The changes has been merged with BB .73 by libertyernie
DownloadI made this about a month ago. This is for animators, building on the last BB version from BlackJax.
I made the edit after realizing that BB unwantingly changes adjacent keyframe's tangents after creating, deleting, or editing a key's value.--------------------------------------------
I've added a few settings within the
Interpolation Editor that helps with general BB animating.
Display->Linear->Show/Edit Values As Linear-Any edits made from within the transform boxes, including copy/cut/paste buttons, and the 3D gizmos will begin editing from the
seen linear values. For example, when rotating the 3D gizmo, instead of the tool rotating to the bezier interpolated value before the rotation begins, causing bones to also move out of place, the gizmo and joint will remain in it's linear orientation.
Options->GenerateTangents-> Alter Selected Tangent On Drag-Whether or not to actively change the selected key frame's tangents when dragged within the IPO editor.
Options->GenerateTangents-> Alter Adjacent Tangents-> Key Frame Drag-Whether or not the adjacent tangents are actively generated after the current key frame has been dragged within the IPO edior
Options->GenerateTangents-> Alter Adjacent Tangents-> Key Frame Create-Whether or not the adjacent tangents are actively generated when a key frame is created. -IIRC, key frames are created even when the value is editted within the transform boxes or when using the 3D gizmo.
Options->GenerateTangents->Alter Adjacent Tangents-> Key Frame Delete-Whether or not the adjacent tangents are actively generated after the current key frame has been deleted.
Thats it haha. All of these settings are checkable to enable/disable them. These are very minor settings to help animators and remove some annoyances.
I haven't used it much, but I'm uploading it for others that may find it more useful.
Minor, other note. IIRC, I've noticed that when importing animations from Maya, the tangents are changed/generated (I could be wrong). I might look into this later if needed when I start importing my animations into BB- if I do.