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Author Topic: The Brawl Expansion Project  (Read 3106183 times)
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« Reply #7965 on: March 26, 2015, 11:33:09 PM »

umm i was messing around with the clone engine when i found out something petty cool that i just had to let everone know about and here it is:

have you ever been trying to get the kirby hats to work with the clone characters but no matter what you tried it didn't work?
but than you start to notice something that you didn't before in the fighter config you notice it has the option to choose either none, single or multiple for the kirby hats.
so than you start wondering hey if the kirby hats don't work with the clone characters than what good is having the option?
well i'm about to tell you what it can be used for.
let's say you have different model imports on mario like dr.mario and maybe blaze the cat and than you think wouldent it be nice if you could have not only the kirby hat for dr.mario but also the blaze the cat kirby hat and maybe some other kirby hats as well, but than you notice that mario is only able to have one kirby hat and than you think that's not fair how come mario only gets one kirby hat but jiggly puff gets 5 different ones.
so how can we make it so mario can have 5 or even 9 different kirby hats well the answer is simpler than you might think.
just go into the fighter config of the character you want to have 5 or more kirby hats of and change it's setting from single to multiple but please remember this will not work for a clone character
it will only work for characters that were originally in the game. next save and close the fighter config.
after that name the fighter config the same way you would for a clone character just make sure it has a non clone character id
put it in your fighter config folder and thanks to that your about 85% done so all you need to do next is go into your fighter folder than into kirby and name the hats you want to use accordingly so if you want multiple mario hats just grab each kirby hat you want for mario and name them fitkirbymario00.pac, fitkirbymario01.pac and so on and so forth until you have at least five kiby hats set up unless you have more than five different costums on mario in which case you will need to put as many kirby hats as you have costumes on mario so if 5 costumes than put 5 kirby hats but if 9 costumes put 9 kirby hats in the kirby folder just make sure they're named right.

Post Merge: March 26, 2015, 11:41:17 PM
as an extra thing to know based off what color kirby you are that will determine what hat you'll end up with when you eat the character you made have multiple kirby hats, so for exsample fitkirbymario00 is the hat the first kirby color will get fitkrbymario01 is the kirby hat the second color of kirby will get and you can figure out the rest.

one last thing to know doing this sometimes changes how kiby hats act, like for instance i put a pikachu hat on fitkirbymario01 and i left fitkirbymario00 as the original kirby hat you would get from sucking up mario,
because of this my first kirby color has all the normal mario hat stuff but my second kirby color has pikachu's kiby hat
but instead of shooting a fire ball or a thunder shock my kirby ends up first using the pikachu animation for the thunder shock but than kirby makes the sound that mario's fire ball would make instead of kiby saying pikachu
or pika than after that kirby shoots out mario's fireball but the graphic looks kida like a combination of mario's fireball  graphic and pikachu's thunder shock graphic.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2015, 11:58:07 PM by leondanny56 » Logged

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« Reply #7966 on: March 27, 2015, 05:33:34 AM »

Omahgawsh! Thank you for telling me! Now, I can make hats for all of my clones!

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    « Reply #7967 on: March 27, 2015, 11:06:18 AM »

    but instead of shooting a fire ball or a thunder shock my kirby ends up first using the pikachu animation for the thunder shock but than kirby makes the sound that mario's fire ball would make instead of kiby saying pikachu
    or pika than after that kirby shoots out mario's fireball but the graphic looks kida like a combination of mario's fireball  graphic and pikachu's thunder shock graphic.
    Sounds like the kirby hat itself probably has some animation data in it that's effecting how Mario's fireball works.

    Mega Kitten
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    « Reply #7968 on: March 27, 2015, 12:16:14 PM »

    Omahgawsh! Thank you for telling me! Now, I can make hats for all of my clones!

    as i said in my post above it will not work with the clones, it only works with the characters that were in the game to begin with.

    quote from Nepgear: i can do many things, just nothing particularly well.

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    « Reply #7969 on: March 28, 2015, 09:57:16 AM »

    does this work for riivolution if so where can I find a XML

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    « Reply #7970 on: March 28, 2015, 11:13:28 AM »

    does this work for riivolution if so where can I find a XML

    Of course. There used to be a link, but it's broken. Here

    « Last Edit: March 28, 2015, 11:33:40 AM by LinkFX リンク » Logged

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    « Reply #7971 on: March 28, 2015, 09:48:42 PM »

    Of course. There used to be a link, but it's broken. Here

    does anyone know where another one is

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    « Reply #7972 on: March 28, 2015, 11:06:27 PM »

    Of course. There used to be a link, but it's broken. Here

    So you say that a download link is broken and yet post it or post another one which isalso broken?

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    Sammi Husky
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    « Reply #7973 on: April 03, 2015, 05:53:40 PM »

    Would anybody like to test this Captain Falcon module on the actual console? I'm fairly certain i've fixed his crashes, but i can't test on console. Also, sorry for not being around. Been very busy with life stuff as of late..i haven't even had time to complete my work for Minus, let alone work on the Tool/Modules...anyways. Im also working on Yoshi's ExModule atm, who is also almost done, but there are a few quirks to work out still.

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    « Reply #7974 on: April 03, 2015, 06:09:30 PM »

    Would anybody like to test this Captain Falcon module on the actual console? I'm fairly certain i've fixed his crashes, but i can't test on console. Also, sorry for not being around. Been very busy with life stuff as of late..i haven't even had time to complete my work for Minus, let alone work on the Tool/Modules...anyways. Im also working on Yoshi's ExModule atm, who is also almost done, but there are a few quirks to work out still.

    finally an Ex slot for Xenomorph


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    « Reply #7975 on: April 03, 2015, 06:42:38 PM »

    Has someone been able to make a Bowser clone yet?

    With or without Giga?

    Before someone attacks me:
    No, I won't say/accept the term "American" to refer exclusively to people or things from the United States.
    America is a continent and deal with it.
    I'm an American, but not necessarily from the U.S.

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    « Reply #7976 on: April 03, 2015, 06:50:34 PM »

    Would anybody like to test this Captain Falcon module on the actual console?

    I'm playing around with a Falcon clone as we speak so I can slap in the original and see what happens. It just crashes when the Blue Falcon is summoned during a final smash, right?

    Sammi Husky
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    « Reply #7977 on: April 03, 2015, 09:20:25 PM »

    I'm playing around with a Falcon clone as we speak so I can slap in the original and see what happens. It just crashes when the Blue Falcon is summoned during a final smash, right?

    Righto. That's what it used to do. And prior to Pikazz looking at it and noticing that i was patching a string of assembly that wasn't actually a character accessor, it was exhibiting strange behavior where falcon would either get stuck in certain actions infinitely (without freezing the game) or during certain movement / momentum based moves he would sit in place and spin a few times oddly before resuming normal behavior. I said back then that the blue falcon crash was more than likely the same thing, due to the exact same spinning in place behavior actually taking place during the cinematic portion of the FS, but by the opponent this time. After briefly taking a look today, i did indeed find that i had patched a portion of the module that had no business being patched.

    So TL;DR it should work correctly now.

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    « Reply #7978 on: April 03, 2015, 10:13:12 PM »

    So TL;DR it should work correctly now.

    Nope, I'm still getting a crash as soon as the Blue Falcon collides with the opponent. All of his other moves appear to function regularly, however.

    Sammi Husky
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    « Reply #7979 on: April 03, 2015, 10:45:27 PM »

    Nope, I'm still getting a crash as soon as the Blue Falcon collides with the opponent. All of his other moves appear to function regularly, however.

    Hmm. Interesting. Well it seems i at least fixed one glitch. I'll see about looking into this further. It's just a bit difficult to debug since dolphin won't actually catch the crash at all, even in interpreter mode.

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