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Author Topic: Brawlex Advancements (Supplement to the Brawlex thread's original post)  (Read 197346 times)
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Mega Kitten
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« Reply #15 on: September 03, 2016, 09:04:34 AM »

Also how did you get the brawlex slots not to flicker and have the 6th and 7th row stretched and does the sdhc work for gecko or do I need to change my mod loader
« Last Edit: September 03, 2016, 09:06:14 AM by HyperHandCRazy » Logged

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    « Reply #16 on: September 03, 2016, 09:40:12 AM »

    I haven't looked into resolving the flicker (likely z-fighting) issue since it is really minor on my setup. It can probably be done by editing the positions and animations of MenSelchrPos_TopN in sc_selcharacter.pac -> MiscData30 to resolve the overlap. It may get complicated if you want to retain compatibility with Brawl's resizable CSS though.

    The bottom two rows of the CSS have 15 slots as of BX CSS Expansion v1.0.2.0 Stable's release.

    Use Project M 3.6's launcher or USB Loader GX's Gecko codehandler with the SDHC code.
    « Last Edit: September 06, 2016, 10:19:47 AM by Ebola16 » Logged

    Brawlex Advancements (Supplement to the Brawlex thread's original post)
    I use RSBE Brawlex v2.0.0.0 Extended, Win 10, and 3ds Max (3ds Max Guide). Refresh to see my imports!

    Mega Kitten
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    « Reply #17 on: September 04, 2016, 08:07:43 PM »

    wont it crash more because for me brawlex starts randomly crashing the more characters i add

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    « Reply #18 on: September 04, 2016, 09:45:27 PM »

    It's true that there are some errors in Brawlex that will cause crashes and they're more like to occur as more characters are added. My roster holds 100 movesets. If you exit the CSS after every match it very rarely crashes (even if you don't it can still be 30+ random 4 player matches before a crash occurs). Try to avoid having a player select an original brawl character for one match and then select a clone based on that character for the next match as this can cause instability (backing out of the CSS after every match can avoid this problem but the crash is infrequent enough for me that I don't think it's worth it).

    Most errors are caused by improper setups though. The best way to determine what causes crashes is to have Dolphin emulator's log enabled while one occurs.

    Post Merge: September 04, 2016, 09:51:36 PM
    I should also probably add this to the original post.
    Brawlex .rel conflict glitch:
    Try to avoid having a player select an original brawl character for one match and then select a clone based on that character for the next match as this can cause instability (backing out of the CSS after every match can avoid this problem but the crash is infrequent enough for me that I don't think it's worth it). Possibly the cause of SSBB Alloc Buffer failed. Some of the codes on JOJI's website may help with this problem.
    « Last Edit: October 17, 2017, 02:37:48 AM by Ebola16 » Logged

    Brawlex Advancements (Supplement to the Brawlex thread's original post)
    I use RSBE Brawlex v2.0.0.0 Extended, Win 10, and 3ds Max (3ds Max Guide). Refresh to see my imports!

    Mega Kitten
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    « Reply #19 on: September 05, 2016, 08:42:14 AM »

    K I see your point and thanks for the info hopefully this will improve my brawl playing experience

    Post Merge: September 05, 2016, 06:09:34 PM
    Ebola16 I tried what you said by using gecko and the SDHC code but it loaded up normal brawl is there something im doing wrong like the version of gecko or because its like on AXNextframe
    « Last Edit: September 05, 2016, 06:09:34 PM by HyperHandCRazy » Logged

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    « Reply #20 on: September 06, 2016, 08:28:02 AM »

    You're welcome! Troubleshooting your setup is too off-topic for this thread. Post those kind of questions in the help board or the Brawlex thread.

    Post Merge: September 06, 2016, 10:21:21 AM
    I mistakenly said that the SDHC code and Gecko OS were compatible. They are not and I corrected my previous posts. Use Project M 3.6's launcher or USB Loader GX's Gecko codehandler with the SDHC code.

    Post Merge: September 07, 2016, 05:29:08 PM
    HyperL!nk sent me an interesting link for using shared pallets to reduce the filesize of sc_selcharacter.pac Shared CSP data - near CI8 quality, sub-CMPR size
    « Last Edit: September 07, 2016, 05:29:08 PM by Ebola16 » Logged

    Brawlex Advancements (Supplement to the Brawlex thread's original post)
    I use RSBE Brawlex v2.0.0.0 Extended, Win 10, and 3ds Max (3ds Max Guide). Refresh to see my imports!

    Advanced Kitten
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    « Reply #21 on: September 14, 2016, 09:50:43 AM »

    The ASLR code is kinda buggy with BrawlEx. Before using BrawlEx, it worked fine. After installing BrawlEx, it will load random alts fine, but any alts triggered by button combinations just cause it to load the "_a" version of the stage. This applies to all stages for me, including STGCUSTOMs, and occurs on both Dolphin and an actual Wii :/

    "The people of the world are builders. But look deep into their hearts, and you find that they also have the power to destroy." - Teridax

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    « Reply #22 on: September 14, 2016, 10:45:34 AM »

    I'm successfully loading *_X and *_Y alt stages using the ASRL.
    Are you using the correct version of the ASRL for your setup? Brawlex and PmEx use different versions of the ASRL (Brawlex version is linked in my original post).
    Are you modifying the _* letter in the ASL tool? If you didn't change it from the default values that may explain why those alt stages aren't loading. The letter can be changed in the "Edit buttons" option of the ASL tool.

    Brawlex Advancements (Supplement to the Brawlex thread's original post)
    I use RSBE Brawlex v2.0.0.0 Extended, Win 10, and 3ds Max (3ds Max Guide). Refresh to see my imports!

    Advanced Kitten
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    « Reply #23 on: September 14, 2016, 12:44:12 PM »

    I'm successfully loading *_X and *_Y alt stages using the ASRL.
    Are you using the correct version of the ASRL for your setup? Brawlex and PmEx use different versions of the ASRL (Brawlex version is linked in my original post).
    Are you modifying the _* letter in the ASL tool? If you didn't change it from the default values that may explain why those alt stages aren't loading. The letter can be changed in the "Edit buttons" option of the ASL tool.

    I'm using the recently released vBrawl version of ASRL that was included in the classic expansion pack with my own modset. I copied the code itself, both the data for stages and rels, and the footer. I replaced the data in that pack with the data I had previously been using with the standard ASL code.

    I didn't use the ASL tool, as I prefer to do just about everything by hand. I know for a fact it was changed from the default value of "_A" to other letters, because it was working with the standard ASL code, as well as with the new ASRL code before I added BrawlEx.

    "The people of the world are builders. But look deep into their hearts, and you find that they also have the power to destroy." - Teridax

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    « Reply #24 on: September 14, 2016, 02:54:35 PM »

    You can try my setup although it's not the default one. See if you can get these codes to work and compare them to yours. I used EYoshi's Maxed Out SSS as my custom SSS base. Castle Siege has been replaced by STGCUSTOM26 and Lylat Cruise has been replaced by STGCUSTOM27 since the original stages interfere with the Brawlex ASRL.
    Every stage (except flat zone 2) has:
    Y button activator for *_Y
    X button activator for *_X
    Z button activator for *_Z (I haven't added any *_Z files yet so this one is untested)

    Also, alt .rels are enabled on every button activator. STGCUSTOM## require alt .rels even if the alt .rel is the same as the base stage.
    Enable Random Expansion Stages v1.1 [Phantom Wings]:
    * C26B7A6C 00000005
    * 3860001F 2C120000
    * 41820008 3860000A
    * 7C101800 41800008
    * 38000001 7C800379
    * 60000000 00000000

    Unrestricted Control Editing [spunit262]
    * 211973CC 7CC6F82E
    * 051973CC 38C20060
    * 05197468 38620060
    * 05197574 38820060
    * 05197680 38E20060
    * 051976B4 38620060
    * 051978CC 38E20060
    * 065A9380 0000000A
    * 00010203 04050A0B
    * 0C0D0000 00000000
    * E0000000 80008000

    EYoshi's Maxed Out SSS (Ebola16 Castle Siege-STGCUSTOM26 + Lylat-STGCUSTOM27)
    * 046B8F5C 7C802378
    * 046B8F64 7C6300AE
    * 040AF618 5460083C
    * 040AF68C 38840002
    * 040AF6AC 5463083C
    * 040AF6C0 88030001
    * 040AF6E8 3860FFFF
    * 040AF59C 3860000C
    * 060B91C8 00000018
    * BFA10014 7CDF3378
    * 7CBE2B78 7C7D1B78
    * 2D05FFFF 418A0014
    * 006B929C 00000027
    * 066B99D8 00000027
    * 00010203 04050908
    * 0A0B0C0D 500F114F
    * 151A1917 06131D1B
    * 1C1F2021 22252423
    * 27280710 12161800
    * 006B92A4 00000027
    * 066B9A58 00000027
    * 1E262A2B 2C2D2E2F
    * 30313233 34353637
    * 38393A3B 3C3D3E3F
    * 40414243 44454647
    * 48494A4B 4C4D4E00
    * 06407AAC 000000A4
    * 01010202 03030404
    * 05050606 07070808
    * 0909330A 0B0B0C0C
    * 0D0D0E0E 130F1410
    * 15111612 17131814
    * 19151C16 1D171E18
    * 1F19201A 211B221C
    * 231D241E 251F2932
    * 2A332B34 2C352D36
    * 2F373038 3139323A
    * 2E3BFFFF 40204121
    * 42224323 44244525
    * 46264727 48284929
    * 4A2A4B2B 4C2C4D2D
    * 4E2E4F2F 50305131
    * 523D533E 543F5540
    * 56415742 58435944
    * 5A455B46 5C475D48
    * 5E495F4A 604B614C
    * 624D634E 644F6515
    * 660F0000 00000000

    Stage Roster Expansion System v2.0: [Phantom Wings]
    * E0000000 80008000
    * 04043B20 380000FF
    * 04043B40 1C060018
    * 04043B58 38840018
    * 04949C8C 3884B460
    * 04949D10 3884B460
    * 04949E20 3884B460
    * 04949EFC 3884B460
    * C294A588 00000003
    * A063001A 2C030040
    * 41800008 38600000
    * 60000000 00000000
    * C294A1D0 00000003
    * 7C7D1B78 2C03FFFF
    * 40820008 3FA0003F
    * 60000000 00000000
    * 04015564 48000010
    * 2042AEB0 00000041
    * 0442AEB0 00000000
    * 80000000 8042AEB0
    * 80000001 8042AEB0
    * 60000030 00000000
    * 8A001801 00000000
    * 86000000 00000024
    * 86000001 00000018
    * 62000000 00000000
    * 0042B348 024B0000
    * 0442B348 00000040
    * 0642B34C 00000010
    * 73745F63 7573746F
    * 6D00002E 72656C00
    * 80000000 8042BC18
    * 80000001 8042B460
    * 8A010001 00000000
    * 0442B560 8042BC14
    * 0042BC18 010F0000
    * 0642BC14 00000008
    * 43757374 6F6D0000
    * E0000000 80008000
    * 04043B34 483E783C
    * 0642B370 00000050
    * 2C060031 4080000C
    * 80040000 48000040
    * 3806000F 7C030000
    * 40820030 3866FFD0
    * 38C4000F 38860001
    * 3CA08042 60A5B450
    * 38E00000 7E6802A6
    * 4BFCB811 7E6803A6
    * 38C00031 4BC1878C
    * 3884FFE8 4BC1877C
    * 04949C88 4BAE1749
    * 04949D0C 4BAE16C5
    * 04949E1C 4BAE15B5
    * 04949F08 4BAE14C9
    * 0642B3D0 00000060
    * 9421FF80 BC610010
    * 7C6802A6 9061000C
    * 2C000040 41800030
    * 7C030378 3863FFC1
    * 3CC08042 60C6BC1C
    * 38860001 3CA08042
    * 60A5B450 38E00000
    * 39200000 4BFCB7AD
    * 38000040 540013BA
    * 8061000C 7C6803A6
    * B8610010 80210000
    * 4E800020 00000000
    * 0042B455 00000078
    * 0442B45C 00000002

    ASRL v1.42 (vBRAWL EDIT) [PyotrLuzhin, Dantarion, Almas, wiiztec, Magus]
    * C23FA360 00000030
    * 91620000 90E20004
    * 91820008 90620010
    * 91220014 3C602F70
    * 60637269 80E10020
    * 7C033800 4082013C
    * 3C602F73 6063745F
    * 80E1003F 7C033800
    * 41820024 3C602F53
    * 60635447 80E10044
    * 7C033800 40820114
    * 39800ACE 80E10048
    * 48000008 80E10043
    * 3D60DFDF 616BDFDF
    * 7CE75838 3D60805A
    * 616B7CB4 2C0C0ACE
    * 40820008 396BFFFC
    * 816B0000 806B0000
    * 892B0004 880B0005
    * 2C030DED 418200CC
    * 7C033800 41820014
    * 396B0008 1D290008
    * 7D6B4814 4BFFFFD8
    * 2C090000 4182005C
    * 396B0008 A0EB0000
    * 3C608058 606358B8
    * A0630002 3D408059
    * 894A82F8 2C0A0001
    * 40820018 3D408059
    * A14A82FA 2C0A0000
    * 41820010 48000014
    * 7CE71839 4082000C
    * 3929FFFF 4BFFFFB4
    * 3D408059 B16A82FA
    * 886B0003 48000024
    * 2C000000 4182004C
    * 3C608058 606358BC
    * 80630000 7D2303D6
    * 7D2049D6 7C691810
    * 38E05F41 7CE71A14
    * B0E6FFFC 3C602E72
    * 6063656C 2C0C0ACE
    * 4082000C 3C602E50
    * 60634143 9066FFFE
    * 38A5FFFE 38C60002
    * 81620000 80E20004
    * 81820008 80620010
    * 81220014 38000000
    * 60000000 00000000
    * C294AC30 00000002
    * 98030044 3D808059
    * 980C82F8 00000000
    * C2105FE8 00000002
    * 806DBDB0 3D808059
    * 926C82F8 00000000

    ASRL - Stages
    * 46000010 00000000
    * 44000000 005A7CB0
    * 662000B9 00000000
    * 43555354 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 42415454 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 46494E41 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 444F4C50 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4D414E53 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4D415249 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4B415254 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 444F4E4B 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4A554E47 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 50495241 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4E4F5246 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4F525048 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 43524159 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 48414C42 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 53544144 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 54454E47 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 465A4552 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4D414445 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 45415254 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 50414C55 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 46414D49 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4E455750 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 56494C4C 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4D455441 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 47524545 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 50494354 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 504C414E 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 434F4E46 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 44585348 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4458594F 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 44584741 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 44584F4E 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 44584752 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 44585053 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 44585243 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4458434F 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 44585A45 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4F4C4449 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 484F4D45 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 45444954 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4845414C 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4F4E4C49 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 54415247 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 43484152 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4943450E 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 44584249 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 00000DED FADEDEAD
    * E0000000 80008000

    ASRL - Modules
    * 46000010 00000000
    * 44000000 005A7CB4
    * 662000B9 00000000
    * 43555354 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 42415454 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 46494E41 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 444F4C50 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4D414E53 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4D415249 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4B415254 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 444F4E4B 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4A554E47 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 50495241 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4E4F5246 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4F525048 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 43524159 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 48414C42 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 53544144 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 54454E47 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 465A4552 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4D414445 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 45415254 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 50414C55 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 46414D49 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4E455750 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 56494C4C 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4D455441 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 47524545 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 50494354 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 504C414E 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 434F4E46 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 44585348 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4458594F 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 44584741 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 44584F4E 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 44584752 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 44585053 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 44585243 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4458434F 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 44585A45 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4F4C4449 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 484F4D45 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 45444954 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4845414C 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4F4E4C49 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 54415247 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 43484152 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4943450E 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 44584249 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 00000DED FADEDEAD
    * E0000000 80008000

    ASRL - Footer
    * C20B9E98 00000004
    * 93C20000 3FC08058
    * 63DE58B8 907E0000
    * 83C20000 907E0008
    * 60000000 00000000
    * C26B41D0 00000004
    * 90620000 3C608058
    * 606358BC 90030000
    * 80620000 90030250
    * 60000000 00000000

    Custom Sound Engine v3.0 [Dantarion, PyotrLuzhin]
    * 041C72DC 38600002
    * C21C805C 00000004
    * 3C60801C 606380A8
    * 7C6803A6 3C60901A
    * 60633000 4E800020
    * 60000000 00000000
    * C21C7C38 00000006
    * 93E20014 57FFE13E
    * 2C1F0FFF 40800018
    * 2C1F0400 40810010
    * 3C60901A 60633000
    * 48000008 38600000
    * 83E20014 00000000
    * C21C73D8 00000008
    * 93C20014 57DEE13E
    * 2C1E0FFF 40800024
    * 2C1E0400 4081001C
    * 83C20014 3C60901A
    * 60633000 93C30000
    * 93C30004 4800000C
    * 38600000 83C20014
    * 60000000 00000000
    * 4A000000 90000000
    * 161A3008 00000028
    * 00000006 01000000
    * 000C834C 50400200
    * 01020000 000C8340
    * 00000000 00000000
    * 00000000 00000000
    * 161A2FC8 0000000D
    * 000CDE3C 01000000
    * 7374726D 2F000000
    * 161A2FDD 00000008
    * 2E627273 746D0000
    * 161A2F90 00000016
    * 2F736F75 6E642F73
    * 74726D2F 3030302E
    * 62727374 6D000000
    * C21C7D00 00000012
    * 3FC0901A 63DE2FD4
    * 93220000 38600000
    * 3B200001 7F8218AE
    * 739C00F0 579CE13E
    * 3B9C0030 2C1C0039
    * 40810008 3B9C0007
    * 7F9EC9AE 3B390001
    * 7F8218AE 739C000F
    * 3B9C0030 2C1C0039
    * 40810008 3B9C0007
    * 7F9EC9AE 38630001
    * 3B390001 2C030004
    * 4082FFB4 3BDEFFFC
    * 801EFFF8 901D0000
    * 801EFFFC 901D0004
    * 93DD0008 38600001
    * 38000000 901D000C
    * 60000000 00000000
    * C21C6CE8 00000007
    * 3CC08000 60C63140
    * A0C60000 2C060025
    * 4182001C 3CC0901A
    * 60C62FE3 7C043000
    * 4082000C 3F60901A
    * 637B2F90 819D0000
    * 60000000 00000000
    « Last Edit: September 14, 2016, 03:07:39 PM by Ebola16 » Logged

    Brawlex Advancements (Supplement to the Brawlex thread's original post)
    I use RSBE Brawlex v2.0.0.0 Extended, Win 10, and 3ds Max (3ds Max Guide). Refresh to see my imports!

    Advanced Kitten
    Offline Offline

    Posts: 24

    'Ello gov'nor.

    View Profile Awards
    « Reply #25 on: September 15, 2016, 09:03:13 PM »

    You can try my setup although it's not the default one. See if you can get these codes to work and compare them to yours. I used EYoshi's Maxed Out SSS as my custom SSS base. Castle Siege has been replaced by STGCUSTOM26 and Lylat Cruise has been replaced by STGCUSTOM27 since the original stages interfere with the Brawlex ASRL.
    Every stage (except flat zone 2) has:
    Y button activator for *_Y
    X button activator for *_X
    Z button activator for *_Z (I haven't added any *_Z files yet so this one is untested)

    Also, alt .rels are enabled on every button activator. STGCUSTOM## require alt .rels even if the alt .rel is the same as the base stage.
    Enable Random Expansion Stages v1.1 [Phantom Wings]:
    * C26B7A6C 00000005
    * 3860001F 2C120000
    * 41820008 3860000A
    * 7C101800 41800008
    * 38000001 7C800379
    * 60000000 00000000

    Unrestricted Control Editing [spunit262]
    * 211973CC 7CC6F82E
    * 051973CC 38C20060
    * 05197468 38620060
    * 05197574 38820060
    * 05197680 38E20060
    * 051976B4 38620060
    * 051978CC 38E20060
    * 065A9380 0000000A
    * 00010203 04050A0B
    * 0C0D0000 00000000
    * E0000000 80008000

    EYoshi's Maxed Out SSS (Ebola16 Castle Siege-STGCUSTOM26 + Lylat-STGCUSTOM27)
    * 046B8F5C 7C802378
    * 046B8F64 7C6300AE
    * 040AF618 5460083C
    * 040AF68C 38840002
    * 040AF6AC 5463083C
    * 040AF6C0 88030001
    * 040AF6E8 3860FFFF
    * 040AF59C 3860000C
    * 060B91C8 00000018
    * BFA10014 7CDF3378
    * 7CBE2B78 7C7D1B78
    * 2D05FFFF 418A0014
    * 006B929C 00000027
    * 066B99D8 00000027
    * 00010203 04050908
    * 0A0B0C0D 500F114F
    * 151A1917 06131D1B
    * 1C1F2021 22252423
    * 27280710 12161800
    * 006B92A4 00000027
    * 066B9A58 00000027
    * 1E262A2B 2C2D2E2F
    * 30313233 34353637
    * 38393A3B 3C3D3E3F
    * 40414243 44454647
    * 48494A4B 4C4D4E00
    * 06407AAC 000000A4
    * 01010202 03030404
    * 05050606 07070808
    * 0909330A 0B0B0C0C
    * 0D0D0E0E 130F1410
    * 15111612 17131814
    * 19151C16 1D171E18
    * 1F19201A 211B221C
    * 231D241E 251F2932
    * 2A332B34 2C352D36
    * 2F373038 3139323A
    * 2E3BFFFF 40204121
    * 42224323 44244525
    * 46264727 48284929
    * 4A2A4B2B 4C2C4D2D
    * 4E2E4F2F 50305131
    * 523D533E 543F5540
    * 56415742 58435944
    * 5A455B46 5C475D48
    * 5E495F4A 604B614C
    * 624D634E 644F6515
    * 660F0000 00000000

    Stage Roster Expansion System v2.0: [Phantom Wings]
    * E0000000 80008000
    * 04043B20 380000FF
    * 04043B40 1C060018
    * 04043B58 38840018
    * 04949C8C 3884B460
    * 04949D10 3884B460
    * 04949E20 3884B460
    * 04949EFC 3884B460
    * C294A588 00000003
    * A063001A 2C030040
    * 41800008 38600000
    * 60000000 00000000
    * C294A1D0 00000003
    * 7C7D1B78 2C03FFFF
    * 40820008 3FA0003F
    * 60000000 00000000
    * 04015564 48000010
    * 2042AEB0 00000041
    * 0442AEB0 00000000
    * 80000000 8042AEB0
    * 80000001 8042AEB0
    * 60000030 00000000
    * 8A001801 00000000
    * 86000000 00000024
    * 86000001 00000018
    * 62000000 00000000
    * 0042B348 024B0000
    * 0442B348 00000040
    * 0642B34C 00000010
    * 73745F63 7573746F
    * 6D00002E 72656C00
    * 80000000 8042BC18
    * 80000001 8042B460
    * 8A010001 00000000
    * 0442B560 8042BC14
    * 0042BC18 010F0000
    * 0642BC14 00000008
    * 43757374 6F6D0000
    * E0000000 80008000
    * 04043B34 483E783C
    * 0642B370 00000050
    * 2C060031 4080000C
    * 80040000 48000040
    * 3806000F 7C030000
    * 40820030 3866FFD0
    * 38C4000F 38860001
    * 3CA08042 60A5B450
    * 38E00000 7E6802A6
    * 4BFCB811 7E6803A6
    * 38C00031 4BC1878C
    * 3884FFE8 4BC1877C
    * 04949C88 4BAE1749
    * 04949D0C 4BAE16C5
    * 04949E1C 4BAE15B5
    * 04949F08 4BAE14C9
    * 0642B3D0 00000060
    * 9421FF80 BC610010
    * 7C6802A6 9061000C
    * 2C000040 41800030
    * 7C030378 3863FFC1
    * 3CC08042 60C6BC1C
    * 38860001 3CA08042
    * 60A5B450 38E00000
    * 39200000 4BFCB7AD
    * 38000040 540013BA
    * 8061000C 7C6803A6
    * B8610010 80210000
    * 4E800020 00000000
    * 0042B455 00000078
    * 0442B45C 00000002

    ASRL v1.42 (vBRAWL EDIT) [PyotrLuzhin, Dantarion, Almas, wiiztec, Magus]
    * C23FA360 00000030
    * 91620000 90E20004
    * 91820008 90620010
    * 91220014 3C602F70
    * 60637269 80E10020
    * 7C033800 4082013C
    * 3C602F73 6063745F
    * 80E1003F 7C033800
    * 41820024 3C602F53
    * 60635447 80E10044
    * 7C033800 40820114
    * 39800ACE 80E10048
    * 48000008 80E10043
    * 3D60DFDF 616BDFDF
    * 7CE75838 3D60805A
    * 616B7CB4 2C0C0ACE
    * 40820008 396BFFFC
    * 816B0000 806B0000
    * 892B0004 880B0005
    * 2C030DED 418200CC
    * 7C033800 41820014
    * 396B0008 1D290008
    * 7D6B4814 4BFFFFD8
    * 2C090000 4182005C
    * 396B0008 A0EB0000
    * 3C608058 606358B8
    * A0630002 3D408059
    * 894A82F8 2C0A0001
    * 40820018 3D408059
    * A14A82FA 2C0A0000
    * 41820010 48000014
    * 7CE71839 4082000C
    * 3929FFFF 4BFFFFB4
    * 3D408059 B16A82FA
    * 886B0003 48000024
    * 2C000000 4182004C
    * 3C608058 606358BC
    * 80630000 7D2303D6
    * 7D2049D6 7C691810
    * 38E05F41 7CE71A14
    * B0E6FFFC 3C602E72
    * 6063656C 2C0C0ACE
    * 4082000C 3C602E50
    * 60634143 9066FFFE
    * 38A5FFFE 38C60002
    * 81620000 80E20004
    * 81820008 80620010
    * 81220014 38000000
    * 60000000 00000000
    * C294AC30 00000002
    * 98030044 3D808059
    * 980C82F8 00000000
    * C2105FE8 00000002
    * 806DBDB0 3D808059
    * 926C82F8 00000000

    ASRL - Stages
    * 46000010 00000000
    * 44000000 005A7CB0
    * 662000B9 00000000
    * 43555354 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 42415454 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 46494E41 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 444F4C50 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4D414E53 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4D415249 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4B415254 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 444F4E4B 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4A554E47 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 50495241 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4E4F5246 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4F525048 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 43524159 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 48414C42 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 53544144 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 54454E47 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 465A4552 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4D414445 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 45415254 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 50414C55 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 46414D49 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4E455750 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 56494C4C 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4D455441 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 47524545 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 50494354 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 504C414E 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 434F4E46 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 44585348 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4458594F 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 44584741 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 44584F4E 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 44584752 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 44585053 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 44585243 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4458434F 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 44585A45 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4F4C4449 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 484F4D45 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 45444954 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4845414C 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4F4E4C49 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 54415247 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 43484152 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4943450E 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 44584249 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 00000DED FADEDEAD
    * E0000000 80008000

    ASRL - Modules
    * 46000010 00000000
    * 44000000 005A7CB4
    * 662000B9 00000000
    * 43555354 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 42415454 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 46494E41 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 444F4C50 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4D414E53 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4D415249 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4B415254 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 444F4E4B 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4A554E47 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 50495241 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4E4F5246 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4F525048 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 43524159 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 48414C42 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 53544144 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 54454E47 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 465A4552 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4D414445 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 45415254 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 50414C55 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 46414D49 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4E455750 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 56494C4C 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4D455441 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 47524545 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 50494354 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 504C414E 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 434F4E46 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 44585348 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4458594F 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 44584741 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 44584F4E 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 44584752 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 44585053 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 44585243 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4458434F 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 44585A45 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4F4C4449 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 484F4D45 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 45444954 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4845414C 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4F4E4C49 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 54415247 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 43484152 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 4943450E 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 44584249 03000000
    * 08000018 00000000
    * 04000017 00000000
    * 80100019 00000000
    * 00000DED FADEDEAD
    * E0000000 80008000

    ASRL - Footer
    * C20B9E98 00000004
    * 93C20000 3FC08058
    * 63DE58B8 907E0000
    * 83C20000 907E0008
    * 60000000 00000000
    * C26B41D0 00000004
    * 90620000 3C608058
    * 606358BC 90030000
    * 80620000 90030250
    * 60000000 00000000

    Custom Sound Engine v3.0 [Dantarion, PyotrLuzhin]
    * 041C72DC 38600002
    * C21C805C 00000004
    * 3C60801C 606380A8
    * 7C6803A6 3C60901A
    * 60633000 4E800020
    * 60000000 00000000
    * C21C7C38 00000006
    * 93E20014 57FFE13E
    * 2C1F0FFF 40800018
    * 2C1F0400 40810010
    * 3C60901A 60633000
    * 48000008 38600000
    * 83E20014 00000000
    * C21C73D8 00000008
    * 93C20014 57DEE13E
    * 2C1E0FFF 40800024
    * 2C1E0400 4081001C
    * 83C20014 3C60901A
    * 60633000 93C30000
    * 93C30004 4800000C
    * 38600000 83C20014
    * 60000000 00000000
    * 4A000000 90000000
    * 161A3008 00000028
    * 00000006 01000000
    * 000C834C 50400200
    * 01020000 000C8340
    * 00000000 00000000
    * 00000000 00000000
    * 161A2FC8 0000000D
    * 000CDE3C 01000000
    * 7374726D 2F000000
    * 161A2FDD 00000008
    * 2E627273 746D0000
    * 161A2F90 00000016
    * 2F736F75 6E642F73
    * 74726D2F 3030302E
    * 62727374 6D000000
    * C21C7D00 00000012
    * 3FC0901A 63DE2FD4
    * 93220000 38600000
    * 3B200001 7F8218AE
    * 739C00F0 579CE13E
    * 3B9C0030 2C1C0039
    * 40810008 3B9C0007
    * 7F9EC9AE 3B390001
    * 7F8218AE 739C000F
    * 3B9C0030 2C1C0039
    * 40810008 3B9C0007
    * 7F9EC9AE 38630001
    * 3B390001 2C030004
    * 4082FFB4 3BDEFFFC
    * 801EFFF8 901D0000
    * 801EFFFC 901D0004
    * 93DD0008 38600001
    * 38000000 901D000C
    * 60000000 00000000
    * C21C6CE8 00000007
    * 3CC08000 60C63140
    * A0C60000 2C060025
    * 4182001C 3CC0901A
    * 60C62FE3 7C043000
    * 4082000C 3F60901A
    * 637B2F90 819D0000
    * 60000000 00000000

    Alrighty, I went through your codes, and it occurred to me what the problem was.

    There's a bit of info in the main ASRL code that controls whether or not the button presses are "and" or "or" functions. I changed it from "or" to "and" in my code, then when I recopied the code later, I forgot to change it to "and" again. Fixed that, and it works fine now. Thank you for your help!

    On a side note, my game refuses to boot if I use the custom SFX engine thingy. The thing that lets you replace sound effects with .sawnd files? This only started with the ASLR code, and unless there's a way to replace the .brsar with codes (or if both ASRL and BrawlEx work on Riivo), I'm pretty stuck. Is there a newer version of the SFX code?

    Otherwise, my build has stage expanion, BrawlEx (with CBliss effect), ASLR, and CSE (got titles working, now trying to get it to work properly in Sound Test), and I'm beyond overjoyed that everything else is playing nice so far!

    "The people of the world are builders. But look deep into their hearts, and you find that they also have the power to destroy." - Teridax

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    « Reply #26 on: September 15, 2016, 09:56:56 PM »


    I'm having no problems with the replacement soundbank engine (RSBE) and ASRL. Is this the version you're using?
    Replacement SoundBank Engine v1.20 [InternetExplorer, Dantarion]
    * 80000000 80406920
    * 80000001 805A7D18
    * 045A7D00 805A7D18
    * 8A001001 00000000
    * 065A7D28 00000015
    * 2F525342 452F7066
    * 2F736678 2F25642E
    * 7361776E 64000000
    * 045A7D10 919B6600
    * C21C8370 0000003C
    * 9421FF80 BC610008
    * 3C60805A 60637000
    * 94230008 7C611B78
    * 3B5A0007 3C60805A
    * 60637D00 9343FFE0
    * 38800000 9081000C
    * 90810010 93610014
    * 90810018 3880FFFF
    * 9081001C 38610020
    * 90610008 3C80805A
    * 60847D18 7F45D378
    * 3D80803F 618C89FC
    * 7D8903A6 4E800421
    * 38810020 7F63DB78
    * 38A00000 38C00000
    * 3D80805A 618C7900
    * 7D8903A6 4E800421
    * 2C030000 40820114
    * 3C60805A 60637D00
    * 8081FE90 9083FFD0
    * 7F64DB78 3884FFFD
    * 3CC05257 60C65344
    * 38840004 81240000
    * 7C093000 4082FFF4
    * 7C9B2050 9083FFC0
    * 3D2090E6 61290F10
    * 81290000 7D244B78
    * 7C862378 38C60008
    * 80A4002C 7C842A14
    * 38840008 3CE0805A
    * 60E77D00 8167FFE0
    * 38840008 80A40000
    * 7CA53214 80E50000
    * 7C075800 4082FFEC
    * 7D244B78 80C50024
    * 7CA43214 38A50008
    * 80E50000 38A50008
    * 7F63DB78 38630009
    * 80C50000 7CC43214
    * 38E7FFFF 81430000
    * 91460008 81430004
    * 91460014 81430008
    * 91460018 3863000C
    * 38A50008 2C070000
    * 4181FFD0 3C60805A
    * 60637D00 8083FFD0
    * 80A3FFC0 7C852050
    * 7F66DB78 7CE62A14
    * 89070000 99060000
    * 38C60001 38E70001
    * 3884FFFF 2C040000
    * 4181FFE8 38600000
    * 2C030000 3CA0805A
    * 60A57D00 9065FFF0
    * 3C20805A 60217000
    * 80210008 B8610008
    * 38210080 7D8903A6
    * 4182000C 4E800421
    * 48000008 7CE33B78
    * 60000000 00000000
    * C21C8658 00000007
    * 3E00805A 62107D00
    * 8230FFF0 2C110000
    * 40820010 7CE33B78
    * 3B200000 41820014
    * 4E800421 3A400001
    * 9250FFF0 60000000
    * 60000000 00000000

    If you have the right version of the code and the problem still persists try making sure that the ASRL is indeed the problem source by only having ASRL-related and RSBE codes in the .gct.

    And if that doesn't work Dolphin logs are the best option for finding out what's going on with your setup.
    « Last Edit: October 17, 2017, 02:38:14 AM by Ebola16 » Logged

    Brawlex Advancements (Supplement to the Brawlex thread's original post)
    I use RSBE Brawlex v2.0.0.0 Extended, Win 10, and 3ds Max (3ds Max Guide). Refresh to see my imports!

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    « Reply #27 on: September 16, 2016, 10:00:51 AM »


    I'm having no problems with the replacement soundbank engine (RSBE) and ASRL. Is this the version you're using?
    Replacement SoundBank Engine v1.20 [InternetExplorer, Dantarion]
    * 80000000 80406920
    * 80000001 805A7D18
    * 045A7D00 805A7D18
    * 8A001001 00000000
    * 065A7D28 00000015
    * 2F525342 452F7066
    * 2F736678 2F25642E
    * 7361776E 64000000
    * 045A7D10 919B6600
    * C21C8370 0000003C
    * 9421FF80 BC610008
    * 3C60805A 60637000
    * 94230008 7C611B78
    * 3B5A0007 3C60805A
    * 60637D00 9343FFE0
    * 38800000 9081000C
    * 90810010 93610014
    * 90810018 3880FFFF
    * 9081001C 38610020
    * 90610008 3C80805A
    * 60847D18 7F45D378
    * 3D80803F 618C89FC
    * 7D8903A6 4E800421
    * 38810020 7F63DB78
    * 38A00000 38C00000
    * 3D80805A 618C7900
    * 7D8903A6 4E800421
    * 2C030000 40820114
    * 3C60805A 60637D00
    * 8081FE90 9083FFD0
    * 7F64DB78 3884FFFD
    * 3CC05257 60C65344
    * 38840004 81240000
    * 7C093000 4082FFF4
    * 7C9B2050 9083FFC0
    * 3D2090E6 61290F10
    * 81290000 7D244B78
    * 7C862378 38C60008
    * 80A4002C 7C842A14
    * 38840008 3CE0805A
    * 60E77D00 8167FFE0
    * 38840008 80A40000
    * 7CA53214 80E50000
    * 7C075800 4082FFEC
    * 7D244B78 80C50024
    * 7CA43214 38A50008
    * 80E50000 38A50008
    * 7F63DB78 38630009
    * 80C50000 7CC43214
    * 38E7FFFF 81430000
    * 91460008 81430004
    * 91460014 81430008
    * 91460018 3863000C
    * 38A50008 2C070000
    * 4181FFD0 3C60805A
    * 60637D00 8083FFD0
    * 80A3FFC0 7C852050
    * 7F66DB78 7CE62A14
    * 89070000 99060000
    * 38C60001 38E70001
    * 3884FFFF 2C040000
    * 4181FFE8 38600000
    * 2C030000 3CA0805A
    * 60A57D00 9065FFF0
    * 3C20805A 60217000
    * 80210008 B8610008
    * 38210080 7D8903A6
    * 4182000C 4E800421
    * 48000008 7CE33B78
    * 60000000 00000000
    * C21C8658 00000007
    * 3E00805A 62107D00
    * 8230FFF0 2C110000
    * 40820010 7CE33B78
    * 3B200000 41820014
    * 4E800421 3A400001
    * 9250FFF0 60000000
    * 60000000 00000000

    If you have the right version of the code and the problem still persists try making sure that the ASRL is indeed the problem source by only having ASRL-related and RSBE codes in the .gct.

    And if that doesn't work Dolphin debug logs are the best option for finding out what's going on with your setup.

    These are the exact same code, according to Hex'd. I'll test it with only this and the ASLR code, but at the moment, my game crashes if both are active. Removing either from the .gct causes it to boot normally. Even more bizarre is that it works perfectly on Dolphin. Absolutely no problems there. The EXACT same .gct copy-pasted crashes my Wii and is fine on Dolphin :/

    EDIT: I got it to boot by turning everything off except the ASRL, custom SFX code, File Patch, and SDHC extension. Now to troubleshoot, I guess.
    « Last Edit: September 16, 2016, 10:16:59 AM by Ghoti » Logged

    "The people of the world are builders. But look deep into their hearts, and you find that they also have the power to destroy." - Teridax

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    « Reply #28 on: September 16, 2016, 10:25:37 AM »

    Yeah that problem may be annoying to identify but Dolphin logs are probably the easiest route to go.
    « Last Edit: October 17, 2017, 02:38:38 AM by Ebola16 » Logged

    Brawlex Advancements (Supplement to the Brawlex thread's original post)
    I use RSBE Brawlex v2.0.0.0 Extended, Win 10, and 3ds Max (3ds Max Guide). Refresh to see my imports!

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    « Reply #29 on: September 16, 2016, 10:35:36 AM »

    I got it! It appears that I was using an older version of the stage expansion code. The code I had included everything from your version, and then some. The version you have doesn't crash, but it does freak out my SSS a lot. I'll figure it out.

    And yeah, those Dolphin logs have been quite a godsend.

    "The people of the world are builders. But look deep into their hearts, and you find that they also have the power to destroy." - Teridax

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