As we all know, smashville has 5 .pacs, and you really only need one and can rename it to fit whichever time of day you like (00-morning, 01-day, 02-afternoon, 03-night, 04-late night). But, if you only use one, such as the one that is supposed to be used for day, the sky will appear the same color blue for every .pac it is renamed to. To fix this, you obviously have to download the correct .pac, and replace whatever need replacing (textures, models, etc). I've seen a lot of hacks that have the blue sky in the afternoon, or at night, and it really looks a lot better when it has the correct color sky, I hope this helps people.
here is in example:
With incorrect file:
With correct file:
As noted by the ever-intelligent oizen and his asshat friend, there is a dog in the second pic. Each file contains the dog, the dog is is completely irrelevant naming-wise.