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Help & Tutorials => Help => Topic started by: Shinja on April 05, 2011, 04:50:28 AM

Title: Question about Peach's dress
Post by: Shinja on April 05, 2011, 04:50:28 AM
Alright, so I did some looking around and I could not find a definite answer to this question. I know a lot of us seem to suffer when it comes to vertexing Peach's dress. Yes, I know you can simply use texture transparency to edit its length and design, however, this is not what I'm wanting to do.

I want to be able to change its shape and flatten out those god awful ruffles on the side of her dress. I've patched and patched at least 15 times, yet no positive outcome has come out of it. It just won't patch to the point where its the shape I need it to be.

So I must know, is there a point after so many patches that it WOULD be perfect? Has anyone tried continuous patching to make it work? If so, how many patches did it take? And if not, why will it not work?

I'd be willing to patch over 200 times if it meant getting the result I want, but before I even go ahead and do that I'd very much so like to know if its even possible or how far someone has tried with patching....

Thanks a lot in advance.

Title: Re: Question about Peach's dress
Post by: TheHatMan on April 05, 2011, 06:16:07 AM

Peach's Dress is indeed a pain in everyone digital ars, Sephy has given it some nice words about it quite a bit (He is one of our teams lead modelers and animators)

I don't think its possible to completly vertex Peach's Dress without doing some serious, hard core vertexing and patching.

I think either Jack.H or some one of the lead KC MM team had released that model somewhere in the Vault. Try searching their first.

Title: Re: Question about Peach's dress
Post by: mnsg on April 05, 2011, 06:20:58 AM
DMN666 (Eva) has a Peach hack with the vertexed dress, but I doubt that it'll be any good for you. (

Title: Re: Question about Peach's dress
Post by: DrPanda on April 05, 2011, 12:23:18 PM
If your lucky, you might be able to make a panierless Peach by detaching the vertices from the bone.
I have been trying to see if this works with capes and have gotten it to work once, but have had no luck since :(

Seeing as Peach's dress is attached to far more bones than a cape, it would probably still take alot of patching.

Title: Re: Question about Peach's dress
Post by: zigheart on April 05, 2011, 04:56:32 PM
also after enough patches most models repeat themselves after a while like Zss hair she patches about 3-4 times then it starts over from the same position u started.