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Question: DEADPOOL! (cheers to Nano for the vid)
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5I4s74Q2WI" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5I4s74Q2WI</a>
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    « Reply #2055 on: April 15, 2011, 08:22:20 AM »

    yes, please and thank you ^^

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    « Reply #2056 on: April 15, 2011, 10:28:40 AM »

    Time for my feedback .... I can't possibly do a detail of each move, because most of them, I really have absolutely nothing to say about.

    - Myself, I kinda like the F-Tilt. It's more situational than the AAA, but the overall range is pretty nice, as is the mini-spike. Good edge-guarding tool.

    - I have something against the U-Tilt : I'm pretty sure the hitbox is starting too late, after the uppercut has been effectively delivered. I think making the hitbox start a bit earlier + some frame twists would make the move much more useable. Smiley

    - About the ANA, I'm glad you kept kinda similar KB to the original releases. It's a great move. But maybe the FX is a bit too big, isn't it ? -_o

    - The Neutral-Specials feel great too. I really like those. But how much priority did you you put into the Red Hot Kick ? O_O"""
    Seriously, I'm kicking the butt of Pit's FS angels with this move. XDDD

    - Side-Special ... i'm not too fondof it, honestly. The hitbox, damage and KB aren't at fault. But the animation and the way Joe moves to the side doesn't look very right to me. It's very okay, don't get me wrong, but this is IMHO the least good looking of his specials.  Undecided

    - Also, he gets back to his normal size when being grabbed. Tongue

    The rest ? It's just great. I really like what you did there. It plays nicely, feels smooth ingame, has very few "barely used" moves ...
    And the FS is epic, as usual. Tongue This PSA is even more true to the character than the previous version. Except that now, it plays great, and looks great. Smiley

    Great job SDoom, this is really a splendid piece you did there.  Kirby Dance

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    « Reply #2057 on: April 15, 2011, 11:55:30 AM »

    I love how you made Mach Speed. ;o
    I love your Joe PSA man, like all of your PSA. Still have your Dissidia Cloud ;o

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    « Reply #2058 on: April 15, 2011, 12:03:56 PM »

    I love how you made Mach Speed. ;o
    I love your Joe PSA man, like all of your PSA. Still have your Dissidia Cloud ;o
    indeed all Sdo0m´s PSAs is good also his Ideas for movesets

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    « Reply #2059 on: April 15, 2011, 12:37:29 PM »

    Yes you added Joe's Mach speed!

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    « Reply #2060 on: April 15, 2011, 03:12:24 PM »


    Thanks again for the feedback and I'm really glad you enjoyed this revamp because it was largely because of the wall of feedback you gave me back when I released V1 in December that I made this revamp. Smiley

    Now here's what I have to say about the feedback:

    1). The U Tilt was something that bothered me.  The animation came out how I wanted it to in Brawlbox, but in game it was weird and I couldn't diagnose the problem.  I think I'll definitely try out making the hitbox come out a bit earlier.

    2). Actually, I only just realised today that I forgot to add a Terminate Collisions at the beginning of the bounce subaction.  So the hitbox lasts for ages (even during the bounce) and has stupidly good priority.  I'll fix it asap.

    3). Side B is a strange one.  Despite me setting momentum to zero at the beginning of the subaction that slide still happens.  The animation won't be changed however, otherwise the balance of the projectile gets messed up.

    4). Sure I'll change the N Air's graphic to make it a tad smaller.  The size never really bothered me but meh Tongue

    5). The resizing is a currently unfixable model glitch.  It's been present in the old version of Joe, it's present in Beyond's model (without the moveset).  Heck even Aafyre's King K Rool along with every other one slot size mod has this glitch.

    Again, thanks again for the feedback and I'm glad you all like the Final Smash too ^^. It was a chore to get right XD

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    « Reply #2061 on: April 15, 2011, 04:50:48 PM »

    I think that slide might be a remnant of Raptor Boost's code.

    Just a theory.

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    « Reply #2062 on: April 15, 2011, 04:52:17 PM »

    I think that slide might be a remnant of Raptor Boost's code.

    Just a theory.
    Sounds plausible to me.

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    « Reply #2063 on: April 15, 2011, 04:55:58 PM »

    I think that slide might be a remnant of Raptor Boost's code.

    Just a theory.

    Possibly.  This problem also happens to Shadow and his Chaos Spear.

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    « Reply #2064 on: April 15, 2011, 05:10:40 PM »

    I like the sliding part. It allows me to rally up combos.

    1. I've got to say SDo0m. I just played this with my friend and I love it!(Especially when I modified the run inital velocity to be 9.12)

    Only a couple things:
    1. Can you tell me how to make the punches in the FS hitbox carrier VERY slightly bigger so it can carry the opponent, so I can make my own modified version that I'll share here once done.
    2. What happened to the pink fire graphic when doing UpTaunt(...I thought that was cool)?

    3. Here's a thought for the Gotenks PSA. I tried to doing B-Down(Air) while my friend was doing it, too. So when we both did B-Down(Air) at the same time, hitting each other, it was just like in DBZ where the two fighters are able to hit each other really fast and both get damage. I'll look into the Down-B(air) subaction in this V. Joe PSA sometime. Smiley

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    « Reply #2065 on: April 15, 2011, 05:10:52 PM »

    There should be a sub action or action, or parameter somewhere that controls that, right?

    The problem is finding it. >.>

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    « Reply #2066 on: April 15, 2011, 05:16:11 PM »

    There should be a sub action or action, or parameter somewhere that controls that, right?

    The problem is finding it. >.>
    Not really.

    0A0 DamageLw3
    0A1 DamageAir1
    0A2 DamageAir2
    0A3 DamageAir3
    0A4 DamageFlyHi
    0A5 DamageFlyN
    0A6 DamageFlyLw
    0A7 DamageFlyTop
    0A8 DamageFlyRoll
    0A9 DamageElec
    0AA DownBoundU
    0AB DownWaitU
    0AC DownDamageU
    0AD DownDamageU3
    0AE DownEatU
    0AF DownStandU
    0B0 DownAttackU
    0B1 DownForwardU
    0B2 DownBackU
    0B3 DownBoundD
    0B4 DownWaitD
    0B5 DownDamageD
    0B6 DownDamageD3
    0B7 DownEatD
    0B8 DownStandD
    0B9 DownAttackD
    0BA DownForwardD
    0BB DownBackD
    0BC DownSpotU
    0BD DownSpotD
    0BE Passive
    0BF PassiveStandF
    0C0 PassiveStandB
    0C1 PassiveWall
    0C2 PassiveWallJump
    0C3 PassiveCeil
    0C4 PassiveWall
    0C5 FuraFura
    0C6 FuraFuraStartD
    0C7 FuraFuraStartU
    0C8 FuraFuraEnd
    0C9 FuraSleepStart
    0CA FuraSleepLoop
    0CB FuraSleepEnd
    0CC Swallowed
    0CD Pass
    0CE Ottotto
    0CF OttottoWait
    0D0 WallDamage
    0D1 StopCeil
    0D2 StopWall
    0D3 StopCeil
    0D4 MissFoot
    0D5 CliffCatch
    0D6 CliffWait
    0D7 CliffAttackQuick
    0D8 CliffClimbQuick
    0D9 CliffEscapeQuick
    0DA CliffJumpQuick1
    0DB CliffJumpQuick2
    0DC CliffAttackSlow
    0DD CliffClimbSlow
    0DE CliffEscapeSlow
    0DF CliffJumpSlow1
    0E0 CliffJumpSlow2
    0E1 SlipDown
    0E2 Slip
    0E3 SlipTurn
    0E4 SlipDash
    0E5 SlipWait
    0E6 SlipStand
    0E7 SlipAttack
    0E8 SlipEscapeF
    0E9 SlipEscapeB
    0EA AirCatch
    0EB AirCatchPose
    0EC AirCatchHit
    0ED AirCatch
    0EE SwimRise
    0EF SwimUp
    0F0 SwimUpDamage
    0F1 Swim
    0F2 SwimF
    0F3 SwimEnd
    0F4 SwimTurn
    0F5 SwimDrown
    0F6 SwimDrownOut
    0F7 LightGet
    0F8 LightWalkGet
    0F9 LightEat
    0FA LightWalkEat
    0FB HeavyGet
    0FC HeavyWalk1
    0FD HeavyWalk2
    0FE LightThrowDrop
    0FF LightThrowF
    100 LightThrowB
    101 LightThrowHi
    102 LightThrowLw
    103 LightThrowF
    104 LightThrowB
    105 LightThrowHi
    106 LightThrowLw
    107 LightThrowDash
    108 LightThrowAirF
    109 LightThrowAirB
    10A LightThrowAirHi
    10B LightThrowAirLw
    10C LightThrowAirF
    10D LightThrowAirB
    10E LightThrowAirHi
    10F LightThrowAirLw
    110 HeavyThrowF
    111 HeavyThrowB
    112 HeavyThrowHi
    113 HeavyThrowLw
    114 HeavyThrowF
    115 HeavyThrowB
    116 HeavyThrowHi
    117 HeavyThrowLw
    118 SmashThrowF
    119 SmashThrowB
    11A SmashThrowHi
    11B SmashThrowLw
    11C SmashThrowDash
    11D SmashThrowAirF
    11E SmashThrowAirB
    11F SmashThrowAirHi
    120 SmashThrowAirLw
    121 Swing1
    122 Swing3
    123 Swing4Start
    124 Swing4
    125 Swing42
    126 Swing4Hold
    127 SwingDash
    128 Swing1
    129 Swing3
    12A Swing4Bat
    12B SwingDash
    12C Swing1
    12D Swing3
    12E Swing4Start
    12F Swing4
    130 Swing42
    131 Swing4Hold
    132 SwingDash
    133 Swing1
    134 Swing3
    135 Swing4Start
    136 Swing4
    137 Swing42
    138 Swing4Hold
    139 SwingDash
    13A Swing1
    13B Swing3
    13C Swing4Start
    13D Swing4
    13E Swing42
    13F Swing4Hold
    140 SwingDash
    141 ItemHammerWait
    142 ItemHammerMove
    143 ItemHammerAir
    144 ItemHammerWait
    145 ItemHammerMove
    146 ItemHammerAir
    147 ItemDragoonRide
    148 ItemScrew
    149 ItemScrew
    14A ItemScrewFall
    14B ItemKikc
    14C ItemDragoonGet
    14D ItemDragoonRide
    14E ItemBIg
    14F ItemSmall
    150 ItemLegsWait
    151 ItemLegsSlowF
    152 ItemLegsMiddleF
    153 ItemLegsFastF
    154 ItemLegsBrakeF
    155 ItemLegsDashF
    156 ItemLegsSlowB
    157 ItemLegsMiddleB
    158 ItemLegsFastB
    159 ItemLegsBrakeB
    15A ItemLegsDashB
    15B ItemLegsJumpSquat
    15C ItemLegsLanding
    15D ItemShoot
    15E ItemShootAir
    15F ItemShoot
    160 ItemShootAir
    161 ItemShoot
    162 ItemShootAir
    163 ItemScopeStart
    164 ItemScopeRapid
    165 ItemScopeFire
    166 ItemScopeEnd
    167 ItemScopeAirStart
    168 ItemScopeAirRapid
    169 ItemScopeAirFire
    16A ItemScopeAirEnd
    16B ItemScopeStart
    16C ItemScopeRapid
    16D ItemScopeFire
    16E ItemScopeEnd
    16F ItemScopeAirStart
    170 ItemScopeAirRapid
    171 ItemScopeAirFire
    172 ItemScopeAirEnd
    173 ItemLauncher
    174 ItemLauncherFire
    175 ItemLauncherAirFire
    176 ItemLauncher
    177 ItemLauncherFire
    178 ItemLauncherAirFire
    179 ItemLauncherFall
    17A ItemLauncherAir
    17B ItemAssist
    17C GekikaraWait
    17D ItemScrew
    17E Guard
    17F LadderWait
    180 LadderUp
    181 LadderDown
    182 LadderCatchR
    183 LadderCatchL
    184 LadderCatchAirR
    185 LadderCatchAirL
    186 LadderCatchEndR
    187 LadderCatchEndL
    188 RopeCatch
    189 RopeFishing
    18A SpecialNBittenStart
    18B SpecialNBitten
    18C SpecialNBittenEnd
    18D SpecialAirNBittenStart
    18E SpecialAirNBitten
    18F SpecialAirNBittenEnd
    190 SpecialNDxBittenStart
    191 SpecialNDxBitten
    192 SpecialNDxBittenEnd
    193 SpecialAirNDxBittenStart
    194 SpecialAirNDxBitten
    195 SpecialAirNDxBittenEnd
    196 SpecialNBigBittenStart
    197 SpecialNBigBitten
    198 SpecialNBigBittenEnd
    199 SpecialAirNBigBittenStart
    19A SpecialAirNBigBitten
    19B SpecialAirNBigBittenEnd
    19C SpecialHiCapture
    19D SpecialHiDxCapture
    19E SpecialSStickCapture
    19F SpecialSStickAttackCapture
    1A0 SpecialSStickJumpCapture
    1A1 SpecialSDxStickCapture
    1A2 SpecialSDxStickAttackCapture
    1A3 SpecialSDXStickJumpCapture
    1A4 ThrownZitabata
    1A5 ThrownDxZitabata
    1A6 ThrownGirlZitabata
    1A7 ThrownFF
    1A8 ThrownFB
    1A9 ThrownFHi
    1AA ThrownFLw
    1AB ThrownDxFF
    1AC ThrownDxFB
    1AD ThrownDxFHi
    1AE ThrownDxFLw
    1AF GanonSpecialHiCapture
    1B0 GanonSpecialHiDxCapture
    1B1 SpecialSCapture
    1B2 SpecailAirSCatchCapture
    1B3 SpecialAirSFallCapture
    1B4 SpecialAirSCapture
    1B5 SpecialSDxCapture
    1B6 SpecailAirSDxCatchCapture
    1B7 SpecialAirSDxFallCapture
    1B8 SpecialAirSDxCapture
    1B9 SpecialNEgg
    1BA SpecialSZitabata
    1BB SpecialSDxZitabata
    1BC AppealHiR
    1BD AppealHiL
    1BE AppealSR
    1BF AppealSL
    1C0 AppealLwR
    1C1 AppealLwL
    1C2 EntryR
    1C3 EntryL
    1C4 Win1
    1C5 Win1Wait
    1C6 Win2
    1C7 Win2Wait
    1C8 Win3
    1C9 Win3Wait
    1CA Lose
    1CB DamageFace
    1CC Dark
    1CD Spycloak
    1CE+ Specials

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    « Reply #2067 on: April 15, 2011, 05:34:10 PM »

    I figured out what the distance you would need from your opponent to execute the Final Smash Perfectly:

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    « Reply #2068 on: April 15, 2011, 05:39:27 PM »

    I knew it would be Travis. I'm alsoperdicting Beyond will make a new vertex to go along with it. Tongue

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    « Reply #2069 on: April 15, 2011, 05:52:18 PM »

    I found a new glitch:
    When you grab another Viewtiful Joe you as Viewtiful Joe and pressing "A" while grabbing(Headbutting him) won't give the foe any damage.

    Also, I know what I want tweaked in the FS for my personal use.
    At the end of his first animation(Trying to capture the opponent...when he dashes forward) I want the exact end point of his 1st animation to capture the opponent. Right now his FS can capture the opponent right if front of the foe, so it can't execute the FS.

    So, basically, I'm wanting the first animation to drag the opponent to the end point of his 1st animation of the FS, THEN capture...to execute the FS.

    I hope that wasn't confusing...

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