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1  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / Programming / Re: The Brawl Expansion Project on: March 11, 2015, 05:14:39 AM
I just tried to run this (the 2GB pack). When selecting Goku and Random, or Goku and Mario, it freezes when I select a stage. Also IDR if it's supposed to be this way or not, but none of the stage icons on the list is modded.

I'll try downloading the larger pack seeing if another SD card I have will work for Smash, but if it doesn't, any ideas? extracted all of the files to a new SD card. Thanks!
2  Help & Tutorials / Help / Hacks stopped workig on: December 30, 2013, 02:19:43 AM
My SD card converter decided to break on my recently.
I just grabbed another one to copy the files from the mini-SD card,
onto the SD card I was using for something else.

However, even though I had hidden files to show, and copied every single file from the card to the new one, I can load my apps and such, however the custom files won't load any longer.
Exact same programs (using WiiFlow because the USB loader).

Is there a SPECIFIC Allocation Unit setting the card must be formatted to?
Because my old card was FAT says FAT file system, but I don't know the settings beyond that.
I also did have trouble with some of my old codes freezing before my old card broke, but that file still didn't work even at all. I switched to a generic code set, and still no results.

I'm probably overlooking something, but I thought a straight copy would work...
Thanks for your time! Hopefully I can get an answer soon! Been wanting to play for days now.
3  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / Project Concepts / Re: Brawl ReVampled Preview Topic on: December 13, 2013, 11:28:47 AM
Just wanted to post an update to this...
Partially because there's a "Project: R" going around, and I wanted to clarify that this is not affiliate with it... and since news has been going around of this to different nerd groups and gaming community as "Project Revamped", I feel like "Project:R" is like trying to take advantage of it. I know many here probably haven't heard of my version, because I've not posted here for a while, but it's been ground around Facebook and Twitter a bit recently.

In other words, I feel it's only fit that they change the name of theirs,
otherwise it's like me naming mine "Project Marvel",
where people confuse it for Project: M, confusing people at the least.

Anyhow, on the project itself, I've started further development of it's section on my web site. I don't intend to upload it to the Brawlvault, for a couple reasons.
First, I can't get permission from everyone involved, either because some hacks are before MegaUpload shut down, I can't get a hold of the artists, or I have butted heads with a couple of the artists and don't talk to them to keep peace.
Second, because there are WAY too many hacks and people list as contributors.
Many of the hacks are good, and there are too many included to narrow down and give credit to just a few people.

Instead, I'm creating a page for each character hack, and listing likes, linked with the BV likes here, so people can like their projects from my site... This keeps it more balanced, and might increase the rate at which people actually USE the "Like" button on hacks.

I intend to still contact the people I can to get permission, but some of them aren't possible, and I want to avoid problems because one of the 20 or more contributors comes on a year from now and throws a fit.

Anyhow, the link to the site is under my banner, same as it's been for a couple years now.
I have some character bios and change lists on it now, and I plan to include more.
Again, point for this project isn't to get credit on this site,
but to create a larger variety of characters and movesets,
that give a standard for playing online with hacks.
4  Welcome / Rules / Feedback / Brawl Vault / Re: Brawl Vault Problems, Updates, and Suggestions on: September 03, 2012, 01:52:04 AM
There is a report option on the hack. Use it.

It's offensive, but that's no reason to report it I believe. ._.

My point, if you take the time to read it again, was that I wasn't sure if it WAS a legit report, and I wanted to make sure it was, before getting in trouble for false reports...
5  Welcome / Rules / Feedback / Brawl Vault / Re: Brawl Vault Problems, Updates, and Suggestions on: September 02, 2012, 04:45:45 AM
Just to make sure, you're not supposed to have to register, pay, or download software, to download, right? Just making sure, because I thought it was supposed to be uploaded to a site everyone could get easily:

6  Welcome / Rules / Feedback / Brawl Vault / Re: Brawl Vault Problems, Updates, and Suggestions on: August 25, 2012, 04:19:44 PM
...But please stop trying to code for us or solve hosting problems we don't have.

Vyse, I stopped trying to code and fix errors for you:
I simply pointed out that if you're having sporadic troubles due to your server, maybe you should change your server...

So once again, are you going to say you're not making accusations about me?

Please quote where I tried to help anymore with ANY of your coding!
7  Welcome / Rules / Feedback / Brawl Vault / Re: Brawl Vault Problems, Updates, and Suggestions on: August 25, 2012, 01:32:46 AM
Why don't you guys run your own host, or something?

Seriously, I run my site off my home computer, and offered to even host this site when it was hacked, before... If your host is that skanky, try changing it... (no offense)
8  Welcome / Rules / Feedback / Brawl Vault / Re: Brawl Vault Problems, Updates, and Suggestions on: August 24, 2012, 02:33:27 PM
Which topic? lol...
And sure, no hard feelings, I just don't want to see this become common, where we're overrun with noobs not taking reports seriously...

There's a Megaman over Peach hack I keep reporting, but he said it gives him no problems, so keeps removing the report, without fixing it.

Don't have the URL because my internet is shaky due to bad weather...
Take a look at the second page though, it lags the game if you're playing with items/smash ball.

Like I said, I reported him 2-3x, and he's just removing it, not doing jack.
9  Welcome / Rules / Feedback / Brawl Vault / Re: Brawl Vault Problems, Updates, and Suggestions on: August 24, 2012, 12:16:32 PM
Jokekid, you're right, but you're only seeing part of their point...
The other part isn't just that they may be harsher with certain people than others...
The problem is also that one moderator may be more harsh than another...

Seen that create civil wars several times...
Either way, the single judgement rule you mentioned would help...
10  Welcome / Rules / Feedback / Brawl Vault / Re: Brawl Vault Problems, Updates, and Suggestions on: August 24, 2012, 12:47:37 AM
ShadowWolf, I understand and agree, but there's also a line.
Even Democrats and Republicans can both agree on SOME things, in a matter of speaking.

Albafika: I understand and know where you're coming from, I had to balance that line running private servers, being a GM on an official game server, being a forum mod, and running my own forums... trust me, I know what you're saying...

There is however a SERIOUS difference between disciplining someone who has been reported 3x, keeps REMOVING the report, and actually says don't report him for breaking the rules.

It would be one thing if, let's say, he had to go to the LIBRARY to upload the hack due to home connection problems, then had to wait a few hours until he could get the picture up.
This guy is just snobibng the rules, when mailed and reported several times about it.
It's not like "oh, I didn't know"...
11  Welcome / Rules / Feedback / Brawl Vault / Re: Brawl Vault Problems, Updates, and Suggestions on: August 23, 2012, 10:46:28 PM
@Victory, I'm sorry to say I have to stand on what Kienamaru said with comparing what you said to the rules...

I believe the rules state that reported violations would result in Revoking of priviledges of the BrawlVault. By saying there's not much you can do, just because it's all his work, is virtually no different than being told you can take a chansaw onto a airplane, because it's not a gun.

There are rules against both, so both should be treated equally.
Sometimes I say it's not really my place to say something against a moderator, but seriously, if you're going to let THIS clown get away with it, there's going to be an outbreak.

I've seriously gotten tired of how I can't even get any help on this site for how to vertex, because the resources are no longer available in BV for what the tutorials I read said to do.
Upon asking people here for a link or tutorial of how to get started, the modern way with the current resources available, nobody can give an answer.

So if this place is not even going to kick people who don't take the time to run and emulator to take a picture, or at least take a picture/video with a $10 USB capture, or even a camera phone, this place won't last very long... And it's disrespectful to the people who at least made a BRAWLBOX hack.

12  Welcome / Rules / Feedback / Brawl Vault / Re: Brawl Vault Problems, Updates, and Suggestions on: August 20, 2012, 03:34:52 AM
A major update that the brawlvault is in major need of...
(if it has it already, can't find it)

You really need to make the brawlvault capable of filtering to show only certain things.
Example: Check boxes that allow you to search for K-Hats, Models, PSAs, or Textures, on a particular character.

I often spend more time looking through trying to find a PSA hack over a character, than I spend testing and playing the character itself...

Would be a great feature, almost mandatory, lol.
13  Welcome / Rules / Feedback / Brawl Vault / Re: Brawl Vault Problems, Updates, and Suggestions on: August 19, 2012, 05:41:53 PM
I'll tell you what it is:

Erm, look again, lol...
14  Welcome / Rules / Feedback / Brawl Vault / Re: Brawl Vault Problems, Updates, and Suggestions on: August 19, 2012, 01:51:31 PM
Hey, I'm pretty sure it's because you guys are working on it, but in case you aren't, wanted to let you guys know I'm getting an error in the BV:

Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/content/61/9260761/html/kcmm/forum/Gallery/BrawlHeader.php on line 15

Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/content/61/9260761/html/kcmm/forum/Gallery/BrawlHeader.php on line 19

Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/content/61/9260761/html/kcmm/forum/Gallery/BrawlHeader.php on line 23

Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/content/61/9260761/html/kcmm/forum/Gallery/BrawlHeader.php on line 27

Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/content/61/9260761/html/kcmm/forum/Gallery/BrawlHeader.php on line 31

Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/content/61/9260761/html/kcmm/forum/Gallery/BrawlHeader.php on line 35

Sorry no quote tag, quick reply lol.
15  Welcome / Rules / Feedback / Brawl Vault / Re: Brawl Vault Problems, Updates, and Suggestions on: August 19, 2012, 11:40:06 AM
As a Christian, I'm not sure if I need to laugh (because I do have a sense of humor),
or cry (because of the severe Injustice done here).

Didn't report, because didn't know if this is against any rules, but wanted to bring it to your attention, in case you do have a rule about things like this, to avoid problems of flaming/trolling....

(Yes, ok, it's also to just post an OMGWTFLMFAOBBQ moment, but not solely for that reason...).
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