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Author Topic: Starting a new mod!  (Read 1398 times)
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Newbie Kitten
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« on: October 09, 2015, 02:10:20 AM »

I found a mod a little bit ago based on Brawl- and Project M titled "Project Omega" and really liked the concept, I then saw that most of the characters were not modded because it was in the early stages of development and it was being worked on, two days ago I looked at the profile and saw that the developer had not been signed in to KC-MM in 2 months so I decided to continue the project for personal use and will release it so others can enjoy Omega and what it will become as much as I have and plan to enjoy it. The concept is Brawl- but with more minus added to it, such as having infinite recoveries and jumps, and being able to cancel any move into another move like Project M turbo mode. I had been wanting a mod that had done this for a while but hadn't found one until I stumbled across Omega and have played countless hours since. The mod now titled Project Gamma (wanted to move away from the original idea of the mod, the concept of it will still remain the same but I feel that one day I will stray away from the original concept of 'just make everyone as overpowered as they can get' and move towards the balancing of the overpowered cast before releasing a final version). This is my first SSBB hack I have ever made and am learning the ropes quite quickly (although if someone where willing to help teach me PSA I wouldn't object). A demo will be released soon, but the main reason I made this post was to ask if anyone would be interested in the concept. I took it to the Smash club at my school and they seemed amused and loved the concept and had a lot of fun with it. I will release it if people want to play it and like the concept. If I do decide to go forward with releasing the mod I should have an update to a public beta sometime every week (inconsistent because high school student with things to do and while this will be high on my priorities it will not be the most important thing).

Thank you very much for reading and feedback is highly appreciated.

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