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Help & Tutorials => Help => Topic started by: GreenCUB3D on March 31, 2010, 05:57:30 PM

Title: SSS Icons
Post by: GreenCUB3D on March 31, 2010, 05:57:30 PM
For the past 2 days, I have been trying to change the icons on the stage selection screen. No luck. I have searched arounf the net and this forum, but there has been no help.

All I want to do is change the battle field icon and preview pic, so I open Brawl box, open sc_selmap_en.pac, and change all the textures for battle field. I have been able to change the My Music and Random Stage Selection pictures, but not the actual screen. There are two questions I have.

Is there something I'm doing wrong with textures, or is there something else I need to do?
If not, were do you place the pac file? I have it in menu2 with my CSS, not pfmenu2.

Can somebody tell me what I need to do? :oshi:

Title: Re: SSS Icons
Post by: mnsg on March 31, 2010, 08:00:11 PM
Did you remove the _en part of the file name?  The file won't work unless you do that.

Title: Re: SSS Icons
Post by: GreenCUB3D on April 01, 2010, 01:46:22 PM
I have tried that, and tried that just now. It just freezes before even getting to the screen.
I have seen other videos, and it seems that the icons in their's are the same size that they are in the beginning of the game. I have the custom SSS code that adds 2 more stages to the meele stages section, Distant Planet and Luigi's Mansion, just with the wrong music set. It can't be the code because I got it after haveing problems, thinking it would help.

Title: Re: SSS Icons
Post by: GreenCUB3D on April 01, 2010, 04:29:01 PM
Don't mean to double post, and I know there are other issues out there, but I really need a response.

Title: Re: SSS Icons
Post by: Quanno on April 02, 2010, 03:43:02 AM
I'd like to know this too. So far I changed selmap_common.pac and mu_menumain.pac but both don't work.
both with and without _en

Title: Re: SSS Icons
Post by: RevengeHunter on April 02, 2010, 04:03:12 AM
Check BeyondYou's great thread He has a fix for the freezing. Just put the SSP's in his sc_selmap.pac and then replace your old selmap in your common5.pac with the new selmap.

Title: Re: SSS Icons
Post by: GreenCUB3D on April 02, 2010, 11:27:19 AM
Okay, I'm still getting nothing, and have more questions -_-'.
Do I keep the file in the menu2 folder?
Do I get rid of the _en extension in the common5 pac file for the sc_selmap_en.pac?
Is there ANYTHING else I need to do, cause I'm getting nothing.
Also, when I put his selmap.pac in the menu2 folder and delete the extension, it still freezes.
Is there a certain code I need?

Title: Re: SSS Icons
Post by: Chuy on April 02, 2010, 11:29:17 AM
Okay, I'm still getting nothing, and have more questions -_-'.
Do I keep the file in the menu2 folder?
Do I get rid of the _en extension in the common5 pac file for the sc_selmap_en.pac?
Is there ANYTHING else I need to do, cause I'm getting nothing.
Also, when I put his selmap.pac in the menu2 folder and delete the extension, it still freezes.
Is there a certain code I need?
Inject the sc_selmap into the common5 and it should work

Title: Re: SSS Icons
Post by: GreenCUB3D on April 02, 2010, 11:43:26 AM
Before trying, should I get rid of the selmap.pac NOT in the common5? The one still in my menu2?

Title: Re: SSS Icons
Post by: Chuy on April 02, 2010, 11:56:42 AM
yeah you should

Title: Re: SSS Icons
Post by: GreenCUB3D on April 02, 2010, 01:02:14 PM
Unfortunately, It still isn't working.
I have the common5.pac in system/common folder.
I have inserted, NOT REPLACED, but inserted the sc_selmap.pac into the common 5, and have replaced all the nessecary textures with the ones I want.
I have saved it, and gotten rid of the sc_selmap.pac in my menu2 folder. I got rid of my menu2 folder overall., and it still doesn't work.
Is there ANYTHING ELSE I need to do!

Title: Re: SSS Icons
Post by: RevengeHunter on April 02, 2010, 05:06:00 PM
The common5.pac should only be in the system folder. And you're supposed to keep the _en part so in your common5.pac there should be the new sc_selmap_en.pac with your SSPs. And what do you exactly mean with
I have inserted, NOT REPLACED, but inserted the sc_selmap.pac into the common 5

Title: Re: SSS Icons
Post by: GreenCUB3D on April 02, 2010, 05:14:38 PM
Okay, I fixed that up, and I hoped that just placing the extension back on the end of sc_selmap should work.

I still get nothing.

Title: Re: SSS Icons
Post by: RevengeHunter on April 02, 2010, 05:18:31 PM
I think it's because of inserting the selmap instead of replacing... Or maybe you should start over because you screwed up somewhere.

Title: Re: SSS Icons
Post by: GreenCUB3D on April 02, 2010, 05:40:52 PM
Master Illusion, you were right. I restarted the enitre thing again, but this time, I replaced the current selmap, instead of putting in a completely new one. I got it working. Thanks.