After over a year, Daisy has been updated with 5 new Outfits, some improved animations and finally utilizing ItemEx for the Down Special (P+Ex version)
Awesome job. By the way are we allowed to make edits of Daisy?
Yes, everyone is free to make edits to Daisy. I just ask that I get Credit, if possible maybe even include the "Credits for Daisy.txt" as I went into detail about my sources and other models/mods that I edited for Daisy.
Yes, the codes provided in the opening post are the correct ones. So it must be an issue on your side, but I wouldn't know how I could help you troubleshoot it. Would you happen to have a codeset for your build on hand? Additionally, you could send your build to me prior to attempting the 50 CC conversion? As that might be the best way to help you troubleshoot, as I would be experiencing your issues firsthand.
I had a few characters added to my PMEX build but I've tested it on a clean PMEX v0.5 and still got the same problem. Besides the Costume 13 freeze everything else works as intended. Here's the gct as well as the text file incase I simply used the wrong program (used GCTEdit v1.0) however I doubt that was the problem since the actual costume code works.
Would you mind going over how to edit the FighterXX.dat? At first I didn't think it was needed since I was able to get 15 costumes working without it but then I ran into a problem trying to load Costumes 12 & 13. Costume 12 loads the Dark files ("Emerald" characters from Subspace) while 13 always freezes. I think it's supposed to be loading the Fake files which most characters don't have but even Samus froze despite having those so I'm not sure.
Anyways since you said that we'd have to edit it to allow 15 costumes I'm assuming that it'll move which ID the Dark & Fake costumes use, however I'm not sure how to edit it in BrawlCrate. This is what the file looks like when I open it in BrawlCrate:
There were no options to add "Has CostumeXX" or to add anything really. I thought maybe you had typed the wrong file name and it was actually supposed to be CosmeticXX.dat or SlotXX.dat but those don't deal with the actual Costume IDs.
Another thing, the code to fix the Classic Mode Stock Icons is the correct one right? I tried a few times in case I messed something up but either you accidentally posted the wrong code or it's just not being loaded for me. Originally I had it attached to the main 50CC but then tried it as a separate code and it still didn't load. I am using a Virtual SD Card to play the American copy of Brawl on the Dolphin Emulator. Since you didn't provide a separate code for it, it shouldn't matter that I'm using a PMEX Build but might as well mention it just in case.
Since I never posted any previews on the forums, this is kind of out of a nowhere. I'm more active on Twitter these days and usually post previews on there.
Wanted to import these models for years and finally found a download link online.
Not sure when or what I'll be uploading next, not only am I busy with college, but I've got so many things to work on now thanks to NSMBW. Please note: I didn't cancel anything, still going to finish the updates to the SM64 characters as well as the 2016 Luigi model. Also will finish the SM64DS Models, just not sure when because I have a short attention span and my motivation just loves to switch to different things.
Haven't posted anything in like 6 months, and I'm uploading something FNaF related. yay! Can't help that FNaF is controversial, but I choose not to focus too much on it. Just find it funny how despite working on multiple things, this is the first thing to get uploaded to Brawl Vault.
Anyways it's an update that is long overdo, instead of (poorly) optimized Gmod models, these are custom made models by me and are 100% compatible with Project M 3.6
Hmmm.....................................I still don't know if I want to get into Smash 4 or not, might be able to replace that ugly looking SM64 Mario model, but then again, still haven't released the update for the Brawl version.........................I think I'll wait some more, besides I haven't bothered to look into how to get hacks for Wii U yet.
Been a long time since I posted anything here, so how about 4 characters at once?
Like my usual imports, they've got Expressions, FS Eyes, custom Shadow to look like the original one, Metals using Metal Wario's texture and Capless Hair with Wario's being a separate version since Brawl Wario could never take off his cap. Brawl Luigi just doesn't use the model changer in most movesets, but it can be used which is why I always include it in my Luigi imports. Model Changer: 0-2, 0-1 to take off Cap, change 0-1 to 0-0 to put it back on.
Because I wanted these guys to be extremely accurate, I've made the textures extremely sharp since the original game didn't have any smooth or blurry textures, most likely the DS couldn't handle it at the time, which made a lot of textures look worse than the N64 ones. I've even mimicked most of the original rigging with pretty much only the WaistN & BustN areas being different since the original models only had 1 bone for those two areas. Yoshi differs the most though because Brawl Yoshi is in a completely different pose.
Also plan on importing Bowser & Peach, as well as a custom edit of russmars2's Waluigi model hack to fit the style better.
Weld is also a good modifier to use as sometimes the vertices aren't always connected so in reality you can sometimes have like 4 times the number of vertices. The Weld fixes this. And yah, like Allbait said, this should've been in the Help section.
Waluigi is so much fun to play as, so satisfied after waiting so least I want to say that but instead I'm getting this:
I've tried replacing a clean PM 3.6 copy and I've tried inserting into a blank virtual sd card. All I can tell you is that I'm using WinImage to play on Dolphin but that shouldn't be a problem since tons of other PM hacks and BrawlEx hacks work fine.....still have random freezing on the Brawl version of Waluigi so idk, maybe I'm just cursed to not enjoy this extremely well-crafted moveset.
I could try to get him to work over Pit, don't ever use him so I'd be perfectly fine with replacing Pit with Waluigi if I have to, but I'd rather have Waluigi over his own slot like intended.