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Author Topic: Pay me to program for you (Expired)  (Read 75435 times)
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    « Reply #15 on: September 21, 2014, 09:39:49 AM »

    I would have never expected so much [censored]posting here. But I'm not surprised either. :v

    As I've stated on Skype, I support this idea.

    I like the idea of Blackjax programming because you set us up for greatness with Brawlbox, but how exactly is this "legal"? I mean, if you pay a transaction for something you want, that's considered buying services, and since you are requesting the product you want bought, that's considered buying the product as well. Like the idea, just iffy on the whole "pay me and you get stuff" as a donation lol
    It's legal because he's getting paid to program the application that allows modding. If he was selling mods themselves, then it would be illegal.

    I don't take requests.

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    « Reply #16 on: September 21, 2014, 10:27:48 AM »

    Wish *I* could pay. I want Ikarus and shaders, haha.

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    « Reply #17 on: September 21, 2014, 10:28:53 AM »

    I would have never expected so much [censored]posting here. But I'm not surprised either. :v

    As I've stated on Skype, I support this idea.
    It's legal because he's getting paid to program the application that allows modding. If he was selling mods themselves, then it would be illegal.
    Thank for the clarification then. I support this idea then since it's legal, but I wuld never bring myself to pay for this stuff. But hey, maybe others would

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    « Reply #18 on: September 21, 2014, 02:44:39 PM »

    Okay guys, let me rephrase the whole thread.

    You're going to buy modding tool features, and it is legal.

    Throw away the whole KC-MM mentality.
    There are no free requests.
    There are no donations.
    I am not making Brawl mods, I am making modding tools. That does not include Ocarina codes.

    You would be buying features for those modding tools from me. Simple as that.

    1. You say, "I want X feature" and describe it.
    2. Then I say, "That will cost X dollars".
    3. I put it on the OP with the quoted price.

    4a. You buy it or you don't buy it.
    4b. If you don't buy it, I will set up a system in which anyone can put any amount of money down for it to be made. When it reaches the goal, everyone pays the money they pledged and I make the feature.

    5. If you buy it, I will make it. You'll probably do an up-front payment so I know you're not going to change your mind.
    6. After I make it, I show you it works and you pay the rest (I don't want to get ripped off here).
    7. I release it in the next build on the next consistent release date.
    8. If there are bugs with your feature, I will fix them for free.

    All I need you to do is tell me if you would be able to, or if you would bother paying me for any feature you wanted.

    I'd throw some money your way, sure. It just depends on what you're working on.

    I say you should make a list of larger projects with monetary goals that we as a community can strive to meet. That way the more desired features can be completed before less desired features.

    I wouldn't work on anything people didn't say they wanted.
    Here's a few goals people have mentioned already:
    - Rendering shaders: $350
    - IK handles: $200
    - UV editor: $100
    - Normal editor: $30
    - Scale/Rotate vertex selections: $20
    - BREFF animation support: $15
    - Reimport MDL0 button: $10
    - Automatic loading of textures from a path: $5
    - Front/Back/Side viewports: $1
    « Last Edit: September 21, 2014, 02:49:42 PM by BlackJax96 » Logged

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    « Reply #19 on: September 21, 2014, 04:02:51 PM »

    This isn't my thread, but i think the gist of what he is saying is:

    In short people, think of it kinda like a kikstarter type dealio. There will be a price set for each feature, and people can either buy it themselves OR put money down towards a money pool -> goal system that anyone can contribute to. For the pools system, there will be a cumulative pool of cash for each feature wanted, and anyone can pledge/donate/pay/put money into that pool. When the said amount is reached, the feature will be considered bought and will be worked on.

    Not any one person HAS to just outright buy the feature, though you could if you wanted. The incentive for that is you guarantee the feature gets worked on (since you bought it upfront). With the pools, the feature won't be worked on until the pool cap is met. And there isn't a guarantee that it will happen soon with the pools, since it would depend on others contributions as well. Both options have their pros and cons.

    .... or something like that. Shocked

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    « Reply #20 on: September 21, 2014, 04:13:52 PM »

    Yeah, then he'd end up holding it hostage in the event that the goal isn't met. And that sounds pretty [censored]ty to me.

    I'd be willing to pay honestly. I'm not gonna dish out $350 in one go because LOL but I'm willing to help a brotha out if a brotha help me out nomsayin'

    I also think a simple yes-no poll would have made this go smoother. :1

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    « Reply #21 on: September 21, 2014, 04:27:58 PM »

    .... or something like that. Shocked

    That's about right.

    Just to clarify, an up-front payment is just a portion of the total price. There would be no refund unless I quit for some reason so you'd be partially locked in with your decision to buy. When I finish the feature, that's when you'd pay the rest before I release it in the program.

    Yeah, then he'd end up holding it hostage in the event that the goal isn't met. And that sounds pretty [censored]ty to me.

    You're talking about the post that was deleted, right?
    I agree

    I'd be willing to pay honestly. I'm not gonna dish out $350 in one go because LOL but I'm willing to help a brotha out if a brotha help me out nomsayin'

    Yeh I kno watchu sayin
    I wouldn't pay that much either lol but I'd put some money towards it.

    What's funny though is if I had charged $1 for every download of Brawlbox v0.71, I would have about $16,000 by now. $1 is CHEAP AF. The shader rendering stuff would only take 350 people paying $1, and that's not a lot considering how many have downloaded Brawlbox.

    I also think a simple yes-no poll would have made this go smoother. :1

    I dunno, I wanted to make sure people understood the concept first.
    Which was a good precaution, apparently.

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    « Reply #22 on: September 21, 2014, 04:48:44 PM »

    Only Brawlbox?

    I guess I could pay for a more intuitive GUI of Smash Attacks.

    It's too much text as of now, I'm sure it could be simplified.



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    « Reply #23 on: September 21, 2014, 05:41:51 PM »

    That could be done.
    I was hoping all moveset work could be put towards Ikarus, though. A truly intuitive moveset GUI will need visuals and PSA doesn't have that.

    I can program any modding tool that's already written in C#, but coding Brawlbox and Ikarus would be faster since I'm used to them.

    I do have plans for a more intuitive scripting interface for Ikarus. No more line-by-line coding, and I'm pretty sure I could eliminate at least some of the need for any code at all. For sure, I can remove the need to manually write wait commands.

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    « Reply #24 on: September 21, 2014, 05:51:38 PM »

    Libertyernie is very good at making intuitive GUIs for Brawl Modding Programs. All of his Brawl Managers are really easy to use for their specific task - even easier than Brawlbox, and we're all used to Brawlbox.

    I was wishing some effort was put into making Smash Attacks (or Ikarus) more intuitive to use. Something for total noobs to start messing with just by looking at the program. The PSA scene is very restrict as there is too much to learn before you even get anywhere. Stages would probably be insanely hard as well, if the model viewer didn't exist. I strongly believe the PSA makers need a tool that helps them visually.



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    « Reply #25 on: September 21, 2014, 05:56:37 PM »

    That's exactly what Ikarus is all about. Or at least, was. ;-;

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    « Reply #26 on: September 21, 2014, 06:09:41 PM »

    That's exactly what Ikarus is all about. Or at least, was. ;-;

    I never really saw Ikarus in action Sad



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    « Reply #27 on: September 21, 2014, 06:22:13 PM »

    I never really saw Ikarus in action Sad


    Go ahead and give it a quick look. You can download a compiled version of what I got done, but it's not stable.

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    « Reply #28 on: September 21, 2014, 07:52:23 PM »

    As far as PSA goes, i've literally been the only one doing anything to it since..well since 1.3 i think .__.  and that was only out of necessity. Sure it supports articles, items, and kirby hats now. But i haven't really done anything gui related... My main outlet for moveset work was going to be continuing Ikarus as i've said before Shocked  Ikarus has all the potential to be the best of all the editors Smiley

    (there are a few things i've done to ikarus locally on my comp, like working on getting Articles enumerating correctly since they're out of order alot of the time, causing them to render in the wrong moves)
    « Last Edit: September 21, 2014, 07:54:59 PM by Sammi Husky » Logged

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    « Reply #29 on: September 22, 2014, 03:20:24 PM »

    REFF Data editing maybe?

    Onion-Skinning for animation would be nice too.

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