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Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking => Attacks and Animations => Topic started by: DivineOverlord on December 12, 2010, 11:10:11 PM

Title: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword- V2 in progress
Post by: DivineOverlord on December 12, 2010, 11:10:11 PM
DivineOverlord Marth V.1.0 – Creator of the Ethereal Sword

Was 90% done with this back in August, after 4 months, I have finally decided to release my personal PSA. There are five movesets in my personal PSA and each mode has their own fighting style of elemental usage.  Since Marth is my favorite character, I had to put this moveset on him!!!! XD.. Now, here is a straight forward list of changes. I'll make a Balanced version today (12.13.10), just for fun. It will consist of reduction in hit box, damage, and range of attacks. That should be interesting hehe

Remember this is just version 1.0, not the final version so try not to be harsh lol

o   Moveset     o
1st Mode:  Hydro Plasma Mode---UP Taunt
2nd Mode: Flaming Meteor Mode----Right Taunt
3rd Mode: Divine Light Mode----Left Taunt
4th Mode: Dark Lust Mode----Down Taunt
5th Mode: Elemental God Mode--- Activated upon 100% of damages
General effects
-   Faster
-   100 Jumps
-   Weights 140 (same as me XD)
-   Longer sword
-   Various effects dependent on current mode

1st Mode: Hydro Plasma Mode moveset
Main Feature: Uses aura, plasma, thunder, and water elements.
   Blue slash effect
   AAA: Combination of aqua slashes
   Up A: Spiral Slash
   UPSIDE A: Shoots a small energy ball from his index finger.
   Down A: multi-sword thrust
   Side A: Bubble slash
   Charge Up A: Freezing Thunder Slash Followed by Aqua Sphere
   Charged Down A: Same with added GFX and Aura flags
   Charged Side A: Sword of Plasma
   Neutral B 0st charge: Sea of Rage
   Neutral B 1nd Charge: Plasma Barrier
   Neutral B 2nd Charge: Water Burst
   Neutral B 3rd Charge: Tsunami
   Side B (on ground): Chain of punishment (HOLD B FOR UNENDING CHAIN)
   Side B (in Air): Flys freely with power of aura
   UP B: Same with aura graphics
   Down B: Counter with Aqua Ball
   Air attacks have been changed.

2nd Mode: Flaming Meteor Mode
   Main Feature: Uses the power of fire to summon meteors and to attack with fire elements.
   Red slash effect
   AAA: Combination of fire slashes
   Up A: Heavy Flame Slash
   UPSIDE A: Shoots a small energy ball from his index finger.
   Down A: multi-sword thrust
   Side A: Explosive slash
   Charge Up A: Flaming fire slash followed by a meteor shooting upwards.
   Charged Down A: Same with added GFX and fire flags
   Charged Side A: Sword of Fire
   Neutral B 0st charge: Summon Meteor
   Neutral B 1nd Charge: Burning Barrier
   Neutral B 2rd Charge: Fire Ball
   Neutral B 3rd Charge: Meteor of Time
   Side B (on ground): Chain of punishment (HOLD B FOR UNENDING CHAIN)
   Side B (in Air): Flys freely with power of fire
   UP B: Same with fire graphics
   Down B: Counter with a burst of fire
   Air attacks have been changed

3rd Mode: Divine Light Mode
   Main Feature:  Uses the power of Light and stars to attack.
   Yellow slash Effects
   Special Wait affect: Heal (2HP per  4 seconds)
   AAA: Combination of Light element slashes
   Up A: Holy Slash
   UPSIDE A: Shoots a small energy ball from his index finger.
   Down A: multi-sword thrust
   Side A: Divine slash
   Charge Up A: Purifying slash followed by Stars of Fate.
   Charged Down A: Same with added GFX and electric  flags
   Charged Side A: Sword of Light
   Neutral B 0st charge: Celestial Slash
   Neutral B 1nd Charge: Divine Protection
   Neutral B 2rd Charge: Feel the Power of Light!
   Neutral B 3rd Charge: Soul Crush, Purgatory Cross!
   Side B (on ground): Chain of punishment (HOLD B FOR UNENDING CHAIN)
   Side B (in Air): Flys freely with power of Light
   UP B: Same with Light graphics
   Down B: Counter by throwing Holy Water (3 hits – damage varies)
   Air attacks have been changed

4th Mode: Dark Lust Mode
   Main Feature:  He uses Darkness elemental power.
   Purple slash effects
   Special Wait affect: You can’t hurt me.
   AAA: Combination of powerful darkness element slashes
   Up A: Dimensional Slash
   UPSIDE A: Shoots a small energy ball from his index finger.
   Down A: multi-sword thrust
   Side A: Evil slash
   Charge Up A: Dark burst of energy emitted from sword followed by Death hole.
   Charged Down A: Same with added GFX and dark flags
   Charged Side A: Sword of Darkness!
   Neutral B 0st charge: Omega Hell Slash
   Neutral B 1nd Charge: Dark Protection
   Neutral B 2rd Charge: Feel the Power of Darkness!
   Neutral B 3rd Charge: Release Dark Souls!
   Side B (on ground): Chain of punishment (HOLD B FOR UNENDING CHAIN)
   Side B (in Air): Flys freely with power of Darkness
   UP B: Same with dark graphics
   Down B: Counter by Strong dark slash
   Air attacks have been changed

5th Mode: Elemental God Mode
   Main Feature: He combines all modes in one for the power of creation and destruction.
   Rainbow Slash effects
   AAAA: Combination of  four elemental slashes
   Up A: 5th Dimensional  Slash
   UP-SIDE A: Shoots a small energy ball from his index finger.
   Down A: multi-sword thrust
   Side A:  Feel my Power! (throw’s a huge elemental sword)
   Charge Up A: Elemental slash followed by Elemental Meteor.
   Charged Down A: Same with added GFX and Random flags
   Charged Side A: Sword of Destruction
   Neutral B 0 charge: Eternia Slash (Gracefully throws sword-long range)
   Neutral B 1st Charge: Ethereal Guard
   Neutral B 2rd Charge: Ether Strike
   Neutral B 3rd Charge: Ethereal Purgatory-Open God Realm.
   Side B (on ground): Chain of punishment (HOLD B FOR UNENDING CHAIN)
   Side B (in Air): Flys freely with power of Elements
   UP B: Same with elemental graphics
   Down B: Counter by releasing a burst of power
   Air attacks have been changed

Here is the download link to my vault where the PSA is located XD (

here are some videos I found on youtube

by aximili999

by cyberdarkdragon1 AKA cyberdark

Title: Re: DivineOverlord V.1.0 – Creator of the Ethereal Sword
Post by: Akiba Red on December 12, 2010, 11:12:25 PM
You should get the new Sephiroth...just saying.

On-topic: IT BURNS!!!!!! of epicness.

Title: Re: DivineOverlord V.1.0 – Creator of the Ethereal Sword
Post by: DivineOverlord on December 12, 2010, 11:15:22 PM
You should get the new Sephiroth...just saying.

On-topic: IT BURNS!!!!!! of epicness.

I will once I create my own version of sephiroth.

Title: Re: DivineOverlord V.1.0 – Creator of the Ethereal Sword
Post by: Akiba Red on December 12, 2010, 11:18:44 PM
I will once I create my own version of sephiroth.
You will!? O.o.......

Title: Re: DivineOverlord V.1.0 – Creator of the Ethereal Sword
Post by: DivineOverlord on December 12, 2010, 11:28:47 PM
I will once I create my own version of sephiroth.
You will!? O.o.......

Yeah, I've been taking notes on his moveset from final fantasy 7, crisis core, and dissadia, and how I can relate it to brawl. anyways, to this topic, if a balanced version is desired, I'll need feedback on what needs to be toned down damage wise :P

Title: Re: DivineOverlord V.1.0 – Creator of the Ethereal Sword
Post by: ChaosEpsilon613 on December 12, 2010, 11:30:46 PM
A freakin mazing!!

Title: Re: DivineOverlord V.1.0 – Creator of the Ethereal Sword
Post by: Ultraxwing on December 13, 2010, 12:57:38 AM
Yes a balanced version would be nice.

Oh is there a way to make it so when you taunt. it will change the costume. i say this would be perfect for that.

Title: Re: DivineOverlord V.1.0 – Creator of the Ethereal Sword
Post by: DivineOverlord on December 13, 2010, 01:23:12 AM
Yes a balanced version would be nice.

Oh is there a way to make it so when you taunt. it will change the costume. i say this would be perfect for that.

There probably is a way, yet no one has discovered it. :/

- oh what moves do you think should be balanced damage wise?

Title: Re: DivineOverlord V.1.0 – Creator of the Ethereal Sword
Post by: Puraidou on December 13, 2010, 01:41:28 AM

Reading this, it's something i SOOOO want to fight against. I'm downloading this and fighting it when i can :D

Title: Re: DivineOverlord V.1.0 – Creator of the Ethereal Sword
Post by: Ultraxwing on December 13, 2010, 02:58:32 AM
dont know yet. havent tested it yet

Title: Re: DivineOverlord V.1.0 – Creator of the Ethereal Sword
Post by: KingJigglypuff on December 13, 2010, 04:53:48 AM
I found a "glitch". The character doesn't do his TurnRunBrake, instead he stops in place sitting still in one of his run frames, but just move forward and you're out of it. Other than that, the moveset is great.

Title: Re: DivineOverlord V.1.0 – Creator of the Ethereal Sword
Post by: Hollow on December 13, 2010, 05:19:55 AM
You should get the new Sephiroth...just saying.

On-topic: IT BURNS!!!!!! of epicness.

I will once I create my own version of sephiroth.
People don't like overpowered Sephiroths.

Title: Re: DivineOverlord V.1.0 – Creator of the Ethereal Sword
Post by: _Data_Drain_ on December 13, 2010, 05:33:30 AM
Well, some people might, Hollow, but it's better to make Sephiroth balanced...

Title: Re: DivineOverlord V.1.0 – Creator of the Ethereal Sword
Post by: Puraidou on December 13, 2010, 05:42:02 AM
I like him overpowered :af2:

And Data, that depends per person.

Title: Re: DivineOverlord V.1.0 – Creator of the Ethereal Sword
Post by: Kaye Cruiser on December 13, 2010, 06:18:30 AM
I won't give feedback, I won't drag this out, I won't debate this with anyone, and I won't be nice about it. I'm simply going to say what I have to say without a damn care of how it affects anyone, and leave.

I completely f***ing hate this needlessly broken piece of [censored] moveset just as much as all the other ones. And the fact that you're thinking of making your own Sephiroth is making my heartburn even worse.

Just thought I'd let you know that Divine. Now excuse me while I go to beat this [censored] out of this one too. Gotta do my job of beating all the needlessly overpowered mediocre movesets after all. And I went through all of Hollow's yesterday. ¦D

P.S. : Galaxy's "strong version" is completely weak.
( Flaming: Directly or indirectly insulting other members.
Trolling: Posting with the sole purpose of annoying other users, provoking flames.
Examples: Going into a person’s texture topic and saying “You suck” without offering any actual criticism; posting false information.

Title: Re: DivineOverlord V.1.0 – Creator of the Ethereal Sword
Post by: KingJigglypuff on December 13, 2010, 07:00:32 AM
I won't give feedback, I won't drag this out, I won't debate this with anyone, and I won't be nice about it. I'm simply going to say what I have to say without a damn care of how it affects anyone, and leave.

I completely f***ing hate this needlessly broken piece of [censored] moveset just as much as all the other ones. And the fact that you're thinking of making your own Sephiroth is making my heartburn even worse.

Just thought I'd let you know that Divine. Now excuse me while I go to beat this [censored] out of this one too. Gotta do my job of beating all the needlessly overpowered mediocre movesets after all. And I went through all of Hollow's yesterday. ¦D

P.S. : Galaxy's "strong version" is completely weak.
Are any of my movesets too overpowered?

Title: Re: DivineOverlord V.1.0 – Creator of the Ethereal Sword
Post by: Puraidou on December 13, 2010, 07:02:15 AM
...Thats not an opinion wave... This is purely attacking his way of hacking. Thats just plain stupid and annoying. People work like they want. Dont like it? Fine then Dont bother posting.

With that said, im not going to argue with you any further. Divine let me know if you want this post removed or not.

Title: Re: DivineOverlord V.1.0 – Creator of the Ethereal Sword
Post by: KingJigglypuff on December 13, 2010, 07:14:19 AM
...Thats not an opinion wave... This is purely attacking his way of hacking. Thats just plain stupid and annoying. People work like they want. Dont like it? Fine then Dont bother posting.

With that said, im not going to argue with you any further. Divine let me know if you want this post removed or not.
I like this moveset, all DivineOverlord needs to do is fix the TurnRunBrake and this could be a keeper.  I tried fighting this moveset as a level 9 with my Yoshi character and I got owned. I had a 5 life battle, and I lost and DivineOverlord's character had 4 lives left. And I also have a suggestion, make the throws stronger (or has the file size limit stumped you?).

Title: Re: DivineOverlord V.1.0 – Creator of the Ethereal Sword
Post by: aximili999 on December 13, 2010, 10:06:44 AM
I tried it and pwned everything. the only problem is that in classic u might fight a giant version of divineoverlord, and get pwned yourself.

Title: Re: DivineOverlord V.1.0 – Creator of the Ethereal Sword
Post by: Puraidou on December 13, 2010, 10:19:31 AM
Axi, you'll get that with alot of overpowered PSA's. Giant pwn normal most of the time.

Title: Re: DivineOverlord V.1.0 – Creator of the Ethereal Sword
Post by: SiLeNtDo0m on December 13, 2010, 10:36:04 AM
Axi, you'll get that with alot of overpowered PSA's. Giant pwn normal most of the time.

Doesn't this really apply not only to all PSAs, but all characters in general?  This is definitely a game where bigger is better...

I won't give feedback, I won't drag this out, I won't debate this with anyone, and I won't be nice about it. I'm simply going to say what I have to say without a damn care of how it affects anyone, and leave.

I completely f***ing hate this needlessly broken piece of [censored] moveset just as much as all the other ones. And the fact that you're thinking of making your own Sephiroth is making my heartburn even worse.

Just thought I'd let you know that Divine. Now excuse me while I go to beat this [censored] out of this one too. Gotta do my job of beating all the needlessly overpowered mediocre movesets after all. And I went through all of Hollow's yesterday. ¦D

P.S. : Galaxy's "strong version" is completely weak.

.....Daymn......A supposed 4 months of work for a response like this?  I may be your son, but this is just cruel :(

Title: Re: DivineOverlord V.1.0 – Creator of the Ethereal Sword
Post by: DivineOverlord on December 13, 2010, 11:05:48 AM
I won't give feedback, I won't drag this out, I won't debate this with anyone, and I won't be nice about it. I'm simply going to say what I have to say without a damn care of how it affects anyone, and leave.

I completely f***ing hate this needlessly broken piece of [censored] moveset just as much as all the other ones. And the fact that you're thinking of making your own Sephiroth is making my heartburn even worse.

Just thought I'd let you know that Divine. Now excuse me while I go to beat this [censored] out of this one too. Gotta do my job of beating all the needlessly overpowered mediocre movesets after all. And I went through all of Hollow's yesterday. ¦D

P.S. : Galaxy's "strong version" is completely weak.

I really don't give a flying fu*ck about what you have to say anymore, you think my psa style is mediocre? haha when did you actually make a PSA that everyone deems successfully good? Because honestly, I don't prefer your PSA style, which is why I decided to create my own. My PSA style is the way I like it, its a preference Wave, get that to through your half witted and ignorant head. It's so superciliously annoying to hear your comments. Especially since I have a lot of knowledge on psa terminology.

I wish there was a delete button so I can delete your reply and not have to bother with ya :3

I like criticism but yours was overboard haha

Title: Re: DivineOverlord V.1.0 – Creator of the Ethereal Sword
Post by: DivineOverlord on December 13, 2010, 11:26:06 AM
You should get the new Sephiroth...just saying.

On-topic: IT BURNS!!!!!! of epicness.

I will once I create my own version of sephiroth.
People don't like overpowered Sephiroths.

Its funny how most of you believe that I am incapable of creating a "Balanced" PSA. It's actually easier to create a balanced PSA because it involves less code work.

 I'll make a Balanced version today, just for fun. It will consist of reduction in hit box, damage, and range of attacks. That should be interesting hehe

Title: Re: DivineOverlord V.1.0 – Creator of the Ethereal Sword
Post by: SiLeNtDo0m on December 13, 2010, 12:04:36 PM
^ This is true.  Making PSAs that everyone thinks is good is impossible.  Whilst I'm not the biggest fan of OPed PSAs, it is definitely evident that you know very well what you are doing (heck I've known this from when you made Goddess Zelda).  But here is my general opinion on pretty much all of your PSAs and I will attempt to be more constructive:

Bad Things

I thought I'd get this out of the way first.

- I feel that in some aspects the PSAs lack originality.  They're all "god" PSAs and it can get a tad tiresome on occasion.  To be honest, whilst this isn't completely your fault (since you specify the fact that it is still the same character i.e. Goddess ZELDA, Demonic BOWSER etc. it's not trying to be a different character), I think that maybe you should think about making a character made largely of your own animations to give it its own character.

- In some of the moves I feel that you abuse GFX a bit too much.  Whilst I feel it's definitely nice to have them here and there, they really don't need to be excessively done for every move.  Maybe you could try being a little more discrete with them?

Good Points

Don't worry.  I have quite a few good things to say too.

- Like I said before, your knowledge of PSA is definitely very good.  You always seem to know exactly what you are doing and this certainty is apparent in all your PSAs

- One thing I do like about these projects is that they are all more ambitious than the next.  5 modes for one PSA?  That's pretty crazy if you ask me.  And I love it!  It really helps to add variety.

- Whilst I did say before that at times there is an excess of GFX, a lot of the time it really helps to make the moves look flashy.  Some of the moves just look badass!

- They're still pretty fun to play (well, the couple I have played).  Good for relieving stress definitely XD

Overall, keep up the good work though I will say this.  Do NOT make a Sephiroth.  I'm forewarning you now.  It will get a LOT of hate unless you do it flawlessly.  Just look at all the complaints in Hollow's topic for example :P

Also, about making a balanced PSA.  I think you are incorrect there.  I'm one of the few that can say this because I actually have made both broken and balanced PSAs.  A good balanced PSA requires LOADS of things.  Not only in PSA, but animations too.  A good 40% of the time I spent making Viewtiful Joe was on creating animations.  Another 40% of the time was just trying to make him have a well rounded playstyle which is very tricky to pull off.  There will always be something wrong with it.  In the case of my Viewtiful Joe for example, the U Smash has pathetic kill potential (despite being a smash and not being to fast or damaging) and the Slow mode is OPed at the moment (according to Miacis who gave me some great feedback).

The technical side of making a balanced character is not the difficult part.  The difficult part is making the character be level with the rest of Brawl's roster etc

Title: Re: DivineOverlord V.1.0 – Creator of the Ethereal Sword--Balanced version pending.
Post by: Ct.OWN on December 13, 2010, 02:14:48 PM
I won't give feedback, I won't drag this out, I won't debate this with anyone, and I won't be nice about it. I'm simply going to say what I have to say without a damn care of how it affects anyone, and leave.

I completely f***ing hate this needlessly broken piece of [censored] moveset just as much as all the other ones. And the fact that you're thinking of making your own Sephiroth is making my heartburn even worse.

Just thought I'd let you know that Divine. Now excuse me while I go to beat this [censored] out of this one too. Gotta do my job of beating all the needlessly overpowered mediocre movesets after all. And I went through all of Hollow's yesterday. ¦D

P.S. : Galaxy's "strong version" is completely weak.

I really don't give a flying fu*ck about what you have to say anymore, you think my psa style is mediocre? haha when did you actually make a PSA that everyone deems successfully good? Because honestly, I don't prefer your PSA style, which is why I decided to create my own. My PSA style is the way I like it, its a preference Wave, get that to through your half witted and ignorant head. It's so superciliously annoying to hear your comments. Especially since I have a lot of knowledge on psa terminology.

I wish there was a delete button so I can delete your reply and not have to bother with ya :3

I like criticism but yours was overboard haha
Please, don't argue. Wave, I respect your opinion and all but this post could've been said in a PM. Divine, you are a good person but you need to work on your trolls and I don't recommend you do so cause that'll cause more chaos. Miacus managed to remove the arguments between me and LC-DDM so ask her/him.

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword--Balancing Pending.
Post by: DivineOverlord on December 13, 2010, 05:30:44 PM
I won't give feedback, I won't drag this out, I won't debate this with anyone, and I won't be nice about it. I'm simply going to say what I have to say without a damn care of how it affects anyone, and leave.

I completely f***ing hate this needlessly broken piece of [censored] moveset just as much as all the other ones. And the fact that you're thinking of making your own Sephiroth is making my heartburn even worse.

Just thought I'd let you know that Divine. Now excuse me while I go to beat this [censored] out of this one too. Gotta do my job of beating all the needlessly overpowered mediocre movesets after all. And I went through all of Hollow's yesterday. ¦D

P.S. : Galaxy's "strong version" is completely weak.

I really don't give a flying fu*ck about what you have to say anymore, you think my psa style is mediocre? haha when did you actually make a PSA that everyone deems successfully good? Because honestly, I don't prefer your PSA style, which is why I decided to create my own. My PSA style is the way I like it, its a preference Wave, get that to through your half witted and ignorant head. It's so superciliously annoying to hear your comments. Especially since I have a lot of knowledge on psa terminology.

I wish there was a delete button so I can delete your reply and not have to bother with ya :3

I like criticism but yours was overboard haha
Please, don't argue. Wave, I respect your opinion and all but this post could've been said in a PM. Divine, you are a good person but you need to work on your trolls and I don't recommend you do so cause that'll cause more chaos. Miacus managed to remove the arguments between me and LC-DDM so ask her/him.

Haha I won't bother arguing any further dude lol...This is just version 1.0 after all. XD

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword--Balancing Pending.
Post by: SmashClash on December 13, 2010, 05:37:01 PM
Did you read my PM?

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword--Balancing Pending.
Post by: Ct.OWN on December 13, 2010, 05:47:10 PM
I won't give feedback, I won't drag this out, I won't debate this with anyone, and I won't be nice about it. I'm simply going to say what I have to say without a damn care of how it affects anyone, and leave.

I completely f***ing hate this needlessly broken piece of [censored] moveset just as much as all the other ones. And the fact that you're thinking of making your own Sephiroth is making my heartburn even worse.

Just thought I'd let you know that Divine. Now excuse me while I go to beat this [censored] out of this one too. Gotta do my job of beating all the needlessly overpowered mediocre movesets after all. And I went through all of Hollow's yesterday. ¦D

P.S. : Galaxy's "strong version" is completely weak.

I really don't give a flying fu*ck about what you have to say anymore, you think my psa style is mediocre? haha when did you actually make a PSA that everyone deems successfully good? Because honestly, I don't prefer your PSA style, which is why I decided to create my own. My PSA style is the way I like it, its a preference Wave, get that to through your half witted and ignorant head. It's so superciliously annoying to hear your comments. Especially since I have a lot of knowledge on psa terminology.

I wish there was a delete button so I can delete your reply and not have to bother with ya :3

I like criticism but yours was overboard haha
Please, don't argue. Wave, I respect your opinion and all but this post could've been said in a PM. Divine, you are a good person but you need to work on your trolls and I don't recommend you do so cause that'll cause more chaos. Miacus managed to remove the arguments between me and LC-DDM so ask her/him.

Haha I won't bother arguing any further dude lol...This is just version 1.0 after all. XD
Heh, NOW you're the bigger man :P

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword--Balancing Pending.
Post by: Hollow on December 13, 2010, 05:48:36 PM
Damn, Wave. That was harsh........

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword--Balancing Pending.
Post by: Puraidou on December 13, 2010, 05:49:24 PM
Kinda late hollow xD

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword--Balancing Pending.
Post by: SmashClash on December 13, 2010, 05:52:05 PM
Damn, Wave. That was harsh........
Kinda late hollow xD
Well, it was locked.

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword--Balancing Pending.
Post by: DivineOverlord on December 13, 2010, 05:56:43 PM
Did you read my PM?

Yeah, I got it. I'll have to check it out because I've never seen it done myself. lol

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword--Balancing Pending.
Post by: ShadowMarth on December 13, 2010, 06:09:50 PM
I won't give feedback, I won't drag this out, I won't debate this with anyone, and I won't be nice about it. I'm simply going to say what I have to say without a damn care of how it affects anyone, and leave.

I completely f***ing hate this needlessly broken piece of [censored] moveset just as much as all the other ones. And the fact that you're thinking of making your own Sephiroth is making my heartburn even worse.

Just thought I'd let you know that Divine. Now excuse me while I go to beat this [censored] out of this one too. Gotta do my job of beating all the needlessly overpowered mediocre movesets after all. And I went through all of Hollow's yesterday. ¦D

P.S. : Galaxy's "strong version" is completely weak.
([url][/url]) Flaming: Directly or indirectly insulting other members.
Trolling: Posting with the sole purpose of annoying other users, provoking flames.
Examples: Going into a person’s texture topic and saying “You suck” without offering any actual criticism; posting false information.

What is wrong with u!!!!!!!!!! U must be crazy!!! This Psa is freakin Awesome!!!!!
And if u hate great Psas like this one then ur insulting every great Psa and Psa hacker Here! This includes my self!
DivineOverlord is an amazing psa Hacker u should be ADMIRING his work!!!!!!!
Not be a [censored] and SAY anything u please and think u can get away with it!
It's his style and like he said he PREFERS his style over yours!!!!! And honestly, I prefer his style to
So u can just get over ur [censored]ettry and leave u son of a female dog!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword--Balancing Pending.
Post by: KingJigglypuff on December 13, 2010, 06:14:29 PM
I won't give feedback, I won't drag this out, I won't debate this with anyone, and I won't be nice about it. I'm simply going to say what I have to say without a damn care of how it affects anyone, and leave.

I completely f***ing hate this needlessly broken piece of [censored] moveset just as much as all the other ones. And the fact that you're thinking of making your own Sephiroth is making my heartburn even worse.

Just thought I'd let you know that Divine. Now excuse me while I go to beat this [censored] out of this one too. Gotta do my job of beating all the needlessly overpowered mediocre movesets after all. And I went through all of Hollow's yesterday. ¦D

P.S. : Galaxy's "strong version" is completely weak.
([url][/url]) Flaming: Directly or indirectly insulting other members.
Trolling: Posting with the sole purpose of annoying other users, provoking flames.
Examples: Going into a person’s texture topic and saying “You suck” without offering any actual criticism; posting false information.

What is wrong with u!!!!!!!!!! U must be crazy!!! This Psa is freakin Awesome!!!!!
And if u hate great Psas like this one then ur insulting every great Psa and Psa hacker Here! This includes my self!
DivineOverlord is an amazing psa Hacker u should be ADMIRING his work!!!!!!!
Not be a [censored] and SAY anything u please and think u can get away with it!
It's his style and like he said he PREFERS his style over yours!!!!! And honestly, I prefer his style to
So u can just get over ur [censored]ettry and leave u son of a female dog!!!!!!!!

:notimp: (not being mean), this argument was settled just a few minutes ago.

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword--Balancing Pending.
Post by: SmashClash on December 13, 2010, 06:17:13 PM
Did you read my PM?

Yeah, I got it. I'll have to check it out because I've never seen it done myself. lol
I think it's on one of the last 12 pages of the thread.

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword--Balancing Pending.
Post by: DivineOverlord on December 13, 2010, 06:24:48 PM
Did you read my PM?

Yeah, I got it. I'll have to check it out because I've never seen it done myself. lol
I think it's on one of the last 12 pages of the thread.

I can't find it :/

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword--Balancing Pending.
Post by: Hollow on December 13, 2010, 06:25:26 PM
this sounds interesting. Hm?

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword--Balancing Pending.
Post by: Colter on December 13, 2010, 06:28:37 PM
I absolutely hate when people assault hacks because they don't want it. I love DivineOverlord, DivineOverlord.

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword--Balancing Pending.
Post by: KingJigglypuff on December 13, 2010, 06:30:24 PM
I absolutely hate when people assault hacks because they don't want it. I love DivineOverlord, DivineOverlord.
:notimp:(not being mean again) I already said this to ShadowMarth, this argument ended just a few minutes ago (I hope this isn't double posting).

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword--Balancing Pending.
Post by: SmashClash on December 13, 2010, 06:33:04 PM
Did you read my PM?

Yeah, I got it. I'll have to check it out because I've never seen it done myself. lol
I think it's on one of the last 12 pages of the thread.

I can't find it :/
K, I'll find it.

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword--Balancing Pending.
Post by: Colter on December 13, 2010, 06:33:22 PM
I absolutely hate when people assault hacks because they don't want it. I love DivineOverlord, DivineOverlord.
:notimp:(not being mean again) I already said this to ShadowMarth, this argument ended just a few minutes ago (I hope this isn't double posting).

I know. I read the whole thing, but I still hate when they do it.

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword--Balancing Pending.
Post by: ShadowMarth on December 13, 2010, 06:34:35 PM
Thanks for agreeing colter and i know I was late on the post but I coulnt let it be after I read waves post
Also did I mention how awesome this Psa is i mean 5 movsets!!! Freakin beast!!!
I have to admit even tho I didn't use this Psa yet it definitely beats my Ultimate ShadowMarth PSA.

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword--Balancing Pending.
Post by: DivineOverlord on December 13, 2010, 06:38:34 PM
Did you read my PM?

Yeah, I got it. I'll have to check it out because I've never seen it done myself. lol
I think it's on one of the last 12 pages of the thread.

I can't find it :/
K, I'll find it.

Awesome, if it truly is possible to change textures using taunts that would be EPIC!!!

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword--Balancing Pending.
Post by: ShadowMarth on December 13, 2010, 06:41:15 PM
Changing textures after taunting HOLY CRAP!

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword--Balancing Pending.
Post by: Colter on December 13, 2010, 06:44:43 PM
^^Well if the on the fly costume switcher code changes to taunt activation, then =D

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword--Balancing Pending.
Post by: SmashClash on December 13, 2010, 06:46:13 PM
Go on his thread reply #138.

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword--Balancing Pending.
Post by: ShadowMarth on December 13, 2010, 06:48:03 PM
I hope a code for that is made.

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword--Balancing Pending.
Post by: SmashClash on December 13, 2010, 06:52:09 PM
I don't think it needs a code just PSA, look @ Galaxy Mario thread by theshyguy reply #138.

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword--Balancing Pending.
Post by: Ultraxwing on December 13, 2010, 07:26:46 PM
Did you get my P.M DivineOverlord?

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword--Balancing Pending.
Post by: DivineOverlord on December 13, 2010, 07:54:27 PM
I don't think it needs a code just PSA, look @ Galaxy Mario thread by theshyguy reply #138.

Oh I see, it has to do with article swapping.

Did you get my P.M DivineOverlord?

yeah, i got it, I'm reviewing it right now.

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword--Balancing Pending.
Post by: KingJigglypuff on December 13, 2010, 07:55:41 PM
Did you see what I said about the TurnRunStop?

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword--Balancing Pending.
Post by: DivineOverlord on December 13, 2010, 08:08:45 PM
Did you see what I said about the TurnRunStop?

Yeah, I saw it, I can get it fixed. Yet, I'm wondering if I should work on version 2 first and powering him down. I'll need to create new motion animations. x)

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword--Balancing Pending.
Post by: KingJigglypuff on December 13, 2010, 08:10:01 PM
Did you see what I said about the TurnRunStop?

Yeah, I saw it, I can get it fixed. Yet, I'm wondering if I should work on version 2 first and powering him down. I'll need to create new motion animations. x)

If you want to, you can take some animations from Twilight Ganon (LOL, seeing Marth do a Chance).

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword--Balancing Pending.
Post by: DivineOverlord on December 13, 2010, 08:15:53 PM
Did you see what I said about the TurnRunStop?

Yeah, I saw it, I can get it fixed. Yet, I'm wondering if I should work on version 2 first and powering him down. I'll need to create new motion animations. x)

If you want to, you can take some animations from Twilight Ganon (LOL, seeing Marth do a Chance).

hmm I do love that sword spin animation you have. lol

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword--Balancing Pending.
Post by: KingJigglypuff on December 13, 2010, 08:16:59 PM
Did you see what I said about the TurnRunStop?

Yeah, I saw it, I can get it fixed. Yet, I'm wondering if I should work on version 2 first and powering him down. I'll need to create new motion animations. x)

If you want to, you can take some animations from Twilight Ganon (LOL, seeing Marth do a Chance).

hmm I do love that sword spin animation you have. lol
Which one?

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword--Balancing Pending.
Post by: SmashClash on December 13, 2010, 08:23:32 PM
Cool huh, Divine.

Are you gonna try to do such that of reply #138?

Then teach it to me, please. ;D

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword--Balancing Pending.
Post by: Hollow on December 13, 2010, 08:25:01 PM
I just read shyguy's thread. I've never thought of swapping textures as articles.


Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword--Balancing Pending.
Post by: DivineOverlord on December 13, 2010, 08:26:00 PM
Did you see what I said about the TurnRunStop?

Yeah, I saw it, I can get it fixed. Yet, I'm wondering if I should work on version 2 first and powering him down. I'll need to create new motion animations. x)

If you want to, you can take some animations from Twilight Ganon (LOL, seeing Marth do a Chance).

hmm I do love that sword spin animation you have. lol
Which one?

His Neutral B special. It's sort of like pits side B but standing still. XD
Cool huh, Divine.

Are you gonna try to do such that of reply #138?

Then teach it to me, please. ;D

Yeah, I can try, but first I need to make more file space on marth. I'll try finding short cuts.

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword--Balancing Pending.
Post by: KingJigglypuff on December 13, 2010, 08:27:04 PM
May I ask why your future hacks will be private?

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword--Balancing Pending.
Post by: DivineOverlord on December 13, 2010, 08:28:12 PM
May I ask why your future hacks will be private?

Not sure, I get the vibe that my hacks are sometimes unwanted unless its balanced. Which I will try out next with a Kratos PSA. :)

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword--Balancing Pending.
Post by: SmashClash on December 13, 2010, 08:30:28 PM
I just read shyguy's thread. I've never thought of swapping textures as articles.

Your welcome for pointing it out & GL.

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword--Balancing Pending.
Post by: KingJigglypuff on December 13, 2010, 08:47:46 PM
May I ask why your future hacks will be private?

Not sure, I get the vibe that my hacks are sometimes unwanted unless its balanced. Which I will try out next with a Kratos PSA. :)
Well of course you know I like overpowered PSAs.

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword--Balancing Pending.
Post by: DivineOverlord on December 13, 2010, 08:54:15 PM
May I ask why your future hacks will be private?

Not sure, I get the vibe that my hacks are sometimes unwanted unless its balanced. Which I will try out next with a Kratos PSA. :)
Well of course you know I like overpowered PSAs.

Thanks :D lol

oh yeah, i just realize something, my mewtwo V2 psa is wayy to hard to fight, I need to take off that time manipulation for V3 haha!

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword- V2 in progress
Post by: ChaosEpsilon613 on December 13, 2010, 10:26:49 PM
I'm just asking, will you be releasing demonic bowser 3 anytime soon? (love divine overlord!)

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword- V2 in progress
Post by: Puraidou on December 14, 2010, 01:14:36 AM
A kratos psa?!
Which kratos? Tales of Symphonia or that brutal dude?

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword- V2 in progress
Post by: SiLeNtDo0m on December 14, 2010, 01:21:01 AM
A kratos psa?!
Which kratos? Tales of Symphonia or that brutal dude?

I hope it's God of War Kratos! That would suit the whole "god PSA" thing DO has going on.

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword- V2 in progress
Post by: Colter on December 14, 2010, 02:57:42 AM
Dude don't privatize it. People are just dumb to the fact that they DON'T HAVE TO USE YOUR PSA's. I think they're awesome and a lot of work went into them. If people really want to use it, they can downgrade it themselves or just be quiet. I love you.

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword- V2 in progress
Post by: DivineOverlord on December 14, 2010, 03:32:56 AM
Dude don't privatize it. People are just dumb to the fact that they DON'T HAVE TO USE YOUR PSA's. I think they're awesome and a lot of work went into them. If people really want to use it, they can downgrade it themselves or just be quiet. I love you.

haha Thanks buddy!....OMG!!! I just gave DivineOverlord Marth V2 the COOLEST MOVE EVER!!!! ITS A NEW ANIMATION TOO! XD

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword- V2 in progress
Post by: Puraidou on December 14, 2010, 04:28:07 AM
I agree with colter. Just upload them :D
Cant wait to see that move :D

Also, i will make a moveset video when i get my power supply. So expect a better quality video :D

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword- V2 in progress
Post by: Ultraxwing on December 14, 2010, 09:07:55 AM
See there are forms on criticism, some are harsher than others. but upload anyway, your good at PSA.

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword- V2 in progress
Post by: fighter20brawler10 on December 14, 2010, 12:11:13 PM
This looks pretty cool

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword- V2 in progress
Post by: cyberdark on December 14, 2010, 04:04:08 PM
im cyberdarkdargon1  ps awesome moveset man its fun

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword- V2 in progress
Post by: ShadowMarth on December 14, 2010, 05:43:28 PM
Hey Divine i Used ur PSA last night and Here is A short Story Based on my Reaction:

Oh SNAP! He finally Released His Marth PSA!
 (downloads PSA And truns on Wii.....Then activates Hacks)

COME ON COME ON!! hurry up and Load! I have to get to bed so let me make this fast!
(Starts game And gos on training mode.....)(Picks Marth)

(Trys out all the movesets)
Dark Mode Reaction: Holy crap!! Freakin beast!!(Thinks to self: I think he got the standing pose from my Ultimate ShadowMarth PSA.)
Light Mode Reaction:Awesome he heals himself when u stand there!
Fire Mode:Lets see a slight change in smash moves....WHOA! I like the fully charged Neutral B :af:
Aura Mode:Cool i like the Side B infinite combo ;D ;D
Gode Mode Reaction: :patrick: :patrick: :patrick: :patrick: :patrick: :patrick: :patrick: :patrick: :patrick: :oshi: :oshi: :oshi: :oshi:
So beutiful! :'(


Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword- V2 in progress
Post by: KingJigglypuff on December 14, 2010, 06:01:02 PM
If your motion pac still has enough file space on it and you have enough file space on your Marth pac, maybe you could add a 6th mode or just a few new animations on your other modes.

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword- V2 in progress
Post by: DivineOverlord on December 14, 2010, 06:45:09 PM
A kratos psa?!
Which kratos? Tales of Symphonia or that brutal dude?
Tales of Symphonia--it will be my first balanced PSA project, with the intent of pure balance haha....and cool, about the video x)

im cyberdarkdargon1  ps awesome moveset man its fun

oh lol, I'll  add in cyberdark to the credit for the video :D

Hey Divine i Used ur PSA last night and Here is A short Story Based on my Reaction:

Oh SNAP! He finally Released His Marth PSA!
 (downloads PSA And truns on Wii.....Then activates Hacks)

COME ON COME ON!! hurry up and Load! I have to get to bed so let me make this fast!
(Starts game And gos on training mode.....)(Picks Marth)

(Trys out all the movesets)
Dark Mode Reaction: Holy crap!! Freakin beast!!(Thinks to self: I think he got the standing pose from my Ultimate ShadowMarth PSA.)
Light Mode Reaction:Awesome he heals himself when u stand there!
Fire Mode:Lets see a slight change in smash moves....WHOA! I like the fully charged Neutral B :af:
Aura Mode:Cool i like the Side B infinite combo ;D ;D
Gode Mode Reaction: :patrick: :patrick: :patrick: :patrick: :patrick: :patrick: :patrick: :patrick: :patrick: :oshi: :oshi: :oshi: :oshi:
So beutiful! :'(


Awesome glad you like it !!! sorry I just had to use the win 2 wait animation. XD

If your motion pac still has enough file space on it and you have enough file space on your Marth pac, maybe you could add a 6th mode or just a few new animations on your other modes.

Yeah, I still have space in the motion file. I finished his new standing pose for the 5th mode, and a new UP B (on ground) for 5th mode....Trying to think of new animations for the other 4 mode lol....oh yeah, a 6th mode is possible but it will be hard to make it unique, what would 6th mode be like...wind element? or full release? lol

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword- V2 in progress
Post by: KingJigglypuff on December 14, 2010, 06:47:12 PM
A kratos psa?!
Which kratos? Tales of Symphonia or that brutal dude?
Tales of Symphonia--it will be my first balanced PSA project, with the intent of pure balance haha....and cool, about the video x)

im cyberdarkdargon1  ps awesome moveset man its fun

oh lol, I'll  add in cyberdark to the credit for the video :D

Hey Divine i Used ur PSA last night and Here is A short Story Based on my Reaction:

Oh SNAP! He finally Released His Marth PSA!
 (downloads PSA And truns on Wii.....Then activates Hacks)

COME ON COME ON!! hurry up and Load! I have to get to bed so let me make this fast!
(Starts game And gos on training mode.....)(Picks Marth)

(Trys out all the movesets)
Dark Mode Reaction: Holy crap!! Freakin beast!!(Thinks to self: I think he got the standing pose from my Ultimate ShadowMarth PSA.)
Light Mode Reaction:Awesome he heals himself when u stand there!
Fire Mode:Lets see a slight change in smash moves....WHOA! I like the fully charged Neutral B :af:
Aura Mode:Cool i like the Side B infinite combo ;D ;D
Gode Mode Reaction: :patrick: :patrick: :patrick: :patrick: :patrick: :patrick: :patrick: :patrick: :patrick: :oshi: :oshi: :oshi: :oshi:
So beutiful! :'(


Awesome glad you like it !!! sorry I just had to use the win 2 wait animation. XD

If your motion pac still has enough file space on it and you have enough file space on your Marth pac, maybe you could add a 6th mode or just a few new animations on your other modes.

Yeah, I still have space in the motion file. I finished his new standing pose for the 5th mode, and a new UP B (on ground) for 5th mode....Trying to think of new animations for the other 4 mode lol....oh yeah, a 6th mode is possible but it will be hard to make it unique, what would 6th mode be like...wind element? or full release? lol
The other elements you don't have are wind and electricity.

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword- V2 in progress
Post by: ChaosEpsilon613 on December 14, 2010, 06:58:48 PM
What about earth?

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword- V2 in progress
Post by: Ct.OWN on December 14, 2010, 06:59:38 PM
Have you ever read the Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel series?
Alchemyst, Magician, Sorceress, Necromancer?
Well in one of the books there is an element higher than all the elements, Water, Fire, Wind, and some other element. That fifth element, surprisingly, is called Aether. No wonder it's in the dictionary. Maybe you can use Aether since it's probably like a godly element.

Just gotta wait for Warlock to come out. It'll probably have Aether being practiced in that.

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword- V2 in progress
Post by: KingJigglypuff on December 14, 2010, 07:02:42 PM
What about earth?
:>.>palm:(to myself). OK here are some other elements, grass, poison, dragon, steel, ice, and fighting.

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword- V2 in progress
Post by: KingJigglypuff on December 14, 2010, 07:03:09 PM
Have you ever read the Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel series?
Alchemyst, Magician, Sorceress, Necromancer?
Well in one of the books there is an element higher than all the elements, Water, Fire, Wind, and some other element. That fifth element, surprisingly, is called Aether. No wonder it's in the dictionary. Maybe you can use Aether since it's probably like a godly element.

Just gotta wait for Warlock to come out. It'll probably have Aether being practiced in that.
What's Warlock?

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword- V2 in progress
Post by: DivineOverlord on December 14, 2010, 07:05:05 PM
wind, earth, lightning, hm maybe I can give those elements to DivineOverlord Marth's antagonist, with a link PSA!...or metaknight!! Aether? thats my first time hearing about that. lol

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword- V2 in progress
Post by: KingJigglypuff on December 14, 2010, 07:07:14 PM
wind, earth, lightning, hm maybe I can give those elements to DivineOverlord Marth's antagonist, with a link PSA!...or metaknight!! Aether? thats my first time hearing about that. lol
Hey if you want to, I can swap a few of Link's normal animations and I could send them to you.

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword- V2 in progress
Post by: DivineOverlord on December 14, 2010, 07:20:57 PM
wind, earth, lightning, hm maybe I can give those elements to DivineOverlord Marth's antagonist, with a link PSA!...or metaknight!! Aether? thats my first time hearing about that. lol
Hey if you want to, I can swap a few of Link's normal animations and I could send them to you.

sounds cool man. If you do, credit will be given to you upon its release haha oh yeah and to Ultraxwing he sent me a whole list of ideas already :P

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword- V2 in progress
Post by: raykoojo on December 14, 2010, 07:33:43 PM
I was thinking about an aether moveset too, if you could having that as a moveset would be insane. Your Marth is amazing great job btw!

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword- V2 in progress
Post by: Colter on December 14, 2010, 07:41:33 PM
wind, earth, lightning, hm maybe I can give those elements to DivineOverlord Marth's antagonist, with a link PSA!...or metaknight!! Aether? thats my first time hearing about that. lol

Meta knight. We need an uber Meta Knight that doesn't require model switching.

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword- V2 in progress
Post by: DivineOverlord on December 14, 2010, 07:44:18 PM
I was thinking about an aether moveset too, if you could having that as a moveset would be insane. Your Marth is amazing great job btw!

Great :)

wind, earth, lightning, hm maybe I can give those elements to DivineOverlord Marth's antagonist, with a link PSA!...or metaknight!! Aether? thats my first time hearing about that. lol

Meta knight. We need an uber Meta Knight that doesn't require model switching.

hell yeah man!!! I definitely need to give meta knight a chance XD....I'll try my best to make a balanced version and as well as a strong one...I need to edit his motions first. :P

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword- V2 in progress
Post by: Colter on December 14, 2010, 07:46:36 PM
I was thinking about an aether moveset too, if you could having that as a moveset would be insane. Your Marth is amazing great job btw!

Great :)

wind, earth, lightning, hm maybe I can give those elements to DivineOverlord Marth's antagonist, with a link PSA!...or metaknight!! Aether? thats my first time hearing about that. lol

Meta knight. We need an uber Meta Knight that doesn't require model switching.

hell yeah man!!! I definitely need to give meta knight a chance XD....I'll try my best to make a balanced version and as well as a strong one...I need to edit his motions first. :P

MetaKnight seems to fit really well as a rival for a Marth anyways. Good luck!

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword- V2 in progress
Post by: KingJigglypuff on December 14, 2010, 08:59:50 PM
I was thinking about an aether moveset too, if you could having that as a moveset would be insane. Your Marth is amazing great job btw!

Great :)

wind, earth, lightning, hm maybe I can give those elements to DivineOverlord Marth's antagonist, with a link PSA!...or metaknight!! Aether? thats my first time hearing about that. lol

Meta knight. We need an uber Meta Knight that doesn't require model switching.

hell yeah man!!! I definitely need to give meta knight a chance XD....I'll try my best to make a balanced version and as well as a strong one...I need to edit his motions first. :P

MetaKnight seems to fit really well as a rival for a Marth anyways. Good luck!
Yea, but he's going to have some trouble changing the Final Smash because I tried changing it one time, it worked, but when the collision hit the enemies, they stood still and intangible as if they were hit by the cape.

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword- V2 in progress
Post by: DivineOverlord on December 15, 2010, 02:28:21 AM
I was thinking about an aether moveset too, if you could having that as a moveset would be insane. Your Marth is amazing great job btw!

Great :)

wind, earth, lightning, hm maybe I can give those elements to DivineOverlord Marth's antagonist, with a link PSA!...or metaknight!! Aether? thats my first time hearing about that. lol

Meta knight. We need an uber Meta Knight that doesn't require model switching.

hell yeah man!!! I definitely need to give meta knight a chance XD....I'll try my best to make a balanced version and as well as a strong one...I need to edit his motions first. :P

MetaKnight seems to fit really well as a rival for a Marth anyways. Good luck!
Yea, but he's going to have some trouble changing the Final Smash because I tried changing it one time, it worked, but when the collision hit the enemies, they stood still and intangible as if they were hit by the cape.

so the final smash is tricky to edit huh, icic. lol

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword- V2 in progress
Post by: Hollow on December 15, 2010, 05:40:14 AM
Editing Final Smashes isn't hard. You just need to know how to connect all the parts...

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword- V2 in progress
Post by: Puraidou on December 15, 2010, 06:51:40 AM
A kratos psa?!
Which kratos? Tales of Symphonia or that brutal dude?
Tales of Symphonia--it will be my first balanced PSA project, with the intent of pure balance haha....and cool, about the video x)
Make an overpowered one to! :af2:

If your motion pac still has enough file space on it and you have enough file space on your Marth pac, maybe you could add a 6th mode or just a few new animations on your other modes.

Yeah, I still have space in the motion file. I finished his new standing pose for the 5th mode, and a new UP B (on ground) for 5th mode....Trying to think of new animations for the other 4 mode lol....oh yeah, a 6th mode is possible but it will be hard to make it unique, what would 6th mode be like...wind element? or full release? lol
Corrupted? XD
Full Release, 2-3 times the damage? Activates at...200%? XD

And make one MK please, i really need a good MK PSA :laugh:

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword- V2 in progress
Post by: Ct.OWN on December 15, 2010, 03:19:16 PM
Have you ever read the Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel series?
Alchemyst, Magician, Sorceress, Necromancer?
Well in one of the books there is an element higher than all the elements, Water, Fire, Wind, and some other element. That fifth element, surprisingly, is called Aether. No wonder it's in the dictionary. Maybe you can use Aether since it's probably like a godly element.

Just gotta wait for Warlock to come out. It'll probably have Aether being practiced in that.
What's Warlock?
Warlock is the new book coming out. Didn't anyone even see the part where I mentioned that fifth element?

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword- V2 in progress
Post by: ShadowMarth on December 15, 2010, 06:01:42 PM
hey u change ur name back to Ct OWN.
Anyway how the PSA comin along

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword- V2 in progress
Post by: DivineOverlord on December 15, 2010, 06:04:10 PM
hey u change ur name back to Ct OWN.
Anyway how the PSA comin along

Which PSA? lol

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword- V2 in progress
Post by: KingJigglypuff on December 15, 2010, 06:05:20 PM
hey u change ur name back to Ct OWN.
Anyway how the PSA comin along

Which PSA? lol
I think he/she's asking you how the progress is going on making a v2 of your persona moveset.

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword- V2 in progress
Post by: DivineOverlord on December 15, 2010, 06:07:02 PM
hey u change ur name back to Ct OWN.
Anyway how the PSA comin along

Which PSA? lol
I think he/she's asking you how the progress is going on making a v2 of your persona moveset.
Oh I see, I wasn't sure since we recently mentioned other projects on this post haha...Version 2 is going well. I have came up with 4 new motions :)

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword- V2 in progress
Post by: SmashClash on December 15, 2010, 06:11:06 PM
Have an approx. release date?

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword- V2 in progress
Post by: DivineOverlord on December 15, 2010, 06:15:18 PM
Have an approx. release date?

since today is Wednesday, I would say this weekend. That way I will have time to make a balanced version that is capable of  fighting against the regular characters. But, it will be completely different than the strong version. :P

I will release 2 other PSAs before friday.

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword- V2 in progress
Post by: SmashClash on December 15, 2010, 06:17:19 PM
That's cool. ;D

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword- V2 in progress
Post by: KingJigglypuff on December 15, 2010, 06:18:35 PM
Hey Divine, just wondering, but which of my hacks are you using?

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword- V2 in progress
Post by: ShadowMarth on December 15, 2010, 06:20:48 PM
Kool cant wait until ur done!
BTW KingJiggilyPuff IM A GUY! LOLOLZ!

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword- V2 in progress
Post by: DivineOverlord on December 15, 2010, 06:24:52 PM
Hey Divine, just wondering, but which of my hacks are you using?

Oh I have your king jiggs psa, Fire Master Alixzander, Mojo, Weaf, and Storm master. I beefed up some of them to handle goddess zelda lol.

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword- V2 in progress
Post by: KingJigglypuff on December 15, 2010, 06:30:45 PM
Hey Divine, just wondering, but which of my hacks are you using?

Oh I have your king jiggs psa, Fire Master Alixzander, Mojo, Weaf, and Storm master. I beefed up some of them to handle goddess zelda lol.
How could you beef up Fire Mastser Alixzander? The file size has reached its max (or are you using Riivolution).

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword- V2 in progress
Post by: ShadowMarth on December 15, 2010, 06:30:54 PM
Just wait until my Shadow Pikachu V1 is out! Its already overpowered!

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword- V2 in progress
Post by: DivineOverlord on December 16, 2010, 01:18:18 AM
Just wait until my Shadow Pikachu V1 is out! Its already overpowered!

nice. I wonder what you created. :D

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword- V2 in progress
Post by: Hollow on December 16, 2010, 05:18:52 AM

And make one MK please, i really need a good MK PSA :laugh:
Gray fox. >_>

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword- V2 in progress
Post by: Puraidou on December 16, 2010, 06:31:21 AM

And make one MK please, i really need a good MK PSA :laugh:
Gray fox. >_>
Just no >_> I don't like that PSA at all.

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword- V2 in progress
Post by: _Data_Drain_ on December 16, 2010, 06:47:05 AM
Yeah, plus I like Meta Knight better then Grey Fox... (And in my case, I like using 02 as well...)

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword- V2 in progress
Post by: Puraidou on December 16, 2010, 07:01:29 AM
Yeah, plus I like Meta Knight better then Grey Fox... (And in my case, I like using 02 as well...)
There will be a problem there >_>"
Since the PSA for 02 needs to be used so the model works.. >.<"
UNLESS he injects the moveset into the 02 model PSA as well

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword- V2 in progress
Post by: Ct.OWN on December 16, 2010, 11:20:46 AM
So did anyone even notice my idea and think it was interesting?

Title: Re: DivineOverlord (Marth Based) V.1.0 – The Ethereal Sword- V2 in progress
Post by: AderZ on September 14, 2011, 08:36:15 PM
I like the moveset and all but its too op and i think that the rate in which he attacks and his infinite saves should be toned down a lot. Also maybe the damage of the moves. There is also a problem with switching from Light mode to fire mode sometimes it will be light mode when you taunt left/right and vice versa. Other than that it is a very good moveset or maybe its cause im using Brawl+
( Necropost/aka bumping this thread which was dead for almost a year. (posting in a thread where the last post is older than 3 weeks isn't allowed)
