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Help & Tutorials => Vertex Tutorials => Topic started by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 08, 2010, 02:41:22 PM

Title: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide! (Tips video added)
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 08, 2010, 02:41:22 PM

Just tryin to make it easier for people who have no experience. Also Mariokart's video didn't explain how to do the raw vertex edit method like this does. YEAH YEAH THERES KCMM VIDEOS ON THAT TOO I KNOW

Just trying to help out here.


So, you wanna edit vertices? I have to admit that I'm no master, but I have at least enough knowledge to

make this guide. This guide will also help you people still using that meathod of just editing raw

vertices (Just editing the blue dots floating in space....ungh!) Well first off, I better give you a few

links. I am assuming you already have Brawlbox installed. If you dont........go get it right now!

DAS DONKEY BOX: (You really, really need this. Alot.)

AiS: (You need this if you wanna edit DAE files, which I'll explain later. Not required, but


3DS Max: It would be best if you could find a 2009 version, as thats what I use and the changes in some

versions of max are very different. 2008 and 2010 should work fine too. This program costs money, though,

unless you know of a fun little thing called P2P........ >D

COLLADA plugin for 3DS Max: (You need this for DAE. Again, not required, but STRONGLY reccomended.)


Now, before we get started, you need to add a code to 3ds max. If you're new to the program, here's how:

1. Click on the Maxscript button on the top of 3ds max
2. Click new script
3. Copypasta the script I'm about to give you
4. Save and run the script

This code was created by Mariokart64n as well as the meathod I will be teaching you. It is only requried

if you are going to edit DAEs.
fn readBEshort fstream = (
short = readshort fstream #unsigned
short = bit.swapBytes short 1 2
return short
fn readBElong fstream = (
long = readlong fstream
long = bit.swapBytes long 1 4
long = bit.swapBytes long 2 3
return long
fn ReadBEfloat fstream = (
return floatSwap2(readfloat fstream)
fn floatSwap2 f = (
i = bit.floatAsInt f
h = bit.intashex i
while h.count < 8 do h = "0" + h
s = (substring h 7 2) + (substring h 5 2) + (substring h 3 2) + (substring h 1 2)
bit.intAsFloat (bit.hexasint s)

rollout DDV "Vertex Modding Patcher" width:320 height:270
button btn1 "Import Verts" pos:[8,16] width:144 height:40
button btn2 "Create Patch" pos:[8,112] width:144 height:40
button btn3 "Patch Model" pos:[8,160] width:144 height:40
groupBox grp1 "Description" pos:[160,8] width:143 height:48
label lbl1 "Imports a RAW VertexSet from BrawlBox." pos:[169,21] width:128 height:30
groupBox grp2 "Description" pos:[160,152] width:143 height:48
label lbl2 "Patches finished model, for use with DDV" pos:[169,165] width:128 height:30
groupBox grp3 "Description" pos:[160,104] width:143 height:48
label lbl3 "Creates a Patch File from the RAW and Imported File" pos:[169,117] width:131

label lbl4 "-Mario_Kart64n, (June3, 2010)" pos:[164,253] width:156 height:18
button btn4 "Fix AiS Import" pos:[8,208] width:144 height:40
groupBox grp5 "Description" pos:[160,200] width:143 height:48
label lbl5 "Removes Collada Lib From Imported mesh" pos:[169,213] width:128 height:30
checkbox chk1 "Checkbox" pos:[10,250] width:14 height:13
label lbl7 "Max2010" pos:[27,249] width:45 height:15
button btn5 "Export Verts" pos:[8,64] width:144 height:40
checkbox chk2 "Checkbox" pos:[159,68] width:14 height:13 enabled:false checked:false
label lbl8 "Save As Seperate File" pos:[176,67] width:119 height:15
checkbox chk3 "Checkbox" pos:[159,84] width:14 height:13 enabled:false checked:false
label lbl9 "Save Changes to MDL0" pos:[176,83] width:119 height:15

on btn1 pressed do(
fsource = GetOpenFileName \
caption:"Brawl Vert Import" types: \
"All files (*.*)|*.*|"
f= fopen fsource "rb"
fpath= getFilenamePath fsource
fname = getFilenameFile fsource


fSize=readBElong f
mdlOffset=readBElong f
dataOffset=readBElong f
strOffset=readBElong f
vertID=readBElong f
vUkn1=readBElong f --flag? is XYZ?
dataType=readBElong f
entryStride=readBEshort f
numVertices=readBEshort f
eMinX=readBEfloat f
eMinY=readBEfloat f
eMinZ=readBEfloat f
eMaxX=readBEfloat f
eMaxY=readBEfloat f
eMaxZ=readBEfloat f
pad=readBElong f
pad=readBElong f

for x = 1 to numVertices do(
vX=readBEfloat f
vY=readBEfloat f
vZ=readBEfloat f
append vertArray[vX,vY,vZ]
append uvwArray[0,0,0]

-- fclose f
-- fsource = GetOpenFileName \
-- caption:"Brawl Polygon Import" types: \
-- "All files (*.*)|*.*|"
-- f= fopen fsource "rb"
-- fSize=readBElong f
-- mdlOffset=readBElong f
-- nodeID=readBElong f
-- pfUkn1=readBElong f

-- elementFlag=readBElong f
-- pfUkn2=readBElong f --count for weird data
-- defSize=readBElong f
-- defFlags=readBElong f

-- defOffset=readBElong f
-- datalen1=readBElong f
-- datalen2=readBElong f
-- dataOffset=readBElong f

-- pfUkn3=readBElong f
-- pfUkn4=readBElong f
-- strOffset=readBElong f
-- itmOffset=readBElong f

-- pfUkn5=readBElong f
-- numFaces=readBElong f
-- vertSet=readBEshort f
-- normSet=readBEshort f

-- partXOffset=readBEshort f --???

-- if vertID!=vertSet then(
-- MessageBox(
-- "WARRNING!!!" +"\n"+
-- "Incorrect Index Buffer" +"\n"+
-- "-Sorry (mariokart64n)")
-- )else(
-- fseek pf 0x111 #seek_cur
-- for x = 1 to pfUkn2 do (
-- ukn=readbyte f #unsigned
-- ukn=readbyte f #unsigned
-- ukn=readbyte f #unsigned
-- ukn=readbyte f #unsigned
-- ukn=readbyte f #unsigned
-- )
-- )
-- ukn=readbyte f #unsigned
-- ukn=readbyte f #unsigned
-- ukn=readbyte f #unsigned
-- ukn=readbyte f #unsigned

-- ukn=readBEshort f
-- ukn=readbyte f #unsigned
-- ukn=readBEshort f

-- ukn=readBEshort f
-- ukn=readbyte f #unsigned
-- ukn=readbyte f #unsigned

-- ukn=readBEshort f

-- end of file is a loop of data
-- 27bytes long per loop

msh = mesh vertices:vertArray faces:faceArray   --build mesh
msh.numTVerts = vertArray.count
--msh.rotation = quat -0.5 0.5 -0.5 0.5
--msh.rotation = quat 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
--msh.scale = [0.3937008,0.3937008,0.3937008]
buildTVfaces msh
-- modPanel.setCurrentObject $Object01.baseObject
-- subobjectLevel = 1
-- rotate $Object01.verts[#{1..580}] (quat 0.707107 0 0 0.707107)
-- subobjectLevel = 0
-- for j = 1 to UV_array.count  do setTVert msh j UV_array[j]
-- for j = 1 to faceArray.count  do setTface msh j faceArray[j]
-- for j = 1 to Normal_array.count do setNormal msh j Normal_array[j]

 messageBox "Done !"
fclose f

on btn2 pressed do(
fsource = GetOpenFileName \
caption:"Brawl Vert Import" types: \
"All files (*.*)|*.*|"
f= fopen fsource "rb"
fpath= getFilenamePath fsource
fname = getFilenameFile fsource


fSize=readBElong f
mdlOffset=readBElong f
dataOffset=readBElong f
strOffset=readBElong f
vertID=readBElong f
vUkn1=readBElong f --flag? is XYZ?
dataType=readBElong f
entryStride=readBEshort f
numVertices=readBEshort f
eMinX=readBEfloat f
eMinY=readBEfloat f
eMinZ=readBEfloat f
eMaxX=readBEfloat f
eMaxY=readBEfloat f
eMaxZ=readBEfloat f
pad=readBElong f
pad=readBElong f

for x = 1 to numVertices do(
vX=readBEfloat f
vY=readBEfloat f
vZ=readBEfloat f
append vertArray[vX,vY,vZ]
append uvwArray[0,0,0]

obj.pos = [0,0,0]
obj.rotation = quat 0 0 0 0
max modify mode
addModifier obj (edit_poly())
subobjectLevel = 1
-- modPanel.setCurrentObject obj.modifiers[#Edit_Poly]
for x = 1 to numVertices do(
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].SetSelection #Vertex #{}
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].Select #Vertex #{x}
vert=$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].GetVertex x
-- $.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].SetOperation #Transform


append diffArray[mX,mY,mZ]
-- $.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].Commit ()
-- $.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].SetSelection #Vertex #{}
-- subobjectLevel = 0
-- modPanel.setCurrentObject obj.modifiers[#Edit_Poly]
deleteModifier obj 1

createFile (fpath+fname+"_patch.pta")
s = fopen (fpath+fname+"_patch.pta") "ab"
vcount=writelong s numVertices
 for x = 1 to numVertices do(
write=writefloat s (diffArray[x][1])
write=writefloat s (diffArray[x][2])
write=writefloat s (diffArray[x][3])
write=writelong s 0x0
 messageBox ("Patch Created !"  +"\n"+
"File Saved To:"  +"\n"+

fclose s
fclose f

on btn3 pressed do(
fsource = GetOpenFileName \
caption:"Brawl Vert Patcher" types: \
"Patch(*pta)|*.pta|All files (*.*)|*.*|"
f= fopen fsource "rb"
fpath= getFilenamePath fsource

vcount=readlong f #unsigned
for x = 1 to vcount do(
vX=readfloat f
vY=readfloat f
vZ=readfloat f
dmy=readshort f #unsigned
side=readshort f #unsigned
append vertArray[vX,vY,vZ,side]

obj.pos = [0,0,0]
obj.rotation = quat 0 0 0 0
max modify mode
addModifier obj (edit_poly())
subobjectLevel = 1
--modPanel.setCurrentObject obj.modifiers[#Edit_Poly]
for x = 1 to vcount do(
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].SetSelection #Vertex #{}
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].Select #Vertex #{x}
vert=$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].GetVertex x
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].SetOperation #Transform
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].MoveSelection  [mX,mY,mZ]
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].Commit ()
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].SetSelection #Vertex #{}
subobjectLevel = 0
--modPanel.setCurrentObject obj.modifiers[#Edit_Poly]

messageBox "Patched !"

fclose f

on btn4 pressed do(
-- obj = getnodebyname "Box01"
-- if obj != undefined then select obj

-- select $Polygon*
-- select $helpers

st = timestamp() --get start time in milliseconds
undo off(
-- print geo
for x = 1 to geo.count do(
addModifier geo[x] (Normalmodifier ())
geo[x].modifiers[#Normal].flip = on
addModifier geo[x] (smooth ())
geo[x].modifiers[#Smooth].smoothingBits = 1
collapseStack geo[x]
if m2010==true do(
--rotate geo[x] (quat -1 0 0 0)
geo[x].scale = [2.54,2.54,2.54]
delete $helpers
for x = 1 to geo.count do(
-- aBox = Box length:0.2 width:0.2 height:0.2 name:"dummy"
aBox = Box()
aBox.rotation = quat 0.707107 0 0 0.707107
convertTo aBox TriMeshGeometry
for x = 1 to geo.count do(
objA= dmy[x]
objB= geo[x]
append myBoxes objA
append myMeshes objB

for x = 1 to geo.count do(
myBoxes[x].name = myMeshes[x].name
attach myBoxes[x] myMeshes[x]

for x = 1 to geo.count do(
for i = 1 to 8 do(
delete geo[x].verts[#{1}]
addModifier geo[x] (Morpher ())

addModifier $Polygon* (Edit_Mesh ())

et = timestamp() --get end time in milliseconds
print ("Operation Completed In: "+(((et-st)/60)as string)+" Seconds") --print time to finish

createDialog DDV

Ok, one last thing before the tutorial starts. I wanna show you waht DAE editing is and what raw vertex

editing is.

Here's editing raw vertices:

And here's editing DAEs:

Yeeeeah, kinda easy to tell which one's easier to edit, amirite? However, DAE does require more

converting work but in the end it saves a lot of time. But sometimes, this meathod doesn't work.  And raw

vertexes aren't THAT hard to work with if you're working with something obvious, such as Yoshi's shell,

and its faster. So first I'll go over raw vertex editing, as DAE builds upon it.

Ok, first you gotta find what polygon you're going to edit. In this example, we're going to make Yoshi's

shoes bigger.

Go to brawbox and preview Yoshi's model. Turn off polygons until you find the one that includes his

shoes. It's polygon 2. Now look in Yoshi's folders in brawlbox until you find polygon 2. Now scroll down

to the bottom of that window to find the vertex ID. It's 2 as well, but they wont always match. Now find

 the vertex with the ID of 2, and export it to the folder where dasdonkey box is, and name it vertex.ddf.

Now export the model file to the same place, naming it model.mdl0. Run dasdonkeybox and click create 3DS.

A 3ds file will appear and now you can import (Yes, IMPORT, not OPEN) it into 3ds max and edit it! If

you're new to 3ds, here's the basic way to edit them.

Here's what you get when you import: A big fat load of NOTHING!

Click this....

Then this....

And you should see something like this!

Now, how to edit stuff. Highlight vertices and then right click. You can choose between 3 types of

editing, move, scale and rotate. When you click on any of them, they give you can click on the

mini-axises that appear to make changes in one direction, or move them freely. For example, when you

choose scale, you can drag on the mini-x axis to stretch it on the X axis, or click in the triangle that

appears to enlarge it in all directions.

When you are done, click on file>export (NOT save) and save over the ddv.3ds that 3ds originally created.

Now go to dasdonkeybox and click on "insert 3ds on mld0". It will ask you for an offset. Go to brawlbox,

and look at the vertex data for what you just edited. There will be a mld0 offset there, copy it. The one

for Yoshi's feet and head is -168960. (The - sign doesnt really matter, so if you dont copy it, dont

worry about it.) Now go to brawlbox and replace Yoshi's model with  model.mld0. Ta-da! The changes you

made should now be there.

Ok, time for DAE. First, install AiS. To do so, run the install.bat file in the 3ds download. If that

doesn't work, copy everything in it and paste it in C:\Program Files\ais0.1.3. (Create the folder.) Now,

follow the original steps - export model.mdl0 and vertex.ddf. Now, export the brres file for Yoshi's

model. It doesnt matter what you name this one, but save it in the dasdonkey folder. Now go to that

folder, right click on the model data, and click convert to DAE. Great, now you're set. Import that DAE

into 3ds as a COLLADA, NOT as an autodesk DAE.

This one.

You should get an ugly looking character.


Ok, remember that script? Run it. Then click on THIS button:

And you should get this.

Much better! By the way, make sure you check the Max10 button if you're using Max 10. Yeah, kinda

Now, click on the polygon you wanna edit (In this case his feet) and right click it and click hide

unselected. Now go to the script program, and click THIS:

Now navigate to your dasdonkey folder and double click vertex.ddf. Wait a bit, and it should say patch

created. If it gives you an error, close the script and reopen it and try again (But dont reclick fix AiS

import). After you click Ok, it puts the model on its back. Go to where you turned on the vertices in the

raw meathod, and.....


Much easier editing.

Now edit to your liking. Like I said, I'm going to make his shoes bigger.

There we go.

Now open the script again, and click on patch model. Go to the dasdonkey folder and click on

vertex_Patch.pta. (It should be the only one there.) Now this part can take a while, so go to the

bathroom or get a snack while you wait.

Ok, when it patches, you should get something like this.


OH CRAP! Did it mess up? Nope, thats whats supposed to happen, dont worry! Now, if you havent already, go

to dasdonkey and make the 3ds file. Now import it into 3ds max. You dont really even have to turn on the

vertex thingy. Just make sure you're selected on the vertex and click here.....


And select morpher from that list. Now, on the thing that appeared on the side, RIGHT click here...

and click pick from scene. Now click on the model thingy and then click on the arrow next to the box you

right clicked on and move your mouse up until it reaches 100. Now go to file>export selected (MAKE SURE

IT SAYS EXPORT SELECTED) and export over the DDV.3ds. Now follow the rest of the steps in the raw vertex

meathod. Check it out in brawlbox.

Bigger is better!

However, we can see a problem - one of the feet got messed up! To fix this, we "double patch". To do

this, export the brres file again and convert to DAE again and then patch it in 3ds again and then import

the vertex again and morph it again and export again.....and then it should look fine.

So, any questions? Please post them and I'll do my very best to answer them. If there's anything vertex

related you want me to add to this guide, let me know aswell!

Video with some more stuff:

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Ultimate Vertex Guide! (Trust me, this makes it easy.)
Post by: dingo on June 08, 2010, 02:58:46 PM
So your guide is just mariokarts guide but in none video form...

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Ultimate Vertex Guide! (Trust me, this makes it easy.)
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 08, 2010, 03:01:17 PM
So your guide is just mariokarts guide but in none video form...

It's more noob friendly....?

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Ultimate Vertex Guide! (Trust me, this makes it easy.)
Post by: Oizen on June 08, 2010, 03:02:00 PM
Plagiarism FTW

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Ultimate Vertex Guide! (Trust me, this makes it easy.)
Post by: MyKewl on June 08, 2010, 03:02:32 PM
So your guide is just mariokarts guide but in none video form...

It's more noob friendly....?
He's right this is harder and non easy to follow. Videos are better. Especially because Mariokart64n has a Sexy voice. *jk*

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Ultimate Vertex Guide! (Trust me, this makes it easy.)
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 08, 2010, 03:03:00 PM
Plagiarism FTW

I said he created the method.....

It was just sort of confusing for me at first so I thought it might be confusing to others....

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Ultimate Vertex Guide! (Trust me, this makes it easy.)
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 08, 2010, 03:03:35 PM
So your guide is just mariokarts guide but in none video form...

It's more noob friendly....?
He's right this is harder and non easy to follow. Videos are better. Especially because Mariokart64n has a Sexy voice. *jk*

Maybe I'll add a video then. :/

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Ultimate Vertex Guide! (Trust me, this makes it easy.)
Post by: Oizen on June 08, 2010, 03:04:11 PM
Doesn't mean its not Plagiarized.

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Ultimate Vertex Guide! (Trust me, this makes it easy.)
Post by: MyKewl on June 08, 2010, 03:20:27 PM
Doesn't mean its not Plagiarized.

You are correct it is plagiarism, Yoshiboshi3. You made this guide with no point. Sorry but Mariokart64n's guide is easy. I just cannot do it because 3ds max does not co-operate.

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Ultimate Vertex Guide! (Trust me, this makes it easy.)
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 08, 2010, 03:26:50 PM
Doesn't mean its not Plagiarized.

Ok fine. So you're saying I should delete this?

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Epic Fail!
Post by: MyKewl on June 10, 2010, 10:06:18 PM
This is fail

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Epic Fail!
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 10, 2010, 11:03:13 PM
This is fail
What was the point of that post?

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Epic Fail!
Post by: Power Marshall on June 11, 2010, 10:36:27 AM
actually, Boshi. Yours is in a way easier. But maybe it would have been better if you made the tutorial post of yours on MK64n's thread, because it does say "Model hacking help" so I would think it could be a place to post what you know about vertex hacking and model hacking all in that thread. But... that is just mii. Great guide, NTL.

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Epic Fail!
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 11, 2010, 11:25:54 AM
Just might do that. Thanks for being helpful.

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide!
Post by: Sanitys_Theif on June 12, 2010, 12:57:44 AM
Read it over quick, easier to understand, will try tomorrow

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide!
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 12, 2010, 01:02:42 AM
Read it over quick, easier to understand, will try tomorrow


Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide!
Post by: Sanitys_Theif on June 12, 2010, 02:47:16 PM
Tried with your guide, still got the exact same results, I guess I'll just have to wait for DDVB V2, it's not me, I followed all the steps exactly, going over 3 times at least, still nothing works, it's just the program can't handle Samus' hair I guess, it's a shame

EDIT: WTF!!!!!! (  I tried editing Zelda's hair and got the same F******* problem! **** this why isn't it working!?

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide!
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 12, 2010, 05:04:53 PM
Tried with your guide, still got the exact same results, I guess I'll just have to wait for DDVB V2, it's not me, I followed all the steps exactly, going over 3 times at least, still nothing works, it's just the program can't handle Samus' hair I guess, it's a shame

EDIT: WTF!!!!!! ([url][/url])  I tried editing Zelda's hair and got the same F******* problem! **** this why isn't it working!?

You probably already read this, but Mariokart says he'll post another video tutorial for us....theres a lot of problems in this :/

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide!
Post by: -BigSharkZ- on June 15, 2010, 05:35:18 PM
Uhh, how come this doesn't work near the end of the tutorial? I do the pick from scene thing, then I export the selected stuff, and in Brawl Box, the model is EXACTLY the same. This is started to piss me off, as I lost the vertex hack I made twice, and on the third time I started working on it, it just wouldn't work at all.

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide!
Post by: SiLeNtDo0m on June 18, 2010, 03:08:42 PM
I can't even get past the first step.  Basically what happens is I install AiS but:
1) When I right click the brres file it doesn't give me the option to "Convert to DAE"
2) If I open up the AiS thing manually it instantly just says "AiS has stopped working"

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide!
Post by: mariokart64n on June 18, 2010, 03:20:26 PM
you can't edit anything that uses a physics bone. even with DDVB2 won't be able to fix that. :\

physics bones are bones that are effected by wind, as an example. such objects such as cape, hair, scarfs, or even the tails of various clothing items.. there's just no work around. :\

also I don't have any problems with this guide, beside the fact your redistributing my script.. which I ever so often update. I guess its good to have the old versions of stuff.. but I hope it doesn't cause more confusing if my script is ever updated.

otherwise, good stuff.. I tried to read or browse through, seems solid.

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide!
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 19, 2010, 11:30:47 AM
you can't edit anything that uses a physics bone. even with DDVB2 won't be able to fix that. :\

physics bones are bones that are effected by wind, as an example. such objects such as cape, hair, scarfs, or even the tails of various clothing items.. there's just no work around. :\

also I don't have any problems with this guide, beside the fact your redistributing my script.. which I ever so often update. I guess its good to have the old versions of stuff.. but I hope it doesn't cause more confusing if my script is ever updated.

otherwise, good stuff.. I tried to read or browse through, seems solid.

Of course, you're now turned your full thread into a full-blown guide. So this really doesn't serve much of a purpose anymore.

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide!
Post by: Throwarockatme on June 23, 2010, 10:42:00 AM
"Ok, time for DAE. First, install AiS. To do so, run the install.bat file in the 3ds download. If that

doesn't work, copy everything in it and paste it in C:\Program Files\ais0.1.3. (Create the folder.)"

that part isn't working for me.. It runs but I still dont se an option to Convert to DAE ever. ive done it several times. :(

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide!
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 23, 2010, 10:58:25 AM
"Ok, time for DAE. First, install AiS. To do so, run the install.bat file in the 3ds download. If that

doesn't work, copy everything in it and paste it in C:\Program Files\ais0.1.3. (Create the folder.)"

that part isn't working for me.. It runs but I still dont se an option to Convert to DAE ever. ive done it several times. :(

Try clicking on the brres file and then choosing what program to open it with, and then navigate to AIS. Thats what worked for a friend of mine.

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide!
Post by: Throwarockatme on June 23, 2010, 11:06:55 AM

Try clicking on the brres file and then choosing what program to open it with, and then navigate to AIS. Thats what worked for a friend of mine.

it just says "AiS has stopped working" :(

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide!
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 23, 2010, 11:11:53 AM

Try clicking on the brres file and then choosing what program to open it with, and then navigate to AIS. Thats what worked for a friend of mine.

it just says "AiS has stopped working" :(

Um....Are you using vista?

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide!
Post by: Throwarockatme on June 23, 2010, 11:18:43 AM
I'm using Windows 7. Sorry to bug you guys about this.. lol I really wish i could do it on my own.

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide!
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 23, 2010, 11:20:44 AM
I'm using Windows 7. Sorry to bug you guys about this.. lol I really wish i could do it on my own.

Thats a problem......

Try running it as XP.

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide!
Post by: Throwarockatme on June 23, 2010, 11:22:15 AM
How would I do that?

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide!
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 23, 2010, 11:33:23 AM
How would I do that?

Uh, I forgot. I rember doing it before, but I'm not using Vista right now nor do I have access to it, so I dont know. I think right click/run as XP? Try googling it.....

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide!
Post by: Throwarockatme on June 23, 2010, 02:22:35 PM
How would I do that?

Uh, I forgot. I rember doing it before, but I'm not using Vista right now nor do I have access to it, so I dont know. I think right click/run as XP? Try googling it.....

i tried right click/properties/compatability and  clicking both XP packages and still doesnt work. :(

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide!
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 23, 2010, 02:38:18 PM
How would I do that?

Uh, I forgot. I rember doing it before, but I'm not using Vista right now nor do I have access to it, so I dont know. I think right click/run as XP? Try googling it.....

i tried right click/properties/compatability and  clicking both XP packages and still doesnt work. :(

Ahg. I dunno. For now, want me to just make a DAE for the character you want?

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide!
Post by: mariokart64n on June 23, 2010, 02:42:26 PM
AIS was compiled under the xp OS, so it should run under vista and seven without problems. did you click on the install bat?

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide!
Post by: Throwarockatme on June 23, 2010, 02:46:44 PM
AIS was compiled under the xp OS, so it should run under vista and seven without problems. did you click on the install bat?

yes I did. the system window32 window came up but just flashed for a split second.

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide!
Post by: Throwarockatme on June 23, 2010, 02:48:34 PM
How would I do that?

Uh, I forgot. I rember doing it before, but I'm not using Vista right now nor do I have access to it, so I dont know. I think right click/run as XP? Try googling it.....

i tried right click/properties/compatability and  clicking both XP packages and still doesnt work. :(

Ahg. I dunno. For now, want me to just make a DAE for the character you want?

What would you need from me?

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide!
Post by: Throwarockatme on June 27, 2010, 08:42:33 AM

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide!
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 27, 2010, 11:04:22 AM
Hey, gimme a bit of time to see my topic XD

I wouldnt need anything. Just tell me what character you want and I'll give you the DAE.

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide!
Post by: owned645 on June 30, 2010, 03:13:05 PM
Hey yosh. If I can get this to work, I could make a video for you.

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide!
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 30, 2010, 03:22:33 PM
I'll make a video. It will explain some stuff Mariokart's didn't, and Ill explain how to put textures in and use facemorpher and such, all in one nifty tutorial.

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide!
Post by: mariokart64n on July 02, 2010, 08:16:02 PM
goodluck with that ;)

I tried my best to quickl explain very complex operations
-Importing & Conversions
-Double Patching
-EditPoly Editing
-Morphing & FaceMorphing
-Model Wrapping
-Model Preping & Fixing
-Script Utlity Explaination
-Texture Projection
-Injection with DDVB

..I probably did miss alot of minor things, but if I did that.. the video would be 6hours, and nobody would watch it. in fact nobody watches it anyway, so ultimately it's been a ( cause on my part.

whatever the case, I can't wait to see your video. It'll be interesting to see your interpretation.

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide!
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on July 03, 2010, 01:59:01 PM
goodluck with that ;)

I tried my best to quickl explain very complex operations
-Importing & Conversions
-Double Patching
-EditPoly Editing
-Morphing & FaceMorphing
-Model Wrapping
-Model Preping & Fixing
-Script Utlity Explaination
-Texture Projection
-Injection with DDVB

..I probably did miss alot of minor things, but if I did that.. the video would be 6hours, and nobody would watch it. in fact nobody watches it anyway, so ultimately it's been a ([url][/url]) cause on my part.

whatever the case, I can't wait to see your video. It'll be interesting to see your interpretation.

Great. I actually found your tutorial to be very, very helpful (After I watched the whole thing XD) but the only dislike I had about it was that it was about you morphing a model into something else, not editing like most of us are doing. In the end, it all came down to the same stuff, but some of it made it confusing and I had to rewatch some parts.

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide!
Post by: LadyLegion on July 06, 2010, 10:42:27 AM
"Now go to that

folder, right click on the model data, and click convert to DAE. Great, now you're set. Import that DAE

into 3ds as a COLLADA, NOT as an autodesk DAE."

I convert it to DAE but it says "BrrestoDAE" and when I try to import it, Autodesk wont let it.
it says

"No appropriate import module found"
"Improper file format"

BTW: I like this guide it was very easy to follow. ^^

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide! (Tips video added)
Post by: ShadowSnake on July 07, 2010, 02:29:29 PM
This is way more n00b friendly, thanks for the tutorial.

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide! (Tips video added)
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on July 07, 2010, 02:40:28 PM
This is way more n00b friendly, thanks for the tutorial.
You're welcome!

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide! (Tips video added)
Post by: Naruto200Man on July 10, 2010, 05:10:02 PM
Could you like make the same tutorial, but for blender instead of 3Dmax? And on the actual editing part? There's no freaking way I'm buying a $3,000 program that I'm gonna use once or twice.

All the blender tutorials go super in depth, but they say nothing about how to select/edit etc.

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide! (Tips video added)
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on July 10, 2010, 11:06:20 PM
Could you like make the same tutorial, but for blender instead of 3Dmax? And on the actual editing part? There's no freaking way I'm buying a $3,000 program that I'm gonna use once or twice.

All the blender tutorials go super in depth, but they say nothing about how to select/edit etc.
I'm afraid this technique doesn't work for blender yet, as Mariokart's script is for 3ds max. I understand you don't want to pay for it, but I'll give you a hint: I didn't pay for it, either.

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide! (Tips video added)
Post by: Naruto200Man on July 11, 2010, 01:11:03 PM
Could you like make the same tutorial, but for blender instead of 3Dmax? And on the actual editing part? There's no freaking way I'm buying a $3,000 program that I'm gonna use once or twice.

All the blender tutorials go super in depth, but they say nothing about how to select/edit etc.
I'm afraid this technique doesn't work for blender yet, as Mariokart's script is for 3ds max. I understand you don't want to pay for it, but I'll give you a hint: I didn't pay for it, either.
Then can you at least tell me how to edit them in blender, and I mean IN the actual program. Not the steps to make the file accesable with blender.

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide! (Tips video added)
Post by: mariokart64n on July 11, 2010, 01:28:38 PM
I posted a free 30day trial in my tutorial topic. if your only going to use it once or twice I don't see the problem. its free..

also I dont know alot about blender, but if your asking about how to do stuff like edit and stuff.. thats 3d fundamentals.. try searching the blender site, or even youtube for beginners tutorials..

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide! (Tips video added)
Post by: ShadowSnake on July 12, 2010, 01:25:29 AM
 @ yoshiboshi

Again thank you so much for this tutorial/guide, i almost got it working today. :) Tomorrow expect an awesome vertex by me.

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide! (Tips video added)
Post by: Naruto200Man on July 12, 2010, 11:01:54 AM
I posted a free 30day trial in my tutorial topic. if your only going to use it once or twice I don't see the problem. its free..

also I dont know alot about blender, but if your asking about how to do stuff like edit and stuff.. thats 3d fundamentals.. try searching the blender site, or even youtube for beginners tutorials..


It's okay, all I needed to do was select the object by right clicking it *headdesk over nine thousannnd* X_X I feel soooooo stupid.

How about a tutorial on how to change the scale of everything without editing the vertexes etc? Like just the scale of the model itself? Or A tutorial on how to transfer textures/PSA's from a  character in one game to another ^_^ I wanna do a Tsunade on princess peach :D

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide! (Tips video added)
Post by: ZX_BraveSol_ZX on July 12, 2010, 03:15:15 PM
when i finish the vertex and insert it in dasdonkey vertex box it looks fcked up and when i double patch it looks even more FCKED UP
im trying to vertex sonic into silver
here's the model
if anyone can fix it for me then that would be awesome

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide! (Tips video added)
Post by: Naruto200Man on July 12, 2010, 03:19:26 PM
when i finish the vertex and insert it in dasdonkey vertex box it looks fcked up and when i double patch it looks even more FCKED UP
im trying to vertex sonic into silver
here's the model
if anyone can fix it for me then that would be awesome

Do you mean like it has this crazy wall of weird colors coming out of some parts of the character? Try exporting it as a 3Ds file directly, that's what fixed my problem :D

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide! (Tips video added)
Post by: ZX_BraveSol_ZX on July 12, 2010, 03:22:52 PM
when i finish the vertex and insert it in dasdonkey vertex box it looks fcked up and when i double patch it looks even more FCKED UP
im trying to vertex sonic into silver
here's the model
if anyone can fix it for me then that would be awesome

Do you mean like it has this crazy wall of weird colors coming out of some parts of the character? Try exporting it as a 3Ds file directly, that's what fixed my problem :D

the back of sonic spines stretch all the way to his shoes ._.

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide! (Tips video added)
Post by: ShadowSnake on July 12, 2010, 11:50:40 PM
i followed the tutorial 3 times, and i always get this when i export it. "Warning: Yoshi_face.png has been changed to Yoshi_fa.png.

What the heck did i do wrong? :( can someone help me around this?

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide! (Tips video added)
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on July 13, 2010, 08:52:45 PM
i followed the tutorial 3 times, and i always get this when i export it. "Warning: Yoshi_face.png has been changed to Yoshi_fa.png.

What the heck did i do wrong? :( can someone help me around this?
Are you exporting the vert set? ._.

Sorry for stupid question, but it might be whats going wrong.

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide! (Tips video added)
Post by: Naruto200Man on July 15, 2010, 02:45:33 PM
Is there a way to make the brawlbox model look EXACTLY like in the Blender/3DMax? I'm trying to make like a Triple D peach but it only gets so large xD I mean I don't have the scale too much bigger X_X well it's further out and longer/wider but not in scale.

Also, nothing happens when I scale it up or down entirely, like the whole thing wtf?

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide! (Tips video added)
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on July 15, 2010, 04:43:18 PM
Is there a way to make the brawlbox model look EXACTLY like in the Blender/3DMax? I'm trying to make like a Triple D peach but it only gets so large xD I mean I don't have the scale too much bigger X_X well it's further out and longer/wider but not in scale.

Also, nothing happens when I scale it up or down entirely, like the whole thing wtf?

I would love some screenshots, I really dunno what you're talking about in the second part. O_O

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide! (Tips video added)
Post by: Naruto200Man on July 15, 2010, 08:16:02 PM
Is there a way to make the brawlbox model look EXACTLY like in the Blender/3DMax? I'm trying to make like a Triple D peach but it only gets so large xD I mean I don't have the scale too much bigger X_X well it's further out and longer/wider but not in scale.

Also, nothing happens when I scale it up or down entirely, like the whole thing wtf?

I would love some screenshots, I really dunno what you're talking about in the second part. O_O

Scale as in the overall size of the entire thing, like ant-man's size shifting :P
I'll take some screenshots, but uh....what's the hotkey for taking a screenshot on the computer?XD

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide! (Tips video added)
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on July 15, 2010, 09:26:18 PM
Is there a way to make the brawlbox model look EXACTLY like in the Blender/3DMax? I'm trying to make like a Triple D peach but it only gets so large xD I mean I don't have the scale too much bigger X_X well it's further out and longer/wider but not in scale.

Also, nothing happens when I scale it up or down entirely, like the whole thing wtf?

I would love some screenshots, I really dunno what you're talking about in the second part. O_O

Scale as in the overall size of the entire thing, like ant-man's size shifting :P
I'll take some screenshots, but uh....what's the hotkey for taking a screenshot on the computer?XD


Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide! (Tips video added)
Post by: ShadowSnake on July 15, 2010, 09:30:45 PM
@ YoshiBoshi3

i got my mariokart64n style vertex hacks working! thanks for this guide, to honor it i revamped your koopa troopa. its in the vault if u haven seen it. :3

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide! (Tips video added)
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on July 15, 2010, 09:34:05 PM
Great! I like it! :D

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide! (Tips video added)
Post by: nuclear432 on July 26, 2010, 06:45:16 PM
this worked.tanks.:)

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide! (Tips video added)
Post by: GentlemanPotato on July 30, 2010, 08:40:48 PM
I need help. It all works fine until I get to the morpher bit then it won't let me pick the model to morph to the vertex set.

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide! (Tips video added)
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on July 30, 2010, 09:16:45 PM
I need help. It all works fine until I get to the morpher bit then it won't let me pick the model to morph to the vertex set.

Watch the video.

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide! (Tips video added)
Post by: GentlemanPotato on July 31, 2010, 07:31:37 PM
I watched the video and it doesn't show my problem in it so can my offer any help.

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide! (Tips video added)
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on July 31, 2010, 09:49:41 PM
I watched the video and it doesn't show my problem in it so can my offer any help.

Yeah it does...:I

You need to use Facemorph. Its the second thing the video adresses. You can't morph the vert set, you need facemorph.

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide! (Tips video added)
Post by: GentlemanPotato on August 01, 2010, 10:30:15 AM
what's facemorph and how do I get it?

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide! (Tips video added)
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on August 01, 2010, 01:30:11 PM

Watch the video at 1:04.

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide! (Tips video added)
Post by: GentlemanPotato on August 01, 2010, 04:13:46 PM

Watch the video at 1:04.

Thanks. I appreciate it. Hopefully I can get it to work this time.

I tried to watch the video but its really hard to tell what's going on because the entire screen is covered in text and its going really fast so could you please explain what to do.

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide! (Tips video added)
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on August 01, 2010, 07:34:29 PM

Watch the video at 1:04.

Thanks. I appreciate it. Hopefully I can get it to work this time.

I tried to watch the video but its really hard to tell what's going on because the entire screen is covered in text and its going really fast so could you please explain what to do.


Ok, watch part 9 of Mariokart's tutorial. You can find it in the pinned topic in tutorials and guides. He explains it best.

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide! (Tips video added)
Post by: Aafyre on August 10, 2010, 02:43:35 PM
Okay, I was following your tutorial and Mariokart's pretty fine until I got to this point and I get totally lost:

OH CRAP! Did it mess up? Nope, thats whats supposed to happen, dont worry! Now, if you havent already, go
to dasdonkey and make the 3ds file. Now import it into 3ds max. You dont really even have to turn on the
vertex thingy. Just make sure you're selected on the vertex and click here.....

And select morpher from that list. Now, on the thing that appeared on the side, RIGHT click here...
and click pick from scene. Now click on the model thingy and then click on the arrow next to the box you
right clicked on and move your mouse up until it reaches 100. Now go to file>export selected (MAKE SURE
IT SAYS EXPORT SELECTED) and export over the DDV.3ds. Now follow the rest of the steps in the raw vertex
meathod. Check it out in brawlbox.

For instance, what is the "model thingy" that I'm supposed to click? When I do this (probably the wrong way) and replace the stuff in brawlbox, donkey kong has his same old original head.

Also, for some reason, when I imported the model it messes up when I got to Edit Poly so I can't use the Relax tool that Mariokart was using. Please help me out here.

Anyways, I'm working on Pimple (from Battletoads) over Donkey Kong, and here is what I have so far:
( (

And here's the 3ds file up to before I "Patch Model" if anyone wants to tell me what I'm doing wrong.

Title: Re: Yoshiboshi3's Vertex guide! (Tips video added)
Post by: Naruto200Man on August 20, 2010, 06:11:50 PM
Could somebody just like, send me the installer program with a keycode or something via mediafire for 3DS Max. I know I could do some cooler stuff if I knew what the heck I was doing and which vertexes were what..
Normally I'm against using dag on P2P :P But if somebody actually sent me their file of it (which was paid for) then it'd be the same as lending the cd to someone amirite? I would just need to get a keycode from what's it called? X_X