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1  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / Project Concepts / Brawl Minus Project Concept- Please read for more details. on: May 30, 2016, 03:55:17 PM
I am a huge Brawl Minus fan and I am incredibly excited for the final version...but I've been thinking. Can i make something worth being appreciated? I've been thinking of making a CBliss or BrawlEx version of the hack, and I'm personally not good at making hacks. I want to learn the basics of hacking such as PSA Hacking, Texture Hacking and Animation Hacking. I want to learn but i don't have a teacher, I'm not good learning things by myself so if anyone could help me with this I'd be very thankful. I also would like a team to help me out in the making of this hack. I feel like me and a team could make something truly amazing. I'm wanting to make the hack based off of 4.0B. If anyone out there would support me or help me with this project please let me know. This hack would pertain to creating Brawl Minus based characters, by that i mean we would have to make a BrawlEx character if that was the project we would work on, would have to be re-made into a Brawl Minus character or if we were creating a ALL new character, we would mold them into a true Minus character, I've also been thinking of making the characters in Brawl Minus have different movesets.  This is just a idea and i would love to hear some responses.
2  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / Project Concepts / Project M Ultimate Funny Edition on: March 10, 2015, 06:32:58 PM
Project M Ultimate Funny Edition

Hello All And Welcome to Project M Ultimate Funny Edition,Where I or (we) Can make a hack of the funniest hacks on the Brawl Vault,Not much is gonna be said yet but i plan on making this a hack for people who want to laugh.

I am taking suggestions on what hacks to put in,i will most obviously put anything in you want that is funny in someway or another,Just reply to this post with your suggestion.

Being a Co-Creator for this Hack-
If you would like to become a co-creator for this hack because lets be honest,i don't wanna do everything by myself just pm me with why your wanting to become the co-creator and I'll let you join me in making this hack,I can allow up to 5 Co-Creators so Please join if your interested.

Don't Know What To Do?
Stay tuned on what this fabulous piece of game and art will become.

Wanna make Hacks or have a hack currently in the Brawl Vault specifically for this hack pack?
Go right ahead just send me a pm on what you want me to put in their and i will gladly do so.

Ill be Making a Hackless and Homebrew version of this hack so people that don't wanna hack their Wii can play and have fun as well.
3  Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hacking / Project Concepts / Project M + CBliss Costume Project!!!! (HELP NEEDED) on: October 12, 2014, 01:21:23 PM
Hello Everyone and I'm here with a brand new Hack/Project of Project M but this time,I need some help,I have gotten CBliss and Project M working and I'm so happy Smiley,but i Want your guy's help,everyone can participate in this Project,Just ask by Replying and we can complete this together.
So What are you waiting for,Come on and Let's Do this together.

If you guys would like me to release a Beta of this Project or just give you some help for your builds,Just let me know and i will happily give it to you,I plan on giving this out to the Public soon so everyone can have a chance to make a Project M Build with CBliss.

Happy Smashing!!!!!
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