« on: December 16, 2015, 05:21:34 PM » |
[MAJOR UPDATE]: The OP has been updated to include both Sm4sh 3DS to Brawl and Sm4sh Wii U to Brawl animation tutorials.Sm4sh 3DS -> Brawl You heard this right. It's now possible to port a Smash 3DS animation for a Brawl skeleton to use. This tutorial is not recommended for those who don't know their way around Autodesk 3DS Max and Autodesk Maya. Requirements: - Ohana 3DS Rebirth.-Smash 3DS Model. -Brawl model. -Autodesk 3DS Max (Recommended 2012 and up). - WallWorm plugin for 3DS Max. This tutorial will not show you how to install WallWorm. -Autodesk Maya (Recommend at least 2012 and up). -BrawlBox (Recommended at least v0.71 and up). - Script for this tutorial.Restrictions: -Bone scaling in the animation must be unified (X, Y, and Z scaling must all be the same). -Bones must match up to each other before running the script. -Bones must have the same rotation orders and axes. Credits: TheShyGuy: For creating the script to make this all possible. DSX8 + Heavy D: Showing and teaching me about Ohana 3DS. This tutorial will be split up into 5 parts. Getting the models, obtaining the animation parts, piecing the animation parts together, Maya usage, and BrawlBox usage. For example sake, I will be using Charizard for this tutorial. Now let's get this train rolling. Part 1: Getting the models. 1a.) Brawl. Open your extracted Brawl model in BrawlBox (mdl0 located in the FitFighter0X.pac/.pcs). Export the textures as png and the model as dae. You can close out of BrawlBox in the meantime. 1b.) Ohana 3DS Rebirth. 1c.) 3DS Max. Open 3DS Max, but before you import, make sure your 3DS Max scene is set to 60 FPS. You can do this by clicking on the Time Configuration button that's on the bottom right corner of the window, setting the Frame Rate to Custom, and setting the FPS to 60. Once you have your 3DS Max scene configured, import the Smash 3DS model you exported from Ohana. Make sure your dae import settings import the model's rig, alongside having the scale set to 1.0. After you have verified your settings, go ahead and click "Import" and wait a few seconds (time varies, based on your computer). If the model appears warped in some ways and un-textured, don't panic, as this is normal (most of the time). Example: Fixing the texture-less part is easy. Find the textures you exported, then drag and drop the said textures over the appropriate objects. To make things easier, you can delete the multiple VIS0 models (extra hands, extra faces, etc), as you don't need those, and it would end up causing a bit of clutter (and more lag on lower end computers). Fixing the deformation is simple as well, click on an object, make sure the Skin Modifier is selected, then scroll down to Advanced Parameters, open it up, then disable Always Deform before enabling it again. Fixing the Normals can be done by using the Edit Normals Modifier, but it's not needed, as you're only using the model for animation purposes. If you do want to fix the Normals, make sure you move the modifier, so it's under the Skin Modifier. Once you're done, save your 3DS Max scene and export the model as either dae or FBX (make sure the settings are set to keep the rig and the Scale Factor is 1. Also make sure the Up Axis is set to "Y-Up"). Do not close 3DS Max, as you will need it for Part 3. If exporting as dae gives you trouble in the later Parts, then export as FBX. Part 2: Obtaining the animation parts. Bring Ohana 3DS Rebirth back up, go to the Animations tab, and open the Skeletal animations section. The next step can be a bit confusing, so bear with me.
Smash 3DS animations are split into multiple parts, based on the character. In Charizard's case, there are four separate animation files (Body + Limbs, Wings + Jaw, Tail, and Neck). To make things more tedious, there are multiple folders for certain parts of the game (Fighting, Entry, Result, Classic Mode
Once you're ready, import one of the animation part files (bch format), and find the animation you want to port. Once you find the animation you want to port, export it (it will be exported in smd format). I would recommend naming it to match the part the file is associated with, as you'll be repeating this step with all of the animation file parts.
Note: Smash Attack and Heavy Item Walk animations are set up differently than they were in Brawl.
Once you have the first animation part exported, click "Clear", and repeat the step with the other animation parts.
When you're done, you can close Ohana 3DS Rebirth. Part 3: Piecing the Animation Parts Together. 3a.) 3DS Max (Wall Worm) 3b.) 3DS Max (Again) Part 4: Autodesk Maya. 4a) Importing models and bone names. Open Autodesk Maya. Like with 3DS Max, make sure you set the scene so it runs at 60 FPS before importing your models. You can follow Eternal Yoshi's Maya animation tutorial to help you further configure your Maya scene. http://forums.kc-mm.com/index.php?topic=64144.0Once you have your scene configured, import only the Brawl model for now (make sure the scale is set to 1.0). Once the Brawl Model is imported, bring up the Outliner window (Window > Outliner) and rename the XRotN bone to RotN. After that, select the TopN bone. While the TopN bone is selected, go to Modify > Prefix Hierarchy Names, and make sure you have "Brawl_" (without quotations) as the prefix name. It's important that you have the prefix as "Brawl_", as the script requires the Brawl bone names to have the "Brawl_" prefix in order to work (you can change the required prefix name to something else if you know your way around scripts). It's also done to prevent done names conflicting when the Smash 3DS model is imported. Once the Brawl model is imported and its bones are renamed, import the Smash 3DS model (like the Brawl model import, make sure the scale is 1.0). You do not need to rename the bones for the Smash 3DS import. After the Smash 3DS model is imported, make sure the TopN bone of the Brawl model and the TransN bone of the Smash 3DS model have a universal scale of 1. Now click on the Script Editor icon (located on the bottom right of the Maya window) and open the script. Select both the TransN and Brawl_TopN bones, select all the text in the bottom part of the Script Editor window, and click Execute (the singular, blue arrow icon). Note: Make sure you set the bottom tab of the Script Editor window to Python, or else the script won't work. Save your Maya scene for future use, assuming you're going to port more than one animation. 4b.) Importing the animation, baking the animation, and exporting the animation. Part 5: Finishing up with BrawlBox. Sm4sh Wii U -> Brawl Hey, it's that time again. Animation editing is now possible in Sm4sh Wii U, and by extension, that means we can rip animations from the Wii U version as well, so that means another lengthy tutorial from me on how to rip these animations, and import them into Brawl for proper use. [NOTICE] This tutorial will be a complicated one if you don't know what you're doing, so unless you have a general knowledge and/or are willing to learn how to use and navigate 3DS Max, Autodesk Maya, BrawlBox, and Sm4sh Forge, then I cannot recommend this tutorial to you, as I will not be teaching how to use these programs.Requirements: -Sm4sh Forge. https://github.com/jam1garner/Smash-Forge/releases-Autodesk 3DS Max (Recommened 2012 and up). -Autodesk Maya (Recommended 2012 and up). -BrawlBox (Recommened at least v0.71 and up). -Brawl model. -Sm4sh Wii U model files. https://www.mediafire.com/?e7tacds6nrot6-Sm4sh Wii U animation files. https://www.dropbox.com/s/02ccxq1y7ud6pl6/Sm4sh%20Fighter%20Scripts%20and%20Motion%20Files%20%28v1.1.6%29.zip?dl=0-Sm4sh Wii U model importing script for 3DS Max. https://www.dropbox.com/s/1p1vw5hgn49h40k/SSB4U_NDP3_Debug_Mod.ms?dl=0-Script for this tutorial. https://www.dropbox.com/s/fudc8i2qa8bmsiy/HierarchyConstrain_Good.py?dl=0Restrictions: -Bone scaling in the animation must be unified (X, Y, and Z scaling must all be the same). -Bones must match up to each other before running the script. -Bones must have the same rotation orders and axes. Credits: -TheShyGuy ( http://forums.kc-mm.com/index.php?action=profile;u=3201): For creating the script to make this all possible. -RandomTalkingBush ( http://forums.kc-mm.com/index.php?action=profile;u=3041): For creating the 3DS Max script. -Ploaj, jam1garner, Sammi_Husky ( http://forums.kc-mm.com/index.php?action=profile;u=24730), and Y2K. For creating Smash Forge. Now that you have everything you need, let's get started. This tutorial will be split up into 3 parts: Obtaining the models, ripping the animations, and Maya usage. 1.) Obtaining the models. 1a.) Brawl model. This part should be the easiest part. Just open your character's model file (FitFighter0X.pac) in BrawlBox, right click the MDL0, and export as DAE. You can close out of BrawlBox afterward for now.
1b.) Sm4sh model. After opening 3DS Max, go to MaxScript > Run Script, and locate the Sm4sh Wii U model importing script. You'll see several options, which you can ignore, as the only thing you need is the model (I will not go over how to rip and apply textures, as all you're doing is getting the model for animation purposes). Once the script is open, click "Open NUD", and search for your Sm4sh character's nud. [NOTICE] You must have both the NUD (model.nud) and VBN (model.vbn) files in the same folder when browsing for your Sm4sh model, or else the model will import without a skeleton and rig. After your model imports, you'll now have to rename certain bones to their Brawl counterparts.
Here's a list of the initial bones you'll need to rename and what to rename them to. (Some characters have character-specific bones that aren't listed here, so in that case, you'll need to find the Brawl equivilant to your Sm4sh bone, and rename it as such. Ex: Cape bones, Clothing bones, etc) RotN -> XRotN LIndex1N -> L1stNa LIndex2N -> L1stNb LMiddle1N -> L2ndNa LMiddle2N -> L2ndNb LRing1N -> L3rdNa LRing2N -> L3rdNb LPinky1N -> L4thNa LPinky2N -> L4thNb LThumb1N -> LThumbNa LThumb2N -> LThumbNb RIndex1N -> R1stNa RIndex2N -> R1stNb RMiddle1N -> R2ndNa RMiddle2N -> R2ndNb RRing1N -> R3rdNa RRing2N -> R3rdNb RPinky1N -> R4thNa RPinky2N -> R4thNb RThumb1N -> RThumbNa RThumb2N -> RThumbNb
After the model is imported, and you've renamed the respective bones, you can export as DAE, and close 3DS Max. 2.) Ripping the Animations. After you've obtained your models, you can open Sm4sh Forge, and open your Sm4sh model (the original NUD, not the DAE you exported. And just like with step 1b, make sure the VBN is in the same place as well. This is very important. If you want to view textures as well, then make sure the NUT file is also in there.) by going to File > Open, and searching for your NUD.
Once your model is open, go to Animation > Import, and browser for your character's respective motion.pac files. [NOTICE] Every character has at least 3 motion.pac files. One for their body, one for their left fingers, and one for their right fingers. Most characters will have more than these three for specific parts (Ex: Charizard has an additional 3 motion.pac files for its wings + jaw, tail, and neck). You can also only open one motion.pac at a time, so you'll have to repeat this part of the step multiple times.
After you have your motion.pac open, search for the animation you want to port, select it, and go to Animation > Export, and set the File to Type to ANIM, and save to a place you'll remember.
To export an animation from another motion.pac file, you'll need to go to Animation > Clear, and repeat the second section of this step.
Repeat this step until you have all the animations (and their respective parts) you want to port.
Edit: [NOTICE]: Certain exported ANIM files from Sm4sh Forge may cause Maya to hang indefinitely. There is no known cause as of what causes these specific animations to have this issue, so if you encounter this issue, then I'm afraid there's nothing you can do until it's looked into. If you need to still port the animation, then I'd recommend you to follow the 3DS version of the tutorial. 3.) Maya usage This is the final part of the tutorial, and most often is the most polarizing, but if you've come this far, don't back down now, as once you get the hang of this tutorial, it'll be relatively easy from this point onward. 3a.) Setting up your Maya Scene 3b.) Model Importing Now that you have your scene configured, import the Brawl model first, then open the Outlier (Window > Outlier), select the TopN bone, go to Modify > Prefix Hierarchy Names, and make sure you have "Brawl_" (without quotations) as the prefix name. It's important that you have the prefix as "Brawl_", as the script requires the Brawl bone names to have the "Brawl_" prefix in order to work (you can change the required prefix name to something else if you know your way around scripts). It's also done to prevent done names conflicting when the Smash 3DS model is imported.
Once the Brawl model is imported and prefixed, go ahead and import the Sm4sh model. You don't need to prefix the Sm4sh skeleton. If the Sm4sh model is laying on its back, select the Sm4sh model's TransN bone, and rotate it either 90 or -90 degrees on the X Rotation.
[NOTICE] It's very important that both the Brawl and Sm4sh models are standing up, and their scales are 1. If neither models have a scale of 1, you can usually fix this by selecting the root bone, and manually scaling it to 1 (TopN for Brawl, and TransN for Sm4sh). 3c.) Constraining the Skeletons 3d.) Importing the Animations 3e.) Baking the animation. Next, you'll be selecting every relevant Brawl bone for the animation (i.e. any Brawl bone that moves during the animation). Before you start to bake the animation, make sure your bake settings are set as such (Edit > Keys > Bake Simulation, but don't click on it. Instead, click on the box next to it.): http://i.imgur.com/Ej0TP1i.pngNote: If your models have different translations (i.e. needing to manually fix different translations), then set your bake settings to use the Channel Box, rather than All Keyable, but when baking from the Channel Box, you'll need to select both the bones, and the respective channel parts (mainly X/Y/Z Translations, X/Y/Z Rotation, or both, depending on the bone. Though you'll always want to bake both Translation and Rotation for the HipN bone. If you're baking bones that only rotate, then deselect X/Y/Z Translation.) After everything is set up, click Bake. Once everything is done baking, select every Brawl bone, select X/Y/Z Translation, and X/Y/Z Rotation, go to Frame 1 of your animation, right click, and click Key Selected. Though don't think you're done yet, as you still need to modify the Animation Curves to prevent the animation from jittering all over the place when the game is slowed (i.e. Timer and 1/4 Training Mode speed). To do this, select every Brawl bone that you baked, open the Graph Editor (Window + Animation Editors > Graph Editor), select every Curve that appears (they should appear as a bundle of colored lines in the Graph Editor), and apply the Euler Filter (Graph Editor > Curves > Euler Filter). 3d.) Exporting the Baked Animation Now that everything is all set to go, you now just need to do two more things before you export the animation. Select the Sm4sh TransN bone, and add a prefix to it, just like you did with the Brawl skeleton, but this time, it doesn't need to be anything specific. Next, go to Modify > Search and Replace Names, insert "Brawl_" (without quotations) into the Search for box, and a space in the Replace with box, then click Replace. You can now export the animation by selecting every Brawl bone, and going to File > Export Selected, and change the File of Type to ANIM. Make sure your settings are as such: http://i.imgur.com/vdX9EJp.pngIf you have more animations to port, re-open your saved scene, and repeat step 3d and onward until you've ported all your animations. Do not save after all of this. Your saved scene should only be from step 3c. If you don't have anymore animations to port, you can simply close Maya. After you've finished exporting your animations, you can now import your exported ANIM files into BrawlBox. Completed Result Example: This tutorial was much longer than my previous tutorials, but I hope it was worth it for those who want to back port Smash 4 movesets into Brawl. Thank you for reading this tutorial.