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Help & Tutorials => Help => Topic started by: Allav866 on September 14, 2011, 01:39:11 AM

Title: Seriously Help Us with this! Corneria!
Post by: Allav866 on September 14, 2011, 01:39:11 AM
I see too many people try to get a straight answer as to why Corneria keeps freezing when the ship shoots its lasers, but nobody provides one. The responses range from "Are you NTSC?" (Yes I am, and I only use NTSC hacks) to no response at all and the topic remains dead afterwards. I'm frustrated at this. Corneria is the one place I can't Brawl in because of those lasers, and I'm trying to test out a texture hack that I made for the level. So far it looks okay, but before I can test Fox/Falco's Taunt, the Lasers freeze the game. I really need help on this one. Even if it's a code to stop it from shooting its lasers, or a stage hack that gets rid of the lasers, but keeps the Arwings and Fox/Falco's special taunt.

Title: Re: Seriously Help Us with this! Corneria!
Post by: DSX8 on September 14, 2011, 02:21:16 AM
I see too many people try to get a straight answer as to why Corneria keeps freezing when the ship shoots its lasers, but nobody provides one. The responses range from "Are you NTSC?" (Yes I am, and I only use NTSC hacks) to no response at all and the topic remains dead afterwards. I'm frustrated at this. Corneria is the one place I can't Brawl in because of those lasers, and I'm trying to test out a texture hack that I made for the level. So far it looks okay, but before I can test Fox/Falco's Taunt, the Lasers freeze the game. I really need help on this one. Even if it's a code to stop it from shooting its lasers, or a stage hack that gets rid of the lasers, but keeps the Arwings and Fox/Falco's special taunt.
is the stage a hack or something?

Title: Re: Seriously Help Us with this! Corneria!
Post by: Allav866 on September 14, 2011, 04:17:48 AM
well I tried a texture hack and it froze then, but after I removed my sd card, thus the texture hack along with it, it still froze. I'm thinking it might be something with the GCT, because at that moment, my sd card was removed, meaning gecko was only using codes, including the File Patch code, camera code, ASL code, unlimited replays (camera and 2 minute limit), stage builder codes and possibly the mushroom stack code, but i think i removed that one.