Also Kit, for buying fishies. I'm gonna guess it's not because of allergies, though.... >w> Holy crackers, I completely forgot! Let me fix that real qu- Oh, you already changed it, so that'd.... probably be rude for me to change it now. I was gonna go with "Patience of a Saint" for waiting this long before asking.
I got 1 fish cause well, why not? lol Also sat up there on that branch. Eh, don't worry about it.. I couldn't even think of a good one when I did change it =\ I'm still not really pleased about it anyways but meh what evs.
That's kind of nuts to read. I'll poke it more later.
edit: Read it up. I'll wait till it's more fleshed out. Like, when attack data is also modifiable. And maybe a tad easier, but it's ok if it's not. I still need Kit for Sm4sh too, and with this new split animation feature, I can finally put blade as it's own actor.
would be nice, but I'm going to redo all the animations, just in case anyways. It'd give a fresher look at the animation quality, and maybe iron out some things I may of missed.
I'm watching me too. Wait what? Really though, I hope for some tool sets for animation and attack data to roll in sometime soon... and hope to have a pc that can freaking run em. Since you're in the Sm4sh scene more than me, can you please let me know if som'in surfaces? (via facebook or twitter?)
Tubehax DNS Redirect is basically a Youtube Blocker that also funnels Nintendo's Update addresses through it. So if it's blocking youtube, it's also blocking the update servers.
And yeah.. Don't miiverse post. If you're using som'in like Loadiine's smash launch mode, any posts you make to miiverse from any game will show up under Smash bros.