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Question: Goku v2  Beta DL Link here do you like the Moveset so far?
Yes This was Worth Waiting for even if it took 9001 years - 8 (36.4%)
GIVE ME "insert my other WIPs" NOW! - 6 (27.3%)
Goku v2 Sucks(remember its still a beta before voting on this - 1 (4.5%)
Wishing Smash 4 has been modded now to put this there - 7 (31.8%)
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Author Topic: Mariodk Projects: First WIP released: Goku v2 its on page 703 post #10544  (Read 2513339 times)
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    « Reply #10440 on: July 27, 2014, 01:45:25 PM »

    meanwhile, waiting for recieving the new goku .max to make the new gensou den goku

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    « Reply #10441 on: July 27, 2014, 02:43:50 PM »

    meanwhile, waiting for recieving the new goku .max to make the new gensou den goku

    Hmm I can relate to a certain bowser model....then again I haven't been on skype much, mariodk. :/

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    « Reply #10442 on: July 27, 2014, 03:37:07 PM »

    meanwhile, waiting for recieving the new goku .max to make the new gensou den goku

    I laughed way too hard at this.

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    « Reply #10443 on: July 27, 2014, 09:11:12 PM »

    My opinion, Brawl texture aren't really mandatory. as long as the moveset is great and the models are rigged, Brawl Textures can be last on the list.  The textures shouldn't really be a reason to cancel goku, just release him with the original textures. I'm sure someone on the vault will make them for u in the future. Please just continue your project.  Never just give up. 

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    « Reply #10444 on: July 28, 2014, 03:25:28 AM »

    My opinion, Brawl texture aren't really mandatory. as long as the moveset is great and the models are rigged, Brawl Textures can be last on the list.  The textures shouldn't really be a reason to cancel goku, just release him with the original textures. I'm sure someone on the vault will make them for u in the future. Please just continue your project.  Never just give up. 
    thats the problem
    there is almost no one that making brawl styled textures anymore
    thats why i putting textures 1st on this project

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    « Reply #10445 on: July 28, 2014, 04:12:58 AM »

    the whole smash 3 team is pretty good at texturing, i'm pretty sure they can also handle brawl style, you could always ask...

    and for the main costume, since you need to remap the UVs anyway, you could try to use beyond's texture, even if it needs some editting, back in the vertexing days everyone adapted a texture to another mapping, so don't make it look harder than it is, you don't need any particular artistic skill for the textures if you have a viable one that only mismatches the mapping.

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    « Reply #10446 on: July 28, 2014, 10:18:25 AM »

    the whole smash 3 team is pretty good at texturing, i'm pretty sure they can also handle brawl style, you could always ask...

    and for the main costume, since you need to remap the UVs anyway, you could try to use beyond's texture, even if it needs some editting, back in the vertexing days everyone adapted a texture to another mapping, so don't make it look harder than it is, you don't need any particular artistic skill for the textures if you have a viable one that only mismatches the mapping.
    This is so true, just look at a bunch of old Melee vertex hacks, people were able to replace it with the original Brawl textures because the Melee ones were edited in a way to fit the mapping, here you can do that and modify the texture mapping to make it better.

    I make YouTube videos, SM64 hacks, Brawl Hacks (obviously), NSMBW hacks, and GoldenEye 007 Mods. I also have a short attention span and tend to switch around a lot and put things on hold. But when I do finish things, 95% of the time I gave 120% effort, the other 5% of the time I give 100% effort.

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    « Reply #10447 on: July 28, 2014, 10:24:01 AM »

    based on:
    also this is a preview of my texture skills at the best

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    « Reply #10448 on: July 28, 2014, 11:34:01 AM »

    Really? Wow, I mean I guess because of your amazing PSA and animating skills I never expected you to have that low of texturing skills....I am very sorry if that came out wrong, what image editor(s) do you have?

    I make YouTube videos, SM64 hacks, Brawl Hacks (obviously), NSMBW hacks, and GoldenEye 007 Mods. I also have a short attention span and tend to switch around a lot and put things on hold. But when I do finish things, 95% of the time I gave 120% effort, the other 5% of the time I give 100% effort.

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    « Reply #10449 on: July 28, 2014, 12:03:43 PM »

    Really? Wow, I mean I guess because of your amazing PSA and animating skills I never expected you to have that low of texturing skills....I am very sorry if that came out wrong, what image editor(s) do you have?
    i have both paint.net and abode photoshop
    but photoshop is too confusion so im using most of the time paint.net

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    « Reply #10450 on: July 28, 2014, 12:45:59 PM »

    to adapt textures to other mapping in photoshop you'll be using free transform the most [ctrl+T] then there's a button that looks like a fishing net, that divides your selection in 9 squares, and you can move the vertices around to distort the texture, it's really simple to learn, i learned the basics on youtube and messing around... xD

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    « Reply #10451 on: July 28, 2014, 01:27:08 PM »

    You could try your hand at Gimp, it's considered the "Free Photoshop" but it's layout is different, so usually most people only learn one of the two because it gets confusing when switching between Photoshop and Gimp.

    I make YouTube videos, SM64 hacks, Brawl Hacks (obviously), NSMBW hacks, and GoldenEye 007 Mods. I also have a short attention span and tend to switch around a lot and put things on hold. But when I do finish things, 95% of the time I gave 120% effort, the other 5% of the time I give 100% effort.

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    « Reply #10452 on: July 28, 2014, 03:11:35 PM »

    Ye i use gimp for all my comsmetic stuff. Its lots easier than photoshop.

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    « Reply #10453 on: July 28, 2014, 06:03:18 PM »

    I use Gimp perhaps 85%-90% of the time until it comes to doing renders or heavy edits like my Ozaruu Bardock where I consistently use a combination of both.

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    « Reply #10454 on: July 28, 2014, 06:12:37 PM »

    MarioDK. Why not "cheat" and use Beyond's Goku textures and go from there? Better than nothing.
    Ye i use gimp for all my comsmetic stuff. Its lots easier than photoshop.
    Opposite for me. GIMP is confusing as hell, but it does have some neat features that Photoshop doesn't.

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