Title: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -RAYMAN OVER FALCO- Post by: Mattimation on August 18, 2012, 07:59:52 PM So I decided to move the hacks from Brawl Hack List 1 to my second list to make 1 list.
Anyways if you clicked this (which you probably did if you're reading this) you may have realized that this is where I'm going to keep the list of hacks I'm going to do. The hacks are going to be sorted to what series they're from and will be marked in the colors below on what status they're on. I'm also having "Gift" as a seperate section. Requests are Closed due to school. RELEASED LIST: So yeah that's the list. I'll be posting Previews of the work below when I have something worthy to show. PREVIEWS Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: Chaos_Knight on August 18, 2012, 08:27:09 PM Wow that's a long list. Doesn't that stress you or something?
Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: Mattimation on August 18, 2012, 08:29:46 PM Wow that's a long list. Doesn't that stress you or something? Heh. Just aslong as I don't work on too many at the same time. "Planning" is just that I have them ready. *adds 2 more* Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: SonicBrawler on August 18, 2012, 09:04:04 PM yes. slenderman. i was going to rig him to ganon, but i couldnt find a model
Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: Mattimation on August 19, 2012, 04:14:28 AM yes. slenderman. i was going to rig him to ganon, but i couldnt find a model I found one on Garrysmod. Gonna ask my friend to decompile it for me. I'm gonna credit the guy(s) who made the model ofcourse. Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: Chaos_Knight on August 19, 2012, 06:06:20 PM You made a mistake on Lightning. First of all, you put X-2 instead of XIII-2 and second, it's over Marth. :P
Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: XChosenOne1 on August 20, 2012, 06:52:12 PM What about Blaze the Cat (06 Model) But i had problems rigging it :srs:
Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: Mattimation on August 21, 2012, 06:52:15 AM What about Blaze the Cat (06 Model) But i had problems rigging it :srs: 1: It's called Skinning 2: I'll add her to the list. What character should I put her over? Should she work for a PSA? Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: XChosenOne1 on August 21, 2012, 08:23:38 AM 1: It's called Skinning How about put her over Toon Link, and idk if she could work for a PSA2: I'll add her to the list. What character should I put her over? Should she work for a PSA? Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: Mattimation on August 21, 2012, 08:50:56 AM How about put her over Toon Link, and idk if she could work for a PSA Toon Link is too small. I'll try and rig her to Sonic Bones and then test her with other PSA animations. Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: XChosenOne1 on August 21, 2012, 08:53:21 AM Toon Link is too small. I'll try and rig her to Sonic Bones and then test her with other PSA animations. ok http://www.mediafire.com/?494w64n15x3kbsk (http://www.mediafire.com/?494w64n15x3kbsk)Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: Mattimation on August 21, 2012, 04:00:13 PM UPDATE
I will be releasing Generations, Shuffle and Adventure/Dreamcast Sonic hopefully tomorrow. I'm just waiting for Shock to get the pictures. So look forward to that. I will be working on SA2 06 Sonic tomorrow and then I will take one of the requested hacks and make them. Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: konataCrap on August 21, 2012, 11:25:14 PM Great to see you're working on awesome stuff, im a huge fan of your work and i just cant wait for most of these to be released. keep it up.
Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: ManikDX on August 22, 2012, 01:42:37 AM Awesome job on Generations Sonic, Question, Could you make Super Sonic next?
Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: Ac1dSn0w on August 22, 2012, 02:46:55 AM Nice Blase005! I always wanted to put Sonic (Sonic Generations) model in gaming, but my 3DS Max acts funny. Thanks for helping us for everything.
Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: Mattimation on August 22, 2012, 04:23:15 AM Great to see you're working on awesome stuff, im a huge fan of your work and i just cant wait for most of these to be released. keep it up. Thanks! :D I'm going to work on SA2 06 Sonic anytime soon actually. Awesome job on Generations Sonic, Question, Could you make Super Sonic next? Probably but I would need the Super head first. I think Shock has it. I'll think about it. :) Nice Blase005! I always wanted to put Sonic (Sonic Generations) model in gaming, but my 3DS Max acts funny. Thanks for helping us for everything. You're welcome :) SA2 Sonic will be my next work as well. I think from the requests I'm going to do Heavy first. Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: Kienamaru on August 22, 2012, 05:26:43 AM Oh hmm.. well if you're mainly doing Sonic requests I have a request for your back burner. We could use a new Crisis City stage. I'm thinking something that plays similar to the Bridge of Eldin. Haven't played generations yet or 06 in a few years so when I can I'll try and think of a location or find a video. It'd be great over either the Frigate or one of those other neutral stages. If it could go over Distant Planet that would incredible. I'd like...
At least 2 platforms as well as the main battle area. Lava as a hazard sort of like Brinstar where you fall in it and get hurt. Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: Mattimation on August 22, 2012, 06:56:14 AM Oh hmm.. well if you're mainly doing Sonic requests I have a request for your back burner. We could use a new Crisis City stage. I'm thinking something that plays similar to the Bridge of Eldin. Haven't played generations yet or 06 in a few years so when I can I'll try and think of a location or find a video. It'd be great over either the Frigate or one of those other neutral stages. If it could go over Distant Planet that would incredible. I'd like... At least 2 platforms as well as the main battle area. Lava as a hazard sort of like Brinstar where you fall in it and get hurt. Well... 1: My stage making skills aren't that great yet. 2: I do more than just Sonic Request 3: I can't make Crisis City unless I have the model of the stage. Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: Mareeo 64 on August 22, 2012, 07:52:04 AM Would you care to do Dry Bones over Ness? And is it possible to take off the character's head and throw it? (Dry Bones moveset ideas)
Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: Mattimation on August 22, 2012, 09:48:14 AM Would you care to do Dry Bones over Ness? And is it possible to take off the character's head and throw it? (Dry Bones moveset ideas) Well for the Moveset part you'll need to find someone else but if I find a Dry Bones I can try and import him. Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: Mareeo 64 on August 22, 2012, 10:15:44 AM I just need it rigged to Ness. Here's the model:
http://www.models-resource.com/wii_gamecube/marioparty9/sheet/4224 (http://www.models-resource.com/wii_gamecube/marioparty9/sheet/4224) The PSA part will be done by another team. Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: Mattimation on August 22, 2012, 11:44:26 AM I just need it rigged to Ness. Here's the model: [url]http://www.models-resource.com/wii_gamecube/marioparty9/sheet/4224[/url] ([url]http://www.models-resource.com/wii_gamecube/marioparty9/sheet/4224[/url]) The PSA part will be done by another team. I'll get it skinned to Ness for you. Adding to the list. Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: Mareeo 64 on August 22, 2012, 11:45:48 AM Thanks a lot. :)
Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: Mattimation on August 23, 2012, 07:48:15 AM Working on current hacks (IN ORDER): Flame Core, SA2 06 Sonic, SA2 Sonic, Heavy, Slender Man, Riders Sonic, Riders Rouge and 06 Metal Sonic over Wolf.
After that I will be picking random hacks and some other requests. Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: DoctorFlux(Mariodk) on August 23, 2012, 07:49:55 AM sonic model from gen. just look like brawl sonic with a new recolour and no moving eyes in my option
Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: Kienamaru on August 23, 2012, 07:56:49 AM Man Blase you have your year cut out for ya, and alright about the stage, it's cool. I just like the music so much I thought I'd ask. Do you know how to hex edit stages?
Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: Mattimation on August 24, 2012, 06:24:18 AM Man Blase you have your year cut out for ya, and alright about the stage, it's cool. I just like the music so much I thought I'd ask. Do you know how to hex edit stages? All I know is how to import stage models and make collisions. I'm currently working on getting the lighting on Flame Core right. Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: Blade Knight on August 24, 2012, 12:32:49 PM Is this a place for requests?
Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: Mattimation on August 24, 2012, 12:48:39 PM Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: Blade Knight on August 24, 2012, 12:49:53 PM Could you make kirby wear sun glasses? Like in my avatar?
Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: Mattimation on August 24, 2012, 12:58:36 PM Could you make kirby wear sun glasses? Like in my avatar? No. That's too easy for me and I prefer something that is more less Brawl. Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: Blade Knight on August 24, 2012, 01:01:31 PM More less Brawl?
Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: XChosenOne1 on August 24, 2012, 01:21:16 PM More less Brawl? Something that involves a character that is not in brawlTitle: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: Blade Knight on August 24, 2012, 01:25:33 PM I see! Then do Knuckle Joe in it!
Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: XChosenOne1 on August 24, 2012, 01:29:16 PM I see! Then do Knuckle Joe in it! He's already madeTitle: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: Blade Knight on August 24, 2012, 01:30:32 PM over who? Where do I find him?
Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: Mattimation on August 24, 2012, 01:37:00 PM over who? Where do I find him? Use Advanced Search on Brawl Vault. Takes like 5 seconds. Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: Blade Knight on August 24, 2012, 01:42:34 PM Thank you. i found it and I am making a few improvements!
Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: Mattimation on August 24, 2012, 01:51:39 PM Thank you. i found it and I am making a few improvements! Umm... okay but two things first. 1: Make sure you get permission from the creator (If you're gonna upload it) 2: I don't really care. PS: More less Brawl = a model or character that isn't in brawl or you can't play with in brawl. Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: Blade Knight on August 24, 2012, 02:05:32 PM Ok I asked him. so when he is online he may or may not aprove!
Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: TP on August 24, 2012, 02:51:27 PM Could you make a model for me? i want it to be over meta Knight or kirby! He is the character on my sig he's called Katana Knight. can you make it for me please? I've been trying for a good while now :(
Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: Blade Knight on August 24, 2012, 02:58:00 PM You mean the guy holding the Sword? Maybe be easier over Meta knight. Because he starts with the mask, and all you will need to do is basicly change the colour and the swrd somehow!
then maybe you can have Your "Katana Knight" as MK recolour! Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: Mareeo 64 on August 24, 2012, 03:45:40 PM I see you two are sharing ideas. Though, I think Blase would rather do something like Chaos 0, for example, then something already from brawl. :P
Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: XChosenOne1 on August 24, 2012, 03:52:45 PM I see you two are sharing ideas. Though, I think Blase would rather do something like Chaos 0, for example, then something already from brawl. :P Chaos was already madeTitle: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: Yusif on August 24, 2012, 03:57:21 PM Yeah I saw it a million times
Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: Mareeo 64 on August 24, 2012, 04:03:02 PM Guys it was an example. It's the concept of "Not in Brawl" I was getting at.
Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: Mattimation on August 24, 2012, 04:11:31 PM Guys it was an example. It's the concept of "Not in Brawl" I was getting at. Thank you. Now as for the... man I suddenly forgot his name. The Meta Knight/Kirby guy it's once again too easy for me and I don't want to just edit a brawl model. I like to import other models that you don't see playable in brawl like "06 Sonic" or "Sir Kibble" or better yet my recent most popular "Generations Sonic". I also like to make custom models out of either existing models like "Blase" and "06 Metal Sonic" or completely from scratch like "Vectorman" and "SatAM Sonic". You get what I mean? Btw Flame Core will sadly not be released today (Shock isn't online and I need some sleep) so we'll have to hope for tomorrow. Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: Yusif on August 24, 2012, 04:13:35 PM wait thats easy?
Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: Mattimation on August 24, 2012, 04:15:52 PM wait thats easy? Take a model, give it a diffirent sword, remove some armors and recolor it? Yes. Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: Blade Knight on August 24, 2012, 04:23:50 PM 1:How do i give it a different sword?
2:How do I remove armors? 3:Nothing I can recolour it for him. Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: Mattimation on August 24, 2012, 04:25:47 PM 1:How do i give it a different sword? 2:How do I remove armors? 3:Nothing I can recolour it for him. 1: Model it simply 2: Like you said. You remove it 3: Recoloring is the easiest thing to do. Either way. I'm not doing anything over Kirby unless it requires me to use a model that isn't from brawl (trophies doesn't count) Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: Blade Knight on August 24, 2012, 04:29:54 PM but you are saying what to do not how you do it!
Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: Mattimation on August 24, 2012, 04:39:51 PM but you are saying what to do not how you do it! Look if you want tutorials then just look in the tutorial sections. This topic is for Brawl Hacks I made or are collabed with me. Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: Blade Knight on August 24, 2012, 04:44:07 PM Ok. But i can't seem to find any with your name on.
Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: Mareeo 64 on August 24, 2012, 06:02:06 PM Almost all the tutorials will be by a different member. Just look around a little. :P
@Blase: how are your current imports goin'? Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: Leon Exodio on August 24, 2012, 07:29:43 PM are you going to try and do the model i sent you
Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: Mattimation on August 25, 2012, 12:39:08 AM Almost all the tutorials will be by a different member. Just look around a little. :P @Blase: how are your current imports goin'? Flame Core's stage and collision is done. But I'm having problem with the lighting. So yeah. Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: Leon Exodio on August 25, 2012, 12:42:16 AM Flame Core's stage and collision is done. But I'm having problem with the lighting. So yeah. like what problems stage too dark or too bright Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: Mattimation on August 25, 2012, 01:03:30 AM like what problems stage too dark or too bright Stage is too bright. But the characters are the correct lighting (dark with a bit of red) PS: I'm not sure if I can get Silver Sonic Mk II to work unless I find a way to have the textures show up properly. Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: Leon Exodio on August 25, 2012, 08:22:19 AM Stage is too bright. But the characters are the correct lighting (dark with a bit of red) if u rig it message me a link so i can download it and see if i can fix it also try different lighting effects from other stages to see if that will workPS: I'm not sure if I can get Silver Sonic Mk II to work unless I find a way to have the textures show up properly. Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: Mattimation on August 25, 2012, 09:30:56 AM if u rig it message me a link so i can download it and see if i can fix it also try different lighting effects from other stages to see if that will work Well I have Shock who is testing it for me but thanks anyway. Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: steven16 on September 17, 2012, 06:08:28 PM Did you get the Generations super sonic head yet?
Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS OPEN- Post by: Mattimation on September 23, 2012, 11:00:42 PM Did you get the Generations super sonic head yet? Not doing that project. Generations Sonic is in no diffirence from Brawl Sonic besides being more highpoly which also means that the game can start lagging more. Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS CLOSED- Post by: Chaos_Knight on September 27, 2012, 07:20:13 PM (I'm a newb and couldn't tell if it said open or closed...) Could you please make slenderman or bane? (From the dark knight rises) :) (bane over ganon, Slenderman over marth.) Requests are closed. :P And I think Slender Man fits best over Ganondorf imo.Anyways, Blase, about my Skull Kid request, did you get permission from StarWaffle yet? To me, I don't think you need to ask but just collab him. I DID use his model to make the Skull Kid Kirby Hats and all I did was credit him and didn't ask permission. Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS CLOSED- Post by: Mattimation on September 29, 2012, 10:38:15 AM (I'm a newb and couldn't tell if it said open or closed...) Could you please make slenderman or bane? (From the dark knight rises) :) (bane over ganon, Slenderman over marth.) I've already planned Slendy but since the requests are down I'm not doing Bane. Not to mention I wouldn't be able to find his model AND I'm not willing to make my own. Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS CLOSED- Post by: steven16 on September 30, 2012, 01:39:53 PM when are you going to put Generation super sonic on your list?
Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS CLOSED- Post by: Chaos_Knight on September 30, 2012, 01:41:08 PM when are you going to put Generation super sonic on your list? When his requests are open again.... :srs:Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS CLOSED- Post by: Mareeo 64 on September 30, 2012, 06:51:07 PM Which he probably won't do for Gen SS specifically. He already stated that the model is a more detailed version of brawl sonic. Theoretically speaking.
Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -REQUESTS CLOSED- Post by: Mattimation on October 06, 2012, 05:19:43 AM when are you going to put Generation super sonic on your list? Never. When his requests are open again.... :srs: Not even then Which he probably won't do for Gen SS specifically. He already stated that the model is a more detailed version of brawl sonic. Theoretically speaking. Exactly. Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -RAYMAN OVER FALCO- Post by: Mattimation on November 27, 2012, 09:46:35 AM A Sneak Peak on my next Brawl Hack (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jdu4adj8Z58#) Current Project.
Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -RAYMAN OVER FALCO- Post by: Mareeo 64 on December 01, 2012, 09:34:15 AM I got 0% ideas of what it is from that video. :P lol
Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -RAYMAN OVER FALCO- Post by: reilavac on March 26, 2013, 08:53:16 PM Have you ever tried making custom mouth movements for imports?
Title: Re: Blase005's Brawl Hack List -RAYMAN OVER FALCO- Post by: Leon Exodio on March 26, 2013, 09:13:37 PM it looks like the dk barrel is going to be the capsule