Terra's Improved Waiting pose
Neutral A (ground): Blizzard Combo Prototype
A camp-type move, Terra summons to blizzard orbs to each hand and spins, pressing A repeats the move, and really this is just a place holder for the move I really wanted to do a combo between blizzard from dissidia, and flood from dissidia.
Dash Attack: Blizzard Spear
Terra rushes forward while summoning 3 rotating ice spheres that combine into one medium one and fire toward her target
Down A: Fire Magic
Terra casts fire magic on a fallen foe. It travels along the ground, just like in Dissidia...
...before exploding.
Note: This may be a good camping move, or a might just be a good move to get enemies away from you, while pulling them into a combo.
-Fira Combo: Holding A towards the end of this move will allow it to travel longer on the ground before exploding
-Most of the fire hitboxes send characters backwards, the last hit sends them toward you
-Firaga Combo: Holding A during Fira will end with the enemy being blown into your awaiting fist which unfortunately for them holds a fire ball with 169 trajectory.
-Aeroga Combo: If A is released before they reach you, Terra will do an Aero fist with directly downward trajectory.
Terra's Aeroga Fist
Terra's Firaga Fist
Down A Smash: Quake (Temporary)
I haven't finished Terra's Down A Smash yet
It's still a work in progress, I was thinking of giving her Torrent Spell where she squats low than rises up gesturing with her hands, and anyone touching the ground within a certain range suddenly gets flung upwards as an explosion of water rockets upward from beneath them. Right now, It just looks like she stomps and they go flying so I guess I'll call this quake step...
Down A Aerial: Tornado Drop
Terra descends rapidly, striking the opponent with wind-powered feet amped by the power of tornado magic.
-This move spikes & impales (the impale effect is on the knee i think)
-Though it might generally be considered a double KO move Terra can easily recover from it using Tornado
Side A: Riot Wave (a weaker version of Riot Blade)
She sweeps her hand unleashing a blade/wave of slashing/aura energy
Note: Knocks target away.
Side-Down Smash: Gravity- Winds up than brings a ball of gravity down in front of her, impaling and lightly damaging opponents who get caught in it. This move deals darkness damage, hits a few times and now the impale effect lasts longer.
Side-Up Smash: Thunder- Terra Winds up gathering energy in her right hand, then spins around before unleashing it in a line in front of her. Those who are struck by the line are struck by a series of lightning bolts, there is a sweet spot in the final bolt, this move deals electricity damage & sometimes stuns.
Diagonal Down A: Riot Wave Low
She sweeps her hand unleashing a low blade. This blade travels slower and reverses the target when it hits.
Diagonal Up A: Riot Wave Hi
She sweeps her hand unleashing a fast blade upward, it hits at an akward angle so I should probably make the hit box bigger but startup it is definitely faster than snow storm & Meteor.
Side A Smash: Riot Wave Smash
First she catches target in a burst of energy to hold them still
Than she unleashes a volley of Riot Waves into them
Down B (Hold): Snow Storm (or Blizzard/Hail, if you prefer)
Holding Down B unleashes Terra's Snow Storm Spell (note, in some final fantasy games the blizzard spell was renamed to snow storm instead, this is a reference to that).
Down B (Press): Meteo (another reference ^_^)
This picture is much clearer, you can see the meteorites form at a point above her head and rain down in front of, and behind, her. I wanted this move to have lots of vertical range because sky enemies are hard to hit and I thought she needed to be prepared for everything. And also, I tried to make it as fair as possible, so though it has a lot of range, it isn't too strong unless you get fully caught in it (which good Terra players may aim to do XD).
Side B (aerial): Chase Mode
Terra rushes forward (with directional input) and strikes her target with a blade of wind.
-Can slash with blade any time during this move by pressing the A button
-Good KO move
-When I have a sword vertex I will replace the wind blade with an actual blade
-The name of this move is a reference to Dissidia's Chase Mode in which the character flies after the enemy after sending them flying
-More balanced Range
-Chains to Tornado Flight if B is held
Up B (Aerial; hold B): Tornado
Terra glows green and disappears as her body is replaced by a mystic vortex of air & green energy, the Tornado flies erratically about the screen so long as you hold B, you do control this move and to keep it fair, though she is fast and has tremendous mobility, she is quite capable of being hurt when like this, although she also has a hitbox somewhere in the tornado that I aim to expand, when this hits enemies it damages them slightly and reverses them ^_^.
Terra (Peach) being knocked out of Esper Flight by something flying faster than her...this is still quite possible with Zelda as well.
http://i.imgur.com/br0sc.jpg this one was the prototype for Tornado)
Up B (Ground): Tornado Spell
Terra begins rotating and summons 3 wind twisters, 1 around her and 2 larger ones at her left & right respectively. This move might seem a little complicated at first but its easy once you get the hang of it.
-The outside twisters suck targets in and bounce them around, damaging them
-The twister around Terra reverses them and sends them back towards the other 2 twisters.
-Holding B will loop this spell until B is released
-Holding B + joystick forward will cause the twister in front of Terra to be struck with lightning
-Holding B + joystick backward will cause the twister behind Terra to be struck by lightning
-Holding B + A will cause the 2 side twisters to join Terra's main twister, creating one massive twister (the big twister bounces target around and does repeated damage before spitting them out, I haven't tested DI-ability yet, releasing A will revert back to smaller twisters, and holding joystick forward/backward will cause the big tornado to be struck by lightning as well)
Neutral B: Blizzara
Throws a ball of crackling ice at a wacky trajectory which explodes upon contact, knocking the target towards Terra for more chaining.
-Holding B chains this into Holy [spin] if blizzara hits
-Holding A chains this to Blizzara Spear if Blizzara hits
-Holding A+B chains this to Blizzaga if blizzara hits
Neutral B (hold B after hitting with Blizzara): Holy
Holy is a little different this time...
Terra follows up her Blizzara by tossing off holy spell...
but instead of tossing it, she summons it from the sky rotating fast to bring it down and if you release B you get this
Holy Note:
-The spinning Holy sphere deals damage/stun as it descends
-When Holy hits, it 'usually' flashes in a brilliant white light (although I added a bit of blue to it so now there's less need to wear sunglasses ^_^ lol)
-golden glow appears during spin and holy burst, holy burst is now closer
-Heals self around 5-8 (?) health per use.
But if you hold B, before it hits, you get this instead XD
My new prototype for her Gravity Spell, it deals low damage repeatedly and repeatedly sucks target into the ground (although to keep it fair, it can be shielded, dodged, and DI'ed out of I believe).
Gravija Note:
-Repeatedly deals 1 damage as well as sucks target into the ground for a few seconds.
-Hits targets on ground & in air if they are within its purple field
Neutral B (holding A during/after hitting with blizzara): Blizzaga
Terra summons a large sphere of ice & frost and bowls it toward her opponent.
This is one of Terra's other KO moves, its definitely her strongest move as of yet and thus has a lot of lag when casting (much like Ganondorf's warlock fist)
-This move will not clash although it can be shielded through or dodged easily enough
-This move freezes and has high knockback (but not as much knockback growth I think)
-This move also can be interrupted at any time after halfway through the animation & Terra's hands also deal ice damage (she is no longer invulnerable).
Neutral B (Aerial): Same as Ground Neutral B...
Side B (Ground): Meltdown (Meruton)
Terra begins summoning power and makes magical hand gestures calling forth a ball of flaming black magic
This is what it is SUPPOSED to look like...
This is what it used to look like...
This is what it looks like now...

This move has 3 versions/3 level of charge.
Pressing Side B gets you a puff of smoke
Holding Side B briefly gets you Charge 1
-A small ball of Meltdown Magic, A quick shot, it has the shortest distance and knocks enemies down. Like in the game this move crushes defense thus it can't be blocked but it can be deflected & Absorbed. Holding A or B while hitting chains this attack, but we'll get back to that later...
Holding Side B longer gets you Charge 2
-A medium-sized ball of Meltdown Magic, a slow shot, with medium distance, it knocks enemies upward. This move cannot be blocked but can be absorbed & deflected. This one has a blue sheen to it in reference to when Terra's hands glow blue in Dissidia ("This is Power" she says, or at least that's what the wiki says -__-)
Holding Side B until the ball gets larger and stops glowing gets you the Charge 3, the final
-I wanted to make this move bounce or roll like an item or something (I should make it like she spawns an article which is like a bomb that only she can touch and explodes after a time while damaging anyone else who comes in contact with it, but all that is a bit complicated). This is the 3rd & final charge, it has the largest size, travels the most distance and has the highest knockback. It also flies pretty quickly and knocks enemies directly away from you. Like the other 2 charges, this move cannot be shielded although it can be absorbed/deflected.
Now, back to charge 1, the advantages of charging the move can't be denied, they become stronger or faster & bigger targets. But the advantage of charge 1 is that it chains into her finishing move, Ultima, I'll show you how.
-Holding B briefly and releasing gets you Charge 1
-Holding B just before/while Charge 1 hits chains this move to Neo Holy
Holy is supposed to stun enemies when it hits, deals low damage and heals slightly
-Holding A just before/while Charge 1 hits chains this move to Gravity Smash
-Holding B while Holy hits will chain this move to Flare
Terra unleashes a burst of non-absorbable fireballs, holding down the B button loops this move infinitely.
-Holding B + A during Flare chains this move to Ultima...
Terra bows low than reaches up towards the heavens calling down powerful magics
Holding B loops this move also, I didn't want the combo to be overkill so this deals about 3-4 damage per hit and sucks opponents in although they can DI out easily enough, this is the next move I'm probably going to be anal-retentive about (The 1st was meltdown) so questions, comments, please let me know how you feel about this move whether its about the strength/balance, the appearance or whether you think it is befitting of Terra's actual Ultima.
http://images.wikia.com/finalfantasy/images/3/36/Dissidia_Terra_Ultima.jpeg Up Taunt: Terra poses than summons her sword
Down Taunt: Terra poses than quickly transforms to sheik
Side Taunt facing Left: Vanish
Terra poses briefly before becoming invisible.
An Invisible Terra 'handling' viewtiful Joe in her down grab.
Side Taunt facing Right: Unvanish
Same as Vanish, except in reverse (this makes her visible again).