Title: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Jaklub on August 28, 2011, 05:07:18 PM I've got quite a few messages regarding this topic and I see a lot of people still having trouble with this thing. I also see some people just ignoring SFX modding, because they think it's so hard to get into even using SFX mods (thankfully, it only looks like that). Those reasons caused me to write this short tutorial, so you all can enjoy your different-sounding Smash.
I assume you have already set up your Wii for using Brawl mods. If you haven't and somehow landed here, check this (http://forums.kc-mm.com/index.php?topic=12169.0) thread and return when you've finished setting up. Step 1 - Obtaining the smashbros_sound.brsar This big file has almost all of the samples that play in Brawl. (almost, because there is also a second one for what I assume is Mr. Resetti's speech, but no-one was interested in editing that so far) To install SFX mods, you'll need it. Later on, I'll refer to smashbros_sound.brsar as "the brsar". smashbros_sound.brsar from NTSC-U Brawl (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?unuztmtmgyy) smashbros_sound.brsar from PAL Brawl (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?dd4ooo1rmqgu83a) NOTE: It is important to have the brsar that matches your version of Brawl. Step 2 - Installing the SFX packs you want to have You must assure all of the packs you want to insert are compatible with your brsar. This is the hardest part, but still easy as hell in certain situations. To insert most of the packs, you need Sawndz. You can obtain the newest version here (http://forums.kc-mm.com/index.php?topic=22464.0). If you want to install some older packs, you may also want to get Sawndz 0.072. It's in the same thread. After you have downloaded Sawndz, unpack it and put the brsar in the same directory. There is a variety of filetypes you may encounter. Here is how do you deal with them. Note: If one of the SFX packs you want to get it is either a hex packet or a bunch of .dats and .wavs, you must insert those first. .sawnd and .wav files insertion affects the offsets in your brsar and may make the hex packets and .dats from old Sawndz unusable without deeper intervention. - .sawnd file. This means good news for you - all you have to do is run Sawndz, click Insert .sawnd, choose that file and voila - it's done. Contrary to a popular belief, you don't need to fill in anything. - Bunch of .wav files. It's still simple to insert, but requires a bit more hassle from you. Open the readme file that should have came with the waves and fill the blanks using the instructions from there. Then choose the respective .wav file and wait till the inserting is done. Repeat till done for all files. - Bunch of .wav and .dat files. This is more painful to get working than just .wav files. If one of the packs you want to install is those, you should absolutely insert these first. The same applies to hex packets, which I will talk about later. To get those to work without thinking much, you need an older Sawndz version - I recommend Sawndz 0.072, the last one before program got radically changed. Just like in case of new Sawndz, you need the brsar in the same directory. Run the old Sawndz. From "Saves" field, choose Load button and pick a .dat. Rename the respective .wav to "sound.wav", put it into the directory with Sawndz and click "Convert & Insert". Repeat till done for all of the .dats/.wavs. - A hex packet. Those are relatively simple to insert, but if you want to get your SFX mods working quickly, you should insert them before .sawnd files and .wavs, so you don't have to struggle with offsets on your own. There are many ways of inserting these, I'll talk about Sawndz 0.072 one. In Offset of beginning field, enter the offset that should have come with the hex packet. Click Insert from Hex packets field, choose the packet you want to get in and wait till it's done. Step 3 - Getting the smashbros_sound.brsar to work with your modded Brawl In this point, I have bad news for Gecko OS users. smashbros_sound.brsar can't be replaced with stable File Patch code. You need to use WiiScrubber to swap the original file with the altered brsar. If you're a Riivolution user, the location of where your brsar should be on your SD card is dependent on the xml you're using. Most common cases: - If you're using the template, it goes into SD:/ssbb/, like everything. - If you're using the xml for past Gecko OS users, it goes into SD:/private/wii/app/RSBE/pf/sound/. And that's all, guys. Enjoy your sounds. If something is unclear, ask away. Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: SmashClash on August 28, 2011, 05:17:14 PM I love this. :happy:
Thank you. Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: SonicBrawler on August 28, 2011, 07:02:34 PM >.< great tutorial, but it stinks so much that it cant be used with gecko os. i hate having to edit my iso, and it takes me around 2 hours to, even longer since i didnt know what i was doing >.<
Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: hypermetalsonic on August 29, 2011, 07:14:32 PM Thanks for this! Gonna give this a try with goku ;)
Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: James on September 01, 2011, 11:47:47 AM I recently switched from Gecko OS to Riivolution,so i would use the Gecko OS one which is
SD:/private/wii/app/RSBE/pf/sound/. I put my smashbros_sound.brsar in there,but when i ran it through. Shadow's voice was still DK's voice,and there was no announcer call...I removed my codes folder from the root cuz idk where to put it now. s that why it's not loading or is something else wrong? Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Jaklub on September 01, 2011, 12:00:43 PM So, it didn't load the SFX and announcer call was the old one? The path is right, I've even checked now. Looks like the inserting went wrong somewhere.
Was any error displayed on the console screen when you were inserting the packs? Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: James on September 01, 2011, 12:16:37 PM Nope,everything went smoothly.. I also tried to replace a tails metaknight one. the one was tails.sawnd,so i inserted that into my sawndz like the way you said. Then i placed it in my sound folder and everything was still metaknight. I have no idea what is going on.
Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Jaklub on September 01, 2011, 01:33:49 PM I have no idea, it should run. Back when I was using Riivolution, I had no problems with SFX replacing (I used a different xml, tho). Maybe try getting SmashBox 0.57, opening the brsar, opening the Groups branch and testing if the sounds replaced alright.
http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?awdvg58y0vbd5qj If you had Shadow over DK in, search for snd_group_chara_dk (if I recall correctly), open it, and then open the Wave branch from every branch that is inside snd_group_chara_dk. In the Wave branch, you'll have a bunch of Waves you have to play. Sounds like DK - replacing went wrong. Sounds like Shadow - looks like you have a problem with Riivolution. Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: James on September 01, 2011, 03:09:31 PM Thanks,I didnt have smashbox yet.
Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: BriefCasey795 on September 01, 2011, 03:21:02 PM If we use the Riivolution for past gecko users, Will the brsar file be automaticly replaced? Will any codes get in the way? :srs:
Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Jaklub on September 02, 2011, 06:29:36 AM If we use the Riivolution for past gecko users, Will the brsar file be automaticly replaced? Will any codes get in the way? :srs: When using the Riivolution, you cannot use the File Patch Code, but that information is visible in many places. Riivolution handles the file loading from SD card instead.brsar will be obviously replaced when using the right xml (so can be any file in the image). Beyond's one supports it. Also, why so serious. Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: That BattleToad PSA Guy on September 02, 2011, 08:42:17 PM I just want to add SFX without switching to Riivo. It's too confusing for me, and I don't feel like changing my stuff around!
So here's the deal, for us using Gecko, can the next update in sawndz PLEASE have support for Gecko Users? Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Jaklub on September 03, 2011, 12:09:10 PM Sorry, but this is not something that is dependent on me. I can't create new File Patch Code because I don't have a knowledge to do so. Sawndz is only for editing, not actually using brsars.
If you don't want to touch Riivo, WiiScrubber is the way to go. However, Beyond has made a solution for those who want to move to Riivolution, but don't want to change their files on SD card around. http://forums.kc-mm.com/Gallery/BrawlView.php?Number=16990 Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: BriefCasey795 on September 08, 2011, 05:35:26 PM ugh, Whenever i place a announcer call hack, It for some reason, corrupts the brsar, and when i load it up in brawl, i freezes when I Go somewhere with the announcer! :( I got all the collection ids group ids and waves right, but it still happens. and in smash box i can't preview the announcer calls. meaning the collection can't expand into waves and sounds. :( and btw my brsar is in the sound folder in my sd card with sawndz. Do i have to move the files or something? cuz that's what i think is wrong. :/
Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Jaklub on September 09, 2011, 06:28:41 AM No idea why that happened. Try again with a clean brsar. If doesn't work, send me the .wav file and the data you have in fields.
Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: BriefCasey795 on September 09, 2011, 06:53:36 PM Alright. If it happens again all send you all the files I'm using.
Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: SwingSet on September 18, 2011, 04:28:02 PM ok thanks you, i understood everything!!!!! exept i didnt understand where the smashbros_sound.brsar goes in, and i use gecko os version 1.9.1 so where would the smashbros_sound.brsar go in? thanks please reply
Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Jaklub on September 19, 2011, 08:40:25 AM Step 3 - Getting the smashbros_sound.brsar to work with your modded Brawl In this point, I have bad news for Gecko OS users. smashbros_sound.brsar can't be replaced with stable File Patch code. You need to use WiiScrubber to swap the original file with the altered brsar. If you're a Riivolution user, the location of where your brsar should be on your SD card is dependent on the xml you're using. Most common cases: - If you're using the template, it goes into SD:/ssbb/, like everything. - If you're using the xml for past Gecko OS users, it goes into SD:/private/wii/app/RSBE/pf/sound/. Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: DariusStoneXIII on September 20, 2011, 01:53:07 PM I've got quite a few messages regarding this topic and I see a lot of people still having trouble with this thing. I also see some people just ignoring SFX modding, because they think it's so hard to get into even using SFX mods (thankfully, it only looks like that). Those reasons caused me to write this short tutorial, so you all can enjoy your different-sounding Smash. I assume you have already set up your Wii for using Brawl mods. If you haven't and somehow landed here, check this ([url]http://forums.kc-mm.com/index.php?topic=12169.0[/url]) thread and return when you've finished setting up. Step 1 - Obtaining the smashbros_sound.brsar This big file has almost all of the samples that play in Brawl. (almost, because there is also a second one for what I assume is Mr. Resetti's speech, but no-one was interested in editing that so far) To install SFX mods, you'll need it. Later on, I'll refer to smashbros_sound.brsar as "the brsar". smashbros_sound.brsar from NTSC-U Brawl ([url]http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?unuztmtmgyy[/url]) smashbros_sound.brsar from PAL Brawl ([url]http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?dd4ooo1rmqgu83a[/url]) NOTE: It is important to have the brsar that matches your version of Brawl. Step 2 - Installing the SFX packs you want to have You must assure all of the packs you want to insert are compatible with your brsar. This is the hardest part, but still easy as hell in certain situations. To insert most of the packs, you need Sawndz. You can obtain the newest version here ([url]http://forums.kc-mm.com/index.php?topic=22464.0[/url]). If you want to install some older packs, you may also want to get Sawndz 0.072. It's in the same thread. After you have downloaded Sawndz, unpack it and put the brsar in the same directory. There is a variety of filetypes you may encounter. Here is how do you deal with them. Note: If one of the SFX packs you want to get it is either a hex packet or a bunch of .dats and .wavs, you must insert those first. .sawnd and .wav files insertion affects the offsets in your brsar and may make the hex packets and .dats from old Sawndz unusable without deeper intervention. - .sawnd file. This means good news for you - all you have to do is run Sawndz, click Insert .sawnd, choose that file and voila - it's done. Contrary to a popular belief, you don't need to fill in anything. - Bunch of .wav files. It's still simple to insert, but requires a bit more hassle from you. Open the readme file that should have came with the waves and fill the blanks using the instructions from there. Then choose the respective .wav file and wait till the inserting is done. Repeat till done for all files. - Bunch of .wav and .dat files. This is more painful to get working than just .wav files. If one of the packs you want to install is those, you should absolutely insert these first. The same applies to hex packets, which I will talk about later. To get those to work without thinking much, you need an older Sawndz version - I recommend Sawndz 0.072, the last one before program got radically changed. Just like in case of new Sawndz, you need the brsar in the same directory. Run the old Sawndz. From "Saves" field, choose Load button and pick a .dat. Rename the respective .wav to "sound.wav", put it into the directory with Sawndz and click "Convert & Insert". Repeat till done for all of the .dats/.wavs. - A hex packet. Those are relatively simple to insert, but if you want to get your SFX mods working quickly, you should insert them before .sawnd files and .wavs, so you don't have to struggle with offsets on your own. There are many ways of inserting these, I'll talk about Sawndz 0.072 one. In Offset of beginning field, enter the offset that should have come with the hex packet. Click Insert from Hex packets field, choose the packet you want to get in and wait till it's done. Step 3 - Getting the smashbros_sound.brsar to work with your modded Brawl In this point, I have bad news for Gecko OS users. smashbros_sound.brsar can't be replaced with stable File Patch code. You need to use WiiScrubber to swap the original file with the altered brsar. If you're a Riivolution user, the location of where your brsar should be on your SD card is dependent on the xml you're using. Most common cases: - If you're using the template, it goes into SD:/ssbb/, like everything. - If you're using the xml for past Gecko OS users, it goes into SD:/private/wii/app/RSBE/pf/sound/. And that's all, guys. Enjoy your sounds. If something is unclear, ask away. im curious but is it possible to turn a sawnd file, goku over falcon for example, into a hex and do it that way? Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Jaklub on September 21, 2011, 12:05:54 PM im curious but is it possible to turn a sawnd file, goku over falcon for example, into a hex and do it that way? No.Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Hero © on September 25, 2011, 02:24:08 PM Sorry, but this is not something that is dependent on me. I can't create new File Patch Code because I don't have a knowledge to do so. Sawndz is only for editing, not actually using brsars. I followed these steps and everything but when i click Launch on Riivolution, i just get a black screen and nothing else happensIf you don't want to touch Riivo, WiiScrubber is the way to go. However, Beyond has made a solution for those who want to move to Riivolution, but don't want to change their files on SD card around. [url]http://forums.kc-mm.com/Gallery/BrawlView.php?Number=16990[/url] Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Jaklub on September 25, 2011, 02:51:57 PM Test without any other mods then.
Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Hero © on September 26, 2011, 07:24:42 PM Test without any other mods then. I tried it, and it still didn't workTitle: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Jaklub on September 27, 2011, 09:50:42 AM Open your brsar in Smashbox and check the group after the group you replaced (like if you replaced Mario's voice, then you should check Link's as snd_group_chara_link is under snd_group_chara_mario). If none of the elements contained by it can be opened (or Smashbox displayed errors after opening the brsar with it), the pack you've inserted was wrong. Also, make sure the region matches (NTSC packs can't be used with PAL and vice versa).
Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: BriefCasey795 on October 08, 2011, 05:48:09 PM I noticed that there was an unused announcer call for the alloys in my NTSC-U Brsar, but I'm worried that if i Try to insert it, it will corrupt my brsar. I want to use it for my alloy's over G&W...
EDIT: Never mind. I created a backup brsar, and when i inserted it, it didn't corrupt my brsar. Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Hero © on October 16, 2011, 02:50:42 PM Open your brsar in Smashbox and check the group after the group you replaced (like if you replaced Mario's voice, then you should check Link's as snd_group_chara_link is under snd_group_chara_mario). If none of the elements contained by it can be opened (or Smashbox displayed errors after opening the brsar with it), the pack you've inserted was wrong. Also, make sure the region matches (NTSC packs can't be used with PAL and vice versa). I did this and it replaced the sounds successfully but i still face the black screen after i click Launch.Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Jaklub on October 19, 2011, 12:48:53 PM Run without any other mods than brsar and assure the regions really do match.
Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Hero © on October 20, 2011, 05:21:07 PM Ok, everything works fine now.
I just used a USB instead of a SD card and everything loads perfectly. Except the loading time which is long but then decreases a bit when you keep playing. Thanks Jaklub for the tutorial! Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: That BattleToad PSA Guy on October 22, 2011, 12:56:44 PM Here's a quick question: How can a make a .sawndz file using the template of an already-exisiting .sawndz file?
Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Jaklub on October 22, 2011, 03:56:05 PM Simply insert the .sawnd file into brsar, edit the group and create a new .sawnd file.
Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: VFWrestler on November 04, 2011, 04:14:26 PM So this is probably the wrong thread to post this, but it is what I'm trying to do. I want to get the SFX for Shadow over Sonic to work. I have done everything correctly, and redone it four times, but it won't work. All the textures and moves work on GeckoOS, but nothing works when I switch to Riivolution. I am using the GeckoOS to Riivolution; my strap screen and custom menu are working fine, but the CSS and SSS arent working, and no stage will load, so I can't even tell if the Shadow mod is working. I am using a GCT without the file patch code, and it is in the pf folder rather than the codes folder in the root as it was with geckoOS.
Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Jaklub on November 05, 2011, 06:58:04 PM I never moved from Gecko to Riivolution, so I most likely won't be able to help. However, try these:
- Add _en to names of CSS and SSS files (should work). - Backup and remove your save file. Few times I experienced freezes after swapping a stage with rel, for some reason that helped. Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: VFWrestler on November 06, 2011, 08:31:22 AM Well the GeckoOS to Riivolution thing I'm using lets me NOT have to put _en at the end of everything (when I do, the game freezes). And I just tried backing up my save, but it won't let me copy it for some reason.
Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Mewcario on November 06, 2011, 07:41:08 PM Sawndz used Confusion! It's super-effective!
I'm having a hard time following all these different instructions I'm finding. I have (well, I made some) .wav files, and I want to relpace some of Samus' SFX. Where in the .brsar do I find them? Also, the .brsar is telling me that it's "Unable to open file for write access" when I want to export. EDIT: Oh yeah, and I'm using BBox. Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Jaklub on November 07, 2011, 11:16:29 AM Quote from: Jaklub used Helping Hand! How to insert a sound using BrawlBox And you don't have to export anything from brsar if you want to insert sounds, btw.This option is only for those who are forced to use BrawlBox (64-bit computer users). If you can, use SmashBox way, it's much simplier. 1. Copy your smashbros_sound.brsar file to the directory with program. note: smashbros_sound.7z is a file that contains smashbros_sound.brsar. Open it with whatever you want. 2. Open the brsar file in BrawlBox. 3. Click the smashbros_sound label with purple icon next to it. 4. Take a look at the brawlbox.txt file that came with Sawndz, so you know what to export and how to fill the first two fields. 5. Search for the chosen number in the right-bottom part of BrawlBox window. 6. Right-click it and choose export. 7. Open the exported file with BrawlBox. 8. Find the Wave you're looking for. Fill the Wave ID field. 9. Press Insert and select the sound you want in. 10. Test. If it screws up, try exporting your sound in Audacity or other sound editing program and then try again. Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Mewcario on November 07, 2011, 02:04:36 PM Quote from: Jaklub 4. Take a look at the brawlbox.txt file that came with Sawndz, so you know what to export and how to fill the first two fields. 5. Search for the chosen number in the right-bottom part of BrawlBox window. 6. Right-click it and choose export. 7. Open the exported file with BrawlBox. 8. Find the Wave you're looking for. Fill the Wave ID field. 9. Press Insert and select the sound you want in. 10. Test. If it screws up, try exporting your sound in Audacity or other sound editing program and then try again. And you don't have to export anything from brsar if you want to insert sounds, btw. Underlined: What chosen number is step 5 talking about? I don't see the same hex numbers from that .txt file in the right-bottom corner of BBox. And yes, the smashbros_sound label is highlighted. Bold: If I don't have to export anything, why are your instructions telling me to...? Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Jaklub on November 07, 2011, 02:19:28 PM Sorry, I thought you meant exporting a .wav file, your post left me a bit confused. ;p Should have been more clear both there and while writing that help.
You pick one of contained collection values in brawlbox.txt from Samus' part, convert it to decimal and then look for it. Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Mewcario on November 07, 2011, 03:23:32 PM Apparently, SmashBox works for me. Well...kinda.
I'll press continue, as I usually do when I get this error message, but it won't let me export, rename, etc. None of the waves are playing / previewing when I click on them. Is there any other way for me to figure out which wave is which sound effect? Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Jaklub on November 08, 2011, 02:26:45 PM You probably have to use BrawlBox. Do every step from what I posted above and if you have any problems, write away.
Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Mewcario on November 08, 2011, 03:12:39 PM So, back to BrawlBox.
I have a better understanding of what I'm doing, but exporting things from the brsar is still troublesome. When trying to export Samus' collection value ([0FF] RWSD), I got an unhandled exception message saying, "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." By the way, thanks for helping so much Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Jaklub on November 09, 2011, 08:15:29 AM BrawlBox 0.65 seems to have problems with exporting the rwsds. Try 0.63d, it works fine.
Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Mewcario on November 10, 2011, 04:10:23 PM So! I was finally able to export and listen to SFX from the brsar. BBox v0.63d ftw!
I noticed that characters have some missing sound effects. Is there a second file that has the rest of their SFX? Also, the sound file I'm using has to be shorter than or equal to the sound I'm replacing, correct? Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Jaklub on November 10, 2011, 04:24:05 PM If you can't find the sound you're looking for, export other Samus' rwsds. Also, if you meet "Dividing by 0" error when clicking some of the waves, don't worry about it, it's normal.
And no, the sound doesn't have to be shorter than the original anymore. You just have to be careful about the overall size of the group. Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Mewcario on November 10, 2011, 04:53:12 PM Great balls of Brawl, it works! Victory! Thanks you SO MUCH for helping me. Now, I just gotta figure out how loud to make these SFX... I feel like I've asked you before, but do you have a general volume/decibel level you like to use for SFX, Jaklub?
Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Jaklub on November 11, 2011, 11:30:13 AM No problem. I pick the volume of samples by ear, I have no general volume level.
Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: SwingSet on December 09, 2011, 11:07:44 PM im having trouble inserting .hex files into sawndz 0.12
Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Kanine on December 14, 2011, 05:19:47 PM can this be done without sawndz?
Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Jaklub on December 16, 2011, 10:50:14 AM can this be done without sawndz? Only if you're trying to get hex packets in.Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: slayermarth101 on December 17, 2011, 06:56:10 AM im having trouble inserting .hex files into sawndz 0.12 Me too.Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: SonicBrawler on December 18, 2011, 01:38:52 PM I need Sonic's regular voice. I get an error (see my thread i made recently) and i think the .brsar is too big. I need regular sonic's voice back
Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: leo958 on December 22, 2011, 08:28:46 AM Can you make a brasr tutorial for the orginal method to hex edit the files with hxd?
Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Jaklub on December 22, 2011, 11:02:07 AM Can you make a brasr tutorial for the orginal method to hex edit the files with hxd? Open brsar in a hex editor, go to the provided offset, paste the hex packet with overwriting old data and it's done. No tutorial needed.Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Diddy Kong on December 24, 2011, 09:32:43 PM (hope you can add a note about running smashbox under windows 7 pro 64-bit for those who insist to use it, because I have got it to work on my 64 bit machine)
(using windows XP mode) Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: BLaZiNGKeYBLaDeWieLDeR on January 24, 2012, 10:32:30 PM cool thanks for the help.
Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Darth Indiana Bond on February 15, 2012, 05:52:59 PM So is there a tutorial out there for how to insert SFX into Brawl while still having the Gecko OS...or is that even possible?
Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Diddy Kong on February 15, 2012, 05:54:32 PM So is there a tutorial out there for how to insert SFX into Brawl while still having the Gecko OS...or is that even possible? must be riivo because the brsar is exempt from the FPChowever, riivo can use cheats if you have the right setup with it Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Darth Indiana Bond on February 15, 2012, 06:10:02 PM So I have to use riivolution?
Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Diddy Kong on February 15, 2012, 07:32:25 PM So I have to use riivolution? yup...use my setup if you don't feel like finding the base one (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?zzwlqzzlko5yu80) ^you might wanna overwrite my gecko files with your own since mine contains explosions and don't worry, your current gecko setup is 100% compatible with the riivo setup i use Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Battleon469 on February 17, 2012, 11:20:05 AM ERROR in
action number 1 of Mouse Event for Left Released for object sawnd_obj: Cannot execute sawndz this is the error message I get... Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Diddy Kong on February 17, 2012, 01:11:14 PM ERROR in make sure sawndz.exe, the one with a generic icon, is in the same directoryaction number 1 of Mouse Event for Left Released for object sawnd_obj: Cannot execute sawndz this is the error message I get... some DLL files, sawndz.exe and sawndz12.exe should all be in the same directory, as sawndz uses an external application to modify the brsar offsets Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: DeyDey123 on February 18, 2012, 05:18:09 PM im using that sawnd program and im trying to insert a sawnd file and it doesnt let me because i dont know the group number please help
Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: slayermarth101 on February 18, 2012, 05:42:29 PM I wonder why Jaklub hasn't been online in so long. :-\
im using that sawnd program and im trying to insert a sawnd file and it doesnt let me because i dont know the group number please help Use the brawlbox .txtTitle: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Diddy Kong on February 18, 2012, 07:52:56 PM I wonder why Jaklub hasn't been online in so long. :-\ also depends if he is using smashbox to view the files or brawlbox....Use the brawlbox .txt but because f a discovery I came across, we may indeed be able to return to using smashbox.... Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Mareeo 64 on April 29, 2012, 05:08:17 PM I got a question: I downloaded the latest SM64 PSA and it came with: smashbros_sound.brsar, and a sawnd file. Is the brsar all i need to get it working? btw, I use shadowsnake's Riivo loader and file setup(:root/brawlmods/brawl-, brawl+, SSB4, vBrawl, etc.)
I probly won't be able to use whatever program for this stuff. I do downloads at school, and the computer i use is a Mac OS X, so i can't even use PSA or BrawlBox. Plus.......firewall, y'know... :( edit: awe shoot, this topic's more then 3 weeks old........I think. I hope i don't get warned........again......I'm only looking for help. I'm as clueless as they come. I didn't think to check the date til after I already posted...:( Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Superlucario603 on May 21, 2012, 07:26:44 PM still confused on where to put in and what to do if I'm a gecko user...
Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: slayermarth101 on May 21, 2012, 07:43:46 PM Gecko doesn't support sounds.
It won't work no matter what you do with Gecko. Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Diddy Kong on May 21, 2012, 09:08:13 PM still confused on where to put in and what to do if I'm a gecko user... where to put the BRSAR: SD:\private\wii\app\RSBE\pf\sound\what to do if you use gecko - download beyond's riivolution SFX and THP does not work with gecko Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: slayermarth101 on May 21, 2012, 09:09:47 PM Diddy Kong, while you're here, how do I get THP's to work?
Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Valkyrie Kanata on June 04, 2012, 10:04:35 PM Gecko doesn't support sounds. It won't work no matter what you do with Gecko. Actually, if you use a Phantom Wings' v.4 code, it works, however, you have to edit the code yourself to fit your wii and your hacks, and while it's hard to get the coded part down, once you're done, just putting sounds in the folder and loading EVERYTHING in Gecko is (in my opinion) much easier. Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: slayermarth101 on June 04, 2012, 11:38:02 PM Do you mind pm'ing me the edited v.4 code?
I wanna see if this works. :/ Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Valkyrie Kanata on June 05, 2012, 02:04:26 AM Sure
Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Battleon469 on June 07, 2012, 04:05:30 AM make sure sawndz.exe, the one with a generic icon, is in the same directory thanks it worked!some DLL files, sawndz.exe and sawndz12.exe should all be in the same directory, as sawndz uses an external application to modify the brsar offsets Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: RisingStar on June 21, 2012, 01:16:34 PM im still learning this is awesome :D
Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: boss65 on August 01, 2012, 09:16:07 AM So if I'm using usb loader do I still have to use wiiscrubber to get the sfx to work?
Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Battleon469 on August 03, 2012, 02:03:06 AM Actually, if you use a Phantom Wings' v.4 code, it works, however, you have to edit the code yourself to fit your wii and your hacks, and while it's hard to get the coded part down, once you're done, just putting sounds in the folder and loading EVERYTHING in Gecko is (in my opinion) much easier. Really?? Can you PM me the edited code too? It sounds so awesome!Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: HeavensAestus on August 31, 2012, 11:47:46 AM about how long should wiiscrubber take to replace it?
i thought itd be near instant o_O" going on almost 10 minutes now "writing files to disc image.please" Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: mokona666 on September 21, 2012, 06:55:06 PM i don't know how this works i have saber over link on riivolution and i still hearing link voice, later a try what here says but it send me and error message TwT place some one what i'm doing wrong ??
Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Silent Apprentice on June 17, 2013, 04:36:53 PM Can someone give me a link to the NTSC-U version of smashbros_sound.brsar? The OP link is sending me to an error.
Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Diddy Kong on June 17, 2013, 07:32:07 PM Can someone give me a link to the NTSC-U version of smashbros_sound.brsar? The OP link is sending me to an error. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/p01chjw1j1k4zuz/b8xvd5a-AG/sound/smashbros_sound.brsar (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/p01chjw1j1k4zuz/b8xvd5a-AG/sound/smashbros_sound.brsar)please make sure your computer is not a crippld one :P Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Mewcario on July 05, 2013, 01:00:30 PM What is the best decibel range for SFX? Mine tend to be too quiet, so I have to increase the volume in BBox, and even then it might still be very quiet.
Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: DarkEagle7 on November 13, 2013, 02:55:22 PM Can anyone give me smashbros_sound.brsar PAL?
The links have fallen Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Inu Kazane on December 15, 2013, 08:39:25 AM Sorry but the file is deleted
Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Heavy-taste on February 16, 2014, 05:18:49 AM Hi there, Can somone reupp the smashbros_sound.brsar Ntsc-U ?
Would be great, thanks. Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Lillith on February 16, 2014, 05:22:41 AM https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B4vhNdf69qaSMHRHV1l3eEdoa3M&tid=0B4vhNdf69qaSZ0N0MnBjOXFYMU0
Last file~ Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Sasuke Uchiha on February 17, 2014, 06:24:04 PM How do you get this working for project melee?
Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Diddy Kong on February 17, 2014, 11:44:49 PM How do you get this working for project melee? the PMBR kindly asks that you DONT customize your PM experienceall rants about how [censored] project M is aside you export the brsar entry to sawnd and chang ethe hex ID to decimal and rename the sawnd to that (brsar is still *required* for making sfx hax from the ground up) Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Sasuke Uchiha on February 18, 2014, 08:56:31 AM The soundbar link on the first page don't work anyone. I need one for USA edition of brawl, anyone mind sharing?
Title: Re: SFX in your Brawl - Tutorial for absolute beginners Post by: Sourskittlesguy on December 23, 2014, 01:41:02 PM Hello, so I do not have smashbros_sound.brsar. Can anyone send me a copy of it?