Time for my feedback .... I can't possibly do a detail of each move, because most of them, I really have absolutely nothing to say about.
- Myself, I kinda like the F-Tilt. It's more situational than the AAA, but the overall range is pretty nice, as is the mini-spike. Good edge-guarding tool.
- I have something against the U-Tilt : I'm pretty sure the hitbox is starting too late, after the uppercut has been effectively delivered. I think making the hitbox start a bit earlier + some frame twists would make the move much more useable.
- About the ANA, I'm glad you kept kinda similar KB to the original releases. It's a great move. But maybe the FX is a bit too big, isn't it ? -_o
- The Neutral-Specials feel great too. I really like those. But how much priority did you you put into the Red Hot Kick ? O_O"""
Seriously, I'm kicking the butt of
Pit's FS angels with this move. XDDD
- Side-Special ... i'm not too fondof it, honestly. The hitbox, damage and KB aren't at fault. But the animation and the way Joe moves to the side doesn't look very right to me. It's very okay, don't get me wrong, but this is IMHO the least good looking of his specials.
- Also, he gets back to his normal size when being grabbed.
The rest ? It's just great. I really like what you did there. It plays nicely, feels smooth ingame, has very few "barely used" moves ...
And the FS is epic, as usual.
This PSA is even more true to the character than the previous version. Except that now, it plays great, and looks great.
Great job SDoom, this is really a splendid piece you did there.