Ever since I've started using File Patch Code, I had big problems with music replacing. The original BRSTMs replacements almost never worked, those used with Custom Sound Engine broke every once in a while (pretty much like every 3-4 song changes, sometimes it lasted till I reset the game). Today I've formatted the SD card to FAT filesystem instead of FAT32 and it started working much better than before. The songs replacing the music that was in game break pretty much like CSE songs before, and those are interrupted rarely (but still happens). The question is: what should I do to make the songs work every time they play? Is that even possible? I'm not fond of idea of getting another SD card just for Brawl and I've been defragmenting the SD card pretty often before the format (but it didn't really help that much).
Thanks in advance.
i don't have issues with music with fat32 but what it sounds like is ur sd card may be going bad. constant streaming of music off of it can cause it to wear out faster but thats usually not a problem. try placing ur hacks on a new sd card see if it works. u use 3.5.1 FPC right? and of course using gecko i assume if ur not using riivo