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31  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / Programming / Re: The Brawl Expansion Project on: June 15, 2014, 09:50:07 AM
Thinking about updating my BrawlE (this key isn't working on my keyboard). Besides the modules and b_fighter.rel, are there any worthy changes to be made? Which files eactly are worth implementing?
32  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / General Hacking Discussion / Re: Brawl Mod with Completely Original Characters on: May 30, 2014, 06:47:35 AM
Well, you see, those were the first PSA's made rly. Ppl made personal renditions of brawl's characters when PSA first came out. Throwing together a bunch of elements, giving Ganon a sword and calling him some sort of dark knight, making certain characters gods with fancy names. The thing is, nobody really has the dexterity to expand on the complicated procedure of making a character they themselves just thought of out of thin air.

A lot of ppl make custom PSA's and custom vertexes to make unique characters. Take this guy for example: (WARNING THIS VIDEO IS EXTREMELY [censored]ING CREEPY)

HOWEVER, a lot of the community wasn't interested in adding something random to their roster unless, of course, it was REALLY good (a good example is Raptor). Brawl hacking has been a strive for perfection since '09- ppl have wanted to play as legit brand new characters with their friends. Characters just like any other in the game and without repercussions to the game itself, which is why we sought out a clone engine. Anyone could've made their own swordsman with his own unique appearance. BUT, who would want this guy if it meant taking out Marth (the clone engine WAS just recently made anyway)? The hackers would only put so effort the best effort into something guaranteed worth the replacement of a character for a new character. It got to the point where we were like "if we're gonna have to replace characters for new ones, let's make some GOOD new ones!"

The character they made had to be more awesome and memorable than the character they'd be replacing. When they realized this is when they stopped working on individual scratch made characters and started working in groups for truly perfect worthwhile replacements like Shadow over Sonic and Roy over Marth as opposed to Yellow the Hedgehog over Sonic and Clemence the Water Knight over Marth. The concepts are for EVERYONE to expand on, get hyped on, and overall just enjoy to make the process of making something perfect- which, like I said, is what ppl want- a whole lot easier. Brawl hacking's complicated so it's always been best for us to work together to make the most of a template as a team that has similar video gaming interests. Besides, random things in the community are a lot less likely to be recognized and appreciated bcuz we lack a familiarity with them. There are plenty of custom characters on here, just search the vault with the PSA criteria and scroll for a while and you'll find them. Also, not everyone's interested in writing a backstory. Ppl like me just wanna see some badass moves. Awesome Face

Overall, if we had the clone engine a while back, then I'm sure personal characters would be a thing. Heck, if ppl stick to Brawl hacking and our tools get even better in the future, it might become a more expanded upon thing where new characters have backstories, reasons behind fighting style, characterizations, etc.
33  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / Project Concepts / Re: Porting Project? on: May 30, 2014, 02:23:05 AM
This Fall, me, my buddies and some PMBR members will be coming out with a project that includes custom-made Project M PSAs on ProjectEX. Don't worry though, it isn't Project M with Brawl hacks slapped on top. Wanna be a play-tester? Wink

I'd LOVE to. I'd also help in whatever ways I can, if you're willing to let me be that involved. I do a lot of editing and perfecting to the CSS files for my ProjectEX (kind of an ocd thing to make it perfect lol) and u can see a bit of it in that picture in my last post. I'll explain how I could help with that cosmetic stuff in pm. For the most part though, I'd love to get this out. Even with Smash Bros Wii U coming out soon, I still wanna make Brawl into a fair fan-made Mugen. U can pm me any details. I'll be sure to give the best feedback possible- and fast too! Wink
34  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / General Hacking Discussion / Re: KingJigglypuff's Unoffical P:M 3.0 Alts! Fire Mario and Ice Mario Released! on: May 24, 2014, 10:20:54 PM

Fierce Deity Link?
Deku Toon Link?
Something sick with Game & Watch? (that'd be awesome)
Melee Ganon?
Old Snake? (MGS4/MGS5 Snake)
Big Boss? (MGS3 Snake)
Classic Sonic?
Star Fox Assault: Fox, Falco, and Wolf?

Sorry if that's a lot. Just thought I'd pitch some ideas..
35  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / Project Concepts / Re: Porting Project? on: May 24, 2014, 09:53:20 PM
Also, if no one's interested in porting a psa to be BrawlEX compatible, we could always port the original character to be BrawlEx compatible and then replace the original whilst adding in a clone.


If someone ported R.O.B. over Marth, I could just replace R.O.B. with Geno and then make a R.O.B. clone using said R.O.B. over Marth.

I'm seeing a lot of BrawlEx packs with 100+ characters but to me and my friends that stuff just isn't worth it. The miscellaneous PSA's are either glitchy with Project M, or just way too overpowered. Plus, with 4 sub-par PSA's fighting with the clone engine and Project M mechanics- the game is bound to freeze eventually (trust me I've tried). Sooo, that's another reason to invest time in a project such as this.

I have a feeling people don't really understand what I'm going for so here's this:
It's an old picture from a month or so ago when SmashKing64 was about to release the Project M Unbound beta, but the idea behind my motivation should be pretty clear. When I got the beta, I modded it to my liking. It's like Project M Unbound, just not with only Nintendo characters. I just want a Project M that utilizes the best balanced and unique PSA's of the vault to add on to it in the best way the Project M devs legally can't.
36  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / General Hacking Discussion / Re: [Idea] Multiple Character Pages on: May 22, 2014, 05:41:28 AM
I don't think the character selection screen was designed to have more than one page, what with different cursors for different players and the CSP displaying the character who's icon was clicked on. Brawl hacking's all about manipulating Nintendo's designs and it's VERY rare that you see a brawl hack made entirely from scratch i.e. the clone engine: not characters from scratch- but edited versions of Nintendo's characters that are programmed to load when met with certain criteria. So, I'm quite sure the answer's no because we can't change the way the CSS works- just what files it loads.
37  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / Project Concepts / Porting Project? on: May 20, 2014, 09:35:24 PM
It's been a while since BrawlEX came out. I hoped by now (the summer) I could play my awesome Geno in Project M with my friends. Alas, no Geno for me bcuz my best friend only plays R.O.B. Sad I've just been sticking to my Deadpool, Wisp, and Cloud clones. It sucks that some of the best PSA's can't be cloned yet. I know waiting for a compatible .rel will make it so ALL PSA's for that character can be made into clones. However, there's only so many balanced, unique, and suitable for Project M PSA's that I would want to include in my version. Geno, Skull Kid, Emerl, Crash Bandicoot, and more.

I think it'd be of awesome benefit to all of us if we got some of these characters working with what we have. To me, it doesn't make sense for BrawlEX to have been in such a long lasting stand-still without us being able to play some of the vault's best characters. If anyone's interested in helping start a project for porting these gems of the vault to BrawlEX compatible characters, that would be amazing. Obviously, these character designs would need a bit of reconstructing, but I THINK with a team working on each one individually, these awesome additions would be no longer out of reach.

I'm speaking primarily to spark discussion and, hopefully, interest. Personally, most of my PSA making skills are from 2010 cuz that's around the time I stopped caring for Brawl lol. I wouldn't make for the best leader in this project, should it take place. Someone else could take that title. Anyway, responses???
38  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / General Hacking Discussion / Re: Isn't it kinda disappointiing on: April 24, 2014, 12:43:12 PM
My problem wasn't with the controllers. The reason I brought it up in the first place is because it made for a good example for how wonky Nintendo's design has gotten. Never knew about the pro controller though. If it doesn't come up to a ridiculous amount of money to get the console, game, and make my Wii U's design revolve around Smash, I'll consider buying it. If so, hacked brawl is only a few steps down imo.
39  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / General Hacking Discussion / Re: Isn't it kinda disappointiing on: April 23, 2014, 05:48:41 PM
so you come to a brawl hacking website and expect to find ppl that arent hyped for ssb4 and you want them working on ssbb becuase without ever playing it your saying the game aint even worth the buy?

you say you dont like where nintendo is headed into , i sure like it over the wii for real since on the wiiu we finaly got ride of the mandatory crappy motion controlls that ruined manny games for me so im happy even if the main controller is a huge tablet i wont have to swing stuff around in every game that doesnt bother to make compatibility for other controllers.

Yes and I never said that.

Okay, they went from a beautiful controller that everyone got used to to 2 remote motion sensor pieces and then a remote tablet. Hm. I think I'll just stick to what makes the most sense and is the most convenient.
Remember at E3 2011 when they first showed the WiiU?
People actually thought it was a Wii add-on because they didnt properly show the damn thing. It makes me wonder if they really do care about there "new gen console". I mean i dont want to play a tablet while watching the Tv. That should be separate or not even evolved with the console.
I agree with Carnage. It's very different and fresh to see a new style of control, but its too ridiculous. Two screens to keep an eye on? Yeah, ill just stick to a aGameCube controller when i play WiiU games.

I feel like they changed so much for not enough reasons. It was overall better the way it was. You can give something a fresh and new style without "fixing" a bunch of things that aren't even broken.
Uh. No. The point wasn't to watch TV while playing a game, the point was you being able to play a game while others watch TV. Y'know. So you don't have to be forced to quit if you don't have your own TV.

I never got that. Why put so much effort into making a game console compatible with a certain real world conflict? There are other alternatives for that issue in the first place...

First, you could get a new TV. The best solution- obviously expensive but ppl with extra money would rather get a new tv for a great console than keep one tv for a console with a weird design. While cheaper, they wouldn't enjoy the console as much so is the price saving worth? Second, just patience. Video games aren't our only means of recreation. Sure we love them, but that doesn't mean we should compromise a good design to play it 24/7... Also, why compartmentalize console games, when Nintendo has such a large line of portable games in the first place. I just don't get it.
40  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / General Hacking Discussion / Re: Isn't it kinda disappointiing on: April 22, 2014, 11:11:35 PM
you can just buy a mayflash adapter and you can make your gamecube work from the wiimote like the classic controller problem solved ...

saying your not even gonna play ssb4 becuase it doesnt have gamecube controller is ridiculous lol

I didn't expect a lot of criticism lol. yea i was joking on the controller part. shoulda thrown a lol in there or something. the main point I was trying to make guys is that I saw Nintendo make its turn into the next generation of consoles and I didn't like its direction. I liked what it was before. I'm not the only one that thinks it, (maybe, the only one of these forums from above evidence) but mods allowing me to customize brawl gave me a better feel for what I was looking for in this game. More fun. The truth is, there's no guarantee Smash 4 is gonna be all it's hyped up to be when it hasn't even been released. I think its best to keep modding brawl in this community until we're sure that there is something better out there. Even if Smash 4 is worth more attention, I'm sure the Brawl hacking community won't burst into flames. I know ppl who bought Brawl but stopped playing it after the first year out of preference for Melee.

Now to respond to LC-DDM:

...the amount of stupidity in this logic is fantastic. "COMPATIBILITY OF A CONTROLLER FOR A CONSOLE RELEASED IN 2001 DOESN'T EXIST IN THE NEXT GENERATION OF THIS COMPANY'S CONSOLE, THEREFORE I'M NOT GOING TO SUPPORT THIS COMPANY WITH THE PURCHASE OF A GAME". Go ahead, people, read that [censored] twice - even I'm having trouble understanding this mindset.
I pretty much summed it up in that word block up there^^

I'd hold out on waiting for Nintendo-specific games on the Wii U. Currently there's a grand total of 9 Ninty-developed games, out of which 1 is an HD remake and 1 is casual garbage. Don't let it stop you though, there's a lot more games that are good without being dev'd by Ninty.
That's respectable. I'd say I'm doing the same cuz the only thing I've seen that I've wanted was Pikmin 2.

...I'm with Miacis on this - Melee was a classic?
...I think Melee's a classic.... it's honestly hard for me comprehend that ppl are contradicting me on that. I grew up with Melee. It's my favorite fighting game... I loved Project M cuz I felt it took skill, like Melee. I honestly didn't care much for Brawl with time. I was great at it though. I was a Game & Watch main and won 2 tournaments. You would think I'd love Brawl. But, when I played it with my friend with whom I was equally skilled, all I would hear is him complaining about how over-powered and spontaneous Game & Watch was. That Brawl's different design allowed for certain characters to be more advantageous and Brawl was less strategic fighting and more exploitation of specific moves with high knockback and large hitboxes. And, to an extent, he was right. Brawl WAS different. I'd have a lot harder of a time beating him in melee. If ppl kept attributing my winnings to the fact that I used "overpowered" characters- then the game just wasn't fun. Eventually, my friends would only play if it was 2 against me or me and some guy/girl that lacks skill against 2 normal brawl players. I liked Project:M cuz it leveled the playing field to that of melee's quick thinking, combos, and strategy. It made the game more of what it used to be competitively and that's why I said it conjured a classic feel.
Also, I knew about Brawl hacking long before Project M. I remember Elite Smash Hackers making Lucas look like Jimmy Neutron and freaking out. I know the customization was a great aspect of Brawl hacking- but I don't feel its as much of a reason to downgrade from Smash 4 as a complete transformation such as Project M is.

Plus that kind of already happens all the time in all the other online games. LoL or Smash 4 doesn't suddenly make it special.
What I say is easy enough to understand and I stand by it. I feel like online ranking is a bad concept in general- something ppl will either not care about or care too much about by making their focus having a higher rank- not having fun.

You have three Smashes to fall back on.
Maybe this is just me- but I think Brawl is the best Smash to fall back on. Why? Because this community's made it Play-doh. This game can be the most of what u want it to be- unless u want a graphics downgrade... and nostalgia isn't my first priority with a multiplayer game. I, personally, like graphics to be the best they can be and that's another one of the many reasons I prefer Project:M to Melee.

And lastly, I said "might". Twice. I was just trying to be hopeful.

This is so long and random I feel like those guys that post unnecessary youtube comments.

All in all. I'll stick to Brawl. I don't think the Smash franchises releases are something worth getting hyped about anymore. I'm not the only one...
41  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / General Hacking Discussion / Custom victory themes? on: April 21, 2014, 10:29:19 PM
This is an idea I had waaaaaay back before PW's Clone Engine. Feel free to shoot down when ready.

So, we all know that there are brstms for win themes of specific characters based on their genres. There's a limited amount of these brstms coded into the game and currently adding new ones is out of the question as far as I know.

The idea I had was, if we ever got a clone engine, make the brstms for win themes silent. Simultaneously, we add an sfx to the characters victory pose that substitutes for the lack of a win theme. This way, every individual psa could have its own win theme and thereby every BrawlEX character could have its own win theme. Forgive if I'm wrong cuz I don't know much about the restrictions of sfx.
42  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / General Hacking Discussion / Re: Isn't it kinda disappointiing on: April 21, 2014, 10:16:29 PM
Interesting. However, here's my take on it. Wii U's don't have Gamecube Controller compatability, right? I don't want that game then. Smash Bros. 4 doesn't warrant a console purchase for me. I know there might be plenty of great Nintendo games on the Wii U- but me, and several of my friends, don't like what Nintendo has become in it's modern age. We like the classics- Project M makes Brawl hacking so nice because it brings us back to the classics. Personally, in fact, I don't trust that Nintendo has the right idea nailed with this upcoming Smash as well. I'll likely not even play it. Maybe play it once or twice at a friend's house for the fresh experience, but I feel like the game itself won't be the fun I'm looking for. The online interactions seems nice- but I'm sure that'll just turn in to League of Legends where the only goal for ppl is to exploit the best characters to increase their rankings. If the game isn't balanced, then no new features are worth anything. I'd like to have a Smash to fall back on in case Smash 4 is a failure. Also, Smash 4 might be based on files from Brawl. If so, adding hacks might be a lot easier. Just my thoughts...
43  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / Project Concepts / Re: Project M Unbound (Now Compatible With Brawl EX Clone Engine) on: April 07, 2014, 12:40:51 AM
Oh wow I didn't know this was a thing already. I've been working on a perfect BrawlEX beta and its working like a charm so far. I'd love to playtest and see the potential of this project.

EDIT: I've got almost all the guys mentioned in your poll working like on mine except HOW ARE YOU GETTING SKULL KID???!?!?!?!?!?! I thought Toon Link didn't have a BrawlEX compatible .rel- that's the ONLY reason I don't have him! I RLY want him tho. However, my friends love them some P:M Toon Link  not impressed
44  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / Attacks and Animations / Re: Gray Fox - 2nd release coming soon - VIdeo up! on: August 03, 2010, 07:00:20 PM
Wow this is really good. Definitely downloading. Also, just had a funny idea. You should make a texture that looks like Deadpool. XD
45  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / Attacks and Animations / Re: Toon Link: awsum? or super awsum? on: July 29, 2010, 04:45:03 PM
Oh okay. Nevermind then. Death the kid sounds good i guess.
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