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Help & Tutorials => Vertex Tutorials => Topic started by: mariokart64n on May 24, 2010, 10:23:54 AM

Title: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on May 24, 2010, 10:23:54 AM

[WARNING: this tutorial is just a quick mockup, and isn't 100% complete]

Hello everybody!

I'm mariokart64n, I've been doing texture and model hacks\mods for the past 5 years.
admitlying I wasn't good at using paintshop or 3dsmax, until 2 years ago.. it took 3 years! just to get the hang of it. so that being said, this topic is a guide geared towards the elite modders, you should already have a good grasp of how to navigate and use 3dsmax, and any sort of 2D editor, such as Adobe's Photoshop.

if you are new to 3dsmax, and never used a 3D editor in the past, or have no concept of what HEX is.. then this is the wrong guide for you. please refer to KC-MM's video on vert hacking, to get an idea oh what we are doing here.
#Invalid YouTube Link#

Otherwise, lets get this show on the road!... :)

Basically we'll be taking the basic technique of the above video and improving apon the procedure to give us more control over how we edit.

by using the aid of 2 other apps, we can now create full body edits, like never before!
Below are the basic steps of what you'll be doing. please read them before watching the 2hour Video Tutorial.

1. import the DAE from AIS
2. Edit whatever you want
2B under the conditions I stated before
..dont add delete.. change to poly
3. once you are ready to export back, you need to create a patch
4 create a patch by starting a new scene in max
5 import the DAE again
6 highlight the mesh you were working on before and click "create patch" on my script it'll prompt you to open the vertset
export the vert set as usually as per the old DDVB tut
so it'll be named vertex.ddf
a patch will be made ( this is a difference file ) to help roughly push most of the verts where they need to be
7 then just open you edited max scene, highlight your edit mesh, click patch on my maxscript to apply the patch
8 model should now cluster back into a raw
but it wont be 100% right
follow the end part of the DDVB tut
you'll need to use some trial and error to fix the not working spots

if you want, here is a theory video, talking about only the basic steps, which are stated above
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Frequently Asked Questions:

Video Guide:
Please be aware half way through the video I lost all my data. I tried to finish the end of it, but it was 1AM in the morning. after rewatching it, my speech is really splurd lol anyway I apologize and if you need further clarification, I'll be glad to help.


Vishkugeta Did a very excellent written guide on the process you might want to read it over, its sure to be more comprehensive then my videos.

How to do the new vertex method without DasDonkey Vertex Box
(+ Without Patching)

In this tutorial I'm going to be making Ness' head bigger. You can do whatever you want, but this is just an example. Mariokart's new script makes it so DasDonkey Vertex box isn't needed anymore, and the only tutorials that mariokart has up are videos, so this is for people who want to take things at their own pace. The reason why it's good to not use DasDonkey Vertex Box anymore, is that vertex sets that previously didn't work (Peach's crown, Pokemon Trainer's hat/hair, etc) should work now.

First, export the .brres of the first model data.


You'll need to download AiS which converts the .brres into a .dae, so you can open it in 3DS max. For this to work, make sure that the .brres contains a model which is unedited. If it is edited, then AiS will not work and will simply make a log file. You can download AiS here: [url][/url] ([url][/url])

Next, export the vertex group that you want to edit in Brawlbox.


Now open 3DS Max 8 (and note that this only works in Max 8 not 9, 2008, 2009 or 2010), and run mariokart64n's script:

fn readBEshort fstream = (
short = readshort fstream #unsigned
short = bit.swapBytes short 1 2
return short
fn readBElong fstream = (
long = readlong fstream
long = bit.swapBytes long 1 4
long = bit.swapBytes long 2 3
return long
fn ReadBEfloat fstream = (
fpt=readfloat fstream
itger = bit.floatAsInt fpt
hih = bit.intashex itger
while hih.count < 8 do hih = "0" + hih
shn = (substring hih 7 2) + \
(substring hih 5 2) + \
(substring hih 3 2) + \
(substring hih 1 2)
bit.intAsFloat (bit.hexasint shn)
-- fn floatSwap2 f = (
-- i = bit.floatAsInt f
-- h = bit.intashex i
-- while h.count < 8 do h = "0" + h
-- s = (substring h 7 2) + (substring h 5 2) + (substring h 3 2) + (substring h 1 2)
-- bit.intAsFloat (bit.hexasint s)
-- )
fn WriteBEFloat fnum = (
intgr = bit.floatAsInt fnum
honey = bit.intashex intgr
while honey.count < 8
do honey = "0" + honey
sign = (substring honey 7 2) + \
(substring honey 5 2) + \
(substring honey 3 2) + \
(substring honey 1 2)
xintgr=bit.intAsFloat (bit.hexasint sign)
return xintgr

rollout DDV "Vertex Modding Patcher" width:311 height:257
button btn1 "Import Verts" pos:[8,12] width:144 height:40
button btn3 "Create Patch" pos:[8,108] width:144 height:40
button btn4 "Patch Model" pos:[8,156] width:144 height:40
label lbl0 "-Mario_Kart64n, (June22, 2010)" pos:[153,238] width:156 height:23
button btn5 "Fix AiS Import" pos:[8,204] width:144 height:40
checkbox chk6 "Checkbox" pos:[165,202] width:14 height:13
label lbl6 "Scale AIS Import" pos:[182,201] width:111 height:15
button btn2 "Export Verts" pos:[8,60] width:144 height:40
checkbox chk1 "Checkbox" pos:[165,55] width:14 height:13 enabled:false checked:false
label lbl1 "Save as 3DS File" pos:[182,54] width:119 height:15 enabled:false
checkbox chk2 "Checkbox" pos:[165,72] width:14 height:13 enabled:false checked:false
label lbl2 "Save As Seperate Files" pos:[182,71] width:119 height:15 enabled:false
checkbox chk3 "Checkbox" pos:[165,90] width:14 height:13 enabled:true checked:true
label lbl3 "Save Changes to MDL0" pos:[180,89] width:119 height:15
checkbox chk4 "Checkbox" pos:[165,108] width:14 height:13 enabled:true checked:true
label lbl4 "Read Offset from File" pos:[180,107] width:119 height:15
groupBox grp3 "Other Options" pos:[157,185] width:143 height:51
editText edt1 " MDL0 Offset:" pos:[162,125] width:130 height:16
checkbox chk7 "Checkbox" pos:[165,218] width:14 height:13 enabled:false checked:false
label lbl7 "Rotate AIS Import" pos:[181,217] width:111 height:15 enabled:false
label lbl5 "Don't Use EditPoly" pos:[181,164] width:119 height:15 enabled:false
groupBox grp2 "Import Options" pos:[157,148] width:143 height:37
groupBox grp1 "Export Options" pos:[157,7] width:143 height:140
checkbox chk5 "Checkbox" pos:[165,165] width:14 height:13 enabled:false checked:false
radioButtons rdo1 "" pos:[165,21] width:125 height:32 labels:#("Vertices", "Texture Corrdinates") default:1 columns:1

local typedOffset=""

on edt1 entered txt do(
if txt != "" do(
typedOffset=txt as float
if typedOffset<=0 do(
local typedOffset

on btn1 pressed do(
fsource = GetOpenFileName \
caption:"Brawl Vert Import" types: \
"All files (*.*)|*.*|"
f= fopen fsource "rb"
fpath= getFilenamePath fsource
fname = getFilenameFile fsource


fSize=readBElong f
mdlOffset=readBElong f
dataOffset=readBElong f
strOffset=readBElong f
vertID=readBElong f
vUkn1=readBElong f --flag? is XYZ?
dataType=readBElong f
entryStride=readBEshort f
numVertices=readBEshort f
eMinX=readBEfloat f
eMinY=readBEfloat f
eMinZ=readBEfloat f
eMaxX=readBEfloat f
eMaxY=readBEfloat f
eMaxZ=readBEfloat f
pad=readBElong f
pad=readBElong f

if entryStride==12 then(
for x = 1 to numVertices do(
vX=readBEfloat f
vY=readBEfloat f
vZ=readBEfloat f
append vertArray[vX,vY,vZ]
append uvwArray[0,0,0]
for x = 1 to numVertices do(
vX=readBEfloat f
vY=readBEfloat f
append vertArray[vX,vY,vZ]
append uvwArray[0,0,0]

msh = mesh vertices:vertArray faces:faceArray   --build mesh
msh.numTVerts = vertArray.count
buildTVfaces msh
select msh

 messageBox "Done !"
fclose f

on btn2 pressed do(
if doUVs==1 do(
obj.pos = [0,0,0]
obj.rotation = quat 0 0 0 0
local mdlSize=""
local mdlOffset=""
local numEntrtices=""
if doOffset==true then(
fsource = GetOpenFileName \
caption:"Select UVSet to Replace" types: \
"All files (*.*)|*.*|"
f=fopen fsource "rb"
mdlSize=readBElong f-64
mdlOffset=(readBElong f*-1)+64
dataOffset=readBElong f
strOffset=readBElong f
vertID=readBElong f
vUkn1=readBElong f --flag? is XYZ?
dataType=readBElong f
entryStride=readBEshort f
numEntrtices=readBEshort f
fclose f


for g = 1 to obj.count do(
tmesh = snapshotAsMesh obj[g]
num_verts = tmesh.numverts
num_uvws = tmesh.numtverts
num_faces = tmesh.numfaces

mdlOffset= typedOffset+64

delete tmesh


fsource = GetOpenFileName \
caption:"Select the MDL0 to inject to" types: \
"MDL0(*mdl0)|*.mdl0|All files (*.*)|*.*|"

fext= getFilenameType fsource
fsize= getFileSize fsource
fpath= getFilenamePath fsource
fname= getFilenameFile fsource
fclose f

deleteFile (fpath+fname+"_backup"+fext)
copyFile fsource (fpath+fname+"_backup"+fext)
f=fopen (fpath+fname+"_backup"+fext) "rb"
s = fopen fsource "wb"

print "ffff"
print mdlOffset
for wr = 1 to mdlOffset do(
read=readbyte f
write=writebyte s read

fseek f -34 #seek_cur
lenCheck=readBEshort f
fseek f 32 #seek_cur

if numEntrtices==lenCheck then(

for g = 1 to obj.count do(
tmesh = snapshotAsMesh obj[g]
num_verts = tmesh.numverts
num_uvws = tmesh.numtverts
num_faces = tmesh.numfaces


for t = 1 to numEntrtices do(
tv=getVert tmesh t
nSwap=writeBEfloat tv[1]
write=writelong s (bit.floatasint nSwap)
nSwap=writeBEfloat tv[2]
write=writelong s (bit.floatasint nSwap)
nSwap=writeBEfloat tv[3]
write=writelong s (bit.floatasint nSwap)

-- for p = 1 to padding do(
-- write=writelong s 0
-- write=writelong s 0
-- )

delete tmesh

fseek f (mdlOffset+(numEntrtices*12)) #seek_set
for wr = 1 to (fsize-(mdlOffset+(numEntrtices*12))) do(
read=readbyte f #unsigned
write=writebyte s read
messageBox "DONE!"
fclose f
fclose s
deleteFile (fpath+fname+fext)
renameFile (fpath+fname+"_backup"+fext) (fpath+fname+fext)
messageBox "ERROR! Wrong Offset?"

if doUVs==2 do(
obj.pos = [0,0,0]
obj.rotation = quat 0 0 0 0

if doOffset==true then(
fsource = GetOpenFileName \
caption:"Select UVSet to Replace" types: \
"All files (*.*)|*.*|"
f=fopen fsource "rb"
mdlSize=readBElong f-64
mdlOffset=(readBElong f*-1)+64
dataOffset=readBElong f
strOffset=readBElong f
vertID=readBElong f
vUkn1=readBElong f --flag? is XYZ?
dataType=readBElong f
entryStride=readBEshort f
numEntrtices=readBEshort f
fclose f


for g = 1 to obj.count do(
tmesh = snapshotAsMesh obj[g]
num_verts = tmesh.numverts
num_uvws = tmesh.numtverts
num_faces = tmesh.numfaces


mdlOffset= typedOffset+64

delete tmesh


fsource = GetOpenFileName \
caption:"Select the MDL0 to inject to" types: \
"MDL0(*mdl0)|*.mdl0|All files (*.*)|*.*|"

fext= getFilenameType fsource
fsize= getFileSize fsource
fpath= getFilenamePath fsource
fname= getFilenameFile fsource
fclose f

deleteFile (fpath+fname+"_backup"+fext)
copyFile fsource (fpath+fname+"_backup"+fext)
f=fopen (fpath+fname+"_backup"+fext) "rb"
s = fopen fsource "wb"

print "ffff"
print mdlOffset
for wr = 1 to mdlOffset do(
read=readbyte f
write=writebyte s read

for g = 1 to obj.count do(
tmesh = snapshotAsMesh obj[g]
num_verts = tmesh.numverts
num_uvws = tmesh.numtverts
num_faces = tmesh.numfaces


if num_uvws!=0 then(
for t = 1 to numEntrtices do(
tv=getTVert tmesh t
nSwap=writeBEfloat tv[1]
write=writelong s (bit.floatasint nSwap)
nSwap=writeBEfloat tv[2]
write=writelong s (bit.floatasint nSwap)
for t = 1 to numEntrtices do(
tv=getVert tmesh t
nSwap=writeBEfloat tv[1]
write=writelong s (bit.floatasint nSwap)
nSwap=writeBEfloat tv[2]
write=writelong s (bit.floatasint nSwap)

-- for p = 1 to padding do(
-- write=writelong s 0
-- write=writelong s 0
-- )

delete tmesh

fseek f (mdlOffset+(numEntrtices*8)) #seek_set
for wr = 1 to (fsize-(mdlOffset+(numEntrtices*8))) do(
read=readbyte f #unsigned
write=writebyte s read

fclose f
fclose s

on btn3 pressed do(
fsource = GetOpenFileName \
caption:"Brawl Vert Import" types: \
"All files (*.*)|*.*|"
f= fopen fsource "rb"
fpath= getFilenamePath fsource
fname = getFilenameFile fsource


fSize=readBElong f
mdlOffset=readBElong f
dataOffset=readBElong f
strOffset=readBElong f
vertID=readBElong f
vUkn1=readBElong f --flag? is XYZ?
dataType=readBElong f
entryStride=readBEshort f
numVertices=readBEshort f
eMinX=readBEfloat f
eMinY=readBEfloat f
eMinZ=readBEfloat f
eMaxX=readBEfloat f
eMaxY=readBEfloat f
eMaxZ=readBEfloat f
pad=readBElong f
pad=readBElong f

for x = 1 to numVertices do(
vX=readBEfloat f
vY=readBEfloat f
vZ=readBEfloat f
append vertArray[vX,vY,vZ]
append uvwArray[0,0,0]

obj.pos = [0,0,0]
obj.rotation = quat 0 0 0 0
max modify mode
addModifier obj (edit_poly())
subobjectLevel = 1
-- modPanel.setCurrentObject obj.modifiers[#Edit_Poly]
for x = 1 to numVertices do(
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].SetSelection #Vertex #{}
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].Select #Vertex #{x}
vert=$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].GetVertex x
-- $.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].SetOperation #Transform


append diffArray[mX,mY,mZ]


deleteModifier obj 1

createFile (fpath+fname+"_patch.pta")
s = fopen (fpath+fname+"_patch.pta") "ab"
vcount=writelong s numVertices
 for x = 1 to numVertices do(
write=writefloat s (diffArray[x][1])
write=writefloat s (diffArray[x][2])
write=writefloat s (diffArray[x][3])
write=writelong s 0x0
 messageBox ("Patch Created !"  +"\n"+
"File Saved To:"  +"\n"+

fclose s
fclose f

on btn4 pressed do(
fsource = GetOpenFileName \
caption:"Brawl Vert Patcher" types: \
"Patch(*pta)|*.pta|All files (*.*)|*.*|"
f= fopen fsource "rb"
fpath= getFilenamePath fsource

vcount=readlong f #unsigned
for x = 1 to vcount do(
vX=readfloat f
vY=readfloat f
vZ=readfloat f
dmy=readshort f #unsigned
side=readshort f #unsigned
append vertArray[vX,vY,vZ,side]

obj.pos = [0,0,0]
obj.rotation = quat 0 0 0 0
max modify mode
addModifier obj (edit_poly())
subobjectLevel = 1
--modPanel.setCurrentObject obj.modifiers[#Edit_Poly]
for x = 1 to vcount do(
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].SetSelection #Vertex #{}
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].Select #Vertex #{x}
vert=$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].GetVertex x
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].SetOperation #Transform
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].MoveSelection  [mX,mY,mZ]
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].Commit ()
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].SetSelection #Vertex #{}
subobjectLevel = 0
--modPanel.setCurrentObject obj.modifiers[#Edit_Poly]

messageBox "Patched !"

fclose f

on btn5 pressed do(

st = timestamp() --get start time in milliseconds
undo off(
-- print geo
for x = 1 to geo.count do(
addModifier geo[x] (Normalmodifier ())
geo[x].modifiers[#Normal].flip = on
addModifier geo[x] (smooth ())
geo[x].modifiers[#Smooth].smoothingBits = 1
collapseStack geo[x]
if m2010==true do(
--rotate geo[x] (quat -1 0 0 0)
geo[x].scale = [2.54,2.54,2.54]
delete $helpers
for x = 1 to geo.count do(
-- aBox = Box length:0.2 width:0.2 height:0.2 name:"dummy"
aBox = Box()
aBox.rotation = quat 0.707107 0 0 0.707107
convertTo aBox TriMeshGeometry
for x = 1 to geo.count do(
objA= dmy[x]
objB= geo[x]
append myBoxes objA
append myMeshes objB

for x = 1 to geo.count do(
myBoxes[x].name = myMeshes[x].name
attach myBoxes[x] myMeshes[x]

for x = 1 to geo.count do(
for i = 1 to 8 do(
delete geo[x].verts[#{1}]
addModifier geo[x] (Morpher ())

addModifier $Polygon* (Edit_Mesh ())

et = timestamp() --get end time in milliseconds
print ("Operation Completed In: "+(((et-st)/60)as string)+" Seconds") --print time to finish

createDialog DDV

At the top of 3DS max, you'll find that it says MAXScript. Press new script and a box will open up. Copy mariokart's script and paste it in there. Then save it as whatever you like. (I saved it as "vertex"). Now you'll have to run the script and you'll see that a box that says "Vertex Modding Patcher" will open up.


Import the .dae in 3DS max. To do this, you'll need COLLADA which you can download here: [url][/url] ([url][/url])


You'll find that the model looks a bit messed up.


However, this can be fixed easily. Make sure that "Scale AIS Import" is selected in the Vertex Modding Patcher and press "Fix AiS Import". Scale AIS Import will correct the size of the model so you don't need to make over exaggerated changes for something to look correct in Brawlbox.


There, the model looks normal now.

Now what you do, is choose the polygon that you want to edit. Since I'm editing Ness' face, I'll right click on his face and press "Hide unselected".


Creepy, eh? XD

Now in the Vertex Modding Patcher, click "Import Verts". Select the vertex set which you previously exported from Brawlbox.


The vertex group is now opened up. They won't show up unless you click the button (the one with the three red dots), but you don't need them to show up anyways.


Now that that's done, on the right you should see something that says "Modifier List". Below that is something that says:

+ Edit Mesh
+ Editable Mesh

Click Morpher. Below, you should see buttons that say "-empty-" and "0.0" beside them.


Right click on the first "-empty-" and press "Pick from scene". Then press "H" on your keyboard.


This box should show up. Select your vertex set, and then press Pick.


There, now leave that as it is. (We'll come back to it later) Above that, click "+ Edit Mesh" and now you can start editing as you wish like you normally would.


Now that we're done with the editing...


Go back to "Morpher" and raise the "0.0" up to 100.


As you can see, the model looks messed up now. Don't worry though, that's normal.

Next, you have to lay the model on it's back. You can either do the hard way or the easy way. The hard way being rotating the model by yourself and making sure the angles at the bottom (X, Y and Z) say 0, or by doing the easy way which is:

Press "B" and then "P" on your keyboard. It changes the view of the window. "B" lays it on it's back, and "P" puts it back into your perspective view.


Now click on your model and on the right side, right click on +Edit Mesh and press Collapse All.


A warning will pop up, but just press "Yes".

Now press "H" on your keyboard and select the vertex set.


Go to Modifier List and then select Morpher. Right click the -empty- like before, but this time click the polygon/model and raise the 0.0 up to 100.


In Brawlbox, export the model (FitNess00 in my case) and check the MDL0 Offset of your vertex set.


Now go back to the Vertex Modding Patcher box and write down the MDL0 Offset in the box. Make sure that Read Offset from file is unchecked or you'll get an error. (in the pic it's not unchecked though, but don't mind that).


Then press Export Verts and choose your model that you exported.


Replace the model in brawlbox, and success! Now you can go edit other parts to make the model look even better.


Alternatively Miacis Kusanagi has also created a text based guide. check that out if you still need guidance. (

Video Tutorials

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... alright, have fun with that..

History(Optional Read)
Ok, AIS is the only other "functional" brawl converter. you can use this instead of that whack DDVB method of going through animator to get your 3ds file

AIS however was built on free collada, now no longer in exsistance..  although google for MaxCollada, it's probably still floating around. but unlikely for max2011 or 2010, or 2009 .. Personally I'm running max8

once you import the DAE "Collada" into 3dsmax, the names should match up to the names in brawlbox. so say you dumped polygon2's Vertset from brawlbox.. it'll be the exact same vert set used by the imported model from AIS. essentially brawl box and AIS are just reading the same data, therefore this data is interchnagable. by that i mean the verts, faces, and uvs.. etc etc.. I could if I wanted replace ta models skin weights, texture corrdinates etc just by exporting the off the mesh imported from AIS.

the DDVB method is crappy, and outdated. though not as difficult to do, from a modders standpoint.
my method requires more knowledge!

sucks brawl box doesnt support export import.. shame on krystal..

once you've gotten the AIS mesh is, edit it to your hearts content.. just don't delete or add anything to the model.. like faces, or vertices.. and remember. NEVER CONVERT TO EDITABLE POLY

The "real" problem is when your ready to place those new edits now back into brawl...
we just need to get that data back into a raw form, so we can re-inject using DDVB

understand that the verts that are stored in the PAC/BRRES/MDL0 are effected by positioning data, and the bone matrix that form the fully assembled mesh. its extremely hard to compensate for that, without reversing the entire model format. and besides some really hard to follow source code.. there is no format spec on the MDL0 format :(

anyway.. I attempted to create a maxscript to generate a polyedit modifier, that you can use in 3dsmax. and sort of roughly patch back the positioning corrdinates of the RAW vertset.

unfortunately, without reading the bones and their weight values, I cannot compensate for the matrix that would be effecting the verts.. so there is alot of trial and error that must take place in order for it to work again in brawl/ brawlbox

basically my method has its pros and cons, just as the old DDVB method does
but the advantage of full figure editing is something I'm willing to wager will put me above the rest
although you could stick with the old DDVB method, only take my method and apply faces
that way you dont work with full figure, and dont have out of alignment verts

I'm basically remodeling from scratch in 3dsmax
then moving verts dozens of times until it works properly in brawlbox lol

sadly my maxscript isn't complete, and is more or less a BETA.. a very early beta.. it lacks the main function I was meaning to get to, which is direct injection. no more brawl box, or DosDonkeyVertexBox


The Script
#Invalid YouTube Link#

fn readBEshort fstream = (
short = readshort fstream #unsigned
short = bit.swapBytes short 1 2
return short
fn readBElong fstream = (
long = readlong fstream
long = bit.swapBytes long 1 4
long = bit.swapBytes long 2 3
return long
fn ReadBEfloat fstream = (
fpt=readfloat fstream
itger = bit.floatAsInt fpt
hih = bit.intashex itger
while hih.count < 8 do hih = "0" + hih
shn = (substring hih 7 2) + \
(substring hih 5 2) + \
(substring hih 3 2) + \
(substring hih 1 2)
bit.intAsFloat (bit.hexasint shn)
fn WriteBEFloat fnum = (
intgr = bit.floatAsInt fnum
honey = bit.intashex intgr
while honey.count < 8
do honey = "0" + honey
sign = (substring honey 7 2) + \
(substring honey 5 2) + \
(substring honey 3 2) + \
(substring honey 1 2)
xintgr=bit.intAsFloat (bit.hexasint sign)
return xintgr

rollout DDV "Brawl VertexHacker Tool" width:311 height:257
button btn1 "Import Verts" pos:[9,10] width:144 height:40
label lbl0 "-Mario_Kart64n, (Aug 11, 2010)" pos:[153,238] width:156 height:23
button btn2 "Export Verts" pos:[8,56] width:144 height:40
checkbox chk1 "Checkbox" pos:[165,59] width:14 height:13 enabled:false checked:false
label lbl1 "Save as 3DS File" pos:[182,58] width:119 height:15 enabled:false
checkbox chk2 "Checkbox" pos:[165,76] width:14 height:13 enabled:false checked:false
label lbl2 "Save As Seperate Files" pos:[182,75] width:119 height:15 enabled:false
checkbox chk3 "Checkbox" pos:[165,94] width:14 height:13 enabled:true checked:true
label lbl3 "Save Changes to MDL0" pos:[180,93] width:119 height:15
checkbox chk4 "Checkbox" pos:[165,112] width:14 height:13 enabled:true checked:true
label lbl4 "Read Offset from File" pos:[180,111] width:119 height:15
editText edt1 " MDL0 Offset:" pos:[162,129] width:130 height:16
groupBox grp1 "Export Options" pos:[157,7] width:143 height:147
radioButtons rdo1 "" pos:[165,21] width:147 height:32 labels:#("Vertices", "Texture Corrdinates") default:1 columns:1
button btn3 "Create" pos:[15,138] width:60 height:30
button btn4 "Patch" pos:[81,138] width:60 height:30
label lbl8 "Don't Use EditPoly" pos:[31,119] width:119 height:15 enabled:false
groupBox grp3 "Patching Options" pos:[7,101] width:143 height:76
checkbox chk8 "Checkbox" pos:[15,120] width:14 height:13 enabled:false checked:false
button btn5 "Fix AiS Import" pos:[165,205] width:128 height:25
groupBox grp2 "AiS Fixing Options" pos:[155,154] width:143 height:79
checkbox chk5 "Checkbox" pos:[166,173] width:14 height:13 enabled:true checked:false
label lbl5 "Selected Only" pos:[182,172] width:111 height:15 enabled:true
checkbox chk6 "Checkbox" pos:[167,189] width:14 height:13 checked:true
label lbl6 "Scale" pos:[183,188] width:44 height:15
checkbox chk7 "Checkbox" pos:[222,189] width:14 height:13 enabled:false checked:true
label lbl7 "Rotate" pos:[239,188] width:44 height:15
button btn6 "Import" pos:[14,198] width:60 height:30 enabled:false
button btn7 "Export" pos:[80,198] width:60 height:30 enabled:false
groupBox grp4 "VertexWeighting" pos:[6,180] width:143 height:72 enabled:false
label lbl9 "Dump to LogFile" pos:[38,232] width:105 height:15 enabled:false
checkbox chk9 "Checkbox" pos:[22,233] width:14 height:13 enabled:false checked:false

local typedOffset=""

on edt1 entered txt do(
if txt != "" do(
typedOffset=txt as float
if typedOffset==undefined do(
messageBox "Error: User Input \n Value Cannot be Identified \n as either a dec or hex number"
if typedOffset<=0 do(
local typedOffset

on btn1 pressed do(
fsource = GetOpenFileName \
caption:"Brawl Vert Import" types: \
"All files (*.*)|*.*|"
if fsource!=undefined do(
f= fopen fsource "rb"
fpath= getFilenamePath fsource
fname = getFilenameFile fsource


fSize=readBElong f
mdlOffset=readBElong f
dataOffset=readBElong f
strOffset=readBElong f
vertID=readBElong f
vUkn1=readBElong f --flag? is XYZ?
dataType=readBElong f
entryStride=readBEshort f
numVertices=readBEshort f
eMinX=readBEfloat f
eMinY=readBEfloat f
eMinZ=readBEfloat f
eMaxX=readBEfloat f
eMaxY=readBEfloat f
eMaxZ=readBEfloat f
pad=readBElong f
pad=readBElong f

if entryStride==12 then(
for x = 1 to numVertices do(
vX=readBEfloat f
vY=readBEfloat f
vZ=readBEfloat f
append vertArray[vX,vY,vZ]
append uvwArray[0,0,0]
for x = 1 to numVertices do(
vX=readBEfloat f
vY=readBEfloat f
append vertArray[vX,vY,vZ]
append uvwArray[0,0,0]

msh = mesh vertices:vertArray faces:faceArray   --build mesh
msh.numTVerts = vertArray.count
buildTVfaces msh
select msh

 messageBox "Done !"
fclose f

on btn2 pressed do(
if doUVs==1 do(
obj.pos = [0,0,0]
obj.rotation = quat 0 0 0 0
local mdlSize=""
local mdlOffset=""
local numEntrtices=""
if doOffset==true then(
fsource = GetOpenFileName \
caption:"Select UVSet to Replace" types: \
"All files (*.*)|*.*|"
if fsource!=undefined do(
f=fopen fsource "rb"
mdlSize=readBElong f-64
mdlOffset=(readBElong f*-1)+64
dataOffset=readBElong f
strOffset=readBElong f
vertID=readBElong f
vUkn1=readBElong f --flag? is XYZ?
dataType=readBElong f
entryStride=readBEshort f
numEntrtices=readBEshort f
fclose f


for g = 1 to obj.count do(
tmesh = snapshotAsMesh obj[g]
num_verts = tmesh.numverts
num_uvws = tmesh.numtverts
num_faces = tmesh.numfaces

mdlOffset= typedOffset+64

delete tmesh


fsource = GetOpenFileName \
caption:"Select the MDL0 to inject to" types: \
"MDL0(*mdl0)|*.mdl0|All files (*.*)|*.*|"
if fsource!=undefined do(
fext= getFilenameType fsource
fsize= getFileSize fsource
fpath= getFilenamePath fsource
fname= getFilenameFile fsource
fclose f

deleteFile (fpath+fname+"_backup"+fext)
copyFile fsource (fpath+fname+"_backup"+fext)
f=fopen (fpath+fname+"_backup"+fext) "rb"
s = fopen fsource "wb"

print "ffff"
print mdlOffset
for wr = 1 to mdlOffset do(
read=readbyte f
write=writebyte s read

fseek f -34 #seek_cur
lenCheck=readBEshort f
fseek f 32 #seek_cur

if numEntrtices==lenCheck then(

for g = 1 to obj.count do(
tmesh = snapshotAsMesh obj[g]
num_verts = tmesh.numverts
num_uvws = tmesh.numtverts
num_faces = tmesh.numfaces


for t = 1 to numEntrtices do(
tv=getVert tmesh t
nSwap=writeBEfloat tv[1]
write=writelong s (bit.floatasint nSwap)
nSwap=writeBEfloat tv[2]
write=writelong s (bit.floatasint nSwap)
nSwap=writeBEfloat tv[3]
write=writelong s (bit.floatasint nSwap)

-- for p = 1 to padding do(
-- write=writelong s 0
-- write=writelong s 0
-- )

delete tmesh

fseek f (mdlOffset+(numEntrtices*12)) #seek_set
for wr = 1 to (fsize-(mdlOffset+(numEntrtices*12))) do(
read=readbyte f #unsigned
write=writebyte s read
messageBox "DONE!"
fclose f
fclose s
deleteFile (fpath+fname+fext)
renameFile (fpath+fname+"_backup"+fext) (fpath+fname+fext)
messageBox "ERROR! Wrong Offset?"

if doUVs==2 do(
obj.pos = [0,0,0]
obj.rotation = quat 0 0 0 0

if doOffset==true then(
fsource = GetOpenFileName \
caption:"Select UVSet to Replace" types: \
"All files (*.*)|*.*|"
if fsource!=undefined do(
f=fopen fsource "rb"
mdlSize=readBElong f-64
mdlOffset=(readBElong f*-1)+64
dataOffset=readBElong f
strOffset=readBElong f
vertID=readBElong f
vUkn1=readBElong f --flag? is XYZ?
dataType=readBElong f
entryStride=readBEshort f
numEntrtices=readBEshort f
fclose f


for g = 1 to obj.count do(
tmesh = snapshotAsMesh obj[g]
num_verts = tmesh.numverts
num_uvws = tmesh.numtverts
num_faces = tmesh.numfaces


mdlOffset= typedOffset+64

delete tmesh


fsource = GetOpenFileName \
caption:"Select the MDL0 to inject to" types: \
"MDL0(*mdl0)|*.mdl0|All files (*.*)|*.*|"
if fsource!=undefined do(
fext= getFilenameType fsource
fsize= getFileSize fsource
fpath= getFilenamePath fsource
fname= getFilenameFile fsource
fclose f

deleteFile (fpath+fname+"_backup"+fext)
copyFile fsource (fpath+fname+"_backup"+fext)
f=fopen (fpath+fname+"_backup"+fext) "rb"
s = fopen fsource "wb"

print "ffff"
print mdlOffset
for wr = 1 to mdlOffset do(
read=readbyte f
write=writebyte s read

for g = 1 to obj.count do(
tmesh = snapshotAsMesh obj[g]
num_verts = tmesh.numverts
num_uvws = tmesh.numtverts
num_faces = tmesh.numfaces


if num_uvws!=0 then(
for t = 1 to numEntrtices do(
tv=getTVert tmesh t
nSwap=writeBEfloat tv[1]
write=writelong s (bit.floatasint nSwap)
nSwap=writeBEfloat tv[2]
write=writelong s (bit.floatasint nSwap)
for t = 1 to numEntrtices do(
tv=getVert tmesh t
nSwap=writeBEfloat tv[1]
write=writelong s (bit.floatasint nSwap)
nSwap=writeBEfloat tv[2]
write=writelong s (bit.floatasint nSwap)

-- for p = 1 to padding do(
-- write=writelong s 0
-- write=writelong s 0
-- )

delete tmesh

fseek f (mdlOffset+(numEntrtices*8)) #seek_set
for wr = 1 to (fsize-(mdlOffset+(numEntrtices*8))) do(
read=readbyte f #unsigned
write=writebyte s read

fclose f
fclose s

on btn3 pressed do(
fsource = GetOpenFileName \
caption:"Brawl Vert Import" types: \
"All files (*.*)|*.*|"
if fsource!=undefined do(
f= fopen fsource "rb"
fpath= getFilenamePath fsource
fname = getFilenameFile fsource


fSize=readBElong f
mdlOffset=readBElong f
dataOffset=readBElong f
strOffset=readBElong f
vertID=readBElong f
vUkn1=readBElong f --flag? is XYZ?
dataType=readBElong f
entryStride=readBEshort f
numVertices=readBEshort f
eMinX=readBEfloat f
eMinY=readBEfloat f
eMinZ=readBEfloat f
eMaxX=readBEfloat f
eMaxY=readBEfloat f
eMaxZ=readBEfloat f
pad=readBElong f
pad=readBElong f

for x = 1 to numVertices do(
vX=readBEfloat f
vY=readBEfloat f
vZ=readBEfloat f
append vertArray[vX,vY,vZ]
append uvwArray[0,0,0]

obj.pos = [0,0,0]
obj.rotation = quat 0 0 0 0
max modify mode
addModifier obj (edit_poly())
subobjectLevel = 1
-- modPanel.setCurrentObject obj.modifiers[#Edit_Poly]
for x = 1 to numVertices do(
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].SetSelection #Vertex #{}
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].Select #Vertex #{x}
vert=$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].GetVertex x
-- $.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].SetOperation #Transform


append diffArray[mX,mY,mZ]


deleteModifier obj 1

createFile (fpath+fname+"_patch.pta")
s = fopen (fpath+fname+"_patch.pta") "ab"
vcount=writelong s numVertices
 for x = 1 to numVertices do(
write=writefloat s (diffArray[x][1])
write=writefloat s (diffArray[x][2])
write=writefloat s (diffArray[x][3])
write=writelong s 0x0
 messageBox ("Patch Created !"  +"\n"+
"File Saved To:"  +"\n"+

fclose s
fclose f

on btn4 pressed do(
fsource = GetOpenFileName \
caption:"Brawl Vert Patcher" types: \
"Patch(*pta)|*.pta|All files (*.*)|*.*|"
if fsource!=undefined do(
f= fopen fsource "rb"
fpath= getFilenamePath fsource

vcount=readlong f #unsigned
for x = 1 to vcount do(
vX=readfloat f
vY=readfloat f
vZ=readfloat f
dmy=readshort f #unsigned
side=readshort f #unsigned
append vertArray[vX,vY,vZ,side]

obj.pos = [0,0,0]
obj.rotation = quat 0 0 0 0
max modify mode
addModifier obj (edit_poly())
subobjectLevel = 1
--modPanel.setCurrentObject obj.modifiers[#Edit_Poly]
for x = 1 to vcount do(
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].SetSelection #Vertex #{}
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].Select #Vertex #{x}
vert=$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].GetVertex x
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].SetOperation #Transform
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].MoveSelection  [mX,mY,mZ]
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].Commit ()
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].SetSelection #Vertex #{}
subobjectLevel = 0
--modPanel.setCurrentObject obj.modifiers[#Edit_Poly]

messageBox "Patched !"

fclose f

on btn5 pressed do(

st = timestamp() --get start time in milliseconds
undo off(
delete $helpers
if chk7.checked==true then(
delete $helpers
if geo.count!=0 do(
for x = 1 to geo.count do(

addModifier geo[x] (Normalmodifier ())
geo[x].modifiers[#Normal].flip = on
addModifier geo[x] (smooth ())
geo[x].modifiers[#Smooth].smoothingBits = 1
collapseStack geo[x]
if chk6.checked==true do(
--rotate geo[x] (quat -1 0 0 0)
geo[x].scale = [2.54,2.54,2.54]
-- aBox = Box length:0.2 width:0.2 height:0.2 name:"dummy"
aBox = Box()
aBox.rotation = quat 0.707107 0 0 0.707107 = (geo[x].name) as string
convertTo aBox TriMeshGeometry
-- convertTo geo[x] TriMeshGeometry
attach aBox geo[x]
-- update aBox geometry:true
delete aBox.verts[#{1..8}]
addModifier aBox (Morpher ())
append stuff aBox
addModifier stuff (Edit_Mesh ())
for x = 1 to geo.count do(
addModifier geo[x] (Normalmodifier ())
geo[x].modifiers[#Normal].flip = on
addModifier geo[x] (smooth ())
geo[x].modifiers[#Smooth].smoothingBits = 1
collapseStack geo[x]
if chk6.checked==true do(
--rotate geo[x] (quat -1 0 0 0)
geo[x].scale = [2.54,2.54,2.54]
delete $helpers
for x = 1 to geo.count do(
-- aBox = Box length:0.2 width:0.2 height:0.2 name:"dummy"
aBox = Box()
aBox.rotation = quat 0.707107 0 0 0.707107
convertTo aBox TriMeshGeometry
for x = 1 to geo.count do(
objA= dmy[x]
objB= geo[x]
append myBoxes objA
append myMeshes objB

for x = 1 to geo.count do(
myBoxes[x].name = myMeshes[x].name
attach myBoxes[x] myMeshes[x]

for x = 1 to geo.count do(
for i = 1 to 8 do(
delete geo[x].verts[#{1}]
addModifier geo[x] (Morpher ())
addModifier $Polygon* (Edit_Mesh ())
et = timestamp() --get end time in milliseconds
print ("Operation Completed In: "+(((et-st)/60)as string)+" Seconds") --print time to finish

createDialog DDV

after that failure, I turned to vertex hacking.. which seems like a sound method.
however I found that the current method only just modifies the raw dump of the vertices.. so everything clumped in the middle GAWD! O.O insane...


So I used Pharrox's AIS converter to import the model parts.. but the models are repositioned and fully built. :(

the good part is that I can now morph the fully assembled mesh into the vert cloud. making it easier to work with.. but not so great for a full character edits

I'm was thinking that it be ok to make edits to the full assembled mesh. then reform it back into the vert cloud. so I scripted a tool to move the assembled mesh into the raw vert cloud. this creates a patch, which when supplied should offset the coordinates back into a cloud position... its simple math.
A - B = C (therefore) A + C = B (and) B + C = A

C is my patch, which would make the necessary offsets to reform my assembled mesh back into a cloud position..
([url][/url]) ([url][/url])

WELL... my theory was totally wrong.. when the practice is put into motion, I get a problem... the entire left side of the model enlarges O_O!! but only on the mesh parts that rotated.. hard to explain.. but a offsetting trick only works effective against shifted verts.. rotated ones seem to be a special case.. I'm uncertain how to compensate for that :\
([url][/url]) ([url][/url])

any ideas on tricks to fix this ? or even what I did wrong with my initial MDL0 Swap
mdl also included in RS link

Please Help Me...  :oshi:

 :kdance: :kdance: :kdance: :kdance: :kdance: :kdance:

spent all day trying to get this right. its' not perfect, but the base for Aya is complete. now for the skinning, and the head and hair are a new day of problems :\


Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: dingo on May 27, 2010, 05:01:25 AM
You need to make a guide for this. You'll be everyone's hero.

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Jack H. on May 27, 2010, 10:20:56 AM
Mmm, agreed. Syrus63 had a guide for getting the vertices to show up as solid models, but it required the usage of 3 other programs to get the job done. What exactly are you doing here?

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Beyond on May 27, 2010, 10:32:35 AM
I need to know this too. This seems like it'd make things so much easier.

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Akari_Un on May 27, 2010, 02:45:34 PM
hmmm got it!!
This give me a great idea!!, wath?, great, colosal idea!

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: mariokart64n on May 27, 2010, 04:03:55 PM
actually I made 2 different versions of video tutorials in preparation for my first post here. unfortunately there is a problem with my process. that I sadly cannot solve. :( due to the matrices effecting the positioning of the vertices... which would require me to reverse more of the format.

that is why there is no tutorial available at the moment. because I'd rather post somthing solid, then something mickey mouse. however anyone with decent knowledge of 3dsmax could repeat what I've done with the above supplied info

if I can perfect the process, I'll post the videos and my app. cause i did have to write my own program for this to work. but its a maxscript so it'll work natively right in 3dsmax and should work across all versions of max.

obviously 4days ago nobody thought this was even worth replying to. so slightly annoyed about the reception around here. but those who wish to learn are welcome to contact me.
keep in mind if your no good in 3dsmax theres no point in me even explaining anything


Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Power Marshall on June 02, 2010, 07:19:00 PM
Wow, Mariokart64n, this is very great. Very helpful. But I have a question.

Would this ever get the chance to work with Blender?

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: mariokart64n on June 02, 2010, 07:46:06 PM
donno, I'm a max user. but if you had the experience with blender, I would think anything in max is more then possible in blender. but I can't help you in that area, sorry.

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Robz on June 04, 2010, 09:34:17 AM
This is amazing. think about the results. I must learn more of this!

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 04, 2010, 01:35:32 PM
In your video you use some patching program! Its kind of hard to follow your tutorial if we dont have that program! Please post it somewhere! D:

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Beyond on June 04, 2010, 01:39:37 PM
In your video you use some patching program! Its kind of hard to follow your tutorial if we dont have that program! Please post it somewhere! D:
He posted it right above the video.

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 04, 2010, 01:59:28 PM
In your video you use some patching program! Its kind of hard to follow your tutorial if we dont have that program! Please post it somewhere! D:
He posted it right above the video.

How the heck do I use that code? :srs:

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Beyond on June 04, 2010, 02:04:30 PM
In your video you use some patching program! Its kind of hard to follow your tutorial if we dont have that program! Please post it somewhere! D:
He posted it right above the video.

How the heck do I use that code? :srs:

Copy everything in there. Open up 3DS Max. Click "MaxScripts" and then "New Script". Paste that in there and save it. Then go to "MaxScript" and click "Run Script" and select the script you just saved.

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Power Marshall on June 04, 2010, 03:00:06 PM
Is Max8 the only working version for use with this?

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Beyond on June 04, 2010, 03:07:29 PM
Is Max8 the only working version for use with this?
I have 9, and this method works fine for me.

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Beyond on June 04, 2010, 03:57:30 PM
When I try to patch it, it gives me some error. Yes, I closed and re-opened it like you did in the video.
You closed and re-opened it? How 'bout doin it again?

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 04, 2010, 04:04:39 PM
When I try to patch it, it gives me some error. Yes, I closed and re-opened it like you did in the video.
You closed and re-opened it? How 'bout doin it again?

Yeah lol it just worked....I need to stop making useless posts.

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: pinkprincess on June 04, 2010, 10:43:21 PM
the 2nd patching didnt work for me for peach's hair x(
she ended up looking kinda like that blender problem where she's like everywhere but just alot smaller

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 05, 2010, 01:57:44 PM
Ok, look. Here's what happens when I apply the patch.


WHY? I did EXACTLY what you did. I have tried tons of times and it keeps giving me this. I just tried it with Marth's boots like you did and it gives me this. AAAAAARGH! I'm not mad at you, I'm fustrated at this stupid program that is making me sad. :(

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Akari_Un on June 05, 2010, 02:32:47 PM
you di it wrong

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 05, 2010, 02:49:31 PM
you di it wrong

If you could elaborate, that would help :srs:

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Vish on June 05, 2010, 02:53:37 PM
AiS doesn't work for me. All it does is make a log file. :|

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Beyond on June 05, 2010, 02:59:12 PM
AiS doesn't work for me. All it does is make a log file. :|
Make sure it's an unedited model. I mostly get errors/log files when I tried to open files that I were edited before. But even if you do use an unedited .mdlo, you still might no get the .dae file.

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Vish on June 05, 2010, 03:02:31 PM
AiS doesn't work for me. All it does is make a log file. :|
Make sure it's an unedited model. I mostly get errors/log files when I tried to open files that I were edited before. But even if you do use an unedited .mdlo, you still might no get the .dae file.

>_> <_<

Then I'll have to hex the vertex edits already on the model onto the new one after.


Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 05, 2010, 03:07:26 PM
Waaaah, nobody wants to help me. :(

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Vish on June 05, 2010, 03:09:05 PM
Now I get

While reading or writing a file the following notifications have been raised.
    -Warning: material of symbol visor not found for node polygon8
    -Warning: material of symbol mouth not found for node polygon13
    -Warning: material of symbol mouth not found for node polygon14

when I import it.

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: pinkprincess on June 05, 2010, 04:36:40 PM
i'm assuming thats for the dae in 3dsmax
try converting another brres file and see if that works
for some reason my edited peach convert right but my unedited ones i get problems o.o

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Vish on June 05, 2010, 04:44:52 PM
Since Captain Falcon's dae didn't work, I tried Ike's....and the same thing happened. Both of them show up like this:


Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Beyond on June 05, 2010, 04:48:20 PM

I honestly don't know what you guys are doing wrong. Best to wait until mariokart64n is back on. He should know what the problem is.

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 05, 2010, 04:59:59 PM
Since Captain Falcon's dae didn't work, I tried Ike's....and the same thing happened. Both of them show up like this:


Is it importing as an Autodesk DAE or a Codella one?

Thats important.

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Vish on June 05, 2010, 05:01:12 PM
Since Captain Falcon's dae didn't work, I tried Ike's....and the same thing happened. Both of them show up like this:


Is it importing as an Autodesk DAE or a Codella one?

Thats important.

Autodesk. My 3DS max didn't have Colleda, so I downloaded Opencolleda or something like that but when I try importing the .dae using that nothing happens.

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 05, 2010, 05:24:26 PM
Since Captain Falcon's dae didn't work, I tried Ike's....and the same thing happened. Both of them show up like this:


Is it importing as an Autodesk DAE or a Codella one?

Thats important.

Autodesk. My 3DS max didn't have Colleda, so I downloaded Opencolleda or something like that but when I try importing the .dae using that nothing happens.

Well, you cant import as autodesk or THAT happens.  This is the plugin that I used that works:

Now, will someone help me with MY problem? PLEASE?

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: mariokart64n on June 05, 2010, 10:27:39 PM
Sorry, I haven't been around lately.

spent alot of time trying to edit marth's Cape.. but sadly no good :(
even with the Collada trick, the cape still gets badly deformed.. can't figure it out.
wasted the entire day, just trying to get the cape sort of decent for my shinobu mod...

anyways, I've heard about a few bugs, and even experienced alot problems myself.

all I can say, is this method isn't "Full Proof" and likely won't be. unless brawlbox is better devloped to suit our 3d modding needs.

though it's an effective trick to help edit certain static meshes, such as face, and the chest... probably the arms but some objects just don't seem to work.. and I've spent all day trying to come to a resolve... no luck.

also there seems to be a HUGE issue with Collada Importers.. AiS was made off of the Free ColladaMax plugins.. some people have different plugins which do some funny stuff

if so try this updated script, it'll fix your AIS scene and rescale it properly.

fn readBEshort fstream = (
short = readshort fstream #unsigned
short = bit.swapBytes short 1 2
return short
fn readBElong fstream = (
long = readlong fstream
long = bit.swapBytes long 1 4
long = bit.swapBytes long 2 3
return long
fn ReadBEfloat fstream = (
return floatSwap2(readfloat fstream)
fn floatSwap2 f = (
i = bit.floatAsInt f
h = bit.intashex i
while h.count < 8 do h = "0" + h
s = (substring h 7 2) + (substring h 5 2) + (substring h 3 2) + (substring h 1 2)
bit.intAsFloat (bit.hexasint s)

rollout DDV "Vertex Modding Patcher" width:320 height:270
button btn1 "Import Verts" pos:[8,16] width:144 height:40
button btn2 "Create Patch" pos:[8,112] width:144 height:40
button btn3 "Patch Model" pos:[8,160] width:144 height:40
groupBox grp1 "Description" pos:[160,8] width:143 height:48
label lbl1 "Imports a RAW VertexSet from BrawlBox." pos:[169,21] width:128 height:30
groupBox grp2 "Description" pos:[160,152] width:143 height:48
label lbl2 "Patches finished model, for use with DDV" pos:[169,165] width:128 height:30
groupBox grp3 "Description" pos:[160,104] width:143 height:48
label lbl3 "Creates a Patch File from the RAW and Imported File" pos:[169,117] width:131 height:30
label lbl4 "-Mario_Kart64n, (June3, 2010)" pos:[164,253] width:156 height:18
button btn4 "Fix AiS Import" pos:[8,208] width:144 height:40
groupBox grp5 "Description" pos:[160,200] width:143 height:48
label lbl5 "Removes Collada Lib From Imported mesh" pos:[169,213] width:128 height:30
checkbox chk1 "Checkbox" pos:[10,250] width:14 height:13
label lbl7 "Max2010" pos:[27,249] width:45 height:15
button btn5 "Export Verts" pos:[8,64] width:144 height:40
checkbox chk2 "Checkbox" pos:[159,68] width:14 height:13 enabled:false checked:false
label lbl8 "Save As Seperate File" pos:[176,67] width:119 height:15
checkbox chk3 "Checkbox" pos:[159,84] width:14 height:13 enabled:false checked:false
label lbl9 "Save Changes to MDL0" pos:[176,83] width:119 height:15

on btn1 pressed do(
fsource = GetOpenFileName \
caption:"Brawl Vert Import" types: \
"All files (*.*)|*.*|"
f= fopen fsource "rb"
fpath= getFilenamePath fsource
fname = getFilenameFile fsource


fSize=readBElong f
mdlOffset=readBElong f
dataOffset=readBElong f
strOffset=readBElong f
vertID=readBElong f
vUkn1=readBElong f --flag? is XYZ?
dataType=readBElong f
entryStride=readBEshort f
numVertices=readBEshort f
eMinX=readBEfloat f
eMinY=readBEfloat f
eMinZ=readBEfloat f
eMaxX=readBEfloat f
eMaxY=readBEfloat f
eMaxZ=readBEfloat f
pad=readBElong f
pad=readBElong f

for x = 1 to numVertices do(
vX=readBEfloat f
vY=readBEfloat f
vZ=readBEfloat f
append vertArray[vX,vY,vZ]
append uvwArray[0,0,0]

-- fclose f
-- fsource = GetOpenFileName \
-- caption:"Brawl Polygon Import" types: \
-- "All files (*.*)|*.*|"
-- f= fopen fsource "rb"
-- fSize=readBElong f
-- mdlOffset=readBElong f
-- nodeID=readBElong f
-- pfUkn1=readBElong f

-- elementFlag=readBElong f
-- pfUkn2=readBElong f --count for weird data
-- defSize=readBElong f
-- defFlags=readBElong f

-- defOffset=readBElong f
-- datalen1=readBElong f
-- datalen2=readBElong f
-- dataOffset=readBElong f

-- pfUkn3=readBElong f
-- pfUkn4=readBElong f
-- strOffset=readBElong f
-- itmOffset=readBElong f

-- pfUkn5=readBElong f
-- numFaces=readBElong f
-- vertSet=readBEshort f
-- normSet=readBEshort f

-- partXOffset=readBEshort f --???

-- if vertID!=vertSet then(
-- MessageBox(
-- "WARRNING!!!" +"\n"+
-- "Incorrect Index Buffer" +"\n"+
-- "-Sorry (mariokart64n)")
-- )else(
-- fseek pf 0x111 #seek_cur
-- for x = 1 to pfUkn2 do (
-- ukn=readbyte f #unsigned
-- ukn=readbyte f #unsigned
-- ukn=readbyte f #unsigned
-- ukn=readbyte f #unsigned
-- ukn=readbyte f #unsigned
-- )
-- )
-- ukn=readbyte f #unsigned
-- ukn=readbyte f #unsigned
-- ukn=readbyte f #unsigned
-- ukn=readbyte f #unsigned

-- ukn=readBEshort f
-- ukn=readbyte f #unsigned
-- ukn=readBEshort f

-- ukn=readBEshort f
-- ukn=readbyte f #unsigned
-- ukn=readbyte f #unsigned

-- ukn=readBEshort f

-- end of file is a loop of data
-- 27bytes long per loop

msh = mesh vertices:vertArray faces:faceArray   --build mesh
msh.numTVerts = vertArray.count
--msh.rotation = quat -0.5 0.5 -0.5 0.5
--msh.rotation = quat 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
--msh.scale = [0.3937008,0.3937008,0.3937008]
buildTVfaces msh
-- modPanel.setCurrentObject $Object01.baseObject
-- subobjectLevel = 1
-- rotate $Object01.verts[#{1..580}] (quat 0.707107 0 0 0.707107)
-- subobjectLevel = 0
-- for j = 1 to UV_array.count  do setTVert msh j UV_array[j]
-- for j = 1 to faceArray.count  do setTface msh j faceArray[j]
-- for j = 1 to Normal_array.count do setNormal msh j Normal_array[j]

 messageBox "Done !"
fclose f

on btn2 pressed do(
fsource = GetOpenFileName \
caption:"Brawl Vert Import" types: \
"All files (*.*)|*.*|"
f= fopen fsource "rb"
fpath= getFilenamePath fsource
fname = getFilenameFile fsource


fSize=readBElong f
mdlOffset=readBElong f
dataOffset=readBElong f
strOffset=readBElong f
vertID=readBElong f
vUkn1=readBElong f --flag? is XYZ?
dataType=readBElong f
entryStride=readBEshort f
numVertices=readBEshort f
eMinX=readBEfloat f
eMinY=readBEfloat f
eMinZ=readBEfloat f
eMaxX=readBEfloat f
eMaxY=readBEfloat f
eMaxZ=readBEfloat f
pad=readBElong f
pad=readBElong f

for x = 1 to numVertices do(
vX=readBEfloat f
vY=readBEfloat f
vZ=readBEfloat f
append vertArray[vX,vY,vZ]
append uvwArray[0,0,0]

obj.pos = [0,0,0]
obj.rotation = quat 0 0 0 0
max modify mode
addModifier obj (edit_poly())
subobjectLevel = 1
-- modPanel.setCurrentObject obj.modifiers[#Edit_Poly]
for x = 1 to numVertices do(
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].SetSelection #Vertex #{}
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].Select #Vertex #{x}
vert=$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].GetVertex x
-- $.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].SetOperation #Transform


append diffArray[mX,mY,mZ]
-- $.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].Commit ()
-- $.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].SetSelection #Vertex #{}
-- subobjectLevel = 0
-- modPanel.setCurrentObject obj.modifiers[#Edit_Poly]
deleteModifier obj 1

createFile (fpath+fname+"_patch.pta")
s = fopen (fpath+fname+"_patch.pta") "ab"
vcount=writelong s numVertices
 for x = 1 to numVertices do(
write=writefloat s (diffArray[x][1])
write=writefloat s (diffArray[x][2])
write=writefloat s (diffArray[x][3])
write=writelong s 0x0
 messageBox ("Patch Created !"  +"\n"+
"File Saved To:"  +"\n"+

fclose s
fclose f

on btn3 pressed do(
fsource = GetOpenFileName \
caption:"Brawl Vert Patcher" types: \
"Patch(*pta)|*.pta|All files (*.*)|*.*|"
f= fopen fsource "rb"
fpath= getFilenamePath fsource

vcount=readlong f #unsigned
for x = 1 to vcount do(
vX=readfloat f
vY=readfloat f
vZ=readfloat f
dmy=readshort f #unsigned
side=readshort f #unsigned
append vertArray[vX,vY,vZ,side]

obj.pos = [0,0,0]
obj.rotation = quat 0 0 0 0
max modify mode
addModifier obj (edit_poly())
subobjectLevel = 1
--modPanel.setCurrentObject obj.modifiers[#Edit_Poly]
for x = 1 to vcount do(
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].SetSelection #Vertex #{}
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].Select #Vertex #{x}
vert=$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].GetVertex x
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].SetOperation #Transform
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].MoveSelection  [mX,mY,mZ]
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].Commit ()
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].SetSelection #Vertex #{}
subobjectLevel = 0
--modPanel.setCurrentObject obj.modifiers[#Edit_Poly]

messageBox "Patched !"

fclose f

on btn4 pressed do(
-- obj = getnodebyname "Box01"
-- if obj != undefined then select obj

-- select $Polygon*
-- select $helpers

st = timestamp() --get start time in milliseconds
undo off(
-- print geo
for x = 1 to geo.count do(
addModifier geo[x] (Normalmodifier ())
geo[x].modifiers[#Normal].flip = on
addModifier geo[x] (smooth ())
geo[x].modifiers[#Smooth].smoothingBits = 1
collapseStack geo[x]
if m2010==true do(
--rotate geo[x] (quat -1 0 0 0)
geo[x].scale = [2.54,2.54,2.54]
delete $helpers
for x = 1 to geo.count do(
-- aBox = Box length:0.2 width:0.2 height:0.2 name:"dummy"
aBox = Box()
aBox.rotation = quat 0.707107 0 0 0.707107
convertTo aBox TriMeshGeometry
for x = 1 to geo.count do(
objA= dmy[x]
objB= geo[x]
append myBoxes objA
append myMeshes objB

for x = 1 to geo.count do(
myBoxes[x].name = myMeshes[x].name
attach myBoxes[x] myMeshes[x]

for x = 1 to geo.count do(
for i = 1 to 8 do(
delete geo[x].verts[#{1}]
addModifier geo[x] (Morpher ())

addModifier $Polygon* (Edit_Mesh ())

et = timestamp() --get end time in milliseconds
print ("Operation Completed In: "+(((et-st)/60)as string)+" Seconds") --print time to finish

createDialog DDV

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: mariokart64n on June 06, 2010, 05:45:08 AM
the theory is quite simple...

the models are in pieces, separated by texture or material for whatever game technical reason.
and thats how they are stored in the game files.

since we're not programming GOD's we use a very primitive method for grabbing vertices.. we simple dump them. we dump them as they are stored in the file, which is in pieces.

this makes modding extremely difficult, but they theory is, that A-B=C so therefore C+A=B or C+A=B .. meaning if we created a patch (finding a difference between coordinates) then we can subtract the difference, save it to a patch file, and reapply these values to a modified mesh which should offset the verts back and forth to a form where they are in pieces again

the updated script only has a tick box I called max2010. tick that before you press AIS Fix and it'll rescale the import for some other collada importer...
the importer your using is actually the 3dsmax default. called FBX.. which will not work at all. YOU NEED TO DOWNLOAD A 3RD PARTY PLUGIN.

there are soo many reversions of max, it was easier for me just to say, go google a plugin.

I don't know why you kept stubbornly working on a broken import. the whole idea is to work from a fully assembled mesh. if it doesn't look right, why bother continuing the rest of the steps. when you know you got the very first step wrong... if the gemometry is literally missing, my fix button can't fix that

just download the proper max, and the proper plugin that I worked from

1. 3DSMAX8(30-Day Trial)
2. FREE ColladaMax

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Power Marshall on June 06, 2010, 06:35:03 AM
wait, I have seen the mods you do and quite frankly, I do not believe that you spend all day making marth into that from just vertex moving there must be a shortcut to that... and what does export verticies do? Correct if I am wrong about what I said.

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: mariokart64n on June 06, 2010, 08:37:52 AM
the Export button isn't finished, I was going to make my own injector, instead o having to use DasDonkeyVertexBox... if that name wasn't long enough, its built on java.. and I just despise java.

and yes your right, there are a types of "shortcuts" but there not like 5second things.. they do however shave off a few hours of work. but in actually yes I am sitting here 16hours+ trying to remodel from scratch.

things like geometry wrapping and texture projection are 2 things I was going to cover in the next extensive video. but I've had alot of recent failure as I was working with mewtwo and shinobu, thus the videos were placed on hold.

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Beyond on June 06, 2010, 08:56:03 AM
Sorry, I haven't been around lately.

spent alot of time trying to edit marth's Cape.. but sadly no good :(
even with the Collada trick, the cape still gets badly deformed.. can't figure it out.
wasted the entire day, just trying to get the cape sort of decent for my shinobu mod...

anyways, I've heard about a few bugs, and even experienced alot problems myself.

all I can say, is this method isn't "Full Proof" and likely won't be. unless brawlbox is better devloped to suit our 3d modding needs.

though it's an effective trick to help edit certain static meshes, such as face, and the chest... probably the arms but some objects just don't seem to work.. and I've spent all day trying to come to a resolve... no luck.

also there seems to be a HUGE issue with Collada Importers.. AiS was made off of the Free ColladaMax plugins.. some people have different plugins which do some funny stuff

if so try this updated script, it'll fix your AIS scene and rescale it properly.
You have become such a big help, mariokart64n. The method isn't flawless, but when it does work it can do a lot of amazing things.

Been, playing around with the tutorial, just trying to get the method down. Haven't had any major issues, besides with converting the .mdl0 to .dae.

That Shinobu looks amazing by the way.  ;D

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: mariokart64n on June 06, 2010, 09:21:04 AM
maybe you can fix the cape issue, I'll post the WIP at my Mario'sCorner Topic
in the mean while I'm trying to import the hair from the actual shinobu model itself. RandomTbush's method sounds like it should work, but I haven't had any success yet. but I'm not worried.. it's worked for Random before, so its a proven hackup


Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Vish on June 06, 2010, 11:37:14 AM
How do you open that "Select Objects" thing where it says mesh01 and polygon0 like you did in the video in 5:59, after you patch the model?

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: mariokart64n on June 06, 2010, 11:45:33 AM
press "H" on your keyboard

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Vish on June 06, 2010, 11:45:50 AM
press "H" on your keyboard


Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Eternal Yoshi on June 06, 2010, 01:20:03 PM
It seems that I can't edit Stage builder parts with this method.
I tried to open the 3DS that DDVB spat out from the vertex.ddf file and I get a "improper file format"error.

I might still have to go through anima8tor for stage parts.

Nope. Still no dice.

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 06, 2010, 06:06:50 PM
Nevermind my previous query, I got that part to work. Now, I edited part of the yoshi model just fine and it morphed correctly. I looked at it in brawlbox, everything was fine. However, when I repeated the process, when I click on morpher, I cannot choose the completed object to morph to. Any ideas?

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: mariokart64n on June 06, 2010, 06:31:38 PM
I have to fix my script, I'm using edit poly to do my operations, but it's converting the models geometry, in some causes causing it to be incompatible. (this can be fixed using faceMorpher instead) but I'll need to change over from EditPoly to EditMesh.. but I'm not sure of the max commands for that one.

also try collapsing the modifier stack, that might do the trick

as more fixes and developments come, I'll be sure to post about it

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 06, 2010, 06:51:59 PM
I have to fix my script, I'm using edit poly to do my operations, but it's converting the models geometry, in some causes causing it to be incompatible. (this can be fixed using faceMorpher instead) but I'll need to change over from EditPoly to EditMesh.. but I'm not sure of the max commands for that one.

also try collapsing the modifier stack, that might do the trick

as more fixes and developments come, I'll be sure to post about it

Yeah, I noticed it says "editable poly" and I was like whurt?

Could you explain collapsing the modifier stack? I dont really know what that means :/

Also, could you explain the facemorph thing? I'm sorry I'm such a noob at this.

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: mariokart64n on June 06, 2010, 07:13:46 PM
the stack is where all the modifier are on top of each other..

edit mesh

right click in that window or box area and click on collapse, then everything will combine

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 06, 2010, 07:17:31 PM
the stack is where all the modifier are on top of each other..

edit mesh

right click in that window or box area and click on collapse, then everything will combine

That didnt do anything for it, so what about that faceMorpher you were talking about?

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: mariokart64n on June 06, 2010, 08:50:15 PM
the Max default morpher, works by moving the common vertices... when this is broken the morph cannot work.

someone made a script called face morpher, it somehow moves the face, regurdless of the verts between the 2 models.

google scriptspot, facemorpher. play with it and you'll unstand what I mean....

basically morph a good mesh into your modified mesh. then morph that to your vert cloud..
its a run around until I fix the script, or the new app by das donkey is released.

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: GameWatching on June 07, 2010, 02:50:25 AM
DAE files won't be created  :oshi:

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Eternal Yoshi on June 07, 2010, 01:56:18 PM
Check the directory
C:/Documents and Settings/User

If you still don't see the dae, export the brres that has the mdlo file.

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 07, 2010, 01:59:33 PM
the Max default morpher, works by moving the common vertices... when this is broken the morph cannot work.

someone made a script called face morpher, it somehow moves the face, regurdless of the verts between the 2 models.

google scriptspot, facemorpher. play with it and you'll unstand what I mean....

basically morph a good mesh into your modified mesh. then morph that to your vert cloud..
its a run around until I fix the script, or the new app by das donkey is released.

I googled that and got 3 results, none of which were actual scripts. Could you post the script here please?

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Beyond on June 07, 2010, 02:03:27 PM

Result after second patch. 1st patch looked bad, like a smaller version of the pic.
Isn't this the same issue YoshiBoshi3 had? How'd you fix it?
( (

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 07, 2010, 03:37:56 PM

Result after second patch. 1st patch looked bad, like a smaller version of the pic.
Isn't this the same issue YoshiBoshi3 had? How'd you fix it?
([url][/url]) ([url][/url])

I downloaded the freeCollada plugin he linked to on the last page....I think?

I had a Collada plugin that imported just fine but messed up during the patch, so if you dont have it already, download the plugin he linked to.

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Asuka on June 07, 2010, 05:32:45 PM
Ok, look. Here's what happens when I apply the patch.


Same thing happens to me when modding donkey kong's head...

Despite that, thanks for sharing your knowledge, it is a really useful method.

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Vish on June 07, 2010, 05:38:57 PM
Ok, look. Here's what happens when I apply the patch.


Same thing happens to me when modding donkey kong's head...

Despite that, thanks for sharing your knowledge, it is a really useful method.

I get the same thing for Captain Falcon's wrist/gloves/belt/legs.

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 07, 2010, 05:45:13 PM
Ok, look. Here's what happens when I apply the patch.


Same thing happens to me when modding donkey kong's head...

Despite that, thanks for sharing your knowledge, it is a really useful method.

I get the same thing for Captain Falcon's wrist/gloves/belt/legs.

Again, download the plugin he linked to on the 3rd page to fix this.

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Asuka on June 07, 2010, 05:50:50 PM
I have that plugin...
So, yeah...

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 07, 2010, 05:52:40 PM
Oh. Well, try to morph it anyway. Import the vertex.ddf, click on the dropdown menu on the right and change it to morpher, right click on the box and click "choose target from scene", click on the patched mess, and drag the thingy to 100.

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Vish on June 07, 2010, 05:54:40 PM
Oh. Well, try to morph it anyway. Import the vertex.ddf, click on the dropdown menu on the right and change it to morpher, right click on the box and click "choose target from scene", click on the patched mess, and drag the thingy to 100.

Didn't work for me when I did it on Captain Falcon's wrist/gloves/belt/legs. I clicked it, but nothing happened. However it worked on his helmet.

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 07, 2010, 06:10:20 PM
Oh. Well, try to morph it anyway. Import the vertex.ddf, click on the dropdown menu on the right and change it to morpher, right click on the box and click "choose target from scene", click on the patched mess, and drag the thingy to 100.

Didn't work for me when I did it on Captain Falcon's wrist/gloves/belt/legs. I clicked it, but nothing happened. However it worked on his helmet.

It doesnt work for some vertices. If you read some previous posts, Mariokart explains why. He told me about some script to fix it, but I cant find it, so I hope he posts it here.

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: mariokart64n on June 07, 2010, 06:18:52 PM
i posted that script somewhere, if not its already updated in the first post...

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: flammable on June 07, 2010, 06:40:44 PM
its.... beautiful

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 07, 2010, 06:56:09 PM
i posted that script somewhere, if not its already updated in the first post...

The facemorpher thing? I cant find it.

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Beyond on June 07, 2010, 07:03:11 PM
i posted that script somewhere, if not its already updated in the first post...

The facemorpher thing? I cant find it.
I think this is it. HERE (

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 07, 2010, 07:32:55 PM
i posted that script somewhere, if not its already updated in the first post...

The facemorpher thing? I cant find it.
I think this is it. HERE ([url][/url])

That really doesn't seem to do anything. I run the script and nothing happens, and I still cant morph into the non-working model :/

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: dark sonic 19 on June 08, 2010, 01:19:33 AM
i get an error geting 3d max 2008

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: LookItsLink on June 09, 2010, 08:28:49 AM
Using 3ds Max 2010 doesn't seem to work correctly for importing the .dae made by AIS v0.1.3, but when I import the .dae made by AIS v0.1.1 it works fine. Creating the patch never works though. It always gives an error at line 229: subobjectLevel = 1 Sorry skipped a step.

When creating a patch does work, it flips the model upsidedown (I guess since the .dae from AIS v0.1.1 already puts the models on their backs).

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Beyond on June 09, 2010, 08:35:40 AM
Using 3ds Max 2010 doesn't seem to work correctly for importing the .dae made by AIS v0.1.3, but when I import the .dae made by AIS v0.1.1 it works fine. Creating the patch never works though. It always gives an error at line 229: subobjectLevel = 1
And when it does work, it flips the model upsidedown (I guess since the .dae from AIS v0.1.1 already puts the models on their backs).
You gotta link for it, AIS v0.1.1?

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: LookItsLink on June 09, 2010, 08:40:02 AM
This should be it.

You using Max 2010 too?
btw to convert the .brres, either do "Open with.." and find AIS or drag the .brres onto it.

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Beyond on June 09, 2010, 08:41:21 AM
This should be it.

You using Max 2010 too?
No, I have 9. But I'm willing to try anything to fix my issues.

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 09, 2010, 09:50:21 AM
Anyone find this facemorpher thing yet? I'm willing to give my soul for it.  :srs:

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Power Marshall on June 10, 2010, 05:17:53 AM
Mariokart, you said in your tutorial to create a new scene, how might I do that? I think I just start new and have the edited model save. Is that what you mean? Or is it by tab? Ex- I am working on fox and edited him the way I would like, so I create a new scene, but the fox model I edited is still there, just in another tab. Is that what you meant?

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: mariokart64n on June 10, 2010, 06:40:57 PM
3dsmax has tabs now O_o sweet

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: MyKewl on June 10, 2010, 10:03:54 PM
This helped me so much thanks Mariokart64n

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 10, 2010, 10:57:05 PM
3dsmax has tabs now O_o sweet

You said you put the facemorpher thing in the first post, and I cant find it

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Power Marshall on June 11, 2010, 06:02:25 AM
3dsmax has tabs now O_o sweet
OH, no no, no. I meant if that was what you meant, something like that, but lol, I guess not.

So what do you mean make a new scene though, do you overwrite the edited one?

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: dark sonic 19 on June 11, 2010, 04:18:36 PM
i get an error installing 3ds max8

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Segtendo on June 11, 2010, 07:53:14 PM
i get an error installing 3ds max8
Not specific enough. Does it say anything when it fails?

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Sanitys_Theif on June 11, 2010, 08:16:15 PM
Ok I followed the directions exactly and ended up with a jumbled stretched mess at the end even after patching twice and everything

Does 3DS Max9 automatically convert to edit poly or something?

Once I get to the point where I have to morph the original vertex set to the new one, it just moves the original to a different spot, it doesn't morph it at all, and no matter what I do I can't get it to morph it, why?

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 11, 2010, 08:25:15 PM
Ok I followed the directions exactly and ended up with a jumbled stretched mess at the end even after patching twice and everything

Does 3DS Max9 automatically convert to edit poly or something?

Once I get to the point where I have to morph the original vertex set to the new one, it just moves the original to a different spot, it doesn't morph it at all, and no matter what I do I can't get it to morph it, why?

It IS morphing. Just morph and export selected.

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Sanitys_Theif on June 11, 2010, 08:35:00 PM
Ok I followed the directions exactly and ended up with a jumbled stretched mess at the end even after patching twice and everything

Does 3DS Max9 automatically convert to edit poly or something?

Once I get to the point where I have to morph the original vertex set to the new one, it just moves the original to a different spot, it doesn't morph it at all, and no matter what I do I can't get it to morph it, why?

It IS morphing. Just morph and export selected.

The shape of the select box doesn't change, it just moves, and when I did what you said and followed the rest of the directions, my characters body was detached from the head and bones and down to the left quite a bit

So it didn't morph the vertices it just moved them, I need someone to tell me how to get them to morph with the morpher function because it's not working for some reason the first time around, when you have to morph the second time it morphs into the messed up shape I had before though -_-

EDIT: I think the problem may be the model patching

When I patch the model the first time, everything gets jumbled up and parts I didn't even touch stretch all over the place, whereas in the video, the only parts that look stretched are the parts he edited(Marth's feet)

I get the same error he does when trying to create a patch, I have to exit the run script and start it again, could this be the problem? But why doesn't it cause him any problems?

EDIT 2: Ok I tried doing just what this guy did in his video with Marth, I followed all the steps, but when I patch the model, it doesn't look like in the video, it's all stretched and wide, it doesn't look similar to the raw vertex points at all, what is wrong here?

I also noticed the steps he wrote out are different from the ones in the video, this makes it all very frustrating and confusing

Is the problem because I edit by vertex points rather than elements? For some reason I can't select certain points with the element select

Or is this all because I'm using 3DS Max9?

EDIT 3: Nope, I tried the written directions instead, ended with same results, it doesn't matter if you make the patch before or after you edit the model, it turns out all messed up either way, can anyone help?

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Sanitys_Theif on June 11, 2010, 10:09:26 PM
Ok, look. Here's what happens when I apply the patch.


WHY? I did EXACTLY what you did. I have tried tons of times and it keeps giving me this. I just tried it with Marth's boots like you did and it gives me this. AAAAAARGH! I'm not mad at you, I'm fustrated at this stupid program that is making me sad. :(

THIS is what's happening to me, how do I fix this?

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 11, 2010, 11:03:25 PM
Ok I followed the directions exactly and ended up with a jumbled stretched mess at the end even after patching twice and everything

Does 3DS Max9 automatically convert to edit poly or something?

Once I get to the point where I have to morph the original vertex set to the new one, it just moves the original to a different spot, it doesn't morph it at all, and no matter what I do I can't get it to morph it, why?

It IS morphing. Just morph and export selected.

The shape of the select box doesn't change, it just moves, and when I did what you said and followed the rest of the directions, my characters body was detached from the head and bones and down to the left quite a bit

So it didn't morph the vertices it just moved them, I need someone to tell me how to get them to morph with the morpher function because it's not working for some reason the first time around, when you have to morph the second time it morphs into the messed up shape I had before though -_-

EDIT: I think the problem may be the model patching

When I patch the model the first time, everything gets jumbled up and parts I didn't even touch stretch all over the place, whereas in the video, the only parts that look stretched are the parts he edited(Marth's feet)

I get the same error he does when trying to create a patch, I have to exit the run script and start it again, could this be the problem? But why doesn't it cause him any problems?

EDIT 2: Ok I tried doing just what this guy did in his video with Marth, I followed all the steps, but when I patch the model, it doesn't look like in the video, it's all stretched and wide, it doesn't look similar to the raw vertex points at all, what is wrong here?

I also noticed the steps he wrote out are different from the ones in the video, this makes it all very frustrating and confusing

Is the problem because I edit by vertex points rather than elements? For some reason I can't select certain points with the element select

Or is this all because I'm using 3DS Max9?

EDIT 3: Nope, I tried the written directions instead, ended with same results, it doesn't matter if you make the patch before or after you edit the model, it turns out all messed up either way, can anyone help?

Everything is supposed to be jumbled. The reason that everything moves when you morph is because its not in the dead center anymore. Try pressing.....F12 I think it is? And changing all the coordinates to 0.

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Sanitys_Theif on June 11, 2010, 11:08:26 PM
Everything is supposed to be jumbled. The reason that everything moves when you morph is because its not in the dead center anymore. Try pressing.....F12 I think it is? And changing all the coordinates to 0.

I did that, same result, I'm having the same problem you had with Marth's boots, how did you fix that?

It's not just jumbled up, parts of the model I didn't even touch are stretched to hell and back, like that picture above, everything goes fine up until I have to patch the model, then everything falls apart

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 11, 2010, 11:11:27 PM
Everything is supposed to be jumbled. The reason that everything moves when you morph is because its not in the dead center anymore. Try pressing.....F12 I think it is? And changing all the coordinates to 0.

I did that, same result, I'm having the same problem you had with Marth's boots, how did you fix that?

It's not just jumbled up, parts of the model I didn't even touch are stretched to hell and back, like that picture above, everything goes fine up until I have to patch the model, then everything falls apart

*Sigh* It's SUPPOSED to look like that. I dunno why your problem is still going, but try this. Import the raw vertex set and make it so you can see the vertexes. Now move it over the patched model. See how similar they are? Some vertexes arent really in the spot they should be in the raw vertex set, and the patch turns the model INTO the vertex set shape so you can morph into it and it not bug out.

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Sanitys_Theif on June 11, 2010, 11:25:44 PM
Everything is supposed to be jumbled. The reason that everything moves when you morph is because its not in the dead center anymore. Try pressing.....F12 I think it is? And changing all the coordinates to 0.

I did that, same result, I'm having the same problem you had with Marth's boots, how did you fix that?

It's not just jumbled up, parts of the model I didn't even touch are stretched to hell and back, like that picture above, everything goes fine up until I have to patch the model, then everything falls apart

*Sigh* It's SUPPOSED to look like that. I dunno why your problem is still going, but try this. Import the raw vertex set and make it so you can see the vertexes. Now move it over the patched model. See how similar they are? Some vertexes arent really in the spot they should be in the raw vertex set, and the patch turns the model INTO the vertex set shape so you can morph into it and it not bug out.

Problem is, they don't look similar at all, the raw is a linear rectangle area, the patched model is gigantic square with vertex points all over the place, you wouldn't be able to tell it's the same model unless you looked at the names, and none of this changes when I patch it a second time, all it does then is drag the body away from the head o_0

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 11, 2010, 11:26:54 PM
Everything is supposed to be jumbled. The reason that everything moves when you morph is because its not in the dead center anymore. Try pressing.....F12 I think it is? And changing all the coordinates to 0.

I did that, same result, I'm having the same problem you had with Marth's boots, how did you fix that?

It's not just jumbled up, parts of the model I didn't even touch are stretched to hell and back, like that picture above, everything goes fine up until I have to patch the model, then everything falls apart

*Sigh* It's SUPPOSED to look like that. I dunno why your problem is still going, but try this. Import the raw vertex set and make it so you can see the vertexes. Now move it over the patched model. See how similar they are? Some vertexes arent really in the spot they should be in the raw vertex set, and the patch turns the model INTO the vertex set shape so you can morph into it and it not bug out.

Problem is, they don't look similar at all, the raw is a lindear rectangle area, the patched model is gigantic square with vertex points all over the place, you wouldn't be able to tell it's the same model unless you looked at the names, and none of this changes when I patch it a second time, all it does then is drag the body away from the head o_0

Uh, woah. Can I has pics, please? Upload em to tinypic for fastness.

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Sanitys_Theif on June 11, 2010, 11:28:56 PM
Everything is supposed to be jumbled. The reason that everything moves when you morph is because its not in the dead center anymore. Try pressing.....F12 I think it is? And changing all the coordinates to 0.

I did that, same result, I'm having the same problem you had with Marth's boots, how did you fix that?

It's not just jumbled up, parts of the model I didn't even touch are stretched to hell and back, like that picture above, everything goes fine up until I have to patch the model, then everything falls apart

*Sigh* It's SUPPOSED to look like that. I dunno why your problem is still going, but try this. Import the raw vertex set and make it so you can see the vertexes. Now move it over the patched model. See how similar they are? Some vertexes arent really in the spot they should be in the raw vertex set, and the patch turns the model INTO the vertex set shape so you can morph into it and it not bug out.

Problem is, they don't look similar at all, the raw is a lindear rectangle area, the patched model is gigantic square with vertex points all over the place, you wouldn't be able to tell it's the same model unless you looked at the names, and none of this changes when I patch it a second time, all it does then is drag the body away from the head o_0

Uh, woah. Can I has pics, please? Upload em to tinypic for fastness.

Just closed 3DS, hold on, btw I'm trying to edit ZSS's hair now, couldn't get Marth working and it's not even a model I want to edit

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Sanitys_Theif on June 11, 2010, 11:38:23 PM
Ok here:


What is that monstrosity? The hair's not even changed and her arms are stretched all over the place, WTF is this madness? :srs:

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 11, 2010, 11:45:09 PM
Ok here:


What is that monstrosity? The hair's not even changed and her arms are stretched all over the place, WTF is this madness? :srs:

Uh ok, where's the raw vertex set?

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Sanitys_Theif on June 11, 2010, 11:56:51 PM
It won't let me add them now but before they didn't look like that, I tried the import raw vertex function, it says done but nothing shows up, I could show you the vertex points without the model

EDIT: I have to go to bed now, I'll show you tomorrow, sorry it's just I've been up 22 hours now and I'm really tired

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 12, 2010, 12:02:44 AM
So it wont let you import the 3ds Dasdonkey made?

Yeah, I guess go ahead and show me....

EDIT: Its ok, take your time. I know the feeling XD

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Sanitys_Theif on June 12, 2010, 12:42:12 AM
Screw it, this is going to bother me so I'll upload these at least:

Here's the raw vertex points:


And here's what I get if I continue the rest of the steps:


What is this!? The hair's not even touched

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 12, 2010, 12:46:38 AM
Screw it, this is going to bother me so I'll upload these at least:

Here's the raw vertex points:


And here's what I get if I continue the rest of the steps:


What is this!? The hair's not even touched

Holy lord....

Uh, ok. I dont have much to tell you except make sure you're following the tutorial exactly from the video, or POSSIBLY check out my text guide, it's in the tutorials section titled "Yoshiboshi3's Epic Fail" (I got some trollers on it) as it is in text and may be easier to understand. I'm not really a master at this, I've simply completed it unlike a few people here, so I try to help.

Maybe you should just wait for Mariokart to post here and help you.....and Mariokart, can you please tell me where this facemorpher script is? PLEASE?

EDIT: I see in the screenie you're using the old version of his code. Copy the code from the 3rd post I think, its more effective.

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Sanitys_Theif on June 12, 2010, 12:52:36 AM
You mean the script code? I thought the one on the OP was the same, if not I'll try that tomorrow, if that doesn't help then I'll look at your guide, if I still can't, then I give up until DDVB V2 is released

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 12, 2010, 12:53:43 AM
You mean the script code? I thought the one on the OP was the same, if not I'll try that tomorrow, if that doesn't help then I'll look at your guide, if I still can't, then I give up until DDVB V2 is released

Changed my guides name to Yoshiboshi3's vertex guide for easier finding. Wish you luck :/

Oh yeah, and DDVB V2 should be epic win and solve both our problems :D

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Sanitys_Theif on June 12, 2010, 02:42:45 PM
Bad news, I tried it again with the new script, got the exact same results, I'll try using your guide now

EDIT: Anyone else notice how the directions say NEVER CONVERT TO EDITABLE POLY, yet in the video, after the model is patched, it clearly says on the righ bar EDIT POLY MODE

Massive Confusion FTW?

When I click patch model it automatically puts it into edit poly mode and has vertex points selected :srs:

EDIT 2: WTF!! Now it won't let me pick anything for the morpher when I click on choose from scene, I'm clicking on the patched model but it won't let me choose it **** (

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Oizen on June 12, 2010, 04:37:51 PM
When I do this I get a mdl0 that doesn't even work >_>

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: LookItsLink on June 12, 2010, 04:42:06 PM
Bad news, I tried it again with the new script, got the exact same results, I'll try using your guide now

EDIT: Anyone else notice how the directions say NEVER CONVERT TO EDITABLE POLY, yet in the video, after the model is patched, it clearly says on the righ bar EDIT POLY MODE

Massive Confusion FTW?

When I click patch model it automatically puts it into edit poly mode and has vertex points selected :srs:

EDIT 2: WTF!! Now it won't let me pick anything for the morpher when I click on choose from scene, I'm clicking on the patched model but it won't let me choose it **** ([url][/url])

There's something in the code that sometimes adds vertices to the polygon after you patch. You can't select it because the number of vertices in the polygon isn't the same as the number of vertices in the raw vertex set.

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: mariokart64n on June 12, 2010, 04:48:43 PM
yeah, DDV2 should remove the need for using any script by me.  no doubt a few people are beta testing it since nobody should technically know about it and I keep seeing mention of it O_o

but anyway try to beg borrow and steal the beta or wait till it's officially released.

I can create another video explaining and fixing all these problems with alternate work arounds, but whats the point? DDV2 will eliminate the need for any script.

I posted my findings and a basic video in the beginning just to give everyone an equal stance on the current methods. those who have the comprehension of how to use max would have no doubt benefited from the script prior to the DDV2 release.

Personally I find the script allows you to work with a faster work flow, over using 3rd party apps outside of max. so I'll be continuing using it, over DDV. however both will accomplish the same means in the end. one or the other won't be any better, and will suffer from the same problems.. with the exception of the EditPoly Glitch.. which I'll need to fix.

its gonna burn having to take up my weekend scripting, but seems there's a need for a fixed script.

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 12, 2010, 05:03:29 PM
Bad news, I tried it again with the new script, got the exact same results, I'll try using your guide now

EDIT: Anyone else notice how the directions say NEVER CONVERT TO EDITABLE POLY, yet in the video, after the model is patched, it clearly says on the righ bar EDIT POLY MODE

Massive Confusion FTW?

When I click patch model it automatically puts it into edit poly mode and has vertex points selected :srs:

EDIT 2: WTF!! Now it won't let me pick anything for the morpher when I click on choose from scene, I'm clicking on the patched model but it won't let me choose it **** ([url][/url])

There's something in the code that sometimes adds vertices to the polygon after you patch. You can't select it because the number of vertices in the polygon isn't the same as the number of vertices in the raw vertex set.
When I do this I get a mdl0 that doesn't even work >_>

Well you appear to have messed up somewhere :/

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Sanitys_Theif on June 12, 2010, 05:08:41 PM
Bad news, I tried it again with the new script, got the exact same results, I'll try using your guide now

EDIT: Anyone else notice how the directions say NEVER CONVERT TO EDITABLE POLY, yet in the video, after the model is patched, it clearly says on the righ bar EDIT POLY MODE

Massive Confusion FTW?

When I click patch model it automatically puts it into edit poly mode and has vertex points selected :srs:

EDIT 2: WTF!! Now it won't let me pick anything for the morpher when I click on choose from scene, I'm clicking on the patched model but it won't let me choose it **** ([url][/url])

There's something in the code that sometimes adds vertices to the polygon after you patch. You can't select it because the number of vertices in the polygon isn't the same as the number of vertices in the raw vertex set.


Damn, I have a feeling I'm gonna have the same problems even with DDV2, I mean look at my post with that picture I posted, the hair's not even changed the slightest and the body is completely screwed up. What the hell happened there? It happens EVERY TIME, I triple check every step each time and the result is the same so it's not me who's doing something wrong

I'm not mad at anyone, I'm just raging because I get like this when things don't work out despite other people having it work and I've been trying like 15 times with the same result as always

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: dark sonic 19 on June 12, 2010, 05:33:40 PM
hay mariokart64n i need 3ds max 2009 2008 not working for me

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 12, 2010, 05:36:42 PM
Bad news, I tried it again with the new script, got the exact same results, I'll try using your guide now

EDIT: Anyone else notice how the directions say NEVER CONVERT TO EDITABLE POLY, yet in the video, after the model is patched, it clearly says on the righ bar EDIT POLY MODE

Massive Confusion FTW?

When I click patch model it automatically puts it into edit poly mode and has vertex points selected :srs:

EDIT 2: WTF!! Now it won't let me pick anything for the morpher when I click on choose from scene, I'm clicking on the patched model but it won't let me choose it **** ([url][/url])

There's something in the code that sometimes adds vertices to the polygon after you patch. You can't select it because the number of vertices in the polygon isn't the same as the number of vertices in the raw vertex set.


Damn, I have a feeling I'm gonna have the same problems even with DDV2, I mean look at my post with that picture I posted, the hair's not even changed the slightest and the body is completely screwed up. What the hell happened there? It happens EVERY TIME, I triple check every step each time and the result is the same so it's not me who's doing something wrong

I'm not mad at anyone, I'm just raging because I get like this when things don't work out despite other people having it work and I've been trying like 15 times with the same result as always

Sanity-do you have a program called skype? I really wanna help you and I think I can if I can watch your screen while you do stuff, which skype can do.

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Sanitys_Theif on June 12, 2010, 06:25:47 PM
Sanity-do you have a program called skype? I really wanna help you and I think I can if I can watch your screen while you do stuff, which skype can do.

I'll have to download it, I'll look for it and I'll be on later today or tomorrow if you still want to help(which I really appreciate)

I have to study a bit for my summer mid-terms but like I said later tonight or tomorrow would be good

I can create another video explaining and fixing all these problems with alternate work arounds, but whats the point? DDV2 will eliminate the need for any script.

I posted my findings and a basic video in the beginning just to give everyone an equal stance on the current methods. those who have the comprehension of how to use max would have no doubt benefited from the script prior to the DDV2 release.

Personally I find the script allows you to work with a faster work flow, over using 3rd party apps outside of max. so I'll be continuing using it, over DDV. however both will accomplish the same means in the end. one or the other won't be any better, and will suffer from the same problems.. with the exception of the EditPoly Glitch.. which I'll need to fix.

its gonna burn having to take up my weekend scripting, but seems there's a need for a fixed script.

If the method with your script has a better flow, then I'd like to know that, it doesn't sound like DDV2 will be out soon, but I'd like to know both methods because I'm having one hell of a tough time with this for some reason

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: mariokart64n on June 12, 2010, 06:54:36 PM
12part(2hour) video is to come to answer these questions to those of you who are serious about modding and are skilled using MAX

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 12, 2010, 07:05:43 PM
12part(2hour) video is to come to answer these questions to those of you who are serious about modding and are skilled using MAX

I just wanna know where this facemorpher thing is :/

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: mariokart64n on June 12, 2010, 07:08:18 PM
BY already posted it.....

I'm trying to hurry the video, to about 3 parts and cover everything

another hour should do it

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 12, 2010, 07:17:34 PM
BY already posted it.....


I'm trying to hurry the video, to about 3 parts and cover everything

another hour should do it

Uh I dont really get how to USE that script (I run it and nothing happens and I still cant morph it) but I hope your video explains stuff :D

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: mariokart64n on June 12, 2010, 07:25:17 PM
using editPoly changes the vert count. since we are modding verts, vert count is extremely IMPORTANT.

but max also uses verts to morph.. if the vert count is off, we cannot morph :( everything is down the tubes... but no theres an answer!! morph by faces instead, since the face count remains the same, we can morph based on that instead. then morph back by verts.. its a owkr around.. further explained by video

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 12, 2010, 07:31:30 PM
using editPoly changes the vert count. since we are modding verts, vert count is extremely IMPORTANT.

but max also uses verts to morph.. if the vert count is off, we cannot morph :( everything is down the tubes... but no theres an answer!! morph by faces instead, since the face count remains the same, we can morph based on that instead. then morph back by verts.. its a owkr around.. further explained by video

Alright good, because everything past "there's an answer" made no sense to me XD

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: ??_? on June 12, 2010, 08:05:33 PM
your first post, its Kyral, not Krystal xD sorry
cool [censored] tho

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: mariokart64n on June 12, 2010, 08:20:16 PM
sorry, didn't really pay attention to his name lol

also sorry about the long wait, um its taking a hell of a long time to encode and upload to youtube. my PC is EXTREMELY SLOW... like you wouldn't even know.. it takes 5mins to do like anything

also things keep crashing.. it took me 40mins just to make a 10mis clip, cause of all the crashing, restarting etc.. >_< gawd I hate making videos

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Sanitys_Theif on June 12, 2010, 08:56:08 PM
sorry, didn't really pay attention to his name lol

also sorry about the long wait, um its taking a hell of a long time to encode and upload to youtube. my PC is EXTREMELY SLOW... like you wouldn't even know.. it takes 5mins to do like anything

also things keep crashing.. it took me 40mins just to make a 10mis clip, cause of all the crashing, restarting etc.. >_< gawd I hate making videos

I can't imagine, but I greatly appreciate your efforts, unfortunately I won't be able to try until tomorrow

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Oizen on June 12, 2010, 11:18:49 PM
Is Vertex Box 2.0 out?  :srs:

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: mariokart64n on June 12, 2010, 11:19:12 PM
yeah, sorry I couldnt get the video up in time.. I'm having alot of problems... now I'm at the point where I've basically wasted 5 hours just struggling with my system and it crashing.

I'm just going to finish off the Video I started 2 weeks ago. that I had abandoned, cause I lost my mod due to a power outage :( but anyway I'll addon a few final videos on that just explaining the final steps.. be done with that. then that'll be IT for any videos. the rest will be just text based help, or if kittycorp makes there own video.. there choice.

K, hope to have the videos encoded tonight, then uploaded during tomorrow

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: LookItsLink on June 13, 2010, 09:25:31 AM
yeah, sorry I couldnt get the video up in time.. I'm having alot of problems... now I'm at the point where I've basically wasted 5 hours just struggling with my system and it crashing.

I'm just going to finish off the Video I started 2 weeks ago. that I had abandoned, cause I lost my mod due to a power outage :( but anyway I'll addon a few final videos on that just explaining the final steps.. be done with that. then that'll be IT for any videos. the rest will be just text based help, or if kittycorp makes there own video.. there choice.

K, hope to have the videos encoded tonight, then uploaded during tomorrow

Lookin' forward to it.
It's really great that you're putting so much time into this. Don't kill yourself for us though.

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 13, 2010, 10:15:03 AM
Ok, I'm sorry to be such a pain in your butt, but I really wanna do this.

I watched those two youtube videos you posted (The Q&A and Mewtwo part 1) and I still dont understand how to use meshmorpher. You said you explained it in your first video, but I dont see it :/ I just run the script and nothing happens. Oh and btw, I'm running autodesk 3ds max 9 and everything is working like a charm except this one part on some vertexes...(It has worked in some instances though for some stuff, like Zelda's body or Yoshi's head/feet.)

I THINK I kinda get what this things supposed to do: morph the raw vertex set into faces so I can morph it. But I run the script and nothing really it because I have 9? :/

Guess I'd better hunt for 8....

EDIT: I THINK I got it working. I can morph by faces now, but the raw vertex set has 0 faces. How am I supposed to morph that? :/

Lol, your part 11 uploaded and I saw how to go to the hammer thing and run a script from there. I was going maxscript>run script, lol. However, its still telling me I dont have enough faces! Heeelp.

Ok, now I got THAT working. But NOW its giving me the error "Mesh operation on nonmesh" or something, which makes sense because its a polygon. :/

Help me now? D:

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: mariokart64n on June 13, 2010, 01:43:33 PM
yeah, give me some more time, I need to upload 12 parts, each one takes roughly 40mis to up.

I'll make up a text based Q&A soon.

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Scootaloo on June 14, 2010, 03:25:15 AM
I used to have some of the problems in this thread but after I switched to ur plugin for callada it worked fine buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut...

I have another problem D: it patches properly (i think, It doesnt get messed up like the other polygons plp have posted) it morphs fine with no errors, I export the selected verts and replace the DDV file but When I go to Insert 3ds into MDL0 it comes up with an error and then askes for a MDL0 offset. Also the new DDV file is a bit less in KB than the one DDVB normally produces. Even if I insert this new DDV into the model file Brawlbox cant preview the image anyway.

I'm using the trial u provided and the freecallada plugin u provided

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: LookItsLink on June 14, 2010, 03:42:03 AM
Are you sure you're exporting only the morphed vertex cloud and not the model? Make sure you have mesh01 (default name) selected, not a polygon.

Also a question/something I noticed: After going through the patch, the patched model isn't as changed as it was before patching, and that indirectly affects how the vertex cloud will be morphed. What I mean is, it seems as if during patching, the locations of the vertices I changed and the corresponding vertices of the original model kind of average out location-wise.

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Scootaloo on June 14, 2010, 04:21:27 AM
doh I must be blind or something lol I missed something at the very beggining. I thought to get that mesh01 u had to import the vertex.ddf file into the scene.

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: SiLeNtDo0m on June 14, 2010, 11:36:53 AM
Hmm this doesn't seem to work with versions 2010 and 2011.  Is there anyway I can get version 9 or earlier?

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Scootaloo on June 14, 2010, 02:15:00 PM
I folowed ur tut exactly. Pausing at each step and mimicing it on my computer and I still got the error with DDVB.

EDIT: Nvm had to run it though freakin animator

EDIT 2: YAY I GOT IT TO WORK!!! I created a patch using the vertex.ddf file then without editing anything I applied the patch and then I edited to polygon under editble poly, After I was done I morphed the verts from the DDV.3ds file into the new edited polygon, exported the selected verts (mesh01) and overwrite DDV.3ds, run that DDV.3ds through animator and import that 3ds into the model. I only have tested this with Meta knights swod as I was able to seperate his sword into 8 elements.

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: Segtendo on June 14, 2010, 03:47:01 PM
Can I get some Blender help? I have no clue how to move vertex points :oshi:

Title: Re: Model Hacking Help
Post by: mariokart64n on June 14, 2010, 04:19:31 PM
either your injecting the wrong verts that need to correspond with the vertex.ddf or you've exported the 3ds with faces.. which DDV doesn't like

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on June 14, 2010, 09:17:28 PM
sorry to bump,

but 14 youtube videos have been made showing how to make mewtwo out of lucario. if your interested in vertex hacking, you may want to check those videos out. they've been updated or posted in the first topic.


Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: SiLeNtDo0m on June 15, 2010, 11:19:35 AM
Is something like this possible with Blender?  I'm having a hard time getting 3DS Max 09 or earlier.  I can use Blender decently and of course Blender is free :D

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on June 15, 2010, 02:17:15 PM
i'm sure you could use blender if you had the know how. but my way uses 3dsmax strictly. and I can't provide you with blender help, sorry.
but again if you had the know how, I don't see why you wouldn't be able to do this same thing.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Scootaloo on June 15, 2010, 09:50:56 PM
I noticed that sometimes when I pick select from scene I cant select any polygon. Why is this?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: LookItsLink on June 15, 2010, 10:02:58 PM

There's something in the code that sometimes adds vertices to the polygon after you patch. You can't select it because the number of vertices in the polygon isn't the same as the number of vertices in the raw vertex set.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Scootaloo on June 15, 2010, 10:31:38 PM
ahh ok, I know he said he was gonna explain how to do it in a video, do u know which video it is?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: LookItsLink on June 15, 2010, 11:10:53 PM
I haven't actually watched them all through, so I'm not sure.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: SiLeNtDo0m on June 16, 2010, 08:03:06 AM
Too bad I don't have the know-how :(

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: dark sonic 19 on June 16, 2010, 06:42:16 PM
 what i ment back at my other post is that i was installing 3ds max8 it give me this saying
 fatal error installation ended prematurely because of an error some one help me :oshi:

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: dingo on June 16, 2010, 06:45:06 PM
Reinstall, redownload or get something else. Pretty obvious what to do since there's nothing else to do...

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Oizen on June 16, 2010, 08:25:56 PM
Has anyone ever told you that your accent is sexy?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on June 16, 2010, 11:00:35 PM
yeah oddly enough O_o I think I sound stupid which amuses me, when people comment on my voice

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: KAZECoyote on June 17, 2010, 07:49:55 AM
I have a problem, when I patch the model it adds 1 extra vertex no matter how many time I start the process over. Do you have any idea what wrong?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on June 17, 2010, 01:50:36 PM
thats why i made all those videos.. its covered like at t the end. just face morph instead of morph


updated the script, with the UV injection feature. it doesn't work that great though. seems the UV set is alot smaller then it should be. so export from the AIS model doesn't work, as the AIS mesh has more UV coordinates?

I'm thinking that the UVsets in the MDL0 have some flag that indicate when a corrdinate is duplicated.. or something.. but I haven't found any evidence of that theory being true.

however I made the vert import button also support the UV set. so you can import a vert cloud of the UVs, edit that and export back into the MDL, no problem.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 19, 2010, 01:22:05 PM
.....My god.

Every single time I try this facemorpher thing I get the following:

MAXScript Rollout Handler Exception
-- Runtime error: Mesh operation on non-mesh:

Screenie time:

That captures everything. The patched model, and the vertex cloud. faceMorpher is on the right. I also included the window that comes up when I get the error.

I watched your videos, I dont recall you getting this error. Can you help?

EDIT: Just to see what would happen, I converted the patched polygon to a mesh and it gave me a diffrent error, something about incorrect verticies and telling me to delete them, and then nothing happened to the vertex cloud.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on June 19, 2010, 05:01:40 PM
means your model was not collapsed, not in mesh edit, and not the proper vcount or the 3ds was invalid for DDV to even work properly. all small oversights, so I suggest rewatching each video to every detail.

also a update to the script should be coming soon, which will allow direct injection to the mdl0. in a nutshell, theres no need for using DDV at all now.

here's a sneak peak at the UV editing, though there are many problem.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 19, 2010, 06:06:31 PM
means your model was not collapsed, not in mesh edit, and not the proper vcount or the 3ds was invalid for DDV to even work properly. all small oversights, so I suggest rewatching each video to every detail.

also a update to the script should be coming soon, which will allow direct injection to the mdl0. in a nutshell, theres no need for using DDV at all now.

here's a sneak peak at the UV editing, though there are many problem.


I know how to do both those things......I will try them.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: KAZECoyote on June 19, 2010, 09:20:18 PM
means your model was not collapsed, not in mesh edit, and not the proper vcount or the 3ds was invalid for DDV to even work properly. all small oversights, so I suggest rewatching each video to every detail.

also a update to the script should be coming soon, which will allow direct injection to the mdl0. in a nutshell, theres no need for using DDV at all now.

here's a sneak peak at the UV editing, though there are many problem.


I know how to do both those things......I will try them.

Face morpher only works when you dont have any modifiers applied(just in case you didnt know). copy and collapse all, then try again.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 19, 2010, 09:54:00 PM
means your model was not collapsed, not in mesh edit, and not the proper vcount or the 3ds was invalid for DDV to even work properly. all small oversights, so I suggest rewatching each video to every detail.

also a update to the script should be coming soon, which will allow direct injection to the mdl0. in a nutshell, theres no need for using DDV at all now.

here's a sneak peak at the UV editing, though there are many problem.


I know how to do both those things......I will try them.

Face morpher only works when you dont have any modifiers applied(just in case you didnt know). copy and collapse all, then try again.

Ok, it gave me....

UV Mesher
I have found 1151 incorrect vertices. Go to Editable Mesh->Sub-Object Vertex to delete the selection.

And nothing changed in the vertex set.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on June 19, 2010, 09:59:44 PM
I'm sure when people get a good grasp of the technique, more guides will surely emerge. until then, it looks like you may need to wait until everything is smoothed out.

though I'm not withholding any information, everything is plainly laid out in the videos.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 19, 2010, 10:07:36 PM
I'm sure when people get a good grasp of the technique, more guides will surely emerge. until then, it looks like you may need to wait until everything is smoothed out.

though I'm not withholding any information, everything is plainly laid out in the videos.

Looks like I must study them more. (Runs back to youtube)

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: JapaneseDevil on June 19, 2010, 10:19:35 PM
Đây là mát mẻ

This is cool

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: owned645 on June 20, 2010, 04:01:08 PM
I can convert other dae files but the ones made with ais make my 3dsmax 2010 crash

I extract ais
then i extract the brres from falcos pac
I then drag it on to the application
It creats the dae
I import it
Then it crashes.
And yes, I do have callada for 2010.

Could someone explain why this happens?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on June 20, 2010, 06:50:50 PM


and to clear up any false information, I can import falco just fine. I've attached the max file with falco, feel free to use it.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 20, 2010, 07:06:03 PM


and to clear up any false information, I can import falco just fine. I've attached the max file with falco, feel free to use it.


You said max 9 didnt work, but I'm using it and have finally fixed all my problems, and I can tell everyone that it works fine on 9.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on June 20, 2010, 08:03:24 PM
lol, so you've had full success now?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 20, 2010, 08:04:37 PM
lol, so you've had full success now?

Yeah, there wont be any more of that one guy who keeps asking over and over how do I do this how do I use it. :D

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: owned645 on June 20, 2010, 08:48:18 PM
Hmmm. Alright. I might be pming yoshiboshi if i run into any problem at my friends house. Also, do you think you could do that for every character? That might help allot of people.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 20, 2010, 09:08:10 PM
Hmmm. Alright. I might be pming yoshiboshi if i run into any problem at my friends house. Also, do you think you could do that for every character? That might help allot of people.

Yeah, that would help alot considering  that many people have problems with AiS. It would be hard to double patch, though...

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: owned645 on June 20, 2010, 10:05:23 PM
Well. If I was to make the model. Then somebody could do the rest for me. Would that work?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Zihark on June 20, 2010, 10:26:58 PM
Err, I'm having some sort of issue. I'm not having problems with anything BUT this.

Well, it seems that when I decide to import the 'dae' models into 3ds Max, the models always come out looking like rubbish. Here's a pic:


Is it supposed to come out like that? 'Cause it's not like that in your videos, D: Running on 3ds Max 2011, just as a heads-up. (Although you can probably tell by the way it looks, lol.)

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on June 20, 2010, 10:27:07 PM
I was going to create a DAE import function to my script, which would bypass all max version compatibility issues. the DAE format, is actually plain text simular to a form of XML. but I know virtually nothing about the format. so it might be a awhile for me to gather everything together.

this pre-import then upload the models in MAX is a good idea, although I haven't got the time for it

also he's right, if your doing a full body edit the ability to export import is vital. so again I believe the best course of action is to write my own importer... but I'm still on the fence about it. so until then, if you unable, then you ARE NOT ABLE. so don't bother wasting your time, or anyone else's time to baby you.

lol I'm going to have to reemphasize this in the opening post. this doesn't work with the latest max. sorry your out of luck

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Zihark on June 20, 2010, 10:31:01 PM
RAWR, I DO NOT SECOND THAT. D: I'll just use the version you have. D:< (Has second chance @___@)

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on June 20, 2010, 10:44:06 PM
well I'll look into the prospects of writing my own DAE importer, but I'm no pro at it. so I cant promise anything, but if all goes well. no need for a specific version of max, and no need for das donkey vertex box altogether.

just one single tool, 3dsmax. and your creative mind of course. ;)

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 20, 2010, 11:16:32 PM
Err, I'm having some sort of issue. I'm not having problems with anything BUT this.

Well, it seems that when I decide to import the 'dae' models into 3ds Max, the models always come out looking like rubbish. Here's a pic:


Is it supposed to come out like that? 'Cause it's not like that in your videos, D: Running on 3ds Max 2011, just as a heads-up. (Although you can probably tell by the way it looks, lol.)

When you import the DAE, are you importing as Collida DAE or Autodesk DAE? Thats what happens when you import autodesk. I dunno if theres a collida plugin for max 11....
Get max 08 or 9. Those are the confirmed working versions.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Zihark on June 20, 2010, 11:34:32 PM
When you import the DAE, are you importing as Collida DAE or Autodesk DAE? Thats what happens when you import autodesk. I dunno if theres a collida plugin for max 11....
Get max 08 or 9. Those are the confirmed working versions.

Lol, problem already solved, I'm installing Max 8 as I type this. Thanks anyways, lol. XD

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: owned645 on June 21, 2010, 01:16:28 AM
Ok thanks. I'll just have to wait then I guess.

But wait. This is a part of the help thread. So can someone do the rest of this for me?
Please and thank you :]
I'll be sure to give credit.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Power Marshall on June 21, 2010, 06:53:22 AM
okay, just to make sure I have no problems, this is my order of steps that I do from what the guide tells mii.

1 export brres from BB, convert, import Dae into Max8.
2 fix AIS import, hide everything you do not need, click create patch
3 select the vertex.DDF file, then in max- select vertices mode
4 Edit
5 Patch model, select the Vertex_PTA.pta that was made from the vertex.ddf
6 Wait
7 After it is done, Make a 3DS file from DDVB of the vertex.ddf
8 import from max the 3ds file.
9 Click the arrow button next to modifier list and select "Morpher"
10 go down to where it says "empty" and right click the first one, select pick from scene.
11 left click the model and change the number from 0.0 to 100.0
12 click file> export selected, and export over the ddv.3ds file that was made awhile ago.
13 open DDVB and click import into model and type the offset of the vertex you edited, and go in BB.
14 open the model with BB, and if it looks undesirable, re-patch or repeat without editing.

I tried all steps without double patching on max8 and there was a error at the beginning of importing the 3ds file in the model with DDVB, I believe Fireking had the same error so I tried importing and exporting with animator, but still. I ignored it and went in BB with it and the model was unchanged. I would just have wanted to see if the model was changed, regardless of what I wanted, heh.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: -BigSharkZ- on June 21, 2010, 06:00:53 PM
I'm having problems as well. Mariokart64n, if possible, do you think you could fix the model I sent you? Everything is done, except the morphing part. Each time I try to view the finished product in Brawl Box, it either is a messed up model, or the model is unchanged.

Thanks a lot if you plan on fixing it, and no need to rush on it either.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: ZX_BraveSol_ZX on June 21, 2010, 06:46:54 PM
can we use blender instead of 3d max?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on June 21, 2010, 09:03:05 PM
sorry, I have no love for blender. how would a max plugin work in blender anyhow?

your best bet is to read my maxscript and write your own py plugin for blender. then that would work for you. :P

also, to anyone sending me their files. I never agreed to get your mods into the game for you. please stop sending your files. it does take a "long" time being the method isn't perfect. alot of trial and error has to be made, the trick about it is can you solve those problems to your advantage... thats why mods take me from 1week - 3weeks :\

lastly I'm making my script so that you won't need DasDonkeyVertexBox, or the DAE/Collada plugin. that means any version of max will work, and you will not get weird errors from DDVB

but It'll have to wait, I've been busy at work, etc etc..

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: owned645 on June 22, 2010, 01:37:11 AM
I never asked you to do it for me. I was referring to anyone who wanted to help. But I'll post a new topic in the help section.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on June 22, 2010, 05:03:42 PM
I meant in general, but anyways the opening topic has been updated with the new script. the new script allows for injection into the MDL0. nullifying the need for DasDonkeyVertBox. now you can just use the "Script" and the name is alot easier to remember too  ;)

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: owned645 on June 22, 2010, 05:16:50 PM
Wait... So does that mean it'll work for max 2010?

Edit: Never mind the dumb comment. As much as it's going to kill me. I'll wait.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Power Marshall on June 22, 2010, 05:29:26 PM
Will there ever get to a point that we could simply open the DAE file in max, inject the vert, edit, and then eject to the mdl0 file for BB?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 23, 2010, 09:59:17 AM
Uh, sorry, but I need some more help. :I

Its about double patching. It works fine when I dont have to use faceMorph, but when I DO use faceMorph, it doesn't seem to work. Lets say I just exported the morphed vertex set back into brawlbox and I see the side is messed up. I export the brres, convert to DAE, open in Max, patch with the patch I created earlier, Then copy/convert to mesh/use facemorpher/ yadayadayada, import the vertex set, morph it, doesnt fix. ;(

Lol disregard that, I fixed it. I was re-doing EVERYTHING while I was double patching.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on June 23, 2010, 05:55:14 PM
found this guy's blog entry in relation to my method;

it tries to take another view on the method, and shows a slightly different workflow. I've also made a response to their video, to correct old information. however I'm pointing out their blog entry, just encase their video is in fact easier to follow. apparently my videos are too complicated for some to follow.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Rikami on June 24, 2010, 10:05:39 AM
MarioKart, so I'm a little confused.
You converted to editable poly in your mewtwo video but you also say not too in your guide.
I tried myself of course and it does not work.
I just want to use the relax tool, that's all.
Any work arounds?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on June 24, 2010, 02:07:23 PM
facemorph.. I think I describe it in the video.

the written was the first guide, and naturally takes a safe course of procedures.. but problems came up.. and in the video I had to change to editable poly. which makes the model incompatible with morph. so instead we use facemorph to get the mesh back to edit mesh.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 24, 2010, 03:18:10 PM
facemorph.. I think I describe it in the video.

the written was the first guide, and naturally takes a safe course of procedures.. but problems came up.. and in the video I had to change to editable poly. which makes the model incompatible with morph. so instead we use facemorph to get the mesh back to edit mesh.

He explains how to use it in part 9. :D

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Rikami on June 24, 2010, 04:58:10 PM
Thank you guys.
I have one other question though.
Do you know of a way to merge to elements within the same object?
I'm trying to make marth have no gloves but I can't seem to get the forearm and bicep to match up.

( (


Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on June 24, 2010, 07:46:28 PM
i dont know much about normals, but that's one way you could hide that issue.

that is if there was a method of editing them. right now I don't have a well enough understanding of how to replace them. but I'll try to import the normals into max over the AIS import. if that is successful, then export may be possible

just add a Edit Normal modifier, and play around with moving the blue arrows. that'll give you and idea of what the normals will help you do, if we're able to edit

but until then your stuck with that unsightly problem :(

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Scootaloo on June 26, 2010, 11:11:32 AM
I tried ur latest script and was able to get it to work properly. I do however have a question.

I vertexed meta knights body using ur method but when I tried it out in game the colors in his visor were inverted. I checked the texture and it was still the same. The only thing I did between testing was use ur method. I don't get how the eye could've messed up since this method doesn't even touch textures. Do you know why this is?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on June 26, 2010, 03:20:45 PM
no thats weird?

would you mind PMing your mod to me, maybe I could figure out the problem

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Scootaloo on June 26, 2010, 05:14:27 PM
I fixed it now but I had to do it the old way. Idk what happened though.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: owned645 on June 26, 2010, 10:19:17 PM
I followed your instructions step for step on your new video with Ikes arms and It totally [censored]s up after patching for me. And I'm doing this from my friends house on his 3ds 8. Anyway, this is what happens after patching the model.

Please help.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 26, 2010, 10:21:00 PM
I followed your instructions step for step on your new video with Ikes arms and It totally SAKURAI!!!!!!!!s up after patching for me. And I'm doing this from my friends house on his 3ds 8. Anyway, this is what happens after patching the model.

Please help.

I had this problem and it sort of.....fixed itself. It stopped doing that and never did it again. Just keep trying :/

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: owned645 on June 26, 2010, 10:39:27 PM
How many times? Because I have tried it over 10 times. I tried it twice, completely restarted my computer, then tried it a bunch more times in the same procedure as mariokart. It is always the same exact outcome too.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Sanitys_Theif on June 27, 2010, 02:57:02 PM
I have the same problem which is why I gave up,, I'm getting Max 8 now though to try again, Max 9 has a lot of bugs I hear

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Rikami on June 27, 2010, 07:47:23 PM
Hey mariokart, I have another question but first I want to say thanks for being so helpful with all these people.

My question is about polygon shading, I vertex hacked something and the shading became inverted and I'm worried that will affect the appearance in game. Here is a picture of what I mean.

( (

I figured there was some way to access face properties.
Or perhaps this isn't important?
Thanks again.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on June 27, 2010, 08:21:30 PM
yup your right. that is a problem, and it will effect the ingame.

I need to create a new function in my max script to import the normals, and apply them to the mesh. that way you can edit them, and export them back.

editing the normals will help you hide or adjust for pinches that may cause bad shading.

I'll have to get back to you on a solution, maybe next weekend I'll get around it. but until then, you should be safe to contine your edit. just make sure you keep your model edit saved, so you can go back and edit the normals later.

to get an idea of what normals do, add a edit normals modifiers, and play around with adjusting the normal rays

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 27, 2010, 09:00:07 PM
Hey do I apply textures to a DAE so I can see what I'm editing better? Like, if I make the DAE from AiS, can I apply the character textures?

Wow, I need to watch your tutorial more >.>

I just skimmed it the first time to find out how to use facemorph. Oh well, fixed anyway.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Rikami on June 28, 2010, 12:57:15 AM
Oh, very interesting.
I'd be grateful if you could get that working.
I'm messing around with normals right now.
I've got a big project I'm working on.

Also btw, remember earlier when I asked you about joining elements?
Well I found that overlapping vertices can achieve the same effect. (not tested in game)
ask me for a screen shot if you don't understand.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on June 28, 2010, 12:48:16 PM
oh you want to join right. use the snap function in max. snap is a fairly common function that basically means it'll auto join 2 things together.

this can be applied to vertices in the same manner. you can even attach the meshes into 1 single mesh, and weld.. doing the same thing. but anyway these are things that may be considered advanced techniques, so they'd require an extension written tutorial, or video. both which I dont desire to do at the moment.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 28, 2010, 05:01:47 PM
Ok, really need help this time. Serioulsy.

I'm having a new patching problem. When I patch, its not taking my changes into effect at all and its acting as if I morphed the dae into the raw vert set. Of course this means no change when I morph the verts. Please help! I watched the tutorial.....I dont recall you running into this.....

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: owned645 on June 29, 2010, 04:15:13 PM
I for one keep running into too many problems. So from here on out, I'm wait for vertexbox 2.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: MeleeMaster500 on June 29, 2010, 10:40:52 PM
I just cant get AiS to work, probably because im running windows 7 64bit, and is saying that "ais.exe has stopped working".

anyways, anyone know how to solve this and/or can give me snakes model as dae?

im pretty sure I can follow everything else from there

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on June 29, 2010, 10:43:29 PM
I just cant get AiS to work, probably because im running windows 7 64bit, and is saying that "ais.exe has stopped working".

anyways, anyone know how to solve this and/or can give me snakes model as dae?

im pretty sure I can follow everything else from there

Omg, its that guy who got uberpissed at everyone for not posting codes in that one codes thread.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: MeleeMaster500 on June 29, 2010, 11:02:08 PM
yeah trying to moderate a slowly deteriorating/purposeless topic in a forum with no moderation privileges nor contact with someone with was annoying. and finished several months ago.

who cares,

anyways, I've got a nearly finished texture for snake, and really need to edit it. and since absolutely nowhere on the internet discusses solutions for a crashing AiS program, I thought someone could help.

I've even run the binary to implement it with my right click. However, whenever I run the file through AiS.exe (or even Ais.exe by itself) it stops working.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Power Marshall on June 30, 2010, 08:33:47 AM
Here you go, MeleeMaster: A Snake DAE file.

Hopefully that is what you want... not sure about Windows7 and why it does not work... never tried it, heh. But if you need any other DAEs, I can help with simply that.


Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: owned645 on June 30, 2010, 01:57:34 PM
I just cant get AiS to work, probably because im running windows 7 64bit, and is saying that "ais.exe has stopped working".

anyways, anyone know how to solve this and/or can give me snakes model as dae?

im pretty sure I can follow everything else from there

It does that for me too. I just drag the brres file onto the application and the dae will apear in the folder with the brres.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on June 30, 2010, 03:03:39 PM
brawlbox 0.64 seems to have a built in DAE exporter based on AIS's code. if brawlbox runs on your system. download the latest source code, and compile it for your windows. thats the only solution for AIS and a 64bit OS

personally I'm using winXP 32bit, so i have no problems

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Rikami on July 01, 2010, 10:10:04 AM
Hey mariokart, me again.
So I did a lot of work on a vertex hack for marth.
But now when I export it and run it though DDB it errors in brawbox; preview won't even work.

I know you're busy but if you could just check it for me that would be nice.
I checked and the number of vertices and faces are the same.
Also I get some java error in DDB only when inserting.

Here's my file:

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Power Marshall on July 01, 2010, 01:32:28 PM
Rikami, did you know Mariokart64n's Script was updated?
DDVB has therefore no need for use, because his script now supports exportation of verts!

Not so sure if you knew... maybe that will help.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on July 01, 2010, 02:37:14 PM
Rikami, did you know Mariokart64n's Script was updated?
DDVB has therefore no need for use, because his script now supports exportation of verts!

Not so sure if you knew... maybe that will help.

If DDB gives a "java" error, its not going to work. Its not DDB's fault, something messed up with the vertex set.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on July 01, 2010, 05:02:45 PM
errors, like "there was a weird java error" is why I eliminated the need for DDVB. unfortunately many have complained about the complexity of my method. I say take it or leave it, alot of info is here. just take the time to learn, be patient and it'll all come to you in time.

anyway did a video, it'll show you what I did with your max file. you can pickup the process from that.


I found a topic showing off OBJ injection at the smashboards, I did a quick google, and found a mario kart Wii tool that does just that. I'm not sure if its the same one the users are using on smashboards. but I'll experiment more with it and see if I can't inject an obj file

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Rikami on July 02, 2010, 02:15:09 AM
Well after like 10 tries I finally got this down.
Thanks for the video, It helped greatly.
I'm kinda glad you didn't just give me the file because now I learned how to do it myself.
I'll be sure to give you tons of credit when I release this.
I'm working on a Castlevania Cornell Marth

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: ShadowSnake on July 02, 2010, 06:26:15 PM

I found a topic showing off OBJ injection at the smashboards, I did a quick google, and found a mario kart Wii tool that does just that. I'm not sure if its the same one the users are using on smashboards. but I'll experiment more with it and see if I can't inject an obj file


@ mariokart64n

I saw that yesterday on smashboards, are u planning to inject as a DAE so it can go over a model? if u figure that out, u will be the one who completed brawl hacking.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on July 02, 2010, 06:50:25 PM
I would have to make a tool from scratch, I have no desire for that.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Eternal Yoshi on July 02, 2010, 10:09:16 PM
Thank you for eliminating the need for DDV. The fact that many stage parts have vertex sets that don't get along with DDV output errors upon importing was annoying.

The model I'm trying to vertex hack Marth to is not T-stanced.
I hear rigging it can help solve my problem.
How would I go about rigging a .obj model?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Vish on July 03, 2010, 01:26:29 PM
When I export the vertices to the model, I get "ERROR! Wrong Offset!" D:

I put the MDL0 Offset from the vertex set.

EDIT: Never mind. It worked when I unchecked read offset from file.

Also, mariokart do you mind putting this in the first post?

I made a text tutorial of how to do this since people in the KCMM family thread (in the off-topic board) wanted a detailed one so they can go at their own pace instead of the vid.

I know Yoshiboshi made one, but his is sort of outdated.

How to do the new vertex method without DasDonkey Vertex Box
(+ Without Patching)

In this tutorial I'm going to be making Ness' head bigger. You can do whatever you want, but this is just an example. Mariokart's new script makes it so DasDonkey Vertex box isn't needed anymore, and the only tutorials that mariokart has up are videos, so this is for people who want to take things at their own pace. The reason why it's good to not use DasDonkey Vertex Box anymore, is that vertex sets that previously didn't work (Peach's crown, Pokemon Trainer's hat/hair, etc) should work now.

First, export the .brres of the first model data.


You'll need to download AiS which converts the .brres into a .dae, so you can open it in 3DS max. For this to work, make sure that the .brres contains a model which is unedited. If it is edited, then AiS will not work and will simply make a log file. You can download AiS here:

Next, export the vertex group that you want to edit in Brawlbox.


Now open 3DS Max 8 (and note that this only works in Max 8 not 9, 2008, 2009 or 2010), and run mariokart64n's script:

fn readBEshort fstream = (
short = readshort fstream #unsigned
short = bit.swapBytes short 1 2
return short
fn readBElong fstream = (
long = readlong fstream
long = bit.swapBytes long 1 4
long = bit.swapBytes long 2 3
return long
fn ReadBEfloat fstream = (
fpt=readfloat fstream
itger = bit.floatAsInt fpt
hih = bit.intashex itger
while hih.count < 8 do hih = "0" + hih
shn = (substring hih 7 2) + \
(substring hih 5 2) + \
(substring hih 3 2) + \
(substring hih 1 2)
bit.intAsFloat (bit.hexasint shn)
-- fn floatSwap2 f = (
-- i = bit.floatAsInt f
-- h = bit.intashex i
-- while h.count < 8 do h = "0" + h
-- s = (substring h 7 2) + (substring h 5 2) + (substring h 3 2) + (substring h 1 2)
-- bit.intAsFloat (bit.hexasint s)
-- )
fn WriteBEFloat fnum = (
intgr = bit.floatAsInt fnum
honey = bit.intashex intgr
while honey.count < 8
do honey = "0" + honey
sign = (substring honey 7 2) + \
(substring honey 5 2) + \
(substring honey 3 2) + \
(substring honey 1 2)
xintgr=bit.intAsFloat (bit.hexasint sign)
return xintgr

rollout DDV "Vertex Modding Patcher" width:311 height:257
button btn1 "Import Verts" pos:[8,12] width:144 height:40
button btn3 "Create Patch" pos:[8,108] width:144 height:40
button btn4 "Patch Model" pos:[8,156] width:144 height:40
label lbl0 "-Mario_Kart64n, (June22, 2010)" pos:[153,238] width:156 height:23
button btn5 "Fix AiS Import" pos:[8,204] width:144 height:40
checkbox chk6 "Checkbox" pos:[165,202] width:14 height:13
label lbl6 "Scale AIS Import" pos:[182,201] width:111 height:15
button btn2 "Export Verts" pos:[8,60] width:144 height:40
checkbox chk1 "Checkbox" pos:[165,55] width:14 height:13 enabled:false checked:false
label lbl1 "Save as 3DS File" pos:[182,54] width:119 height:15 enabled:false
checkbox chk2 "Checkbox" pos:[165,72] width:14 height:13 enabled:false checked:false
label lbl2 "Save As Seperate Files" pos:[182,71] width:119 height:15 enabled:false
checkbox chk3 "Checkbox" pos:[165,90] width:14 height:13 enabled:true checked:true
label lbl3 "Save Changes to MDL0" pos:[180,89] width:119 height:15
checkbox chk4 "Checkbox" pos:[165,108] width:14 height:13 enabled:true checked:true
label lbl4 "Read Offset from File" pos:[180,107] width:119 height:15
groupBox grp3 "Other Options" pos:[157,185] width:143 height:51
editText edt1 " MDL0 Offset:" pos:[162,125] width:130 height:16
checkbox chk7 "Checkbox" pos:[165,218] width:14 height:13 enabled:false checked:false
label lbl7 "Rotate AIS Import" pos:[181,217] width:111 height:15 enabled:false
label lbl5 "Don't Use EditPoly" pos:[181,164] width:119 height:15 enabled:false
groupBox grp2 "Import Options" pos:[157,148] width:143 height:37
groupBox grp1 "Export Options" pos:[157,7] width:143 height:140
checkbox chk5 "Checkbox" pos:[165,165] width:14 height:13 enabled:false checked:false
radioButtons rdo1 "" pos:[165,21] width:125 height:32 labels:#("Vertices", "Texture Corrdinates") default:1 columns:1

local typedOffset=""

on edt1 entered txt do(
if txt != "" do(
typedOffset=txt as float
if typedOffset<=0 do(
local typedOffset

on btn1 pressed do(
fsource = GetOpenFileName \
caption:"Brawl Vert Import" types: \
"All files (*.*)|*.*|"
f= fopen fsource "rb"
fpath= getFilenamePath fsource
fname = getFilenameFile fsource


fSize=readBElong f
mdlOffset=readBElong f
dataOffset=readBElong f
strOffset=readBElong f
vertID=readBElong f
vUkn1=readBElong f --flag? is XYZ?
dataType=readBElong f
entryStride=readBEshort f
numVertices=readBEshort f
eMinX=readBEfloat f
eMinY=readBEfloat f
eMinZ=readBEfloat f
eMaxX=readBEfloat f
eMaxY=readBEfloat f
eMaxZ=readBEfloat f
pad=readBElong f
pad=readBElong f

if entryStride==12 then(
for x = 1 to numVertices do(
vX=readBEfloat f
vY=readBEfloat f
vZ=readBEfloat f
append vertArray[vX,vY,vZ]
append uvwArray[0,0,0]
for x = 1 to numVertices do(
vX=readBEfloat f
vY=readBEfloat f
append vertArray[vX,vY,vZ]
append uvwArray[0,0,0]

msh = mesh vertices:vertArray faces:faceArray   --build mesh
msh.numTVerts = vertArray.count
buildTVfaces msh
select msh

 messageBox "Done !"
fclose f

on btn2 pressed do(
if doUVs==1 do(
obj.pos = [0,0,0]
obj.rotation = quat 0 0 0 0
local mdlSize=""
local mdlOffset=""
local numEntrtices=""
if doOffset==true then(
fsource = GetOpenFileName \
caption:"Select UVSet to Replace" types: \
"All files (*.*)|*.*|"
f=fopen fsource "rb"
mdlSize=readBElong f-64
mdlOffset=(readBElong f*-1)+64
dataOffset=readBElong f
strOffset=readBElong f
vertID=readBElong f
vUkn1=readBElong f --flag? is XYZ?
dataType=readBElong f
entryStride=readBEshort f
numEntrtices=readBEshort f
fclose f


for g = 1 to obj.count do(
tmesh = snapshotAsMesh obj[g]
num_verts = tmesh.numverts
num_uvws = tmesh.numtverts
num_faces = tmesh.numfaces

mdlOffset= typedOffset+64

delete tmesh


fsource = GetOpenFileName \
caption:"Select the MDL0 to inject to" types: \
"MDL0(*mdl0)|*.mdl0|All files (*.*)|*.*|"

fext= getFilenameType fsource
fsize= getFileSize fsource
fpath= getFilenamePath fsource
fname= getFilenameFile fsource
fclose f

deleteFile (fpath+fname+"_backup"+fext)
copyFile fsource (fpath+fname+"_backup"+fext)
f=fopen (fpath+fname+"_backup"+fext) "rb"
s = fopen fsource "wb"

print "ffff"
print mdlOffset
for wr = 1 to mdlOffset do(
read=readbyte f
write=writebyte s read

fseek f -34 #seek_cur
lenCheck=readBEshort f
fseek f 32 #seek_cur

if numEntrtices==lenCheck then(

for g = 1 to obj.count do(
tmesh = snapshotAsMesh obj[g]
num_verts = tmesh.numverts
num_uvws = tmesh.numtverts
num_faces = tmesh.numfaces


for t = 1 to numEntrtices do(
tv=getVert tmesh t
nSwap=writeBEfloat tv[1]
write=writelong s (bit.floatasint nSwap)
nSwap=writeBEfloat tv[2]
write=writelong s (bit.floatasint nSwap)
nSwap=writeBEfloat tv[3]
write=writelong s (bit.floatasint nSwap)

-- for p = 1 to padding do(
-- write=writelong s 0
-- write=writelong s 0
-- )

delete tmesh

fseek f (mdlOffset+(numEntrtices*12)) #seek_set
for wr = 1 to (fsize-(mdlOffset+(numEntrtices*12))) do(
read=readbyte f #unsigned
write=writebyte s read
messageBox "DONE!"
fclose f
fclose s
deleteFile (fpath+fname+fext)
renameFile (fpath+fname+"_backup"+fext) (fpath+fname+fext)
messageBox "ERROR! Wrong Offset?"

if doUVs==2 do(
obj.pos = [0,0,0]
obj.rotation = quat 0 0 0 0

if doOffset==true then(
fsource = GetOpenFileName \
caption:"Select UVSet to Replace" types: \
"All files (*.*)|*.*|"
f=fopen fsource "rb"
mdlSize=readBElong f-64
mdlOffset=(readBElong f*-1)+64
dataOffset=readBElong f
strOffset=readBElong f
vertID=readBElong f
vUkn1=readBElong f --flag? is XYZ?
dataType=readBElong f
entryStride=readBEshort f
numEntrtices=readBEshort f
fclose f


for g = 1 to obj.count do(
tmesh = snapshotAsMesh obj[g]
num_verts = tmesh.numverts
num_uvws = tmesh.numtverts
num_faces = tmesh.numfaces


mdlOffset= typedOffset+64

delete tmesh


fsource = GetOpenFileName \
caption:"Select the MDL0 to inject to" types: \
"MDL0(*mdl0)|*.mdl0|All files (*.*)|*.*|"

fext= getFilenameType fsource
fsize= getFileSize fsource
fpath= getFilenamePath fsource
fname= getFilenameFile fsource
fclose f

deleteFile (fpath+fname+"_backup"+fext)
copyFile fsource (fpath+fname+"_backup"+fext)
f=fopen (fpath+fname+"_backup"+fext) "rb"
s = fopen fsource "wb"

print "ffff"
print mdlOffset
for wr = 1 to mdlOffset do(
read=readbyte f
write=writebyte s read

for g = 1 to obj.count do(
tmesh = snapshotAsMesh obj[g]
num_verts = tmesh.numverts
num_uvws = tmesh.numtverts
num_faces = tmesh.numfaces


if num_uvws!=0 then(
for t = 1 to numEntrtices do(
tv=getTVert tmesh t
nSwap=writeBEfloat tv[1]
write=writelong s (bit.floatasint nSwap)
nSwap=writeBEfloat tv[2]
write=writelong s (bit.floatasint nSwap)
for t = 1 to numEntrtices do(
tv=getVert tmesh t
nSwap=writeBEfloat tv[1]
write=writelong s (bit.floatasint nSwap)
nSwap=writeBEfloat tv[2]
write=writelong s (bit.floatasint nSwap)

-- for p = 1 to padding do(
-- write=writelong s 0
-- write=writelong s 0
-- )

delete tmesh

fseek f (mdlOffset+(numEntrtices*8)) #seek_set
for wr = 1 to (fsize-(mdlOffset+(numEntrtices*8))) do(
read=readbyte f #unsigned
write=writebyte s read

fclose f
fclose s

on btn3 pressed do(
fsource = GetOpenFileName \
caption:"Brawl Vert Import" types: \
"All files (*.*)|*.*|"
f= fopen fsource "rb"
fpath= getFilenamePath fsource
fname = getFilenameFile fsource


fSize=readBElong f
mdlOffset=readBElong f
dataOffset=readBElong f
strOffset=readBElong f
vertID=readBElong f
vUkn1=readBElong f --flag? is XYZ?
dataType=readBElong f
entryStride=readBEshort f
numVertices=readBEshort f
eMinX=readBEfloat f
eMinY=readBEfloat f
eMinZ=readBEfloat f
eMaxX=readBEfloat f
eMaxY=readBEfloat f
eMaxZ=readBEfloat f
pad=readBElong f
pad=readBElong f

for x = 1 to numVertices do(
vX=readBEfloat f
vY=readBEfloat f
vZ=readBEfloat f
append vertArray[vX,vY,vZ]
append uvwArray[0,0,0]

obj.pos = [0,0,0]
obj.rotation = quat 0 0 0 0
max modify mode
addModifier obj (edit_poly())
subobjectLevel = 1
-- modPanel.setCurrentObject obj.modifiers[#Edit_Poly]
for x = 1 to numVertices do(
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].SetSelection #Vertex #{}
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].Select #Vertex #{x}
vert=$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].GetVertex x
-- $.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].SetOperation #Transform


append diffArray[mX,mY,mZ]


deleteModifier obj 1

createFile (fpath+fname+"_patch.pta")
s = fopen (fpath+fname+"_patch.pta") "ab"
vcount=writelong s numVertices
 for x = 1 to numVertices do(
write=writefloat s (diffArray[x][1])
write=writefloat s (diffArray[x][2])
write=writefloat s (diffArray[x][3])
write=writelong s 0x0
 messageBox ("Patch Created !"  +"\n"+
"File Saved To:"  +"\n"+

fclose s
fclose f

on btn4 pressed do(
fsource = GetOpenFileName \
caption:"Brawl Vert Patcher" types: \
"Patch(*pta)|*.pta|All files (*.*)|*.*|"
f= fopen fsource "rb"
fpath= getFilenamePath fsource

vcount=readlong f #unsigned
for x = 1 to vcount do(
vX=readfloat f
vY=readfloat f
vZ=readfloat f
dmy=readshort f #unsigned
side=readshort f #unsigned
append vertArray[vX,vY,vZ,side]

obj.pos = [0,0,0]
obj.rotation = quat 0 0 0 0
max modify mode
addModifier obj (edit_poly())
subobjectLevel = 1
--modPanel.setCurrentObject obj.modifiers[#Edit_Poly]
for x = 1 to vcount do(
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].SetSelection #Vertex #{}
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].Select #Vertex #{x}
vert=$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].GetVertex x
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].SetOperation #Transform
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].MoveSelection  [mX,mY,mZ]
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].Commit ()
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].SetSelection #Vertex #{}
subobjectLevel = 0
--modPanel.setCurrentObject obj.modifiers[#Edit_Poly]

messageBox "Patched !"

fclose f

on btn5 pressed do(

st = timestamp() --get start time in milliseconds
undo off(
-- print geo
for x = 1 to geo.count do(
addModifier geo[x] (Normalmodifier ())
geo[x].modifiers[#Normal].flip = on
addModifier geo[x] (smooth ())
geo[x].modifiers[#Smooth].smoothingBits = 1
collapseStack geo[x]
if m2010==true do(
--rotate geo[x] (quat -1 0 0 0)
geo[x].scale = [2.54,2.54,2.54]
delete $helpers
for x = 1 to geo.count do(
-- aBox = Box length:0.2 width:0.2 height:0.2 name:"dummy"
aBox = Box()
aBox.rotation = quat 0.707107 0 0 0.707107
convertTo aBox TriMeshGeometry
for x = 1 to geo.count do(
objA= dmy[x]
objB= geo[x]
append myBoxes objA
append myMeshes objB

for x = 1 to geo.count do(
myBoxes[x].name = myMeshes[x].name
attach myBoxes[x] myMeshes[x]

for x = 1 to geo.count do(
for i = 1 to 8 do(
delete geo[x].verts[#{1}]
addModifier geo[x] (Morpher ())

addModifier $Polygon* (Edit_Mesh ())

et = timestamp() --get end time in milliseconds
print ("Operation Completed In: "+(((et-st)/60)as string)+" Seconds") --print time to finish

createDialog DDV

At the top of 3DS max, you'll find that it says MAXScript. Press new script and a box will open up. Copy mariokart's script and paste it in there. Then save it as whatever you like. (I saved it as "vertex"). Now you'll have to run the script and you'll see that a box that says "Vertex Modding Patcher" will open up.


Import the .dae in 3DS max. To do this, you'll need COLLADA which you can download here:


You'll find that the model looks a bit messed up.


However, this can be fixed easily. Make sure that "Scale AIS Import" is selected in the Vertex Modding Patcher and press "Fix AiS Import". Scale AIS Import will correct the size of the model so you don't need to make over exaggerated changes for something to look correct in Brawlbox.


There, the model looks normal now.

Now what you do, is choose the polygon that you want to edit. Since I'm editing Ness' face, I'll right click on his face and press "Hide unselected".


Creepy, eh? XD

Now in the Vertex Modding Patcher, click "Import Verts". Select the vertex set which you previously exported from Brawlbox.


The vertex group is now opened up. They won't show up unless you click the button (the one with the three red dots), but you don't need them to show up anyways.


Now that that's done, on the right you should see something that says "Modifier List". Below that is something that says:

+ Edit Mesh
+ Editable Mesh

Click Morpher. Below, you should see buttons that say "-empty-" and "0.0" beside them.


Right click on the first "-empty-" and press "Pick from scene". Then press "H" on your keyboard.


This box should show up. Select your vertex set, and then press Pick.


There, now leave that as it is. (We'll come back to it later) Above that, click "+ Edit Mesh" and now you can start editing as you wish like you normally would.


Now that we're done with the editing...


Go back to "Morpher" and raise the "0.0" up to 100.


As you can see, the model looks messed up now. Don't worry though, that's normal.

Next, you have to lay the model on it's back. You can either do the hard way or the easy way. The hard way being rotating the model by yourself and making sure the angles at the bottom (X, Y and Z) say 0, or by doing the easy way which is:

Press "B" and then "P" on your keyboard. It changes the view of the window. "B" lays it on it's back, and "P" puts it back into your perspective view.


Now click on your model and on the right side, right click on +Edit Mesh and press Collapse All.


A warning will pop up, but just press "Yes".

Now press "H" on your keyboard and select the vertex set.


Go to Modifier List and then select Morpher. Right click the -empty- like before, but this time click the polygon/model and raise the 0.0 up to 100.


In Brawlbox, export the model (FitNess00 in my case) and check the MDL0 Offset of your vertex set.


Now go back to the Vertex Modding Patcher box and write down the MDL0 Offset in the box. Make sure that Read Offset from file is unchecked or you'll get an error. (in the pic it's not unchecked though, but don't mind that).


Then press Export Verts and choose your model that you exported.


Replace the model in brawlbox, and success! Now you can go edit other parts to make the model look even better.


Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on July 03, 2010, 01:57:07 PM
When I export the vertices to the model, I get "ERROR! Wrong Offset!" D:

I put the MDL0 Offset from the vertex set.

EDIT: Never mind. It worked when I unchecked read offset from file.

Also, mariokart do you mind putting this in the first post?

I made a text tutorial of how to do this since people in the KCMM family thread (in the off-topic board) wanted a detailed one so they can go at their own pace instead of the vid.

I know Yoshiboshi made one, but his is sort of outdated.

How to do the new vertex method without DasDonkey Vertex Box
(+ Without Patching)

In this tutorial I'm going to be making Ness' head bigger. You can do whatever you want, but this is just an example. Mariokart's new script makes it so DasDonkey Vertex box isn't needed anymore, and the only tutorials that mariokart has up are videos, so this is for people who want to take things at their own pace. The reason why it's good to not use DasDonkey Vertex Box anymore, is that vertex sets that previously didn't work (Peach's crown, Pokemon Trainer's hat/hair, etc) should work now.

First, export the .brres of the first model data.


You'll need to download AiS which converts the .brres into a .dae, so you can open it in 3DS max. For this to work, make sure that the .brres contains a model which is unedited. If it is edited, then AiS will not work and will simply make a log file. You can download AiS here: [url][/url]

Next, export the vertex group that you want to edit in Brawlbox.


Now open 3DS Max 8 (and note that this only works in Max 8 not 9, 2008, 2009 or 2010), and run mariokart64n's script:

fn readBEshort fstream = (
short = readshort fstream #unsigned
short = bit.swapBytes short 1 2
return short
fn readBElong fstream = (
long = readlong fstream
long = bit.swapBytes long 1 4
long = bit.swapBytes long 2 3
return long
fn ReadBEfloat fstream = (
fpt=readfloat fstream
itger = bit.floatAsInt fpt
hih = bit.intashex itger
while hih.count < 8 do hih = "0" + hih
shn = (substring hih 7 2) + \
(substring hih 5 2) + \
(substring hih 3 2) + \
(substring hih 1 2)
bit.intAsFloat (bit.hexasint shn)
-- fn floatSwap2 f = (
-- i = bit.floatAsInt f
-- h = bit.intashex i
-- while h.count < 8 do h = "0" + h
-- s = (substring h 7 2) + (substring h 5 2) + (substring h 3 2) + (substring h 1 2)
-- bit.intAsFloat (bit.hexasint s)
-- )
fn WriteBEFloat fnum = (
intgr = bit.floatAsInt fnum
honey = bit.intashex intgr
while honey.count < 8
do honey = "0" + honey
sign = (substring honey 7 2) + \
(substring honey 5 2) + \
(substring honey 3 2) + \
(substring honey 1 2)
xintgr=bit.intAsFloat (bit.hexasint sign)
return xintgr

rollout DDV "Vertex Modding Patcher" width:311 height:257
button btn1 "Import Verts" pos:[8,12] width:144 height:40
button btn3 "Create Patch" pos:[8,108] width:144 height:40
button btn4 "Patch Model" pos:[8,156] width:144 height:40
label lbl0 "-Mario_Kart64n, (June22, 2010)" pos:[153,238] width:156 height:23
button btn5 "Fix AiS Import" pos:[8,204] width:144 height:40
checkbox chk6 "Checkbox" pos:[165,202] width:14 height:13
label lbl6 "Scale AIS Import" pos:[182,201] width:111 height:15
button btn2 "Export Verts" pos:[8,60] width:144 height:40
checkbox chk1 "Checkbox" pos:[165,55] width:14 height:13 enabled:false checked:false
label lbl1 "Save as 3DS File" pos:[182,54] width:119 height:15 enabled:false
checkbox chk2 "Checkbox" pos:[165,72] width:14 height:13 enabled:false checked:false
label lbl2 "Save As Seperate Files" pos:[182,71] width:119 height:15 enabled:false
checkbox chk3 "Checkbox" pos:[165,90] width:14 height:13 enabled:true checked:true
label lbl3 "Save Changes to MDL0" pos:[180,89] width:119 height:15
checkbox chk4 "Checkbox" pos:[165,108] width:14 height:13 enabled:true checked:true
label lbl4 "Read Offset from File" pos:[180,107] width:119 height:15
groupBox grp3 "Other Options" pos:[157,185] width:143 height:51
editText edt1 " MDL0 Offset:" pos:[162,125] width:130 height:16
checkbox chk7 "Checkbox" pos:[165,218] width:14 height:13 enabled:false checked:false
label lbl7 "Rotate AIS Import" pos:[181,217] width:111 height:15 enabled:false
label lbl5 "Don't Use EditPoly" pos:[181,164] width:119 height:15 enabled:false
groupBox grp2 "Import Options" pos:[157,148] width:143 height:37
groupBox grp1 "Export Options" pos:[157,7] width:143 height:140
checkbox chk5 "Checkbox" pos:[165,165] width:14 height:13 enabled:false checked:false
radioButtons rdo1 "" pos:[165,21] width:125 height:32 labels:#("Vertices", "Texture Corrdinates") default:1 columns:1

local typedOffset=""

on edt1 entered txt do(
if txt != "" do(
typedOffset=txt as float
if typedOffset<=0 do(
local typedOffset

on btn1 pressed do(
fsource = GetOpenFileName \
caption:"Brawl Vert Import" types: \
"All files (*.*)|*.*|"
f= fopen fsource "rb"
fpath= getFilenamePath fsource
fname = getFilenameFile fsource


fSize=readBElong f
mdlOffset=readBElong f
dataOffset=readBElong f
strOffset=readBElong f
vertID=readBElong f
vUkn1=readBElong f --flag? is XYZ?
dataType=readBElong f
entryStride=readBEshort f
numVertices=readBEshort f
eMinX=readBEfloat f
eMinY=readBEfloat f
eMinZ=readBEfloat f
eMaxX=readBEfloat f
eMaxY=readBEfloat f
eMaxZ=readBEfloat f
pad=readBElong f
pad=readBElong f

if entryStride==12 then(
for x = 1 to numVertices do(
vX=readBEfloat f
vY=readBEfloat f
vZ=readBEfloat f
append vertArray[vX,vY,vZ]
append uvwArray[0,0,0]
for x = 1 to numVertices do(
vX=readBEfloat f
vY=readBEfloat f
append vertArray[vX,vY,vZ]
append uvwArray[0,0,0]

msh = mesh vertices:vertArray faces:faceArray   --build mesh
msh.numTVerts = vertArray.count
buildTVfaces msh
select msh

 messageBox "Done !"
fclose f

on btn2 pressed do(
if doUVs==1 do(
obj.pos = [0,0,0]
obj.rotation = quat 0 0 0 0
local mdlSize=""
local mdlOffset=""
local numEntrtices=""
if doOffset==true then(
fsource = GetOpenFileName \
caption:"Select UVSet to Replace" types: \
"All files (*.*)|*.*|"
f=fopen fsource "rb"
mdlSize=readBElong f-64
mdlOffset=(readBElong f*-1)+64
dataOffset=readBElong f
strOffset=readBElong f
vertID=readBElong f
vUkn1=readBElong f --flag? is XYZ?
dataType=readBElong f
entryStride=readBEshort f
numEntrtices=readBEshort f
fclose f


for g = 1 to obj.count do(
tmesh = snapshotAsMesh obj[g]
num_verts = tmesh.numverts
num_uvws = tmesh.numtverts
num_faces = tmesh.numfaces

mdlOffset= typedOffset+64

delete tmesh


fsource = GetOpenFileName \
caption:"Select the MDL0 to inject to" types: \
"MDL0(*mdl0)|*.mdl0|All files (*.*)|*.*|"

fext= getFilenameType fsource
fsize= getFileSize fsource
fpath= getFilenamePath fsource
fname= getFilenameFile fsource
fclose f

deleteFile (fpath+fname+"_backup"+fext)
copyFile fsource (fpath+fname+"_backup"+fext)
f=fopen (fpath+fname+"_backup"+fext) "rb"
s = fopen fsource "wb"

print "ffff"
print mdlOffset
for wr = 1 to mdlOffset do(
read=readbyte f
write=writebyte s read

fseek f -34 #seek_cur
lenCheck=readBEshort f
fseek f 32 #seek_cur

if numEntrtices==lenCheck then(

for g = 1 to obj.count do(
tmesh = snapshotAsMesh obj[g]
num_verts = tmesh.numverts
num_uvws = tmesh.numtverts
num_faces = tmesh.numfaces


for t = 1 to numEntrtices do(
tv=getVert tmesh t
nSwap=writeBEfloat tv[1]
write=writelong s (bit.floatasint nSwap)
nSwap=writeBEfloat tv[2]
write=writelong s (bit.floatasint nSwap)
nSwap=writeBEfloat tv[3]
write=writelong s (bit.floatasint nSwap)

-- for p = 1 to padding do(
-- write=writelong s 0
-- write=writelong s 0
-- )

delete tmesh

fseek f (mdlOffset+(numEntrtices*12)) #seek_set
for wr = 1 to (fsize-(mdlOffset+(numEntrtices*12))) do(
read=readbyte f #unsigned
write=writebyte s read
messageBox "DONE!"
fclose f
fclose s
deleteFile (fpath+fname+fext)
renameFile (fpath+fname+"_backup"+fext) (fpath+fname+fext)
messageBox "ERROR! Wrong Offset?"

if doUVs==2 do(
obj.pos = [0,0,0]
obj.rotation = quat 0 0 0 0

if doOffset==true then(
fsource = GetOpenFileName \
caption:"Select UVSet to Replace" types: \
"All files (*.*)|*.*|"
f=fopen fsource "rb"
mdlSize=readBElong f-64
mdlOffset=(readBElong f*-1)+64
dataOffset=readBElong f
strOffset=readBElong f
vertID=readBElong f
vUkn1=readBElong f --flag? is XYZ?
dataType=readBElong f
entryStride=readBEshort f
numEntrtices=readBEshort f
fclose f


for g = 1 to obj.count do(
tmesh = snapshotAsMesh obj[g]
num_verts = tmesh.numverts
num_uvws = tmesh.numtverts
num_faces = tmesh.numfaces


mdlOffset= typedOffset+64

delete tmesh


fsource = GetOpenFileName \
caption:"Select the MDL0 to inject to" types: \
"MDL0(*mdl0)|*.mdl0|All files (*.*)|*.*|"

fext= getFilenameType fsource
fsize= getFileSize fsource
fpath= getFilenamePath fsource
fname= getFilenameFile fsource
fclose f

deleteFile (fpath+fname+"_backup"+fext)
copyFile fsource (fpath+fname+"_backup"+fext)
f=fopen (fpath+fname+"_backup"+fext) "rb"
s = fopen fsource "wb"

print "ffff"
print mdlOffset
for wr = 1 to mdlOffset do(
read=readbyte f
write=writebyte s read

for g = 1 to obj.count do(
tmesh = snapshotAsMesh obj[g]
num_verts = tmesh.numverts
num_uvws = tmesh.numtverts
num_faces = tmesh.numfaces


if num_uvws!=0 then(
for t = 1 to numEntrtices do(
tv=getTVert tmesh t
nSwap=writeBEfloat tv[1]
write=writelong s (bit.floatasint nSwap)
nSwap=writeBEfloat tv[2]
write=writelong s (bit.floatasint nSwap)
for t = 1 to numEntrtices do(
tv=getVert tmesh t
nSwap=writeBEfloat tv[1]
write=writelong s (bit.floatasint nSwap)
nSwap=writeBEfloat tv[2]
write=writelong s (bit.floatasint nSwap)

-- for p = 1 to padding do(
-- write=writelong s 0
-- write=writelong s 0
-- )

delete tmesh

fseek f (mdlOffset+(numEntrtices*8)) #seek_set
for wr = 1 to (fsize-(mdlOffset+(numEntrtices*8))) do(
read=readbyte f #unsigned
write=writebyte s read

fclose f
fclose s

on btn3 pressed do(
fsource = GetOpenFileName \
caption:"Brawl Vert Import" types: \
"All files (*.*)|*.*|"
f= fopen fsource "rb"
fpath= getFilenamePath fsource
fname = getFilenameFile fsource


fSize=readBElong f
mdlOffset=readBElong f
dataOffset=readBElong f
strOffset=readBElong f
vertID=readBElong f
vUkn1=readBElong f --flag? is XYZ?
dataType=readBElong f
entryStride=readBEshort f
numVertices=readBEshort f
eMinX=readBEfloat f
eMinY=readBEfloat f
eMinZ=readBEfloat f
eMaxX=readBEfloat f
eMaxY=readBEfloat f
eMaxZ=readBEfloat f
pad=readBElong f
pad=readBElong f

for x = 1 to numVertices do(
vX=readBEfloat f
vY=readBEfloat f
vZ=readBEfloat f
append vertArray[vX,vY,vZ]
append uvwArray[0,0,0]

obj.pos = [0,0,0]
obj.rotation = quat 0 0 0 0
max modify mode
addModifier obj (edit_poly())
subobjectLevel = 1
-- modPanel.setCurrentObject obj.modifiers[#Edit_Poly]
for x = 1 to numVertices do(
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].SetSelection #Vertex #{}
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].Select #Vertex #{x}
vert=$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].GetVertex x
-- $.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].SetOperation #Transform


append diffArray[mX,mY,mZ]


deleteModifier obj 1

createFile (fpath+fname+"_patch.pta")
s = fopen (fpath+fname+"_patch.pta") "ab"
vcount=writelong s numVertices
 for x = 1 to numVertices do(
write=writefloat s (diffArray[x][1])
write=writefloat s (diffArray[x][2])
write=writefloat s (diffArray[x][3])
write=writelong s 0x0
 messageBox ("Patch Created !"  +"\n"+
"File Saved To:"  +"\n"+

fclose s
fclose f

on btn4 pressed do(
fsource = GetOpenFileName \
caption:"Brawl Vert Patcher" types: \
"Patch(*pta)|*.pta|All files (*.*)|*.*|"
f= fopen fsource "rb"
fpath= getFilenamePath fsource

vcount=readlong f #unsigned
for x = 1 to vcount do(
vX=readfloat f
vY=readfloat f
vZ=readfloat f
dmy=readshort f #unsigned
side=readshort f #unsigned
append vertArray[vX,vY,vZ,side]

obj.pos = [0,0,0]
obj.rotation = quat 0 0 0 0
max modify mode
addModifier obj (edit_poly())
subobjectLevel = 1
--modPanel.setCurrentObject obj.modifiers[#Edit_Poly]
for x = 1 to vcount do(
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].SetSelection #Vertex #{}
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].Select #Vertex #{x}
vert=$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].GetVertex x
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].SetOperation #Transform
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].MoveSelection  [mX,mY,mZ]
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].Commit ()
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].SetSelection #Vertex #{}
subobjectLevel = 0
--modPanel.setCurrentObject obj.modifiers[#Edit_Poly]

messageBox "Patched !"

fclose f

on btn5 pressed do(

st = timestamp() --get start time in milliseconds
undo off(
-- print geo
for x = 1 to geo.count do(
addModifier geo[x] (Normalmodifier ())
geo[x].modifiers[#Normal].flip = on
addModifier geo[x] (smooth ())
geo[x].modifiers[#Smooth].smoothingBits = 1
collapseStack geo[x]
if m2010==true do(
--rotate geo[x] (quat -1 0 0 0)
geo[x].scale = [2.54,2.54,2.54]
delete $helpers
for x = 1 to geo.count do(
-- aBox = Box length:0.2 width:0.2 height:0.2 name:"dummy"
aBox = Box()
aBox.rotation = quat 0.707107 0 0 0.707107
convertTo aBox TriMeshGeometry
for x = 1 to geo.count do(
objA= dmy[x]
objB= geo[x]
append myBoxes objA
append myMeshes objB

for x = 1 to geo.count do(
myBoxes[x].name = myMeshes[x].name
attach myBoxes[x] myMeshes[x]

for x = 1 to geo.count do(
for i = 1 to 8 do(
delete geo[x].verts[#{1}]
addModifier geo[x] (Morpher ())

addModifier $Polygon* (Edit_Mesh ())

et = timestamp() --get end time in milliseconds
print ("Operation Completed In: "+(((et-st)/60)as string)+" Seconds") --print time to finish

createDialog DDV

At the top of 3DS max, you'll find that it says MAXScript. Press new script and a box will open up. Copy mariokart's script and paste it in there. Then save it as whatever you like. (I saved it as "vertex"). Now you'll have to run the script and you'll see that a box that says "Vertex Modding Patcher" will open up.


Import the .dae in 3DS max. To do this, you'll need COLLADA which you can download here: [url][/url]


You'll find that the model looks a bit messed up.


However, this can be fixed easily. Make sure that "Scale AIS Import" is selected in the Vertex Modding Patcher and press "Fix AiS Import". Scale AIS Import will correct the size of the model so you don't need to make over exaggerated changes for something to look correct in Brawlbox.


There, the model looks normal now.

Now what you do, is choose the polygon that you want to edit. Since I'm editing Ness' face, I'll right click on his face and press "Hide unselected".


Creepy, eh? XD

Now in the Vertex Modding Patcher, click "Import Verts". Select the vertex set which you previously exported from Brawlbox.


The vertex group is now opened up. They won't show up unless you click the button (the one with the three red dots), but you don't need them to show up anyways.


Now that that's done, on the right you should see something that says "Modifier List". Below that is something that says:

+ Edit Mesh
+ Editable Mesh

Click Morpher. Below, you should see buttons that say "-empty-" and "0.0" beside them.


Right click on the first "-empty-" and press "Pick from scene". Then press "H" on your keyboard.


This box should show up. Select your vertex set, and then press Pick.


There, now leave that as it is. (We'll come back to it later) Above that, click "+ Edit Mesh" and now you can start editing as you wish like you normally would.


Now that we're done with the editing...


Go back to "Morpher" and raise the "0.0" up to 100.


As you can see, the model looks messed up now. Don't worry though, that's normal.

Next, you have to lay the model on it's back. You can either do the hard way or the easy way. The hard way being rotating the model by yourself and making sure the angles at the bottom (X, Y and Z) say 0, or by doing the easy way which is:

Press "B" and then "P" on your keyboard. It changes the view of the window. "B" lays it on it's back, and "P" puts it back into your perspective view.


Now click on your model and on the right side, right click on +Edit Mesh and press Collapse All.


A warning will pop up, but just press "Yes".

Now press "H" on your keyboard and select the vertex set.


Go to Modifier List and then select Morpher. Right click the -empty- like before, but this time click the polygon/model and raise the 0.0 up to 100.


In Brawlbox, export the model (FitNess00 in my case) and check the MDL0 Offset of your vertex set.


Now go back to the Vertex Modding Patcher box and write down the MDL0 Offset in the box. Make sure that Read Offset from file is unchecked or you'll get an error. (in the pic it's not unchecked though, but don't mind that).


Then press Export Verts and choose your model that you exported.


Replace the model in brawlbox, and success! Now you can go edit other parts to make the model look even better.


Oh teh noes, you missed faceMorpher. Thats pretty big, ya konw.

Of course, I didn't put it in mine either. I think I (Or you, or someone else) should make a vid tut.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on July 03, 2010, 03:09:08 PM
thanks Vishkugeta I've added into the first post. good stuff

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: owned645 on July 03, 2010, 07:10:27 PM
Thank you sooooooooooooo much! I can't believe that worked!

I made a simple list of instructions
  • 1. First, export the .brres of the first model data.
  • 2. Convert the .brres into a .dae using ais.
    (Make sure that the .brres contains a model which is unedited.)
  • 3. Export the vertex group that you want to edit in Brawlbox.
  • 4. Now open 3DS Max 8 (and note that this only works in Max 8 not 9, 2008, 2009 or 2010), and run mariokart64n's script.
  • 5. Import the .dae in 3DS max.
  • 6. Make sure that "Scale AIS Import" is selected in the Vertex Modding Patcher and press "Fix AiS Import".
  • 7. Choose the polygon that you want to edit and press "Hide unselected".
  • 8. Now in the Vertex Modding Patcher, click "Import Verts". Select the vertex set which you previously exported from Brawlbox.
  • 9. Click Morpher after selecting the polygon again. Below, you should see buttons that say "-empty-" and "0.0" beside them.
  • 10. Right click on the first "-empty-" and press "Pick from scene". Then press "H" on your keyboard.
  • 11. Select your vertex set, and then press Pick.
  • 12. Now leave that as it is. (We'll come back to it later) Above that, click "+ Edit Mesh" and now you can start editing as you wish like you normally would.
  • 13. After you're done, go back to "Morpher" and raise the "0.0" up to 100.
  • 14. Press "B" and then "P" on your keyboard.
  • 15. Now click on your model and on the right side, right click on +Edit Mesh and press Collapse All.
  • 16. Now press "H" on your keyboard and select the vertex set.
  • 17. Go to Modifier List and then select Morpher. Right click the -empty- like before, but this time click the polygon/model and raise the 0.0 up to 100.
  • 18. In Brawlbox, export the model (FitNess00 in my case) and check the MDL0 Offset of your vertex set.
  • 19. Now go back to the Vertex Modding Patcher box and write down the MDL0 Offset in the box.
    (Make sure that Read Offset from file is unchecked or you'll get an error.)
  • 20. Then press Export Verts and choose your model that you exported.
  • 21. Replace the model in brawlbox, and success! Now you can go edit other parts to make the model look even better.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on July 03, 2010, 07:33:42 PM
Creating a video tutorial now, it will include faceMorph.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Chuy on July 03, 2010, 07:38:05 PM
Hey i wondering where would i put the scripts at?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on July 03, 2010, 07:41:54 PM
Hey i wondering where would i put the scripts at?

In your max folder, in the scripts folder. Put meshmorpher in the "startup" one (Inside of scripts folder) if you dont wanna have to run it every time.

Also Chuy, I like your siggy. Could you make me one?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Chuy on July 03, 2010, 07:48:19 PM
K last question (i hope XD)
for This page ( do i download all the exe files?
nvm it seems to work without those files but is there any rules to follow using this method other than no adding vertices?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Power Marshall on July 04, 2010, 11:28:14 AM
I believe he also said not to convert to editable poly as well.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on July 04, 2010, 11:43:07 AM
Also dont add faces. And dont worry if you patch it and it says "Editable poly" because its supposed to do that.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Sanitys_Theif on July 05, 2010, 01:05:19 PM
Wow, with 3DS Max 8 and the written tutorial in the OP(the one with spoiler tags) I actually go this to work, I've edited Sheik twice already and had it work

BUT, now it won't work anymore, I'm trying to edit her hair with the ponytail and no matter what I do the vertices freak out and go all over the place when I morph them, I edited her bangs just fine and got them to work

This is the same old problem I had before, am I correct in assuming some things just can't be edited?

Could someone else try editing Sheik's hair(ponytail)? Just do any small thing it doesn't matter, I just want to see if I'm the only one with the problem

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on July 05, 2010, 01:30:26 PM
Wow, with 3DS Max 8 and the written tutorial in the OP(the one with spoiler tags) I actually go this to work, I've edited Sheik twice already and had it work

BUT, now it won't work anymore, I'm trying to edit her hair with the ponytail and no matter what I do the vertices freak out and go all over the place when I morph them, I edited her bangs just fine and got them to work

This is the same old problem I had before, am I correct in assuming some things just can't be edited?

Could someone else try editing Sheik's hair(ponytail)? Just do any small thing it doesn't matter, I just want to see if I'm the only one with the problem

When you patch it, does it move downward? I made a video tutorial and I'm going to publish it once I edit it and it covers a lot of problems people have been having.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on July 05, 2010, 02:38:07 PM
you cannot edit hair or capes with this method. sorry this was never made clear n the tutorial.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Sanitys_Theif on July 05, 2010, 06:50:52 PM
you cannot edit hair or capes with this method. sorry this was never made clear n the tutorial.

Hmm, but I could edit her bangs, unless you mean you can't edit hair in the back that floats around, is that what you meant?

Oh, well thanks for the info, and thanks for the tutorial, one question though, what's the purpose for the face morphing, is it only for when you're trying to make one model look like another (Ex. Mewtwo)? And for that do you have to select the same number of vertices on both models when you morph them?

When you patch it, does it move downward? I made a video tutorial and I'm going to publish it once I edit it and it covers a lot of problems people have been having.

Yes it does! Or upwards, I actually don't patch it I just use the written tutorial but when I'm morphing the hair raw vertex cloud moves up or down instead of just staying in place and changing shape a little, if you know how to fix that please tell me, I'm almost done with this model but I need the back hair changed

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on July 05, 2010, 08:48:38 PM
its hard to explain something, that you guys may have had no experience with before.

some hair is effected by a bone.. some arnt. not all hair is uneditable. example there are no hair bones for the guys, cause there hair doesnt have to move. so you can edit hair..

but if its a ponytail, it does have a bone.. can't be edited.. the bangs, probably dont move, so also can be edited..

hard to explain the concept. deals with their physics engine

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on July 06, 2010, 12:42:44 AM
K, so here's my guide thing.
It turned out to be more of a tips video than an actual guide.....I didn't wanna just redo your guide Mariokart, I just showed some things you didn't address in that simpler guide. (Plus I was really lazy.....)

Feel free to put it on the main post if you wish....

And now, its time for me to get some sleep. YAWN.....

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: owned645 on July 06, 2010, 01:28:55 AM
That goes way too fast and it isn't easy to follow. I'm not saying its too hard to follow but it definitely requires more attention the most tutorials.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on July 06, 2010, 09:34:23 AM
Well that's not the effect I'm looking for D:

It was pretty late at night when I did the late half of it....maybe I was rushing a bit? I also think I tried too hard to keep it in the limits of the song......maybe I should redo the thing....

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: LadyLegion on July 06, 2010, 10:56:52 AM
I converted the Brres file to DAE but it says "BrrestoDAE" and when I try to import it, Autodesk wont let it.
it says

"No appropriate import module found"
"Improper file format"

I Downloaded Collada and it still doesn't work

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on July 06, 2010, 11:32:57 AM
I converted the Brres file to DAE but it says "BrrestoDAE" and when I try to import it, Autodesk wont let it.
it says

"No appropriate import module found"
"Improper file format"

I Downloaded Collada and it still doesn't work

.....What version of max are you using. :I

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: LadyLegion on July 06, 2010, 11:50:43 AM
AutoDesk 3ds max 8

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on July 06, 2010, 01:23:08 PM
AutoDesk 3ds max 8

Thats odd. You're sure its not 2008? There's a difference......

And you ARE using the Collida he linked to in the FP?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on July 06, 2010, 02:20:48 PM
hm, that is weird. that error suggests the plugin wasn't able to recognize the file, like it wasn't a proper DAE file.

if you need more help, you can talk to me through MSN. I've been helping alot of people one and one. most of the problems just stem from simple confusion about what to do with files.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Sanitys_Theif on July 06, 2010, 04:04:03 PM
its hard to explain something, that you guys may have had no experience with before.

some hair is effected by a bone.. some arnt. not all hair is uneditable. example there are no hair bones for the guys, cause there hair doesnt have to move. so you can edit hair..

but if its a ponytail, it does have a bone.. can't be edited.. the bangs, probably dont move, so also can be edited..

hard to explain the concept. deals with their physics engine

Oh damn, ok then no need to explain I get the gist of it. But editing the raw vertices alone should still work right?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on July 06, 2010, 08:04:06 PM
yes, the old method has no problem editing hair. I recommend doing that, if your able to

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Sanitys_Theif on July 06, 2010, 10:12:40 PM
yes, the old method has no problem editing hair. I recommend doing that, if your able to

Actually I found a workaround, following the written tutorial that you have in spoiler tags, once you morph the model into the raw vertex set, the troublesome hair will change it's rotation and go somewhere else, if you just edit it from there and then proceed, it turns out fine, you just have to remember to edit it based on it's new rotation

I've got something even more weird now though, when I edit Sheik's arms, most of it turns out fine, but her left forearm, for some reason it gets bigger in this one area and I can't change it no matter what I do

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on July 07, 2010, 02:06:39 PM
yeah somethings, you can pre-rotate, and it'll work. but thats not always the case sadly. some things are rotated 45 degrees, or something other then 90 or 180.. causing unpredictable results.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on July 07, 2010, 02:41:54 PM
Soooo....I take it you didn't like my video D:

Its alright I guess, the tutorial was a bit rushed and such. :I

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Sajiao Omelette on July 07, 2010, 02:54:16 PM
Sorry for asking a really simple, stupid question, but this is the first time that I've used this method before, so I'm not really sure what I'm doing wrong...

When I'm setting the DAE or the vertex group to target each other for the Morpher, I can only have the DAE target the vertex group, and then when I'm trying to get the vertex group to target the DAE, the DAE doesn't show up in the list of objects when I press H on my keyboard.

If I try to start with having the vertex group target the DAE, then the vertex group doesn't show up in the list when I try to get the DAE to target the vertex group, essentially the reverse of the above.

Or if I try to select the object by clicking on it instead of using H, then nothing happens.

What does this mean? I was sure that I followed the written tutorial step by step, but is there something that I could have missed that would cause this?

Again, sorry if this question has been asked and answered before or if the answer is obvious and I'm just stupid.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on July 07, 2010, 03:05:08 PM
Sorry for asking a really simple, stupid question, but this is the first time that I've used this method before, so I'm not really sure what I'm doing wrong...

When I'm setting the DAE or the vertex group to target each other for the Morpher, I can only have the DAE target the vertex group, and then when I'm trying to get the vertex group to target the DAE, the DAE doesn't show up in the list of objects when I press H on my keyboard.

If I try to start with having the vertex group target the DAE, then the vertex group doesn't show up in the list when I try to get the DAE to target the vertex group, essentially the reverse of the above.

Or if I try to select the object by clicking on it instead of using H, then nothing happens.

What does this mean? I was sure that I followed the written tutorial step by step, but is there something that I could have missed that would cause this?

Again, sorry if this question has been asked and answered before or if the answer is obvious and I'm just stupid.

You need to use Facemorph. Perhaps watch my video, or watch part 9 of Mariokart's 12 part tutorial.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on July 07, 2010, 03:46:45 PM
you didnt talk in you video :\

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on July 07, 2010, 03:51:24 PM
you didnt talk in you video :\

But my voice is like........blah......

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Sajiao Omelette on July 07, 2010, 04:53:29 PM
Ah, I see... thanks!

Although this is less important, how do you get the textures to show up in 3DSMax?

No offense, but I couldn't tell what in the world was going on in your video...

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Sanitys_Theif on July 07, 2010, 08:51:38 PM

There's no way to double patch with the written tutorial, one side is way messed up while the other is the way I want it and I CAN'T FIX IT!

mariokart64n, is there any way I could port the raw vertices I edited and start it up your way to get it to patch or something?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Sajiao Omelette on July 07, 2010, 11:24:12 PM
Hmm... after using Facemorph, it still says that the source does not have enough faces to do that.

For some reason, the polygon is Marth's entire upper body, but the vertex group is Marth's entire upper body minus the right arm and plus a little thing on the bottom.

Does this mean that I chose the wrong vertex group or that not all polygons match up with a vertex group?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on July 07, 2010, 11:42:25 PM
Hmm... after using Facemorph, it still says that the source does not have enough faces to do that.

For some reason, the polygon is Marth's entire upper body, but the vertex group is Marth's entire upper body minus the right arm and plus a little thing on the bottom.

Does this mean that I chose the wrong vertex group or that not all polygons match up with a vertex group?

Are you trying to facemorph the vertex set? :I

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Sajiao Omelette on July 08, 2010, 03:03:19 PM
Yeah, because I can't get the vertex set to morph to the DAE using Morpher, and using the face morpher doesn't work either...

Am I not supposed to face morph the vertex set?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on July 08, 2010, 04:17:18 PM
the facemorpher is a trick to undo the effects when EditPoly is invoked.. otherwise never us faceMorpher


Ok I'm vertexing Zelda to look more like Morrigan Aensland and I already made her breasts the right size and then I started working on her hips but whenever I export the vertices to an MDL0 file following the written tutorial you put in spoiler tags, One of her legs is very messed up while the other is fine

Then I remembered this problem from your first tutorial with the old method and how to fix it, but that required patching the model so I copied and pasted EVERY vertice location from one model to another just to do it the old way since I couldn't find a way to morph the copy model into the other successfully

I got the the point where you patch a second time, and it fixed the leg BUT it screwed up her hands and an area that wasn't even part of the vertex set I was editing

Then I watched your large 12 part tutorial and got to the facemorphing part, only to have it screw up the model even more than the double patching method

Then I tried a combination of different methods from your old tutorial, new one, and YoshiBoshi's quick video

NOTHING is working, I've spent so much time on this, I even missed a day of school because I stayed up too late working on this and overslept

Now I really hate to bother you but you're the only person I think could really help me out, so would you get this to export successfully for me and tell me what I needed to do?

Here's my saved scene from 3ds Max 8:

And here's a .pac of Morrigan made by someone else so you can see her legs without her dress getting in the way:

If you need something else let me know, that is if you're willing to do this, I'd like a reply at least if you don't mind.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Sajiao Omelette on July 09, 2010, 09:35:22 PM
I have a quick question, if Marth's polygon group for his upper body is his entire upper body, arms and all and everything, but his polygon group is only his body and one arm and some stuff on the bottom, how do you get them to morph to each other?

Unless I'm doing something really wrong... like the wrong vertex group or something? (I was editing FitMarth00_OuchM__FitMarth00_Body01.)

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on July 09, 2010, 09:56:58 PM
what your describing is the RAW vertexset.

the upperbody folds into pieces for the games matrix to read and use the presented geometry.

editing that RAW, was the old method. if your confused, I recommend watching all 12 parts of the video, read the guides given by other users, and even watch the help videos posted on these past few pages..

it doesn't quite sounds like you know what your doing.. and the topic title is called advanced techniques.. its not designed for new comers to 3dsmax, or 3dediting

the folding you see is a common issue, when you mirror a skeleton. this is the case in the nintendo files, and they've been folded in that manner. and additional position data is written for the game to render the rig completely. but this is too complex to program for.. least for me. so we edit from the raw form.... what you see isn't wrong.. but it shows that you haven't followed the instructions properly

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Sajiao Omelette on July 09, 2010, 11:12:26 PM
I'm very sorry for not following the videos very closely and being very incompetent with this method, and I'm sorry for bothering you. I think I understand now what to do. (Before, I followed the written guide, and it differs from the video guide a lot, not discussing things like patches and whatnot, unless I missed a large portion of it.)

However, now I have a really, really simple, stupid problem. After importing the patched model the first time (with the messed up right side) and exporting it as a .brres again, AIS won't make a DAE model out of it. It immediately closes and nothing happens when I drag ModelData[0].brres on it.

Does it have something to do with only unedited models working with AIS? I think that's what BeyondYou said on an early page or so... but that wouldn't make very much sense at this step...

Again, I apologize for having to put up with my incompetence.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Scootaloo on July 11, 2010, 12:02:17 AM
I have a problem. After I use conform wrap I try to export the verts by clicking export verticies. I selct the vertx.ddf file, then the model file, insert it into brawlbox, and its either messed up entirely (huge mess of verts) or brawlbpx can't even open it. I tried morphing and it after it morphed it still was messed up. I don't know what I'm doing wrong here. I watched your mewtwo videos and I still don't get it.

and yes the vertex.ddf file is the right one and I'm using ur most up to date script

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: owned645 on July 11, 2010, 01:27:40 AM
Could someone tell me exactly what facemorph does and how and when to use it?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on July 11, 2010, 08:46:37 AM
hm, the whole tutorial, is based around "advanced" techniques.. which would imply you would have a more advanced skill set in 3dsmax.

the videos, or the information contained here are not for newcomers.. though I'm seeing alot of beginners in here trying to learn off this. I can't teach you the 5years of knowledge I have in anything less then 2hours of video.. and even that only covered a small portion of what you need to know.

anyway I'm whining, later on I may create a video geared towards 3dsmax rookies

but to answer your question, facemorph is work around to be used if your using the conform morphing trick. it corrects any changes on the vert count, so you can inject the verts back into the MDL0 without fail.

its not important to the method, it is a method or practice to making a mod using a ripped model.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on July 11, 2010, 11:24:00 AM
I don't find what Mariokart just said to be entirely true.....I need to use facemorph very frequently and I'm simply editing brawl models. You use it when you can't morph the vert set into the patched model.....I briefly explain in my video and Mariokat explains in part 9 of his video tutorial.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on July 11, 2010, 12:59:55 PM
I've posted atleast 3 videos outlining about how patching is obsolete.. you dont need to patch anything now. my "new" method was revised at the end of june

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on July 11, 2010, 01:00:37 PM
I've posted atleast 3 videos outlining about how patching is obsolete.. you dont need to patch anything now. my "new" method was revised at the end of june

....Oh. Well then, I missed it O_O

(Runs to check it out)

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on July 11, 2010, 02:35:23 PM
Actually, I can't find it. Your 3 latest videos are 2 help videos and "Brawl: Using the Script & Clearification", in which you patch it. Where is the new meathod that doesn't require patching? D:

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on July 11, 2010, 02:47:50 PM
did you watch the help videos? those are the new method

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on July 11, 2010, 02:49:49 PM
did you watch the help videos? those are the new method
Oh ok I'll watch them.

I didn't watch them because they had no voice or text instructions at first glance, and I thought they were re-hashes of the old meathod. XD

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on July 11, 2010, 02:55:17 PM
I've got another question. You know when you import the DAE, the bones are there until your script cleans them up? If you edit the position of those bones, does it actually change the bones of the model and such?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on July 11, 2010, 03:17:00 PM
its possible to do that. but the bones are ultimately controlled in the PSA, regardless of what bone changes you make to the MDL0.

so no, editing the bones, doesn't effect my scripts export.

and since I dont believe in PSA editing, it likely never will.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on July 11, 2010, 03:57:45 PM
its possible to do that. but the bones are ultimately controlled in the PSA, regardless of what bone changes you make to the MDL0.

so no, editing the bones, doesn't effect my scripts export.

and since I dont believe in PSA editing, it likely never will.

Ah. Its just sometimes when I edit some stuff in vertex, stuff gets stretched back because of bones.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Power Marshall on July 11, 2010, 06:48:57 PM
I now know that. Thanks for pointing that out, Mariokart64n. I would have been stuck on one of my mods if I never asked, haha.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Chuy on July 12, 2010, 02:41:09 PM
i haz question
i can only edit one polygon at a time? or can i edit multiple polygons and export the changes at once?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: ZX_BraveSol_ZX on July 12, 2010, 03:16:00 PM
when i finish the vertex and insert it in dasdonkey vertex box it looks fcked up and when i double patch it looks even more FCKED UP
im trying to vertex sonic into silver
here's the model
if anyone can fix it for me then that would be awesome

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: ShadowSnake on July 14, 2010, 01:31:59 AM
Hey mariokart, i just got your method working but on vishkugeta's guide it says it needs to be unedited. How do i model edit a second with an edited model?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on July 14, 2010, 03:06:21 PM
you need an unedited vertexset to patch your model twice. some were over-writting the vertexset with a edited one... causing problems.

but I haven't read his guide, so i'm not 100% on what your talking about

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on July 15, 2010, 09:30:10 PM
K Mariokart, problem.

I tried to follow your two latest videos best I could, but it was hard with no audio. (Did you not know your mic wasn't recording? Some parts were hard to follow without your voice....)

Here's what I did. I edited my model, then put in the original and morphed it into the vert set, then on the same morpher morphed to the edited one, it changed a bit, I exported verts. Right side screwed up just like in the video, so I made a new DAE and imported it, and then  on the same morpher as before morphed into the messed up poly from the new DAE. In your video, it changed a bit again and then it was fixed, but for me, it makes it go upright and get very, very large.

Could you explain what I'm doing wrong? Or maybe make a tutorial of the non-patching meathod with audio?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: GentlemanPotato on July 16, 2010, 08:08:30 AM
Hey Mariokart64n, I need your help. I edited Bowser's armband things to remove the top one on the right and both of the ones on the left using Vishkugeta's method but when I look at the finished product in BrawlBox it looks like this. (
As you can see the ones on the left have deformed and been enlarged when I shrunk them in 3DS Max to be not visible but the one on the right is fine and turned out how I wanted it to. I already asked Vishkugeta and he said he has the same problem and told me to ask you.  I don't know what could cause this and was hoping you could help me. Thanks.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on July 16, 2010, 11:02:38 AM
Hey Mariokart64n, I need your help. I edited Bowser's armband things to remove the top one on the right and both of the ones on the left using Vishkugeta's method but when I look at the finished product in BrawlBox it looks like this.
[url][/url] ([url][/url])
As you can see the ones on the left have deformed and been enlarged when I shrunk them in 3DS Max to be not visible but the one on the right is fine and turned out how I wanted it to. I already asked Vishkugeta and he said he has the same problem and told me to ask you.  I don't know what could cause this and was hoping you could help me. Thanks.

Exact same problem as me. He posted a video on how to fix, but it has no audio, so we must wait D:

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Vish on July 16, 2010, 03:48:31 PM
Hey Mariokart64n, I need your help. I edited Bowser's armband things to remove the top one on the right and both of the ones on the left using Vishkugeta's method but when I look at the finished product in BrawlBox it looks like this.
[url][/url] ([url][/url])
As you can see the ones on the left have deformed and been enlarged when I shrunk them in 3DS Max to be not visible but the one on the right is fine and turned out how I wanted it to. I already asked Vishkugeta and he said he has the same problem and told me to ask you.  I don't know what could cause this and was hoping you could help me. Thanks.

Exact same problem as me. He posted a video on how to fix, but it has no audio, so we must wait D:

I double patched (sometimes even triple patched), and it fixed it for me.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Power Marshall on July 16, 2010, 07:37:01 PM
I was Just about to asked if they double patched, haha.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on July 16, 2010, 08:56:32 PM
Double patched fixed it :D

Some extra work, but worth it.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: nuclear432 on July 17, 2010, 02:20:43 PM
This is great!!But Ais won't extract the dae

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on July 17, 2010, 02:24:58 PM
Hey, could someone who knows how to do the new meathod (wihtout patching) post a video with audio to it please? I really hate patching my models and I wanna learn how to overcome the problem with the new meathod, that Mariokart addressed, but without talking. :(

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on July 22, 2010, 12:24:35 AM

the script gets added to max a bit oddly. I think you have to goto the customize thing at the top. then add that gadget into where every you want it. you can add it into the quad, the context menu I have when i right click.. or you can add it anywhere in the menu bar..

and, now the error;

"--Unknown property: "name" is in $selection"

means nothing was selected from the sounds of it.. otherwise I've never seen that error before. its very vague to begin with :p

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: GentlemanPotato on July 22, 2010, 05:14:07 AM
I double patched (sometimes even triple patched), and it fixed it for me.

I'm following your written guide which says 'without patching' in the title so why does it need patching then?
If it must be done then can someone write a guide for it becasue I hate having to follow a video, especially if it's 2 hous long.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Protoman.EXE on July 22, 2010, 10:23:11 AM
I have 3DS max 2011. Where am i supposed to get 08? And yes i've tried google.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: GentlemanPotato on July 22, 2010, 11:23:35 AM
I have 3DS max 2011. Where am i supposed to get 08? And yes i've tried google.

It's not 08 you need, its 3DS Max 8 which is an old one and I found it easy on google.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Protoman.EXE on July 22, 2010, 01:21:52 PM
i cant get colladamax to work it says that 3ds max 8 is not there

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on July 22, 2010, 01:37:05 PM
Hey Mariokart I was just wondering if you could write a written tutorial or make a video with audio about the new way (without patching) as I can't figure out some of the last steps on your two videos without audio.....

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Vish on July 22, 2010, 01:55:24 PM

the script gets added to max a bit oddly. I think you have to goto the customize thing at the top. then add that gadget into where every you want it. you can add it into the quad, the context menu I have when i right click.. or you can add it anywhere in the menu bar..

and, now the error;

"--Unknown property: "name" is in $selection"

means nothing was selected from the sounds of it.. otherwise I've never seen that error before. its very vague to begin with :p


When i add the script to the menu, I get the error "Script errored"...and when I try to run the script from MAXscript, I get the error "--Unknown property: "name" is in $selection" even though I have the polygons I want to conform selected.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: ShadowSnake on July 22, 2010, 02:15:35 PM
I have 3DS max 2011. Where am i supposed to get 08? And yes i've tried google.



Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: GentlemanPotato on July 22, 2010, 04:09:45 PM
i cant get colladamax to work it says that 3ds max 8 is not there

Are you on 64bit Windows because I had trouble getting it to work on 64bit.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on July 22, 2010, 04:26:28 PM
3dsmax8 was posted in the first post. its a 30day trial though, but more then enough for someone to decide if 3dsmax is for them of not.

also I won't spend time writing a written guide, cause if people can't sit and watch a video. ? why would they sit and read a 5 page explanation.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: GentlemanPotato on July 22, 2010, 06:39:24 PM
3dsmax8 was posted in the first post. its a 30day trial though, but more then enough for someone to decide if 3dsmax is for them of not.

also I won't spend time writing a written guide, cause if people can't sit and watch a video. ? why would they sit and read a 5 page explanation.

Because videos require patience, a written guide can be followed at your own pace.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on July 22, 2010, 07:22:33 PM
I'm sorry, but its hard to watch a video explaining a complex tutorial without audio or text prompts.....:(

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on July 23, 2010, 03:33:38 PM
i don't say anything in the videos besides "um......." so I don't think audio really mattered

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on July 23, 2010, 06:30:02 PM

Alright, just answer this question. I can follow the videos for the most part, but its the part at the end that gets me. You import the model, its messed up, so you export the bress and make a new DAE and import it, and then morph the set into the messed up one (over the other morphs) and it fixes, but I have a problem. When I moprh, it "gets up" to align itself with the imported DAE, and if I try to put the DAE on its back like you did in the video, nothing happens, it just goes back up.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on July 23, 2010, 07:36:28 PM
huh O_o

sorry you lost me lol

OK, well a written will come.. sooon not tomorrow.. maybe next week k

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on July 23, 2010, 07:50:35 PM
huh O_o

sorry you lost me lol

OK, well a written will come.. sooon not tomorrow.. maybe next week k

Could I make a quick video explaining my problem?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: GentlemanPotato on July 24, 2010, 06:08:14 AM
huh O_o

sorry you lost me lol

OK, well a written will come.. sooon not tomorrow.. maybe next week k


Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: elmaku on July 24, 2010, 10:01:26 AM
I know he did posted in the beggining but this doesnt work on 3dmax 2010 or 2011 right? im just doble checking  :/

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: elmaku on July 24, 2010, 10:56:22 AM
anyone  :oshi:

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on July 26, 2010, 10:03:41 AM
anyone  :oshi:
No.....It does not work on 2010 or 11.....Just like he said.... ._.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Vinyourg on July 31, 2010, 02:37:34 PM
This is my first time vertex editing, and I'm having a blast. I'm going off for university, and once that happens, i'll never finish my Prince of Persia 2008 on Ike. So I got started.

BTW, I'm a first-time user for 3DS MAX 8. The guides here are fantastic, and I caught fast enough.

What I want is: Can I save my work? Kinda sounds dumb, but I don't want to save my work in the wrong format and come back to only to find out it's become incompatible with BrawlBox. Plus, 3DS Max 8 keeps crashing, so I can't do it in one go.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on July 31, 2010, 04:16:52 PM
This is my first time vertex editing, and I'm having a blast. I'm going off for university, and once that happens, i'll never finish my Prince of Persia 2008 on Ike. So I got started.

BTW, I'm a first-time user for 3DS MAX 8. The guides here are fantastic, and I caught fast enough.

What I want is: Can I save my work? Kinda sounds dumb, but I don't want to save my work in the wrong format and come back to only to find out it's become incompatible with BrawlBox. Plus, 3DS Max 8 keeps crashing, so I can't do it in one go.

Yeah, just save the scene, it works fine.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Vinyourg on July 31, 2010, 04:58:12 PM
Alrght, I'm back!...because noobs always come back to the place they like.

This time, the problem is with collapsing. After morphing it with the value 100, I left click on the model, then try to Collapse All. I get the warning, I click Yes, and 3DS Max 8 crashes.

It worked for the first few times, even when the program kept crashing halfway through, but now I simply cannot pass the Collapse step. Any pointers?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: libertyernie on July 31, 2010, 09:03:23 PM
I'm using 3ds Max 9, and "Edit Mesh" and "Morpher" aren't showing up. Only "Editable Mesh" is visible.

EDIT: Okay, I solved that problem by selecting Morpher from the frop-down menu, but now I have another issue: nothing shows up in the list when I press "H." Any idea why?

EDIT 2: Solved that too - I had exported the wrong vertex group from BrawlBox.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: DrPanda on August 03, 2010, 07:11:42 AM
 :>.>palm: I cant believe I am about to ask this...

How do I get Collada to work? I mean where do I install it to and have it work with 3dsmax?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Beyond on August 03, 2010, 07:45:17 AM
:>.>palm: I cant believe I am about to ask this...

How do I get Collada to work? I mean where do I install it to and have it work with 3dsmax?

When you run the installer, it should automatically detect if 3DS Max is installed and install the plugin where it needs to be.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: DrPanda on August 03, 2010, 09:01:25 AM
:>.>palm: I cant believe I am about to ask this...

How do I get Collada to work? I mean where do I install it to and have it work with 3dsmax?

When you run the installer, it should automatically detect if 3DS Max is installed and install the plugin where it needs to be.
It detects it but then it asks me where to put it... By default it puts it into program files as a new program but there are no noticable changes there after  :-\

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: libertyernie on August 03, 2010, 03:46:38 PM
If you go in 3ds Max after installing it, can you import COLLADA files?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: standardtoaster on August 03, 2010, 03:50:43 PM
I'm following the written guide. When I get to the point where I collapse the list and then Press H to select the vertex group, the vertex group name isn't showing up, only the polygon name is. Could somebody please help?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on August 03, 2010, 04:15:46 PM
If you go in 3ds Max after installing it, can you import COLLADA files?

No. You need the plugin.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: DrPanda on August 03, 2010, 04:18:33 PM
If you go in 3ds Max after installing it, can you import COLLADA files?
Yes and no.
I can if I go to file>Import but I can't when I use Mariokart's Script

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Beyond on August 03, 2010, 04:30:17 PM
If you go in 3ds Max after installing it, can you import COLLADA files?
Yes and no.
I can if I go to file>Import but I can't when I use Mariokart's Script


You can't import .daes with MKs script. Only vertex sets.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: standardtoaster on August 03, 2010, 04:34:31 PM
I was able to export the vertices on to the mdl0 properly yesterday, but I don't remember what I had done. I'm afraid that if I choose the polygon instead of the vertex group that it'll get an error and then it'll rotate the model and unable to undo it.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: DrPanda on August 03, 2010, 04:40:15 PM
If you go in 3ds Max after installing it, can you import COLLADA files?
Yes and no.
I can if I go to file>Import but I can't when I use Mariokart's Script


You can't import .daes with MKs script. Only vertex sets.

Ahhhh, that explains everything!
Well then, problem solved, thanks Beyond  ;D

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Velen on August 04, 2010, 11:34:18 AM
For some reason, when I ran AiS, it came back with the report. "AiS has stopped working." Why is this?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Sajiao Omelette on August 04, 2010, 02:32:56 PM
Don't run AiS, drag the BRRES onto it.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: standardtoaster on August 04, 2010, 03:26:20 PM
I'm following the written guide. When I get to the point where I collapse the list and then Press H to select the vertex group, the vertex group name isn't showing up, only the polygon name is. Could somebody please help?
I was able to export the vertices on to the mdl0 properly yesterday, but I don't remember what I had done. I'm afraid that if I choose the polygon instead of the vertex group that it'll get an error and then it'll rotate the model and unable to undo it.
I really need to know what I have to do in this situation. I'm currently stuck just waiting for an answer as to what I am supposed to do. I really don't want to redo what I vertexed.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: DrPanda on August 04, 2010, 04:14:08 PM
I'm following the written guide. When I get to the point where I collapse the list and then Press H to select the vertex group, the vertex group name isn't showing up, only the polygon name is. Could somebody please help?
I was able to export the vertices on to the mdl0 properly yesterday, but I don't remember what I had done. I'm afraid that if I choose the polygon instead of the vertex group that it'll get an error and then it'll rotate the model and unable to undo it.
I really need to know what I have to do in this situation. I'm currently stuck just waiting for an answer as to what I am supposed to do. I really don't want to redo what I vertexed.
When you get to that stage, make sure you all polygons are visible (unhide all or something like that) then you can select the vertex group.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: standardtoaster on August 04, 2010, 04:59:47 PM
Thank you so much! It worked! :D

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Protoman.EXE on August 05, 2010, 11:07:34 AM
I have a problem, when i run ColladaMax it does'nt detect 3DS max for some unknown reason so it wont install the plugin. Can someone upload the literal plugin's?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Sajiao Omelette on August 05, 2010, 12:27:44 PM
Whenever I use AiS, it only works with unedited models, so I can't get it to double patch anything, because it's been edited. What do I do to get AiS to work?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on August 05, 2010, 02:21:58 PM
Ok Mariokart, you said a while back you were gonna make a new tutorial and you never did. I really need help with this. Since you didn't understand last time I explained, I'll say it more in detail, and if you STILL don't understand, I'll make a video.

Ok, so I finish my edits. I copy the model, bring it back to the original, morph the original into the vert set and then into the edited model. Great. Now I export the verts to the model, look at it, and something's wrong like usual, just like in the 2 new videos you made. Now I export the messed-up brres file and make a new DAE and import it, its messed up. Now, in the video, you simply morphed the model you exported the verts from ( The one that looks like it was patched) into the messed up one on top of the other 2 morphs, and a slight change was made, and you exported the verts again and it was fine. However, when I do this, the model being morphed "stands up" and morphs at the same time, breaking it. I tried a few other things, if I morph the original, unedted verison of the polygon into the messed up one, it stands up aswell, and if I try to edit the messed up one in any way, it just reverts itself.

Please tell me what to do here, if you still don't understand my problem I'll make a video.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Tasty Pumpkin Clock on August 05, 2010, 08:01:50 PM
YoshiBoshi Are you using Vishkugeta's method?

Also can somebody help me? I'm trying to morph the mesh set into the vertex set from the raw edited polygon. But when I select the mesh and click fit to scene I can't select the polygon, and if I press H there is nothing in the menu.

What must I do for it to show up?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Ӄit ßallarɖ on August 05, 2010, 08:09:59 PM
I have a problem, when i run ColladaMax it does'nt detect 3DS max for some unknown reason so it wont install the plugin. Can someone upload the literal plugin's?

I'm having the same problems =(

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on August 05, 2010, 09:11:33 PM
I am indeed using Vish's method. And about your problem, could you clarify a bit more or add pictures? I'm sure I could help you as I've had a similar problem, but it was when I still used the patching meathod.....

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Sajiao Omelette on August 05, 2010, 09:33:58 PM
Is it maybe because you changed the number of vertices while editing it? That's happened to me many, many times, so maybe it happened to you, too.

Maybe try right-clicking on both of them and going to Properties to check the number of vertices could show you what the problem is?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Tasty Pumpkin Clock on August 05, 2010, 11:44:29 PM
Is it maybe because you changed the number of vertices while editing it? That's happened to me many, many times, so maybe it happened to you, too.

Maybe try right-clicking on both of them and going to Properties to check the number of vertices could show you what the problem is?

Was this directed at me?
If so I don't think this is the cause. Even if I don't edit anything it still doesn't work.

I am indeed using Vish's method. And about your problem, could you clarify a bit more or add pictures? I'm sure I could help you as I've had a similar problem, but it was when I still used the patching method.....

I have the same problem as you. Although that method is easier I don't believe there is a fix for this. I explained the situation to both MarioKart and Vish but neither of them had a solution.

But I am probably and hopefully wrong. I have not tried patching afterward mainly because I want to be able to use the no patch method without it screwing up, but I haven't found a way around it.

For now I'm just using MarioKarts method. (But as I've explained in my last post, I'm having trouble with that as well)

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on August 06, 2010, 11:05:00 AM
Is it maybe because you changed the number of vertices while editing it? That's happened to me many, many times, so maybe it happened to you, too.

Maybe try right-clicking on both of them and going to Properties to check the number of vertices could show you what the problem is?

Was this directed at me?
If so I don't think this is the cause. Even if I don't edit anything it still doesn't work.

I am indeed using Vish's method. And about your problem, could you clarify a bit more or add pictures? I'm sure I could help you as I've had a similar problem, but it was when I still used the patching method.....

I have the same problem as you. Although that method is easier I don't believe there is a fix for this. I explained the situation to both MarioKart and Vish but neither of them had a solution.

But I am probably and hopefully wrong. I have not tried patching afterward mainly because I want to be able to use the no patch method without it screwing up, but I haven't found a way around it.

For now I'm just using MarioKarts method. (But as I've explained in my last post, I'm having trouble with that as well)

Mariokart DOES have a solution, he does it in the videos where he DOESN'T TALK. However, it's hard to understand what he's doing because he's not explaining it as he goes.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Ӄit ßallarɖ on August 06, 2010, 12:34:24 PM
can anyone using 3DS Max 8 post the Collada dle file? I can't get the bloody thing to install properly (since it can't find 3Ds max, it'll just pretend to install then deletes the dle files)

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: ChaosRune on August 06, 2010, 12:51:47 PM
I got 3ds Max 8 from MegaUpload and did everything, but when I run the program it tries to verify a license then makes me have to input an activation code and a serial number like I bought a copy of it. Someone that I know also downloaded it, but he didn't have to do any of that! The only difference we have is that his computer is an XP and mine is a Vista. Does anyone know what the problem might be?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on August 06, 2010, 01:40:29 PM
I got 3ds Max 8 from MegaUpload and did everything, but when I run the program it tries to verify a license then makes me have to input an activation code and a serial number like I bought a copy of it. Someone that I know also downloaded it, but he didn't have to do any of that! The only difference we have is that his computer is an XP and mine is a Vista. Does anyone know what the problem might be?

...Pm me. (Sees if police are around)

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Ӄit ßallarɖ on August 06, 2010, 01:52:02 PM
I got 3ds Max 8 from MegaUpload and did everything, but when I run the program it tries to verify a license then makes me have to input an activation code and a serial number like I bought a copy of it. Someone that I know also downloaded it, but he didn't have to do any of that! The only difference we have is that his computer is an XP and mine is a Vista. Does anyone know what the problem might be?

...Pm me. (Sees if police are around)

I've solved it already *wipes the blood off of her sword*

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Tasty Pumpkin Clock on August 06, 2010, 04:10:12 PM
I got 3ds Max 8 from MegaUpload and did everything, but when I run the program it tries to verify a license then makes me have to input an activation code and a serial number like I bought a copy of it. Someone that I know also downloaded it, but he didn't have to do any of that! The only difference we have is that his computer is an XP and mine is a Vista. Does anyone know what the problem might be?

...Pm me. (Sees if police are around)

I've solved it already *wipes the blood off of her sword*

Aha! Do what you want cuz a Pirate is free! You are a pirate!
(lol limewire)

Btw YoshiBoshi which video is it? Maybe I'll be able to figure it out?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on August 06, 2010, 04:24:55 PM
wow alot of questions ^_^ I didn't really read them all, but it seems people are having alot of troubles again

anyway, just want you guys to know I bought a new computer, with a intel i7-930 along with a nvidia GX 470 graphics card. I'm running Windows7 now instead of my old winXP. I also have the new 3dsmax, max2011. when I get some other side projects done, I'll return to this. Then I can get a first hand idea of how to do this using the latest OS and hardware..
most should have my simular specs, so hopfully more can relate.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on August 06, 2010, 04:27:03 PM
wow alot of questions ^_^ I didn't really read them all, but it seems people are having alot of troubles again

anyway, just want you guys to know I bought a new computer, with a intel i7-930 along with a nvidia GX 470 graphics card. I'm running Windows7 now instead of my old winXP. I also have the new 3dsmax, max2011. when I get some other side projects done, I'll return to this. Then I can get a first hand idea of how to do this using the latest OS and hardware..
most should have my simular specs, so hopfully more can relate.


Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Tasty Pumpkin Clock on August 06, 2010, 04:31:15 PM
So have I but I'm not crying over it.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on August 06, 2010, 05:24:56 PM
why, whats the main problem guys?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Tasty Pumpkin Clock on August 06, 2010, 06:51:51 PM
I watched all your videos and solved my problems anyway.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Ӄit ßallarɖ on August 06, 2010, 08:59:07 PM
I got 3ds Max 8 from MegaUpload and did everything, but when I run the program it tries to verify a license then makes me have to input an activation code and a serial number like I bought a copy of it. Someone that I know also downloaded it, but he didn't have to do any of that! The only difference we have is that his computer is an XP and mine is a Vista. Does anyone know what the problem might be?

...Pm me. (Sees if police are around)

I've solved it already *wipes the blood off of her sword*

Aha! Do what you want cuz a Pirate is free! You are a pirate!
(lol limewire)

Btw YoshiBoshi which video is it? Maybe I'll be able to figure it out?

lol honestly, I don't use limewire, much less know exactly what it's used for besides some kinda download agent.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on August 06, 2010, 11:36:58 PM
limewire isn't safe, I'm surprised people use that.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Tasty Pumpkin Clock on August 07, 2010, 12:57:16 AM
UGH never mind. I solved my new problem but ended up with my old one again...


Alright I thought to fix that I should use the original patch method.
I did... but it still happens! That's a picture taken from when I was using the no patch method but it's pretty much the same thing that happens... even after double patching and everything...

Can anyone help?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: n64billy on August 07, 2010, 03:16:25 AM
I've been having problems when saving my files to work on again later...

I re-open the scene, but the vertecies aren't there so I re-import them... then once applying them from 0 to 100, I collapse the mesh, and select the vertecies, but then I can't pick the polygons from the scene, they don't show up in the list, meaning I can't apply the final step...

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on August 07, 2010, 11:06:49 AM
limewire isn't safe, I'm surprised people use that.

Limewire? Hahahhaha! I don't use limewire! Isn't that for music or something?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: standardtoaster on August 07, 2010, 03:40:41 PM
I've been having problems when saving my files to work on again later...

I re-open the scene, but the vertecies aren't there so I re-import them... then once applying them from 0 to 100, I collapse the mesh, and select the vertecies, but then I can't pick the polygons from the scene, they don't show up in the list, meaning I can't apply the final step...
Have you tried unhiding everything and then trying to select the polygon?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on August 07, 2010, 04:51:33 PM
why, whats the main problem guys?

My main problem is how to fix Vish's meathod when the model is messed up after you do it the first time.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: DrPanda on August 07, 2010, 06:48:06 PM
why, whats the main problem guys?

My main problem is how to fix Vish's meathod when the model is messed up after you do it the first time.
What's wrong with Vish's method? it works fine for me

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: ChaosRune on August 07, 2010, 07:23:02 PM
I'm having the same problem as Yoshiboshi3. I do exactly everything that it says to do in the guide, but part of the end model is always screwed up! I've tried to hack Ike's Arms, Yoshi's Feet, and Ness's Face(like he did), and only Ness's Face worked worked!

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Tasty Pumpkin Clock on August 07, 2010, 09:46:09 PM
SAME. With Vish's method very few things can be vertexed without it screwing up afterward.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on August 07, 2010, 10:03:04 PM
Well, I might as well go back to patching. MK is dead and unless he anotates/explains his latest 2 videos, we won't get an answer, and patching isn't that much of a hassle anyway.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Tasty Pumpkin Clock on August 07, 2010, 10:11:13 PM
It still happens when I patch...

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: standardtoaster on August 07, 2010, 10:29:49 PM
Anyone know why this happened using the nonpatch method?

3ds Max 8:
( (
( (

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Tasty Pumpkin Clock on August 07, 2010, 10:40:59 PM
I think that's the same problem we're all having...

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on August 07, 2010, 11:10:09 PM
It still happens when I patch...

Double patch, it fixes.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Tasty Pumpkin Clock on August 08, 2010, 01:25:09 AM
I do. And it doesn't fix it.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: spiderjjr45 on August 08, 2010, 09:35:22 AM
Whenever I try to use the vertices on the model, using the Morpher and the "Pick from scene", I cannot find the vertices to use. I read that this has to do with the script altering the amount of vertices in the original model, thus making it incompatable with the imported vertices,
 but does anyone know how to fix it?

I'm editing Snake's body, by the way.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on August 08, 2010, 10:31:14 AM
I do. And it doesn't fix it.

Uh...what are you editing? Are you editing hair or a cape by any chance? D:

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: ChaosRune on August 08, 2010, 11:06:39 AM
When I try the double patch method, DDVB comes up with a message that says "". It then does everything regularly, but when I replace the model, all of the polygons are gone.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on August 08, 2010, 11:16:05 AM
When I try the double patch method, DDVB comes up with a message that says "". It then does everything regularly, but when I replace the model, all of the polygons are gone.

EXACTLY what are you doing to double patch?

Also, don't use DDVB, use Mariokart's script to export verts.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: ChaosRune on August 08, 2010, 11:21:38 AM
Oh, yeah. I was using the older method...

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Tasty Pumpkin Clock on August 08, 2010, 05:01:01 PM
I do. And it doesn't fix it.

Uh...what are you editing? Are you editing hair or a cape by any chance? D:

I put up a picture. It happens on most things. Links sword for example.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: spiderjjr45 on August 08, 2010, 08:43:04 PM
Whenever I try to use the vertices on the model, using the Morpher and the "Pick from scene", I cannot find the vertices to use. I read that this has to do with the script altering the amount of vertices in the original model, thus making it incompatable with the imported vertices,
 but does anyone know how to fix it?

I'm editing Snake's body, by the way.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: cuckoos on August 08, 2010, 09:13:17 PM
How do I see the character's textures while editing the model in 3dsmax? And how to I "change to poly"?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: ChaosRune on August 08, 2010, 09:16:43 PM
You have to export all of the textures to the place where the .dae is, I think. And I don't know what you're referencing with "change to poly".

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: cuckoos on August 08, 2010, 09:18:30 PM
You have to export all of the textures to the place where the .dae is, I think. And I don't know what you're referencing with "change to poly".

Won't work. Is it because I'm not in "poly" mode?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Beyond on August 08, 2010, 09:21:08 PM
You have to export all of the textures to the place where the .dae is, I think. And I don't know what you're referencing with "change to poly".

Won't work. Is it because I'm not in "poly" mode?

Export all the textures in the same folder as the .max file. To change to a poly you could right click the model and select convert to > Edit Poly (something like that). Or with the model/object selected pick Edit Poly from the modifier list.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: ChaosRune on August 08, 2010, 10:14:42 PM
I think I just solved the Vish's Guide/Double Patch/Whole Vertexing Thing incident! It's not 100% fail-safe, but it gets us moving the right way. Follow these steps(it seems long, but it really isn't):

-Export Bres file from BrawlBox
-Make .dae from Bres file
-Import .dae and fix with Ais
-Edit however you want
-When you're done, open a new scene for 3ds Max
-Import the .dae and fix with Ais again
-Export the vertex of the polygon which you edited from BrawlBox(name doesn't matter) and copy its MDL0 Offset
-Go to the new scene, select the part of the model that you edited in the other scene, and click "Create Patch" on mariokart's script, then click the vertex
-Go to your edited scene and click "Patch Model", then select the vertex patch
-After it's done patching, uncheck "Check for MDL0 Offset" box, input the Offset of the vertex, and then click "Export Verts"
-Export the character model from BrawlBox(again, name doesn't matter) and then select it in 3ds Max
-Replace the model in BrawlBox with the new one
-Export the Bres file again
-Make a new .dae
-Import it into a new scene in 3ds Max and fix with Ais
-"Patch Model" again with the same patch as before
-Export verts and replace the model again
-Preview it in BrawlBox and it SHOULD be good

Please post whatever goes wrong, for again this isn't 100% fail-safe.

EDIT: If anyone does this method until you export the verts and it say "Error! Wrong Offset?", it's because when you apply the patch, a couple of vertices are added. I'm currently working on a way to get past this, so please bear with me for a while.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Tasty Pumpkin Clock on August 09, 2010, 12:53:52 AM
I honestly hate pestering people about my problems because I know how annoying it is, but if I can't fix this soon my head is going to explode!

I can't use face morph to morph objects. It says I'm trying to do a mesh operation on a non mesh or something like that, but isn't that the point? But I shouldn't even need to use this in the first place because I can't morph the mesh into the polygon... even if I DON'T EDIT THE POLYGON!! Which means the number of vertexes should not change.

And I still can't figure out how to vertex without something going wrong. I'm still the only person who can't do it even while double patching.

Seriously what the hell?! Somebody help me!

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: DrPanda on August 09, 2010, 07:47:59 AM
Ok, For those of you who are having similar to problems to Apprentice Of Death, I need some info...
First off, Are you using Vish's method?
Second, What are you trying to edit?

I think I may of found a solution, but I need some more stuff to test it on before I can say it works perfectly :)

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Beyond on August 09, 2010, 07:53:27 AM
I honestly hate pestering people about my problems because I know how annoying it is, but if I can't fix this soon my head is going to explode!

I can't use face morph to morph objects. It says I'm trying to do a mesh operation on a non mesh or something like that, but isn't that the point? But I shouldn't even need to use this in the first place because I can't morph the mesh into the polygon... even if I DON'T EDIT THE POLYGON!! Which means the number of vertexes should not change.

And I still can't figure out how to vertex without something going wrong. I'm still the only person who can't do it even while double patching.

Seriously what the hell?! Somebody help me!

Make sure both the target mesh and the mesh you're modifying are Editable Meshs. Make sure there are no modifiers in your stack. The only thing you should see in the box under the modifier list for both models is +Editable Mesh (something like that).

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on August 09, 2010, 12:06:27 PM
I honestly hate pestering people about my problems because I know how annoying it is, but if I can't fix this soon my head is going to explode!

I can't use face morph to morph objects. It says I'm trying to do a mesh operation on a non mesh or something like that, but isn't that the point? But I shouldn't even need to use this in the first place because I can't morph the mesh into the polygon... even if I DON'T EDIT THE POLYGON!! Which means the number of vertexes should not change.

And I still can't figure out how to vertex without something going wrong. I'm still the only person who can't do it even while double patching.

Seriously what the hell?! Somebody help me!

I don't think you understand how to use facemorph. (Mariokart didn't explain it very well here)

However, watch part 9 of his video tutorial and it explains how to use facemorph. :P

(So does my video tutorial, but something tells me its not what you want.)

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: spiderjjr45 on August 09, 2010, 02:31:45 PM
I'm getting really frustrated. I've spent 3 days now working with 3DSM, and even after watching all of MarioKart's videos, reading through all his guide, and even going through YoshiBoshi's guide, I cannot get it to work. I don't understand how I'm supposed to get my vertex'd model onto the Brawl model. I can never get the imported vertices to morph to the changed model, and i can't do a facemorph because VERTICES DON'T HAVE FACES! Am I doing something wrong? Am I supposed to use the export vertices on something else? Days of work have led to disappointments, crashes, and failures, and I am dieing to know how to vertex hack!

Can someone simply explain precisely how and when to use each of the buttons in the script? I think that if I finally understand how to use the script, I can finally vertex hack!

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: ChaosRune on August 09, 2010, 02:47:46 PM
Check my list. It's the last post on page 24 of this topic. That MIGHT work for you.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on August 09, 2010, 02:49:51 PM
thanks for helping people, I've been pretty useless the past month.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on August 09, 2010, 05:18:05 PM
thanks for helping people, I've been pretty useless the past month.
I'm trying to help Apprentice to the best of my ability, but am still getting nothing on my problem. D:

I think you're the only one who knows how to fix it.....

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: DrPanda on August 09, 2010, 05:23:26 PM
thanks for helping people, I've been pretty useless the past month.
I'm trying to help Apprentice to the best of my ability, but am still getting nothing on my problem. D:

I think you're the only one who knows how to fix it.....
What problem are you having?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Tasty Pumpkin Clock on August 09, 2010, 05:39:35 PM
I honestly hate pestering people about my problems because I know how annoying it is, but if I can't fix this soon my head is going to explode!

I can't use face morph to morph objects. It says I'm trying to do a mesh operation on a non mesh or something like that, but isn't that the point? But I shouldn't even need to use this in the first place because I can't morph the mesh into the polygon... even if I DON'T EDIT THE POLYGON!! Which means the number of vertexes should not change.

And I still can't figure out how to vertex without something going wrong. I'm still the only person who can't do it even while double patching.

Seriously what the hell?! Somebody help me!

Make sure both the target mesh and the mesh you're modifying are Editable Meshs. Make sure there are no modifiers in your stack. The only thing you should see in the box under the modifier list for both models is +Editable Mesh (something like that).

lolol I do that and of course it still doesn't work.
I double check each step to make sure I'm doing it right.

But I have to be screwing SOMETHING up...

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: DrPanda on August 09, 2010, 06:05:35 PM
Nevermind, I got it. But now I've patched the edited model section, and I keep going to export the Verts, I put in the offset for the vertices, which, in my case is -153760, and when it tells me to select an MDL0 file, I keep getting "ERROR! Wrong Offset?" when I try to export. The offset is absolutely correct, so I don't know what the issue is!

I'm editing Wario's face, by the way.
Don't put the - in the model offset, Just put the number.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Ӄit ßallarɖ on August 09, 2010, 06:11:47 PM
Don't put the - in the model offset, Just put the number.

good to know. I didn't know that... should be in the guide.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: spiderjjr45 on August 09, 2010, 06:15:14 PM
I fixed it, the - didn't make a difference at all.

I repeat: The - DOES NOT make a difference.

Anyway, I want to know this:

If I open up a DAE of a character, fix the AIS, and start editing it, and I have vertex hacked many parts, what would be the best way to hack those new edited vertices back into brawl. 9 out of 10 of the tutorials here only cover doing 1 part at a time, such as Ness's head or Yoshi's feet, but that doesn't work for me. I want to edit a bunch of parts at the same time, and export them.

What's the most efficient way to do that?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Ӄit ßallarɖ on August 09, 2010, 06:18:52 PM
Oh o.o good to know x2?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on August 09, 2010, 06:29:40 PM
thanks for helping people, I've been pretty useless the past month.
I'm trying to help Apprentice to the best of my ability, but am still getting nothing on my problem. D:

I think you're the only one who knows how to fix it.....
What problem are you having?

How to fix the model when it screws up during the morphing meathod. Mariokart does it in a video, but he doesn't talk and its hard to follow what he's doing.

Mariokart, all I ask is that you explain what you are doing from 7:25 up in your help for Rikami video.....I'm editing the exact same thing (Marth's body) and when I morph into the messed up model it "turns" up vertically, so to speak.....please, I've waited almost a month for an answer to this.....

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: DrPanda on August 09, 2010, 06:39:04 PM
So are you following Vish's method, but just having problems when you get to the morphing step?

Or are you doing it by patching and using DDVB?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on August 09, 2010, 06:45:16 PM
I fixed it, the - didn't make a difference at all.

I repeat: The - DOES NOT make a difference.

Anyway, I want to know this:

If I open up a DAE of a character, fix the AIS, and start editing it, and I have vertex hacked many parts, what would be the best way to hack those new edited vertices back into brawl. 9 out of 10 of the tutorials here only cover doing 1 part at a time, such as Ness's head or Yoshi's feet, but that doesn't work for me. I want to edit a bunch of parts at the same time, and export them.

What's the most efficient way to do that?

I don't think you can, as these seperate parts are all polygons. As far as I know you can only edit one at a time currently. However, you can make edits all over the character and save it as a max scene and then export them one by one.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on August 09, 2010, 06:47:29 PM
So are you following Vish's method, but just having problems when you get to the morphing step?

Or are you doing it by patching and using DDVB?


Explaining this for the millionth time

I'm following vish's meathod. I morph it the first time, ok. I export the verts and see that it's messed up on the right side. So I export the brres again and make a new DAE and import it and attempt to morph the morphed model into the messed up one, but when I do, it screws up. Mariokart does some weird thing in the video that I can't follow as he's going too fast and provides no voice or text prompts as to what he's doing.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: DrPanda on August 09, 2010, 06:52:05 PM
So are you following Vish's method, but just having problems when you get to the morphing step?

Or are you doing it by patching and using DDVB?


Explaining this for the millionth time

I'm following vish's meathod. I morph it the first time, ok. I export the verts and see that it's messed up on the right side. So I export the brres again and make a new DAE and import it and attempt to morph the morphed model into the messed up one, but when I do, it screws up. Mariokart does some weird thing in the video that I can't follow as he's going too fast and provides no voice or text prompts as to what he's doing.
Wait, why are you making a new DAE, just to morph it into an already messed up one?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on August 09, 2010, 06:57:27 PM
So are you following Vish's method, but just having problems when you get to the morphing step?

Or are you doing it by patching and using DDVB?


Explaining this for the millionth time

I'm following vish's meathod. I morph it the first time, ok. I export the verts and see that it's messed up on the right side. So I export the brres again and make a new DAE and import it and attempt to morph the morphed model into the messed up one, but when I do, it screws up. Mariokart does some weird thing in the video that I can't follow as he's going too fast and provides no voice or text prompts as to what he's doing.
Wait, why are you making a new DAE, just to morph it into an already messed up one?

Because that's exactly what he does in the it the "double patch" of the morphing meathod.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Tasty Pumpkin Clock on August 09, 2010, 06:58:35 PM
But you said you didn't really get the video right? What if you misunderstood what he was doing?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on August 09, 2010, 09:41:07 PM




(Blasts HALLELUJA on stereo at max volume)

Mariokart, I missed one simple thing you were doing. Actually several things, but one of them was really easy to miss.

People with the morphing problem rejoice, a solution is coming to you tommorow....WITH VOICE!

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: ChaosRune on August 09, 2010, 10:06:24 PM
Thank goodness! Please hurry for posting it, because I wanna get my project on the road. I also found a problem with my method. Once you apply the patch to the edited model, it adds a couple of vertices, therefore, you cannot export it onto the model. That happens only for certain models. The one that I started with didn't have that problem.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on August 09, 2010, 10:16:46 PM
Thank goodness! Please hurry for posting it, because I wanna get my project on the road. I also found a problem with my method. Once you apply the patch to the edited model, it adds a couple of vertices, therefore, you cannot export it onto the model. That happens only for certain models. The one that I started with didn't have that problem.
You need to use facemorph, but thats if you're patching. When I post my video tommorow, you can all see how to do the morphing meathod. :D

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Ninka_kiwi on August 09, 2010, 10:32:46 PM
I'm having a slight problem
when I go to edit captain falcons feet and arms I use the patch and what not but EVERY TIME I do it I get an offset error and yes I copy it directly from brawl box and I unchecked the check from file thing...
What am I doing to get said error?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on August 09, 2010, 10:33:48 PM
I'm having a slight problem
when I go to edit captain falcons feet and arms I use the patch and what not but EVERY TIME I do it I get an offset error and yes I copy it directly from brawl box and I unchecked the check from file thing...
What am I doing to get said error?

Don't patch, use the morphing method.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: ChaosRune on August 09, 2010, 10:42:00 PM
I'm having a slight problem
when I go to edit captain falcons feet and arms I use the patch and what not but EVERY TIME I do it I get an offset error and yes I copy it directly from brawl box and I unchecked the check from file thing...
What am I doing to get said error?

Anyways, I already said that when you patch it, a couple of vertices get added to the model. Then the model doesn't recognize it and gives you that message.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: StarWaffle on August 09, 2010, 10:47:01 PM
for the life of me i cannot do this properly, ive tried the morphing methof but it looks like a monster in the end, and i tried the ddvb method and when patching it it looks like it lost about 80% of the vertices and its just a bunch of flat shapes... 

i even tried doing exxcatly the same thing in the video with marths legs, and no luck... 

i still have a max scene saved. could i send it to someone and maybe you could try and fix it ;-;

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Ninka_kiwi on August 09, 2010, 10:48:15 PM
That makes sense I guess but what do you mean by morph and not patch?
Sorry if I'm asking a log and thanks fir answering.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on August 09, 2010, 10:52:34 PM
That makes sense I guess but what do you mean by morph and not patch?
Sorry if I'm asking a log and thanks fir answering.
for the life of me i cannot do this properly, ive tried the morphing methof but it looks like a monster in the end, and i tried the ddvb method and when patching it it looks like it lost about 80% of the vertices and its just a bunch of flat shapes... 

i even tried doing exxcatly the same thing in the video with marths legs, and no luck... 

i still have a max scene saved. could i send it to someone and maybe you could try and fix it ;-;

Waits for my tutorial tommorow

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: StarWaffle on August 09, 2010, 10:55:29 PM
okie =3

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: standardtoaster on August 10, 2010, 12:23:36 AM
Anyone know why this happened using the nonpatch method?

3ds Max 8:
([url][/url]) ([url][/url])

([url][/url]) ([url][/url])

Has anyone found a solution to this yet?! It seems that the body verts don't cooperate properly. ;-; I continued editing and here's what happened.

converted and put on mdl0:

Please, how do I fix this?! By the way, I worked on vertexing this polygon for 2 days!

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on August 10, 2010, 07:42:52 AM
Anyone know why this happened using the nonpatch method?

3ds Max 8:
([url][/url]) ([url][/url])

([url][/url]) ([url][/url])

Has anyone found a solution to this yet?! It seems that the body verts don't cooperate properly. ;-; I continued editing and here's what happened.

converted and put on mdl0: [url][/url]
3ds: [url][/url]

Please, how do I fix this?! By the way, I worked on vertexing this polygon for 2 days!

Same problem I've been having and fixed last night. I'm making a video tutorial later today, just wait.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: StarWaffle on August 10, 2010, 10:38:23 AM
If i accedntally pressed the scale ais button, how would i unscale it?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: ChaosRune on August 10, 2010, 11:11:58 AM
You can't.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: StarWaffle on August 10, 2010, 11:16:04 AM

so my model is ruined? ;-;

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: StarWaffle on August 10, 2010, 11:31:30 AM
its not true! there must be a way to reverse it ;-;

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: ChaosRune on August 10, 2010, 11:40:02 AM
I'm sorry to say this, but only if you can re-write the script or make a new one.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: StarWaffle on August 10, 2010, 11:46:17 AM
dosnt the script just tell it how much to scale by? i looked through it and i could only find the number 2.54 =[  so i scaled it by 25.4% it was close but it didnt work D:

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: ChaosRune on August 10, 2010, 12:17:39 PM
It probably means the whole model is scaled by 254% when you use it.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on August 10, 2010, 12:46:38 PM
Just morph it anyway...when I accidentally scale, it doesn't mess anything up for me.

On another note, I finished the tutorial, it's compressing now and then I'll upload it.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Aafyre on August 10, 2010, 02:48:07 PM
Okay, I was following your tutorial and Yoshiboshi's pretty fine until I got to the point after you make the patch once you are happy with your changes I get totally lost. Also, for some reason, when I imported the model it messes up when I got to Edit Poly so I can't use the Relax tool that you were using. Please help me out here.

Anyways, I'm working on Pimple (from Battletoads) over Donkey Kong, and here is what I have so far:
( (

And here's the 3ds file up to before I "Patch Model" if anyone wants to tell me what I'm doing wrong.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on August 10, 2010, 05:09:39 PM
Okay, I was following your tutorial and Yoshiboshi's pretty fine until I got to the point after you make the patch once you are happy with your changes I get totally lost. Also, for some reason, when I imported the model it messes up when I got to Edit Poly so I can't use the Relax tool that you were using. Please help me out here.

Anyways, I'm working on Pimple (from Battletoads) over Donkey Kong, and here is what I have so far:
([url][/url]) ([url][/url])

And here's the 3ds file up to before I "Patch Model" if anyone wants to tell me what I'm doing wrong.

Patching is obsolite, use the morphing meathod :)

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Aafyre on August 10, 2010, 06:17:33 PM
Okay, I got the problem with not being able to export it fixed thanks to Das Donkey Box 2. I'm still having a big problem that when I switch to edit polygon, most of his face disappears. I need to use that so I can use the relax tool that Mariokart64n was using in his Mewtwo videos. It would really help me smooth out things like Donkey Kong's ears and the crease it makes in his head by pushing his pointy hair down.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on August 10, 2010, 07:23:13 PM
Okay, I got the problem with not being able to export it fixed thanks to Das Donkey Box 2. I'm still having a big problem that when I switch to edit polygon, most of his face disappears. I need to use that so I can use the relax tool that Mariokart64n was using in his Mewtwo videos. It would really help me smooth out things like Donkey Kong's ears and the crease it makes in his head by pushing his pointy hair down.

My question is, why did you switch to edit polygon?

And sorry guys, my mic is screwed up and none of the audio in my tutorial recorded (Ironic isn't it) so it will probably wait until tomorrow, unless someone wants me to just subtitle it?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: spiderjjr45 on August 10, 2010, 09:20:50 PM
How does one "double patch" something if they can't find a way to make another DAE, because AIS doesn't work with already edited BRRES files.

Edit: Every guide I've read now says that I have to make another DAE out of the finished product to double patch. And why does the glitch that needs the double patch only affect the right side of the model?

Edit2: Well, I can finally make another DAE, I guess something was just wrong with my BRRES, but anyway, now that I have it ready, it still doesn't work. I import the DAE and vertex set again, fix up the AIS, then I apply the patch, morph it, and extract it.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on August 11, 2010, 11:26:55 PM
there are 3 different types of vertices.. or rather 3 different ways the data is stored and arranged. thus posing 3 different problems for us. one of course is the one leg growing larger.. fixed with double patching. the other is physics bones. from personal trial and error, you have to manually offset these yourself to compensate for any rotations. if your lucky those rotations will only by increments of 90 degrees.. otherwise we cannot edit capes, hair etc.. though if you use the very first method with editing vertex clouds, there is no issues.

ok, so you can't convert a brres a second time, usually caused by a bad bress.. but you found that out. try not to tinker with the MDL0, or the bress, until all your vertexhacks are complete.

as for the double patching, again there is no patching anymore. its more or less a coin phrase now.

please review this video, it recaps the process. I feel its more summarized and simple for people to learn.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: DrPanda on August 12, 2010, 04:54:30 AM
Did my quick fix not work for you Death?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: DrPanda on August 12, 2010, 05:30:14 AM
Yeah it is far from perfect, and looking at Mariokart's new vid I'd say I won't need to continue using it.
I would check out the vid you posted to see if I can help, but my comp is uber slow and it will probably take half a day for the vid to download  :(

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Vuze on August 12, 2010, 06:50:04 AM
Hey there,

I am new to this board :)
Well, I am having a problem not yet named I think.
Everytime I want to import vertex sets from specific non-brawl models, Max spits out the following:
( (¤t=120810_errormax.jpg)

I don't know if I am doing sth wrong, but as other Vertex sets work, I assume it has sth to do with them. I uploaded some of them here (don't care about the ddf; I try to handle them since DDVB1 and as the script doesn't care for the ending ;)):

I would really appreciate if sb could take a look at them; maybe this can be fixed by editing the script.

Thanks in advance!

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Tasty Pumpkin Clock on August 12, 2010, 07:49:45 AM
OH MY GOD! Finally! Finally?? I sure hope so.

I went over MarioKarts latest method again. And I think I pieced together how to fix my problems.
So I THINK I'm good. For now anyway.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Segab on August 12, 2010, 10:56:29 AM
err.. your video is easy to understand and all, but I can't get the new script to work... I paste it, press evaluate all, and nothing happens. If I try to save it and then run it, it says syntax error.

edit: when I copy it from the "code" thing, it doesn't work, but if I click "quote" then copy it from there, it works... but it's the june 22 version?!
never mind, there's 2 codes in the post. The june 22 version works, the new one still gives me the error.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on August 12, 2010, 03:03:13 PM
hm, it was late, maybe i pasted the wrong code. I'll double check


I remember when i was on winXP, anything I used from my friends win7 machine wouldn't work. due to a syntex error. we couldn't figure it out, but my assumption was that win7 was using some strange new unicode which would inject random characters into the script. causing it to be broken when used on another system.

I think this maybe the case?

so here I've quoted the script below. and also I've included a RTF file, which maybe retain the unicode. please try both and report any issues between the copy and pasted script, and the RTF exported script. (

fn readBEshort fstream = (
short = readshort fstream #unsigned
short = bit.swapBytes short 1 2
return short
fn readBElong fstream = (
long = readlong fstream
long = bit.swapBytes long 1 4
long = bit.swapBytes long 2 3
return long
fn ReadBEfloat fstream = (
fpt=readfloat fstream
itger = bit.floatAsInt fpt
hih = bit.intashex itger
while hih.count < 8 do hih = "0" + hih
shn = (substring hih 7 2) + \
(substring hih 5 2) + \
(substring hih 3 2) + \
(substring hih 1 2)
bit.intAsFloat (bit.hexasint shn)
fn WriteBEFloat fnum = (
intgr = bit.floatAsInt fnum
honey = bit.intashex intgr
while honey.count < 8
do honey = "0" + honey
sign = (substring honey 7 2) + \
(substring honey 5 2) + \
(substring honey 3 2) + \
(substring honey 1 2)
xintgr=bit.intAsFloat (bit.hexasint sign)
return xintgr

rollout DDV "Brawl VertexHacker Tool" width:311 height:257
button btn1 "Import Verts" pos:[9,10] width:144 height:40
label lbl0 "-Mario_Kart64n, (Aug 11, 2010)" pos:[153,238] width:156 height:23
button btn2 "Export Verts" pos:[8,56] width:144 height:40
checkbox chk1 "Checkbox" pos:[165,59] width:14 height:13 enabled:false checked:false
label lbl1 "Save as 3DS File" pos:[182,58] width:119 height:15 enabled:false
checkbox chk2 "Checkbox" pos:[165,76] width:14 height:13 enabled:false checked:false
label lbl2 "Save As Seperate Files" pos:[182,75] width:119 height:15 enabled:false
checkbox chk3 "Checkbox" pos:[165,94] width:14 height:13 enabled:true checked:true
label lbl3 "Save Changes to MDL0" pos:[180,93] width:119 height:15
checkbox chk4 "Checkbox" pos:[165,112] width:14 height:13 enabled:true checked:true
label lbl4 "Read Offset from File" pos:[180,111] width:119 height:15
editText edt1 " MDL0 Offset:" pos:[162,129] width:130 height:16
groupBox grp1 "Export Options" pos:[157,7] width:143 height:147
radioButtons rdo1 "" pos:[165,21] width:147 height:32 labels:#("Vertices", "Texture Corrdinates") default:1 columns:1
button btn3 "Create" pos:[15,138] width:60 height:30
button btn4 "Patch" pos:[81,138] width:60 height:30
label lbl8 "Don't Use EditPoly" pos:[31,119] width:119 height:15 enabled:false
groupBox grp3 "Patching Options" pos:[7,101] width:143 height:76
checkbox chk8 "Checkbox" pos:[15,120] width:14 height:13 enabled:false checked:false
button btn5 "Fix AiS Import" pos:[165,205] width:128 height:25
groupBox grp2 "AiS Fixing Options" pos:[155,154] width:143 height:79
checkbox chk5 "Checkbox" pos:[166,173] width:14 height:13 enabled:true checked:false
label lbl5 "Selected Only" pos:[182,172] width:111 height:15 enabled:true
checkbox chk6 "Checkbox" pos:[167,189] width:14 height:13 checked:true
label lbl6 "Scale" pos:[183,188] width:44 height:15
checkbox chk7 "Checkbox" pos:[222,189] width:14 height:13 enabled:false checked:true
label lbl7 "Rotate" pos:[239,188] width:44 height:15
button btn6 "Import" pos:[14,198] width:60 height:30 enabled:false
button btn7 "Export" pos:[80,198] width:60 height:30 enabled:false
groupBox grp4 "VertexWeighting" pos:[6,180] width:143 height:72 enabled:false
label lbl9 "Dump to LogFile" pos:[38,232] width:105 height:15 enabled:false
checkbox chk9 "Checkbox" pos:[22,233] width:14 height:13 enabled:false checked:false

local typedOffset=""

on edt1 entered txt do(
if txt != "" do(
typedOffset=txt as float
if typedOffset==undefined do(
messageBox "Error: User Input \n Value Cannot be Identified \n as either a dec or hex number"
if typedOffset<=0 do(
local typedOffset

on btn1 pressed do(
fsource = GetOpenFileName \
caption:"Brawl Vert Import" types: \
"All files (*.*)|*.*|"
if fsource!=undefined do(
f= fopen fsource "rb"
fpath= getFilenamePath fsource
fname = getFilenameFile fsource


fSize=readBElong f
mdlOffset=readBElong f
dataOffset=readBElong f
strOffset=readBElong f
vertID=readBElong f
vUkn1=readBElong f --flag? is XYZ?
dataType=readBElong f
entryStride=readBEshort f
numVertices=readBEshort f
eMinX=readBEfloat f
eMinY=readBEfloat f
eMinZ=readBEfloat f
eMaxX=readBEfloat f
eMaxY=readBEfloat f
eMaxZ=readBEfloat f
pad=readBElong f
pad=readBElong f

if entryStride==12 then(
for x = 1 to numVertices do(
vX=readBEfloat f
vY=readBEfloat f
vZ=readBEfloat f
append vertArray[vX,vY,vZ]
append uvwArray[0,0,0]
for x = 1 to numVertices do(
vX=readBEfloat f
vY=readBEfloat f
append vertArray[vX,vY,vZ]
append uvwArray[0,0,0]

msh = mesh vertices:vertArray faces:faceArray   --build mesh
msh.numTVerts = vertArray.count
buildTVfaces msh
select msh

 messageBox "Done !"
fclose f

on btn2 pressed do(
if doUVs==1 do(
obj.pos = [0,0,0]
obj.rotation = quat 0 0 0 0
local mdlSize=""
local mdlOffset=""
local numEntrtices=""
if doOffset==true then(
fsource = GetOpenFileName \
caption:"Select UVSet to Replace" types: \
"All files (*.*)|*.*|"
if fsource!=undefined do(
f=fopen fsource "rb"
mdlSize=readBElong f-64
mdlOffset=(readBElong f*-1)+64
dataOffset=readBElong f
strOffset=readBElong f
vertID=readBElong f
vUkn1=readBElong f --flag? is XYZ?
dataType=readBElong f
entryStride=readBEshort f
numEntrtices=readBEshort f
fclose f


for g = 1 to obj.count do(
tmesh = snapshotAsMesh obj[g]
num_verts = tmesh.numverts
num_uvws = tmesh.numtverts
num_faces = tmesh.numfaces

mdlOffset= typedOffset+64

delete tmesh


fsource = GetOpenFileName \
caption:"Select the MDL0 to inject to" types: \
"MDL0(*mdl0)|*.mdl0|All files (*.*)|*.*|"
if fsource!=undefined do(
fext= getFilenameType fsource
fsize= getFileSize fsource
fpath= getFilenamePath fsource
fname= getFilenameFile fsource
fclose f

deleteFile (fpath+fname+"_backup"+fext)
copyFile fsource (fpath+fname+"_backup"+fext)
f=fopen (fpath+fname+"_backup"+fext) "rb"
s = fopen fsource "wb"

print "ffff"
print mdlOffset
for wr = 1 to mdlOffset do(
read=readbyte f
write=writebyte s read

fseek f -34 #seek_cur
lenCheck=readBEshort f
fseek f 32 #seek_cur

if numEntrtices==lenCheck then(

for g = 1 to obj.count do(
tmesh = snapshotAsMesh obj[g]
num_verts = tmesh.numverts
num_uvws = tmesh.numtverts
num_faces = tmesh.numfaces


for t = 1 to numEntrtices do(
tv=getVert tmesh t
nSwap=writeBEfloat tv[1]
write=writelong s (bit.floatasint nSwap)
nSwap=writeBEfloat tv[2]
write=writelong s (bit.floatasint nSwap)
nSwap=writeBEfloat tv[3]
write=writelong s (bit.floatasint nSwap)

-- for p = 1 to padding do(
-- write=writelong s 0
-- write=writelong s 0
-- )

delete tmesh

fseek f (mdlOffset+(numEntrtices*12)) #seek_set
for wr = 1 to (fsize-(mdlOffset+(numEntrtices*12))) do(
read=readbyte f #unsigned
write=writebyte s read
messageBox "DONE!"
fclose f
fclose s
deleteFile (fpath+fname+fext)
renameFile (fpath+fname+"_backup"+fext) (fpath+fname+fext)
messageBox "ERROR! Wrong Offset?"

if doUVs==2 do(
obj.pos = [0,0,0]
obj.rotation = quat 0 0 0 0

if doOffset==true then(
fsource = GetOpenFileName \
caption:"Select UVSet to Replace" types: \
"All files (*.*)|*.*|"
if fsource!=undefined do(
f=fopen fsource "rb"
mdlSize=readBElong f-64
mdlOffset=(readBElong f*-1)+64
dataOffset=readBElong f
strOffset=readBElong f
vertID=readBElong f
vUkn1=readBElong f --flag? is XYZ?
dataType=readBElong f
entryStride=readBEshort f
numEntrtices=readBEshort f
fclose f


for g = 1 to obj.count do(
tmesh = snapshotAsMesh obj[g]
num_verts = tmesh.numverts
num_uvws = tmesh.numtverts
num_faces = tmesh.numfaces


mdlOffset= typedOffset+64

delete tmesh


fsource = GetOpenFileName \
caption:"Select the MDL0 to inject to" types: \
"MDL0(*mdl0)|*.mdl0|All files (*.*)|*.*|"
if fsource!=undefined do(
fext= getFilenameType fsource
fsize= getFileSize fsource
fpath= getFilenamePath fsource
fname= getFilenameFile fsource
fclose f

deleteFile (fpath+fname+"_backup"+fext)
copyFile fsource (fpath+fname+"_backup"+fext)
f=fopen (fpath+fname+"_backup"+fext) "rb"
s = fopen fsource "wb"

print "ffff"
print mdlOffset
for wr = 1 to mdlOffset do(
read=readbyte f
write=writebyte s read

for g = 1 to obj.count do(
tmesh = snapshotAsMesh obj[g]
num_verts = tmesh.numverts
num_uvws = tmesh.numtverts
num_faces = tmesh.numfaces


if num_uvws!=0 then(
for t = 1 to numEntrtices do(
tv=getTVert tmesh t
nSwap=writeBEfloat tv[1]
write=writelong s (bit.floatasint nSwap)
nSwap=writeBEfloat tv[2]
write=writelong s (bit.floatasint nSwap)
for t = 1 to numEntrtices do(
tv=getVert tmesh t
nSwap=writeBEfloat tv[1]
write=writelong s (bit.floatasint nSwap)
nSwap=writeBEfloat tv[2]
write=writelong s (bit.floatasint nSwap)

-- for p = 1 to padding do(
-- write=writelong s 0
-- write=writelong s 0
-- )

delete tmesh

fseek f (mdlOffset+(numEntrtices*8)) #seek_set
for wr = 1 to (fsize-(mdlOffset+(numEntrtices*8))) do(
read=readbyte f #unsigned
write=writebyte s read

fclose f
fclose s

on btn3 pressed do(
fsource = GetOpenFileName \
caption:"Brawl Vert Import" types: \
"All files (*.*)|*.*|"
if fsource!=undefined do(
f= fopen fsource "rb"
fpath= getFilenamePath fsource
fname = getFilenameFile fsource


fSize=readBElong f
mdlOffset=readBElong f
dataOffset=readBElong f
strOffset=readBElong f
vertID=readBElong f
vUkn1=readBElong f --flag? is XYZ?
dataType=readBElong f
entryStride=readBEshort f
numVertices=readBEshort f
eMinX=readBEfloat f
eMinY=readBEfloat f
eMinZ=readBEfloat f
eMaxX=readBEfloat f
eMaxY=readBEfloat f
eMaxZ=readBEfloat f
pad=readBElong f
pad=readBElong f

for x = 1 to numVertices do(
vX=readBEfloat f
vY=readBEfloat f
vZ=readBEfloat f
append vertArray[vX,vY,vZ]
append uvwArray[0,0,0]

obj.pos = [0,0,0]
obj.rotation = quat 0 0 0 0
max modify mode
addModifier obj (edit_poly())
subobjectLevel = 1
-- modPanel.setCurrentObject obj.modifiers[#Edit_Poly]
for x = 1 to numVertices do(
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].SetSelection #Vertex #{}
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].Select #Vertex #{x}
vert=$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].GetVertex x
-- $.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].SetOperation #Transform


append diffArray[mX,mY,mZ]


deleteModifier obj 1

createFile (fpath+fname+"_patch.pta")
s = fopen (fpath+fname+"_patch.pta") "ab"
vcount=writelong s numVertices
 for x = 1 to numVertices do(
write=writefloat s (diffArray[x][1])
write=writefloat s (diffArray[x][2])
write=writefloat s (diffArray[x][3])
write=writelong s 0x0
 messageBox ("Patch Created !"  +"\n"+
"File Saved To:"  +"\n"+

fclose s
fclose f

on btn4 pressed do(
fsource = GetOpenFileName \
caption:"Brawl Vert Patcher" types: \
"Patch(*pta)|*.pta|All files (*.*)|*.*|"
if fsource!=undefined do(
f= fopen fsource "rb"
fpath= getFilenamePath fsource

vcount=readlong f #unsigned
for x = 1 to vcount do(
vX=readfloat f
vY=readfloat f
vZ=readfloat f
dmy=readshort f #unsigned
side=readshort f #unsigned
append vertArray[vX,vY,vZ,side]

obj.pos = [0,0,0]
obj.rotation = quat 0 0 0 0
max modify mode
addModifier obj (edit_poly())
subobjectLevel = 1
--modPanel.setCurrentObject obj.modifiers[#Edit_Poly]
for x = 1 to vcount do(
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].SetSelection #Vertex #{}
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].Select #Vertex #{x}
vert=$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].GetVertex x
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].SetOperation #Transform
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].MoveSelection  [mX,mY,mZ]
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].Commit ()
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].SetSelection #Vertex #{}
subobjectLevel = 0
--modPanel.setCurrentObject obj.modifiers[#Edit_Poly]

messageBox "Patched !"

fclose f

on btn5 pressed do(

st = timestamp() --get start time in milliseconds
undo off(
delete $helpers
if chk7.checked==true then(
delete $helpers
if geo.count!=0 do(
for x = 1 to geo.count do(

addModifier geo[x] (Normalmodifier ())
geo[x].modifiers[#Normal].flip = on
addModifier geo[x] (smooth ())
geo[x].modifiers[#Smooth].smoothingBits = 1
collapseStack geo[x]
if chk6.checked==true do(
--rotate geo[x] (quat -1 0 0 0)
geo[x].scale = [2.54,2.54,2.54]
-- aBox = Box length:0.2 width:0.2 height:0.2 name:"dummy"
aBox = Box()
aBox.rotation = quat 0.707107 0 0 0.707107 = (geo[x].name) as string
convertTo aBox TriMeshGeometry
-- convertTo geo[x] TriMeshGeometry
attach aBox geo[x]
-- update aBox geometry:true
delete aBox.verts[#{1..8}]
addModifier aBox (Morpher ())
append stuff aBox
addModifier stuff (Edit_Mesh ())
for x = 1 to geo.count do(
addModifier geo[x] (Normalmodifier ())
geo[x].modifiers[#Normal].flip = on
addModifier geo[x] (smooth ())
geo[x].modifiers[#Smooth].smoothingBits = 1
collapseStack geo[x]
if chk6.checked==true do(
--rotate geo[x] (quat -1 0 0 0)
geo[x].scale = [2.54,2.54,2.54]
delete $helpers
for x = 1 to geo.count do(
-- aBox = Box length:0.2 width:0.2 height:0.2 name:"dummy"
aBox = Box()
aBox.rotation = quat 0.707107 0 0 0.707107
convertTo aBox TriMeshGeometry
for x = 1 to geo.count do(
objA= dmy[x]
objB= geo[x]
append myBoxes objA
append myMeshes objB

for x = 1 to geo.count do(
myBoxes[x].name = myMeshes[x].name
attach myBoxes[x] myMeshes[x]

for x = 1 to geo.count do(
for i = 1 to 8 do(
delete geo[x].verts[#{1}]
addModifier geo[x] (Morpher ())
addModifier $Polygon* (Edit_Mesh ())
et = timestamp() --get end time in milliseconds
print ("Operation Completed In: "+(((et-st)/60)as string)+" Seconds") --print time to finish

createDialog DDV

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Segab on August 12, 2010, 04:19:46 PM
[url][/url] ([url][/url])

the .ms worked, thanks!
(I haven't tried making a model with it yet though)

also, is it possible that it's impossible to vertex hack Pikachu properly without messed up ears/tail and stuff?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on August 12, 2010, 06:25:52 PM
its possible to correct, but its extremely difficult

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Segab on August 12, 2010, 06:39:01 PM
like trial and error and stuff? nah.

do you have a list of characters or parts that can't be edited, so we don't waste our time on something that won't work? it would be useful...

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on August 12, 2010, 06:43:58 PM
theres no list lol.

simply anything using physics, ask yourself what is logical to be affected by wind.
... hair... capes... tails... long ears... every character has some bit using a physics bone. its just a matter of avoiding to edit these areas.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: spiderjjr45 on August 12, 2010, 09:15:42 PM
Wario's jacket (And thus, his belly, which is attached to the same polygon) is one of those, and it's extremely disappointing that I can't get it to work right. :(


I certainly hope someone finds a way to fix these. I've been able to fix most of his belly after about an hour of work, but the jacket part itself gets way to screwed up to fix by any conventional ways.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Yoshiboshi3 on August 13, 2010, 10:48:54 AM
Wario's jacket (And thus, his belly, which is attached to the same polygon) is one of those, and it's extremely disappointing that I can't get it to work right. :(


I certainly hope someone finds a way to fix these. I've been able to fix most of his belly after about an hour of work, but the jacket part itself gets way to screwed up to fix by any conventional ways.

I just....I just......woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooah

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: ChaosRune on August 13, 2010, 11:00:44 AM
You know that when you use mariokart64's newest method, you can fix those out-of-place verts. All you have to do is find the ones that move and then edit them after you morph it with the messed-up model. The dimensions are are a little different, like up is right, but it still works.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on August 13, 2010, 01:33:02 PM
yup what he said is the method of trial and error you would need to use to get that to work. I haven't covered it in any videos, cause its dodgy, just randomly moving verts till it works. I understand your frustration. but theres no solid fix, not unless kyral finishes brawlbox.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Miacis on August 14, 2010, 08:04:22 AM
I've seen some people request a written guide recapitulating your latest video.

I've just made a French tutorial that recaps it, and also with some beginner advices to using 3DS MAX 8. I'll probably translate it in English now. Mind if I post it in a new topic (it's quite big ...), or would you prefer to include it in your OP ?  :)

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Segab on August 14, 2010, 11:07:21 AM
I've seen some people request a written guide recapitulating your latest video.

I've just made a French tutorial that recaps it, and also with some beginner advices to using 3DS MAX 8. I'll probably translate it in English now. Mind if I post it in a new topic (it's quite big ...), or would you prefer to include it in your OP ?  :)
make a new thread and mention it's french in the thread name. cuz if it's hidden in the spoilers of the first post of this thread, it's not really the place where I'd look first for a french tutorial :|

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on August 14, 2010, 12:21:37 PM
yup, what he said, I can just link to it in my OP.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Miacis on August 14, 2010, 12:43:39 PM
Uh ... there's been a misunderstanding. :P

The French tutorial, i've already posted it on French SSBB boards. I'm talking about the translation of it in English for this forum.  :P

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on August 14, 2010, 01:19:54 PM
its up to you, what you want to do with it. But if you post it here, of course I'll update it to my OP.

by the way thanks for your time writing a tutorial on the subject. My writing skills are soo bad lol

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Segab on August 14, 2010, 01:29:34 PM
uh.. I'm vertexing Pokemon Trainer's body, it messed up, I "double patched", it messed up even more. I double patched 4 times and it became perfect for some reason.

So... if double patch doesn't fix stuff, double patch again twice?

edit: I edited his hace and it did the same thing. 4 patch = fixed.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on August 14, 2010, 03:01:34 PM
lol what quad patch now

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Segab on August 14, 2010, 04:02:30 PM
I dunno if it's me doing something wrong, but the quad patch works for me so.. that's good :)

6 polygons edited on Pkmn trainer, all working after 4 patches, and I'm not done yet..

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Tasty Pumpkin Clock on August 14, 2010, 09:15:52 PM
So you know the thing that makes the one side of the model screw up?
Well when I get that double patching doesn't fix it.

I patched it again about ten times and it didn't do anything. It kept switching sides that were messed up. And each side messed up differently.

I think it's what happened to Segab but quad patching doesn't fix it...

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Miacis on August 15, 2010, 07:22:33 AM
There you go for my tutorial :

A few remarks for MK64n (and others) :

- If you put your script in your OP, in an easy-to-reach spot (ie : Top/Bottom), I wouldn't have to post it in my tutorial, and a link would suffice. Right now, if I'd link to this thread I'd need to explain that it's "somewhere near the two-thirds of it, between a video and a cloud of red dots". Which is highly inconvenient.  :-\

- There are probably a few errors in it, or completely useless actions. Please tell if you see any.

- I'm giving some 3DS MAX tips, but if anyone here has more to give (again, not confusing modifications ... it's a tutorial for everyone), then don't hesitate to do so.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: SuperMarioFan546 on August 15, 2010, 04:44:58 PM
Can anyone help me? I'm trying to install Collada, but it says it cant find 3DS Max 8. even though Im damn sure i have it.It also says that I can install the files manually, but Im not really sure how to do this either.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Segab on August 15, 2010, 08:18:18 PM
Can anyone help me? I'm trying to install Collada, but it says it cant find 3DS Max 8. even though Im damn sure i have it.It also says that I can install the files manually, but Im not really sure how to do this either.
install in C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3DS max 8\3dsMax8

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on August 15, 2010, 10:36:34 PM
I recently made the switch from winXP 32-bit to win7 64-bit, when i tried to install 3dsmax8 with collada I got that same problem

what I did was used 7-zip(a free file de-compressor) and used that to unzip the contents of the install exe. it'll dump a bunch of folders, more noticeable the ones that are like plugin1, plugin2, plugin3.. etc etc.. you'll know which one is the right folder you need for 3dsmax8. cause its the only one with the extra DLL's included. the rest are just a single file.

of course dump those dll's in max's root and replace the plugin folder. re-open max and see what happens.

also again the process isn't limited to max8, I'm just pressing max8 cause it's what I'm using and what I can verifies works. if anyone can verify this method to work on a new max, let me know. I know I seem alot of people using max9

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: SuperMarioFan546 on August 15, 2010, 10:43:04 PM
Mariokart, Segab's reply didn't work, so im gonna give yours a shot.Pretty weird why it wont find it though,

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on August 15, 2010, 10:55:56 PM
so its convenient to others, I've uploaded the files to my skydrive. just unzip to your autodesk folder^_FREE^ (^_FREE^

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: SuperMarioFan546 on August 15, 2010, 11:04:21 PM
Thanks Mariokart! Worked like a charm :P

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: JDub on August 17, 2010, 09:11:44 AM
Isn't it illegal to have that link to 3DS Max 8?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on August 17, 2010, 03:10:04 PM
maybe, but it's a 30day trial which was distributed for free. but because autodesk doesn't offer trials for older version. it could be considered illegal to continue to distribute because the author site discontinued it.

either way, the software runs out after 30days and you are directed to autodesk to purchase a full license, hardly illegal. but I would never post warez here, so its not.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: JDub on August 17, 2010, 03:12:20 PM
Oh ok. I thought was a link to the full version XD.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on August 17, 2010, 03:31:35 PM
no, you guy's aren't that lucky ^.^ lol

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Tasty Pumpkin Clock on August 18, 2010, 11:03:49 PM
The latest video helped a lot. I can vertex a lot more things but still not everything.
I still get a lot of vertex misplacement after exporting the verts that double/quadruple patching doesn't fix.
I've sometimes tried patching up to thirty times with no results.

And even if I re-edit the messed up vertexes to re place them so they're back where they were... it messes up after I export them again. Not that I'd really want to do that anyway.

Does somebody know how to fix this?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Segab on August 19, 2010, 12:24:03 PM
I've sometimes tried patching up to thirty times with no results.
wtf, that must have taken forever...
If quad patching doesn't fix it, I don't think you will fix it just by keeping patching.

What part is messing up? Some parts (like Pikachu's ears and tail) won't export properly even if you're not making any mistakes.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Tasty Pumpkin Clock on August 19, 2010, 12:58:27 PM
Yeah his ears and tail are one I've had problems with. And Dedede's feet.

So.. some just won't work no matter what?? There's no way to fix it?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: DARKSHADEDX on August 20, 2010, 12:10:48 AM
MarioKart could you possibly tell me what the issue is here? After importing the Verts I dont get the options under "Editable Mesh" am I doing something wrong? And is there a way to sort this out?

EDIT: Ah I see... that was stupid mistake XD Never mind.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Vinyourg on August 20, 2010, 09:42:24 AM
Copy-pasta for the win. My topic in the Help is not getting much attention.

Nothing to it. No trickery, just a plain mess. Why?


The cuffs don't dissappear like they are supposed to, and the sleeves of Ike don't line up with the arm, only get bigger. I followed both guides to the best of my knowledge, but perhaps I missed something?

And as a side note, I successfully edited Ike's sword with Vish's guide.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Tasty Pumpkin Clock on August 20, 2010, 10:11:53 AM
If you read the last couple pages you'll find lots of people (including me) have that sort of trouble. Some things just can't be vertexed.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Vinyourg on August 20, 2010, 10:22:01 AM
Understandable, but for Ike's cuffs? Last time I checked, Cloud Strife's arms were pretty cuff and sleeve-less. And I can't just borrow them, since the rest of that polygon is edited.

Ah well, maybe the Das Donkii team is made up of awesome, that's it.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: ChaosRune on August 20, 2010, 10:25:13 AM
I got it to work. Just use mariokart's new guide. Oh, and by the way, if you align his sleeves with his arms, it doesn't work because they're rotated differently in the animations. I already did it for my project, and now I have to re-animate the model.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Segab on August 20, 2010, 10:26:57 AM
Understandable, but for Ike's cuffs? Last time I checked, Cloud Strife's arms were pretty cuff and sleeve-less. And I can't just borrow them, since the rest of that polygon is edited.

Ah well, maybe the Das Donkii team is made up of awesome, that's it.
I'm pretty sure Cloud's arms were made using what I call the Vertex Clusterf**k method with anim8or. The old days.
Nothing screwed up with that method, but getting to something you wanted was almost impossible.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Vinyourg on August 20, 2010, 10:37:06 AM
Ah, the joys of vertex damn difficult, therefore it weeds out the noobs and allows only the most determined/skilled hackers on.

That's why Brawl hacks are so pro. Thanks for all the help, Segab, ChaosRune, and Apprentice of Death.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on August 20, 2010, 02:44:20 PM
I put the word Advanced in the topic title so that n00bs wouldn't bother.. but I get alot of beginners to vertexhacking and 3dsmax. perhaps its those "pro" that really werent so pro to begin with :\

your problem for instance was covered several times in many video/audio and text guides. alot of people seems to have a hard time with comprehension it seems. but the issues have been hammered and repeated soo many times. I'm starting to think people follow the first 3 steps, then just skip the rest looking at the final step. wondering why the result is wrong after skipping the middle step.

any how thats my take on the whole thing. cause everything I try to put out, doesn't sink in.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Vinyourg on August 21, 2010, 02:11:29 AM
To be honest, the word "advanced" in this situation doesn't have that ring to it: the ring of difficulty, hard work, and a brain. It feels more like "easy way out, do it and be a pro instantly".

On a side note, after your depressing and world-cynical speech, I decided to kick my own butt into high(er) gear, and actually look around. Your sig conviniently contains the latest tutorial, so I went for that.

Turns out the problem was that I didn't have the balls to double patch. I felt that if I ever had to double patch, I was a failure. Naaaw. Double patching is a neccesary part of life, like a stop light or a pedestrian crossing. You can ignore it if you want, but you know something bad might happen...(shrugs)


And I ignored ChaosRune entirely and found out first hand why Ike's sleeves don't match with his arms in all the animations. Ike will occasionally rotate his arm, like a person would when they open a doorknob or something. But the sleeves don't move along with the rotating arm.

I will finish this stupid Prince.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Miacis on August 23, 2010, 04:51:14 PM
*sigh* Don't complain, mariokart ... At least, sometimes people here have actual trouble that needs you to think a bit.
On the French Forum where I've translated my guide, I only see reading mistakes.

" This tutorial doesn't work ...
[Later] Oh, I've found the problem, I didn't check "Copy" when I cloned."

"It looks like vertexing doesn't work that good ...
[Later] Oh yeah, so I should import vertex sets with "Import Verts", not mdl0s ? I get it now ..."

"Morphing doesn't work !
[later] Huh ? I didn't think about turning off the Edits on the Mesh before Morphing twice ? Oh yeah, that's right."


Turns out the problem was that I didn't have the balls to double patch. I felt that if I ever had to double patch, I was a failure. Naaaw. Double patching is a neccesary part of life, like a stop light or a pedestrian crossing. You can ignore it if you want, but you know something bad might happen...(shrugs)
The problem was indeed that you seem to have skipped what seemed pretty clear in my own tutorial. >_>

17- But if we look at her feet ... something's wrong, baby. Modifying the legs/feet or arms/hands will cause a distortion on the left side. You'll need to re-patch to correct this.

Reading ... reading ... :P

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: mariokart64n on August 25, 2010, 05:44:21 PM
Some guys are clearly running in circles when the information is all here. what's the point in babying there efforts, when there not taking on the effort to read and "research"

Having the answers is different then understanding the answers. I offer the guidance, not personalized self-confidence. A few times I've linked up with other members here and walked them through the process using TeamViewer.. and making personalized mini Videos.. I've done more helping then you think, so I think I'm entitled to complain once in a awhile. <_<

though I understand where your coming from, its possible the way I represented my information was not clear enough
but that's the whole reason for the video. a visual representation on how to do something doesn't primarily mean you need to understand my language. because as long as you follow my every action, you'll be able to pickup the basic idea. and thanks to people like yourself.. people can extracted a more informational way to understand the procedure.

Then again my last rant was about people giving bad advice, using half pieces of information.. and now I'm just ranting some more about O_o .. why I ranted in the first place omg lol
though I suppose I should be grateful that more and more people are actually getting this method locked down.


Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: n64billy on September 08, 2010, 01:01:32 AM
So is there any progress at all on Vertex weights? I haven't found anything on it yet and I'm not too sure how to go about it myself..

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: alexhall on September 08, 2010, 04:19:22 PM
Has anyone tried to modify Meta Knight's wings? When I edit them and do all the stuff before previewing them on brawlbox, there's a mess instead of what I did when I preview them. And I'm sure I did it all right :/

Could it be I'm doing something wrong or are MK's wings just f*cking b*stards?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Tasty Pumpkin Clock on September 08, 2010, 05:16:56 PM
Works fine for me...

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Eternal Yoshi on September 10, 2010, 05:13:00 PM
Has anyone tried to modify Meta Knight's wings? When I edit them and do all the stuff before previewing them on brawlbox, there's a mess instead of what I did when I preview them. And I'm sure I did it all right :/

Could it be I'm doing something wrong or are MK's wings just f*cking b*stards?

The latter.

Since Raiden's model isn't T-stanced like Brawl's models, I'm just going to vertex the slow way.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Cocopuff on September 14, 2010, 05:24:02 PM
Ok, so I have been looking for this information for while, and I can't seem to find it, so I'm sorry if this has already been asked, but is this compatable with 3ds max 2007? I followed all the steps, but the create patch button just comes up with an error, which makes the script unusable.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: DrPanda on September 15, 2010, 03:31:21 PM
Are you using the new script?
You don't have to use the patch button at all if you use the 'morpher' method

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Cocopuff on September 15, 2010, 06:23:19 PM
What exactly is the morpher method? I am kind of a noob to this

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: DrPanda on September 16, 2010, 07:26:44 AM
What exactly is the morpher method? I am kind of a noob to this
If you jump back a few pages (page 28 I think) Mariokart posted a video to better explain it. That should help you out :)

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: NxZ! on September 23, 2010, 10:31:59 PM
um the conform-wrap-ms is down

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: DrPanda on September 24, 2010, 03:37:02 PM
um the conform-wrap-ms is down
Real hackers don't use Conform wrap :P
>.> Well... it doesn't work for me anyway
Anyway, if you just google 3dsmax conform wrap, it should be easy enough to find.Using it however is a completely different story

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Maltes on September 24, 2010, 08:15:45 PM
Hi, first at all, great tutorial!... now, I have got a question... I have some models in my pc, and using 3dmax I reduced the vertex to the necesary number (in this case 1462 that is Zero Body) but the problem comes when I use morph, all vertex moves arround and everything is a mess. I was thinking and I tought something kind of obvious (dah!), and it's because each vertex must have a number or something like that and it seems them are no the same number.

Now, I have seen some model imports(over the same bones) such as Krauser, Chrism,etc. and I was wondering how is it done then?... thanks in advance and I hope this question wasn't asked before. thanks

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: n64billy on October 02, 2010, 04:00:02 AM
You could try lining up the models, and working in wireframe mode or something... Reshape it until it matches to how you like it...

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Hamzr Bruh on October 08, 2010, 10:05:14 PM
Need help with the Dae thing!

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Naruto200Man on October 09, 2010, 12:33:58 PM
Hey, I downloaded 3DS Max 11 trial version and I didn't get a key code to activate the product. It won't install 3DS max at all. I can run the installer now, but it won't do anything past that....?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Quanno on October 10, 2010, 03:04:42 PM
Need help with the Dae thing!
You need to use a unedited .pac file. Try dragging the pac on ais or try  'open with'.

Hey, I downloaded 3DS Max 11 trial version and I didn't get a key code to activate the product. It won't install 3DS max at all. I can run the installer now, but it won't do anything past that....?

Nothing illegal at all? :P

3ds max 2011 was known not to work good with vertexing, i saw somewhere (i think). Try 3ds max 2010.

Now, as for my question:
I can't seem to make this right... I have the same problem as MarioKart, with Marth's right leg, but double patching doesn't seem to fix it. I have this problem for about a month right now. How'd you fix that??

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: GentlemanPotato on October 10, 2010, 06:00:19 PM
Need help with the Dae thing!
You need to use a unedited .pac file. Try dragging the pac on ais or try  'open with'.

Not true, you just need to use a model that hasn't had any polygons removed.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: alexhall on November 01, 2010, 10:32:25 AM
I can't seem to make this right... I have the same problem as MarioKart, with Marth's right leg, but double patching doesn't seem to fix it. I have this problem for about a month right now. How'd you fix that??

I have the same problem. For things like heads or other things that don't involve arms or legs, I can get them to brawlbox with no errors, but when it comes to exporting arms, legs, feet or hands, the right part of the model (left part if the model is facing towards us), gets messed up, like in the videos, so I "double patch" and it gets even worse ._.

Anyone knows how to solve it? D:

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Naruto200Man on November 01, 2010, 11:13:13 AM
Would it be possible to port ZSS's 'model" over to zelda through vertexing :D if so can someone tell me how

IE: I mean the actual model for the character, not just reshaping zelda, though I'd have to add a polygon for the dress...

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: DrPanda on November 01, 2010, 11:45:38 AM
I can't seem to make this right... I have the same problem as MarioKart, with Marth's right leg, but double patching doesn't seem to fix it. I have this problem for about a month right now. How'd you fix that??

I have the same problem. For things like heads or other things that don't involve arms or legs, I can get them to brawlbox with no errors, but when it comes to exporting arms, legs, feet or hands, the right part of the model (left part if the model is facing towards us), gets messed up, like in the videos, so I "double patch" and it gets even worse ._.

Anyone knows how to solve it? D:
Keep patching?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Quanno on November 01, 2010, 03:57:03 PM
If it makes it worse, it probably won't help at all, as i had the same problem.

Then I found this video by MarioKart, i followed it exactly and got it to work  ;D

But now I'm at a new problem... see this thread to see what I mean...


Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: MeleeMaster500 on December 08, 2010, 04:08:37 PM
Jigglypuff's body didn't have any work put into its uv map and i'm trying to change it, to give a little more control over the texture. the main issue is jigg's foot's coordinates (and hands and mouth) are occupying the same space as the body.

I'm just wondering if the script has implemented editing the uv coordinates via unwrap uv instead of importing the coordinates themselves ever since the tutorial was made for uv editing. cause it's much easier to isolate the feet coordinates when you can select them from the model itself. If not, that's still good to know.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Weyard on December 29, 2010, 07:17:40 PM
Do textures not show up on 3DS MAX 9? Everything else seems to work fine, but the textures won't show up for me. I have exported every texture into the same folder with my dae, yet it still ignores them, leaving me with a randomly colored model in 3ds rather than the textured model. It isn't really stopping me from vertexing, but it would really speed up the process if I could get textures to show.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Beyond on December 29, 2010, 07:19:59 PM
Do textures not show up on 3DS MAX 9? Everything else seems to work fine, but the textures won't show up for me. I have exported every texture into the same folder with my dae, yet it still ignores them, leaving me with a randomly colored model in 3ds rather than the textured model. It isn't really stopping me from vertexing, but it would really speed up the process if I could get textures to show.

You could always just drag the texture directly onto the model. Or press "M" to bring up the Materials editor and drag it into it's material slot.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Weyard on December 29, 2010, 07:52:17 PM
Do textures not show up on 3DS MAX 9? Everything else seems to work fine, but the textures won't show up for me. I have exported every texture into the same folder with my dae, yet it still ignores them, leaving me with a randomly colored model in 3ds rather than the textured model. It isn't really stopping me from vertexing, but it would really speed up the process if I could get textures to show.

You could always just drag the texture directly onto the model. Or press "M" to bring up the Materials editor and drag it into it's material slot.
I tried that, but it just seems to throw the texture on incorrectly. Wolf's arm's for example, it places the texture on them backwards it seems.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Chibikowskie on January 13, 2011, 06:12:02 AM
HEy i´ve have a question about this vertex methode, is there a way, for example to mirror  one half of the model to the oder side ? im mean for example a shoe that should seen the same like the other shoe? or must i do every part extra??

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Quanno on January 13, 2011, 07:49:13 AM
I think not, as most (all) of the models are asymmetric.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: MeleeMaster500 on January 13, 2011, 10:03:08 AM
If anyone wants, I organized every character so that they're already imported and textured into 3ds 9. I also imported every vertex set into the appropriate files, had them renamed to include their offsets (for really easy exporting with brawlscript), and applied to the morpher modifier of some main objects.

basically an organized collection of every character where you dont have to import anything (besided double patching) and exporting is made easier too. (all characters)
or (individual characters)

(in total, all the files extract to nearly 900mbs, so watch out)

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Quanno on January 13, 2011, 01:34:00 PM
Wow o.0

That is just plain awesome! Thanks!

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Chibikowskie on January 14, 2011, 06:12:22 PM
i have a problem: every time when i give an Characters,  bigger pants they streches

With Animation:

Whats the problem :(
ive patched it over 10 time it doesnt look better
Please Help :/

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Naruto200Man on January 14, 2011, 06:47:54 PM
If anyone wants, I organized every character so that they're already imported and textured into 3ds 9. I also imported every vertex set into the appropriate files, had them renamed to include their offsets (for really easy exporting with brawlscript), and applied to the morpher modifier of some main objects.

basically an organized collection of every character where you dont have to import anything (besided double patching) and exporting is made easier too.

[url][/url] (all characters)
or [url][/url] (individual characters)

(in total, all the files extract to nearly 900mbs, so watch out)

Can you do this for 3DS 8 ? or would 3DS 9 files work with 3DS 8 ?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: MeleeMaster500 on January 14, 2011, 07:33:22 PM
you could go ahead and try it in max 8, I cant use the trial for it anymore, so I couldn't make those even If I wanted to. The program also only saves to .max and can export to.3ds (no where does it specify backwards compatibility) I dont know which file format max 8 uses

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: DrPanda on January 14, 2011, 07:50:14 PM
It looks like you are moving vertices too far away from the original positions (sounds odd, I know) :-\
Alot of the vertices are weighted to bones, so if you move them too far away, they will jump back when animated.

For example, the Vertices around the knee must stay at the same level as the knee joint otherwise there will be similar deformities as you have been getting.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Naruto200Man on January 14, 2011, 08:08:15 PM
I have a problem here, normally I can edit any file, like even if it's been edited before. (I used some minor editing to Tanuki peach for a polygon i suck at editing properly >_> ) But I want to use the DD F and G peach.

Whenever I drag their model data's into the AIS it just creates a log file :l and it works fine for the textures oddly enough X_X NO idea why either

PS: I can get u a keygen for 3DS 8 if you want (since you already have 3DS 9)

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: MeleeMaster500 on January 14, 2011, 08:27:24 PM
thats alright, importing everything into max8 would take the same effort as it would for anyone else from what I've made. the only easier thing would be making it a format already usable in max 8. other than that, I believe I dont have the time commitment to keep working on that pack.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Chibikowskie on January 15, 2011, 04:15:04 AM
the best way to solve the problem is to make the shoe as a lower part of the pants or?

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: MeleeMaster500 on February 05, 2011, 01:21:08 AM
The script has a problem importing some vertex groups. I've had this same trouble trying to import the verts for pikmin and now I have it with waddle dee and such. The whole error is in the screenshot below. It's not converting types right with these files. I'm guessing it's because it's converting the offset or another property of the file which is too small to be converted the same way as character's verts with the current script. something to improve on it I guess.

Edit: also breaks the mdl0 upon exporting the vert sets with small offsets

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Segab on June 23, 2011, 12:08:50 PM
HEy i´ve have a question about this vertex methode, is there a way, for example to mirror  one half of the model to the oder side ? im mean for example a shoe that should seen the same like the other shoe? or must i do every part extra??
I usually select the 2 mirrored vertices and move them up and down at the same time, and if I want to move them left or right, I use the resize tool instead, so that if I move one to the left, the other one will move to the right.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: Toadsmash on June 28, 2011, 07:26:19 PM
Where do I download the AiS? I want the oldest version.

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: ChaosZeroX on August 25, 2011, 08:17:36 PM
Videos in first post are all set to private except the first video...
Impossible to view any of them

Title: Re: Vertex Hacking: Advanced Techniques
Post by: aaron4262 on September 01, 2011, 09:15:29 PM
how come everything is private