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Help & Tutorials => Programming Tutorials => Topic started by: Guamboy27 on July 03, 2011, 03:28:22 PM

Title: Assigning Music to Stages with Codes
Post by: Guamboy27 on July 03, 2011, 03:28:22 PM
Okay, so I decided to make a tutorial to help people make use of the Tracklist Modifier code, and other music codes. I will be explaining and breaking down each code to help Brawl hackers who want more music! The final part of the tutorial will show helpful resources that you should use while editing the codes. Also, remember that if you use Riivolution check your XML for .brtsm locations. Gecko users put the songs here:
pf -> sound -> strm ->

PART 1: The Tracklist Modifier Code
This is code developed by Phantom Wings created to, well, modify tracklist. Here it is:
[Tracklist Modifier v1.0]
0610F9BC 00000014
60000000 60000000
3C80811A 7C601B78
608447E7 00000000
4A000000 81000000
301A46F8 6D755072
1417DF44 7CE03B78
1417DF4C 7C0400AE
161A47E8 000000LL << Bytes of data
00000102 03040607 << Default Stages
08090A0B 0C0D0E0E
0E0E0E0F 10111213
14151515 16171819
1A1B1C1D 1E1F2D2D
2D202122 23242526
2728290A 2D2D2D2D
2D2D2D2D 2D2D2D2D
X1X2X3X4 X5X6X7X8 << Custom Stage Tracklists
-------- --------
E0000000 80008000
This code is probably confusing to you, so I’ll start by showing an example. This code is what Libertyenie used in his Classic Stage Expansion.
[Tracklist Modifier v1.0]
* 0610F9BC 00000014
* 60000000 60000000
* 3C80811A 7C601B78
* 608447E7 00000000
* 4A000000 81000000
* 301A46F8 6D755072
* 1417DF44 7CE03B78
* 1417DF4C 7C0400AE
* 161A47E8 00000064
* 00000102 03040607
* 08090A0B 0C0D0E0E
* 0E0E0E0F 10111213
* 14151515 16171819
* 1A1B1C1D 1E1F2D2D
* 2D202122 23242526
* 2728290A 2D2D2D2D
* 2D2D2D2D 2D2D2D2D
* 28282828 28282828
* 28282828 28282828
* 28282828 28282828
* 28282828 28282828
* 28282828 00000000
* E0000000 80008000
All expansion stages to use Big Blue''s tracklist.
With this example you can break the code down.  As you can see, the first 8 lines of the code don’t need to be changed. Then you get here:

161A47E8 000000LL << Bytes of data

Obviously, LL =Bytes of Data. But what does this mean? Well libertyernie used 64 instead of LL. That’s probably still not helpful. Luckily, I have worked with the Stage Expansion Code, which used a similar line…
To find the Bytes of data, start by counting every line under this one (other than the E0000000 80000000). In the example there are 12.5 lines. You see, the 00’s in the 13th line don’t count.
Bytes of data really is every set of two numbers, so with 8 sets per line, we now need to multiply the number of lines by 8.  12.5 x 8 = 100.
Finally convert it to hex. 100 = 64!

Now on to the next lines. Where it says Default stages is where you can edit default stage tracklists. You can make any stage play another stage’s music! Where the code spams 2D is probably just a place holder. The first place where 2D appears divides Brawl and Melee stages, and the second divides Melee and expansion stages. DON’T CHANGE 2D TO ANOTHER NUMBER!

Now onto the expansion stage tracklist!  In that line x1 = STGCUSTOM01, X2=STGCUSTOM02, etc.
The tracklist must be of a default stage.  Choose a stage with the number of songs you want. Hanenbow has more than one song, for the record. libertyernie uses Big Blue for all of his stages, because it only has 2 songs.  When you run out of stages, use 00’s until the end of the line.
To finish the code end with E0000000 80008000.

PART 2: Assigning a Stage Songs
Stage-Track Dependant Song Loader [Oshtoby]
28708ceb 000000SS
28708d2e 0000XXXX
4A000000 90180F06
14000076 FF00YYYY
E0000000 80008000
28708ceb 000000ss
28708d2e 0000xxxx
4A000000 90180F06
14000076 FF00yyyy
E0000000 80008000
This is the code you will need to edit the songs. First off, remember it is actually two codes in one! You can divide it in half:
28708ceb 000000SS
28708d2e 0000XXXX
4A000000 90180F06
14000076 FF00YYYY
E0000000 80008000

28708ceb 000000ss
28708d2e 0000xxxx
4A000000 90180F06
14000076 FF00yyyy
E0000000 80008000

Or add more of it two the end to equal the amount of songs in that track.
28708ceb 000000SS
28708d2e 0000XXXX
4A000000 90180F06
14000076 FF00YYYY
E0000000 80008000
28708ceb 000000ss
28708d2e 0000xxxx
4A000000 90180F06
14000076 FF00yyyy
E0000000 80008000
28708ceb 000000SS
28708d2e 0000XXXX
4A000000 90180F06
14000076 FF00YYYY
E0000000 80008000

But let’s assume you only have two songs. The uppercase placeholders represent the first half (one song), and the lowercase placeholders represent the second half (two songs).
SS = The stage ID
XXXX = The song in the track you want to replace
YYYY = The song you want to replace it with
There are 25 songs not used by stages, plus 4 menu songs, and SSE and victory theme songs. If you want more songs per expansion stage, you can make a default stage like Battlefield use Big Blue’s track, and give the custom stage Battefield’s now unused songs.
It is also possible to give a stage one song with this code by replacing each song with the same new song.

Part 3: One Song Per Stage
Stage Dependent Song Loader
28708ceb 000000SS
4A000000 90180F06
14000076 FF00MMMM
E0000000 80008000
It is possible to give a stage one song through this code, too.
SS = Stage ID
MMMM = The song you want the stage to play.
This code works like the last code, but can only give one song and does not require the Tracklist Modifier. Technically, the Tracklist Modifier is already part of the game. The default code gives expansion stages Battlefield’s tracklist. So, in theory, this code should work with the Tracklist Modifier. I haven’t  tested to be sure.

PART 4: Custom Song Engine
Code's thread on smashboards here. (
CSE v2.5 [Dantarion]
041C72DC 38600002
C21C805C 00000004
3C60801C 606380A8
7C6803A6 3C60901A
60633000 4E800020
60000000 00000000
C21C7C38 00000002
3C60901A 60633000
60000000 00000000
C21C73D8 00000003
3C60901A 60633000
93C30000 93C30004
60000000 00000000
4A000000 90000000
161A3008 00000028
00000006 01000000
000C834C 50400200
01020000 000C8340
00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000
161A2FC8 0000000C
000CDE3C 01000000
7366782F 00000000
161A2FDC 00000008
2E627273 746D0000
161A2F90 00000016
2F736F75 6E642F73
74726D2F 3030302E
62727374 6D000000
C21C7D00 00000012
3FC0901A 63DE2FD4
B3220002 38600000
3B200000 7F8218AE
739C00F0 579CE13E
3B9C0030 2C1C0039
40810008 3B9C0007
7F9EC9AE 3B390001
7F8218AE 739C000F
3B9C0030 2C1C0039
40810008 3B9C0007
7F9EC9AE 38630001
3B390001 2C030004
801EFFF8 901D0000
801EFFFC 901D0004
93DD0008 38600001
38000000 901D000C
60000000 00000000
C21C6CE8 00000007
3CC08000 60C63140
A0C60000 2C060025
4182001C 3CC0901A
60C62FE2 7C043000
4082000C 3F60901A
637B2F90 819D0000
60000000 00000000
This does not add slots to stages, or do anything with My Music.
DO NOT USE VALUES OVER 0000FFFF they will not work.

What’s this? A code by Dantarian? Could it be… a way to add music slots!!! That’s right and it works with GeckoOS AND Riivolution!!!
What it should do, with one of the above codes, is give you more music slots to work with. Meaning, YYYY in your code could now actually FFFF, or anything below that. Riivolution users may need to edit their XML, however. Basicly, the YYYY could be any 4-digit number, but to stay organized I suggest just staying  in the 3000's. The .brtsm would be the 4 digits you chose, but with four 0's in front of it. For example, if you put ABCD in the code, the .brtsm would be 0000ABCD.brtsm. This code will easily work for you Gecko users, but for Riivolution, you'll need to edit your .xml. Here's what you should add if you use Beyond's .xml:
<folder external="/private/wii/app/rsbe/pf/sound/sfx/" disc="/sound/sfx/" create="true" resize="true" />
But you might use this:
<folder external="/brawlmods/sound/sfx/" disc="/sound/sfx/" create="true" resize="true" />
Basicly, the "folder external=" part is just your file path, and you always need the other stuff.
Riivolution users, the file that you will put the CSE .brtsm's is in /sound/sfx. I'm not sure if Gecko users have to do this too.

PART 5: Resources
When editing the codes you obviously won’t memorize ever ID. So, here’s a few things to help!
Stage ID’s:
|----------------List by Diamondbody Sharpshooter on Smashboards---------------------|
|Full Stage--------------ID for Placement---Stage ID---Icon ID--|
|Final Destination-------01-----------------02---------02-------|
|Delfino Plaza-----------02-----------------03---------03-------|
|Luigi's Mansion---------03-----------------04---------04-------|
|Mushroomy Kingdom-------04-----------------05---------05-------|
|Mario Circuit-----------05-----------------06---------06-------|
|Rumble Falls------------07-----------------08---------08-------|
|Pirate Ship-------------08-----------------09---------09-------|
|Bridge of Eldin---------09-----------------33---------0A-------|
|Frigate Orpheon---------0B-----------------0C---------0C-------|
|Yoshi's Island (Brawl)--0C-----------------0D---------0D-------|
|Lylat Cruise------------0E-----------------13---------0F-------|
|Pokemon Stadium 2-------0F-----------------14---------10-------|
|Spear Pillar------------10-----------------15---------11-------|
|Port Town Aero Dive-----11-----------------16---------12-------|
|Flat Zone 2-------------13-----------------18---------14-------|
|Castle Siege------------14-----------------19---------15-------|
|WarioWare, Inc.---------15-----------------1C---------16-------|
|Distant Planet----------16-----------------1D---------17-------|
|Mario Bros.-------------18-----------------1F---------19-------|
|New Pork City-----------19-----------------20---------1A-------|
|Shadow Moses Island-----1B-----------------22---------1C-------|
|Green Hill Zone---------1C-----------------23---------1D-------|
|Yoshi's Island (Melee)--20-----------------2A---------33-------|
|Jungle Japes------------21-----------------2B---------34-------|
|Green Greens------------23-----------------2D---------36-------|
|Rainbow Cruise----------24-----------------2F---------37-------|
|Big Blue----------------26-----------------31---------39-------|
|Pokemon Stadium---------28-----------------2E---------3B-------|
|Control Config----------NA-----------------26---------NA-------|
|Results Screen----------NA-----------------28---------NA-------|
|Homerun Contest---------NA-----------------34---------NA-------|
|Stage Builder Stage-----NA-----------------35---------NA-------|
|Allstar Healing Room----NA-----------------36---------NA-------|
|Wifi Waiting Room-------NA-----------------37---------NA-------|
|Break the Targets-------NA-----------------38---------NA-------|
Credit to Phantomwings
00 Battlefield
01 Final Destination
02 Delphino
03 Luigi's Mansion
04 Mushroomy Kingdom (1-1)
05 Mushroomy Kingdom (1-2)
06 Mario Circuit
07 75m
08 Rumble Falls
09 Pirate Ship
0A Eldin Bridge
0B Norfair
0C Frigate Orpheon
0D Yoshi's Island
0E Halberd
0F Lylat Cruise
10 Pokemon Stadium 2
11 Spear Pillar
12 Port Town Aero Dive
13 Summit
14 Flat Zone
15 Castle Siege
16 WarioWare, inc.
17 Distant Planet
18 Skyworld
19 Mario Bros.
1A Newpork City
1B Smashville
1C Shadow Moses Island
1D Green Hill Zone
1E Pictochat
1F Hanenbow
20 Temple
21 Yoshi's Island
22 Jungle Japes
23 Onett
24 Green Greens
25 Pokemon Stadium
26 Rainbow Cruise
27 Corneria
28 Big Blue
29 Brinstar
2A Menu
2B Empty
2C Empty
2D Empty
Music ID List Posted by Klohona on Smahboards
Music ID List

26F9 Menu 1
26FA Menu 1
26FB Menu 2
26FC Battlefield
26FD Final Destination
26FF Online Practice Stage
2700 Results Display Screen
2701 Tournament Registration
2702 Tournament Grid
2703 Tournament Match End
2705 Classic: Results Screen
2707 All-Star Rest Area
2708 Home-Run Contest
2709 Cruel Brawl
270A Boss Battle
270B Trophy Gallery
270C Sticker Album / Album / Chronicle
270D Coin Launcher
270F Stage Builder
2712 Target Smash!!
2713 Credits
2714 Ground Theme (Super Mario Bros.)
2715 Underground Theme (Super Mario Bros.)
2716 Underwater Theme (Super Mario Bros.)
2717 Underground Theme (Super Mario Land)
2718 Airship Theme (Super Mario Bros. 3)
2719 Castle / Boss Fortress (Super Mario World / SMB 3)
271A Title / Ending (Super Mario World)
271B Main Theme (New Super Mario Bros.)
271C Luigi's Mansion Theme
271D Gritzy Desert
2720 Delfino Plaza
2721 Ricco Harbor
2722 Main Theme (Super Mario 64)
2723 Ground Theme 2 (Super Mario Bros.)
2724 Mario Bros.
2725 Mario Circuit
2726 Luigi Circuit
2727 Waluigi Pinball
2728 Rainbow Road
2729 Jungle Level Ver.2
272A The Map Page / Bonus Level
272B Opening (Donkey Kong)
272C Donkey Kong
272D King K.Rool / Ship Deck 2
272E Bramble Blast
272F Battle for Storm Hill
2730 Jungle Level
2731 25m BGM
2732 DK Jungle 1 Theme (Barrel Blast)
2733 Title (The Legend of Zelda)
2734 Main Theme (The Legend of Zelda)
2735 Great Temple / Temple
2736 The Dark World
2737 Hidden Mountain & Forest
2739 Tal Tal Heights
273A Hyrule Field Theme
273B Ocarina of Time Medley
273C Song of Storms
273D Molgera Battle
273E Village of the Blue Maiden
273F Gerudo Valley
2740 Termina Field
2741 Dragon Roost Island
2742 The Great Sea
2743 Main Theme (Twilight Princess)
2744 The Hidden Village
2745 Midna's Lament
2746 Main Theme (Metroid)
2747 Norfair
2748 Ending (Metroid)
2749 Vs. Ridley
274A Theme of Samus Aran, Space Warrior
274B Sector 1
274C Opening / Menu (Metroid Prime)
274D Vs. Parasite Queen
274E Vs. Meta Ridley
274F Multiplayer (Metroid Prime 2)
2750 Ending (Yoshi's Story)
2751 Obstacle Course
2752 Yoshi's Island
2754 Flower Field
2755 Wildlands
2757 The Legendary Air Ride Machine
2758 King Dedede's Theme
2759 Boss Theme Medley
275A Butter Building
275B Gourmet Race
275C Meta Knight's Revenge
275D Vs. Marx
275E 0 Battle
275F Forest / Nature Area
2760 Checker Knights
2761 Frozen Hillside
2762 Squeak Squad Theme
2763 Main Theme (Star Fox)
2764 Corneria
2765 Main Theme (Star Fox 64)
2766 Area 6
2767 Star Wolf
2769 Space Battleground
276A Break Through the Ice
276B Star Wolf (Star Fox: Assault)
276C Space Armada
276D Area 6 Ver. 2
276E Pokémon Main Theme
276F Pokémon Center
2770 Road to Viridian City (From Pallet Town / Pewter City)
2771 Pokémon Gym / Evolution
2772 Wild Pokémon Battle! (Ruby / Sapphire)
2773 Victory Road
2774 Wild Pokémon Battle! (Diamond / Pearl)
2775 Dialga / Palkia Battle at Spear Pillar!
2776 Team Galactic Battle!
2777 Route 209
2778 Mute City
2779 White Land
277A Fire Field
277B Car Select
277C Dream Chaser
277D Devil's Call in Your Heart
277E Climb Up! And Get The Last Chance!
277F Brain Cleaner
2780 Shotgun Kiss
2781 Planet Colors
2783 Fire Emblem Theme
2784 Shadow Dragon Medley
2785 With Mila's Divine Protection (Celica Map 1)
2787 Preparing to Advance
2788 Winning Road - Roy's Hope
2789 Attack
278A Against the Dark Knight
278B Crimean Army Sortie
278C Power-Hungry Fool
278D Victory Is Near
278E Ike's Theme
278F Snowman
2793 Humoresque of a Little Dog
2795 Porky's Theme
2796 Mother 3 Love Theme
2797 Unfounded Revenge / Smashing Song of Praise
2798 You Call This a Utopia?!
2799 World Map (Pikmin 2)
279A Forest of Hope
279B Environmental Noises
279C Ai no Uta
279D Tane no Uta
279E Main Theme (Pikmin)
279F Stage Clear / Title (Pikmin)
27A0 Ai no Uta (French Version)
27A1 WarioWare, Inc.
27A2 WarioWare, Inc. Medley
27A3 Mona Pizza's Song (Japanese Version)
27A4 Mona Pizza's Song (English Version)
27A5 Mike's Song (Japanese Version)
27A6 Mike's Song (English Version)
27A7 Ashley's Song (Japanese Version)
27A8 Ashley's Song (English Version)
27B3 Title (Animal Crossing)
27B4 Go K.K. Rider!
27B5 2:00 a.m.
27B7 The Roost
27B8 Town Hall and Tom Nook's Store
27B9 K.K. Crusin'
27BA K.K. Western
27BB K.K. Gumbo
27BC Rockin' K.K.
27BD DJ K.K.
27BE K.K. Condor
27BF Underworld
27C0 Title (Kid Icarus)
27C1 Skyworld
27C2 Kid Icarus Original Medley
27C3 Famicom Medley
27C4 Gyromite
27C6 Chill (Dr. Mario)
27C7 Clu Clu Land
27C8 Balloon Trip
27C9 Ice Climber
27CA Shin Onigashima
27CB Title (3D Hot Rally)
27CC Tetris: Type A
27CD Tetris: Type B
27CE Tunnel Scene (X)
27CF Power-Up Music
27D0 Douchuumen (Nazo no Murasamejo)
27D2 PictoChat
27D4 Flat Zone 2
27D5 Mario Tennis / Mario Golf
27D6 Lip's Theme (Panel de Pon)
27D7 Marionation Gear
27D8 Title (Big Brain Academy)
27D9 Golden Forest (1080Snowboarding)
27DA Mii Channel
27DB Wii Shop Channel
27DC Battle Scene / Final Boss (Golden Sun)
27DD Shaberu! DS Cooking Navi
27DE Excite Truck
27DF Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day
27E0 Opening Theme (Wii Sports)
27E1 Charge! (Wii Play)
27E3 Encounter
27E4 Theme of Tara
27E5 Yell "Dead Cell"
27E6 Snake Eater (Instrumental)
27E7 MGS4 Theme of Love Smash Bros. Brawl Version
27E8 Cavern
27E9 Battle in the Base
27EB Theme of Solid Snake
27EC Calling to the Night
27ED Credits (Super Smash Bros.)
27EE Menu (Super Smash Bros. Melee)
27EF Opening (Super Smash Bros. Melee)
27F2 Green Hill Zone
27F3 Scrap Brain Zone
27F4 Emerald Hill Zone
27F5 Angel Island Zone
27F7 Sonic Boom
27F8 Super Sonic Racing
27F9 Open Your Heart
27FA Live & Learn
27FB Sonic Heroes
27FC Right There, Ride On
27FD HIS WORLD (Instrumental)
27FE Seven Rings In Hand
27FF Princess Peach's Castle (Melee)
2800 Rainbow Cruise (Melee)
2801 Jungle Japes (Melee)
2802 Brinstar Depths (Melee)
2803 Yoshi's Island (Melee)
2804 Fountain of Dreams (Melee)
2805 Green Greens (Melee)
2806 Corneria (Melee)
2807 Pokémon Stadium (Melee)
2808 Poké Floats (Melee)
2809 Big Blue (Melee)
280A Mother (Melee)
280B Icicle Mountain (Melee)
280C Flat Zone (Melee)
280D Super Mario Bros. 3 (Melee)
280E Battle Theme (Melee)
280F Fire Emblem (Melee)
2810 Mach Rider (Melee)
2811 Mother 2 (Melee)
2812 Dr. Mario (Melee)
2813 Battlefield (Melee)
2815 Multi-Man Melee 1 (Melee)
2816 Temple (Melee)
2817 Final Destination (Melee)
2818 Kong Jungle (Melee)
2819 Brinstar (Melee)
281A Venom (Melee)
281B Mute City (Melee)
281C Menu (Melee)
281D Giga Bowser (Melee)
281F Adventure Map
2820 Step: The Plain
2821 Step: The Cave
2822 Step: Subspace
2823 Boss Battle Song 1
2824 SSE Results (Nameless)
2825 Boss Battle Song 2
2826 Save Point
2827 SSE DK Jungle (Nameless)
2828 SSE Luigi Mansion (Nameless)
2829 Halberd Interior (Nameless)
282A SSE Data Select (Nameless)
282B SSE Brinstar (Nameless)
282C Step: Subspace Ver.2
282D Step: Subspace Ver.3
282E Halberd Moving (Nameless)
Songs in each Tracklist and what to name them:
X04 - Battlefield
T02 - Menu (Super Smash Bros. Melee)
X25 - Battlefield Ver. 2
W21 - Battlefield (Melee)
W23 - Multi-Man Melee 1 (Melee)

X05 - Final Destination
T01 - Credits (Super Smash Bros.)
T03 - Opening (Super Smash Bros. Melee)
W25 - Final Destination (Melee)
W31 - Giga Bowser (Melee)

A13 - Delfino Plaza
A07 - Title / Ending (Super Mario World)
A08 - Main Theme (New Super Mario Bros.)
A14 - Ricco Harbor
A15 - Main Theme (Super Mario 64)

A09 - Luigi's Mansion Theme
A06 - Castle / Boss Fortress (Super Mario World / SMB3)
A05 - Airship Theme (Super Mario Bros. 3)
Q10 - Tetris: Type A
Q11 - Tetris: Type B

A01 - Ground Theme (Super Mario Bros.)
A16 - Ground Theme 2 (Super Mario Bros.)
A10 - Gritzy Desert
A02 - Underground Theme (Super Mario Bros.)
A03 - Underwater Theme (Super Mario Bros.)
A04 - Underground Theme (Super Mario Land)

A20 - Mario Circuit
A21 - Luigi Circuit
A22 - Waluigi Pinball
A23 - Rainbow Road
R05 - Mario Tennis/Mario Golf
R14 - Excite Truck
Q09 - Title (3D Hot Rally)

B01 - Jungle Level Ver.2
B08 - Jungle Level
B05 - King K. Rool / Ship Deck 2
B06 - Bramble Blast
B07 - Battle for Storm Hill
B10 - DK Jungle 1 Theme (Barrel Blast)
B02 - The Map Page / Bonus Level

C02 - Main Theme (The Legend of Zelda)
C09 - Ocarina of Time Medley
C01 - Title (The Legend of Zelda)
C04 - The Dark World
C05 - Hidden Mountain & Forest
C08 - Hyrule Field Theme
C17 - Main Theme (Twilight Princess)
C18 - The Hidden Village
C19 - Midna's Lament

C15 - Dragon Roost Island
C16 - The Great Sea
C07 - Tal Tal Heights
C10 - Song of Storms
C13 - Gerudo Valley
C11 - Molgera Battle
C12 - Village of the Blue Maiden
C14 - Termina Field

D01 - Main Theme (Metroid)
D03 - Ending (Metroid)
D02 - Norfair
D05 - Theme of Samus Aran, Space Warrior
R12 - Battle Scene / Final Boss (Golden Sun)
R07 - Marionation Gear

D04 - Vs. Ridley
D08 - Vs. Parasite Queen
D07 - Opening / Menu (Metroid Prime)
D06 - Sector 1
D09 - Vs. Meta Ridley
D10 - Multiplayer (Metroid Prime 2)

E02 - Obstacle Course
E07 - Obstacle Course (Winter)
E01 - Ending (Yoshi's Story)
E03 - Yoshi's Island
E05 - Flower Field
E06 - Wildlands

F06 - Meta Knight's Revenge
F01 - The Legendary Air Ride Machine
F05 - Gourmet Race
F04 - Butter Building
F02 - King Dedede's Theme
F12 - Squeak Squad Theme
F07 - Vs. Marx
F08 - 0² Battle
F03 - Boss Theme Medley
F10 - Checker Knights
F09 - Forest / Nature Area
F11 - Frozen Hillside

G10 - Space Armada
G02 - Corneria
G01 - Main Theme (Star Fox)
G03 - Main Theme (Star Fox 64)
G04 - Area 6
G11 - Area 6 Ver. 2
G05 - Star Wolf
G09 - Star Wolf (Star Fox: Assault)
G07 - Space Battleground
G08 - Break Through the Ice
Q12 - Tunnel Scene (X)

H01 - Pokemon Main Theme
H03 - Road to Viridian City (From Pallet Town / Pewter City)
H02 - Pokemon Center
H04 - Pokemon Gym / Evolution
H05 - Wild Pokemon Battle! (Ruby / Sapphire)

H06 - Victory Road
H08 - Dialga / Palkia Battle at Spear Pillar!
H07 - Wild Pokemon Battle! (Diamond / Pearl)
H09 - Team Galactic Battle!
H10 - Route 209

I01 - Mute City
I03 - Fire Field
I02 - White Land
I04 - Car Select
I05 - Dream Chaser
I06 - Devil's Call in Your Heart
I07 - Climb Up! And Get The Last Chance!
I08 - Brain Cleaner
I09 - Shotgun Kiss
I10 - Planet Colors
R09 - Golden Forest (1080° Snowboarding)
W18 - Mach Rider (Melee)

J02 - Fire Emblem Theme
J04 - With Mila's Divine Protection (Celica Map 1)
J08 - Attack
J06 - Preparing to Advance
J07 - Winning Road - Roy's Hope
J03 - Shadow Dragon Medley
J13 - Ike's Theme
J09 - Against the Dark Knight
J10 - Crimean Army Sortie
J11 - Power-Hungry Fool
J12 - Victory is Near
W17 - Fire Emblem (Melee)

M01 - WarioWare, Inc.
M02 - WarioWare, Inc. Medley
M08 - Ashley's Song
M07 - Ashley's Song (JP)
M06 - Mike's Song
M05 - Mike's Song (JP)
M04 - Mona Pizza's Song
M03 - Mona Pizza's Song (JP)
M09 - MicroGame$ Theme 01
M10 - MicroGame$ Theme 02
M11 - MicroGame$ Theme 03
M12 - MicroGame$ Theme 04
M13 - MicroGame$ Theme 05
M15 - MicroGame$ Theme 06
M16 - MicroGame$ Theme 07
M17 - MicroGame$ Theme 08
M18 - MicroGame$ Theme 09

L06 - Main Theme (Pikmin)
L01 - World Map (Pikmin 2)
L07 - Stage Clear / Title (Pikmin)
L02 - Forest of Hope
L04 - Ai no Uta
L08 - Ai no Uta (French Version)
L05 - Tane no Uta
L03 - Environmental Noises
R08 - Title (Big Brain Academy)

N01 - Title (Animal Crossing)
N02 - Go K.K. Rider!
N03 - 2:00 a.m.
N06 - Town Hall and Tom Nook's Store
N05 - The Roost
N07 - K.K. Cruisin'
N08 - K.K. Western
N09 - K.K. Gumbo
N10 - Rockin' K.K
N11 - DJ K.K
N12 - Condor

K07 - Porky's Theme
K09 - Unfounded Revenge / Smashing Song of Praise
K08 - Mother 3 Love Theme
K10 - You Call This a Utopia?!
K05 - Humoresque of a Little Dog
K01 - Snowman

Q07 - Ice Climber
Q06 - Balloon Trip
Q08 - Shin Onigashima
Q05 - Clu Clu Land
W13 - Icicle Mountain (Melee)

P01 - Underworld
P03 - Skyworld
P02 - Title (Kid Icarus)
P04 - Kid Icarus Original Medley

B04 - Donkey Kong
B03 - Opening (Donkey Kong)
B09 - 25m BGM

A17 - Mario Bros.
Q02 - Gyromite
Q01 - Famicom Medley
Q13 - Power-Up Music
Q14 - Douchuumen (Nazo no Murasamejo)

R04 - Flat Zone 2
Q04 - Chill (Dr. Mario)
W14 - Flat Zone (Melee)

R02 - PictoChat
R10 - Mii Channel
R11 - Wii Shop Channel
R15 - Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day
R16 - Opening Theme (Wii Sports)
R17 - Charge! (Wii Play)
R13 - Shaberu! DS Cooking Navi
R06 - Lip's Theme (Panel de Pon)
W20 - Dr. Mario (Melee)

R03 - Hanenbrow?

S06 - MGS4 ~Theme of Love~ Smash Bros. Brawl Version
S02 - Encounter
S03 - Theme of Tara
S08 - Battle in the Base
2849 S04 - Yell "Dead Cell"
4200 S07 - Cavern
5978 S05 - Snake Eater (Instrumental)
S10 - Theme of Solid Snake
S11 - Calling to the Night

U01 - Green Hill Zone
U04 - Angel Island Zone
U02 - Scrap Brain Zone
U03 - Emerald Hill Zone
U06 - Sonic Boom
U07 - Super Sonic Racing
U08 - Open Your Heart
U09 - Live & Learn
U10 - Sonic Heroes
U11 - Right There, Ride On
U12 - HIS WORLD (Instrumental)
U13 - Seven Rings In Hand

C03 - Great Temple / Temple
W24 - Temple (Melee)

W05 - Yoshi's Island (Melee)
W15 - Super Mario Bros. 3 (Melee)

W03 - Jungle Japes (Melee)
W26 - Kongo Jungle (Melee)

W12 - Mother (Melee)
W19 - Mother 2 (Melee)

W08 - Corneria (Melee)
W28 - Venom (Melee)

W02 - Rainbow Cruise (Melee)
W01 - Princess Peach's Castle (Melee)

W07 - Green Greens (Melee)
W06 - Fountain of Dreams (Melee)

W11 - Big Blue (Melee)
W29 - Mute City (Melee)

W27 - Brinstar (Melee)
W04 - Brinstar Depths (Melee)

W09 - Pokemon Stadium (Melee)
W16 - Battle Theme (Melee)
W10 - Poke Floats (Melee)

X02 - Menu 1
X03 - Menu 2
W30 - Menu (Melee)
X01 - Super Smash Bros. Brawl Main Theme

Y01 - Adventure Map
X17 - Adventure Map Ver. 2
Y02 - Step: The Plain
Y03 - Step: The Cave
Y04 - Step: Subspace
Y09 - Jungle Theme (Donkey Kong Country)
Y10 - Airship Theme (Super Mario Bros. 3)
Y11 - Menu (Metroid Prime)
Y13 - Brinstar (Metroid)
Y14 - Step: Subspace Ver.2
Y15 - Step: Subspace Ver.3
Y05 - Boss Battle Song 1
Y07 - Boss Battle Song 2
Y08 - Save Point
X27 - Credits
Y16 - Ambient
Y17 - Clear

Z01 - Mario Series
Z02 - Donkey Kong Series
Z03 - Legend of Zelda Series
Z04 - Metroid Series
Z05 - Yoshi
Z06 - Kirby Series
Z07 - Star Fox Series
Z08 - Pokémon Series
Z10 - Captain Falcon
Z11 - Mother Series
Z16 - Ice Climbers
Z17 - Fire Emblem Series
Z18 - Mr. Game & Watch
Z21 - Wario
Z22 - Meta Knight
Z23 - Pit
Z25 - Olimar
Z35 - R.O.B.
Z46 - Solid Snake
Z47 - Sonic The Hedgehog

X07 - Online Practice Stage
X08 - Results Display Screen
X09 - Tournament Registration
X10 - Tournament Grid
X11 - Tournament Match End
X13 - Classic: Results Screen
X15 - All-Star Rest Area
X16 - Home-Run Contest
X18 - Boss Battle
X19 - Trophy Gallery
X20 - Sticker Album / Album / Chronicle
X21 - Coin Launcher
X23 - Stage Builder
X26 - Target Smash!!
T05 - Master Hand
X22 - Classic Mode Clear
X06 - Alternate Results Screen?
X24 - Nothing?
Z50 - Continue
Z51 - Game Over
Z54 - New Feature 01
Z55 - New Feature 02
Z56 - New Feature 03
Z57 - New Feature 04
Z58 - New Feature 05
Credit goes to Jose Gallardo for the list. Fixes to the list are credited to Vyse. Added titles and organization are credited to omni destroyer.
(NOTE: The last 5 could either be part of the Custom Sound Engine, or be when you unlock something. I’m not sure)
Well that’s it for the tutorial! If you have any questions, feel free to post.  Any feedback on the tutorial would be appreciated!

Title: Re: Assigning Music to Stages with Codes
Post by: Infernape on July 03, 2011, 06:16:06 PM
This is what i need it! :D Thanks!

EDIT: When i put Assigning a Stage Songs, One Song Per Stage Code, Code Manager Gives me an error, any ideas?

Title: Re: Assigning Music to Stages with Codes
Post by: Guamboy27 on July 03, 2011, 08:38:35 PM
When i put Assigning a Stage Songs, One Song Per Stage Code, Code Manager Gives me an error, any ideas?
What do you mean? Does it give you an error when saving, or when inserting the code? I don't seem to have a problem... At the end of the code, you have a blank line, as in you have a line with no numbers, right? If you don't, that could be the problem, I think...

Title: Re: Assigning Music to Stages with Codes
Post by: Infernape on July 04, 2011, 07:20:20 PM
Forget it now it works :D Anyway thanks for helping me :D

Title: Re: Assigning Music to Stages with Codes
Post by: Allav866 on September 22, 2011, 01:07:53 PM
I have 2 questions about the 1 song per stage code (Part 3). How would this code look if I used it on multiple stages? Furthermore, does it need Tracklist Modifier to work with Stage Expansion stages? I mean, it basically looks like you could just give it the stage ID of a custom slot, and then the ID code for the specific song you want. Unless I want to change the likelihood of it playing a certain song via My Music--which seems pointless, since it has one song--I'm not sure if I see the point of using the Tracklist Modifier with it.

Title: Re: Assigning Music to Stages with Codes
Post by: Guamboy27 on September 22, 2011, 07:56:34 PM
I have 2 questions about the 1 song per stage code (Part 3). How would this code look if I used it on multiple stages? Furthermore, does it need Tracklist Modifier to work with Stage Expansion stages? I mean, it basically looks like you could just give it the stage ID of a custom slot, and then the ID code for the specific song you want. Unless I want to change the likelihood of it playing a certain song via My Music--which seems pointless, since it has one song--I'm not sure if I see the point of using the Tracklist Modifier with it.
The one-slot stage code shouldn't require the tracklist modifier. I usually use the tracklist modifier for the Stage-Track Dependant Song Loader code, because that way you can have varying amounts of songs for each stage. So, the tracklist modifier would be useless with the one-slot stage code, unless it's changing the tracklist of a different stage.

EDIT: My thread was dead... You kind of bumped a dead topic. But, I just updated my CSE code section, so I was probably going to bump it anyway. But still, try not to do that.

Title: Re: Assigning Music to Stages with Codes
Post by: gurdoman on October 05, 2011, 08:05:34 PM
Hi, I have absolutly no idea on how to use the custom sound engine, i get that you have to put the code in a .gct and name a song you are going to use let's say 0000FFFA.brstm but then... how does the game know in which stage does the song 0000FFFA goes?

I hope its not a dead thread, i checked last update sept 22 :P

Nevermind, I got it working, the only question I have is, how many lines of code is too much?

Title: Re: Assigning Music to Stages with Codes
Post by: BriefCasey795 on November 08, 2011, 07:15:31 PM
What about the other Custom stages? What is the value for STGCUSTOM11?
Also how do i edit an xml?

Title: Re: Assigning Music to Stages with Codes
Post by: Ebola16 on March 21, 2018, 11:33:46 PM
The Tracklist Modifier v1.0 code causes Brawlex mods to freeze if a player backs out to the start screen and then pushes start again due to "Can't Alloc Heap Buffer." Use Song Forcer Codes ( or Tracklist Modifer [standardtoaster] ( instead.

Title: Re: Assigning Music to Stages with Codes
Post by: Anonymous42456 on December 21, 2020, 08:17:17 PM
Does it work for My Music slots?