note: the project is not done and will include much more modules until I found a fix for a bug!
Also note that Wii's Module Memory isnt big so we cant transform any character at the moment
Hi and welcome to the project Let the Swap Begin!
some info before I continue on the real deal!
This "Modules" are pure edited of the PW's Modules of the Clone Engine "BrawlEx", meaning that you need BrawlEx for it to work (both over an existing and over "extra clone" slot).
If you dont know what it is or dont have it, I suggest to go to there first! to Set it upfirst you need to set up both character to a slot together with character 1 and character 2 with the BrawlEx Engine!
I assume you already know how to set up a BrawlEx slot, otherwise head here first: contentModule EditingI have already done the heavy work for you in the Module Editing so all the left you have to do is just Customize it!
how to Customize it is to open the Module in PW's Module Editor 3.3!
you will notice 2 more extra Sections if you have seen the BrawlEx before it!
so lets edit the Action you want the Transformation will use (when they appear after transform)
open up Section 9 in the Memory Viewer and go to offset "0x38"!

here is the Action you want to be used when you transforming into this character in the Black Box!
simply editing the last 2 Hex into the Actions Hex number! in this pic, everytime this character appears after the Transformation, the Down B (277 in Dec, 115 in Hex) is used!
if you want to edit the Grapfic that will be under transformation, open up Section A in Memory Viewer!
and scroll down to offset "0x180" and "0x184"

the offset 0x180 (red box) is calling what "ef_fighter" ID it will load!
and offset 0X184 (green box) is calling what Grapfic inside the "ef_fighter" will load!
simply change the last hex of both offset to your choice!
in the pic example, it will load ef_ganon and his "Entry" grapfic!
Slot Config Filethe only thing in the BrawlEx files that needs to be edited!
first you need to set the 0xC to "1" and give 0x13 this character ID and 0x17 the Next character ID!

0xC (Black box) needs to be set to 1
0x13 (green box) is this SlotConfig ID
0x17 (red box) is the next SlotConfig ID
it needs to be on both characters SlotConfig files! meaning 40 -> 3F and 3F -> 40
in this Pic example, this is "SlotConfig40" and his first ID is 40 and his next ID is Fighter 3F!
in "SlotConfig3F", its first ID is 3F and next ID is 40!
The rest of the work should be normally done by the BrawlEx clone itself (all the config files + the edit on the Module ID inside section 8 )
Troubleshootingthe character works ingame but their transforming doesnt work!make sure it has the "Ternimate Instance" on its PSA on the Action/subaction you want it to be! on both the character!
one character wants the transforming but the second character doesntsee the above answer
when I select the slot on the CSS, the wii freezes like 1-2 seconds after but the music is still goingthat means the modules you used together are too big! meaning they are out!
It will be fixed when we find a way to increase the module memory!
The wii freezes when it tries to load a stage with the transforming character with!I honestly dont know what causes it, but as soon I know what I will tell you what!
Known Bugs*Using the same Soundbank on both the characters will make the second character silent the first time on transforming, its fixed however when you transform to it second time!
*the Character Portrait doesnt change/updates with the character transforming unless over a already transforming character! meaning it will use the first Character's portrait through the match!
Download!note: at the moment, I am trying to put more character on download, as soon I find some bugs on 2 modules! (Marth and Jigglypuff Modules)
Thanks to:A huge thanks for PhantomWings (and all who helped him) by making BrawlEx possible!
also thanks to him for his notes on the Modules on the transforming part and his Module Editior programs!