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61  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / General Hacking Discussion / Re: About the SSE Stages... on: October 31, 2009, 12:11:19 AM
hmm... a bit vague for me.... please expand.
are you saying that i can figure out what stage i randomly picked outta wiiscrubber in brawlbox instead of redundantly going switching between wii and computer to see if i picked the right one?
62  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / Attacks and Animations / Re: Project GENO #NEW OP, TWO new Geno Downloads 10-25!# on: October 31, 2009, 12:03:22 AM
It's not in any released set yet, I'm going to do more changes first. But it's a backwards, electric kick with a sweetspot.
almost like lucas's bair right? or am i mistaken?
63  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / General Hacking Discussion / Re: SSE Stage List on: October 31, 2009, 12:00:07 AM
Why are you here?
why aren't you there?
im starting to feel bad for Angelglory now...
WWIII is apparently happening in his post and he's not even here
64  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / General Hacking Discussion / Re: SSE Stage List on: October 30, 2009, 11:58:13 PM
I dibs Anyone and Vyse for my army.
dibs on mickey mouse.
he can triple his size and breathe fire you know...
65  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / General Hacking Discussion / Re: SSE Stage List on: October 30, 2009, 11:54:35 PM
HA!! lmao in a roflcopter. i fucking love KC forums. never a dull moment.
Sness, did you just say "rotflcopter"? You're dead. Sness, YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD!!!!
damn straight i did! thats how good of a mood im in. im saying [censored] that even white nerdy people will beat me up for!
 Awesome Face mutha-rofl-fukin-copter Awesome Face
66  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / General Hacking Discussion / Re: SSE Stage List on: October 30, 2009, 11:49:09 PM
Shadow and VILE (VILE mainly, but I partly Shadow's idea) created a new board called "The Battle Field" as a result of your guys' little argument. It appears to have been hidden or deleted for now, though.
HA!! lmao in a roflcopter. i fucking love KC forums. never a dull moment.
67  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / General Hacking Discussion / Re: SSE Stage List on: October 30, 2009, 11:43:47 PM
Shadow you [censored]! Y did you lock those new topics?!
*lol'd at random post*
what new topics?
68  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / General Hacking Discussion / Re: SSE Stage List on: October 30, 2009, 11:42:34 PM
oh Vyse, seems like Vile is goin for you now

That's not even close to what he's doing.
lolz whats funny?
69  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / General Hacking Discussion / Re: SSE Stage List on: October 30, 2009, 11:36:03 PM
[censored]. I placed everything I had on this thing.

Let the flamewar continue.
...um im no flamer...
i like to set things on fire! no pyro tho...
no homo either...

oh Vyse, seems like Vile is goin for you now. you guys continue the flamewar, lemme enjoy for once

70  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / General Hacking Discussion / Re: SSE Stage List on: October 30, 2009, 11:13:03 PM
You people suck at flaming each other.

I swear, I've seen playground fights with wittier banter.
Like 2 kids shoving eachother back and forth, spitting out tired "Yo mama" jokes.

Eh, this is something you don't see everyday. I'm gonna keep watching.

*is in the IRC discussing the fight while watching, and eating popcorn*
double lolz... apparently we got some attraction
Awesome Face
71  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / General Hacking Discussion / Re: SSE Stage List on: October 30, 2009, 11:11:16 PM
You people suck at flaming each other.

I swear, I've seen playground fights with wittier banter.
Like 2 kids shoving eachother back and forth, spitting out tired "Yo mama" jokes.
lolz. that show sucked ballz. wever... time for some hitman reborn
 Awesome Face
72  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / General Hacking Discussion / Re: SSE Stage List on: October 30, 2009, 11:10:27 PM
yo Angelglory, did you find the list on smashboards? if so, can you link it, maybe i can soak up some info.
73  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / General Hacking Discussion / Re: SSE Stage List on: October 30, 2009, 11:00:20 PM
Hmmm, complain over nothing aye, well if someone is practically calling you an ignorant phony that is ok? Your parents didn't really do a good job of raising you then, you still think its ok to come and insult people when the matter at hand did not involve you in any way, shape or form. Also, that's a stupid law to live by, even if you do nothing wrong, people are still going to come up to you and do bad things, now i know where you get your low intelligence.

Oh and about my "period", i just want you to know that i don't take crap from ignorant wastes of space like you.

oh you think you're soooo smart. tell me this then: can you sucessfully replace 220101.pac with... oh lets say online training stage?

Seriously, it was IN your post.

Now shut the fu.ck up and go get a hobby that doesn't involve failing to be something your not.
so wait... now ur admitting that your one of those [censored]s that walk up to people and just deal [censored] to you?

Um, excuse me... What are you talking about? I didn't say that ANYWHERE in my post.
well i didnt start crap but you said this

""even if you do nothing wrong, people are still going to come up to you and do bad things, now i know where you get your low intelligence"

yeah... what did i do to you

ur first post just felt like u were being a know it all, and sure, maybe u do know it all, i don't, but i want to, and of course not all people are gifted with the know-hows, they need an explaination of some sorts
74  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / General Hacking Discussion / Re: SSE Stage List on: October 30, 2009, 10:52:50 PM
Hmmm, complain over nothing aye, well if someone is practically calling you an ignorant phony that is ok? Your parents didn't really do a good job of raising you then, you still think its ok to come and insult people when the matter at hand did not involve you in any way, shape or form. Also, that's a stupid law to live by, even if you do nothing wrong, people are still going to come up to you and do bad things, now i know where you get your low intelligence.

Oh and about my "period", i just want you to know that i don't take crap from ignorant wastes of space like you.

oh you think you're soooo smart. tell me this then: can you sucessfully replace 220101.pac with... oh lets say online training stage?

Seriously, it was IN your post.

Now shut the fu.ck up and go get a hobby that doesn't involve failing to be something your not.
so wait... now ur admitting that your one of those [censored]s that walk up to people and just deal [censored] to you?

and when i said that you should show me how... i wasnt calling u ignorant or being sarcastic, i just learned how to swap stages and everyone's being vague about the subjuct
75  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / General Hacking Discussion / Re: SSE Stage List on: October 30, 2009, 10:47:39 PM


oh you think you're soooo smart. tell me this then: can you sucessfully replace 220101.pac with... oh lets say online training stage?

I already have you SAKURAI!!!!!!!!ing idiot, i did it on flat zone 2.

Now go find something productive to do, because annoying me must be getting boring now.
annoying you? umm... i was posting to Angelglory trying to get some info from him, then you [censored]bagginly come in and i quote,




and for your information, im trying to figure how to swap brawl and SSE stages, i just fucking learned about it yesterday, so im not 100 percent informed.

so im fucking sorry that i actually have a life and i dont hax 24/7

Wow man nice, you come in trying to insult my intelligence and as soon as you are proved wrong you have to result to a cheap and overused insult.

You say i have no life, but by looking at how you talk, it seems a lot like you have no life. "Hax" seems like a word people with real lives use. Man, the closest thing you will come to having a life will be when you close your eyes and see yourself with a few friends, a girlfriend and a muscular body, its nice to imagine you have things that you will never get, isn't it.

Next time you attempt to degrade someones intelligence, make sure yours is not at the level of scum compared to theirs.
dude are you on your period right now? why are you just going around trolling like an ass? i really dont understand people like you... people who just bitch and complain over nothing...
i was born and raised with this in my head from my parents "if you dont do bad to others, others wont do bad to you." please find a post i made where i have done bad to you, where i have annoyed you, if you do i will shut the fuck up and continue talking to Angleglory.
woo! comment spam on my own comment!

yo Vile, i dunno what neved i pushed on you... but wever. can we F this S and pretend this never happened? i just dont like fighting, in life, online, in general cuz... well then i have to go into a backstory that is painful on my side...
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