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Author Topic: Brawl Vault Rules (Updated August 10th 2023)  (Read 49055 times)
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    « on: September 21, 2012, 04:47:00 PM »


    • Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Anyone found to be plagiarizing another's work will be banned indefinitely from submitting to Brawl Vault.
    • Minor edits to others' work are allowed to an extent. For example, if you create a night/rain/snow version of someone’s stage or change a character’s shirt from green to blue and want to post it on the Vault, you have to collaborate the creator of the original hack.*1
    • Your hack must have working preview pictures (Thumbnails can not be bigger than 460x150) .

      The following must have in-game pictures:

      • Model Imports
      • Stages

      The following must have either in-game pictures or animated images (Gifs, either in-game or BrawlBox):

      • PSAs

      Note: It is highly recommended that 1 of the previews for a PSA be a video.

      The following must have an in-game video:

      • SFX Edits

      If a BRSTM's preview is not from Youtube, users must be able to immediately click and play the song on the preview site.

      As for Vertex/Texture hacks, make sure your previews clearly show the majority of your changes. People who repeatedly submit things without working previews will be temporarily banned from submitting.
    • Previews should not show the hack's references from external sources. For instance:
      • A hack based on a manga character shouldn't have a picture from the manga in its previews.
      • An import from another game shouldn't have a render from said game in its previews.


    • Packs must include some of the submitter's work (Be it CSPs/BPs*2 or anything of higher complexity).
    • Packs must include a README with credit to the submitters of all the included hacks and links to their Brawl Vault galleries (if they have one).
    • Packs must be straight-to-SD, meaning they include the private folder to be pasted into the root of the SD.
      Note: Apps folder is not necessary

    .REL ports

    • Straight .REL ports are not allowed.*3
    • .REL ports must include a Readme with a full list of ALL changes.


    • CSPs can be uploaded with the CSP function.
    • Every user is allowed to submit a single CSP pack (consisting of images only) of all of their CSPs in a .RAR, then update that submission with the latest additions.
    • People can submit their CSP packs as common5/sel_character, as long as 10*4 or more characters' CSPs are fully replaced*5.

    Uploading Methods

    • Any link that requires a user to do anything other than click "download" is not allowed. Sites with timers (e.g. RapidShare) are fine; sites with ads*6 or passwords are not.


    • The report system is meant to address legitimate problems with submitted items. It is not meant to complain about things you don’t like, nor is it meant to be used as a joke. Anyone who makes frivolous reports will be banned from reporting, perhaps indefinitely.
    • Again, reporting is meant to make people aware of problems. If one of your creations receives a legitimate report, it is your responsibility to investigate and resolve the problem, or at least include a warning in your description. You may not merely click “Edit” then “Submit” to make the report go away. If you repeatedly ignore legitimate reports, you will be banned from submitting to the Vault.

    To report a Brawl Vault offense, simply send a PM to one of the Brawl Vault Staff. Include a link to the offending item, if possible.

    Certain board rules also apply to BV submissions and reports :
        Disruptive Behavior
        Offensive Material
    « Last Edit: August 10, 2023, 08:09:22 PM by Ricky (Br3) » Logged

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    « Reply #1 on: September 21, 2012, 05:12:54 PM »


    The following posts will contain more detailed information on certain rules, for the curious or confused.


    1: Just to clarify: Permission from the creator of the edited hack isn't needed. As long as you follow the Submission Rules, you're permitted to submit anything without the need of permission.

    2: If the personal additions by the Pack Maker solely consists of things like CSPs/BPs, it's up to the Brawl Vault Staff's appreciation if it's allowed or not.

    3: The original creator of a PSA may not submit the hack over another character as a .REL port. However, every working .REL can be included in the main submission.

    4: Submitter must list the replaced characters on the description of the submission.

    5: The new CSPs must be replacements of the original CSPs, meaning they should be made to fit the officialcostumes and the original recolors.

    6: This rule applies to the submission's download link, description, and image URL. We, by no means, will allow people to acquire personal gain from their Mods submitted on Brawl Vault.
    « Last Edit: November 26, 2013, 05:06:41 PM by Albafika » Logged

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    « Reply #2 on: September 05, 2013, 11:49:16 AM »

    Changed one of the rules regarding previews.

    Previews should not show the hack's references from external sources. For instance:
    • A hack based on a manga character shouldn't have a picture from the manga in its previews.
    • An import from another game shouldn't have a render from said game in its previews.

    It is a clarification and generalization of the previous rule. If some of your hacks contain previews that include such external assets, please make sure to replace them with acceptable previews.

    If you have any questions regarding this rule, please use the BrawlVault: Feedback and Updates topic.
    « Last Edit: September 25, 2014, 05:10:01 PM by Miacis » Logged

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    « Reply #3 on: November 26, 2013, 05:11:46 PM »

    Added a clarification to the Vault Submissions rule (In which it wasn't clear enough whether permission from the original creator of a hack was required to submit edits to the Vault):

    1: Just to clarify: Permission from the creator of the edited hack isn't needed. As long as you follow the Submission Rules, you're permitted to submit anything without the need of permission.

    If you have any questions regarding this rule, please use the BrawlVault: Feedback and Updates topic.
    « Last Edit: September 25, 2014, 05:10:15 PM by Miacis » Logged

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    « Reply #4 on: August 10, 2023, 07:50:41 PM »

    Instead of disabling the ability to set your own thumbnails, we've set a maximum size limit for them.

    If you have any questions regarding this rule, please use the BrawlVault: Feedback and Updates topic.

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