Are you using a toaster or a computer? ;p j/k. You have to resort to the more work-involving way.
1. Get those 3 files on your own and put them into the directory with Sawndz.
2. You still need the smashbros_sound.brsar in your directory.
3. If you want to insert a single .wav sound, rename it to sound.wav and put it into your directory with Sawndz. Create a text file, e.g. sawnd.txt. Open it and copy-paste that:
File sound.wav
Next, use command line to run this
sndconv sawnd.txt -a
Instead of sawnd.txt write the name of your text file.
After that operation, run this in your command line.
sawndz insert -groupid -collid -wavid -frequency 0
Instead of -groupid write the group ID of the group your sound is in.
Instead of -collid write the collection ID of the collection your sound is in.
Instead of -wavid write the wave ID of the wave you want to replace.
Instead of -frequency write the frequency of your sound.
0 should always be there at the end.
I assume you probably won't be using base wave functionality, so I'll explain it some other time.
4. If you want to create a sawnd file, first make sure there is no sawnd.sawnd file in the directory with Sawndz. Then run this from command line
sawndz sawndcreate -groupid
Instead of -groupid write the group ID of the group of which you want to create the sawnd file. In decimal.
5. If you want to insert a sawnd file, rename it to sawnd.sawnd and put it into directory with Sawndz. Then run this from command line
sawndz sawnd
6. If you want to insert a hex packet, rename it to hex.hex and put it into directory with Sawndz. Then run this from command line
sawndz hex -groupid
Instead of -groupid write the ID of group which hex packet replaces. In decimal.
And that's pretty much it. To get the group IDs, collection IDs and wave IDs refer to the image included with Sawndz. Use SmashBox 0.57 to open your brsar.