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Author Topic: Project M Star - Gameplay rebalance mod - Updated 20/8/2015 - PM3.6 compatible  (Read 20368 times)
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« Reply #15 on: February 17, 2015, 10:49:19 AM »

Woah, calm down, horsey.
A simple "Sorry I don't know the code." Would of been fine.
No need to be rude, and saying anything about pestering, when you clearly don't know what pestering is.

Sorry if I sounded rude. It just seems unreasonable to me to still ask for a file more than two months it has been up on a server.

Anyway, since you talked about PM's physics, I have two suggestions to make.
First, if you want to use my files you should be aware that they take PM's physics into account, obviously, and my result very broken in a vanilla brawl environment. Nothing you can't fix by tweaking a couple values I can point out if you need.
Second, my few codes change the feeling of PM in a couple of key points, namely upwards gravity and ledge invincibility, tryint to achieve a middle ground between Brawl and PM. You could try out the whole mod and see if the physics fit you. You may never know.

About the clone engine (and this is the last time I talk about it since it's off-topic) this is as far as we can get
There are old versions of different clone engines from 2013 but they're unstable and unreliable. You can find them on shasboards.

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    « Reply #16 on: February 27, 2015, 10:35:53 AM »

    What I like the most about your project is it does what Project M should've done in regards to Fox and Falco, IMO: Differentiating Fox and Falco even more than they were in Melee.

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    « Reply #17 on: March 07, 2015, 07:24:24 AM »

    This version mostly contains changes to attacks with both sweetspot and flub hitboxes, fixes to rolling attacks and lots of Meta knight tweaks. To save space, I'll use the term "sorted" to indcate that the attack now favors the sweetspot instead of the flub.

    - Removed side hitboxes for his B attack. Center hitboxes have been enlarged to fit his body.
    - Smash sorted but has reduced hitbox size (6.5 down to 4.5) and is closer to his body (3 units less). Graphic effects moved accordingly.
    - DownTilt sorted, deals 1% more but hitbox size was reduced.
    - Smash sorted. Apparently I didn't fix it correctly in the previous versions.
    - AirJump multiplier incresed from 0.5 to 0.6. DashAttack endlag reduced. Smash knockback growth restored to PM vanilla values. UpSmash knockback increased. NeutralAir late damage increased. ForwardAir damage increased by 1% on second and third hit, knockback increased and angle lowered. UpAir damage increased by 1% on center hitboxes and reduced by 1% on side hitboxes.
    - Smash hitboxes reduced and moved closer to his body. Graphic effects moved accordingly.
    - SideB endlag increased on target miss. DashAttack damage decreased. NeutralAir early damage increased. ForwardAir damage increased.
    - SideB and DownB hitbox size increased to match his curled-up shape.
    - UpB last hit knockback decreased (lower for light Wario version)
    - AirMobility doubled. SideB hitbox moved to match the egg shape more closely.
    - Smash hits are dealt faster and with less hitlag. ForwardAir late damage decreased and angle increased. BackAir late damage decreased.
    « Last Edit: March 07, 2015, 07:28:15 AM by DarkStar » Logged

    Intermediate Kitten
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    « Reply #18 on: March 10, 2015, 06:45:17 PM »

    Do you mind if i take the Zelda files from this hack and upload it to Brawl Vault,With of course Ill be mentioning you for making the fighter files.

    ThePoisonMirage Kirby Dance Smiley

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    « Reply #19 on: March 17, 2015, 12:32:43 PM »

    Do you mind if i take the Zelda files from this hack and upload it to Brawl Vault,With of course Ill be mentioning you for making the fighter files.
    Of course I don't mind, but you should take into account things I mentioned previosly. Changes to the characters work seamlessly with my own GCT codes, therefore, putting the Zelda and Sheik pacs on other versions of Brawl or PM will most likely result in wonky jumps and broken characters, unless you make the extra step of further modifying the pacs to balance them for whatever version you intend to publis for. Also, you'll have to take into account animation files to move the animations I used to the original pac of the smash you're going to publish for, or you'll run into out-of-sync hitboxes.

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    « Reply #20 on: April 17, 2015, 11:43:36 AM »

    A little update to fix a bug and bring a much needed rebalance of Sonic's jumps. Previously, Sonic would jump much higher than most characters, even when hopping, and while this seems beneficial, it actually prevented him from chasing opponents in most cases. With this update Sonic will be able to stay at the same height of his opponents more easily and take advantage of his follow-up capabilities.

    - Reduced Nair damage by 4% to compensate for his enormous hitbox.
    - Fixed excessive base knockback on DownB when hitting airborne enemies.
    - Increased weight from 82 to 85. Reduced Jump height and hop height. Increased DownB and SideB damage when rolling on the floor. Increased frequency of DownB hitboxes when spinning on the place. DownB can be interrupted 10 frames early.

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    « Reply #21 on: May 12, 2015, 12:33:38 PM »

    Probably the last update before 3.6. First changes to some character I thought perfect: Charizard and Wolf. I wanted to tweak Ivysaur as well but he's really perfect.

    - Adjusted jumps to the global gravity. Weight down from 110 to 109. Attack deals 1% less on the closes and farthest hitbox and has smaller base knockback. SideTilt, ForwardAir and DownAir have smaller hitboxes. Removed BackAir's hitbox on Charizard's ass. NeutralAir flub hitboxes last much longer.
    - UpSmash ends 6 frames earlier.
    - Run speed increased by 0,1. DownB on the ground deals 1% more right at the start. Removed Neutral Attack's hitbox on Ganondorf's chest. UpTilt ends 3 frames earlier. NeutralAir second hit deals 1% more. ForwardAir deals 2% less. BackAir deals 1% more.
    - BackAir has shorter reach to match the animation.
    - Hop height reduced. NeutralAir size reduced to Mario's size. ForwardAir knockback recuced from 100 to 80. Moved BackAir hitboxes to match the animation. Moved and resized DownAir hitboxes to match the animation.
    - UpSmash deals 1% less damage in the middle of the swing.
    - ForwardTilt has longer reach on the first swing and matches the sword animation.
    - DownTilt damage decreased by 1%. NeutralAir is slightly slower overall.
    - Adjusted jumps to the global gravity. B ends 7 frames earlier.
    - The landing attack resulting from the DownB kick deals 1% less damage. UpAir late damage decreased by 1%. Dodges reverted to vanilla PM values and are now slower but offer more invincibility frames.

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    « Reply #22 on: May 12, 2015, 02:27:32 PM »

    Okay... I think something needs to be said here:

    You need comparison footage showcasing the changes, especially the ones involving animation duration, gravity, run speed, etc. You can say you did XY & Z all you want, but to the majority of people, the changes you say you've made won't mean anything until they see it for themselves.

    So my suggestion is finding someone who can make comparison videos for you.

    -and maybe a video or two on how a character performs compared to Vanilla P:M.

    3DS Friend Code: 2895-6640-9302

    Intermediate Kitten
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    « Reply #23 on: May 12, 2015, 04:41:11 PM »

    [...] the changes you say you've made won't mean anything until they see it for themselves.

    So my suggestion is finding someone who can make comparison videos for you.

    -and maybe a video or two on how a character performs compared to Vanilla P:M.

    The little updates with the latest changes are meant for those who have already installed the mod so they can see if updating their istallation is worth or not. The most important things I want to say about the mod are all on post #1.

    I know everyting is better with videos but this is a case where it's simply not worth it and I don't think it's going to happen. Right now I don't really have the time to record the movesets of more than 30 characters and cutting them into videos. And, unfortunately, this mod doesn't have enough followers to encourage someone else to do this job for me.

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    « Reply #24 on: June 28, 2015, 10:20:07 AM »

    PMS has been updated to PM3.6 beta, with some changes along with it. Unfortunately, light Wario is no longer present. Here's the changelist:

    - Smash knockback values reverted to PM.
    - NeutralAir deals more damage and landing both hits is easier, but late damage is greatly reduced.
    - ForwardAir damage and knockback reverted to PM.
    - The second neutral attack ends 4 frames sooner. DashAttack hiboxex don't decrease in size over time.
    - DownB knockback values reverted to PM.
    - NeutralAir damage and knockback reverted to PM but hit duration increased by 1 frame.
    - BackAir knockback reverted to PM.
    - NeutralB damage reduced by 2%. Size reverted to 7. Knockback decreased. And somehow it's still deadly.
    - Reverted changes to Dr. Mario's Smash effects. Reverted ForwardAir to PM but changed hitbox durations from 2, 5 frames to 3, 4 frames.
    - DownAir ends faster.
    - Weight temporarily restored to 70 from 75. ForwardAir knockback reverted to PM.
    - Weight increased from 85 to 90. DownSmash ends faster.
    - Fixed missing flashes during NeutralB in air. Tweaked armor during DashAttack: starts at 80, reaches 140 while hitboxes are active and ends soon after. NeutralAir knockback decreased. UpAir knockback tweaked to avoid pushing enemies away during the first hits.
    - Max horizondal Air Speed greatly increased to allow long jumps.
    - Weight reverted to PM.
    - DownSmash deals 1% more damage on all hits. ForwardAir deals 1% less damage.
    - Jump slightly increased. AirJump decreased to compensate. Weight increased by 1. Smash starts faster but late damage has been decreased.
    - Jump and hop height increased. NeutralAir hits one more time.
    - Weight decreased by 2 finding a middle ground between previous versions and the latest PM3.6 changes.

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    « Reply #25 on: August 02, 2015, 08:04:42 AM »

    Updated with the first changes to ROB, the official Toon Link fix and some other small adjustments. Probably the last update before the final 3.6 version.

    - NeutralAir second hit and endlag are faster.
    - Slightly increased run speed. Restored 4 jumps. Reduced jump height. B inhale is much stronger.
    - SideB grab hibtoxes are slightly larger and deal 1% more damage. NeutralAir is much faster.
    - Increased gravity.
    - Moved DashAttack hitboxes closer to Ness.
    - BackAir ends later.
    - Increased gravity. Forward and Backward dodges have 3 more iframes. SideB hits 4 times for 4 damage after the first hit; mostly effective against heavy and low-damage opponents. Jab 1 and 2 have shorter endlag. DashAttack flub damage normalized and endlag reduced. UpTilt and DownTilt deal 1-2% more damage. Smash deals 1-2% more damage depending on the hitbox and have a fixed lower angle. ForwardAir collides for less frames but launches at a fixed lower angle. BackAir momentum was reduced, late hitboxes were added with reduced size and damage. DownAir is overall faster and 1% stronger.
    - Fixed wrong max horizontal air speed value from the previous version.
    - Increased Air Mobility and Air Stopping Mobility to make him less victim of his own speed when jumping.

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    « Reply #26 on: August 20, 2015, 07:03:34 AM »

    Updated for 3.6 with a few fixes. Classic Zelda and Sheik have been removed.

    - Fixed wrong damage on DownB.
    - Fixed wrong angle on aerial DownB.
    - DashAttack little punches deal 2% instead of 3%.
    - Weight  and dodges reverted to PM values.
    - Dodges and SideB reverted to PM values.
    - DownSmash damage reverted to PM values.
    - Throws damage reverted to PM values.

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