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Author Topic: Bone Tree Editor- development thread : Version 1.1 released  (Read 107430 times)
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    « Reply #360 on: March 04, 2011, 08:21:04 AM »

    I want this post to act as one last bump to this awesome concept's thread.

    thank you for bumping this Smiley

    I wanted to bump, but didn't really have anything good to say... heh Cheesy

    I hope TSG will have a release soon <:/
    IDK where he disappered to >.>

    perhapse maybe he's having comp issues
    eh... he'll respawn

    like me...
    the code in my converter is now 100% mine
    but it isn't really as good as others:
    eh... it'll get there...

    sry bout derailing a topic if I am... >.>

    Quote: Friedslick6
    you have been through a lot of hassle. I've watched every topic you posted on this, and most of them seemed to disintegrate gradually.
    But the coolest part was that you didn't stop working on it despite that.

    Quote: Internet Explorer
    you're doing more with your life right now than probably most other people around you. You're a valuable asset to the Smash community. So yeah, you should be proud.

    quote: Greg
    You do have a gift which I've seen many developers use to their advantage. You can become a great coder, and with all of those ideas I think you can really build something great.

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    « Reply #361 on: March 04, 2011, 09:24:29 PM »

    sorry to post this in the bone tree thread but i dont want to bump the other thread:
    i have a possibly noob question with external gfx program:
    if i export for example the fit ike.pac fire hunka ext gfx(that has his model and animation) and i put in a bowser.pac that doesnt have ext gfx models to replace i can add the fit ike hunka with his model and animation over him?

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    « Reply #362 on: March 04, 2011, 09:30:33 PM »

    eh... he'll respawn


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    « Reply #363 on: April 04, 2012, 06:30:42 AM »

    I tried to download the bone tree editor but the file was removed for violation

    Post Merge: April 04, 2012, 12:50:55 PM
    Beta DownLoad

    V1.1 DownLoad

    beta tut.

    How to use:

    export model into startup folder of this program
    rename file to input.mdl0
    open the program
    Enter the TopNoffset mdl0 offset
    either plain edit with the table or use the move up/down button
    when done either close it or save - difference is that the save makes another copy

    Move Up/Down:
    ehh theres a tab that shows you multiple choices to put in that box to use.

    Start from Scratch:
    All it does is make every bone not have a parent or child.
    Rotations and translations are removed also

    Polygon deleter:
    Self explanatory when you open it
    Deletes either the vertices or the polygons(zeroes em out)
    -can delete all/single/multiple polygons at once
    multiple - From To - deletes the first polygon you want to the next polygon you want
    multiple - Specific - can delete multiple polygons/vertices that aren't next to each other(can be though)

    Plain editing:
    Well i didn't write a good tutorial yet. I wrote a bad one and its included in the program's 3rd tab

    Changes Since the first version....
    -Polygon/vertices deleter(zero out)
    -"start" from scratch"
    -Textboxes are letter proof making it less error proof
    -restore last save > didn't add an undo button so this is good enough for me

    Plan to add:
    -make bone a child of the previous bone
    -undo/redo button

    None that i know of

    Version 1 Tut:

    open exe
    file -> load file -> choose mdl0 file
    TopNOffset window opens -> enter top n offset
    press the load tree buttton

    - Tree View-
    just as easy as drag and dropping nodes onto other nodes
    ..pretty self explanatory...

    sometimes when you click and hover over a node, the name turns transparent...no biggie lol

    -Version 1.1 Tut-
    File-load-Choose Mdl0

    - Tree View-
    just as easy as drag and dropping nodes onto other nodes
    ..pretty self explanatory...
    sometimes when you click and hover over a node, the name turns transparent...no biggie lol

    change log:


    auto load tree
    filter for mdl0 files
    close file button added
    save fixed
    auto load extra bones
    loading bug fixed

    Can you reupload the bone tree editor v1.1 because it got removed for violation?
    « Last Edit: April 04, 2012, 12:50:55 PM by E-scope12 » Logged

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