Title: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on December 18, 2010, 06:43:26 PM UPDATED~
I've discovered more things about Anim8or durring my usage of it and think i can clean up my thread a little Here's the rar file (http://www.mediafire.com/?8536rjlmk9ewqpq) of everything you need to vertex. Note that Unrarx will just open the rar empty. Winrar (http://download.cnet.com/WinRAR-32-bit/3000-2250_4-10007677.html) will actually work better, plus you can find versions of it for free and its what I use. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnAuOR163Qo VIDEO!! Anim8or i have discovered doesnt work with all polygons. It also seems to have a problem with windows7. as i discover which ones can't be edited in anim8or ill add them to the list. there seems to be one for each character These are a list of polygons that anim8or will give you an error for and not open. Zamus' face Dedede's coat Sheik's arms Peach's crown Link's Hat These are alist of polygons that Anim8or seems to not want to move all the vertecies you move and require cleanup from someone with 3dsMax or similar. Sheik's body Zelda's legs For those of you who cant watch the video, ill reinstate the readable version. 1st steps : Preparation Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: ADJSonic on December 19, 2010, 06:52:59 AM How do you get the model to show up.....?
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on December 19, 2010, 11:55:20 AM If you mean in Anim8or, this tool (http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c254/Chippy_0_o/dots.jpg)
But be sure you've either imported the DDV or drag-n-dropped it in Anim8or. Look at the VERY top of the first picture I have and make sure it says Object: DDV Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Not A Frog on December 19, 2010, 12:15:26 PM Wow! I'mma get vertexing right away now! :happy:
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: ADJSonic on December 19, 2010, 01:18:50 PM how do you patch in Anim8or and i meant to get the .3ds file....
I already know just think you should say as there isn't a good tut for it..... OHH nvm you already did.. XD Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on December 19, 2010, 01:20:14 PM not exactly sure what you mean by patch. i elaborated this morning and included every single step needed as well as the programs
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: ADJSonic on December 19, 2010, 01:21:05 PM certain things need to be patched.... Trust me. Look at my help thread....
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Quickman on December 20, 2010, 08:47:44 PM I've seen people have an actual colored, fully rendered model while vertex editing, is that what you mean by clicking the button with the 3 squares on it?
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on December 21, 2010, 01:32:26 PM @ADJSonic (the rock)
I have never needed this so called patching for nay hack that ive ever done SpacePirateOverlord Anim8or is a free program that doesnt display the actual model, but ther vertices that make up that model. Most people use 3DSMax which DOES cost money, making it a better program. Anim8or is the alternative for people who want to vertex, but cant get 3DSMax Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Quickman on December 21, 2010, 01:38:06 PM Well technically theres also Blender, but this seems much better.
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on December 21, 2010, 01:40:43 PM personally blender is confusing XD and even with stepp by step instructions, i cant figure it out
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on December 22, 2010, 01:43:27 PM what happened is some of the data became corrupt. this happens from time to time; especially if you're making big changes. What you have to do is create a new DDV and move the vertices again. like i said, sometimes the programs will crash. you just gotta be patient and keep on goin! if you leave that DDV as is and replace it with the model in brawl box, it'll cause brawl box to also crash. be sure you save early and save often, go slow, and be gently. its a very sensative program.
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on December 22, 2010, 02:22:58 PM re-export the model and vertex. then remake the DDV. try that
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on December 22, 2010, 02:57:13 PM yeah thats because the file is corrupt. did you already try yo put the new model back into the one on brawl box?
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on December 22, 2010, 04:04:16 PM yus. the MDL0 Offset is the number you copy and paste into the das donkey box
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on December 22, 2010, 04:20:54 PM when you enter it into the box, it automatically takes it out. are you using programs you ofound or the ones i provided?
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on December 22, 2010, 04:33:54 PM i just re-read some of your posts. instead of saving, you export
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on December 22, 2010, 05:07:37 PM you export the changed DDV back onto the original DDV. you overwrite it
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on December 22, 2010, 05:50:19 PM its ok. this clarifies if anyone else gets this error c: plus i enjoy helping other people. might i ask what it is exactly uou're trying to do?
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on December 22, 2010, 06:25:10 PM were there any instructions that you didnt do or understand? every detail was important
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Not A Frog on December 22, 2010, 07:27:59 PM Hey, I've tested this method and everything works out great until I preview it. Nothing is changed. I've tested this with Ike's sword and then I started an actual project with Lucas and nothing came up. Know what's wrong?
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on December 22, 2010, 07:38:39 PM i addressed this problem in my first post. you have to keep reexporting the model, and re inserting the DDV into that model severaly times for it to get into the rhythm of things.
re-export model finnish DDV insert DDV replace model save re-export model if nothing changes: re-export model insert DDV replace model save you have to keep doing that second step until it works EDIT:mine starts working after about the 3rd time Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Not A Frog on December 22, 2010, 07:42:10 PM Ok thanks.
EDIT: Wait should the edited vertex.ddf file be an anim8or file or a DDF file? Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on December 23, 2010, 05:54:57 PM Ok thanks. DDFEDIT: Wait should the edited vertex.ddf file be an anim8or file or a DDF file? EDIT: you save directly over the original DDV file. it doesnt edit the actual vertex.ddf the vertex.ddf is needed to make the DDV. then the DDV is inserted into the model. once the DDV is made, theres no further use for the vertex.ddf Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on December 23, 2010, 05:56:00 PM So your saying that I should export then import 3 times then save? these steps 3 timesre-export model insert DDV replace model save preview if nothings changed re-export model insert DDV replace model save preview if nothings changed re-export model insert DDV replace model save preview so on and so forth Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: BlueLink on December 24, 2010, 07:44:27 AM is possible add more 3ds file in one? (ex. 3dsfile 1+ 3dsfile 2= 3ds fille3)
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: ADJSonic on December 24, 2010, 08:23:53 AM Lecapricia check your pm box in a minute.. I need you to make me something real quick.....
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Not A Frog on December 24, 2010, 09:42:46 AM Ok thanks. DDFEDIT: Wait should the edited vertex.ddf file be an anim8or file or a DDF file? EDIT: you save directly over the original DDV file. it doesnt edit the actual vertex.ddf the vertex.ddf is needed to make the DDV. then the DDV is inserted into the model. once the DDV is made, theres no further use for the vertex.ddf HYESSS!!!11!!!!1!! It worked!!! (turned out terrible but at leatst it works!) Now I'm on to make kirby into a blob of nothingness! Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on December 24, 2010, 12:57:13 PM is possible add more 3ds file in one? (ex. 3dsfile 1+ 3dsfile 2= 3ds fille3) no. you have one at a time. its recognized by the name. if you add anything else nto the name, it wont be readTitle: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on December 24, 2010, 01:00:46 PM Interesting, I put in the dataoffset instead of the mdl0 offset and it said succefully inserted yes, that picture is what wil happen. itll remember the Offset, and make a modelOriginal incase its messed up. you have to put in the mdl0 offste. jsut because its successfully inserted doesnt mean itll work.[/color]Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: The Corrupted one on December 24, 2010, 04:53:45 PM I have my vertex(named vertex) but when i ask it to create patch it asks me to select an obj. file.
Last time i checked you just have an mdl0 in the folder. what am I doing wrong? Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on December 25, 2010, 05:15:52 PM I have my vertex(named vertex) but when i ask it to create patch it asks me to select an obj. file. are you using anim8or?Last time i checked you just have an mdl0 in the folder. what am I doing wrong? Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on December 25, 2010, 06:09:17 PM Hope your Christmas's went well, I got windows 7 laptop and i'm so happy! =) Now i'm gonna test vertexing on here maybe. i got a laptop too.Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on December 25, 2010, 07:19:37 PM ._.
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on December 25, 2010, 07:39:08 PM no, i use windows XP. The nim8or in there is the latest version
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: ADJSonic on December 26, 2010, 05:14:50 PM I use windows 7 and it works..... :/
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on December 26, 2010, 07:36:26 PM I'm so confused why I'm getting these problems... I'll read through guide again and try to get anim8or to start. thats prolly a good idea since i added more details latelyTitle: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: The Corrupted one on December 26, 2010, 07:40:58 PM Duh I am using Anim8or why would I post here then?
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: dialga5 on December 27, 2010, 12:30:49 AM its ok. this clarifies if anyone else gets this error c: plus i enjoy helping other people. might i ask what it is exactly uou're trying to do? if you ejoy helping, I can't get the programs provided, the rar extractor says the file is not a .rar archiveTitle: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: The Corrupted one on December 27, 2010, 12:57:38 PM I tried again and i get the ddf to load but no mld0. Why is it asking me for obj?
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on December 27, 2010, 01:40:19 PM its ok. this clarifies if anyone else gets this error c: plus i enjoy helping other people. might i ask what it is exactly uou're trying to do? if you ejoy helping, I can't get the programs provided, the rar extractor says the file is not a .rar archiveTitle: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on December 27, 2010, 01:41:24 PM I tried again and i get the ddf to load but no mld0. Why is it asking me for obj? you must have the vertex.ddf in the folder with the das donkey vertex box. then create a DDV file. then you load that DDV file into anim8orTitle: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: dialga5 on December 27, 2010, 02:13:32 PM its ok. this clarifies if anyone else gets this error c: plus i enjoy helping other people. might i ask what it is exactly uou're trying to do? if you ejoy helping, I can't get the programs provided, the rar extractor says the file is not a .rar archiveTitle: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on December 27, 2010, 02:14:39 PM its ok. this clarifies if anyone else gets this error c: plus i enjoy helping other people. might i ask what it is exactly uou're trying to do? if you ejoy helping, I can't get the programs provided, the rar extractor says the file is not a .rar archiveTitle: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: dialga5 on December 27, 2010, 02:28:09 PM cant get anim8ter to work :< :oshi:
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on December 27, 2010, 02:35:52 PM what about it isnt working?
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: dialga5 on December 27, 2010, 02:49:41 PM let me be more specific, It never runs... I double-click and it never pops up and this is windows 7
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on December 27, 2010, 03:03:48 PM o.o thats a puzzler
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: dialga5 on December 27, 2010, 03:10:03 PM it be:oshi: :-[
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on December 27, 2010, 03:31:19 PM no sort of message pops up at all?
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: dialga5 on December 27, 2010, 03:43:32 PM no sort of message pops up at all? fraid notTitle: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on December 27, 2010, 03:45:05 PM what version is it
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on December 27, 2010, 04:17:34 PM :srs: not the computer, the anim8or
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: dialga5 on December 27, 2010, 04:20:15 PM :srs: not the computer, the anim8or animv095cTitle: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on December 27, 2010, 04:22:41 PM http://www.anim8or.com/main/
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on December 27, 2010, 04:27:11 PM get the download from there, i think you guys are using the wrong stufff
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: dialga5 on December 27, 2010, 04:49:36 PM i got it from that site -_-
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on December 27, 2010, 04:56:44 PM the latest version?
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on December 27, 2010, 05:13:47 PM ok i just tried with my new laptop and im getting the same thing. let me look into it
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: dialga5 on December 28, 2010, 12:26:07 PM get the download from there, i think you guys are using the wrong stufff I tested the ones from the website they did nothing different. Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: dialga5 on December 29, 2010, 01:53:30 PM get the download from there, i think you guys are using the wrong stufff I tested the ones from the website they did nothing different. Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: The Corrupted one on December 29, 2010, 02:59:13 PM Where does the DDV come from? The only options I see in Dasdonkey is create patch and apply patch along with DDF load and refresh
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on December 29, 2010, 03:10:14 PM Where does the DDV come from? The only options I see in Dasdonkey is create patch and apply patch along with DDF load and refresh wrong dasdonkey? are you using the one in my rar?Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: The Corrupted one on December 29, 2010, 03:44:48 PM Yes wrong DD
When i hit the top option it says it can't find the file specified. What gives? I am vertexing ZSS and her verticies are not numbered so i used the one t had the name of the texture for that area. Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on December 30, 2010, 10:31:22 AM no, you use the MDL0 offset of the vertex, not the polygon. and you export the etire MDL0,not the polygon
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on December 30, 2010, 05:51:23 PM not yet. maybe it doesnt work for laptops. dialga, are you using a laptop?
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on December 30, 2010, 07:34:11 PM have you?
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: The Corrupted one on December 31, 2010, 08:18:35 PM But I followed the instructions exactly, i found the vertex marked by Vertexset and imported it into DD along with the MLD0
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: ADJSonic on January 01, 2011, 09:32:34 PM Ohh for that problem i had it too.... You must play a mini game of connect the dots in your head and move acoording to so... If you mess with it not knowing the way it connects you will Kill your model..... XD..
(hope i helped) Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on January 01, 2011, 09:36:50 PM lol its true XD
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on January 01, 2011, 09:51:32 PM sometimes that happens. Anim8or is delicate. you gotta know what exactly your moving
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on January 01, 2011, 10:41:01 PM XD i has reading comprehension probs cuz~
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on January 01, 2011, 10:58:29 PM I had that happen a lot when i first started using Anim8or. Just export a fresh model and vertex, and try again
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on January 01, 2011, 11:06:14 PM the thing about pikachu is even the experts have a hard time hacking him. i cant even make my fat pikachu :srs:
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on January 02, 2011, 11:28:07 AM are you using the mdl0 offset. . .
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on January 04, 2011, 07:02:14 PM i dont see a problem then. you must be moving something funny. try one where you dont edit it at all
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on January 04, 2011, 08:10:34 PM thats weird haha
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on January 05, 2011, 04:14:18 PM thats really strange
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: The Professor on January 10, 2011, 05:07:21 PM @ADJSonic (the rock) WRONG! you can see the models because I got the Megaman X8 Megman X to show up as soon as I opened it. :yay: I have never needed this so called patching for nay hack that ive ever done SpacePirateOverlord Anim8or is a free program that doesnt display the actual model, but ther vertices that make up that model. Most people use 3DSMax which DOES cost money, making it a better program. Anim8or is the alternative for people who want to vertex, but cant get 3DSMax Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: spiritpyros on January 10, 2011, 06:36:29 PM thank you thank you !
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: TheZac268™ on January 16, 2011, 06:35:30 PM Wow... Amazing much better than my video about, I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one that stills uses Anim8or, now if someone could just make it to where we could view the model as a whole and not just the vertices! That would be a miracle! We wouldn't have to worry about "buying" 3DS Max! And Anim8or takes up way less disk space, as an extra bonus lol.
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: The Professor on February 03, 2011, 05:42:57 PM It won't let me extract it.
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on February 03, 2011, 06:12:12 PM extract? do you mean export?
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: TeamNormalizer on February 06, 2011, 01:05:44 PM When I try to open the RAR file it gives me an error message that says that it's not a valid RAR file. There aren't any files in the RAR. HELP!
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on February 06, 2011, 01:06:43 PM When I try to open the RAR file it gives me an error message that says that it's not a valid RAR file. There aren't any files in the RAR. HELP! what program are you using? Winrar works best[/color]Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Brawlerten on March 04, 2011, 06:04:09 AM it does work but there are still vertexes all over the place.
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on March 04, 2011, 11:59:39 AM it does work but there are still vertexes all over the place. Yup. Vertex clouds. i hate thoseTitle: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: TeamNormalizer on March 04, 2011, 02:35:01 PM When I try to open the RAR file it gives me an error message that says that it's not a valid RAR file. There aren't any files in the RAR. HELP! what program are you using? Winrar works best[/color]Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on March 04, 2011, 03:57:12 PM why would that be??
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Mansta8 on March 18, 2011, 09:24:06 PM Blargh! When I use anim8tor I id everything right, but when I press the view vert. button nothing appears! :oshi:
*Cough*32bitWindowsXPsucks.*Cough* Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on March 19, 2011, 08:04:06 AM Blargh! When I use anim8tor I id everything right, but when I press the view vert. button nothing appears! :oshi: make sure you have the 3d cube selected at the top, not the 2d cube or the sphere*Cough*32bitWindowsXPsucks.*Cough* Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Parvati ~ <3 on March 19, 2011, 10:30:16 PM Every Time i type in the offset number it says : Errorjava.io.FileNotFoundException:model.mdlo0 (The System cannot find the file specified)
D:D: Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on March 20, 2011, 03:56:48 PM Every Time i type in the offset number it says : Errorjava.io.FileNotFoundException:model.mdlo0 (The System cannot find the file specified) you may have messed up in the process. D:D: Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Simply_Rox on March 25, 2011, 07:35:44 AM Okay, I'm trying to vertexing Ike's sword, but i have a problem: i did the process EXACTLY how you written in the tutorial, but when replacing in Brawlbox the model it gave me multiple errors, and when I finally manage to open the preview, i can see ONLY the bones.
Where have I mistaken? Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on March 25, 2011, 01:44:07 PM Okay, I'm trying to vertexing Ike's sword, but i have a problem: i did the process EXACTLY how you written in the tutorial, but when replacing in Brawlbox the model it gave me multiple errors, and when I finally manage to open the preview, i can see ONLY the bones. when that happens youve done something in dasdonkey it didnt like, or you tried to export before saving, OR you could have simply put in the wrong offset number. Putting in the wrong number can either cause only the bones to appear, or one of the body parts to look like a jagged raisinWhere have I mistaken? Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Simply_Rox on March 26, 2011, 06:01:21 AM Maybe the problem COULD be the offset number.
In Brawlbox the offset is -17760, i don't know if i should write -17760 or 17760... Anyway, now i'll re-do the process while writing on wordpad the sequences, so you'll maybe find out where i'm doing this wrong... Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on March 26, 2011, 10:51:29 AM either way it should work. minor things can upset both programs. they're very fragile.
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: dialga5 on April 16, 2011, 11:38:58 AM still not working :/
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on April 16, 2011, 01:51:42 PM still not working :/ dasdonkey seems to have a problem with windows 7Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: the98pika on April 16, 2011, 01:53:18 PM dasdonkey seems to have a problem with windows 7 I have Windows 7 dasdonkey isn't working really good for me either :(Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Parvati ~ <3 on April 16, 2011, 08:21:37 PM How Do You Zoom In While Looking At The Vertecies? Like, when i click the eye ball thing (zoom) the black dot things dissappear
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on April 18, 2011, 11:40:37 AM How Do You Zoom In While Looking At The Vertecies? Like, when i click the eye ball thing (zoom) the black dot things dissappear you have to clock one of the boxes at the bottom. youll see the size of the grid change. then click the dots again and youll see themTitle: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Freakachu on May 08, 2011, 04:27:03 PM In Anim8tor how do I move just 1 point? How can I resize stuff? All these tools are confusing me :/
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Parvati ~ <3 on May 09, 2011, 09:50:55 PM Hey Ms Spinda, Will This Work with Viles New Vertex Box? @.@ I'm trying this again.....
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Mansta8 on May 10, 2011, 08:37:09 PM I got this to work, my only problem is finding what part of a model is what XD
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on May 14, 2011, 09:26:33 AM In Anim8tor how do I move just 1 point? How can I resize stuff? All these tools are confusing me :/ if you simply click it instead of draging a box over it, it selects just that vertex. and im trying to update my tutorial lolBlargh! When I use anim8tor I id everything right, but when I press the view vert. button nothing appears! :oshi: Im aware that it sucks, but thats what my dad got. Make sure at the top it says you have the DDV open, and the vertecies will only appear when the button with 3 dots is selected. just because its not doesnt mean theyre gone, theyre still there, you just cant see them for a moment*Cough*32bitWindowsXPsucks.*Cough* if i had some way to make a video i would, so if anyone knows a free way i can do that, ill make it into a video Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Parvati ~ <3 on May 14, 2011, 09:45:40 AM if i had some way to make a video i would, so if anyone knows a free way i can do that, ill make it into a video HyperCam2 http://hypercam.softlate.com/?gclid=COLcyYLk56gCFQE2gwodu16kEw Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on May 14, 2011, 11:07:16 AM video will be uploaded momentarily
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Mansta8 on May 14, 2011, 11:11:33 AM Actually I got it fixed, look at the last post on page 10
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on May 14, 2011, 02:17:08 PM video is up!
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Parvati ~ <3 on May 14, 2011, 05:16:51 PM thank you!!!!! The VIdeo is So Much More Clear.
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on May 15, 2011, 10:00:53 AM yeah but my allergies arent lol
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Parvati ~ <3 on May 15, 2011, 11:01:52 AM yeah but my allergies arent lol lol mine are horrible right now too. >.< But I finally Got this to Work!! :D Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on June 03, 2011, 06:39:39 AM lol its all good. im starting to compile a list of polygons anim8or seems to have a problem with
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: deadeadeadeadead on June 03, 2011, 09:49:03 PM I'm trying to vertex hack an item, but when I create a 3ds file, it sais "Errorjava.io.EOFException". What should I do? :'(
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: deadeadeadeadead on June 03, 2011, 09:51:02 PM Oh, and also, I can't edit the vertices when i open animator. The 3ds file is succesfully created but it can't be edited.
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Parvati ~ <3 on June 03, 2011, 09:54:02 PM Please Don't Double Post, You Need to click "modify' On your first one!
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on June 04, 2011, 03:06:13 PM like i said it has a problem with somethings. wht item are you trying to edit?
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Subvenrus on June 30, 2011, 10:09:36 AM Hello, Ms Spinda! I seem to have a problem with Anim8or. I opened it up, and it says Object: DDV, but when I click on the vertice edit button, nothing appears. I clicked on the eye, then the button in the video, then the dots, but nothing happens :oshi:. I'm trying to edit Sheik's hair.
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on June 30, 2011, 12:28:29 PM If youre running windows7 my method doesnt work. What OS are you using
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Subvenrus on June 30, 2011, 03:57:59 PM Windows XP
It works in 3DS Max but I get an exporting issue, so I wanna try this. Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on July 01, 2011, 09:30:02 AM Make sure at the top you have the 3d cube selected and not the 2d cube or the 2d sphere. it should be the one farthest left of the three
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Subvenrus on July 01, 2011, 01:40:16 PM Thanks! It works now. It had the sphere selected XD. Now I can made Sheik's hair OoT 3d-like. Again, thanks SO much, Ms. Spinda.
And by the way, maybe it's my rotten luck, but I get an error opening Link's cap. Maybe it's one of those no-open polygons like ZSS face and DDD coat. Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on July 02, 2011, 09:35:30 AM indeed it is. lol i was gonna make a melee sheik when i got around to it. using the tool that stretches would be best. and be sure to rename the pony bones and set all there translations to 0. That will give you the effect you want
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Mansta8 on July 17, 2011, 02:49:36 AM I actually liked the text and pictures tutorial, my internet can't load youtube videos as fast. :P
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on July 17, 2011, 10:02:55 AM i can bring it back lol
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Mansta8 on July 29, 2011, 10:30:29 PM Um... a lot of the vertecies seem to appear at the bottom of their feet. I can't work like that :(
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on July 30, 2011, 09:56:07 AM yeah thats a vertex cloud. :\ not fun are they
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Brawlerten on August 23, 2011, 07:13:26 PM Is there a way to easily identify which vertexes correspond with the body parts? I'm trying to vertex certain body parts but i can't see because the vertexes are all over the place (not to confuse you with vertex clouds XD)
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on August 26, 2011, 01:42:19 PM not that i know of at least not for this method :c
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Backpack Candy on August 28, 2011, 12:37:17 AM I'd like to know, what happens if I move the vertices in a vertex cloud? <_<
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Lecapria on August 31, 2011, 04:43:31 PM based on what vertices you select, say you select a whole row and move it to the left. the legs and feel are what is in the vertex cloud. theyre both crossed and inside eachother so if you move it all left for instance, 2 4ths of the legs and feet will be rly up high and the rest would be rly down low making everything look rly discombobulated
Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Thany on September 03, 2011, 01:15:24 AM Erm...I can get everything to work okay(which I'm glad your method with anim8tor exists. I can't get Autodesk 3Ds max 8, and blender...Didn't work so well...)
But the fact that I cannot see the model, or at least the fact that the vertices are spread out in such a weird manner prevents me from making the edits I want to. I want to edit the back of Marth's armor, the straps, but it's mixed in completely with his feet and legs. I can't find the specific vertices I wish to reposition with any level of ease. This link has Mariokart64n's advance vertex tutorial for use with Autodesk, and he has written a script that re-arranges the vertex set to look like how it does on a T-posed model. http://forums.kc-mm.com/index.php?topic=8577.0 (http://forums.kc-mm.com/index.php?topic=8577.0) Could something like his script be created that repositions the vertex set in Anima8tor? Would make things alot more convenient. <:3c Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: Zikkh on September 12, 2011, 08:10:44 AM YESZ , now I can vertexing my textures
Thank you ! :) Title: Re: Vertexing with Anim8or! Post by: RisingStar on June 17, 2012, 04:22:50 AM awesome turtorial :D