM
You're supposed to export all the the textures inside the BBRES file, not the file itself. I actually made that mistake initially as well.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Ricky (Br3) on October 27, 2010, 07:51:18 AM
Not really. Both ways work.

If you double click the exported texture BRRES, AiS will create the textures.
It's easier to just use Brawlbox, though.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Miniova on October 29, 2010, 03:33:19 AM
Sexy guide.  How would I go about giving Peach a flatter bust?

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Alex Climax on November 01, 2010, 05:42:33 AM
Nice guide i was able to create a Vertex hack ive been wanting to make forever  :af2:

and im completely new at this XD

awesome job

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Rog on November 21, 2010, 12:14:24 PM
Okay, I've sorted my old question. Now I'm having a really stupid one, where can I find the bbress file for olimar? I can't seem to find it in his pac.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Miacis on November 21, 2010, 03:05:00 PM
Okay, I've sorted my old question. Now I'm having a really stupid one, where can I find the bbress file for olimar? I can't seem to find it in his pac.
? Isn't it simply the ModelData[0] ? :-\

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Rog on November 22, 2010, 02:11:48 AM
Nope, I couldn't find it. I'm working on on a 04(white) olimar file does that matter anything? I'm searching in the pac file but I didn't see a bbress listed file :(

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Ricky (Br3) on November 22, 2010, 06:46:43 AM

The whole modeldata is a BRRES.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Bush on November 22, 2010, 11:55:17 AM
 Ug, can some one help? When I edit Mario's body, just scaling it down, the change dose not undo itself when I click the light bulb. Also, when I go to morph my polygon0 with mod and the vertex, it says there are no things to morph with.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Rog on November 22, 2010, 01:32:31 PM
Thanks for the help guys! let's get this started :)

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Miacis on November 24, 2010, 05:22:58 AM
Ug, can some one help? When I edit Mario's body, just scaling it down, the change dose not undo itself when I click the light bulb. Also, when I go to morph my polygon0 with mod and the vertex, it says there are no things to morph with.
Uh ... have you checked if you were under the "Edit Mesh" Menu when scaling ?

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: angelbless on November 24, 2010, 07:01:10 PM
Thank you very much, with this, maybe I could make my first vertexhack :)

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Samzapp on November 28, 2010, 03:55:41 PM
Hai. AiS doesn't seem to work for me. The batch file for the installer always says, quote, "The system can not find the path specified. 0 file(s) moved." If I simply need to create said path, then that would be great. I'm creating it right now.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Samzapp on November 28, 2010, 04:34:26 PM
Ok, I tried creating an ais0.1.3 folder in Program Files (not x86) and now it says that access was denied (gawd, that phrase is so clichéd). Really need some help here!!!

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Bush on November 28, 2010, 06:38:27 PM
Ug, can some one help? When I edit Mario's body, just scaling it down, the change dose not undo itself when I click the light bulb. Also, when I go to morph my polygon0 with mod and the vertex, it says there are no things to morph with.
Uh ... have you checked if you were under the "Edit Mesh" Menu when scaling ?

I meant to get back to you on this. I solved that problem and get to the verry ending of editing a vertex. I run into one of these two problems.

When I export vertex, it says "ERROR, Wrong offset?" or "could not convert intiger: "" "

I put the right offset number and unchecked "read from model" in, and I dont even know why I get the second problem.. 0_-

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Legendary Super Mario on December 04, 2010, 01:21:02 AM
This so called vertexing just got a ton easier and certainly made my understanding of 3DS Max clearer. (and I was a total noob with the program... :P)

Thanks for the awesome guide!


Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Rog on December 04, 2010, 10:46:08 AM
Damn, I'm with the same problems as Lucas now : / I can't seem to click my mod when trying to morph my file.

Apart from that, I tried another model, I managed to be able to click the "mod" but now, when I try to get the 2nd thingie, the invisable set and I press "H" it doesn't turn up in the screen, but when I deselect everything and press  H all 3 show up. This is so confusing : /

And another thing, when I load in my models ( Jigglypuff, Olimar ) I seem to be getting the hole model instead of just polygon 1,2,3 etc.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Professor Fufflykins on December 12, 2010, 10:41:58 AM
Oh, hai. im having trouble with patching I ported my MDL0 onto squirtle and his arms look distorted and almost as if he broke them. Normal(hopefully) and so I export the MDL0, and the brres and just leave the textures from before. So, I convert the brres and stuff and im in 3DS max 8. The vertecies "FitPokeZenigame00_BodyM__FitPokeZenigame00_shell_ front" arnt there and so I imprt them again. after that i open the morph side bar and when I follow your instrutions the channels arnt there and when i create them again it gives me a message saying wrong MDL0 offset! any help?

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Naruto200Man on December 12, 2010, 11:32:29 AM
Ug, can some one help? When I edit Mario's body, just scaling it down, the change dose not undo itself when I click the light bulb. Also, when I go to morph my polygon0 with mod and the vertex, it says there are no things to morph with.
Uh ... have you checked if you were under the "Edit Mesh" Menu when scaling ?

I meant to get back to you on this. I solved that problem and get to the verry ending of editing a vertex. I run into one of these two problems.

When I export vertex, it says "ERROR, Wrong offset?" or "could not convert intiger: "" "

I put the right offset number and unchecked "read from model" in, and I dont even know why I get the second problem.. 0_-

Are you making sure that the vertex set on the polygon matches the mdl0 offset id like in the first steps of the tutorial?

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Bush on December 12, 2010, 12:06:49 PM
Yup. I just don't know why these problems occur..

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: SmashClash on January 14, 2011, 05:06:31 PM
I'm on Windows 7 and on Home Premium edition. It says I must be on Ultimate or the one under that in order to get Windows XP Mode. I don't have to buy Windows XP just so the COLLADA(.dae, .xml) line will appear. I have .xml line, just not .dae! I need help. Is there another way? :(

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Naruto200Man on January 14, 2011, 08:09:59 PM
I'm on Windows 7 and on Home Premium edition. It says I must be on Ultimate or the one under that in order to get Windows XP Mode. I don't have to buy Windows XP just so the COLLADA(.dae, .xml) line will appear. I have .xml line, just not .dae! I need help. Is there another way? :(

Install Collada MAX? >_< it's a freware installer that installs colladda format designed spasifically to work with 3DS max (hence the name)

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: SmashClash on January 14, 2011, 08:13:02 PM
I installed COLLADA already. >_> I guess I'll put pics tomorrow. Thanks for replying. (I hope you stay on me with this).

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Naruto200Man on January 14, 2011, 08:25:55 PM
I installed COLLADA already. >_> I guess I'll put pics tomorrow. Thanks for replying. (I hope you stay on me with this).

Maybe try uninstalling 3DS and reinstalling? That one USUALLY works for me X_X

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: SmashClash on January 15, 2011, 10:26:37 AM
COLLADA (.dae, .xml) isn't there. I installed COLLADA, too.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: SmashClash on January 15, 2011, 11:47:32 AM
Fixed my problem.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: SmashClash on January 15, 2011, 09:52:57 PM
Ug, can some one help? When I edit Mario's body, just scaling it down, the change dose not undo itself when I click the light bulb. Also, when I go to morph my polygon0 with mod and the vertex, it says there are no things to morph with.
Uh ... have you checked if you were under the "Edit Mesh" Menu when scaling ?

I meant to get back to you on this. I solved that problem and get to the verry ending of editing a vertex. I run into one of these two problems.

When I export vertex, it says "ERROR, Wrong offset?" or "could not convert intiger: "" "

I put the right offset number and unchecked "read from model" in, and I dont even know why I get the second problem.. 0_-

Are you making sure that the vertex set on the polygon matches the mdl0 offset id like in the first steps of the tutorial?
Error wrong offest happens to me, too!
I even copied and pasted the offset(yes I closed out of my BrawlBox window).

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Bush on January 15, 2011, 10:10:22 PM
Ug, can some one help? When I edit Mario's body, just scaling it down, the change dose not undo itself when I click the light bulb. Also, when I go to morph my polygon0 with mod and the vertex, it says there are no things to morph with.
Uh ... have you checked if you were under the "Edit Mesh" Menu when scaling ?

I meant to get back to you on this. I solved that problem and get to the verry ending of editing a vertex. I run into one of these two problems.

When I export vertex, it says "ERROR, Wrong offset?" or "could not convert intiger: "" "

I put the right offset number and unchecked "read from model" in, and I dont even know why I get the second problem.. 0_-

Are you making sure that the vertex set on the polygon matches the mdl0 offset id like in the first steps of the tutorial?
Error wrong offest happens to me, too!
I even copied and pasted the offset(yes I closed out of my BrawlBox window).
Yeah, help! I never fixed this problem!

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Akiba Red on January 16, 2011, 09:04:01 AM
Can this be done on a 64- bit? >_>...

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: SmashClash on January 16, 2011, 09:13:29 AM
^Yeah, I did it.
@Nasoka-Should we try putting all modl0 offesets from each polygon?

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Akiba Red on January 16, 2011, 09:15:21 AM
^Yeah, I did it.
@Nasoka-Should we try putting all modl0 offesets from each polygon?
How? I dunno where ta get the 64-bit version...

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: SmashClash on January 16, 2011, 09:21:36 AM
Just follow the instructions in this guide...that's what I did.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Akiba Red on January 16, 2011, 09:22:28 AM
Man I'm stupid. Ah well.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: SmashClash on January 16, 2011, 10:26:42 AM
I fixed the problem!!!!
Naskoka, I got the model offset from the polygon section at first. I had to get the mld0 offset from the vertices section! It said "DONE!" Yay!

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Velen on January 31, 2011, 12:37:46 PM
I've got a problem: AiS keeps making corrupted .daes, and I don't know what to do to fix this.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Enigmatic on January 31, 2011, 01:35:54 PM
...maybe reinstall?

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Bush on January 31, 2011, 02:50:22 PM
I fixed the problem!!!!
Naskoka, I got the model offset from the polygon section at first. I had to get the mld0 offset from the vertices section! It said "DONE!" Yay!
Yay! Thanks Smash Clash!

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: SmashClash on January 31, 2011, 02:54:56 PM
I fixed the problem!!!!
Naskoka, I got the model offset from the polygon section at first. I had to get the mld0 offset from the vertices section! It said "DONE!" Yay!
Yay! Thanks Smash Clash!
No Problem. :D

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Lock on February 01, 2011, 06:47:23 PM
I've tried everything, but no matter what I do, I can't get the .brres file to convert to a .dae. I just get the log.txt file, that's it. I don't understand how everyone else does it perfectly, it just won't do it for me.

I'm running Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit if that has anything to do with it.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: SmashClash on February 01, 2011, 07:51:20 PM
I've tried everything, but no matter what I do, I can't get the .brres file to convert to a .dae. I just get the log.txt file, that's it. I don't understand how everyone else does it perfectly, it just won't do it for me.

I'm running Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit if that has anything to do with it.
I have the same type of computer. try dragging the .bress into AIS.
Only once log.txt came up for me(when I was about to edit BeyondYou's Sasuke)

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Mokonayoshi on March 03, 2011, 11:07:35 PM
I've tried everything, but no matter what I do, I can't get the .brres file to convert to a .dae. I just get the log.txt file, that's it. I don't understand how everyone else does it perfectly, it just won't do it for me.

Same here. I drag'n'dropped also, but the only thing than appears is this log:

ERROR: Unknown identifier in poly group @ 370e2 (1)

What can i do?  :oshi:

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Bush on March 04, 2011, 07:15:37 PM
Can someone help me out? For some reason, the controls for the camera on 3DSMax have been messed up (I used to be able to move the camera direction with right click). How do i return it to normal?

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Naruto200Man on March 09, 2011, 05:01:08 PM
Hey, I'm trying to vertex Ikes Sword into Thunders Edge From Okami, Can anyone tell me what material wrap and conform wrap does in 3DS ?

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Professor Fufflykins on April 03, 2011, 03:52:20 PM
where is the 3ds max 8 download???????? i cant find on the internet.  :oshi:

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: ADJSonic on April 03, 2011, 06:52:36 PM
You have to buy it..

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: hughie on April 03, 2011, 06:57:29 PM
You have to buy it..

You can torrent 3ds max 9(Works better than 8 ) and use keygen too activate it so you have free 3ds max. :3

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Naruto200Man on April 03, 2011, 06:59:44 PM

You can torrent 3ds max 9(Works better than 8 ) and use keygen too activate it so you have free 3ds max. :3

there's that
or you could just download the trial version of 8
and use keyjen....

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: SeekerX on April 19, 2011, 09:09:26 AM
Help? I made my hack and followed everything word for word. I got my replacement MDL but when I try to open it in Brawl box I get this error.


I don't understand it and I really want to finish my hack. It looks awesome.


Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: toastoftriumph on May 02, 2011, 05:13:12 PM
for whatever reason, I'm unable to select the edited polygon when using the morph tool on the unedited one. It doesn't appear on the "Select by Name" screen, and it doesn't do anything if I click on it. I even typed it in, and that doesn't work either.
Am I doing something wrong when I clone it? It's a copy (not an instance or reference).

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: deadeadeadeadead on May 30, 2011, 10:10:00 PM
Can anybody tell where to get 3Ds Max 8? I can only find the newer versions. :( plz reply

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: deadeadeadeadead on May 30, 2011, 10:12:21 PM
Can I have a link to 3DS Max 8. I can only find the newer versions. plz reply.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Toadsmash on June 17, 2011, 11:40:35 PM
Can I have a link to 3DS Max 8. I can only find the newer versions. plz reply.

You could get it 2009 version at

I just need help with the activation code.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Parvati ~ <3 on June 18, 2011, 06:05:28 PM
I neeed help .....everytime i get here , collada isnt one of my file options :(


Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Iwvi on June 25, 2011, 01:37:30 PM
for whatever reason, I'm unable to select the edited polygon when using the morph tool on the unedited one. It doesn't appear on the "Select by Name" screen, and it doesn't do anything if I click on it. I even typed it in, and that doesn't work either. Am I doing something wrong when I clone it? It's a copy (not an instance or reference).

Having the same problem

EDIT: Found the problem, somehow the number of vertices was different, but i don't know how this happened

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Toadsmash on June 28, 2011, 05:47:13 PM
I made a reply to this.

How do I get the AiS to work?

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Parvati ~ <3 on June 28, 2011, 06:12:30 PM
I made a reply to this. [url][/url] How do I get the AiS to work?

Click On The .brres It should say something like "windows cannot open file because file type is unknown" click choose from list of installed programs. an click AiS.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Toadsmash on June 28, 2011, 09:52:10 PM
Oh, thank you, it popped up as if letters were going to appear in the black box, but it just went away. I used the downgraded version as well and it never worked. I have to be doing something wrong.

I'll try it on an actual windows xp computer (it sux because its so darn slow), but I want to see if it is me or my computer (as it is a windows 7).

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Toadsmash on June 28, 2011, 11:11:43 PM
It might not be working because I unzipped it  incorrectly. I tried it on my windows xp, but it didn't work as well.

All I did was winrar the file, extract to my desktop, clicked on it, and the program shut down on me.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Toadsmash on June 30, 2011, 06:45:00 PM
i got it to work! Its been--like--three weeks.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Funzy <3 on June 30, 2011, 08:37:43 PM
Ok i can double patch perfectly fine with other things but when i try to for link I always get a log.txt and at the end of it it says "Texture source: FitLink_BodyB (2)
ERROR: Unknown identifier in poly group @ 26f02 (1)"

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Iwvi on July 01, 2011, 02:00:50 PM
Ok i can double patch perfectly fine with other things but when i try to for link I always get a log.txt and at the end of it it says "Texture source: FitLink_BodyB (2) ERROR: Unknown identifier in poly group @ 26f02 (1)"

Did you delete polygons in him?

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Funzy <3 on July 01, 2011, 02:05:47 PM
Did you delete polygons in him?
Nope none its just when i put the messed up model in the bress and then try to convert with AiS

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Iwvi on July 01, 2011, 02:11:07 PM
Nope none its just when i put the messed up model in the bress and then try to convert with AiS
I asked because i got the same error message when i tried to convert a brres with deleted polygons into DAE with AIS

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Funzy <3 on July 01, 2011, 02:13:30 PM
I asked because i got the same error message when i tried to convert a brres with deleted polygons into DAE with AIS
Oh well thanks anyways  :)

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: MegaMonkey on August 19, 2011, 01:28:15 PM
This helped me so much! I tried to do vertex hacks before with anim8tor but it didn't work on windows 7, but now I know there is a free trial version of 3ds max from this. This is great!
Also to everyone who has the trial version and wants it to last forever there is a program called Time Stopper that lets you use a trial program forever.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: ChaosZeroX on August 25, 2011, 03:28:49 PM

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Ricky (Br3) on August 25, 2011, 04:32:10 PM

lol, so enthusiastic xD

But yeah, I also believe Miacis did a great job on this written guide. If it wasn't for it, I think most people who do vertexes nowadays wouldn't be doing so.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Naruto200Man on September 06, 2011, 02:04:01 PM
Can anyone upload the AIS to mediafire?
My computer refuses to download from the link in the OP =_=

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Ricky (Br3) on September 07, 2011, 12:55:22 PM
Can anyone upload the AIS to mediafire?
My computer refuses to download from the link in the OP =_=


Weird, I downloaded it days ago and it worked just fine :P

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Naruto200Man on September 08, 2011, 06:30:55 PM
Guess what!

I ran Mariokart's script in 3DS 2010 and it Works! OMG :D
That means I get to use the new bb and keep vertexing the way I used to =3

Only thing left is to get the dang keygen(for 3DS Max 2010) I have to work :l

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Parvati ~ <3 on September 08, 2011, 10:19:48 PM
 Thanks For Da Pimp Tutorial Mia ;O

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Pervyman Trigger on September 10, 2011, 02:10:44 PM
Hm, I can't seem to install AIS

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Naruto200Man on September 10, 2011, 07:21:01 PM
just doubleclick the install.dat or whatever it is...
it doesn't actually install like a normal program.....

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Miacis on September 10, 2011, 07:25:33 PM
I'm pretty sure you have to double-click add-contentmenu.reg qfter installing it, as well. Without doing that, double-clicking a BRRES probably won't convert it.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Samzapp on September 11, 2011, 07:30:59 PM
Hai. AiS doesn't seem to work for me. The batch file for the installer always says, quote, "The system can not find the path specified. 0 file(s) moved." If I simply need to create said path, then that would be great. I'm creating it right now.
Ok, I tried creating an ais0.1.3 folder in Program Files (not x86) and now it says that access was denied (gawd, that phrase is so clichéd). Really need some help here!!!
Someone plz help. I'm attempting this on a 64-bit Vista.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Tempo_ on September 11, 2011, 07:35:25 PM
Try it with an account that has Admin privileges.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Naruto200Man on September 13, 2011, 07:25:53 PM
Okay, I need some serious help here! D:

I tried using the scale tool on some imported vertexes once (the ones from the raw .dat file exported from BB) and now the scaling tool is all wonky T-T

Like, if I scale it in down in one direction, it scales it up in the opposite axes O_o
IE: If I scale down on the Y axis, X and/or Z scale up acordingly :l

I have 3DS Max 2010 installed for now. But I would really like this problem fixed...

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Iwvi on September 13, 2011, 09:25:41 PM
Isn't it cause you changed something in settings? maybe

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Ricky (Br3) on September 14, 2011, 05:55:27 AM
You can try deleting the settings file.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Naruto200Man on September 14, 2011, 07:22:14 AM
and that would be....where...? :/

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Miacis on September 14, 2011, 03:08:52 PM
and that would be....where...? :/

Try this maybe ?
By replacing "3DS MAX 8" by 3DS MAX 2010

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Samzapp on September 17, 2011, 04:57:22 PM
Try it with an account that has Admin privileges.
I use the admin account.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Crony on September 27, 2011, 05:10:18 AM
hey guys, i just try this method but durnig the morpher step i cant pickup the "mod" clone for the first channel, does not even appear in the list (H), but still there, and i dont know why?! no problem for the invible vertex on the second channel.

Please can someone help me?! :kdance:

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Iwvi on September 27, 2011, 10:15:18 PM
hey guys, i just try this method but durnig the morpher step i cant pickup the "mod" clone for the first channel, does not even appear in the list (H), but still there, and i dont know why?! no problem for the invible vertex on the second channel. Please can someone help me?! :kdance:
Right Clic on your mod, properties, check if you have the same number of vertices and faces as the original. You may have added/removed a vertex by accident, not sure how but it happens.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Crony on September 28, 2011, 04:27:22 PM
Right Clic on your mod, properties, check if you have the same number of vertices and faces as the original. You may have added/removed a vertex by accident, not sure how but it happens.

OK problem resolved! :happy: Thank you very much! :kdance: :kdance:

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: DevMasters on October 03, 2011, 12:21:31 PM
One question... Whenever I try to move Lucas leaves to a different part of his body and save my changes they dont show up on my character in brawl box. I sightly edit the leaves and that show up but the place I move them to dont. I know its some simple way save the changes to a polygons position on a model right?

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: DevMasters on October 03, 2011, 12:48:51 PM
You know what I figured it out sorry! XD

And you are the best around for this guide! Thanks!

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: ramonM64 on October 05, 2011, 10:37:03 AM
this is a easy to understand guide!! i like how you dont just say "click this.. click this.. click this.. oh and click this too". you give a explanation as to why and stuff. that helps understand this stuff sooOOoO much better cuz you learn what yer doin.  thanks for this guide!

anyway i was having that AiS converter to DAE problem at first like some others too too. draggin it in there and double clicking it didnt work so i tryed right-clicking and then choosing to "open with.." AiS and that fixed my problem.

im havin a slight problem, for some reason its not loading 3 of the texture file things. the mouth, eye and eyelashes. after saving and reloading it and re-exporting them it still happens but now it tells me the error. "Missing External Files" theyre there so i dont know whats the problem. its not a HUGE problem if i wont be able to see it for now [not editing the face vertexs anyway] and only a error when seeing it in 3DS MAX 8 but see-able in brawlbox.

what could be the problem? corrupted Toonlink pac file? or is it cuz im not editing the polygon X data from the face? the weird thing is i can see ALL textures in brawlbox but not in 3DS.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Iwvi on October 05, 2011, 03:45:30 PM
3DS max does not put the eye textures for most characters, they appear white or weird.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: ramonM64 on October 08, 2011, 04:46:08 AM
oh i see. i think i screwed up on the toon link, it keeps sayin that error unlike when i started on a fresh new Link. maybe its just toon link? for some reason when patchin him it didnt do that whole warped blob thing and when choosing what to add in the channels for morphing there was already stuff in there so yeaa..

anywho after starting on a fresh new character and patching the new link over 20 times i was gonna give up, it was actually at LEAST working like in this guide now but it wasnt warping back good enough. and then i realized.. i should just stop on the best one and then redit it THEN patch it some more which actually worked well.. i think thats what i was suppose to do from the start? oh well  lol

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Teh-Ray on October 09, 2011, 02:33:31 AM
First of all, I would like to thank the creator of this tutorial for making it so neat and easy to follow, I've made plenty of vertex hacks because of this, and while some problems did occur, most of the time it's been a painless and rewarding road. I got inspired to make yet another vertex hack, this time on Link, so I created the .dae file and imported it in 3DS Max.

Then this happened:

I don't know what this means, but this is the first I've seen of it. It repeats two times ( for polygon 26 and 30 as well ), and it seems these polygons correspond to Link's little thing over his left gauntlet ( Whatever that's called ), and his two shield polygons ( for on his back, and in his hand ). Viewing them in 3DS Max doesn't load their respective textures either, they just appear white and blank. Anyway, I'm able to Fix AiS import and all that, but after moving the camera around a bit, the program just sort of locks up, and I can't even do anything ( I can't even close it or click on anything, so I have to use Task Manager to close it ). I've never had this problem before, and googling doesn't help at all, so I'm hoping somewhere here could help me solve this. I wonder if this only happens to Link...

I've tried this with multiple Link .pac files, just in case anyone's wondering.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Iwvi on October 09, 2011, 11:11:06 AM
no it does not only happens to link, happens to ness as well, and probably others. It's not a big deal, just clic cancel and go on.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Teh-Ray on October 09, 2011, 11:50:20 AM
Well, thanks for letting me know it doesn't only happen to Link, and that it's not just a special problem that happens once in a blue moon to certain people, however, I do still have a problem where 3DS Max locks up and I can't do anything in it. Does anyone know if there's a way around this?

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Iwvi on October 09, 2011, 02:06:03 PM
Weird, I edited link a while ago. The same message pops up, just clic cancel and everytihing was fine. So im not sure why 3DS max would lock up.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Teh-Ray on October 09, 2011, 09:13:11 PM
Hmm...I see. I guess it's just my computer then. I'm using Windows 7 Home Ultimate and running 3DS Max in Windows XP SP3 compatibility mode, if that has anything to do with it.

Thanks for your help, though.

Edit: Okay, apparently running in XP SP3 compatibility was the problem, I set it back to 7 and it works fine now, and I'm nearly done editing Link to my liking! Thanks!

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Naruto200Man on October 23, 2011, 01:10:57 PM

Seriously, I've installed coladda max and only the opencoladda (The one that just lists the .dae as a file type next to the name) appears on my list.


It's supposed to list .DAE, .XML and something else isn't it?

I've tried using the one that imports just DAE (The one in the picture) but it doesn't work :(

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Naruto200Man on October 23, 2011, 07:59:33 PM

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: LeftyGreenMario on November 06, 2011, 01:24:08 AM
Sorry for the bump, but I hope this isn't mentioned before. Pressing SHIFT on the keyboard in 3DS max can make you create a floating vertex, which is probably the reason some of you guys found some extra vertices. The extra vertices is usually the reason people cannot pick from scenes as they should.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Changeling on January 18, 2012, 01:05:38 PM
Bumping this to notify people that this method DOES work on 3dsMax 2012. I successfully edited my Yoshi with it (quadruple patching, bleh). New personal model hack coming up for me~  :af:

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: DarkDeity on April 19, 2012, 11:17:13 AM
ok so im tryin to use this to make a hooded ike [step one for making another one of my oc's] but regardless of what i pic it kees screwing up. any tips on what part of the model i should use?

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: crush40rocks on June 01, 2012, 12:06:02 AM
Does anyone use Blender, rather than 3DS Max, for this kind of thing? From what I've seen, Blender has TONS of graphical/animated potential, plus it's free.

( Warned
Necropost (making a post with no useful content in a thread that has had no other posts for over 3 weeks)

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Lone Devil on June 15, 2012, 08:33:44 PM
I tried all the steps the first time and it worked, the second time it didn't with my new edit
(still shows the normal model in brawlbox), is it because I deleted some verticals? (about 3 of the dots) if so, is there any way to get passed it or am I screwed?
EDIT: Nevermind, happen to start all over and made a better model, I'm confused about the double patching, as of the part that you have to put polygon03 into the Morpher, I only manage to find polygon02, and didn't work. is it suppose to be a example or I have to reuse the polygon from my new .dae file?

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: mnsg on August 15, 2012, 07:51:27 PM
I followed the guide, and I was able to export my vertex edits without having to do more than "2" patches.

Unfortunately, when I tried to vertex edit the back hair of certain models (such as with Peach), it never got completely patched, even after as many as 10 patches.  Apparently, this tutorial doesn't handle the hair vertices that are controlled by bones very well.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Iwvi on August 15, 2012, 08:33:15 PM
Objects affected by wind (Capes, some hair, link's hat and many others) are really hard, if not impossible to patch.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: mnsg on August 15, 2012, 09:02:55 PM
Objects affected by wind (Capes, some hair, link's hat and many others) are really hard, if not impossible to patch.

Then I'm assuming that those types of vertices can only be modified correctly with either Anim8or and/or Blender.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Iwvi on August 15, 2012, 09:32:21 PM
Not sure. I never tried. But I'm sure if you get the DAE inside max you can edit it and reimport it.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Argenteus on October 04, 2012, 05:58:59 PM
Is there a way to edit these that's compatible with Linux? As far as I know, those programs required are Windows only, and I use Linux. Thanks.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: ScourgEyb00m! on July 01, 2013, 06:31:10 PM
So this can be done with a ported model from another game too, right?
I'm trying to see if I can flip Silver's brows upside down ;-;

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: Iwvi on July 01, 2013, 07:00:53 PM
So this can be done with a ported model from another game too, right?
I'm trying to see if I can flip Silver's brows upside down ;-;
I guess so, but the method is really old and outdated. There are easier ways. look on the tutorial sections. you can now import the model into max and edit it however you want and get it back in game.

Title: Re: Beginner's guide to MK64n's method without patching + Tips for using 3DS MAX
Post by: tsukikomi on July 11, 2013, 12:34:08 PM
I'll like to make toon link effemine like so I'd like to fix his (or herm should I say) hair and make it longer and more girlier (using the gay tink texture), I know I need blender to pull it off but how would I go on doing it? Since I'm using newer one and those program probably been updated and idk if that boot thing apply's to hair as well so yeah.