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Author Topic: The Brawl Expansion Project  (Read 3105972 times)
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    « Reply #8580 on: May 19, 2016, 04:47:08 PM »

    Sorry for the late answer. ASL was updated to work. tho it needs further changes to work for vbrawl. we are actually tinkering around with that. i'll keep you updated.
    Really glad to hear back on that too. The Hold Shield for Alt character works like a charm in vBrawl too btw, going to have some fun with it.

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    « Reply #8581 on: May 20, 2016, 06:02:29 AM »

    If that's the case, then we can actually modify the code and the files to see how much more stages we can fit. That shouldn't be too much of a problem on itself, however, I fear we might run into filesize issues pretty soon due to the fact that every stage has it's own preview, icon, stage name and series icon.

    If I remember correctly, what we have now runs around 70 stages, right?

    I'm pretty sure I still remember how to reorganize the stages within the SSS. But we would probably need a modified SSS with added bones for the extra stages we might need.

    I'm pretty sure I still remember how to reorganize the stages within the SSS. But we would probably need a modified SSS with added bones for the extra stages we might need.
    Super Smash Legacy fits a lot of custom stages into the project Ms alternate stage loader. and it seems that you can use SD cards bigger than 2GB, i have one thats 4GB and i can run Brawl Mods that run on the Project M engine, including Project M EX. so space might not be the biggest issue. and there is a stage expansion for Project M as well so yea there is a lot of space that can be used
    « Last Edit: May 20, 2016, 06:05:49 AM by LinkTahuterasuSpirit » Logged

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    « Reply #8582 on: May 29, 2016, 03:27:01 AM »

    Okay, I'm using original Brawl, and anytime I try to modify the character select screen, it freezes and hums when I click on the versus (Brawl) button. Even when I do something as simple as make Mario the only selectable character. What am I doing wrong?
    « Last Edit: May 29, 2016, 03:54:51 AM by Daveybird » Logged

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    « Reply #8583 on: May 30, 2016, 06:29:14 PM »

    Okay, I'm using original Brawl, and anytime I try to modify the character select screen, it freezes and hums when I click on the versus (Brawl) button. Even when I do something as simple as make Mario the only selectable character. What am I doing wrong?
    Are you editing Roster.dat? Or using a code? CSS organizing codes are incompatible with BrawlEx, edit Roster.dat instead.

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    « Reply #8584 on: May 31, 2016, 05:56:42 PM »

    Clone Tool link is down. Please put it back up.

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    « Reply #8585 on: May 31, 2016, 06:28:41 PM »

    It was taken down because it doesn't support the current version of BrawlEx, if I recall correctly.

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    « Reply #8586 on: May 31, 2016, 07:29:10 PM »

    Okay, I figured it out. The Knuckles I was using was either retooled for PM or used a different character as a base. I used one who was completely over Sonic and it worked. I can clone characters! Now I've just gotta get that SD Card or replacement Wii. Been testing on Dolphin. Slow as heck! I'll worry about cosmetics later, since they are so tedious and I want to get basic cloning down. I also put Mewtwo in Brawl. I tried PM Mewtwo, but he was incompatible, I had to do a pre-Project M Mewtwo designed for default Brawl.
    « Last Edit: June 01, 2016, 02:10:59 PM by Daveybird » Logged

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    « Reply #8587 on: June 01, 2016, 06:00:45 PM »

    If you check the vault there's a version of PM's Mewtwo that's modified to work properly with vBrawl.
    Also yes, the Clone Tool is obsolete and no longer compatible with the latest BrawlEx. Gotta stick to manual editing for now, though it's not too bad once you get the hang of it.

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    « Reply #8588 on: June 04, 2016, 10:12:21 PM »

    Going to try a different approach to the Captain Falcon Brawlex .rel final smash issue. It's time for Dolphin to crash in the proper place so we can figure out what on earth is going on. I filed this issue on Dolphin's Issue Tracker to hopefully get things moving: https://bugs.dolphin-emu.org/issues/9584

    Alternatively, if someone has a USB Gecko and wants to tell me what is going on in the real Wii when this crash happens, that's fine too!

    And a note to secretchaos1: I used your pack as a base to recreate this problem. You may want to include config.dat (location should be at the root of your SD card) in your 2GB download as it's missing.

    Brawlex Advancements (Supplement to the Brawlex thread's original post)
    I use RSBE Brawlex v2.0.0.0 Extended, Win 10, and 3ds Max (3ds Max Guide). Refresh to see my imports!

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    « Reply #8589 on: June 16, 2016, 03:22:11 AM »

    Also, FPC4.1 was just released and it can supposedly replace .brsar files so I have updated the final smash music glitch workaround:

    We finally have a workaround for the "Using the BX CSS Roster Expansion will prevent Final Smash music for Luigi, Peach, and Dedede from playing" glitch although it's not ideal.

    Final smash music is stored as seq instead of the normal strm type in smashbros_sound.brsar. Brawlex's CSS Roster Expansion allows other seq files to play properly (like the Starman music) but not final smash music. Diddy Kong made the enable SEQ hacking - SEQ music bypass hack which solves this problem. It is possible to change the seq references to a strm file in smashbros_sound.brsar with Brawlbox and a little hex editing. He also wrote a nice guide for making these kind of changes: http://smashboards.com/threads/how-to-change-the-item-jingles-in-brawl-not-that-this-community-gives-a.349060/

    Conveniently, Smash Custom Music already has the final smash brstms (although you now have the ability to chose whatever .brstm you want)!
    Dedede: http://www.smashcustommusic.com/24019
    Peach: http://www.smashcustommusic.com/24017
    Donkey Kong: http://www.smashcustommusic.com/24018
    Luigi: http://www.smashcustommusic.com/24016

    Some important things I want to emphasize:
    1. You'll need to replace your .iso's smashbros_sound.brsar with an edited one (preferred), use File Patch Code 4.1 or above (possibly unstable), or use Riivolution.
    2. Replacing the final smash brstm files with ones already in Brawl will use up some of your space for music.
    3. I had one PSA (Flame Orbitar Pit) play Donkey Kong's Final Smash music after making this edit so I changed the PSA to fix the inappropriate sound.

    See the SEQ music bypass hack information on the Brawl Vault download page for more benefits and drawbacks. You can manually edit the .brsar if you want to do things differently than Diddy Kong.

    Post Merge: June 16, 2016, 04:23:22 AM
    ...Actually FPC4.1 doesn't work in my setup currently. I've outlined the problem in the FPC4.1 thread and made a note of possible instability in the description.
    « Last Edit: June 16, 2016, 04:24:37 AM by Ebola16 » Logged

    Brawlex Advancements (Supplement to the Brawlex thread's original post)
    I use RSBE Brawlex v2.0.0.0 Extended, Win 10, and 3ds Max (3ds Max Guide). Refresh to see my imports!

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    « Reply #8590 on: June 16, 2016, 05:51:53 AM »

    Where is this File Patch Code 4.1? I'd like to try it out.

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    « Reply #8591 on: June 16, 2016, 05:54:14 AM »

    File Patch Code 4.1

    Brawlex Advancements (Supplement to the Brawlex thread's original post)
    I use RSBE Brawlex v2.0.0.0 Extended, Win 10, and 3ds Max (3ds Max Guide). Refresh to see my imports!

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    « Reply #8592 on: June 16, 2016, 06:10:05 AM »

    Thanks. I'd tried a minor smashbros_sound.brstm edit, and when I didn't see any changes, I was wondering if I'd done something wrong, or if it was the code.

    Do you know if it's stable on hardware?

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    « Reply #8593 on: June 16, 2016, 06:13:27 AM »

    I haven't tested much further than this:
    Actually I just tested Brawl's FPC4.1 with Brawlex on Dolphin 4.0-9433. I have no smashbros_sound.brsar on my SD card but I did replace my smashbros_sound.brsar with an edited one on my .iso to redirect final smash SEQ entries to .brstrm files. The announcer is missing when a game mode is chosen and invalid reads pop up when a chosen character's name should be announced.

    Brawlex Advancements (Supplement to the Brawlex thread's original post)
    I use RSBE Brawlex v2.0.0.0 Extended, Win 10, and 3ds Max (3ds Max Guide). Refresh to see my imports!

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    « Reply #8594 on: June 16, 2016, 06:49:26 AM »

    Oh. Well, I'm kinda having my own issues with testing a brstm edit. All I'm tring to do right now is add a new strm (Z12.brstm) and have the Z12/FKUOPA entry play it (for Bowser's victory fanfare).

    I can tell it's partially working, because winning with Bowser gives no fanfare at all, while winning with Luigi plays the standard Z01.brstm fanfare.

    However, the game just does not want to even try looking for Z12.brstm on the SD card when it's being told it should (calling an external file from brstm and having FPC checking for it on SD).

    I think the last thing I'm going to try is adding a 'dummy' (copy of 000.brstm) Z12.brstm to the image, and see if -that- works.

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