Title: Mirroring Vertex Edits Post by: Enigmatic on December 18, 2010, 10:49:05 PM I have been working on Marth, and have started by editing his legs. I did a ton of work on one, and was wondering if I could have the same exact thing done to the other side. How would this work? Sorry, I just started vertexing, and have been reading the beginning guide to mk64's method w/o patching. Thanks.
Title: Re: Mirroring Vertex Edits Post by: Enigmatic on December 19, 2010, 09:55:26 PM This has to be possible, anyone?
Title: Re: Mirroring Vertex Edits Post by: DrPanda on December 20, 2010, 05:39:48 AM I don't think there is a way to do this considering they are on the same polygon :-\
Being as you have already done one leg, any fixes would be very time consuming... You could go round all the edited vertices and manually copy&paste the X/Y/Z coordinates from the edited ones into the unedited ones. Or you could start over and work on both legs at the same time (Probably the better option) Title: Re: Mirroring Vertex Edits Post by: Enigmatic on December 21, 2010, 01:14:03 AM Thanks, very helpful. I am just going to start over working on both. You get a panda. :af2: