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52 May 16th, 2023

Starfy PSA by cheaphacker with credit to SAB64(deviantart)
[Character - Moveset (PSA), Other (Effects, Animations, Final Smash, etc.) - Pit]

P+ and REMIX only.
Please download after acknowledging that it is cheap quality.
No final smash.


23 August 4th, 2023

Angemon (Digimon) (ReUpload) by Xander Rex 2014 YT with credit to Junpei Lucifer/Alex Climax
[Character - Vertex, Import - Pit]

The Original One Got It's Download Link Broken, So I Managed To ReUpload It And Archived By Default From The Included Smash Infinite Modpack Or PM Patt Edition, Enjoy

106 June 25th, 2022

Uprising Sm4sh Pit PSA by FGUG2030, KingJigglypuff, Lillith, Roadhog360 with credit to Lilith/VelvetKitsune for the Side Special/FS from her Uprising Pit PSA. PMDT for the creation of ProjectM Pit. P+ Team for their version of Pit. PMEX Team for the BrawlEX files needed for it to work in PMEX. Roadhog360 for giving me permission to test it in Brawl Refined. KingJigglypuff for his Project M Pit for vBrawl PSA.
[Character - Texture, Vertex, Moveset (PSA), Other (Effects, Animations, Final Smash, etc.) - Pit]


Changed the ty_seal_data.dat to have more changes and more powerful stickers, as well as updated graphics for vBrawl Edition.

The main gist of this hack is that I took Project M 3.6mf's Pit, Brawl Refined BBrawl Pit, Lillith/VelvetKitsune's Uprising Pit PSA from Kitsu BrawlEX v4.19 and added Dark Pit's Side Special (Electroshock Arm), as well as Uprising Pit's Final Smash which replicates Sm4sh Pit's 3 Sacred Treasures Final Smash. As a small bonus i made some of the attacks more magical and included ty_seal_data.dat files to allow you to apply Magic stickers to Link/Pit.

I also made a vBrawl variant that uses KingJigglypuff's Project M Pit for vBrawl PSA as base in order for it to be compatible with vBrawl/BrawlEX builds like Brawl Refined.

For Footage of Kitsu's OG Uprising Pit PSA go to 2:53 in the linked video of Kitsu BrawlEX v4.19.

Kitsu BrawlEX v4.19:


KingJigglypuff's Project M Pit for vBrawl:


Roadhog360's Brawl Refined:


Roadhog360's Brawl Refined Showcase:


232 April 12th, 2023

SSJ4 Goku (CaliKingz01 Goku PSA) by duck2469 with credit to ♦Mecha Krizalid♦, ShadowSnake, CaliKingz01 and Leon Exodio.
[Character - Texture, Import - Pit]

bug: some reason this model/mod likes crashing a lot so careful
Port it to Pit and made it to work :)

Captain Falcon:http://forums.kc-mm.com/Gallery/BrawlView.php?Number=216687

128 September 9th, 2020

Pit (Kitsu BrawlEx) by Lillith with credit to Project M Team, Smash 3 Team,
[Character - Import, Moveset (PSA), Other (Effects, Animations, Final Smash, etc.) - Pit]

So so sorry for the upload spam, Suddenly I'm uploading a bunch of stuff separately for no reason.

113 September 4th, 2020

PM Pit With EXTRA Motion Trails by PK MASTER, GRAND AZEL
[Character - Moveset (PSA), Other (Effects, Animations, Final Smash, etc.) - Pit]

The Angel from the classic NES game now has CELESTIAL Motion Trails in Project M 3.6

Have Fun!!!

62 April 21st, 2020

Project Plus 2.1 Sacred Treasures Pit by imfrench36 with credit to The incredible P+ Development team, tyleto, Wario358, KingDraco, Aurion, SuperSmasherFan, radzo73, Kirbeast, Crash, Wtails358, Snoe, and mawwwk for the video
[Character - Texture, Import - Pit]

The incredible P+ Development team loves making previously created mods their own, first with the entire Proejct M and Legacy TE builds, and now with this Three Sacred Treasures Pit.

I have no idea what they changed from the previous stable release, but here it is, as bravely recovered by yours truly.

This is the costume exactly as it appeared in P+ 2.1, play with it once and watch in surprise and delight as it looks like your Wii went on a bad acid trip for the rest of the day.

Please report only if it doesn't mess up your build.

225 April 20th, 2020

Shaggy (For CaliKingz01 Goku PSA) (Remake) by NootNoot64 with credit to CaliKingz01, Leon Exodio, MarioDK for the PSA, malistaticy for the original mod model and Warner Bros for creating Shaggy
[Character - Texture, Vertex, Import, Moveset (PSA), Other (Effects, Animations, Final Smash, etc.) - Pit]

Remade my Shaggy over Goku mod to not have misplaced effects

For the following PSA:

176 February 18th, 2020

DIO Pit by Endersheep12345 with credit to Layell for Smash 3 Pit, YUR0ii for creating JOJO Road Roller Model
[Character - Texture, Import - Pit]


Seeing Chuckle's post in CBM talking about Vampire Pit, it gave me an idea to make my version of him too, and when I think of vampires, I see DIO. Therefore I made this DIO Pit Model.

Rigged Dio's EOH Body, Jump Force hair; Knives over sword, Road Roller over bow and Za Warudo over shield.

Comes with the model, CSP, BP and some additional renders.

338 February 10th, 2020

Three Sacred Treasures Pit by tyleto with credit to KingDraco for many suggestions and support, Wario358 for baking all the maps used for this as well as constant support and bug fixes, Aurion for the original Smash 4 mod, and the following for all playtesting: SuperSmasherFan, radzo73, Kirbeast, Crash, Wtails358, and Snoe
[Character - Import - Pit]

Pit finally gets an alt! He dawns the Three Sacred Treasure armor he uses during his final smash in Sm4sh! Includes two versions, one legal alt with the Palutena Bow (vBrawl bow), and one casual alt with the 3ST Bow. Also includes cosmetics for both. PLEASE let me know if something isn't working right. The only bug I know about it right now is some of the feathers on the bows for the casual alt are brighter or darker than others. Enjoy!

*psst, click on the preview for more in game screenshots!

172 January 30th, 2020

Sora Moveset ~ KH I (Reupload) by spiritpyros, Anonymous
[Character - Import, Moveset (PSA) - Pit]

(Original link: http://forums.kc-mm.com/Gallery/BrawlView.php?Number=34215)

I take no credit for this mod just re-uploading with a working link

200 January 10th, 2020

Dark Pit Revamp and Recolors by VirtualBeef, Luigi30 with credit to Luigi30, SJS, PMDT, KJP, Kienamaru, JOJI, Dapperman, Moe, ShinF and Izumo for the recolors. CSProject which was used for rendering cosmetics.
[Character - Texture - Pit]

A pack of Dark Pit recolors updated and revamped by Luigi30.

Includes HD and SD Cosmetics thanks to CSProject

If you experience any issues with the mod, please PM me

44 December 1st, 2019

Brawl Pit with Guardian Orbitar Shield by spiderfreak1011, dRage with credit to The Smash 3 Team for creating the Guardian Orbitar Shield to replace Pit's Mirror Shield, and dRage for swapping the shield models between Smash 3 Pit and Brawl Pit!
[Character - Vertex - Pit]

This hack keeps the Brawl Pit model but replaces the Mirror Shield with a Guardian Orbitar shield in the vein of making more canonical sense for what Pit should have in his arsenal. This is just a cosmetic change, but nice for say Machinima purposes.

231 May 22nd, 2021

Smash 3C Revised Pit by Layell with credit to Taiko, SatoshiKura, Tailsmiles249, Shun_One, Codex-9, iwantgames, Nezha the Scout, ledgerewskie, Codex-9, the101, zarx1554, Aghanim, SomeSmashBro, PMDT
[Character - Texture, Import - Pit]

Smash 3C Revised Pit comes with a number of improvements to the original Brawl Pit and Classic Pit entries. 15 Brawl Pit costumes, and 5 Classic Pit costumes.

Check out more about Smash 3C revised on our website: https://smash3c.wixsite.com/smash3c/revised

314 October 20th, 2019

Smash 3C Dark Pit by Luigi30 with credit to VirtualBeef For the portraits Taiko, SatoshiKura, Tailsmiles249, Shun_One, Codex-9, iwantgames, Nezha the Scout, ledgerewskie, Aghanim Nanobuds for the original Smash 3 Pit module
[Character - Texture, Vertex, Import - Pit]

Smash 3C Dark Pit. Thanks to VirtualBeef for the portraits, including HD portraits for dolphin.
Based on SSB4 Dark Pit but the boot things (the leg straps) is different than the original. This is my very first character pack hopefully its good.

Link to the smash 3 Pit SSB4 http://forums.kc-mm.com/Gallery/BrawlView.php?Number=206461

Smash 3C Pit Brawl http://forums.kc-mm.com/Gallery/BrawlView.php?Number=217413

97 July 6th, 2022

Claude (Fire Emblem: Three Houses) Model Import by Lillith with credit to KuroKairaku, SciresM, Ploaj, ninetalescommander
[Character - Import - Pit]

Update, hopefully he's less worse now!
Has two variants, both pertaining to his hair.

Previous version~
Previous alt .zip link~

....I haven't done this fellow's route yet, so nothing too special to say here.

Ah! Has two models, one which is just over Pit, the other is a size mod thing to make him taller.

[Legacy TE] Always use PACs instead of PCS files [DukeItOut]
* 0484CB40 60000000

100 September 18th, 2019

SMASH 3 Dark Pit Default Skin beta by Luigi30 with credit to The 3C Team and Smash 3 Team
[Character - Texture, Vertex, Import - Pit]

Link to Full Version: http://forums.kc-mm.com/Gallery/BrawlView.php?Number=218205
Credit to the 3C Team for the module and textures all I did was edit the textures a little bit. Goes over pit on the dark pit skin 05.
Will make the other skins for dark pit just like the SSB4.
Link to the smash 3 Pit SSB4 http://forums.kc-mm.com/Gallery/BrawlView.php?Number=206461

Smash 3C Pit Brawl http://forums.kc-mm.com/Gallery/BrawlView.php?Number=217413

165 June 11th, 2023

Smash 3C Brawl Pit by Layell with credit to The Smash 3 Team from Smash 3 Pit: Taiko, SatoshiKura, Tailsmiles249, Shun_One, Codex-9, iwantgames, Nezha the Scout
[Character - Texture - Pit]

Pit in the original Brawl model is here on Brawl Vault.

Comes with slight material and shader updates that were not present in the original entries posted elsewhere, as well as slight costume colour changes, and render improvements. 10 costumes like in the Smash 3 build.

Check out our website: https://smash3cproject.wixsite.com/smash3c

601 February 20th, 2019

King K. Rool PSA Beta (REUPLOAD) by AngeryShed, Tabuu Forte Akugun with credit to Tabuu Forte Akugun
[Character - Texture, Import, Moveset (PSA), Other (Effects, Animations, Final Smash, etc.), Vertex - Pit]

Tabuu Forte Akugun made this mod, I decided to reupload it since the old entry got accidentally removed.

691 January 26th, 2019

Smash Ultimate Ridley by BraveDragonWolf with credit to Sneakyerz for ripping the model
[Character - Import, Other (Effects, Animations, Final Smash, etc.) - Pit]


This comes with a fit motion file for a serious reason.
Use the moveset file from this mod: http://forums.kc-mm.com/Gallery/BrawlView.php?Number=210999

- Let's be realistic here and agree that this model would look fuckin stupid if I had to make it fit the skeleton that was made for the Ridley beta moveset.

- I decided to put this over the Ridley PSA that's over Pit instead of the classic Ridley PSA because I DON'T USE Project M or BrawlEx.
If you want this over the classic Ridley PSA, you'd have to probably pay me, (time is money) port the classic Ridley over Pit somehow, OR re-rig the whole models yourself. Don't ask if I'll ever decide doing it on my own will.

554 September 11th, 2019

Goku SSJ to SSB (Goku Gets Serious xP) by ♦Mecha Krizalid♦ with credit to Calikingz01 for model
[Character - Texture, Vertex, Import - Pit]

A simple request, he loses his orange gi when he transforms into blue :)

612 September 11th, 2019

Goku UI Omen to Mastered UI ( w/Removed orange shirt! ) by ♦Mecha Krizalid♦ with credit to Calikingz01 for mode
[Character - Texture, Vertex, Import - Pit]

Took me awhile to remove the orange shirt and mesh the blue under shirt more, but here he is, I tried to make the MUI transformation shirtless, but it had issues so I kept the shirt.

126 October 21st, 2018

Cyber Pit + Cosmetics by Objectionable with credit to The CSProject Backroom for the tools used to make the cosmetics.
[Character - Texture - Pit]

This costume isn't really based off of anything, just thought it looked cool. Basically just gives Pit a more \"cybernetic\" appearance, with circuitboard wings and neon clothes and equipment. Just a retexture, so it shouldn't cause any desync on wifi.

Have fun

102 February 5th, 2022

Brawlified Smash 3C Classic Pit Recolors by DemKnux, Layell with credit to CSProject and Ledge
[Character - Texture - Pit]

Overhauls Classic Pit's Smash 3C Recolors to make them fit into Brawl's art style more. Shoutouts go to Layell and Ledge for making the original recolors and Layell for rendering the recolors when I was to lazy to.

Click the banner for ingame images.

169 October 14th, 2018

Dark_Pit_0 by Mr. DapperMan with credit to vBrawl, CSS Project
[Character - Texture, Vertex - Pit]

My Dark Pit Roster, I don't like Sm4sh's recolors so I made new ones.

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