I have some feedback for you, if you want it.
I think most of the moveset is pretty good, and the SFX aren't as annoying in practice as they are in theory. I'd be fine with leaving them as they are.
I do think that a few of the moves are unbalanced, however. Like the side B move; even though the random chance between elements (at least I assume it was random) made it a little more interesting, elemental attributes are one of the more overused ideas in PSA and feel like unnecessary add-ons unless they have a good reason for being there. Given that she's using guns, they just didn't seem to fit.
Secondly, even though the machine gun is supposed to be used to rack up damage while the pistol has greater knockbacl, I think they need a little more balance in a few places. Down smash in particular; it just doesn't make sense for a fully-charged smash attack to do 7% damage and still have such a small amount of knockback, but that's what happens on the pistol. Given that I haven't opened the PSA up and looked at the code yet, there may be extra hitboxes that I keep missing with, but if there are I haven't noticed them in play.
Lastly, I like the range on the B and side B attacks, and the AAA combo, but on other parts of the moveset (side tilt, aerials, etc) the range is so short that you have to touch the opponent with her gun in order to do any damage. I feel like she's too light and fragile to be used as an up-close fighter, and that the attacks don't do enough damage to justify that imbalance. I know that you said earlier that ranged fighting seems like a cheap tactic to you, but she's got ZSS's weight and agility with only a third of her range- I think giving her an even longer range than ZSS wouldn't be cheap, because stronger characters can take the attacks or shield them easily enough and faster characters will be able to approach at a decent rate anyway. ZSS seems like a weak character to me, so making her weaker by pulling off her range just doesn't feel right.
Overall, I like it. It's different from most of the movesets on the Vault, and we're in serious need of PSAs for Samus and ZSS that aren't overpowered. Even so, I think this moveset might be in need of a little buffing, mostly concerning the range as that's the primary point of the PSA- the two guns she uses.
...And that's my two cents! (phew!)
I hope it all made sense. I'm not used to writing feedback.