Title: Unhandled Exceptions, KeyErrors, etc. Post by: gamingcat02261991 on September 29, 2021, 09:46:55 PM I just recently downloaded BrawlDJ from the OpenSA website, and after adding parentheses to certain lines that Python complains about, I get an Unhandled Exception error, which is KeyError: 100 for line 56 of the file functions.py. The reason why I'm trying to use BrawlDJ is because I'm trying to add songs to Another Brawl EDX by Lillith. (Also, and this is unrelated to the Unhandled Exception, but I hope Lillith adds Mewtwo and Pichu to Another Brawl EDX's next update, if there ever is one. That way, the mod will be mostly complete in my eyes, save for one SSBU newcomer who was revealed in September 2018/has a feud with one of the "Main Eight" of the N64 SSB and one who is loyal to SSBB's second-to-last default newcomer/best friends with one of the "Main Eight" and found only in PMEX Remix.)
Title: Re: Unhandled Exceptions, KeyErrors, etc. Post by: windhunter7 on September 30, 2021, 10:50:25 PM Can you please share either this functions.py file or a screenshot of that line with the surrounding code? Because I don't know anything about even what an "OpenSA" website is or anything, so I have no idea what the context of the programming edits are here
I am a programmer though, so if I see what the changes are, I might be able to help Title: Re: Unhandled Exceptions, KeyErrors, etc. Post by: apollos on December 09, 2021, 08:09:06 AM Hi, if you want us to help you then share this functions.py file.