Title: Project Phoenix Post by: Keromonkey on March 20, 2013, 11:00:41 PM If you are feeling generous and would like to contribute, make a personal PSA request, donate, or just show your appreciation for my efforts I'd be very appreciative. Donate Link is below (^_^).
Intro For the latest version- v045 Phoenix- the download is now available here... For older versions, check here Project Phoenix Version[.44-3] NOTE: The edition on brawl vault gets updated more quickly than this post, for the latest version, try checking the hack first, and then this forum, to see if it caught upUpdated [5/9/2013 @ 1223am ] (http://i.imgur.com/9kXLP0u.jpg) (http://imgur.com/9kXLP0u) Teasers: People involved in the project: ...Keromonkey... (Project Leader & PSA Technician) Special Thanks to: ~Project Phoenix~ SSB Project M God MOD: Phoenix v045 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lmL8ehOWiw#) ~Please note that this video is courtesy of Snato Whato. Thank you, Snato Whato~ http://wiki.shoryuken.com/Marvel_vs_Capcom_3/Phoenix (http://wiki.shoryuken.com/Marvel_vs_Capcom_3/Phoenix) Note: Also look at lore of other abilities (like psychic & goddess stuff) to see things for her grabs & other moves, etc. Type: Glass canon -powerful, quick, mix-up character but light & easily knocked out (same or lighter than Jiggs) -always has an aura of flame around her -her movement looks like levitation while in DF mode (hovers above floor, but haven't added the mode yet) -Can be knocked out of stage between 60 & 90... -Because of all the healing, consider that if she drops below 60dmg she may auto exit DF mode CURRENT MOVES IDEAL MOVESET <Click the 'Show Spoilers' to see the rest of the description> Don't forget...... EXTRA INFO Title: Re: Project Phoenix Post by: Keromonkey on August 06, 2013, 02:28:55 PM I'm not sure it counts as Necroing my own thread but this project is on a temporary hiatus. If you would like to see it finished, show some support for Phoenix by posting here or PMing me please. That's all ^_^
Title: Re: Project Phoenix Post by: jariesuicune on August 08, 2013, 09:27:55 AM ^_^ Looks good! I think it'd be neat to see done.
Also... I'm not sure if this would be a good place for a request post, but of all characters I know of all series, I think the one I would love most to see made (model and PSA) would be Takamachi Nanoha, Nanoha Strikers style (Probably over Samus?). Edit: Ah, sorry. Thank you. Title: Re: Project Phoenix Post by: Keromonkey on August 08, 2013, 10:26:55 AM ^_^ Looks good! I think it'd be neat to see done. Also... I'm not sure if this would be a good place for a request post, but of all characters I know of all series, I think the one I would love most to see made (model and PSA) would be Takamachi Nanoha, Nanoha Strikers style (Probably over Samus?). Ehm, thank you , lol. Also, I think the boards for requesting model imports is here (http://forums.kc-mm.com/index.php?board=44.0 (http://forums.kc-mm.com/index.php?board=44.0)) Title: Re: Project Phoenix Post by: Renova on August 09, 2013, 09:49:57 PM I haven't posted here just because I didn't want to nercropost. I don't think you can be guilty of necroposting on our own thread. I'd love to see this project continued. You've got skills man.
Also, I noticed in your intro you take requests. I wouldnt want to request a PSA that you're not interested in but if you share what type of Psa's you're willing to do I'd ask. ( pm me or post here) Also, your thread might pick up more momentum if you make it in the attacks and animations section rather than the subsection of A/A requests. That's where I notice a lot of people post their projects. Cheers! Title: Re: Project Phoenix Post by: Keromonkey on August 10, 2013, 01:11:34 AM I haven't posted here just because I didn't want to nercropost. I don't think you can be guilty of necroposting on our own thread. I'd love to see this project continued. You've got skills man. Also, I noticed in your intro you take requests. I wouldnt want to request a PSA that you're not interested in but if you share what type of Psa's you're willing to do I'd ask. ( pm me or post here) Also, your thread might pick up more momentum if you make it in the attacks and animations section rather than the subsection of A/A requests. That's where I notice a lot of people post their projects. Cheers! Magicians, mages, magic, super powers, gods and goddesses. I prefer the extraordinary to the mundane. Most of my PSAs thus far are females with powers (Phoenix, Terra, Amaterasu), I'm not opposed to making guys but I'm not a huge fan of basic physical attacks (I like swords but I don't want to animate for them, lol). But, I wouldn't mind working with someone else who would be willing to. Edit (9-1-13 @ 1232am): Phoenix has been updated but she has not been posted up yet. If anyone would like to have the latest version just PM me or post here and I will upload it. Title: Re: Project Phoenix Post by: Renova on September 02, 2013, 09:29:52 AM Please Upload e update. This psa is Awesome and I've been waiting for it lol!!!
Post Merge: September 02, 2013, 04:13:47 PM Just when I thought this psa couldn't get better, it does! I'm glad you added special fall to a lot of her spammy moves, especially air neutral b. Side A Air has to be the coolest attack I've seen on the vault that's not a final smash. I've noticed you took away her smash attacks knock back, but her side B and neutral b do the job quite well since it isn't difficult to rack up the damage on opponents. Btw before I continue, is this psa using most of the files ole shared between Zelda and sheik? I'm getting freezes initially so I suppose when I take away the sheik psa it fixed everything. Her healing sphere is awesome. Down B in the air causes Phoenix to slow fall and not be able to attack but you probably already know that. I really hope more people take out the time to try this PSA. They don't know what they're missing. Title: Re: Project Phoenix Post by: Sushimo6 on September 04, 2013, 02:06:49 AM good
Title: Re: Project Phoenix Post by: Keromonkey on September 04, 2013, 11:03:04 PM @ Sushimo6/ I...um, thankyou? lol
@ Renova/ Side A Air will either be called Double Phoenix or Phoenix Emmisary, not sure yet but I'm glad you like it :) I...didn't take away the knockback but I may have altered it. Her Side A Smash is...unique now because it sucks enemies into the phoenix and keeps smacking them for damage. It can kill, but its very rare because of the Smash Phoenix's windboxes. Her down smash has reduced knockback but I wanted each smash to do something different. Down smash sucks them in, Up smash sends them away and Side Smash ravages them. I changed the timing of Neutral B so it's "40% more real" and less illusionary now, haha. As for the Sheik freezes, because Zelda's PSA is over a certain size (336kb) any sheik PSA will likely freeze with it at this moment in time. In order to fix that I'd have to reduce her filesize which likely won't happen any time soon lol. If you play with Phoenix you may have to go Sheik-less for a bit (unless you just select sheik first, but then you can't play with Phoenix I think, lol). Down B Air is unfinished, I wanted it to be TK Trap but I'm having trouble figuring out how to make articles linger (or give Phoenix a second fireball) so she just does something else for now. I'm glad your enjoying healing sphere and the PSA so far. Thanks for the feedback Renova =) Title: Re: Project Phoenix Post by: SnatoWhato on September 06, 2013, 10:34:37 AM Awesome PSA so far! I don't always play with X Men, but when I do, I make sure they're awesome like this one. lol
SSB Project M God MOD: Phoenix v045 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lmL8ehOWiw#) Title: Re: Project Phoenix Post by: Renova on September 06, 2013, 11:13:00 AM Oh man, that video was amazing. I think the best thing that could happen to the brawl community at this point is a way to bypass the file size limit of characters. That would be ridiculous.
Title: Re: Project Phoenix Post by: Keromonkey on September 07, 2013, 08:00:06 PM Wow SnatoWhato, thank you very much. I never even thought to make a video for her!
(But then again, she's unfinished so I guess that makes sense still, lol) But yeah, great job, and I appreciate the tribute piece by thephantomplatypus too. Btw, would you mind I posted that video in the OP? @Renova: I think 'adding articles' would be useful too because then we could give different things to different characters. If 'adding articles' was possible then I could make Phoenix's TK phantasm spheres home in on the target instead, muhuahahah. But yes, bypassing the file size limit would be useful. It's probably one of the main things halting dark phoenix's progress right now, until I find a work around. Title: Re: Project Phoenix Post by: SnatoWhato on September 07, 2013, 09:25:09 PM It was my pleasure. lol I really like how she is done so far. And yeah, it's cool to post it in the OP. I like doing videos of PSAs even if they aren't done. Alot of times when I look for PSAs I check for a video just to see what it's like, but I get disappointed when I don't find any. lol
And sometimes the videos I do find don't really show them fighting. It's more like telling you what Dair does and what smash attacks it has. I'm like, I'll figure it out myself, just show me the thing in ACTION! lol But I only do videos of PSAs I like. So that means your PSA is awesome. :) Title: Re: Project Phoenix Post by: Keromonkey on September 08, 2013, 08:05:51 AM Cool! Well now I've got a video of Phoenix for people to check, thanks to you.
Its pretty epic ^_^ I posted it in the OP and credited you for it. and thank you, It's good to get feedback for the work I put into this so I appreciate that. If you can, you should check out my Amaterasu or Terra PSAs also- a fair bit of work went into both of them and I built all three of them this year. Title: Re: Project Phoenix Post by: jeangreyrocks on April 26, 2015, 06:51:27 AM this is so awesome
Title: Re: Project Phoenix Post by: Keromonkey on April 26, 2015, 09:02:12 AM I'm glad you appreciate it, jeangreyrocks, lol.
Title: Re: Project Phoenix Post by: Kyouma on April 26, 2015, 10:11:52 AM lost me with the "God Mod"
Title: Re: Project Phoenix Post by: Keromonkey on April 27, 2015, 12:05:25 PM It's not a "God Mod", but you are entitled to your own opinions Gamidame_K.
^_^ |