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1  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / Programming / Re: The Brawl Expansion Project on: March 05, 2015, 07:37:30 PM
Hey, does anyone know how i would update a pack made with an older version of BrawlEx? It has five characters made with 1.0 modules.

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: Nevermind, I managed to solve the problem, although it required remaking the fighter and modules.
2  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / Attacks and Animations / Re: WIP PSA Workshop on: December 13, 2014, 07:58:03 AM
I'm trying to make Bandana Dee, from Kirby

I'm not that good at this stuff, still on the animation phase, but it will have new attacks and go over meta knight unless you use brawlex
3  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / Attacks and Animations / Doraemon PSA on: December 23, 2013, 07:43:51 PM
You may have seen my post in the Brawl Workshop, asking about how I needed help rigging the model. I still do. I decided I'll start coding until the Model comes around, and then I can just import it. If you're willing to help rig the model, here's the whole CD for Doraemon Wii - Himitsu Douguou Ketteisen.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/ek3f3mflx29230j/Doraemon Wii Partion 1.zip?m=

Anyways, back to the PSA. Because I don't have a capture card, I can't put up pictures yet. Don't worry; pictures will be up soon enough. If this gets locked as a hype thread, I'll try to get it unlocked once I get the photos. ATM it's around midnight when I'm posting this, so I'll link a download and a rough idea of what the final product will be. The PSA itself will be built over Ness.


Download -


Resources and Credits -

Doraemon Wii - Himitsu Douguou Ketteisen

Smash Attack!


Moveset -


Normal - Air Cannon

In 0.1, the Air Cannon is a edited version of the PK Fire; It is quicker, but since it's replacing PK Flash it'll be harder to work it into some combos. It'll be changed later to push you back instead of trap you in place like the default PK Fire.

> - Super Gloves

In 0.1, the Super Gloves is a attack with a hitbox surrounding the character. Because of this, the chosen animation is the bat, except the bat will not appear when attacking; It's a bit faster then the Side A,

v - Dokodemo Door

The Dokodemo Door has not been coded yet; but it will be a edit of Meta Knights' Transformation Code.

^ - Takecopter

The Takecopter is currently being coded. It will be like Pit's wing's but you can't glide with them.


Normal - AAA Combo

Punch Punch Kick

> - Dorabase Bat

Hasn't been added; Basically a recolored bat with the Dorabase logo.

v -Slide Kick

Hasn't been coded; Think of it as a crouch attack

^ - Air Cannon (Upwards)

Not coded; It can be charged to fire upwards.

If you'd like to help on this PSA, just post here; I know the characters in a extremely beta state, but what do you expect? >.< It IS my first hack.
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