Hello all. I'm
Moogle says Kupo (SoniKupo in SWF) or
Kupo for short. I'm new to texture hacking. Just felt like showing everyone my (small amount of) textures. Hopefully you won't mind giving me pointers on what I should work on.
Textures will be sorted by order of when they were created. Newest ones will be at the top.
CREDITSJack H. - For the gift of removing Sonic's shoe buckle.
ChaotixNinjax - For allowing me use parts of his Scourge texture.
Androu1 - I used some parts of his Metal Sonic
Marvin - I've used his Shadow for reference.
Wave Kusanagi - Fixing Shadow's shoe
SuperMasterHand - For the guide ~ thread here dude_____
Menu and CSS Menu Background - SuperSonic
CSS Background - Sonic Characters
DOWNLOAD LINKS(Newest at top, oldest at bottom)_____

SA2 Super Sonic (All 3)
Ice Suit Sonic
Dark Sonic
Shadow from Sonic Riders Zero Gravity
Super Shadow REVAMPED
Sonic from
Sonic and The Secret Rings
Super Shadow
Metal Scourge
Fixed Sonic
Fixed Sonic (no show buckle)
Anti Sonic
Christmas Sonic
Shadow the Hedgehog (no shoe buckle)
DarkBlue MK
MK Knight 
HOR Surfer
Haunter Sonic
Scourge the Hedgehog
Sonic Riders Zero Gravity
REQUESTED Page 4 - Aztec the Hedgehog - (Hey Aztec, if you want me to take this down, lemme know)
SA2 Super Sonic (default style)INFOwith credit to dpgthirteen and zeon dude

SA2 Super Sonic (SA2 style)INFOwith credit to dpgthirteen, zeon dude and Hyper Wave Kusanagi

SA2 Super Sonic (present style)INFOwith credit to dpgthirteen and zeon dude

Ice Suit SonicINFOFrom Sonic Rivals 2.
Considering I only had this to work with as reference. I did okay, right? o.o

Dark SonicINFONot much to say. Joining the late bandwagon.

Shadow the Hedgehog from Sonic Riders Zero GravityINFO
Another Shadow texture, since there's sooooo many Shadow textures atm, I'll make a lil more unique one.

Shadow the Hedgehog REVAMPEDINFOWell... Since everyone else is doin it and I don't quite like the black coating in Marvin's Shadow the Hedgehog texture. Mine's black, and I mean black.
Again credit goes to Wave for fixing Shadow's shoe.

Super Shadow REVAMPEDINFORevamped the shoes and his colour. Credit goes to Wave Kusanagi for re-doing Shadow's shoes.
I'm gonna try and not get into the Shadow's Super Form colour argument/debate if this ever gets up in this thread. I've put the SA2 pictures in there too for colour comparison so you can "go figure", I haven't edited these pictures in any way.

Sonic from Sonic and The Secret RingsINFOMake believes reborn
Myths in mind, re-thought
Question all that's known
Legends blurred and torn...
Lazy texture is lazy.

Super ShadowINFOSo... Did I get the shoes right?
I believe Super Shadow should be yellow. Not white. I won't ramble on why (actually, I did. It's on page 5 if you're bored enough to read it lol).
Err some credits go to that Shadow texture which I still have no clue who made it and Jack H. for allowing the shoe buckle to be removed.

Metal ScourgeINFOAnother
Sonic archie comic character. This time, it's Metal Scourge! (Issue #191) Look out Scourge, Sonic is the least of your troubles right now!
Credit time. I used parts of Androu1's (Is that how you spell it?) Metal Sonic in this texture. Just sayin'

Fixed SonicINFOThis was requested and it seemed simple enough to do. It's basically regular Sonic but with a more blue fur, brighter green eyes and darker'ish shoes. I made a no shoe buckle version too just in case.
(I'm stuck on the current texture I'm doing atm. Doing this as a filler texture I guess)
I put the regular Brawl Sonic in there too for "colour" comparison.

Anti SonicINFORemember this guy? Do you know him? (Sonic archie comics) He's the Evil/Anti Sonic from the reverse world Moebius. He's everything Sonic is not.
I re-done the belt, jacket, collar and those glasses a little. It's still a bit iffy to me so I might revamp this later on, but just in case I end up forgetting to, I'll stick this one up for download. Hope you like it. Oh and before you ask, yes I deliberately made the glasses huge. (It looked
big in the comics >.>)

Christmas SonicINFOI... Just felt like making a festive Sonic before it's too late. Only took a few minutes to make so I admit, it's not a very detailed texture. >.>
Just putting it out there. Feel free to mock this if you like.

Shadow the Hedgehog (No shoe buckle)
INFOI DO NOT TAKE ANY CREDIT FOR THIS SHADOW TEXTURE. THIS WAS NOT MADE BY ME. Credit goes to whoever made it. After Jack H provided the .pac files removing the buckle from Sonic's shoe, I re-done most of my Sonic textures and the Shadow texture I already have. Well... This is for you lazy people who can't be bothered to take the buckles off...

I'll repeat. NOT MINE. I just took the buckles off since it didn't fit so well for the texture.
DarkBlue MK (lolOriginality) or if you want the long name...
That MK texture from that M2K vs Ally match that I tried to copy and which, hilariously failed. (I'm still new here so if it's against the rules to "copy" someone else's texture, lemme know and I'll take it down) INFOSo basically I was watching those matches and wondered, where can I get that cool MK texture? I searched around and couldn't find it (maybe wasn't looking hard enough?) and nor could other people in the SWF Workshop Boards. So... I made a copy.

Goblin KnightINFONeeds a better name tbh Yay, new name. This was my 1st MK texture (well... Was, but I revamped it) so I just messed around with some recolouring and added scars/scratches to his mask. I needed an alternative green costume MetaKnight anyway. Thanks to highfive for giving some tips!

HOR Surfer SonicINFOThis was intended to be exclusive for my clan, The High Ocean Republic but since I got the "okay" from highfive, I'll put this one out. As you can clearly see, I got lazy with the soles of his shoe lol.

Haunter Sonic :093: (If you visit the Sonic Boards alot, you'll understand this texture much better)
INFOI actually made this texture as a joke for the Sonic Boards. I got a couple of download requests, turned out a few actually liked it lol.

Scourge the HedgehogINFOChaotixNinjax's Scourge is here.'ll notice that my Scourge and ChoatixNinjax's are pretty similar. I kinda merged my own Scourge into his. You could say I "revamped" ChoatixNinjax's Scourge...? Here is the link to my old old old one (and you can check his thread) I kept the glasses & crown from my Scourge. Mine's more
Mean green and the eyes are more blue. The crown I got was originally from the Super Scourge texture in which I just resized it.

Sonic Riders Zero GravityINFOProbably one of the only textures that I'm really pleased about. Can't remember how many times I had to revamp this. No DL... Don't hate me. @__@
