Have you tried copying the materials and shaders from a known working result mark model to your new one? Have you checked to see if the visibility bone listed matches what is there in the model?
All else fails, could you link to your modified STGRESULT and let me take a look?
Also bear in mind that result mark models do not have any textures applied to them in STGRESULT.pac, so saying associate a texture with that would confuse someone and maybe cause some issues. The only places a textured mark would be necessary are in the character select, and I think info.pac, as well. Naturally, you'll have to also edit the pat0 to point to those textured marks.
What do we know about STGCHARAROLL.pac, and how it decides what characters to show?
Would there be any way to successfully add a character to the Fighters lineup? If so, what's the process?
Myself, I'm trying to understand the ordering of the Fighter textures in this file.
It's not lining up cleanly to any of the 4 lists. There's no gap between Ice Climbers and Marth like you'd expect from the Fighters list, but ZSS is after Pit and there's gaps for the 'planned 7' towards the end of it like the Fighters list has. Hell, it doesn't even match the ordering in sc_selcharacter.pac.
So, I've been away from the BrawlEx scene for a bit, but after freeing up a 2GB SD card, I decided to start a fresh build. One thing I've been doing is trying to give the Alloys their own colors, and I've succeeded in giving Red a few colors... to a point. I've added FitZakoBoy01 to FitZakoBoy03, but on the CSS, if I try to loop from 00 to 03 or 03 to 00, I get the buzz of death. I'm thinking it has to do with the default Alloy CSS Slot data, but there isn't a template for the Alloys in that folder, so I'm having to piece one together for myself.
Since I'd rather not blow up the My Music area, I have a few questions:
1) What's the format of the Slot Colors in the CSSSlot Config files?
Edit: I think I'm figuring out this one. It seems to go Team Byte, .pac to load, where:
00 = Red 01 = Blue 02 = Green
00-0B = Fit<Name><Color>.pac
and finally, 0C00 to end the list. The only thing that's stumping me now is what 'Team Color' 03 and beyond means.
2) I was told the Alloys don't use Record banks, so what do I enter as the record bank for the CSSSlot Config data?
Edit 2: So, I've managed to get the game to load one of the alternate colors, but it crashes if it tries to load two colors of the same Alloy at the same time. What's going on here?
Just as a side note, there is at least one completely unused announcer call you might be able to appropriate (with a second if you never want to add Alloys to your select screen). There's also a large number of "blank" entries for the narrator, but I don't know if those can actually be utilized or not, or what the results might be if you could.
The main list for smashbros_sound.brsar hasn't been broken open yet, so we can't add completely new entries (like for completely added music) yet. I'd love to see it if it happened, though.
Going to second the shadow being in the Fit<Name><Color>.pac/pcs files.
It's in ModelData[10], named "Fit<Name>Shd". From observation, it appears to be a very simple rig with all the joints in the shadow mesh parented to the TopN bone.This would make sense to be able to move the joints to the floor at the point they should go based on the light direction.
If you want to make your own, just remember that fewer polys is better. You just need enough to make it look like an approximation of the main characters' shape. You don't even need UV mapping, since it doesn't use any textures.
So, what module(s) do(es) PM's 'Independent Pokémon' use? I had an interesting thought regarding Pokémon Trainer, in that I'd like to have both the main Trainer, as well as vBrawl-converted versions of the PM independent ones linked to their individual CSS boxes with their own legit CSPs and everything as EX-characters.
That way, you can choose which style you want, strategic switching, or a single moveset you prefer.
Okay, I'm looking for the best characters out there... the cream of the crop. Those that will act as if they were always meant to be in Brawl the whole time. What ones are those?
Ideally, I'd like to add Mewtwo if he's any good, and same for Roy, but I won't if either of them are jank in any way.
These will also be for vanilla Brawl, so keep that in mind. Tripping sucks, but it's just part of the game, and I've gotten over it.
These were both fairly simple to make, but the idea is to import them as new InfResultMarkNN models like the other result logo icons, as opposed to just a plane with a texture on it as most hacks do.
I know that you can add new them by using textures, but I'm just that kind of person that would go the extra mile to actually model out new franchise icons to truly integrate a character into Brawl.
I'm already able to make some of the more geometric franchise models on my own in Blender, and can probably learn how to make some of the ones that aren't so simple, so that part's not any kind of issue.
So, the question becomes, is there any way to insert a new franchise icon model, and if so, how would that be done?
This isn't a ton, but when I saw how they got super lazy with the Pokémon Trainer's individual 'mon CSPs while having their own box pictures, this idea sprang into my mind.
Of course, I wanted to make them look as official as possible, so I used the trophy models, which, apparently Charizard's trophy model does [/i]not[/i] play well with exporters. Still, I was able to tame it and bend it to my will, so get rekt, DolPokeLizardonR1!
The original idea was to have images for independent pokémon for Brawl Expansion where the core of the modding focus was characters and/or stages. No outrageous pose changes, just color shifts.
Anyway, here's the images. They're already 'formatted' for Brawl's native CI8, 240-color format, so if you drop 'em in, they should work fine.
Use these, or not, or distribute 'em if you think they're good enough. Hell, I don't even really need credit for 'em. I'll just be happy if they get used.
Yes, I have tracked down the font used by Nintendo for this screen, and surprisingly, it's not Japanese. But having found and confirmed as a match, I can make a guide.
Please note that this is written with Photoshop 7 experience in mind, but should work for any editor that has decent type layer capabilities. You should have the ability to make text any size at any time (using fractions of a point), and the ability to drag the type later to alter the aliasing. This is important so that you have the crispest text possible.
First, you'll need the updated Brawl Name Fonts file. This will provide all the fonts necessary to create:
- Large CSS name textures - Small CSS name textures - Stage name textures
The other two are beyond the scope of this guide, but with trial and error, you should be able to create those as well. I still need to bring my character name guide over here, but I haven't seen much interest for it.
The guide:
Step 1: Create an image with the following properties:
- 208 pixel width - 56 pixel height - DPI: 95.987 (BrawlBox exports .png files at this bizarre setting, but I think it's a floating point issue. Match it to be safe)
Step 2: Fill the image with black (0, 0, 0 RGB value). This should be obvious, but some might not do it if it's not here.
Step 3: Create a type layer with the following attributes:
- Font: Compacta - Character Size: 27 point - Aliasing: Strong - Character Height: 99% - Character Width: 145% - Leading: 22.5 point (this is a setting that will be needed if you should need two lines. Change this value to 21.75 only if you need a Q on the bottom line) - Justification: Centered (meaning, the text centers itself as you type, rather than being left- or right-aligned) - Text Color: 255, 255, 255 (full white)
Step 4: Type your desired stage name out in all caps, with the center point at the exact middle of the image, and the baseline 40 pixels down. All-caps is the style, except for certain situations (metric units (see: 75 m) or the proper name 'Wii Fit', as seen in the new Smash Game).
Step 5: Ensure the text is aliased so that there are:
- exactly 16 pixels of solid black above and below the stage name for a 1-line name, - exactly 1 pixel of solid black above and below for 2-line names without a Q on the bottom, or - exactly 1 pixel above and 2 pixels below for 2-line names with a Q on the bottom line.
(Note: In Photoshop 7, if the aliasing is misaligned, you can zoom in to 400 or 800% and place the Type Tool cursor in your text, and Ctrl-Drag the text to correct aliasing. This ability is invaluable)
Step 6: Adjust aliasing along the horizontal axis so that you have as little aliasing on the sides of letters as possible. Some is alright, but we want clear text when it's rendered.
Step 7: Use a rectangular marquee selection to count the solid black space to the sides of the name, and outside of the Type Tool, drag until the number of solid black pixels is equal on both sides, giving more space to the right if there's an extra pixel.
Step 8: Flatten, save and test in Brawl.
Hopefully this helps you guys out. Post Merge: April 01, 2015, 02:40:23 AMAnd just so you can see I'm not BSing here, here's a name for one of the new Project M stages in vBrawl style: