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Help & Tutorials => Help => Topic started by: mattgcn on September 15, 2010, 11:41:52 PM

Title: Problem with common5.pac
Post by: mattgcn on September 15, 2010, 11:41:52 PM
Couldn't find anything in the FAQ threads I didn't already know, apologies if I missed anything.

So anyway, I have a common5.pac. I replaced all of Lucario's bits with Mewtwo and replaced a couple of stages' icons and names with things I replaced them with. All seems pretty standard, but it crashed when running. So I do a little googling and apparently if common5.pac is bigger than the original, it'll crash. So I reduce the quality on a fair few images and get it below after a few hours of work but yet it still crashes?

I can't find any documentation on such an issue. Anyone have any idea what might be happening? Could it be a facet of Brawl+ I'm not accounting for messing with the pac?

Title: Re: Problem with common5.pac
Post by: Puraidou on September 16, 2010, 09:19:14 AM
It seems that your common5.pac has indeed crossed the max size it can load, try remaking it with a clean common5.pac and add only mewtwo for now. If that works, make a backup and keep adding 1 icon at the time and back up that file until you find a crashing one. That way you'll know what makes it crash or when you exceed a specific size.

Title: Re: Problem with common5.pac
Post by: mattgcn on September 16, 2010, 03:41:19 PM
But it is below at this point? I'll try that but it was a hell of a lot of work to get it to where it is now.

If I uploaded my common5 could someone have a look at it? I also got rid of those Pokemon Motion pacs that were in there upon suggestion which made my common5 MUCH MUCH smaller but it still was ineffective..
anyway here it is:
I'll try with it again I guess

Title: Re: Problem with common5.pac
Post by: Soul Nami on September 16, 2010, 04:16:47 PM
Hold on.
The Common5.pac can have a lot of editing.
But not TOO much.

It's either that your Common5.pac has gone "bad" I have had experiences with bad ones.
This one works for SURE.

Title: Re: Problem with common5.pac
Post by: mattgcn on September 16, 2010, 05:05:41 PM
Oh jeez, I probably broke it with all the edits I did... I'll try just adding the textures I want to add.

For reference: I replaced the icon/preview/smaller preview/name for 7 stages and anything that referenced lucario (which includes his stock icons, CSP portrait, selection portraits (like the ones that show colours) and two names.

A further question: there's two sets of stage icons in common5. Do you need to edit the one that's NOT in selmap? There's also some mini previews in there not found elsewhere

Thanks for the help

EDIT: Tried again, only modifying selmap and it made it past the character select screen. Does it treat every pac within as its own, then?

Also I know for a fact that the files I replaced from the untouched pac are 309kb and mine add up to 205kb, so the file isn't any bigger...