« Reply #555 on: April 06, 2011, 09:54:46 AM » |
looked into the YAGCD again... this time I actually understood some crap
the registers are (as expected) the same, but the YAGCD has more [understandable] info on them than the Brbx src and wii SDK combined
thus, I'm appending an extension to my MDL0 plugin... 'NtdoCmn.py' this is all the common formattings and function types of the Wii and GCN combined
if anyone would like to build a gcn/wii model plugin once the release comes, that's an important extension you'll want to include.
note: after my first release, I may do a complete overhaul of my code (meaning I'll be redoing everything)
« Reply #557 on: April 10, 2011, 11:50:09 AM » |
So the only thing left needed in your model converter is the texture part?
« Reply #558 on: April 10, 2011, 11:55:28 AM » |
No that was fixed a long time ago.
The only part left, and the hardest part, is calculating all the values that you see on the right when you click on a node. Right now, those values are incorrect and not allowing export or save to work.
« Reply #559 on: April 10, 2011, 12:05:33 PM » |
Ahh, sounds like tedious work. Good luck you guys!
« Reply #560 on: April 10, 2011, 12:07:57 PM » |
Damn...Looks like I should maybe figure out how make my own models then...
Like maybe making a Mega Man model?
3DS Friend Code: 2895-6640-9302
« Reply #562 on: April 10, 2011, 12:27:54 PM » |
I think if anyone's gonna talk about Tcll's converter, they should quote him or else I'll think they're responding to the OP lol
« Reply #563 on: April 10, 2011, 12:39:11 PM » |
I think if anyone's gonna talk about Tcll's converter, they should quote him or else I'll think they're responding to the OP lol
I thought it was kinda obvious... heh
1: after the users post 2: reflected on details of the user's post 3: had- lost the 3rd point XP
but yea... but they should state whome they're responding to :/
« Reply #564 on: April 10, 2011, 12:42:36 PM » |
Using this, could we make our own models form scratch and possibly use them in the game?
Like, say I make a MMZ model in 3DSMAX, and rig it, can I import him into BB using the converter?
What work would, consequently, be needed to make it work in Brawl, aside from the obvious of needing to make animations from scratch, and how much time would such a project take to complete?
3DS Friend Code: 2895-6640-9302
« Reply #565 on: April 10, 2011, 12:44:55 PM » |
Maybe #3 was "Quotes the user's post" XD
Above post lol - Yes; yes; same as always; as long as it takes you to import a model normally.
« Reply #566 on: April 10, 2011, 12:49:50 PM » |
Maybe #3 was "Quotes the user's post" XD
Above post lol - Yes; yes; same as always; as long as it takes you to import a model normally.
Then if that is so... Oh baby. It means we could take models that have no bones for certain things and make their models from scratch in 3DSMAX in order to add them. I can see "The Master" from Paper Mario being within reach...
3DS Friend Code: 2895-6640-9302
« Reply #567 on: April 10, 2011, 12:52:42 PM » |
Haha yep just about anything will be possible when either my or Tcll's converter is done
« Reply #568 on: April 10, 2011, 01:20:25 PM » |
Haha yep just about anything will be possible when either my or Tcll's converter is done you may want to think about literally taking brawlbox over, if you want to go through with that :/
the entire system of Brbx will need to be redone... as there's alot more commands for the CP, XF, and BP registers... (IDK why Kryal didn't include all of them)
not to mention that for conversion, would need to have a seperate class for each file format (if you're supporting multiple types like I am)
as for me, I've got alot of work to do with getting the weights working on my global format (after I finish the indexing of course)
this converter is really just for converting model files...
meaning you should be able to take a brawl char, and convert it to a format supported by the plugins... ^(currently MDL0 -> OBJ)
right now, you can simply just use it for my vertexing method, as it's better than Will's... (I'll add a simple export option if you want a simple vert/norm/uv/face model (untransformed)) ^the complex option will allow transforms to be applied... (this will export a transformed obj where say Pikachu is in his regular T-Pose) ^but because of the transforms, won't work with my vertexing method as the vectors will be given new values
I'll see if I can't build a 'No Transform' option... basically, the model will be in it's original T-pose, and still workable in brawl instead of being transformed like in my images
meaning vertexing would be alot easier for my method, since the vectors would be in their appropriate positions (as in edit mode in a modelling program)