brstms don't really fall into a file size limit most of the time. usually when u get an error that a file is too big its either corrupted or partition builder messed it up, try replacing the files u need 1 at a time without partition builder.
I originally ran into this problem, replacing them without partition builder before i tried using partition builder, ANY file replacement with specifically the brawl ISO renders it unplayable with
(the file size for the hacks (including the native files that were not hacked) add up to around close to 8GB (7.
, I just got a new computer, and it can run brawl perfectly at 2k res
I really hope the problem is solvable, because I really want to get into making HD replays that use my brstm hacks...
is it possible I beam (in a pm) one of you my partition/files (minus the ISO) and see if someone can seek down the trouble I am having?