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Author Topic: [Announcement/Tip] Use Tinyurl when linking to the OpenSA Wiki  (Read 17498 times)
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    « on: July 17, 2016, 12:14:24 PM »

    You may have noticed me linking people to tinyurl links when linking to a page on the OpenSA Wiki.

    This is due to a conflict between the host of the OpenSA Wiki and a few KC-MM members that happened a few years ago, which resulted in the host to re-direct links posted in KC-MM to a different website before re-directing to the actual page itself.

    To show you what I mean, here's the raw url to the OpenSA Main Page: http://opensa.dantarion.com/wiki/Main_Page
    Notice how "http://anonym.to/?" has been added to the url. anonym.to is apparently a proxy website, but there have been reports of it containing browser high-jacking malware.

    To bypass this, copy + paste the original url, and make it a tinyurl with TinyURL. http://tinyurl.com/

    After you made your Tiny URL, copy it to the clipboard, and paste it into your message.

    Here's an example with the main page: http://tinyurl.com/zfg4u7p
    This will directly link you to the OpenSA Main Page without redirecting though http://anonym.to/?.

    When you get to the Main Page, I would highly recommend you Bookmark both the page and http://tinyurl.com/.

    I don't take requests.

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