You waited for it? Your fangasm/eargasm/eyegasm/falcongasm was tired of waiting to burst out? Well, here you go, folks. A brand new and freshly made hack. This is the Final Melee PSA of Mewtwo, made by AGFanProduction and the Project Mewtwo.
Now with the new power of Brawl hacks, I managed to recreate and improve all the work done in the previous versions of Mewtwo. It took me and my teammates a few years to complete, but now it's done and I'm happy with the final results.
[SSBB]Project Mewtwo Final Release |
Note: A quick menu was added, via annotations that lets you skip to specific sections of the showcase so be sure to have annotations enabled.
What's included on the downloads?
+Character files (FitLucario00.pac/pcs, FitLucario.pac and Motion.pac + Kirby Mewtwo hat)
+CSPs, Portraits, Stock Icons
+Replay Mewtwo portraits.
+Mewtwo Challenger Approaching files.
+Mewtwo on the Opening Sequence (Sunset and Subspace)
+Mewtwo in the "Unlocked Characters" Data.
+Mewtwo Stock Icons on the result screen.
+For manual editions, a Readme.txt in each folder with a detailed tutorial for certain homework included.
+Bonus folder with Mewtwo's customized content for some famous mods for Brawl, like Project Melee and much more!
What is the change list for this Final version of Mewtwo?
- Melee Psychics added to the PSA.
- Melee Mewtwo's ripped Shadow Ball textures where added to the PSA, also matched his charge behavior to Melee's.
- Mewtwo's Shadow Ball now goes Ziggy Zaggy when fully charged, with Melee's hitboxes. (All credit to KingJigglypuff)
- Fully revamped Animation and PSA work from previous versions.
- Melee's Down-B Disable attack was finally able to be created just like in Melee. (All credit to KingJigglypuff)
- Melee's Side-B Confusion move was fixed and matched up to Melee's move.
- Melee-Like sound effects added to all the PSAs in general, excluding the Riivolution version. (No Weird Noises)
- Melee Hitboxes and Knockbacks where added to the Final PSA. (Project Melee, Pal, Brawl+ and Normal Brawl)
- Balanced the Melee hitboxes for the vBrawl version of the PSA. (All credit to KingJigglypuff)
- Fixed all the Graphic Effects for every version to Match Melee's.
- Melee's animations where added to the Motion.pac and where fixed and matched to Melee's in PSA. (Including non-basic animations like the damage poses, or even the swim poses)
- Melee Mewtwo's SFX has been added to the Riivolution version of it. (Credit to AceSe3don)
Why is this the official Final Version?
Because everything has been changed, the level of detail is unique.
Does it freeze?
It doesn't freeze if used correctly, to avoid freezes and un-balancing issues, many alternate versions of this PSA have been made for every famous Brawl mod, like the Project Melee, Brawl+ and Riivolution mods and even the non-mods like the vBrawl, Normal Brawl & Pal Brawl <--- all these are the alternative versions of this Mewtwo.
AGFanProduction, CeeNL, KingJigglypuff, Pikazz, DarkDragoon, Steelia, ds22, GameWatching, [TSON], Namq, Carnage, SonicBrawler, DSX8, superyoshi888, pokelover980, Razanak7, SmashHackers, Data_Drain, Mewtwo2000, BigSharkZ, gokuguy, IndigoFenix, Bobson, DragonRage, AceSe3don, Stickman, Roo525, Tri-Bow, TheEnigmaIsBroken, OniKage and SuSa.
Preview Pictures:

Now, choose your favorite Brawl mod, and start Brawling with Mewtwo Alpha v2.00!

Want to have Mewtwo's sound effects on your Brawl? Download this! (Riivolution users only):

Have Fun!
Post Merge: December 31, 2012, 02:40:46 AM
I made this specific topic so you people can discuss about the Project Mewtwo's quality, give some feedback, opinions! related ONLY to the Project Mewtwo.
oh yeah and this is also the development thread for the vBrawl Mewtwo (which is currently a BETA) that is being made by Data_Drain.