Kitty Corp Meow Mix Forums

Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking => Character Vertexes and Textures => Topic started by: Omegapaste on August 25, 2009, 01:04:29 PM

Title: OmegaPaste's texture hack UPDATE: [THE NEW FIRE TEMPLE V0.9]
Post by: Omegapaste on August 25, 2009, 01:04:29 PM
Looool it's been a while since I updated, but I thought of putting the forest temple texture up after I finished it 2 months ago.

    The forest temple
                                       Legend of zelda ocarina of time
                                       Download here (

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The NEW Fire temple v0.9
                                        Legend of zelda ocarina of time
                                        Download here (
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- Dialga is replaced by a model hacked Rayquaza who resembles the volvagia. However the reflection on
  Rayquaza's model covers the textures (seen in the 6th picture). I've been trying to remove the reflection, but no  
  success so far.
- The green light effects are the other things which ruin the atmosphere a bit. I've been searching for hours  
   removing it but I can't seem to find this in the Pac file.
- The background was replaced by a custom stage background
- oh and IMO this texture is waaaaay better than the one on rumble falls =P

The shadow temple
                                       Legend of zelda ocarina of time
                                       Download here (
                                       Download the non-edited collison data here (
                                       Brstm (

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- Remember the boat trip in the shadow temple? well this is based of that part. I hope it rings nostalgia bells
- I actually started this texture back in august but couldnt replace the background untill now
- The only thing still bothering are the red light effects on some parts of the ship, but thats only a little thing
- The background model is from new pork city
- This stage has 2 collison data edits which are the two platforms on the ships which are removed. Playing online
  will probably result in desynching unless the opponent has the same texture
- I also put a version without edited collison data to prevent online desynches
- The shadow temple brstm is in the download. lets be serious, the rainbow cruise song doesnt really fit the stage xD
- I tried brstm'ing the remix of the shadow temple from ZREO's archive what evil prof odor linked me to (thanks alot for supporting me that alot  ;) ) but the song was too soft for brawl volume and when I made it louder it got noisy and unpleasant

     The Spirit temple
                                        Legend of zelda ocarina of time
                                        Download here (
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- I liked the idea of making the sea of clouds a sea of sand. It worked out better than expected.
- although the stage lacks triforce symbols, I placed the spirit medaillion on top of the shrine to mkae it  
  more zelda'ish
- On the last pic, I planned on giving the statue 4 arms (2 with weapons and 2 crossed on the body) I misplaced
  the texture and now it seems someone's pulling unclothing the statue chick, the perverted statue made me
  laugh and I let it stay like this.

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack [SPIRIT TEMPLE FROM TLOZ OOT!]
Post by: shadowsquid86 on August 25, 2009, 01:49:29 PM
First, epic stage. Insant download.

Second, welcome, great first post!

Third, major ROFL at pervert statue.



Fourth, use this download link instead ( It links directly.

Fifth, any plans to make the other temples?

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack [SPIRIT TEMPLE FROM TLOZ OOT!]
Post by: Omegapaste on August 25, 2009, 02:10:07 PM
First, epic stage. Insant download.

Second, welcome, great first post!

Third, major ROFL at pervert statue.



Fourth, use this download link instead ([url][/url]). It links directly.

Fifth, any plans to make the other temples?

first: Thanks alot ;)
Second: lol I was thinking of going to a introduction forum but I wanted to post it
              immediately xD
third: lol I know, even egyptians are horny
fourth: thanks, I'm still a noob with those code tags and download links, I already put it in   
fifth: I was thinking of making delfino plaza the water temple. it's possible but a crapload of work. I was also
        thinking if it could be possible texturing dialga into the volvagia by transparenting parts of its legs, I'm
        gonna try it but I don't think it'll work out well, if it does I make it a fire temple.

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack [SPIRIT TEMPLE FROM TLOZ OOT!]
Post by: shadowsquid86 on August 25, 2009, 02:19:40 PM
I'm not sure that Dialga can be made transparent...but I wouldn't know.

And I'm sure the melee Temple stage could be something...

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack [SPIRIT TEMPLE FROM TLOZ OOT!]
Post by: Pinutk™ on August 25, 2009, 02:38:52 PM
Holy crap!!!! I have too download this! You are awesome! Very nice detail!

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack [SPIRIT TEMPLE FROM TLOZ OOT!]
Post by: PAVGN on August 25, 2009, 02:44:21 PM
I was expecting custom stage parts but this is MUCH better! By the way If you are making the other temples then maybe you could try to make the forest temple out of Distant Planet.

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack [SPIRIT TEMPLE FROM TLOZ OOT!]
Post by: xSpartanLazerx on August 25, 2009, 03:44:27 PM

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack [SPIRIT TEMPLE FROM TLOZ OOT!]
Post by: Rovelius on August 25, 2009, 04:46:07 PM
Is the link supposed to work? It says "Problem loading page"

Incredible texture hack, by the way. The statue's tex reminds me of SA2:Battle's statues, in Death Egg Chamber.

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack [SPIRIT TEMPLE FROM TLOZ OOT!]
Post by: Omegapaste on August 25, 2009, 04:48:57 PM
Is the link supposed to work? It says "Problem loading page"

Incredible texture hack, by the way. The statue's tex reminds me of SA2:Battle's statues, in Death Egg Chamber.

Hmm.. I don't have the problems with a loading page, it works fine for me.

And yeah some textures are from SA2, nice job noticing that :P

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack [SPIRIT TEMPLE FROM TLOZ OOT!]
Post by: STUFF2o on August 25, 2009, 05:17:53 PM
This texture makes my heart fart.  :af2:

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack [SPIRIT TEMPLE FROM TLOZ OOT!]
Post by: shadowsquid86 on August 25, 2009, 05:31:41 PM

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack [SPIRIT TEMPLE FROM TLOZ OOT!]
Post by: catgowoof on August 25, 2009, 10:05:45 PM

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack [SPIRIT TEMPLE FROM TLOZ OOT!]
Post by: Tyeforce on August 26, 2009, 12:41:08 AM
Interesting... I think Arbiter's Grounds would work better than the Spirit Temple, though. *cough* *wink*

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack [SPIRIT TEMPLE FROM TLOZ OOT!]
Post by: TK421 on August 26, 2009, 08:27:00 AM
Epic. Just Epic!

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack [SPIRIT TEMPLE FROM TLOZ OOT!]
Post by: Omegapaste on August 26, 2009, 05:59:05 PM
Thanks for the positive comments people ;D

I've been working on yet another temple from OOT using the hyrule temple this time. However I'm stuck at this moment because STASH is having some problems. I just posted my problem in the help topic

I currently can't continue on the texture until this problem is solved

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack [SPIRIT TEMPLE FROM TLOZ OOT!]
Post by: alexhall on August 27, 2009, 07:53:57 AM
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!! Too much awesome-ness for my eyes!! I'M BLIND!!!

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack [SPIRIT TEMPLE FROM TLOZ OOT!]
Post by: Shrooms on August 27, 2009, 09:04:41 PM
Awesome; I downloaded. Can't wait for the next one; hope you figure it out!

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack [SPIRIT TEMPLE FROM TLOZ OOT!]
Post by: Omegapaste on August 28, 2009, 09:03:01 AM
Update: Lately I've tried 3 temples: the forest, water and shadow.

I first started with the water which would be delfino plaza. however alot of textures of delfino are small and put together in one file, it's almost impossible to change them. I kinda gave up on that one. Maybe I'll try some other time

2nd one was the forest temple which is the hyrule temple stage. I did 9 of the 36 textures and I tried compiling them to see hwat I did already, however I got the file size problem. I backed up the already modded files and tried the next one.

3rd the shadow temple on the rainbow cruise, I did half of the textures and yet I got the same problem as the temple stage. This time I got used to color indexing and surprisingly I solved the problem. however the next trial appeared: the big blue background seems to be a CLR0 which is a gay texture which can be moddified in a very confusing (impossible) way. the blue background ruins the shadow temple texture and I backed-up the files again and I'll keep it until I find a way to texture the CLR0

Now I continued on the forest temple again. I completed all the textures and used color indexing on the big files so it'll solve the problem. however I'm currently stuck with another problem: the indexed textures saved from photoshop seem to be lacking an alpha layer and thanks to that they can't be compiled. when I go to photoshop I see the texture has an alpha channel but when I save it I can't wink the ''add alpha layers button'' while photoshop itsself says I need to wink them....

So no matter how hard I work, I keep getting problems which stand in my way for creating my textures. I'll do my best fixing the alpha layer problem and finsih the forest temple. I try asking a friend: ''mackarony'' who's more familiar with photoshop.

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack [SPIRIT TEMPLE FROM TLOZ OOT!]
Post by: vcvmajinken on August 28, 2009, 06:53:33 PM
you made a master piece

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack [SPIRIT TEMPLE FROM TLOZ OOT!]
Post by: JuLz on August 29, 2009, 02:36:46 AM
It a master piece, so beautiful. The Spirit Temple was always my fav temple <3

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack [SPIRIT TEMPLE FROM TLOZ OOT!]
Post by: Liniscool on August 29, 2009, 01:50:43 PM
This is this the work of the angel. The shadow temple idea is great, I think it means you should index the colors or something.

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack [SPIRIT TEMPLE FROM TLOZ OOT!]
Post by: Miacis on August 29, 2009, 03:22:38 PM
Wow, really epic Stage.

Good luck for the others. All of this sounds very promising.

EDIT : I KNOW these hieroglyphs on the statue's shield! Was it from Sonic Adventure 2 ? (

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack [SPIRIT TEMPLE FROM TLOZ OOT!]
Post by: Omegapaste on August 29, 2009, 03:56:33 PM
Wow, really epic Stage.

Good luck for the others. All of this sounds very promising.

EDIT : I KNOW these hieroglyphs on the statue's shield! Was it from Sonic Adventure 2 ? ([url][/url])

Yep thats right >.<

and about the forest temple. all textures are complete but if I find out how to get the errors away it'll be up right away

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack UPDATE: [THE FIRE TEMPLE FROM TLOZ OOT]
Post by: Omegapaste on August 31, 2009, 07:26:26 PM

Yes you probably saw the Fire temple already

Btw Vile is helping me with the problems I occured on the Forest temple. If things go well, the forest temple will be added soon

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack UPDATE: [THE FIRE TEMPLE FROM TLOZ OOT]
Post by: shadowsquid86 on August 31, 2009, 07:38:12 PM
I'm not so sure about this one. The Octorock cereal kind of ruins the proffessional aspect of it, as does the speed up message (somewhat). The backgrounds a bit odd, and overall the stage doesn't seem to fit the temple. Spirit Temple is still my fave.

Weren't you going for Spear Pillar?

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack UPDATE: [THE FIRE TEMPLE FROM TLOZ OOT]
Post by: Liniscool on September 01, 2009, 04:50:58 PM
Change the plane to a fire keese...

also I agree with shadowsquid.

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack UPDATE: [THE FIRE TEMPLE FROM TLOZ OOT]
Post by: PAVGN on September 01, 2009, 04:54:39 PM
Yeah, I agree with shadowsquid86 too. Can't you make the box look like one of the pillars/Creates or whatever from the Fire temple? I don't know what you could change the message to, But It doesn't bother me that much.

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack UPDATE: [THE FIRE TEMPLE FROM TLOZ OOT]
Post by: JuLz on September 02, 2009, 03:21:53 PM
Hm ya I don'tplay that much on Rumble Falls so too bad >_>

But its very nice. Can't await to see more epicz maps

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack UPDATE: [THE FIRE TEMPLE FROM TLOZ OOT]
Post by: JuLz on September 09, 2009, 06:22:29 AM
Hey omega In association of your spirit temple i made the Twinrova Koume and Kotake texture ;P

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack UPDATE: [THE FIRE TEMPLE FROM TLOZ OOT]
Post by: vcvmajinken on September 09, 2009, 11:02:32 AM
the fire tmple is for DK stage... It´s incredible one of the best texture hacks that I saw

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack UPDATE: [THE FOREST TEMPLE FROM LOZ OOT]
Post by: Omegapaste on February 24, 2010, 09:30:12 AM

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack UPDATE: [THE FOREST TEMPLE FROM LOZ OOT]
Post by: ??_? on February 24, 2010, 09:49:09 AM
dem temples be sexy. moar

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack UPDATE: [THE FOREST TEMPLE FROM LOZ OOT]
Post by: Jack H. on February 24, 2010, 12:15:05 PM
Really enjoying that new Forest Temple stage. I don't think I have anything on that stage atm. o. o  I'll probably download this I suppose. heh

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack UPDATE: [THE FOREST TEMPLE FROM LOZ OOT]
Post by: random SSBB player on February 25, 2010, 03:33:48 AM
I really like that forest and spirit temple. *downloads*

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack UPDATE: [THE FOREST TEMPLE FROM LOZ OOT]
Post by: Oni Kage on February 25, 2010, 08:28:52 AM


Forest AND Fire Temple?! AND Spirit?!?!? (But I already had that one :P) You... you... you have created one of the most outstanding threads I have seen at KC:MM... insta download both.

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack UPDATE: [THE FOREST TEMPLE FROM LOZ OOT]
Post by: Miacis on February 25, 2010, 02:07:34 PM
Wow, keeping up the great quality even after all this time, it seems.  :)

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack UPDATE: [THE FOREST TEMPLE FROM LOZ OOT]
Post by: Raiuken on February 26, 2010, 01:27:09 PM
"drools over Forest Temple" Must have this, but yet now I must learn how to use the multiple stage loader (forgot the name, but i have it). That texture is amazing dude. Seriously, that is awesome!

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack UPDATE: [THE FOREST TEMPLE FROM LOZ OOT]
Post by: alexhall on February 27, 2010, 03:58:21 AM
Those temples are awesome!!!! Keep it up!!!

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack UPDATE: [THE FOREST TEMPLE FROM LOZ OOT]
Post by: JuLz on March 03, 2010, 04:43:18 AM
I [censored]ing Love you 4 The Forest Temple!

This is <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack UPDATE: [THE FOREST TEMPLE FROM LOZ OOT]
Post by: evil prof odor on March 22, 2010, 04:15:39 PM
These are fantastic! Never thought I'd ever want to play that DK stage again, but that Fire Temple is too sexy not to. Now I just have to go find some custom tracks...

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack UPDATE: [THE FOREST TEMPLE FROM LOZ OOT]
Post by: evil prof odor on March 23, 2010, 10:36:53 PM
These are fantastic! Never thought I'd ever want to play that DK stage again, but that Fire Temple is too sexy not to. Now I just have to go find some custom tracks...

The music search is on. See here to apply: (

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack UPDATE: [THE SHADOW TEMPLE FROM LOZ OOT]
Post by: Omegapaste on March 29, 2010, 03:10:56 PM

I added a shadow temple to my collection. I'm also going to put the forest and shadow temple in brawlvault

My next texture will most likely be a new version of the fire temple on spear pillar now I can replace dialga/palkia's models with rayquaza and retexture it

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack UPDATE: [THE SHADOW TEMPLE FROM LOZ OOT]
Post by: PAVGN on March 29, 2010, 04:18:15 PM
Wow, I was not expecting Rainbow Cruise at all! Making it based off of the boat ride part of the temple was absolute Genius! I don't like that you edited the collisions however so I'm going to use the collisions from the original Rainbow Cruise to prevent my replays and online games from de-syncing. Keep up the good work! :)

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack UPDATE: [THE SHADOW TEMPLE FROM LOZ OOT]
Post by: Omegapaste on March 29, 2010, 04:25:13 PM
Wow, I was not expecting Rainbow Cruise at all! Making it based off of the boat ride part of the temple was absolute Genius! I don't like that you edited the collisions however so I'm going to use the collisions from the original Rainbow Cruise to prevent my replays and online games from de-syncing. Keep up the good work! :)

The pac itself still has the collison data with the 2 platforms however it is set to ''none'' instead of ''floor''. If it gets put back you have the same platforms but without the polygon of the platforms. I removed it with automatic polygon editor but I have no idea on how to get it back without redoing the entire polygon deleting progress.

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack UPDATE: [THE SHADOW TEMPLE FROM LOZ OOT]
Post by: evil prof odor on March 29, 2010, 04:32:48 PM
Just trying to do my part, from one :zelda: fan to another. No one else seems to have helped in the music request thread yet, but I'm glad at least you payed it a visit. ;D May I also suggest Ikana Valley and Stone Tower Temple as extra music tracks for the Shadow Temple? They may not be from OoT, but they seem to carry that spooky haunted feeling the Shadow Temple houses. It's not complete yet, but ZREO has a small Majora's Mask collection with these two tracks and various others. I'm trying to collect several tracks for each edited stage, since most stages have 5 or 6 music tracks each. (I just realized Rainbow Cruise is a Melee stage, so only has one extra track) Just thought I'd make the suggestion, I'll update my help thread with this info as well. Keep up the awesome work!

ZREO's MM Archive:

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack UPDATE: [THE SHADOW TEMPLE FROM LOZ OOT]
Post by: Sennin on March 29, 2010, 07:34:07 PM
I'm liking the Shadow Temple. I just want to note that every time you finish the loop and make it back to the boat, everyone dies. I don't know if that's supposed to happen or not. I don't have a problem with it. I think it goes with the stage, it being the Shadow Temple and all. But it might just be a problem on my end. I like it either way. Nice job.

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack UPDATE: [THE SHADOW TEMPLE FROM LOZ OOT]
Post by: LookItsLink on March 29, 2010, 07:42:28 PM
That Shadow Temple is too good to pass up. Though whats this about dying at the end? I remember something being said about having to jump to avoid that, not sure if it that applies here though.

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack UPDATE: [THE SHADOW TEMPLE FROM LOZ OOT]
Post by: Sennin on March 29, 2010, 09:39:06 PM
That Shadow Temple is too good to pass up. Though whats this about dying at the end? I remember something being said about having to jump to avoid that, not sure if it that applies here though.

I tried it standing still and jumping. It doesn't matter where you are on the screen, everyone gets insta-death.

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack UPDATE: [THE SHADOW TEMPLE FROM LOZ OOT]
Post by: JuLz on April 08, 2010, 07:29:54 AM
Yes Finally you got it to work on Rainbow Cruise. I knew you'd fix it! :D

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack UPDATE: [THE NEW FIRE TEMPLE V0.9]
Post by: Omegapaste on May 11, 2010, 03:05:06 PM
Bump for the new texture

EDIT: I also updated the shadow temple with the original collison data. to prevent desynches online. I brought back the two platforms on the ship, but they are invisible so be sure to have an eye of truth ready which everyone has......right?

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack UPDATE: [THE NEW FIRE TEMPLE V0.9]
Post by: PAVGN on May 11, 2010, 03:39:56 PM
You can remove the reflection on Rayquaza's body by making It transparent.

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack UPDATE: [THE NEW FIRE TEMPLE V0.9]
Post by: T-800 on May 11, 2010, 03:43:30 PM
Can I copy and paste the pac for each Spear Pillar pac like in Smashville, or is it specific because it's a different Pokemon in each?

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack UPDATE: [THE NEW FIRE TEMPLE V0.9]
Post by: Omegapaste on May 11, 2010, 03:49:49 PM
You can remove the reflection on Rayquaza's body by making It transparent.

Nope, I tried that first but it makes the Volvagia even paler. If it wasn't for one of the reflections the volvagia wouldnt have a red color on him
Can I copy and paste the pac for each Spear Pillar pac like in Smashville, or is it specific because it's a different Pokemon in each?

I'm not sure but you could try renaming this pac to STGTENGAN_2 and see what happens when you enter Palkia's stage

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack UPDATE: [THE NEW FIRE TEMPLE V0.9]
Post by: PAVGN on May 11, 2010, 05:25:51 PM
Nope, I tried that first but it makes the Volvagia even paler. If it wasn't for one of the reflections the volvagia wouldnt have a red color on him.

Then try making that reflection texture completely black.

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack UPDATE: [THE NEW FIRE TEMPLE V0.9]
Post by: Queen Chrysalis on May 15, 2010, 07:46:48 PM
Yo omegaPaste I got ahold of the fire temple music brstm and forest temple music do you want then their in the vault!

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack UPDATE: [THE NEW FIRE TEMPLE V0.9]
Post by: DocStrange on May 15, 2010, 08:21:31 PM
Can I copy and paste the pac for each Spear Pillar pac like in Smashville, or is it specific because it's a different Pokemon in each?

You can't do it just by renaming it, but you can (probably, I haven't tried it) put it over Palkia by opening both in Brawl Box, copying the ef_stgTengan and Arc 2 from Fire Temple to Tengan_2 then renaming model data 3 to model data 15. The only thing is, Palkia's purple glowy thing will probably make the stage look all wonky. Mewtwo2000 fixed it for his Rayquaza Lake stage, but I don't know how. Also, it'll make Volvagia make disturbing screaming noises lol.

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack UPDATE: [THE NEW FIRE TEMPLE V0.9]
Post by: Mewtwo2000 on June 01, 2010, 02:53:47 PM
The only difference between stgtengan1 and stgtengan2 is the number of the used modeldata (3 in stgtengan1 and 15 in stgtengan2) and the scenedata used (palkia uses scenedata1, dialga uses scenedata0). To make a stage working in both, you need the same modeldata being placed in modeldata3 and modeldata15, and having the same file in scenedata0 and scenedata1. Nothing more.

Cresselia is a little bit more complicated. But only a little bit.

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack UPDATE: [THE NEW FIRE TEMPLE V0.9]
Post by: Szasz on June 01, 2010, 04:48:54 PM
geez... you are making me looking like the biggest zelda fanboy with all of these levels.

Great stuff!

but does anyone have a working shadow temple?

Title: Re: OmegaPaste's texture hack UPDATE: [THE NEW FIRE TEMPLE V0.9]
Post by: JuLz on June 21, 2010, 04:06:30 PM
Don't be sad about the messed up texture, I think Volvagia now looks better, more natural!