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Help & Tutorials => Help => Topic started by: Wasabi_Skillz on July 20, 2011, 04:25:49 PM

Title: Multiple One-slot Size modifications?
Post by: Wasabi_Skillz on July 20, 2011, 04:25:49 PM
Is there any way to have multiple one-slot size mods for the motionetc.pac's of a character? for example, the baby bowser over bowser size modification and the true groudon size mod?

Title: Re: Multiple One-slot Size modifications?
Post by: TruePhilosopher on July 20, 2011, 04:47:28 PM
Yes as the Squirtle and Ivysaur evolution packs employ it, however I'm not sure how.

Title: Re: Multiple One-slot Size modifications?
Post by: Wasabi_Skillz on July 21, 2011, 12:31:36 PM
i really wanna know how to include these size mods into my edited motionetc.pacs!!!! haha

Title: Re: Multiple One-slot Size modifications?
Post by: DrPanda on July 21, 2011, 01:02:01 PM
Each motionetc. has an extra bone animation in it that handles the size mod.
What you have to do is find and export this extra bone animation from each motionetc. and import them into your edited one.

Thing is, you have to make a new bone animation and import them over it for Every Single Animation -_-

Title: Re: Multiple One-slot Size modifications?
Post by: Wasabi_Skillz on July 21, 2011, 01:33:52 PM
Each motionetc. has an extra bone animation in it that handles the size mod.
What you have to do is find and export this extra bone animation from each motionetc. and import them into your edited one.

Thing is, you have to make a new bone animation and import them over it for Every Single Animation -_-

lol seriously!? okay thanks Doc. maybe i'm better off with what i have right now. at least until i'm THAT willing to put the work into it.

Title: Re: Multiple One-slot Size modifications?
Post by: TruePhilosopher on July 21, 2011, 03:24:37 PM
Not over every frame tho so it wouldn't take that long.

Title: Re: Multiple One-slot Size modifications?
Post by: zigheart on July 22, 2011, 04:54:27 AM
doesn't blackjacks brawl box mod suport doing that all at once? or is that going to be in a later release?

Title: Re: Multiple One-slot Size modifications?
Post by: DrPanda on July 22, 2011, 10:54:24 AM
Not over every frame tho so it wouldn't take that long.
Imagine if it did 0_0
Holy smeg, there probably wouldn't be 1slot mods :laugh:

doesn't blackjacks brawl box mod suport doing that all at once? or is that going to be in a later release?
I don't know about that, I haven't used Blackjax mod.
I read somewhar that it appearently it still has quite alot of bugs :-\

Title: Re: Multiple One-slot Size modifications?
Post by: Ninka_kiwi on July 22, 2011, 12:31:16 PM
Yeah it has the abillty to do that I havn't gotten around to testing it out myself though...

Title: Re: Multiple One-slot Size modifications?
Post by: zigheart on July 22, 2011, 10:55:38 PM
I don't know about that, I haven't used Blackjax mod.
I read somewhar that it appearently it still has quite alot of bugs :-\

it was only a beta release  so i'm not surprised. it's also based off .64 so it needs quite a bit of tweaking to fix the issues with the base BB. i was actually going to try it later been taking a break from modding tho, doing other things.

Title: Re: Multiple One-slot Size modifications?
Post by: BlackJax96 on July 22, 2011, 11:25:53 PM
I did try to make a 1-slot size mod for Konata using my Brawlbox modset.
I had a problem becuase I couldn't copy the keyframes from YRotN to the new YRotN for only Konata, and I had a few other weird errors.

I fixed any errors I had while making the 1-slot size mod and added a keyframe copy feature, so you should be able to crank them out like no big deal in the next update. :)

I'm slowly but surely taking out all the bugs in Brawlbox that I find. ;D