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Help & Tutorials => Help => Topic started by: RPD490 on June 12, 2011, 09:13:57 PM

Title: Riivolution Black Screen
Post by: RPD490 on June 12, 2011, 09:13:57 PM
Okay so I have all the new modlauncher and all that stuff for loading textures for Brawl, but it has been crashing on me. Whenever I launch it, it stays on a black screen and I tried everything. I even uninstalled Riivolution and put it back on  and it didn't work. I put on individual texture hacks and took out some files and that didn't work.

Then on SmashBoards, somone told me to check my Wii System Time. What does that have to do with anything?

Title: Re: Riivolution Black Screen
Post by: TruePhilosopher on June 14, 2011, 02:18:39 AM
If you were using Gecko before, try using BeyondYou's Riivolution.  You can find it here in the vault and you won't have to change your folders around that much.  If you are starting with Riivo, however I'm not sure what you should do as I never did this myself.  I was a former Gecko user.

Title: Re: Riivolution Black Screen
Post by: RPD490 on June 14, 2011, 08:57:37 AM
Okay well it solved my problem with the freezing on Riivo screen when loading but I did everything the instructions said, I still get a black screen and my Wiimote turns off. I added a GCT with other codes and no FPC but still nothing.

Title: Re: Riivolution Black Screen
Post by: TruePhilosopher on June 14, 2011, 11:00:19 AM
Make sure you have a Riivolution folder at the root of you sd card. Also your .gct goes in the pf folder.

Title: Re: Riivolution Black Screen
Post by: RPD490 on June 14, 2011, 05:02:33 PM
Two things:

1. Are GCTs needed for them to work.

2. How do I know if the Textures will load. Like the other templates I used, it shows if you want to enable Textures and all that. It didn't show any of that, just Ocarina Codes and Hooktype.

Plus I did all that, still get a Black Screen .-.

Title: Re: Riivolution Black Screen
Post by: TruePhilosopher on June 14, 2011, 06:30:33 PM
The Gct is needed yes.  Also Beyond's Riivo doesn't show all the normal stuff that Riivo shows, because it works off of the Gecko set-up.  You shouldn't change anything at all with his, just launch it.  Also, do you have most of your files set up like Gecko?  This is needed for Beyond's Riivo to work properly.  The only thing that will be different is you don't have to use the sc_selcharacter, because you'll be using common5.pac.  Another thing to check is make sure none of your file extensions have en on the end of them (such as common5_en.pac).

Title: Re: Riivolution Black Screen
Post by: RPD490 on June 14, 2011, 06:44:30 PM
I have all that done, but it still gives me a Black Screen, I just don't know what could be the problem. Do you think the amount of texture and stage hacks I have could be the issue?

Title: Re: Riivolution Black Screen
Post by: TruePhilosopher on June 14, 2011, 06:53:24 PM
Possibly, but doubtful unless you have the mother-load haha. It doesn't make any sense that it doesn't even launch.  Maybe back-up everything and format your Sd card?  There has to be an error somewhere or it would definitely work.

Title: Re: Riivolution Black Screen
Post by: RPD490 on June 14, 2011, 07:02:23 PM
I'll try that then

Okay I tried it still doesn't work.

Does my common5.pac file have to be a certain size? Because my info file is at 490 KB so that can't be the problem so I'm guessing its the common5. Does it have to be a certain size?

Title: Re: Riivolution Black Screen
Post by: TruePhilosopher on June 14, 2011, 08:12:18 PM
Yes it does, tho I cannot remember it's limit.  Try reducing the quality/file size of your pics maybe?  Or possibly use a virgin common5.pac and see if it loads.

Title: Re: Riivolution Black Screen
Post by: RPD490 on June 14, 2011, 08:20:41 PM
Well I took out the whole Private folder and the game loaded so I know Riiv isn't the problem, now I'm just gonna use the ShadowOverDK hack and keep some of the songs and that on there and see what happens. I'm gonna try to eliminate the problem one step at a time  

Okay I found the reason. Its the sound folder. Either I have too many songs for Riivolution to handle, or maybe because I did the whole edit for the SFX file wrong and it caused it to crash at loadup.

Last Edit: XD It turns out it was the smashbros_sounds file used for SFX. I must have edited it wrong so all I got to do is redo it XD

Title: Re: Riivolution Black Screen
Post by: TruePhilosopher on June 15, 2011, 12:15:23 AM
Haha, yeah if that's edited wrong it can really screw things up.  Make sure you have the latest version of Sawndz which can be found in the Vault, otherwise you can run into some problems.